Tribal Lore - Act: III ~A Lineage Severed~

Story by Zana An on SoFurry

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#4 of Tribal Lore

Tribal Lore

Act: III

~A Lineage Severed~

** ~~~~~*~~~~~ **

Was this reality's true face? In its depravity to strip me of my homestead, it can't be. Surely it's a lie, some cruel joke on the part of my sisters?

Was it not?

Feeling the sting of the delivered words, in limbo I gritted my teeth, soon to find it turning to anguish which was overwhelming me steadily, as a rodent pokemon in the snare of a Serperior's coil. I could not accept this to be true."To what evidence do you have of this? Father would never allow this to happen."

My sister closed the gap to stand before me, reaching forth to grasp the stringed crystals that decorated the upper most quarter of my right arm -_an item which gave me the identity of my tribe._ Snarling, without any hesitance given, she gave a powerful jerk, tearing it away from me to leave the burn upon my skin. The sound of pain I relinquished from my lips displayed my weakness; a helpless whelp was what I was, nothing more.

She held out some other artifact. It took only a mere analysis, enough to know that this was father's sacred hunting flint, and one he never parted of. The artistic design with the admirably shaped flint tethered to a wooden handle had been carved with fine attention. An item worthy of our chieftain, it was clear it was no forgery, but its possession within her hand only fortified what had been expressed to me.

"Father could not face the pain of telling you, and so he chose to send us in his stead. Accept it as the farewell gift, if you will." She stopped a moment to place her callous smile towards me, slowly crushing me by the lingering minutes, "If it's worth the news I break to you then find some solace in the fact it was not his choice in the end to exile you, but you are hereby never to see him again or be welcomed back, less you bring with you the evidence that your stature has been raised to all our eyes."

Their Pokemon withdrew from me, to once more take their sides, and leaving me in a sorry state. I was lost for words, nothing came, even swallowing against the knot was hard enough in itself. Feelings of surrealism that reeked like stale enigma berries, left me in nothing more than to be thrust into oblivion. The actuality of the daunting confrontation with my siblings finally settled in, that I indeed had become that of no identity, naught to hold me to a tribe nor community. Being a member of a tribe held a distinction of pride and belonging, but now the wayfarer, all ties had been severed. With no more than the small fabrics that clung to my body and my father's hunting flint I turned from them in grievance. On the last of those bitter words, we did so part, with no farewells, not even a good bye, and only snickers did I hear coming from behind.

Walking my own path now, I was left with a dilemma knowing I had no place to return. If redeeming myself meant to travel via Algoma to snatch back the legacy which should be mine by inheritance, so be it. A little angered, I grew further disheartened. Surely this would be the nightmare I would awaken from, to deliver me to the dreams of better days to be had.

Cooling waters of the sky fell. We believed when Nesero -the sky spirits- cried, their tears fell as rain, and my own tears had become sheltered within them to hide my tasteless fall from equality. Never once my head glanced back to see what may be the last sight of my siblings. Weeping with the shivers that descended upon my skin, I was cold and soaked, yet I stammered on through the thick sludge of newly formed mud to where ever my feet would carry me, and hopefully if my memory served me to be of any use, then Algoma was my pursued destination.

Unkind were the elements that beat with their lacklustre passion against me, and teased by the biting wayward winds to chill my dank skin, time had become infinite to my hour of sorrow. Even the tainted at times seek redemption, vindication to restore balance from the dishonour, and this justification could only be achieved through my success to retrieve Aiyanna. Broken but yet not willing to concede I trudged to pave my path onwards.

** ~~~~~*~~~~~ **

Nightfall came with the last of my sobs, with eyes that had finally met upon drought acknowledging the revelation brought upon me by my sisters, and to this I inescapably embraced the fact I was much the lowly bred exile. Wide awake while the world slept I also needed to rest my weary eyes. My drained limbs carried the burdened weight I held, shifting it upwards to ascend the moonlit pastels of shimmering greens that laced the hill, but not so high that my cursed vertigo would strike.

Finally perched upon the top, I glared into the far yonder of the beyond. Gaping fields were no more, and, towering like giants, abundant were the emeralds of the trees that outstretched to span across the furthest distances my eyes could behold. In devotion to continue my journey, forging ahead, I descended the hill and pressed towards the shelter to be found under those welcoming giants. If not only for one night, in a day that stripped me of all I cherished.

Forefathers shine your wisdom upon me, make me believe so I may find my way....

Holding onto my dainty arms for whatever warmth that small hands could yield, I blanketed, holding firm to oneself. I reached the sanctuary of the trees and seeded myself under the bracken of branches and sat over the cushion of leaves. Curling up, I rested, lowering my head to brace my knees. Will my light diminish before I reach where I must go? Of that not even I was certain, but to carry on I would, as long as I drew breath, to make my father proud, to make my word my vow, I pledged an oath to this.

In the pitch of blackened night, audible pattering of many feet could be heard, distilled in the sounds of twigs and rustling bushes. At unease I shot my eyes wide open, alerted to the shadows that were to be. Awareness was brought forth to me, comprehension of my mortality and the need to survive in the wilds, never had I been so dependant on my wit.

A tinge of luck had been to my side, and the night was not a total veil of shadows. Magena the moon spirit must even be frowning upon me. She offered me only that light which permeated through the leaves of trees from above, to highlight the shrubbery and surroundings, and no more.

What was that?

From out of the darkness a noise had befallen my ears. I heard them from within the depths of the forestation, and in numbers, it took just the smallest sight which was enough for me to decipher them from our tribal drawings. The dreadful tales from my childhood flooded to mind and those that our gatherer scouts would bestow upon mischievous children who wished not to behave, such as I at times. Feeling the accelerating thumps against my chest, I knew them to only be of one species, the tribe of Pawniard. They were of Pokémon and not of man. Panicked, I knew of what nature they were, but they hadn't seen me as yet. Their bladed arms had cut down many of my people that strayed too far from home. To stay petrified in fear here was to invite death. I made plans to make haste from here.

I heard them talk of me. "The hunt is near, the hunt is close, a new prey has emerged, one to a rare taste I believe"

"You speak true, sweet is its lingering scent, in hope one big enough to feed the tens, and a feast its carcass shall be unto us"

I knew not of their mercy, and, shuddering in fear, what I did know more of was their cruelty. Words that came of them from my people drew my scepticism on my own well-being, but a conclusion was clear; they hunted me this very moment. Should they catch wind of my exact location their heartless torment would befall me swiftly. Gritting my teeth, I crawled to my hands and knees in desperate hopes to evade their notice. Through the shrubbery I remained doubled over, small stones lining the grass and dirt, which soon saw to it that my hands and knees were quickly scuffed.

Inconspicuous as I might have tried to be, it brought no solace to the impeding promise of death they would grant, known to torture prey for hours before they exerted themselves to place it out of its wretched existence.

For every distance I had made, they made twice that of mine. My heart climbed to thud faster and I the hunted became further aware, tomorrow may never come. A decision came of reckless thoughts that impregnated themselves to my mind. Shooting up like a flying arrow my feet thundered to break away with speed. Fumbling, I managed to eventually secure a grip upon the flint's handle, cutting it hurriedly from the long grass I'd used to tether it to my thigh. Through my act of dashing, I had alerted them immediately to me, the fool in me sought to out run them.

My hand flew, cutting through the flailing thickness of foliage. These obstacles slowed me considerably, each swing wild and careless with desperation. Shouts came with quickening urgency, "Over there, I found a human!"

Another voice came to cry out aloud upon the first, and almost to a delight. "I know its scent, a flavour to the air, and heartens me it does, to know tonight I'll make my belly content with her fill, so ripe to the wetting buds."

Struggling, I crashed through the last density of the obtrusive bushes, out into a clearing where rain once more pelted me with its unrelenting downfall. My legs buckling a little, I almost fell from exhaustion but regained balance. Quickly I resumed and kept my feverish pace, for I knew what awaited should I have stopped. Cutting me short, a Pawniard obstructed the path before me. Would life not grant me a second of ease from this? Ahead and fixated on me he prepared to let its judgement impact upon me. On quick analysis, and from the words of our gatherers, I knew only of two weak points that existed to break through its armoured exterior.

Trailing my arm I ran straight for it, scared but focused. The weapon remained concealed behind me till I was upon him. Thrusting my arm out, I gave it flight. With the grace of soaring Unfezant it flew, lodging between the Pawniard's toes, its face quickly welled with excruciating pain. Without stopping my fleeting, I unplugged the offending weapon from my pursuer's foot, splashing the red décor from it. Spinning around its body, I nudged it off balance while it remained clinging to its foot.

"Ahhh Ahhhh! It's here, and it got me. Ahhh, it's escaping! OW Oww! Into their territory, hurry!!!!" I heard it cry out in hefty pain to alert its accomplices.

I was not the life taker, and knew very well of the other weakness that lay between its eyes, and one which would surely have killed it. Why would I grant mercy to something that would not think twice of it for me, but I had. Continuing my pace, I skidded to a halt. A cornered rodent I'd become, seeing flight bearing Pokémon cut a line in front of me, a species I knew not of.

Neither here, nor there, my fate lay intertwined between the two factions, I was merely the thread that would unwind. For a moment of weakness came, my heart lessened and there I collapsed to my knees panting. Was my attempt to survive a thing of futile vein?

Could I say I was free, or was this a turning point where I had placed myself out of the cooking pot and into the fire of hell? I stood up, taking my stance with eyes and awareness to the hazard that each posed. Sternly shifting my head, I kept scanning both aggressors to not let either gain advantage. I lay as the meat between the two, afraid of death but willing to fight until the last of my strength left me in fatality, in spite of the tears that fled my face. On the invisible scales that I hung over myself, I sought to balance shame and pride, but how could I accomplish this feat, should I fall now?

The Pawniard hunting party stood firm to hold their ground, probably twelve strong, as one stepped forward from behind the pack as if it was their pack leader, something terrifying and altogether different in appearance. To my other side one of the feathered creatures fluttered a few paces forth from the flock which had far greater numbers than that of my pursuers.

A matured, deep tone, fled the beak of the flight barer. "Ignorant Bisharp, poorly misguided you were when you dared stepping within our territory, clearly this arrogance has stemmed from your youth. Do you understand the implications of this within our truce? Your untactful noise awakens me from my slumber, and I feel insulted that you should violate it. Be there plausible reason for this?"

I took warning from my predicament to assess it of anything which I may use to any advantage, but human limitations were grossly underpowered. Invariably, I paled before evolved creatures such as these. My sight probed the Bisharp in its terrifying form. Wondering upon its overall strength, I knew this carnivorous hunter held little to no weakness, its torso bladed along with the extensions of its elbows, even its hoofed feet shaped out into a sharpness. This evolution of its predecessor seemed mostly invulnerable. Was this even worth my time in foolish consideration? By no means would I match up to such a beast. Fearful, my lips remained fastened. And bated, I lay in wait to see how this would play out.

"Forgive me, I am humbled to be in your presence, mighty Yakez, but if you would..." The Bisharp took a couple more steps towards me, "We merely seek to claim what is ours. Unfortunately, this creature has lost its way into your territory."

The bird creature spoke out at the Bisharp's advancement. "Take another step and I'll think not twice to gut you. Do your elders know of this breech in our truce? Or do you intend to declare war once more by defiling our treaty?"

"My apologies, Yakez, and nay, my elders know not of this. All I ask is the return of the prey which is rightfully ours."

"She trembles with fear and wishes to survive, what of your thoughts? She is in my terrain, and hence forth my question, how exactly is this prey to any acquisition of yours?" This bird-like beast I only knew as Yakez held a great power and very reminding of a great chieftain. His head dress was that similar to the attire my father dressed within, but Yakez's were very much a part of his own body.

"Yakez, you may not know of this, but she attacked my subordinate. With all due respects, that means by law she should fall judgement within our territory, not yours."

"New excuses, and hardly, my deduction is your species hunt to the death and she no doubt like any other wild cornered Pokemon would lash out to survive. Let it be said, I feel some empathy for this creature, so with one final request I ask you to withdraw." His last words stern as he took his own advances forward, causing the Bisharp to back-trot in unease.

"Very well, Yakez, forgive my impudence, and let not my elders know of this, I beg pardon of you."

"Agreed, if you not ever step foot within my domain again. Now begone."

Within moments the pursuers retreated with their proverbial tails hanging between their legs, and submerging deep into the density of greens from whence they came. Leaving me unscathed of serious harm I desolately stood before this new creature known as Yakez. His winged followers stood firm to vigilance and I could not determine their nature. Were they friend or foe?

"Leave me, my flock, for I have the utmost control regarding this matter." The additional feathered creatures that supplemented him in arms withdrew, batting their wings to the air. I felt the strength of their wings to send forth gusts of wind to flutter my hair in the breeze of their departure.

All had left save for the two that remained. The other Pokémon of the same race took his leader's side, seemingly intrigued. Without further hesitation the secondary Pokémon voiced himself to Yakez.

"To what manner of damnation do we have before us?"

I interpreted their chatter well enough. I was one that had gained conformity with other creatures and formed a equilibrium of understanding; for this would be a virtue of mine and that of my people.

"Humans are of rare commodity in these parts, and very few and far between. Having merely glimpsed them from afar I only know of them from sight, and no more different than those of the Bisharp's and their cohort Pawniard. Even that I may heed too much compliment to. Maybe I should be bold enough to state as far as; I deem this human species as far more uncivil." Deliberating, he stood a moment suspended, gaping into my eyes so pleading, as if he felt some pity, but then continued to embellish me in further words."Personally I will kill you, hasten your pain so you shall suffer not unduly. May Arceus forgive me for my transgressions upon a creature of his holy creation, but I shan't allow a beast of butchery to run rampant, nor cause threat upon all those residing within my territory."

Have I become naught but a helpless Leavanny caught in a Galvantula's web, just awaiting the end? Adamantly, his body remained hardened with the conviction of the act he must commit. Not charity nor leniency could I truly convey in him, save for those misleading eyes that occasionally glimpsed with vague empathy. Still, he imposingly advanced a small step at a time.

_It couldn't end this way, no. Please Arceus I have yet to redeem myself, please. _

As he moved towards me, my eyes quickly became snared within his, too afraid to turn away. There was naught of hate prevalent there, it seemed a mercy kill to some sorts, but no further consolation I found in this. I was the threat and what he intended to rid his land of.

My sore eyes bore their penultimate tears before death. I teetered on mortality's razor edge. Gripping the weapon ever tighter I further dwindled to be afflicted in anxiety. Faltering, I resumed to take a steadfast stance and braced myself in foolhardy defence for what little avail it would deliver.

....And cowering with hands wracked with tremors, in futility I issued my worthless warning, "Hold your words, brute, as you would execute me as if I were merely nothing more than a rabid Zoroark. I'm scared and wish not to die like this, for all living things desire to live, and painless you say?...." Pausing, runny nosed and sniveling I struggled catching a second wind, my heart further sank, rampaging in the want to live, but what use was this when I knew all my days were to be severed here from existence.

With tears burning my eyes....

In anguish....

And my heart, feeling as if it were torn asunder....

I screamed, "Liar.... I believe you not...."


** ~~~~~*~~~~~ **

Thanks to the Beta readers who helped out.

Main Beta - Mysterydude

Secondary Beta - JewelWriter

Second Beta - Guri

Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to read my meagre little offering, and I hope you all enjoyed it. I may have to wait a month to update this again as theres a story I want to write for a friend, and another which shall be a fun read with futa action.