The Old Gods, Part 4

Story by VegetaJM on SoFurry

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#4 of The Old Gods

I do not own the rights of pokemon or anything related. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo/GameF...

I do not own the rights of pokemon or anything related. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo/GameFreak or whatever and have all rights reserved. The following story is my own ideas but only the main character is my own creation

The story contains adult content/situations/and or nudity so do not read unless your are at least 18


The Old Gods, Part 4

Darek and Sally made it past route 30 and through route 31 into Violet City. It was past 12 o'clock now as Darek checked his pokedex before stuffing it back into the tight small pocket in the womens jeans that were way to tight on him. Darek sighed and his arms were sore and tired from carrying Azure for the last hour they have been walking. Sally recalled her pokemon and was by herself as she walked next to Darek, taking in the nice scenery and the bright sunny day it was.

"Were finally here..." said Darek as he let out a sigh of exhaustion.

"Yup we made it! Now you can by some real clothes!" she laughed

"Oh my gosh yeah, I cant wait to get out of these!"

Darek and Sally stopped by the pokeCenter first to get their pokemon checked in and resting while Darek finds Robert so they can go clothes shopping. They walked in the doors and as they approached the counter, Nurse Joy looked up and hit Darek with the obviouse confused look.

"Hello what can I... Uh...?" was all she got out before Darek cut her off.

"If your wondering about the outfit I have on Nurse Joy, its cause all my clothes were ruined this morning in a fire, and I was going to buy some real clothes as soon as I checked my pokemon in."

As Darek told Nurse Joy the reason, he couldnt help but look down in embarassment, Nurse Joy grabbed his attention "Well if its just some mens clothes you need, we have plenty clothes here at the center and would be more then glad to give you some!" she said with her most innocent smile.

Darek couldnt help but blush and turn his head looking away from Nurse Joy. He wonderd how guys can act so calm around Nurse Joy, when she looks at you like that with her perfect smile, georgous face, and rockin body. As well as you can NEVER go wrong with the old school Nurse outfit! Darek cleared his thoughts and spoke to her the best he could without sounding stupid.

"Uh... ok thats great Nurse Joy. I just need Azure checked and a room for the night then, if thats not too much trouble?" he tried hard but failed to sound normal and hoped Nurse Joy didnt find it odd.

"Ok thats no problem at all.. uh.."

"Oh uh, names Darek."

She gave him another warm smile "Ok well Darek, I can give your pokemon a checkup now and assign you a room. Let me grab some clothes for you to change into while you wait."

Darek smiled at the thought of some real clothes. "Thanks so much Nurse Joy!"

"No thanks necessary, as its the least I can do! How many pokemon are you having checked today?"

Darek gestured the charmander in his arms "Just my Charmander named Azure." giving her another kiss on her head as she slept away in his arms.

Nurse Joy rang a small bell and a Chansey came through the doors behind her.

"Take this lovely Charmander to room 4 for a checkup please."

The Chansey held her arms up and after Darek gave over Azure he watched the Chansey dissapear back through the same door.

"Ok Darek I'll only be a moment so I can get you some clothes." she smiled as Darek watched her also leave through the door behind her.

Darek and Sally sat down on some chairs against the far wall not far from the counter as they waited for Nurse Joy. Darek almost thought the pants were gana rip at the seam on the ass as he tried to sit down, looking like he was playing limbo. Sally had to laugh at this and could tell why he was having trouble.

"Sorry about the size." as she laughed giving Darek a smile.

Darek turned to look at her, then at the ass of his pants, then back to her again "Dont worry its not your fault you got a nice ass."

Sally's face went red, she became slightly embarassed but managed to get a surprised sounding "thanks" out as well as a giggle.

Darek looked up to her a bit surprised at her reaction and had to ask "What? no guys ever tell you that?"

Sally's eyes still wide and a grin on her face as big as it could as she laughed out a "Nooo!"

Darek thought since he was obviously just being honest at how attractive she was and he has no problem telling her so, "Well thats their loss, and since I'm the first I might as well also tell you.. you have an awesome rack!" he blurted out eyeing her chest.

Sally didnt think she could feel this embarassed as her hands came to cover her face! Her face was beet red and she couldnt even think, let alone think of what to say!

"Your acting like guys never say these things to you, come on I know guys hit on you all the time, just look at you!" he said as motioned up and down at her body.

"Theres no way your gana tell me that guys dont hit on you..." Darek told her.

Sally moved her hand to clamping like a prayer infront of her face and her eyes were still shut tight as she faught to think of a come back to Dareks statement.

"Well..." she figured being as honest as she heard he was being, would be the easier route then lieing. "No, not really." she laughed as she looked back up to Darek who stood watching her since he couldnt sit anyway.

"What?! thats gata be Bull Shit! Theres no way guys walk by you and dont say anything!"

Sally thought about what he said for a second and told Darek about what she sees guys do when they by, "Well... actually most guys that see me just, take in a good look and dont say anything, and as far as ones walking by. I know they aren't going to say anything cause they are to busy starring at my breast as they walk by!"

Darek couldnt help but laugh and find her story adorable, "well I think, as a guy myself I can definelty see how thats all they look at... walking by I mean."

Sally shot him an upset glare so Darek had to go on the defenssive. "What? I mean... you georgous! Have you looked in mirror lately?" he paused seeing her smile return, but then he added "I'll be lucky if I can even 'Think' about NOT thinking about you all day!"

Sally couldnt help but glow when she heard this as she giggled and gave Darek a sexy smile.

Darek turned around hearing Nurse Joy returning with some mens clothes in her arms, she made it to him and handed them over. "These should fit well till you find something better." she said with a smile. Darek looked the clothes over and they looked to be his size, they were a plain white T-shirt and some baggy mens blue jeans, as well as some socks and plain sneakers.

"Wow! These will do great, thanks Nurse Joy!"

Nurse Joy smiled again as she said "Dont mention it." and returned through the back door again to check on Azure.

Darek turned to Sally with the pile of clothes in his hands, "I'm gana go get changed, be right back."

Sally just smiled and told him ok. She watched as she saw him round a corner where the bathrooms were. Her mind was still festering on the things Darek said to her about her looks. As she thought about how he told her straight up that she was georgous and had nice tits! She smiled to herself and giggled again, thinking on how no guys ever said things like that to her. She guessed Darek was the first guy to show that kinda interest in her. Ok maybe not "show" but definetly first guy with the guts to tell her!

She started thinking about what she thought of Darek since his actions were on her mind. She definelty knew he treated pokemon with much respect as he almost seems to spoil Azure. Seeing as he was most definetly a nice guy, and he wasnt all THAT bad looking... sure he could comb his hair that was about all she could think of. She was thinking how it would be nice if he asked her out as she saw him walking back from the bathroom towards her with her outfit in his hands.

"Oh yeah, those dont look to bad on you." Sally told him as she smiled looking him up and down. Darek just gave a smirk and sat the outfit on the chair next her. "Now we just have to wait for Nurse Joy to give us a room." he saw Sally looking like she was getting embarassed again before realiseing what he said.

"OH... No not "US" a room, I meant..."

Sally just laughed again "Its ok I know what you ment! Its just funny how you said it, is all." as she gave out another giggle.

Darek just blushed and when he felt composed again, "Well I know im going to be staying here for tonight so I can challenge Falkner tomorrow."

He looked over to Sally "What are you gana do, staying here? or do you have other things to do?" he asked with a slighty curious but hopeful look on his face.

Sally gave a smirk of her own and knew he was hoping for her to stay so thought she could stick around. "I guess staying here the night wont hurt anything. Besides Im not on a schedual or anything."

Dareks face lit up real fast after hearing this. "Alright, thats cool!"

Darek turned his head towards the front doors as he heard someone walking in to see to his surprise that it was Robert.

"Hey!" Darek called out to him.

Robert looked over to see Darek and paused for a second, taking his hat off. "Oh Darek, your here already? Thats nice..." he caught glimpse of the young lady in the seat next to him.

"Well hello there young lady, my names Robert Wilson by the way."

Sally gave robert a smile "well hello Robert."

Robert gave a short bow towards her to be the gentleman before asking Darek about Nurse Joy.

"Know how long she will be?" he asked Darek.

"Shouldnt be much longer, maybe ten minutes or so." he told him.

Robert thought for a second before telling Darek and Sally that he had some other things he could do and if he didnt see them later today they could meet back here tomorrow morning.

"Sounds good to me." Darek told him as he saw Robert make his leave.

"well Darek..." sally said as she caught Dareks attention who turned giving her a smile.

"what are your plans for the rest of the evening?"

"Oh uh?..." Darek looked up while he gave some thought before saying "well after Azure's check up and I get my room, and get settled in, I do suppose the rest of the day is free..." looking back to Sally who was still giving a soft smile as she waited on his answer.

"I suppose we could go out for a walk... and maybe for Dinner later on?" he asked her raising a brow and hoping the best.

Sally just smiled and said "I'd love to."

Nurse Joy came back out from Azure's checkup and approached Darek. She told him besides some bruising on both her wrist from what looked like struggling, she was perfectly fine. She then added that the only problem his Charmander seemed to have was quite a deal of emotional distress and asked Darek if anything serious happend.

Darek told Nurse Joy about how Sally had been his and Azures first loss in a pokemon battle today, and that it had effected both of them pretty bad. He also told her that Darek kinda made her very upset this morning and she burnt the tent down which is how he lost his clothes...

Nurse Joy just laughed and told him he should be more careful with the temper of young girls, then she told him since how things turned out that, he should take the rest of the day and spend some quality time with her to lighten things up. Darek scratched behind his head as he figured Nurse Joy was right, but what about the plans he made with Sally! He definetly wanted to go on the date they just decided on...

Sally looked as Darek turned to her with the sorry exspression on his face and already knew what to say to him. "Its ok Darek dont worry about it, we can out a rain check on the dinner for tommorow after your match!" Darek felt a huge relief when hearing this.

"Thanks Sally, I really appreciate that." he said as he began to blush again.

"Dont sweat it Darek, besides I think its good to put your pokemon first."

Darek gave a smirk to her comment and now that he thought about it, would feel bad if he put a date before Azures needs, especialy after what happend today.

"We can still spend some time at the park and grab a bite to eat with Azure with us." he tried to tell Sally but she just shook her head and told him he needed to be alone with Azure this time, as she reminded him of the events from earlier. Darek looked a bit down but nodded as he had to agree.

Chansey walked Azure out from the back doors as Azure let out a happy cry racing to give Darek a hug. "Theres my little good girl!" he said as he reached down so she could jump into his arms.

Darek turned to Sally as said he was going to be in his room to talk with Azure for a while, if she needed him for anything. Sally nodded as she went to Nurse Joy for her own room and checkup as she watched Darek head towards the Centers small Dorms. As Darek carried Azure to the room he found the door and using his free arm unlocked it and got the door open. Once inside he let down Azure who was excited to explore the new room. He looked around and thought it was pretty nice accommodations for trainers while being free of charge. Against the far wall was a neatly made twin size bed and nightstand with a lamp. Across from the bed was a dresser, aside the dresser a door to the small private bathroom, where Azure ran in from curiosity. Darek set her ball and his pokedex on the night stand and went into the bathroom to check on Azure.

The bathroom looked nice as well as he noticed walking in, a jacuzzie/tub next to a more fancy looking toilet. The sink was pretty fancy looking as well with a large wall-wide mirror above. Turning towards Azure, she turned seeing him walk in as she was curious about this tub. She pointed into the tub hoping Darek would understand she wanted a bath, "Oh what, you want a bath?" Azure smiled and nodded. Darek couldnt help but know he could sure use one as well and this tub being larger then the one at home could surely fit them both. "Well we might as well take one together then." Azures eyes went wide to this as she almost jumped with excitement.

Darek ran the Hot water as he shut and locked the bathroom door and started to undress. Azure just watched him intently, knowing she couldnt wait to see Darek again almost nude. Her eyes shined as she thought how this time he would be full nude. She couldnt help but shake in antisipation as she watched him undress. Darek got his shoes and socks off first as he sat down on the toilet taking his shirt off. After the shirt was tossed to the floor,he began with the pants as he undid the button and zipper and heard Azure giggle. He turned to look to her only to see her Starring like she has before. He laughed and shook his head thinking how he has such a dirty minded pokemon, then laughed again when he rememberd what he did in the tent and how hes even worse...

Darek got the pants off and thought he would see if he could tease Azure a bit. When he stood up in just his boxers and heard her gasp knowing its the last piece before she sees manhood. He smiled and gripped the elastic top and slowly began to pull down. Stopping after about every inch he pulled down seeing Azure whine and look up to him. He had to laugh at how adorable it was and just pulled them down the rest of the was and tossed em aside. Azure gasped as she finally saw ALL of Dareks unclothed body. His figure was lean without to much fat as she could tell the muscles in his legs and abdomen. From head to toe she looked him over stopping her stare at his groin. Darek knew this would happen and just smirked and again shook his head at the confused looking Charmander gaze at his package. He knew it was only fair after seeing her wet pussy when she had that wet dream and how much he enjoyed that. "Alright now come on" said Darek as he picked up Azure under her arms and set her in the tub. She sat down and turned to watch him get in, taking mental note of his cock and balls as they shifted when he got one leg in. She couldnt help but make an immature sounding giggle.

After Darek got in and settled down, they waited for the water to get a little higher, as he saw Azure turn towards his and stare throught the water towards his groin. When the water was right he turned it off and looked towards the control panel, finding the switch for water jets he flipped it on. Azure jumped and her eyes went wide as she felt fast jets of water shooting her legs and back from the sides of the tub.

"Char!" she gasped out.

"Relax girl its a jacuzzi, this is what they do! Just enjoy it and relax." he gave her a smile and found a sponge to start washing her with.

Darek got the rest of Azure wet like he usually does, after she wipped the water from her eyes she scooted closer towards Darek. Darek shifted and bent his knees so she could get closer. Azure was almost right up against him now and looked down to his groin just half a foot underwater. Darek reached behind Azure and scrubbed her back as he didnt mind her starring. He knew she was to young to really know any better and wasnt any harm in it. He jumped a little and was surprised when he felt her grasp his shaft tho. He stopped and looked down to Azure feeling his junk as she looked up. Their eyes met and Darek only said "what are you doing?..." with a defenssive tone. Azure only let out a small wimper as she looked back down and felt his balls with her other hand. Darek winced and figured shes just curious was all, may as well just let her have fun. Going back to his scrubbing he finished her back and started her sides as he scratched her head with his free hand. Azure threw her head back softly as she closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as her hands still felt around Dareks cock. She notcied his shaft was getting bigger and harder and that made her even more curious. She explored him more feeling the tip of his cock and cupping his balls feeling the orbs inside.

Darek just gave a small gasp as he closed his eyes a second thinking how it was innocent but felt pretty damn good. He was at full erection by now and Azure could see the tip of his head just poking out above the water. She observed it carefully as she raised a small hand out from the water and rubbed it gently. The tip felt soft but still as she pressed into it. She saw a small drop of pre forming and was curious so she bent her head down to sniff. When Darek saw her head go down the first thought that came to his mind was "you gata be shitting me!" as he couldnt picture Azure already knowing to suck a dick if she saw one. It wasnt her mouth engulfing his shaft he felt but the fast wind leaving her nose as she sniffed with her snout pressed to his tip. He winced again as he felt her tounge slither across his tip lapping up the pre that had formed.

Azure enjoyed the sweet taste of the foreign substance from Dareks cock as she smiled looking back up to him which made him laugh. Azure went back to gripping his shaft wondering if more of that stuff would come out. She was disappointed as Darek turned her around and had her back to his chest so he could wash the rest of her. As he ran the sponge along her legs and inner thighs, Azure laid pack and spread her legs giving him a sly smile and she moaned into his cleaning. Darek smiled as he could feel his boner pressing into her back, and how he could tell she wanted him to scrub every inch down there.

Without dissapointing her this time he ran the sponge across her groin to the other leg, carefully taking his time as it brushed the folds of her tender sex. Azure moaned soflty as she wiggled against him, her tail facing away from them as her groin in perfect access facing up from under the water. Darek set the sponge down and went back under the water with his hands. Azures eyes watched as he slowly rubbed her folds with a single finger. She took a moment to enjoy the display as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

Darek carefully worked the folds of her pussy as his finger passed through her folds and across her clit, then down to rub her entrance. Darek used his other hand to rub and tease her tail hole that he could see which wasnt to much farther down from her twat. As both fingers, one working her pussy, the other her asshole, made circular motions. Azure was sent into bliss as she felt her groin begin to burn and pulse with the tremendous pleasure she felt. She leaned her head back and moaned once more as she began to rock her hips into Dareks fingers. Darek was done teasing her pussy and decided it was time to penatrate. His finger rubbed her entrance once more before he applied pressure and felt the finger slowly dissapear into her tight vaginal tunnel. Feeling her mucsles pulse and squeeze on his finger, it sent sharp feeling thought his cock making that pulse as well as Azure felt it poke into her back.

Darek pushed his finger in till he found her hymen once more, stopping to tell Azure "this is gana sting a bit ok?" Azure opened her eyes to look at Darek and didnt know why anything would cause pain but just nodded. Darek pressed against the thin barrier and applied more pressure as he felt a pop and his finger suddenly go all the way in up to his knuckle.

"CHARR!" cried Azure as she felt the sharp pain in her groin followed by an insane burning around Dareks finger as it went further into her tunnel. Her head shook and she writhed for a moment before she stopped and was panting. She looked up to Darek with slight distress in her face, "you ok Azure?" he asked with a soothing voice. She nodded and nuzzled against his chest the best she could. Darek felt her walls squeezing his finger and he slowly pulled out and pushed back in. Taking in the feeling and textures of her walls with his finger tip as it was pushed back in. Azure just soflty gasped and began her light thrusting into Dareks fingers. "you really like this dont you girl?" he asked her which Azure only said "Chamander" in a soft tone which was her agreeing with a "Fuck yes..."

Azure leaned into Darek as she massaged his hand giving her all these pleasures. Darek pushed his finger all the way to his knuckle again and felt another tight small entrance with his finger tip, which must be her cervix he thought. He rubbed and teased there the best he could before going back to an in and out motion. Azure felt her climax building again in her groin as her stomache flutterd. She began thrusting into his finger much quicker which told Darek to go harder.

Darek started a quicker motion with his finger which turned into light pounding into Azures pussy. The sounds of his arms thrusting through the water giving life to the charmanders orgasm filled the room. Azure couldnt take his finger pounding any longer as her back arched and her face pressed into Dareks chest as she howl'd into the climax. Being underwater they couldnt see the squirts of her cumming but Darek could feel the fluids rushing out of her gushing over his figer. He felt several squirts pass over his finger as well as violent spasms of her vaginal walls choaking his finger. Darek paused a short moment to take in the awesome feeling of his orgasaming charmander in his lap. Seeing her face to filled with content as she panted. He tried to slowly pull out with his finger but Azure grabbed his hand and gave a wimper as she looked up to his face with a look of sadness. "Ok we can stay like this for a little while then, but we need to finish and get out eventually." he told her. Azure smiled and nodded, she wished they could just stay like this all day, every day, laying in his lap in the nice warm water. Feeling Darek deep inside her pussy as her walls hugged his finger. Darek lightly pressed back into her tunnel till the finger returned back fully inside her and leaned back as he made small circles with his finger tip inside her vagina.

Azure laid back with Darek and they were almost both laying down, feeling much more comfortable now they both relaxed. Azures walls hugging and loving his finger as her walls and cervix kissed his finger tip it seemed. Darek felt great laying back with Azure ontop of him in the nice jacuzzi water, his finger in his most favorite of places in the whole world, Azures cunt.

Darek decided to return his other hand to its previous job and rubbed against Azures tail hole. Azure moaned softly into the feeling her ass suddenly got and enjoyed it wanting more. She pressed down on his hand rubbing the sphincter, Darek took it she wanted him inside her ass as well. Carefully he rubbed against her tail hole with his finger tip, feeling it slowly give and part for the intruder as it was MUCH tighter then her pussy. As he got the tip in he slowly applied pressure as he began to feel the finger go inside her ass. Azure let out a soft long moan as the finger came inside her behind. The walls of her anus were a bit rougher then the smooth vaginal walls but they were just as warm and slick. When he got the whole finger in up to the nuckle, he smirked as he was not fully inside both her holes and couldnt help but give a small laugh.

His fingers massaged her tunnel and anus for what seemed like forever for the two. He pulled and puched his left finger in and out of her anus as his right finger massaged her vaginal walls. Azure was so pleased and happy from the sexual relief her "mate" now she thought of him as, was giving her. Darek continued this for almost ten minutes before he started to feel cramped and decided then been at this long enough, despite how much he enjoyed it. He sat up which broke Azure from her sex entranced mental prison. "Char?" she wimperd.

"Come on girl, when been in here too long we need to get out now." was all he told her as he sat up and picked up Azure to set her outside the tub. Azure soflty whined as she turned around almost wanting to beg him for more, but decided to just stay quiet. Darek got out shorlty after and drained the tub and knew he had to get redressed but, seeing Azure stare hard at his still hard cock, made him give into his own desires.

"Come on." he told her as he, still butt naked, picked her up and left the bathroom leading her to the bed. He pulled the covers open and sat Azure down, and got in the bed along side her. Azure was more then excited after what happend in the tub as well as seeing his cock point at the ceiling for her. "Char!" she yipped happily as she moved in close as began stroking his shaft. "You can suck it too if you want. It feels really good if you do." he told her, she looked to him and nodded. Placing the head of his shaft to her lips, she opened her mouth and slide his cock into her mouth before gently hugging her lips to his shaft.

"Just be careful with your teeth Azure." he told her remembering how sharp her teeth can be. Azure heeded his words and slowly sucked at his cock while her tonge gently pushed at the intrustion. Darek knew how she was doing it was a bit ackward but its not like pokemon are suppost to know how to, or give blow jobs for that matter. "Just gently lick at it girl, while you move your whole head up and down on it." he instructed her. Azure gave a cock filled smile before doing as Darek told her. Massaging his shaft with licks from her powerful tongue she bobbed up and down on his cock. Dareks head went back as he lightly moaned into the pleasure he was now getting for once. He took his time taking in the feeling of his hard on in Azures mouth against her slick smoth tounge. Azure kept this up for another minute or so until Darek started thrusting into her face. He moaned again but louder this time as he picked up his pace, thrusting into her open jaws.

Azure thought his hard cock felt amazing in her mouth, the shaft stiff and pulsing greatly as she sucked at it much harder. She sped up her own motions and was going at his cock rather roughly. The sounds of her saliva smacking against the base of his shaft against his balls.

"I-m about.. to cum!" he shouted as he thrust one last time hard into her mouth. Azure's tongue and lips gripped his cock as it pulsed real hard and spurt after spurt of a thick substance shot into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and coating her tounge. Azure was surprised and pulled away from his cock causing his last spurt to cover her face. As she sat up not knowing what happend she licked and tasted as the thick cum, finding it bitter but liked the taste and swalloed the load in her mouth. Licking the last that was on her lips. She looked back to Darek who had his head back and eyes shut, panting. She firmly gripped the still throbing member again with a soft hand and stoked gently. A last weak spurt leaving his tip which she bent down and licked up gladly. Azure was now content knowing she and he both climaxed. Darek was out of breath and moaned as he felt Azure still jerking him off gently. He sat up and gripped her side straddling her over his chest then turning her around and laid back. Azure looked behind her wondering what his plan was. She felt him pull her bottom over his face and his hand lift her tail out of the way. She helped and hiked her tail up for him as she felt his tongue licke gently at her folds.

With Darek laid on the bed and Azures pussy in his face as she laid ontop of him, she got the idea and started sucking Darek once more as they both felt exhaustion sneak up on them, both fell asleep. Darek with his tounge in her cunt, and Azure with his cock stuffed in her mouth.