The Old Gods, Part 1

Story by VegetaJM on SoFurry

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#1 of The Old Gods

I do not own the rights of pokemon or anything related. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo/GameFreak or whatever and have all rights reserved. The following story is my own ideas but only the main character is my own creation

The story contains adult content/situations/and or nudity so do not read unless your are at least 18


The Old Gods: Part 1

Befor there was anything, there was nothing. An entire Universe of empty space, no worlds or stars or life, only emptiness. An unknown force that cant been seen or heard gave birth to the force of creation to fill the emptiness with all forms of matter. Ranging from metals to energy itself, the empty void was filled to the point of bursting, the unknown force then created Light. With the creation of Light gave birth to the creation of Darkness. The reaction was sporadic as it created a black whole at the center of all the mass which consumed all of creation into a single compact matter that was unstable from the reaction to Light and Darkness.

What happend next was a tremendous explosion of the matter that created the stars and planets of the many galaxies that would span the universe. The unknown force after being surprised at the aftermath of the work of Creation, Light and Darkness. The unknown Force became weak from creating these forces and with little remaining power, created a simple force since he had little power left. He called this last force "Time", which had the power to alter his creations as "Time" progressed.

Now being completely weak from his work, the Unknown Force rested to regain his strength while he watched "Time" change his creations over what became millions of years. During this periode of rest the Unknown Force watched the changes of its creation. As tremendous Stars of incredible heat and burning force gave life to the Light force that pierced the Darkness of every corner of each galaxy. The creator was pleased, and named the burning force "Fire", the creator looked onward to find other new forces. Seeing many large round planets with a solid surface made of rock he decided to call "Earth" some far from these burning stars making them cower in extreme cold climates he called "Ice". Watching closely at these planets the creator watched as they formed an atmosphere and looked on as he watched large bodies of a strange liquid form on these planets, he called this force "Water". As weather began to unfold showing a powerful force that shoke the planet surface with its might and made the Waters dance with its power, he called this force "Wind".

The creator named these forces "The Elements" which consisted of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water. As thousands of more years progressed the creator watched these Elements create strange things that moved on the surface of the planets, they started very small in the bodies of water, but as time passed they grew larger and came on to land, The creator saw that these things can be born and die so they were alive, and called this force "Life".

On one spacific planet the creator decided to name "Earth" to keep things simple since he didnt was to name every planet. This planet "Earth" had the most Life force on it out of all the planets. The creator watched this planet closely to watch what else would unfold from the elements and forces at work. After a few million years the planet was now rich with Life and vegetation, with hundreds of different life forms on land he called "Animals" and green vegetation he named "Plants". The creator watched as some animals would eat plants but others would kill other animals to eat them. The creator thought this was cruel and began to think it was caused from the Light and Dark forces at work.

The creator began to think that these forces would be to much for himself to control, so he created three powers almost equal to his own, one to control Time which he named Dialga, one to manage all of space named Palkia, finally the third named Giratina was to control all matter and anti-matter from a seperate distortion world where time did not exist.

The three helped the creator as they all watched over Earth as time went on. The creator had given those three names so thought he should give himself one as well and told the three to call him Arceus. As the four watched Earth, they thought with so many different creatures now, they should give a name to the general populas to be the name of all life. So Arceus told the three they would be called Pokemon.

As the years went by, Arceus and the creation Trio they called them selfs, saw more changes as pokemon developed abilities from the elements. Some would breath Fire while others blasted with beams of Icy cold. Eventually things would get out of hand with natural disasters and all, but nothing the planet wouldnt recover from. Arceus took note as another observation he made told him there might be a fifth element...(I know awesome movie, thank you Bruce Willis) as Arceus saw two Pokemon, one gave birth to a new life as the other protected and gave support. Arceus thought this was a powerful Element at work, maybe even stronger then the other four. The creation trio saw this as well and asked Arceus what he will name this new found fifth element, Arceus thought long and told the Trio it would be known as "Love".

As Arceus and the Trio watched over Earth as the time passed by, Pokemon grew more inteligent and began to evolve to a more humanoid form, even though they were clearly still the Pokemon they knew. Arceus and the Trio were amazed at this change and the new amount of inteligence that came with it, it wasnt to many years years after that Pokemon were building, speaking, and working together. Arceus liked this very much and was pleased greatly as things were going so well for the planet and the Pokemon.

Arceus and the Trio loved the Pokemon greatly and created physical forms for them selfs so they could walk amongst them. This did not end well as the Pokemon suddenly being told of these 4 Gods and their power, began to either fear or worship them. Eventually this led to a massive war between the Pokemon that Feard them and those that didnt. Befor to much death, Arceus put a stop to the war and punished all the pokemon that didnt want to accept him as God, turning them into an ugly race he named as "Human" and left them to dwell in their sadness and misery. Arceus and the Trio did not want things to repeat so they said their goodbyes as they told all the pokemon they would return to their lives befor away from the planet. Thinking it would only bring war, but Arceus still wanted some kind of supreme Authority on the planet in case things got ruff.

Taking Several pokemon, Arceus infused them with great power transforming their pyshical baodies. First was three birds, one of Fire named Moltres, the second one an Ice bird named Articuno, and the third a bird of Electricity named Zapados. Arceus also transfomed many others including Mew, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Lugia, Ho-Oh and many others. Arceus called them the "Legendarys" and asked them to watch and care for all the pokemon in his absense, since he made sure they had the power to do so.

Befor Arceus left the planet he and the creation Trio left the pokemon and went to three seperate large lakes to finish Arceus's final plan. Arceus needed one last trump card on the planet in case something happend to the legendarys. Using almost the last of his strength with the help of the Trio, Arceus created three Lake Guardians with much greater power then the Legendarys, at Lake Acuity they created "Uxie" a powerful pyschic Pokemon infused with all the Knowledge of Arceus. Then at Lake Verity they created "Mesprit" another powerful pysychic fused with the power of all emotions. The last at Lake Valor, where they created "Azelf" the third powerful pysychic type driven by the force of willpower.

Arceus and the Trio told the three lake guardians to watch over the legendarys and that they must not ever be seen or be known to any pokemon or humans. The Lake guardians waved goodbye as Arceus and the creation Trio left the planet to return to their godly thrones. The lake Guardians came up with the easy way to watch the planet using their powers and also not be seen, so they sleep an endless hibernation at the bottom of their lakes.

As time passed and the war long forgotten, Pokemon returned to peaceful lives and tried their best to get along with humans. Humans and Pokemon lived together for some time, but as the technology the humans developed became great, the humans decided they were better then the pokemon. Humans created a ball that would capture and enslave the lower "feral" pokemon that didnt have the inteligence to resist the device. The Pokemon people saw this as a great insult but didnt know what they could do, the humans were so many, and the poke'folk they called themselfs were to few. The legendarys did not act on this but did suggest that the small populus of the poke'folk move to a large island away from humans and feral pokemon so that no war could start. As Ho-Oh moved the last of the poke'folk to the island, Lugia made sure and placed a powerful barrier around the island masking its existance from the humans.

The feral pokemon were now left to be captured and used by the humans, there was no war but that came at a price as the Legendarys had to watch their kind, even if feral and wild, were subjugated to toture and violence. Not all human trainers treated them that way. Some showed their pokemon compassion and love, this made the Legendarys as well as Arceus himself smile that there still might be hope for a better change. It wasnt long befor groups of humans made organisations like Team Rocket to try to control and steal pokemon for their own reasons. Also came the rise of well respected Trainers of legend like a boy known as "Ash" who was watched closely from afar by the Legendarys even since the day he got pikachu, as Ho-Oh remembers well. Team Rocket wasnt going to go down without a fight and since they knew about the Legendarys, they devised a device that would capture the one known as Mew so they could perform experiments using Mew's power and DNA. It wasnt hard since the technology they had was like nothing the Legendarys have ever seen or thought possible. Using Mew's DNA the humans created another far more powerful "Mew" and called him Mewtwo. This new creation after coming to life was full of Anger and resentment for being givin life as an experiment, hateing himself but deciding it was the humans fault, Mewtwo faught the humans to control them all and if it wasnt for Mew and Ash to stop him he wouldnt have seen that he would of been no better then the humans if he enslaved them. With his new understanding, Mewtwo thanked Ash and went out into the world to meet knew people and places while Team Rocket was devastated and almost wiped out in the battle.

A few years later, Near Newbark Town. A new trainer is seen as he enters the life of a Pokemon trainer, his name was Darek Resia. He was full of energy and ready for anything that would stand in his way to becoming the League Champ. With his first pokemon a female Charmander, he faught to burn his competition, with intense training and a powerful bond with his Charmander he had named Azure. Even though her fierce battle skills earned her the nickname of Crimson Azure, as the other town trainees would call her when they lost. It wouldnt be long befor Darek and Azure go to try their first Gym badge.

It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the wind barely blowing with a cool breeze, the sounds of singing from near by birds filling the air as Darek continued to train Azure in a clearing not far from home.

"Your doing great Azure keep it up, with luck we can..." he paused remembering its Azure that does all the work "I mean YOU can break your last record!"

"Char!" she replied with exauhsted enthusiasm.

With that said the Charmander finished its 8th set of 20 pushups, 20 ackward situps cause of her tail, and 20 squats. This builds alot of her muscle groups and they do these routines every weekday morning, as well as a jog twice a week. On weekends Darek and Azure relax and enjoy the weekend together to see a movie or get some ice-cream.

Stoping the stop watch at 6 minutes and 23 seconds, Darek looks up at Azure from where he sat in the shade out from the hot sun.

"Alright, awesome job Azure... your under six and a half minutes now!" he told her excitedly

Flopping down on her belly with a gasp for a break, Azure was spent and completely tired and wanted nothing but the comfy bed back at the house. Her eyes close wandering to find what else she wanted for comfort as well, thinking of the few times she would sleep snug next to darek under the blankets. When Darek first learned about Charmanders back in school he was told their tail never burns anything unless they feel scared or threatend. So he can feel the flame with he bare hands if he wants to and does so out of a habit he has of playing with her tail flame.

Azure remaind still thinking of the great feeling of a warm bed and snug under the blankets close to darek as they fall victum to a powerful slumber.

"I guess a good rest in order huh girl?" Darek walked over to wipe some sweat of Azure's mussle and give a few strokes down her back to help relieve some stress her muscles just went thru.

Darek has Had Azure for almost 6 months now, even tho she is still a charmander, because of the routines he trains her with, her body is not as frail as befor, but greatly shows the powerful muscles she now has, almost making her look "ripped" you might say, but being female she isnt as bulky as a male would be and is still slender with smoth skin and feminine tone.

"Chaaarrr..." She moaned out sounding like she could fall asleep right then and there.

"Ill take that as a yes" he laughed picking her up to craddle her as he walks home. The charmander already fell asleep not even ten minutes later, her head resting over his shoulder, legs snug at his sides and arms around his neck. Darek couldnt help but rub her back as he wanted to enjoy that he could carry her while he still can, trying to picture a cuddly charizard in your arms isnt a pretty thought.

Especially with muscles like hers, that would be one ripped charizard.

They made their way back home about another ten minutes later, as Darek trys to not wake Azure who is a light sleeper, as he makes his way to their room to lay her down. Its just him and his mom that live at home since he was an only child and his parents were divorced two years back. He still sees his dad almost every week but now not so much as being a trainer to him takes priority.

Laying Azure down on the soft bed sheets and tucking her in with the thick blanket he uses, she was snug in bed still fast asleep, Darek knows she dosnt nap that long during the day and gets her energy back pretty quick so he had maybe an hour, two at most befor she wakes.

After taking a shower and getting changed he made his way downstairs to fix a late lunch for them so they can eat when she wakes up. Nothing fancy just a few sandwhiches for him and canned meat pokeChow for her, the "Purina" brand since he wants only to feed her the best, as well as high protein diet.

After making lunch which only took maybe five minutes, he set hers aside and finished his while he sat in the living room watching TV for any good news that was on. Weather forcast said higher winds tomorrow but wont be rain any time soon.

"Good" he thought, since when it rains they stay home that day and do their routines in the basement Fitness room he made, Darek dosnt think he is that strict, actually he feels far from it since its actually Azure that wants to be so determined not to miss a days routine.

Still watching some news he didnt see anything interesting so decided to watch a few shows and wait for Azure to wakeup. Another 45 minutes later he started to think he should go check on her since she usually wakes up by now.

Climbing the stairs likes so many times befor, walking through the hallway to his room and creepin to the bed as quiet as he can. He looks down at the calm familiar face of the charmander, still in a deep slumber and cooing peacfully in her sleep. Almost not wanting to wake her but also not wanting the day to be a late lunch and late dinner.

He reached down to Azure's gentle sleeping face and gave her a few slow strokes on her mussle, causeing her to fidget and shift at the attention while she cooed and whined as if not wanting to end the dream she was having. Darek stopped for a moment to enjoy the cute scene she was putting on and he feels bad that it had to end some time soon, but he then couldnt help but notice a faint sweet smell in the room, smelled kinda like a perfume but almost more like a musky smell, not a smell of sumthing that was strongly ment to smell nice, but more as a natural smell that left him with a good feeling. Taking in a few more good wiffs he saw Azure toss onto her back and shift again under the blanket. The smell getting stronger and more defined, it definetly wasnt a perfume, that he knew for certain. No idea what it could be, he listend as Azure made a few soft long moans in her sleep and almost had to hold back a snicker at how cute it was. Going back to think what the smell could be his attention was brought back to Azure as she struggled in her sleep, kicking at the blankets as if she was too warm, only sheets coverd her sleeping form and the thin white cloth did well to define her smooth belly and hips to her master.

"How tired is she?" he thought since she never slept in like this befor, well it was a hot day and the routine takes alot of energy, but still she always woke up if she took a nap befor lunch.

Dareks eyes wanderd her sleeping form under the sheets and he couldnt help but notice an obvious wet spot near her hips but more towards the base of the tail. It wasnt a large wet spot but he had no clue why the sheet was wet, so prodded it very gently not to wake Azure to find it very warm to the touch. Takin the moisture to his nose to try to identify with a smell, he was almost startled by not only it being the same sweet smell from earlier, but ten times more potent.

"What the hell is this stuff?" he whisperd to himself looking back at the wet spot to see that it grew in size.

Now worried about what it was and where its coming from he gently pulled the sheets off Azure to see underneth, what he saw next made his eyes wide! There from under the sheets and between her legs was where the moisture collected. Not sure at what was going on, the moisture coverd her nether region which shinned in the sunlight on her smooth soft lower underbelly. Her vaginal lips were swollen and a small trickle of juice left her folds slowly making its way down the side of her labia.

"What the hell? is she having a wet dream or something? I thought pokemon dont have those and its not even her heat season yet!" he thought to himself, still looking down at her swollen sex.

Azure slowly stirred from the cool air hitting her belly due to the exposed body of hers. She shifter her head turning her neck twards Darek slowly coming too and opening her eyes like a sleepy child trying to wake.

"Char?" she whisperd softly twards Darek

"Well rise and shine sleeping beauty, I can see you were having a 'really' nice dream."

Azure looked confused from what he ment and still groggy from just waking but saw him look down twards her belly as he said that. Looking down at her belly then past there at the moist mess now between her legs, she rememberd the 'nice' dream she was just having and from him seeing her like this sent her into a panic of embarassment. Jumping up and covering herself.

"Char! Charmander Char!"

Darek obviously didnt have a clue what she said but guessed it was along the lines of "what are you looking at you pervert!" he couldnt help but give a soft laugh and tell her that lunch was downstairs and she should go clean up befor she comes down. Leaving the room shaking his head with the image of her wet dream still fresh in his mind.

"Girls act so silly" he laughed and went back downstairs.

Azure sat on the bed for a few minutes trying to wrap her head around what just happend. She rememberd falling asleep at the clearing and he picked her up, the dream about her meeting a strong charmeleon and one thing led to another. She rememberd the feeling of him mounting her and a few minutes of the mating befor she woke up cause it was cold.

"how much did he see? and how long was he standing there!" she thought to her self almost feeling nervouse about the whole thing as she thought of him seeing her like that. She has yet to enter her first heat but almost feels like she had already with how the dream was going. Darek is pretty much the only "male" she is around almost 24/7 so hes the only male she knows to model after. Not knowing what he was going to think of her now since that happend, "what if he thinks im a dirty pervert pokemon?!" she thought, images of him being upset and not liking her anymore or even not wanting her anymore began to flood her head. Tears slowly formed in her eyes as she shifted off the bed and waldled over to the bathroom. She still felt a little aroused but from how she woke up to see Darek standing there gave her a scare had pretty much killed the mood. Grabing a towl and wiping her crotch, gasping at the feeling and from how sensitive the area was. She slowly got cleaned up and out of curiosity, sniffed the towl befor gasping for air throwing it in the dirt laundry hamper and running downstairs.

Azure made her way to where her food bowl usually sits in the kitchen but saw it wanst there.


Darek walking in to see the Charmander looking for her bowl, grabing it from the counter and placing it to her feet, he noticed she looked away with a face a bit more flush then usual.

"Sorry it was on the counter still, but here you go eat up! its the beef kind you like."

Azure looked down at the bowl, picking it up still making an effort to avoid eye contact for some apparent reason.

"Whats wrong girl?"

Still not looking up to him she diverted her gaze to the wall, mumbling in her poke speech.

"Oh your probly embarrassed about having that wet dream arnt you? If that is what it was anyway..." he thought scratching his head

Azure squirmed a bit looking at him for a second then around as if trying to deny that it was true.

"Aw come here girl, you dont need to be embarrassed around me!" he said takin her bowl to set it down and lifting her up to craddle her like he did the walk home.

Azure was startled a bit and uncomfortable at first but just laid into his warm hug, closing her eyes and almost forgeting why she was nervous all together, now entranced by the warm hold he gave her and how like every other time she enjoyed its warmth.

Rubbing her back softly, rockin her back and forth. Staying like that for a few moments befor letting her back down watching as she didnt want to let go but gave in and picked her bowl up again and followed him to the living room with her bowl.

Darek sat back down watching the TV again as Azure sat near his feet eating her chow and huggin his pant leg, when she finished she jumped on the couch to lay over his lap on her stomach, feeling him start to rub her back like she know he always does when she does this. She closed her eyes enjoying the great feeling he gave her as she layed in his lap.

Darek always loved how Azure was so openly affectionate, thinking how most pokemon are but she seemed extra nice to him. After having her a few months and always treating her good, maybe even spoil her a little, they were happy together.

Darek started to think about the incident earlier with Azure and the wet sheets. With charmander still in lap and still rubbing gently into her back. The thoughts going back to the scene of her aroused girl hood wet with her juice, came to mind. He thought of how great and sexy it did look to see her like that and how the smell was almost addicting. He then thought how it should be wrong and dirty to think about Azure like that, but its not like she walked in on his arousal.

Befor long he felt himself slowly getting hard from the thoughts of her. Not wanting her wakeing up to a bulge against her belly, he quickly tried to think of 'Anit-Hardon' images.

"Monster Trucks and Grandmas!"...he repeated in his head

A minute went by and he felt himself go limp again, Azure still appeared asleep the whole while. He thought it was close and didnt even want to think if she woke up to a poke on her belly and how she would probly freak out. What would he tell her if she did?

"Sorry Azure, I was thinking about when I saw u wet down there and it made me hard?" he tried to picture him saying that sentence while trying to also sound innocent.

He then didnt think she would even know what a bulge in his pants even ment at all. "She is just a pokemon and never even went into heat yet, she dosnt even know what an erection is!" he said to himself as reasurance.

Although he didnt want to have a boner and just think she wouldnt notice! Or what she would think it ment. Then he thought about what her reaction might be, what if she was curious about it??

Darek then fantasized about Azure seeing his bulge in his pants and giving it a playful poke from curiosity, then about how he could probly get her to rub his crotch and still not catch on. He laughed to himselft at the thought of her rubbin him down with a curious look on her face while he squirmed in estacy.

He knew there was no way that could happen and felt dirty for thinking about her or any pokemon in that way. Sure theres people that do and even have sex with pokemon, many porn sites have videos of it, but he dosnt serf the internet or even look at porn, despite being 18, just never had the interest.

What ever it took to get his mind straight and things back on track like they always were, Darek decided to try to watch a bit more TV to get his mind off things. Since Azure was asleep in his lap still he figure he could just relax to get his mind off things, "yeah just some tv... get my mind straight..." he said to himself as he started flipin channels.

A trainer commercial about creating a 'deeper' bond with pokemon, on one channel. Dareks eyes went dull starring at the irony on the Tv and what was on his mind just seconds ago.

Flippin through he stopped on the History channel which to his surprise were doing a special on historic pokemon mating behavior, "you gata be kiddin me!" he hissed and changed the channel immediately to the next which just happend to be a random innocent condom commercial...

"Jesus!" he stood up now in a fit of anger at the world, as if they want him to think these things. Azure flopped off his lap and sprung awake with life lookin to Darek wonderin why he got up so sudden.

"Come on Azure lets get some fresh air, go for a walk or sumthing, what'cha think?"

Azure look to him wearing a big smile on her face "Char!"

Darek and Azure left the house after Darek grabbed his jacket and Azure's ball. As they walked along Darek kept makin small talk, as if to keep some kinda mood going. Azure thought this was just a tad off his usual bit more quiet self but she liked listening to him so she wasnt gana stop him.

"Mom wont be home till late tonight again, so I'll make dinner again."

Azure was still listening but couldnt help to zone out her own thoughts on sumthing that was buggin her in the back of her mind. She wasnt sure why she felt embarrased and nervous when he saw her during that wet dream. Something just didnt feel right with him seeing her like that, but she wanted to understand why? Its not what he saw... its not like she wears clothes, she cant hide it and couldnt think of a reason she would want too even if she did. She was a pokemon, being naked 24/7 was practically in the job description. Its completely normal for her, she knows clothes is a human thing so it cant be that. Must of been sumthing else but she couldnt put her claw on it. She has been with Darek for months and they shared all kinds of wonderful times together, he treats her like gold and is always there for her. Provides her with the best food a Charmander could ask for and never asks for much in return. Actually now that she thinks about it, he never asks for anything!

"At the rate the training has been going I wouldnt be surprised if we took on the gym next week!" Darek still rambled on, not knowing that Azure was lost in space not hearing a single word anymore.

Azure cant believe after everything he does for her, he never asked her for anything! If he was a male charmander, he would of told her to do things left and right! Darek isnt a charmander, hes a human trainer like so many others. She thanks Arceus that he wasnt one of the abusive ones she has seen sometimes. Trainers hitting their pokemon for not doing well in battle and calling them weak! It made her soft scaley skin crawl just thinking if Darek was like that. Instead she was given a trainer that was the exact opposite, treats her like gold and wanted nothing back but her to be happy!

Azure couldnt believe how happy she feels now knowing she was gana be together with Darek for probly her entire life.

"my entire life?" she suddenly thought.

"what about when im older? He told me one day ill be a charizard and ill be big and strong..."

her mind shifting her thoughts around "can I be bigger and still happy? am i only happy cause im small now and he seems big to me?"

she began to worry about where these thoughts were going.

"will he even still like me when im bigger? the hugs wont be the same... he cant hold me like he can now if I grow bigger..."

Azure was having weird thoughts on staying small just so she could be happy. It came natural to her to feel better with a strong bigger male in her life. If she was bigger then him, wouldnt it seem weird?

Was she trying to think of him as a mate she was interested in? That if she was bigger then him, she wouldnt feel the same about him?

"Char mander Char, Mander char Char?"

Darek quickly spun around lookin down to Azure who was giving him a innocent lost puppy look.

"Whats wrong Azure?"

She ended up face palming, remembering he cant speak pokemon, so just looked down as if pouting and hugged his leg.

"awww whats wrong girl??" Darek picked her up to craddle her so he can get a good look in her eyes to see whats wrong, Azure didnt say anything just nuzzled into his neck and whimperd as she began to sob.

"awwww whats wrong babe, was it my rambling? did you say sumthing and I didnt hear you?" he soflty laughed while saying this to hopefully make her feel better.

Darek looked into Azures teary eyes, taking notice yet again at just how pretty her deep red iris was and how they seemed to sparkle as she looked into his eyes.

Rubbin her back like he always does, her sobs seemed to have stopped but he still dosnt know what upset her and was at a loss since its not like she could tell him. As long as they been together she never got upset like this befor, and he for the love of Arceus couldnt think why.

They walked into some woods behind the house since they are just out of town and the woods are everywhere it seems. He stopped to set her down as he sat against a tree and as soon as he did, Azure crawled right back into his lap again, wrapping her little arms around him the best she could and nuzzled into his chest.

"I just wish to Arceus he could understand me!" she pleaded in her head.

"whats got'n into you girl? why are you so upset, whats wrong?"

Azure felt tears coming back again, heres Darek.. the only friend she has in the whole world, and she cant even talk to him. It was eating her concience now and she started to sniffle which turned into another fit of sobs.

"What am I going to do with you girl?!" Darek laughed huggin her tight and rubbin her back.

"You didnt go soft and turn into a crybaby did you?" he looked at her playfully

Azure made a fist and pounded into his chest, as she gave him a glare.

"Ow, ok ok your not a crybaby Im just playing, you know that." He said with another laugh.

For what was only a few minutes but seemed like the next hour to Azure, she just sat in his lap holding him and taking in the warm feeling she gets when she hugs him. Darek just rubbed her back and rubbed her cheek softly,

"you know why I never catch other pokemon right?"

Azure looked up to him with a curious look, as he wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

Darek gave a smile, "Besides me only wanting to be around you, I always figured you were all I ever needed anyway..." his words entering Azure like a soft melody.

Azure looked him in the eye, reaching her face to his, gave him a soft lick on his cheek befor nuzzleing into his neck.

Darek was kinda surprised, it was the first time she actually licked him, she had licked his hand befor but that always felt more like a playful or cause he just handed her food.

The lick on the cheek, to him felt more like it had a purpose and meaning behind it. He figured with how he treated her like roayalty, it was just her showing her appreciation. He rubbed her back and she rested her head against his chest, takin in a deep breath and sighed.

"besides... could you picture me trying to manage a full team? I think its easier to know everything about one pokemon and work only with that one to get the strongest single pokemon that can demolish any trainer!" he said softly lookin up from her like he was deep in thought.

"thats why all I ever need is just my Azure." he whisperd to her softly, which drove her a little crazy as she giggled into his shirt.

"Charr" she murred. Resting in his lap and again just enjoying the moment.

Darek was about to say sumthing but then thought about how he cant stand not understanding her. There are poke-translators but they cost a Fortune! There was no way he could afford one even if he saved up, it would take 2-3 years of savings to even bargain one.

Darek Sighed.... he would love to have one so bad but no way could he afford it, If Azure was pyschic they could use telepathy but that takes a long time of bonding to obtain a mental link. Sure they are prob close enough to establish a link but the problem is, Charmanders arnt Psychics!

Darek wished he knew a way to communicate with Azure and no longer have to guess at what she was asking or thinking all the time. Life would be perfect if only they could communicate.

Azure heard a noise and looked over in the direction which caught Dareks attention.

"Whats up? you hear sumthing?"

Azure just stared in the direction, which Darek did as well hoping to see what had her attention. They both saw a man walkin towards them, he wore a all black hat, black trench coat, dark pants, black boots and wore state trooper sunglasses.

When the man was close enough he stopped to look towards Darek and spoke, with a deep voice that sounded serious.

"You a trainer?"

Darek gave a look that pretty much said "Duh!" but just told him that he was a trainer.

"My names Robert Willson, Im not from around here as you probly already guessed, I was told you were a mighty good trainer so I thought i'd try an find you to see how good.."

Azure climbed off Dareks lap and just watched the man, Darek got up and brushed himself off

"yeah i get that alot, but sure ill take you on."

"Great, how many you want to use?" the man asked him while taking a few steps away to make room for the battle and set down his backpack, which Darek also noticed was black.

"Its just me and Azure, that my charmander" Darek told him as he leaned down to pet Azure on the head as she smiled from the attention.

"You can go ahead and use your whole team if you want." Darek told the man, since he knew Azure beats entire teams all the time, she was just that powerful.

"You sure?" the man looked surprised.

"Yeah trust me, Azure can take what ever you got!"

"Alright then if you insist" the man threw out his first of six pokemon, and in a flash of white befor Darek appeared a Geodude.

"Geodude!" it cried as it looked towards Darek and saw Azure giving her a fierce stare down.

Azure glared back and wore a big grin on her face. Thinking only of the amount of pain she was about to give this Geodude.

"A geodude? good choice, thats a type advantage against a fire type." Darek told him as Azure stepped forward and got into a battle stance.

"Your only using one pokemon so ill let you go first." Robert told him

"Thats cool but she would of went first anyway cause she has more speed." Darek pulled out his pokeDex and opened it to scan the Geodudes stats, It was lvl 13.

"Geodudes only lvl 13? I hope thats not your strongest!" Darek looked towards Robert who shot an angry face to Darek.

Robert pulled out his own Pokedex and scaned Azure to see what Darek was bragin about, the screen bliped with a charmander on screen and showed various stats, Roberts eyes went wide as he read lvl 29 and also noticed that all her stats were well above normal for a 29.

Roberts face almost went pale as he knew he didnt have a pokemon that could take that kinda firepower, his highest being a 22 pidgeotto.

"This isnt gana end well.." Robert thought as he now wished he was given the first move, and prayed that Geodudes type advantage would prove useful.

"Alright well lets begin shall we? Azure Fire Fang!"

"Come on a fire move against a Rock type?!" Robert shouted back only to gasp at what happend.

Befor Geodude could react at all, Azure shot towards him leaping into action and bite down hard right on his face with Fangs that glowed with fire!

Geodude Cried out a fierce howl of pain befor falling unconcious. The fire move being way to much for him even with his type advantage.

"Geodude!" Robert called out as he couldnt believe he went down with just a single hit, and a Fire move at that! He closed his eyes and made a fist as he recalled Geodude to his ball.

"thats one down, whos next?" Darek called out with a look of boredom on his face as if he was tired of such easy battles.

Robert clipped Geodudes ball back into place on his belt and grabbed his next choice, throwing it out as he shouted.

"Go Diglett!" as the small pokemon appeard poking his head out just above the ground.

"You go first this time, im feeling generous" Darek called out to him.

"Diglett use dig!" Robert cried out as diglett disappeared underground and out of sight.

Darek just stood waiting as well as Azure who also had look of boredom now on her face.

A second later Azure felt a slight rumble under her feet, as Diglett burst out from under her rammed into her belly. "Alright a direct hit!" thought Robert, Diglett bounced off Azures belly like a bullet hitting steel and flow towards Robert sliding across the ground and stopping just a few feet from him.

"what the?!" Robert looked down to Diglett and he was unconcious!

"what the hell happened?!" Robert shouted with anger.

"would you still be ok if you rammed into a brick wall at that speed?" Darek said to him with a grin.

"You gata be kidding me!" Robert never saw anything like that befor, a pokemon fainted from the 'Recoil' of its own Dig attack against a charmander!

"He was only lvl 9!" cried Darek, lookin down at his pokedex.

"Alright since this is just rediculous, im using my last four all at once!" Robert screamed at Darek

"Oh hell yeah! sounds fun, Bring it!" Darek shouted back.

With that said Robert recalled Diglett and sent out four pokeballs, with a whilt flash Azure was surrounded in all four directions. A Ratatta to her left, a caterpie to her right, a Beedrill behind her, and in front of her a Pidgeotto glared at her.

Azure looked to each of em, dug her feet into the ground into a better stance and brought up a claw motioning for them to begin the attack.

"Azure finish this!"

Robert had a smirk on his face, the opponet was surrounded, surely he was gana win this one!

A large cloud of smoke burst outward as Azure used smoke screen, and all Darek and Robert could hear was the pounding sounds of combat and Cries of multiple pokemon, by the time the smoke cleared which was about a minute, Azure stood there, her arms crossed looking at Robert with a look of disapointment on her face. On the ground around her feet were three unconcious pokemon.

"Pidgeotto?" Robert looked around for his bird and saw her up in the air above Charmander.

"Alright Pidgeotte Quick Attack!" Robert shouted.

Pidgeotto cried out as she shot towards Azure with blinding speed, getting just inches away from her befor she was stopped dead in her tracks. Roberts eyes went wide as he looked onward as Azure didnt move from her spot and now stood there, one arm to her side and the other held out with the Pidgeotto's neck clenched in her Kung Fu Grip! The birds body dangling above the ground as she gasped and struggled for air. Pidgeotto was almost the same size as charmander and yet Azure held her up by the neck with just one arm as if she weighed nothing.

Robert just looked on with terror in his eyes, Pidgeotto struggled for a few more seconds, then went limp from the lack of air and passing out.

"And... I win." Darek said with a dull tone.

Azure dropped the bird and turned around stepping over the few bodies at her feet to make her way back over to Darek, giving his leg a tight hug.


"Awesome job girl, like always." Darek reached down to rub cheek.

Robert just stood there, mouth open in awe as all his pokemon were annihilated by this single charmander. After regaining his composure, he recalled the four on the ground sighed in defeat. And walked over to swipe his card though Darek's Pokedex to transfer the money for the win.

"That charmander is beast!" Robert told Darek as he looked down at the charmander.

"Thats my girl!" Darek said with a smile as his lifted Azure into a snug hug.

"How many badges do you have? with that charmander, its gata be quite a few!"

"Actually none, I still have yet to challenge Falkner." Darek replied. "Although i've figured by now its gana be a sinch"

"No kidding!" Robert told him.

"Well I was headed to Violet city, also to get that badge. Why dont we meet up at the PokeCenter there tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yeah that dosnt sound like a bad idea. What do you think Azure?"

Azure cooed with a smile and nuzzled into his leg.

"Guess that settles that, alright ill meet you there around noon."

"Alright then, well I need to get these guys healed up, I'll see you then."

Robert waved as he made his leave and Darek still holding Azure started the walk home.