Gin and Raiu

Story by Werewolf Alpha on SoFurry

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Gin was hunched over, and put a finger to her lips to keep her companion silent. She crept forward towards the berry bush, quickly harvesting as many as possible and stuffing them into her bag. Raiu, her Shinx, was beside her, helping her,by putting them into her bag. Before long though, a Stantler walked out of the deeper woods. Gin and Raiu froze for a moment, hoping it would just go away, when it charged. Raiu threw a Shock Wave at it, follow Gin as they sprinted for the field. The Stantler was slowed enough that they beat it out, and through the gate, latching it behind them.

The wall that surrounded their small village was strong enough to keep any pokemon out. There were tame pokemon on the wall to keep flying pokemon out. Gin and Raiu ran to their hideout, and emptied her bag once there A pile of Oran berries was their loot. Gin grabbed one and bit into it, a bit of juice dribbling down her chin. Raiu tried not to stare, but it was hard. Gin was 14, with long black hair and piercing silver eyes. They had an odd effect on hima t the best of times, and now during mating season, it was downright uncomfortable to be in the same room as her, as he would get hard after even just barely meeting her eyes.

He refused to let her go to the woods alone, but times like this made him regret it. Worst thing is, she doesn't notice, continuing to eat while the juice goes down her neck. He tried to ignore her and eat, but he kept glancing up at her. Their gaze met for just a moment, and Raiu bit into a berry viciously to keep from moaning as he leaked a bit. Gin seemed to notice something was wrong; she leaned over and rubbed his head. Raiu mewled at her, trying not to betray his reaction. She tilted her head, having thought she saw something but shrugged "We'll take this to Professor Dove tomorrow with the rest of it. It's too late to bother with now." She pushed to the other, larger pile of berries, and unrolled the Futon they slept on. She grabbed her nightclothes and began changing, paying no mind to the staring Shinx.

Raiu felt his jaw drop when she started changing in front of him. She didn't exactly have double D's,, but they looked right on her, and their frequent runs to the forest made her fit, her muscles flexing as she pulled her pants and shirt off, putting on a oversized T-shirt that barely covered her, going to just mid-thigh. Raiu waited for her to dim the lights and crawl under the covers before he joined her. He was curled up against her chest, going to wait until she fell asleep like every other night, when he felt something on his sheath. Letting out a surprised moan, he didn't see Gin's eyes seeming to glow in the dark.

"I thought so." she said smugly when his cock came out almost immediately. Raiu felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment, afraid she was going to be disgusted. "you should've just told me Ray. I would've...helped." she purred, stroking him. He bit back a moan, humping her hand. She slid out from between the covers, releasing his cock. Raiu couldn't stop a whine, and Gin laughed at him, pulling off her underwear. Raiu sniffed at her wet slit, the scent driving him to lick her. She moaned, spreading her legs wider and laying back. Raiu was licking as fast as he could, his cock dribbling.

Gin guided him away, with his paws on her stomach. As soon as he felt something wet touch his cock, he mindlessly thrusting forward. He moaned as he felt something tight and warm surround his cock, and let instinct guide him, as he picked up speed. Gin arched her back, moaning loudly as he pounded her. He wasn't that big, but every time he thrusted, a small spark of electricity made her tingle. She petted Raiu's head, making him purr and thrust harder. She reached between their bodies, rubbing herself. Raiu moaned as she clamped harder, discharging bigger sparks as he got closer. Gin shuddered, egging Raiu on. Raiu nipped at Gin's belly, making her squeal.

Raiu shook, thrusting a final time. Disappointed, Gin went to move, but then Raiu dug in his claws, and came with a bolt, shooting deep in Gin. She muffled a scream,clamping down on his cock, the bolt magnified through his cum and he whined, pulling out worried. Gin laid prone for a moment,shocked by the force of her orgasm, before going to pet him on his head, but felt a muscular chest. Opening an eye, she looked up...and up... into the face of a concerned Luxio. She was too tired to feel very surprised, leaning up and cupping the back of his head, she kissed him fully on the lips, licking a fang. Raiu shivered about to kiss her back, but Gin laid back down. Dragging the blanket over to her, he curled up against her, listening to her heartbeat.


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