Life, Together: Part 1

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#2 of Life, Together a Collection of Incest stories.

Darkflame studios Productions Presents:

Life, Together


STORY CONTENTS: Language, Drama, Nudity, Incest, Young Love, Virgin, Cheating, Masturbation, BUSTED!

COPYRIGHTS: All Characters and this story are © R.J. Nebeker 2011


The ride home from school was little more then a few minutes, but Mom & Dad weren't home at this hour, ever. This meant the twins had to deal with the bus ride home to ensure they made it to their front door. It wasn't that their parents worked hours and hours a day at multiple jobs, oh no, Mother was a skilled Surgeon and Father was a Corporate lawyer with a great track record, so they were both on call and often swamped with work. They did have an older sister, but she was at college for a Computer and Technology course and thus they had to spend most of their time stuck with each other. It wasn't so bad for them; they had plenty to do at home, TV; Phone; Computers; Movies; anything they could want thanks to the money their parents dulled out to keep them happy.

Zynel and Valera both stood roughly five feet even; medium sized for two Kangaroo mice; with large semi-circular ears pinned to their heads a few inches higher than the apex of their skulls. Their ears were pinned because their parents thought it made them more adorable and helped to tune their ears better. Each ear was flat on the flanks, but then naturally curved at the tip. Zynel had his hair done in a rat tail at the back, shaved on the sides and trimmed on in a wing fashion - but his hair was dyed a straight white color by hydrogen peroxide. His sister kept her hair the cherry red from their Irish heritage and pulled back behind her head and tied at the nape of her neck with a red ribbon tied with a blue scarf.

Zynel's body had great tone and form, strong muscular chest and biceps with thick calves and thighs thanks to four years on the Lacrosse team. He was still stuffed in to his uniform, something white with dark blue and thin lines of purple. It clashed horribly with his brown pelt, white underbelly, and the red streak down his back. His sister shared the same fur pattern, and they both had the most amazingly clear aquamarine eyes that looked like pools of water in a lagoon. Valera was dressed up in her ROTC uniform still, which put a clear definition on her generous D cup breasts, wide hips, and well shaped apple cut ass. Both of their butts had a long tail sweeping out from behind them, coated in a powdering of cherry red fur up to the tip where a tuft of silver and brown fur tipped their tails.

While their arms had the same definition, five fingers each tipped with sharp but small claws, Zynel had taken to dying the fur around his left wrist with a white dye in a zigzag pattern; just his way of trying to make himself tattooed. Their legs mostly resembled each other, thick at the thighs but on Valera's shins and calves her muscles thinned slightly, but both of their legs bent backwards at the knee and then forward at the ankle again which lead to large kangaroo like feet. Both of them lugged their backpacks silently, ignoring the chittering and buzzing of the gossip hogs around them as they marched from their bus stop towards their home.

As they walked, they could hear the snide comments of a few of the kids around them. Nothing directed at them, but obviously chatter about other students at school. The gravel on the sidewalk danced down the side of the road as their feet kicked each tiny pebble. The grass on the right whistled with the wind, bending under the force of the gentle breeze. Some of the kids darted off down their respective driveways or met up with their parents at their cars, but the twins had to keep walking a little more ways. A chain link fence lined the last two hundred feet of their walk before they turned to face a large stone wall that barred their way. Zynel withdrew a violet card from his pocket and swiped it through a card reader before plunging his hand under a screen.

A few low beeps ensued before a gate opened up and let the twins walk in. A minute after they walked through, the gate closed and sealed itself. They entered their yard, a full fifty acres of land surrounded by grass and trees flanking their path through the backyard. The path had smooth river rock tucked between tightly packed Cherry wood timbers to create their pathway. Halfway up the drive, the twins came to something of a party pad. A one hundred foot cement slap was pitched in the middle of the walk way, two benches set on the right side, with a Gazebo on the left side. A fountain rested right in the center, three tiers shrinking as you looked up it. On the other side, the pathway continued up towards the three story house in the short distance.

They continued their long hike, but just as their feet touched the back porch cement, a large ursine woman dressed in a French maids outfit, filling it a bit more than needed. She took their backpacks with a smile "Welcome home Runts." She teased them, kissing each of their foreheads lightly as they walked past her. "Wheeeww... Zyn boy, you need a shower bad kiddo." She chuckled lightly.

Zynel looked over his shoulder and chuckled "Well maybe I do, but you'll have to clean the ring!" he laughed, his voice deep but still squeaky in just a hint.

The ursine smirked "Lad, if I find a ring of dirt in there, I'm putting your snout to the grim work and making you scrub it." She chortled as she walked in behind the twins and closed the door. She waddled off to put up their books and ready their homework pads in the living room.

Up the stairs and down a hall to the left. The white walls in gold trim all blurred together, as usual for them. Their room was close to the stairs and the bathroom was attached. They may have lived in a large home, but all of the rooms were lived in by the servants, their parents, and then their room. Once in, their room was clearly bisected. The left half of the room was Zynel's, obviously. The bed was an unmade mess with the sheets half on the bed, and the pillows mussed up. A computer desk rested against the wall by the door with figurines and comics stacked on the desk along with a trash can overflowing with soda and food wrappers. A dresser trunk rested at his beds foot but to right of his beds headboard, a large window split the room in half with some nice sunlight followed by a well kept bed decorated in violet and blue beddings.

"Gods, Genna was right, you need a bath." Valera said, pushing past him with her nose pinched and a giggle on her lips. Her voice was soft, but filled with teasing tones as she pulled her uniform jacket off and slung it on to some hangers above a laundry basket so it could be cleaned. Her computer and dresser were set up just like her brothers, but far cleaner - save for the multitude of famous girly figures from TV decorated her desk. Zynel glared at his sister and snorted, already pulling off his shirt and the tank top beneath. He tossed them in to laundry and started to unwrap the tape on his shins which had his shin guard's tucked underneath. After that, he stood up to drop his shorts, but a large pillow beat him over the head. "You nasty little prick! Don't you dare undress in front of me! Bad enough we have to share a room!" Valera barked out sharply.

Zynel just snickered and laughed, yanking his shorts down any how and tossing them in to the laundry. "I got boxers on girl. You're not even my type butch."

"BUTCH?!" that pillow slapped him again as Valera snapped "Little fucker, get the hell out of here!"

He laughed some more and grabbed the pillow, yanking it from her dainty hands and then slapping her twice with it. He then dropped it and ran out of the room laughing, he ran right down the hall, tail trailing him as his sister rounded the door frame and gave chase. She knew she couldn't catch him; he ran every day and held the school record for every running event. But she couldn't let him go, even as the door to the servant's bathroom slammed in her face. She pounded on it a few times, but then gave up and kicked the door with her foot and marched back to her room.

Inside the bathroom, Zynel slipped out of his boxers and hopped in to the shower. The water was always hotter in the servant's bath, being closer to the water heater and all. He sighed as the water poured down his body, soaking in to his fur as he started to carefully wash his fur with some cleaners that lathered up and gave him a wooly coat of bubbles like a sheep. His sack and sheath dangled between his legs, nicely packed for his species and size, but the hot water made that sack dangle lower than normal. Taking his time to rinse out, he leaned against the smooth porcelain tiles and sighed. He knew his sister was off getting ready for a date, she'd been gabbing about it all week.

He was a little upset, he was a great player on sports, handsome by man standards, and yet his sister got dates left and right while he was stuck just hoping to talk to a girl. Maybe it was because the entire house was full of women and they intimidated him... Genna especially spooked him when she got mad. Still, what was his problem with dealing with women? Before he could think further, a loud pounding on the door rattled him awake as a voice called out "Little rat, if I find one dirt stain in my clean tub!" the voice called out.

"It's clean, it's clean! I swear Genna!" Zynel yipped out. Scrambling to wipe down the walls and make sure all the dirt and grime from his pelt went down the drain. Genna had been his parent's servant since before their sister was born; the woman practically raised him and his twin, so he knew she wouldn't hold back on him.

Slowly he climbed out of the shower and started to dry himself off, but then the door swung open. He froze like a dear in headlights. His ears wilted, his eyes went wide and his lower jaw dropped open slightly with his whiskers drooping down to the sides. Genna stomped in, grabbing a second towel and started to scrub him roughly to dry him off. "Come on kid, if we're ever going to get you married off some day we gotta get you used to being seen naked." She chortled, giving his balls and sheath a good fondling through the towel. "You're not too small after all." She said.

That's what clicked in his head, now he remembered why he didn't have an easy time talking to girls. Genna had always noted how small his package was, and the one time he was near a girl when he was thirteen... she laughed at how small he was. As fast as it had happened, Genna stopped and plopped the towel on his head "Now go on, scoot." She growled "We servants have the entire day off; we're all heading for a party." She said, and started tugging her clothes off. She stopped after a second and turned "Stop gawkin' and get. Yer not getting' a free show." She chuckled.

She pushed him out the door with that dumbstruck look still on his face... and still dripping wet for the most part. His pelt was thicker than the Ursine woman', which meant she had no clue how to dry him off right, and as he slowly plodded down the hall, tracking water all over; his face was still startled and he dragged the towel between his feet and over his groin. By the time he got to his room, he stood at the door, still dazed and confused. But at the same time, the door swung open and he was toppled by his twin rushing past him. She did a skilled dance step that kept her standing, but in his state he was flattened and just laid there.

"What happened to you?" she snickered. Looking over his prone and nude form. "You left your clothes bub." She murmured and gave him a soft kick with her foot. "Alive?" He didn't respond, just kept a blank stare of shock up at his sister. She tapped her chin and smirked a bit "Did you see Genna naked?" she teased and then turned on her heels and started marching down the hall towards the stairs once more, leaving him there on the ground.

It took a few more minutes for him to break out of his stupor and he climbed to his feet and waddled in to his room. He used the towel to dry himself off further before climbing in to bed. He looked around and realized his sister's dresser was cracked and a few of her frilly panties hung out. He knew she was going on a date, and now he found out he'd be stuck home alone all night long. So he drove his hands under the blankets and leaned his head back in to the pillow. Even though he had been dazed, he didn't get a glorious view of Genna's huge tits in her bra and that gave him all too many ideas.

His hands slipped against his sheath and balls, one hand rolling his orbs gingerly while the other pulled up and down softly along his sheath. He sighed with a smile, licking his lips as he envisioned those large bear boobs nuzzling his face, letting his fingers glide up and down his now exposed flesh. His fingers teased up his length as he enjoyed the pleasure of his digits tickling over his small shaft. Even fully aroused he was only about five inches and about as thick as a hotdog, but it fit his palm quite nicely, so as he pumped his rigid meat up and down, he gave a low moan as his vision made those ursine tits move down his body to be what wrapped around his fleshy tool.

The warmth of his shaft and his paw pads on his made a pleasant teasing sensation along his body. Each stroke up his flesh made his spine shiver, he knew how to touch himself and he quite happily teased his flesh in just a way that it felt so divine and pleasant. Up and down, his fingers teased his fleshy rod along the thick veins of his cock's underside along the curve of swollen flesh. His eyes closed as he took in the image of those big breasts teasing his shaft as he humped between them with that bra capturing the aged swells of flesh. He could see it so clearly, so pleasantly, but then it happened!

"THAT'S DISGUSTING!" a shrill voice snapped out in the air. He sat up and stared at his twin sister standing in the door way. She was in her bathrobe and holding a small plate of carrot chips as she stared at him. All he could do was stammer as she stepped in and glared at him "Do you do that all the time in our room? You nasty beast!" she snapped.

He'd had enough of her comments, not only was he still upset at being called small, now she had the nerve to call him nasty. "Better then spreading my legs around town!" he snapped, but then shut his muzzle quickly. That door was opened though.

Valera looked at him anger in her eyes, and she lashed out to fast. Slapping his face hard. After that brief rage fit, she softened and just smirked "Well if that's the only way you can get off, fine." She said, and turned on her heels to scoop up her outfit. She purposely shrugged off her bathrobe, showing off a pair of baby blue thong panties hanging on her wide hips, and a matching bra. She swayed her hips in a deliciously deep tic-tock fashion as she strutted from the room to get dressed out of his sight. Her tail swayed low to her legs as she purposely taunted him before turning the corner to their older sisters room, making use of it to get dressed.


After an hour passed, Zynel walked out of the room and peered around. Silence filled the air in a normally busy household. He sniffed the air and frowned a bit, no supper had been made. His small feet lead his path down stairs and to the kitchen. The room was massive, almost two family rooms in size and filled with various cooking implements that would be used to feed the entire family and staff. Zynel smiled to himself, for once realizing what a good thing it was to be alone, he could indulge in his secret.

Grabbing a large skillet and a deep pot, and threw them on to a stove. He lit the fires and quickly dumped some lemon juice in to the skillet to let it heat up while he started to fill the pot with hot water, butter, and milk. He sighed with a smile, the house was quiet save for the chirping of crickets outside and the ruckus he made in the kitchen. Another pot dropped on to his stove top, filled with some green beans and carrots followed quickly by a cut portion of butter and water that he set to simmer on the stove while he turned his attention to the skillet. He laid a nine ounce New York cut sirloin in to the skillet of evaporating lemon juice and listened to the meat sizzle as he added a fresh squeeze of lemon juice in.

Some garlic powder, a little pinch of yellow curry, and a brief tease of salt went in to the skillet over the steak meat. A pair of tines helped to slowly move the meat just to graze the outside as he liked his bloody. A quick twist to put the flame on low, he left the skillet to cook the inner bit of flesh with low heat. The pot was boiling by this time and he throws in some instant mashed potatoes and then went and plucked a plate up for himself. He loved to cook, he so wanted to cook for his family and hear their praise of how delicious the food was, but his parents wouldn't hear of such a thing. They wanted him in a job that had a high pay check in his future.

As he served his plate, he set it down on the table and walked over to the wine rack and picked out a dark red wine that was already cracked open. As he turned back around, he heard a loud "Mmmmm!" and stopped as he looked at the table.

Sitting in front of his plate, and chewing on his steak was his sister. Her eyes were closed, but she was slowly chewing the bite she had cut from the slab of meat. A little blood dribbled from her chin fur as she obviously savored the flavor. He was shocked to see her home so early, but she was blissfully enjoying HIS dinner! "Ya mind?" he asked, setting the wine bottle down on the table a bit firmly.

"This... is delicious. Did Tammy make it?" Valera commented, ignoring his statement of a question.

"No, she didn't. I did. That's my dinner." He retorted and tried to take the plate, but she jammed his hand with the fork swiftly.

As he wrenched his hand back, she chuckled. "This is some of the best steak I've ever had bro. No joke, no shit, nothing like that."

Zynel's ears tilted up as he blushed some, but then paused. Something wasn't right here. "Did your date hurt you?" he asked abruptly. They may get on each other's nerves, but she was still his sister and his urge to protect her was now raised.

She coughed a little and turned her head away from him, ripping her next bite of meat and potatoes from the fork with a huff. She stayed silent, avoiding his gaze until finally she turned her head back and sighed. "He stood me up." She said finally and then cut another chunk of meat off of the steak, violently working the knife even though the meat cut smoothly and easily.

"But, you've been gone the last hour or so." Zynel commented, standing up to make another steak since his plate was obviously not coming back to him.

Valera's head turned to look at her brother, watching him cooking his own steak. "I..." she started and turned her head down to bite her next piece. She chewed it for a few moments before speaking again, her voice cracked as tears streaked down her cheeks. That's when Zynel noticed her make up was smeared already, and drying in those smears, she'd been crying awhile now. "I just stayed at the end of the drive way. I didn't want to come back to just you, but... it got freezing out." She huffed, trying to hide her croaking voice by putting some anger behind it.

Zynel frowned, noticing her body was tucked in to a dark black slip of a dress with no sides on it, just laces zigzagging across her hips and sides under her arms. She wasn't wearing a bra or panties since he didn't see any straps or waistbands through the gaps in her dress. She did have on a pair of white nylon stockings that went up to the middle of her thighs, which was a few inches short of her dress hem. He looked at her a bit more, and then just walked over and hugged her.

Her eyes opened wide and she froze, they argued, yelled at each other, and constantly fought like siblings normally do. But this... this was different for her, and oddly felt good. Slowly she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, letting go of her restraints and balling. She didn't know WHY she was crying like this, she was a soldier, top of her class and smart, she already had offers of Officer Status once she graduated... but here she was, crying like a girl on her brother's shoulder.

When she finally pulled back and sniffed a few times, she wiped her eyes with her forearm, not caring that she smeared her wet make-up further. Grabbing the wine bottle, she popped the top and downed a few long pulls of the liquid before slamming it to the table and letting out a loud belch. Zynel moved to grab his steak and fix another plate for himself, bringing two wine glasses down as well. Valera was already starting up on her plate once more, smiling a little bit, but saying nothing. A few more bites and she finally spoke up "Hey Zyn... Would you cook more often? This is better than Tammy's."

Ears lifted, Zynel looked at his sister with a shocked face, and then smiled. "Sure. But you can't tell mom or dad, they'll flake."

She snerked and then laughed "Oh god, their perfect son not becoming an award winning scientist. They'd die and turn in their graves." She chuckled.

"Hey, cooking is Science and Art. There's Chemical's, Compounds, Colors, Flavors, and Textures that change on how you mix them. Like this steak, the Lemon mixed with the blood gives it a tangy sweetness while the garlic and curry give it a slight bite and grainy texture combined with the fleshes soft texture. It all has to blend perfectly."

As he talked, Valera leaned in and kisses his lips. She didn't know why she did it, but she did! Zynel's reaction was to freeze like a deer in headlights, but his lips parted and he fumbled to kiss her back. His tongue flexing around and wiggling like a worm against her own tongue. But the kiss broke and she giggled a little "Zyn, baby... have you even kissed a girl before?" she asked, smiling as she pressed her nose pad to his own, breathing in his breath and letting him breath in her own.

After the initial shock faded away from his face and mind, he blinked a few times and then blushed. "Uh... well... I uhm." He huffed.

Valera giggled softly and stood up straight. Her hands pulled the hem of her dress up, showing off a jungle of red curls tucked between her legs, and a thin line of black flesh marking her vulva hidden slightly in the curls. "Come on." She breathed out, straddling his lap and placing her hands on his crotch. She fingered at his jeans and pulled them open "Let's make love Zyn." She said in a hushed whisper. Her mind was ablaze with curiosity... she wasn't drunk, she wasn't on any drugs, and yet here she was trying to get in to her twin brothers pants!

Zynel didn't know what was going on either, but his body was reacting to hers, his dick engorged and pulsating in her fingers the moment she freed his flesh from its confines. She didn't waste any time either, her hips sat down firmly, feeling his small cock sliding in to her passage with effortless ease. A loud moan echoed from both of their muzzles, heads tilted back in the same angle. "N... not a virgin?" Zynel's voiced finally spit out in a soft whisper.

She huffed, and lowered her head to breath in his scent from his chest fur. "Mmm, I was raped when I was nine, by Mr. Elrinda our Tutor, that's why mom and dad fired him." She sighed, rolling her hips to let his small dick slide through her passage slowly. He seemed to fit so nicely, her inner walls squeezed to his flesh tenderly without stretching around him, and her muscles could flex freely on her bodies orders as she moved and rolled against his lap. The feel of his hands gripping her large rump to give her a place to rest her hips better made her smile a bit. "Porn taught you some things eh?" she teased, kissing his muzzle before he could respond.

For some reason neither of them understood, this just felt correct. They moved in parallel, pushing and rolling their hips in a steady pace. Even when Zynel's orgasm surged in to her passage in the first five minutes and made them stop. She just smiled and ran her hands along his shoulders and up to his cheeks. "Well... at least I was your first Zyn." She panted softly, kissing his muzzle once more as her palms held his cheeks. She kept her weight centered, not letting his hips get any leverage to change the slow pace. She enjoyed how his hands explored her butt, slid up her back and along her sides, fondling her tits from their sides before sliding down her body once more.

Zynel was more mesmerized at the feel of her wet walls gulping his flesh with loud marshy noises that his early release created as it oozed out around his shaft and down his balls. His shaft was small, but fit so perfectly in his twin sister's pussy passage. Every chance he could, he would shove his hips up and force himself in to her body. She would squeak loudly when he did that, it was such an adorable sound that he couldn't believe it came from her. Time slowed for them, his hands sliding under her butt and hefting her hips up while she rolled her weight along his crotch. He shifted his weight, suddenly standing while cupping her rump and leaning her back.

He felt his fingers crushed under her round ass cheeks, as her weight bore down on his hands. But he leaned over her so she laid on top of the table. Starting to change the pace, he pushed in deep and withdrew slowly, only to plunge his hips in once more with a hard shove of his hips that pushed his body in to hers and made the table creak. "Oh god!" she cried out, her hands rubbing against his chest as she pinched her thighs tightly to his hips and planted her feet against his ass cheeks.

The feel of his muscled butt cheeks flexing as he pushed in to her core and withdrew slowly. Her left arm fell to the table and grabbed the edge tightly, determined to ride her brothers strong pumps and enjoy the feel of him grinding in to her body. She'd never slept with a guy aside from that one time she was forced to, and this was so much nicer. It was loving, comfortable, and felt so good. She could feel her muscles clamping around his pole harder and more often as he pushed himself in and out of her folds. The added feel of his sperm dripping down her ass crack made her shiver with how dirty it felt.

But as soon as they had started so suddenly, her body convulsed and she screamed out in to the air. Her orgasm rocked her body hard, her muscles squeezed down on her brother's prick along with her thighs crushing his hip bones in her strong grip. She shuddered, moaning as she rode her peak and felt him shooting another load of spunk in to her cavern. The harder, faster jabs of his energetic hips let her know they were sharing their bliss together. As they laid there in their afterglow, Zynel leaned in to kiss his sister - but was stopped by a scream. "HOLY SHIT!" that filled the air.

The siblings turned to see a female deer standing in the kitchen door way. She was staring at the twins on the table, her cooks coat opened at the front as she was midway to putting it on. Her stare was mixed of shock and utter disgust. But Zynel realized suddenly, it was sunny out! The morning sun was just half way over the horizon, shinning in to the kitchen and creeping light towards the twins on top of the table. Their love had carried them through the night and clear on in to the morning hours. They were scrambling to separate and Zynel had to fumble to tuck himself back in, while Valera just yanked her dress down and marched over to the deer.

"Not a word! PLEASE!" she huffed, her eyes large and pleading.

The doe just stared blankly, still in shock. But eventually it faded and she shook out her head. "ON MY TABLE?! You two little rats had better scrub it down this instant.. BLEACH, I need bleach!" she yelled, running for the sink and starting to pull out a bunch of different cleaning materials. Zynel cleared the food plates and grabbed a couple of rags and started to scrub where his and his sisters mixed juices had rolled off her round ass and in to the oak surface of the table. In the background, Tammy was still slamming cleaning materials around and mumbling to herself random things.

The twins kissed once more and slipped out of the kitchen, heading for their private bathroom together...

~~ The End

~ Allester E. Darkflame