DA in Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood: Part II: Road to Hell

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood

The Gabite rushed at Charmeleon and slashed at him, as he ducked and kicked at Gabite. Lai...

The Gabite rushed at Charmeleon and slashed at him, as he ducked and kicked at Gabite. Lairon gripped Luke's hands as he struggled to push him down. Luke grunted as he fell on his back with a growl "Your not...stronger than us!" The Lairon pressed himself against Luke, "Try me boy!" Luke cried out as the Lairon's weight overpowered Luke. He gasped and grunted as he tried to knee the Lairon in the groin, yet a metal plate covered it and hurt his knee. "Gaah!! Charmeleon!! Help me!" Charmeleon looked to Luke as he blocked against one of Gabite's attacks. Charmeleon grunted as he leapt away "I'm coming!" he sent a large fireball at the two, hitting the ground as the Lairon's eyes widened and he quickly leapt off. Luke panted and quickly rushed away from the fire as well, Gabite appeared behind Charmeleon, gripping his chest with a grin. "As if that helped much... However you are my prey...not that weakling Lucario..." Charmeleon struggled to free himself from Gabite's grip, before the pokemon gripped Charmeleon's groin tightly. A deep blush formed across his face as he shivered "One move, and this goes away..." DA looked to the others with a growl "Damnit...! These two are kinda strong. But no problem..."

Charmeleon smirked as he looked back to Gabite with a blush on his face. "But...I need that." Gabite blinked and dropped his guard before Charmeleon roundhouse kicked him in the head. Gabite grunted as he hit the floor, meanwhile Luke was having trouble with his foe. Luke charged the aura in the palm of his hand and smashed it against Lairon's iron hide, in which it cracked. Lairon growled and swatted Luke to the ground "You insolent little whelp!" Luke rubbed his cheek before quickly getting to his feet and sending a charged Aura Sphere at Lairon. The Lairon grinned before swatting it back with his Iron Tail "These weak moves wont work against me!" Charmeleon quickly appeared in front of Luke and grabbed the sphere, he grunted and looked behind him "Luke! Launch the next one! I have an idea!" Luke blinked and nodded as he charged up another Aura Sphere.

Luke launched the next Aura Sphere as it whizzed past Charmeleon who threw the one he held, both combined into a larger one as he sent out a ball of fire to connect with the sphere. The now enflamed aura sphere exploded directly at Lairon who cried out and toppled over. The two panted and grinned at each other as DA sighed and smirked. However, the forgotten Gabite appeared behind them both and slashed at them, Charmeleon hit the floor with a groan as Luke fell on one knee, blood trickled down their backs as Gabite grabbed Charmeleon's hair and yanked him "You damn little bastard! How dare you kick me like that!" Gabite lifted Charmeleon up and flung him to the ground again as Luke attempted to kick him, but Gabite grabbed his foot and kicked his other foot, making him fall to the ground. Charmeleon slowly got up and growled "That's...ENOUGH!!!!" Gabite braced himself before Charmeleon sent out a burst of flame at the ground which spiraled upwards into a great inferno. (Fire Spin)

Gabite's eyes widened as he was caught into the blazing fire, he cried out as he fell to the ground, burnt with a thud. Charmeleon panted heavily and grinned to Luke, giving a thumbs up. Luke smiled and looked back to DA who sighed and rubbed his neck "Close call. Alright boys, lets get the hell outta this cave." The trio left the wild Pokemon on the ground, not dead, just fainted. They came across another bridge, however DA tested this by putting setting his foot down on the wooden bridge and putting force down. The bridge simply bounced back up, completely sturdy. "Alright, looks like we can cross this way!" Charmeleon quivered as he took no chances, trying to balance out his weight along it as Luke smiled and walked by DA's side. "Its okay Char. DA's one of the strongest Trainers in the world. Physically. It wont brea-" Charmeleon covered Luke's mouth "Shhh!!! Don't jinx it!" Luke snickered and wagged his tail as they continued along the pathway.

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DA panted as he fell to his knees "Godamnit!!! This place is hell!!!" Charmeleon gave a huff as he pouted "Sure Master...that's a way to keep us motivated!" DA growled and was about to say another comeback yet snorted. Luke pointed "Hey! Master! Char! Look!" They both looked up to see a glimse of bright light just a few yards ahead. "Is that the...exit!?" Charmeleon gasped and jumped up "Oh sweet Arceus! It IS!! Let's go! I never wanna set foot in a damn cave ever again! Theres all kinds of rocks, it's too DARK..." He walked along, continuing as DA and Luke shook their heads and laughed. DA set foot out of the cave as he woofed like a dog. "Yes! We made it! Whew, glad we're all fit eitherwise it really would've taken us forever." Luke gave a sigh of relief as he looked around to see trees, and bright green grass and bushes. "We made it. This is it..!" Luke looked up to see a large, towering building ahead of them then seemed to disappear into the clouds. Charmeleon took a deep breath and grinned "Ahhh!! Fresh, clean air! And not a musky, male infested cave! God all I could smell was musk and cu-"Luke hit Charmeleon lightly on the shoulder as he pointed, seeing DA walk off without them. "H-hey!! Master! Wait up!"

They entered the Pokemon center as a lady with pink hair and a white nurse outfit greeted them. "Hello! And welcome to the Pokemon C- er, I mean Welcome to the Indigo Plateau! We hope you enjoy your stay." The three blinked as DA said "Uh...yknow I've wanted to ask you Nurse Joy...Are you all...identical sisters? Or cousins? Because there sure are a lot of you around here!" Nurse Joy gave a beaming smile "Oh no! I'm actually their mother! I just often get mistaken for one of my daughters!" The trio's jaw dropped as DA raised a brow "Y-You're their MOTHER?!!" Nurse Joy walked out of the counter "Of course! Why, do I look that young?" DA and Luke laughed nervously as their stomach's growled. "Uuuh...Nurse Joy...do you think we can get something to eat? We just got outta that Cave and are beat..." Nurse Joy nodded and quickly walked into the back of the center "Of course! Just ask me whatever you feel like eating and I'll go prepare it for you! You all must be very tired. Why don't you take a rest until you're ready for the Elite Four?"

DA blinked and rubbed his head "Er...that's what I meant earlier but sure! We could use a break." DA sent out the other four Pokemon out of their balls. Mightyena waved his hair as he gave a sigh "Well, at least it isn't a battle this time. You ruined my beauty nap DA." DA grinned as Nidoking sat down on one of the cushioned red chairs "Man! That was a great sleep! What'd you guys do all day?" DA, Luke and Charmeleon all looked at Nidoking with a growl. He blinked and tilted his head as Houndoom sat next to him, smiling as usual. "Clearly they were hiking in Victory Road! I can only imagine how tired you three must be!" the trio gave the same look to Houndoom who only returned with a smile. Nurse Joy brought back plates of different food. Everyone smiled and inhaled the scents "Here you boys are! Eat up!" DA grinned and nodded "Thanks Nurse Joy. Kay boys! Let's eat!" DA took his plate and eyed Charmeleon and Nidoking, the three began to quickly scarf down the food on their platters as if the world was going to end. Mightyena shook his head and smirked "You know you wont get energy by having an eating contest..." DA swallowed his food before grinning to Mightyena "We're full of energy! We can handle our own against those Elite Four losers!" Houndoom whispered to Mightyena "do you think Master's way over his head?" Mightyena flipped his hair "He only thinks of three things; food, training, and men. Everything else flies BY his head." Houndoom snickered at the comment.

After they ate, they all took a small nap except for Luke who was sitting at one of the Pokemon computers. "Hmm...I never understood this technology that the humans use. Umm..." He pressed one of the buttons as it accessed him to the Elite Four Mainframe. "Huh? So this is the data concerning the Elite Four?" He scanned along the members as he reached the Champion, who's character was only a silhouette. "That's odd...it doesn't show what the Champion looks like." His eyes widened as he looked at the Pokemon "What...? He has a Lucario? ...!!!" Luke gasped as he eyed the Pokemon. "It's...!" Just then DA awoke from his nap "Nngh...huh...? Luke what're you doing at the Computer?" he rubbed his eyes as Luke quickly shut off the computer. "Um...nothing Master. I was just looking at it." DA rubbed the back of his head before grinning "Right! Hey! Everyone wake up! Let's go!"

Nidoking grumbled and put the pillow over his head "Mm...five more minutes..." Machoke snickered as he slammed his foot along Nidoking's back, Nidoking cried out and sprang to his feet. "Hey bud! You wanna fight?!" Machoke grinned "You couldn't beat me anyway!" DA sighed and shook his head "Boys boys. Save that energy for later! We gotta Champion to beat!" Nidoking grunted as Machoke grinned and looked to him, DA took out five pokeballs and held them out all five Pokemon except for Luke returned to their respective balls. DA nodded and looked to the two doors that lead them to their challenges. "Let's go." Luke nodded and walked beside his master as the two walked onto an elevator. The pathway grew into an arena, lightning bolts and various electrical switches appeared throughout the room. "Ha!! Whaddaya we have here? You a rookie or a pro?" DA blinked and growled "Who're you!?" A man with blonde hair walked out from the shadows. He had a muscular build, a green tank top with camouflage khakis and large boots. He smirked and lowered his sunglasses "Name's Surge. But that's Lt. Surge to you!" DA grinned and prodded his chest with his thumb "Nice. Name's Dark Anti. But that's DA to ya bud!"

Surge blinked and smirked "You got guts I'll give you that. But this is the Elite Four bro, you aint walking outta here without a scratch!" DA smirked and took out a pokeball "We'll see about that! Go Mightyena!" Mightyena popped out and sighed "Yet again? I wonder what this trainer's got in store." Surge flung out one of his own Pokemon "This'll be fun. Go!" Out popped out a young Pikachu, the Pokemon stretched out and grinned at the other. "Oooh! A mightyena! And a hot one at that!" Mightyena raised a brow "Are...you naked...?" Pikachu gave a sheepish grin "Yep! I was naked before my Master found me! And I'll stay naked!" Mightyena looked back to DA and groaned "You must be kidding me...?" DA blushed and rubbed his head "Hey...I didn't know this!" The Pikachu strolled over to Mightyena and grinned "What's the matter? Afraid of nude Pokemon?" Mightyena face palmed himself as he looked away "Have some decency..." surge set his hands on his hips and laughed "Never could put clothes on that kid. Don't bother me none! Pikachu! Get em!" The Pokemon rushed around Mightyena quickly as he grinned "Can't get me! Whoo!" ( Agility ) Mightyena grew dizzy as the Pikachu pressed hard against Mightyena's groin with his own, Mightyena gasped and gave a light blush. Pikachu laughed as he sped off again "You're a naughty puppy aren't ya!"

Pikachu rushed past Mightyena and kicked him in the back, Mightyena toppled over lightly before regaining balance, Pikachu rushed around Mightyena before jabbing him along the stomach. ( Quick Attack ) Mightyena growled and swung at Pikachu, but missed as Pikachu ran quickly around him again. He groped Mightyena's bulge tightly before grinning and backflipping away as Mightyena attempted to punch him. "You insolent...little..." Pikachu rushed at Mightyena again as Mightyena timed his strike, backhanding Pikachu "Brat!!" Pikachu cried out as he rolled across the ground. Straining himself to get up "Geez! I just wanted to play with you! And you slap me?!" Mightyena growled and launched a Shadow Ball at Pikachu who leapt out of the way. "Hey!!" DA smirked and shrugged "Oh well. He's mad now."

DA in Pokemon: Bond of Brotherhood Part I: Road to Victory

**Trainer: DA** **Pokemon Team** First Generation: **Charmeleon** Moves: Charm, SmokeScreen, Flame Burst, Reflect (Learns Fire Spin) Dressed in: Black and red baggy shorts. Personality: Wild **Machoke** Moves: Strength, Focus Energy,...

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part V:

**Part V: You think you're ready?** After the excessive orgy, DA and Lance shook hands. "Nice battle. However... that was... interesting how it turned out!" Lance blushed and looked away snorting. DA grinned and rubbed the back of his head...

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part IV: One HAWT Orgy!

Houndoom shivered as Arcanine slipped in his massive cock, pumping in gently with ease as he held Houndoom by the waist. He growled and slammed his meat inside the other's tailhole, splashing semen along his rump. He shivered and looked to Arcanine...

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