Second Chance

Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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A very simple piece I wrote but never uploaded. There was no planning done for this one. I just sort of winged it. * * * Why should we hate someone? Because someone else told us to? I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. You can't hate someone because someone else tells you to. You can't hate a person for their origins, or their appearance, or even their sexual preference. Maybe if the person is an idiot, or a pervert, or is really gross, or a snob, or even annoying. Those are reasons to hate someone. To hate someone it has to be personal. You have to know the person in question, and see them every day, and not be able to stand them because they're a true and honest fucking douche-bag... Against my better judgment, I tried to get a girl to hate me by being my lame, sloppy, sleazy, nerdy self... and it backfired. If I was any more spineless my life would be depicted in a badly written essay... oh, wait. It is. * * *

Second Chance

  • * * My very first date, ironically enough was a blind date. No, my date was not blind. I had no idea who she was or what she was like. It would be a surprise... and judging by my friends' sniggers, it would be an unpleasant one. My friends could be douche-bags when they wanted to be. They were - like me - humans. All four of them, and they all had it in their heads that furs were inferior to humans. They had some kind of superiority complex telling them they were better. I still don't know what the hell their problem is, and why the hell we're still friends. Now, before I continue, let me tell you something about me. I'm not attractive, I'm not romantic and I sure as hell am not ideal boyfriend material. I'm a computer geek, fluent in C++ and the only question I ever thought was hard was what race to play in Dungeons and Dragons. That's how much of a nerd I am. But, I think you'll be happy to note I'm not entirely stereotypical. I actively engage in sports. I started Tae Kwondo when I was twelve, and now hitting my eighteens I practice Kendo at the college Kendo Club. I don't wear glasses, and I'm not a complete fashion parody. The thing that'd probably set me apart from everybody else was the fact I'm extremely shy. I couldn't just walk up to a girl, human or fur, and ask them on a date. If I had to face a female in that sort of situation I'd probably faint. That's how insecure I am. So on the one hand I was happy to have been set up on a blind date, but somewhat unhappy that I was part of one big joke. Allow the following conversation with my friend, Jeff explain further. We were walking to class after lunch, and between odd scowls at random furs who walked too close to him, Jeff managed to say: "You all ready for your date tonight?" The arrangements had been made at the start of the week, and to be honest I had already forgotten. "Aw, shit!" I slapped my forehead. "I forgot. Good thing I didn't make any other plans. Where am I meeting her?" "It." Jeff added in a sly snigger. I ignored it. "You set me up with a fur?" I asked in a monotone. "Pretty much, yeah." "You're a cruel bastard." I muttered, referring both to his cruel addressing of a fur and his amusement in my predicament. I wasn't prejudice like my 'friends.' I had absolutely nothing against furs. If anything, I found them attractive. But I never let my friends know, for fear of what they might say... or do. "Oh, and by the way," Jeff added. "Make sure it goes wrong." "Why?" I asked. "First of all, we set this up as a joke on her behalf." Jeff explained. "All you have to do is be a complete asshole." "And playing with peoples' emotions like that is... what?" I shrugged. "Fun to you?" Jeff gave me an odd look, then an evil smirk. "Uh... yeah." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. So it was all settled. I'd go on this date with the fur chick and make it a complete disaster so my friends could laugh at her afterwards. Cruel bastards. As you've probably figured, I'm no better than them for going along with this. But bear with me, because what followed was a date I would never forget until the day I die. I started the evening getting ready. I had a shower, shaved and combed my hair. I wore a neat shirt, clean and pressed jeans and shined my new shoes. The idea was however to be a prick, so in the end I creased my shirt purposefully and messed up my hair again before changing into my oldest sneakers that looked like they could fall apart at any second. The date would begin at eight o'clock, so I had a few hours to kill. I spent that time playing violent video games and listening to death-metal music to get into an asshole sort of mood. Strangely, it didn't help. If anything it softened me up. Time flew by and I arrived at the meeting location twenty minutes late. I was supposed to be late on purpose, but to tell the truth I was so nervous I was late accidentally. So I wandered the mall, looking for a fur who matched the description Jeff gave me. An orange furred fox wearing a white t-shirt standing by the foot of the escalator outside Burger King. I searched for a full twenty seconds until I found her, standing at the foot of an escalator, looking around, obviously searching for me. Let me tell you now, I was extremely pleasantly surprised. I had expected my friends to choose an ugly girl to pick on. They had done the complete opposite. My blind date was, for lack of better description, beautiful. She had long crimson hair, soft orange fur with a white line running down her throat and black across the top of her snout and at the tips of her ears. She had bright emerald eyes and sported an extremely attractive figure. The clothes she wore showed off. Short skirt, t-shirt that ended just above her stomach... I had to avert my gaze every so often so I wouldn't drool. It was damn cruel I had to be a jerk towards her. If it was entirely up to me right then I would have worked damn hard to make it the best fucking date she'd ever had... at the time I didn't realize it was entirely up to me all along. Gulping, I walked forward and waved as we made eye contact. She grinned and walked over. Thank God, since my legs were having trouble moving. We met halfway somewhere. "Hi." I let out. "Mark?" she asked. Her voice was sweet and confident, and sent a warm tingling sensation down my spine. I nodded. She held out a hand. "I'm Allison." She introduced with a smile. I shook her hand, completely forgetting I was supposed to be rude. "Sorry I'm late." I spoke without much enthusiasm. Strike one: look like you want to be somewhere else. Allison smiled and nodded to a nearby bar. "Can I buy you a beer?" Strike two: be lame. I shook my head as we started walking through the crowds in a random direction. "Nah... I don't drink." It was the absolute truth, and I don't think I could get any less fun and lamer than that. "Really?" She didn't seem too surprised. "Neither do I." already she started walking much closer to me, and she didn't seem to stop smiling. "How about something to eat then?" Strike three, the ultimate secret weapon. Be an absolute sleazy prick. My meager acting skills came to effect as I glanced into her eyes and gave a smirk. "How about we skip the meal and move on to what comes after that?" I asked. The desired effect wasn't entirely achieved. "Hmmm." She edged into contact and hugged my arm. "That sounds like a great idea." She said seductively in my ear. 'Oh, for fuck sake!' My evil side screamed as I noticed the lusty look she gave me. 'There's just no winning!' Plan B: be indecisive. "Uhm... well, I don't actually perform great when I'm hungry..." I stammered into an odd excuse. "How about we grab something to eat?" "Alright." Allison's disposition didn't seem to change. "Where should we go?" I stopped and looked to my right. Trying to come across as a sleazy, indecisive nerd didn't seem to work. May as well try being a cheapskate. "How about Burger King?" I pointed at the fast food outlet. Not only was it cheap, but it had the longest queue to boot. If there was anything she hated, it must have been a queue. "Okay." She let me lead her into line and we waited there for what must have been half an hour. I didn't say a thing and kept checking my watch as if I was in some kind of hurry. Allison didn't seem to notice. She kept looking at me and didn't let go of my arm. What was supposed to be a disastrous date had so far been perfect. What was I doing wrong? Everything, but that didn't seem to matter! We finally got to order, and my first instincts would be to pay for Allison. I remembered I was supposed to be acting like a prick and was about to ask her if she could get this... "Don't worry, I got this." Allison stepped forward and paid the bored looking clerk. 'Damn!' She was too good to be true. All through the meal I couldn't help stare at her. My evil side was hoping it'd come across as rude, but Allison stared right on back and didn't stop smiling. We didn't really talk. She asked me a few questions about myself. I replied shortly and she had to drag answers out of me. I didn't ask her where she was from... I didn't have to. She just told me everything I would have wanted to know. Inside, I was shooting myself in the head. I was such a spineless fuck-tard and didn't deserve her kindness. She was pretty, I really wanted to be nice, but in doing so I'd risk becoming the laughing stock of my friends. Moral dilemma tore me in two. Before I knew it we were finished eating, and Allison leaned across the table, whispering into my ear. "How about we move on to that part that comes after dinner?" she said in a hushed tone so the people beside us wouldn't hear. I gulped. "Dessert?" She smiled. "Kind of..." My house was a ten minute walk from the mall... but with that beautiful vixen whom I really wanted but wasn't sure I deserved clutching my arm, that ten minute walk was the longest journey in my life. We finally made it to my place and were sitting side by side on the couch. She still clung to my arm when I made one final, desperate move to complete my friends' prank and really fuck this date up. Strike four: be annoying. I cracked out what I liked to call 'The ultimate weapon of last resort.' One hundred-and-thirty-seven minutes of mind numbing innocence, profound speeches and slow progressing storyline. I asked if she wanted to watch Forrest Gump... and then she turned around and said she loved that movie. 'Fuck.' So, there we were, huddled together on the couch, watching Tom Hanks tell the profound story of Forrest Gump over the gentle hum of my X-Box. Strangely enough, those must have been the best 137 minutes of my life, slouching there with Allison's arms wrapped around my arm, her head resting on my chest, the feeling of her fur brushing along my skin as her chest rose and fell with every breath she took. Her heart thumped calmly in time with mine as I smelled the sweet entrancing odour of her rose oil shampoo with every breath I took. For all I cared it could have been cold in the room, because her presence warmed me. Suddenly, for the first time in our date that was supposed to be a disaster, unknown to Allison, I smiled, and didn't stop. But that part of me enjoying this experience was only half of me. My other half still had a mission objective. I was trying to be annoying. So, every time Tom Hanks said something profound, I repeated in time, doing the same accent and everything. I was expecting it to be very irritating. Hell, I was irritating myself... but Allison loved it. Every time I got halfway through a speech, Allison would join in and finish, before giggling. She said my impression was cute, and that I should keep doing it throughout the movie. And so I sat there, reading out the whole fucking script of Forrest Gump in an awful Alabama accent. By the time the end credits rolled in I had given myself a headache. I turned down the TV volume and sighed. Allison sighed too, and didn't move. If anything she embraced me tighter, gazing at the television screen, a wide grin on her muzzle. "I had fun tonight." She let out. Part of me found that very hard to believe. "Uhm... I had fun... okay, fuck it." I couldn't stand lying anymore. It was not in my nature to lie, especially not a beautiful person like Allison whom over the past few hours I had developed feelings for. "The date was a farce." I leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling, cursing myself. "They set it up so I could screw it up and they could laugh at you in the morning." I braced myself. Any second now I was going to get it... Any second... Now... Still nothing. Until I finally heard her soft voice. "I know." I jerked my eyes open and looked up as Allison sat up and looked into my eyes. For the first time that night, she wasn't smiling. "I know your friends set this up as a joke, but I went ahead with it anyway..." she paused. "I also have a confession to make." "Uh-oh." "I first saw you in the corridor. One of my friends knew who you were, and on the first glance I've had a crush on you." She said, grinning mildly. "Tonight I could tell you've had a few feelings for me, but have been afraid to let them out for fear of what your friends would say." That was a relief. At least I didn't have to explain myself. "True." "So, I suppose, what happens next is entirely up to you." She sighed. "Just know I'll still like you either way." I stared. This was too good to be true. I pinched myself just to make sure this was real. It hurt, so it must have been. "This..." I didn't know how to put this respectfully, so I just did it. "This goes against every bit of morality still left in me, but..." I shut myself up, leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. I had finally made up my mind. Fuck my 'friends.' Fuck what the world would think and to hell with everybody else's preconceptions. The world was full of humans who were prejudice towards furs because of something some fuck-stick fascist politician said, or because pop-culture says so. I was not bound by others' thoughts. I don't even know why I tried to fulfill others' wishes, when I should have been fulfilling my own. And my wish was to be with this beautiful fur until the end of time. So there you have it. My first kiss... and I only let it last a second. I pulled back quickly to see her eyes were half shut. As she opened them again I caught a tinge of disappointment. "You know, I'm not sure I should have done that." I admitted. "If you want to slap me, then go right ahead and..." I didn't get to finish. She kissed me back. Kiss number two was so much more satisfying. Her broad tongue slipped past my lips and wrestled with mine. I could taste her, smell her, feel her every movement and hear her soft 'murr' of pleasure. The feelings coursing through me made my heart leap with joy. It made my head spin and sent me into a whole new world. Allison grabbed two handfuls of my shirt and lay down on her back, dragging me down with her, all the time maintaining the single passionate kiss. Her long slender legs wrapped around my waist as she pulled me in tighter. I felt her soft but firm breasts press against my chest as I ran my fingers through her lovely soft fur. I suddenly realized what was happening as I felt her hands move down to my belt. I gently broke the kiss and opened my eyes to gaze into hers. "If this is going too fast..." I panted. "You know, because it is a first date, and I don't want to push into anything you don't..." she shut me up by placing a finger across my lips. Thinking back on it, what the hell was I saying? I'm a guy. Its not as if I was thinking about anything else... heh, actually, she wasn't either. "How far did you get to mentally undressing me?" she asked suddenly, smiling, her eyes half closed. "Uhm..." I thought about it for a second, before answering truthfully. "I think I removed your bra." She raised her head slightly and whispered into my ear. "I got way further on you." "Oh." I know it's not something you'd usually hear a guy say, but I was so hot for her right then. "Lucky me." We kissed again, and Allison tried rolling over... forgetting completely where we were making out. The kiss was ended abruptly as I slipped off the couch and landed flat on my back on the hard wooden floor. "Oh God, I'm sorry." Allison let out in a worried tone as I hit the deck, bruising every bone in my ass. "Are you okay?" I groaned. "The floor broke my fall." "I'm sorry." She apologized. "I wanted to be on top." "I broke my ass-bone." I said humorously. "Doesn't look like I'm moving any time soon. Be my guest." I invited. She smiled and didn't hesitate for a second. She dropped to the floor and straddled my waist. Bending forward we embraced into another kiss. Her hands unbuttoned my shirt as I undid the buttons on the collar of hers. The kiss broke for a second as she pulled off her t-shirt revealing she wore nothing underneath. My hands stroked upward past her slender waist towards her perfectly rounded... Wait. You probably don't want all the icky details. How about we say 'we lived happily ever after' and just leave it at that. The end. What? Ooooooooh, you do want to hear all he icky details. Well why didn't you say so? Here goes nothing. My hands cupped her breasts and I rubbed her nipples with my thumbs. As you probably figured this was my first time doing this, but I must have been doing something right judging by Allison's pleasured moans. Her nimble hands undid her skirt and threw it aside before they moved to undo my belt. Within seconds I was kicking my jeans from my ankles and she was rubbing her crotch. I could see a damp patch on the panties' fabric where she rubbed herself, and the sight made me want to throw 'first date morality' into the wind. With one hand she slipped her panties down her rump and shook loose her fluffy tail. The vixen then kicked away the last of her clothes and pulled at the elastic of my boxers. For some strange reason I stopped her, placing my hand on hers. She slowly broke the kiss and looked seductively into my nervous eyes. My heart was racing so fast it threatened to pop. Already I was perspiring a lot. I think it's obvious I've never been this close to anybody. "What's wrong?" she asked gently with a reassuring tone of voice. "Shouldn't we..." I stammered. "I mean... don't we need... you know... protection?" She smiled and pecked me on the cheek. "To hell with it." She whispered pulling my boxers down and revealing the erection I had for her way before we started making out. Her hand slowly curled around my member and started stroking with a practiced motion. It was amazing. She'd probably done this before, but it didn't matter to me. All that mattered at the time was the beautiful vixen causing the waves of pleasure to rack my body. I felt pressure on my tip as she pressed the opening of her vagina against my shaft. I exhaled loudly as her lips parted slowly and she lowered her hips down on mine. I felt every inch progress, deeper and deeper into her, her hot slippery walls gliding down around me. Allison gasped as I was finally sheathed entirely within her. I'm not going to pretend I know what she felt, or what was going through her head, but since she was taking the lead and moaning continuously, I had to assume the experience was as good for her as it was for me. I'm no stud. I'd be nothing compared to a horse, or even any other fur. I can be gracious about that. But Allison didn't seem to care. She smiled lovingly into my face and shut her eyes as she worked her magic. Her hips started moving and grinding. Slowly she moved up and down, moaning relatively loudly with every motion she made below the waist. My hands rubbed her waist tenderly as I tried to keep quiet. At first I didn't make a sound, until it got too much. She was too good, and I had to let it out. So that's what I did. I let out a loud gasping moan, through which I may have said 'I love you' out loud. I don't remember, but I do remember Allison leaning forward and whispering into my ear: "I love you." I kissed her neck as her hips moved faster up and down and our moans grew more intense. I felt her get warmer inside with every passing moment, and felt her warm tongue lick the side of my face. Suddenly my hips gained a mind of their own and I started to move, meeting her every downward thrust. Allison twitched with every one of my thrusts and started to moan a lot louder now. I shut my eyes and threw my head back as the pleasure rolling up my loins grew more intense. Then, on that very second, I assumed she came. I felt her juices flow around my member buried deep inside her. Allison stopped moving and let out a long moan into my ear. "Ooooooh, yes... Mark... yes." I gritted my teeth, continuing to thrust, the squelching noises audible over our combined moans. I felt my limbs stiffen and muscles contract. I was extremely close and couldn't hold back anymore. "I... I'm about... about to..." I didn't actually finish. Allison didn't hesitate. "Yes... you're doing great... just a second." she bucked her hips again, faster than she did before, meeting my thrusts more vigorously. "Go on... give it to me..." I let out a moan and came at the same time she did. I felt my seed leave myself, and imagined she must have felt the sticky spray gush upward within her. She gasped, smiling as she arched her back, grinding her hips tight onto mine. It's been said that at that point I should have had a glimpse of heaven... I did. I was looking right at her. She looked back down at me and I smiled. Slowly I sat up, propping myself up on my hands and kissed her. "Do you love me?" she asked softly between kisses. We all deserve second chances. Sometimes even several more chances. That's what life was all about. Nobody could go through life and get it perfect the first time around. Everybody needs a second chance once in a while. I was given the chance to make things right. I was given the chance to be with Allison and create something beautiful. I had been blessed with a second chance, and I seized it. "Yes." I answered when she let me. "Since I first saw you... I love you." How can three simple words carry something so meaningful? I'm sorry, but I don't have a straight answer for you. It's inexplicable. You have to experience the feelings for yourself to truly understand them.