Beyond Expectations 05 - Assistance

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#2 of Beyond Expectations

This is the fifth in a series of six commission-turned-gift pieces for a friend of mine! Enjoy!

  • Faora


It's one thing to offer assistance to a needy female panther in the middle of her heat. Paul knew from vigorous, exhaustive and extensive experience that the reality of it was a little more work than play after a certain point.

For the better part of a week, his house may as well have been a brothel for all the sex that went on within its walls. Maxine hadn't really gone back to the house she shared with her off-at-work husband Sam for more than a couple hours at a time. She slept in Paul's bed, she ate at his table, she relaxed on his couch. She'd even taken time off work, the better to ensure that no other anthro she ran into out at the gym would catch a whiff of her pheromones and have his brain quickly rewired.

That was no big deal for Paul at first. He loved anthros, more than the average human did. As reluctant as he'd been to step into the role of Substitute Panther Cock at first, it didn't take more than a day of Maxine's frenzied need to be rutted that he understood the situation far, far better than he had at the beginning.

He'd been told, over the course of several short breaks between sex, all about the biological imperatives that had been hard-coded into anthro genetics when they'd first been vat-grown for war. Paul remembered clearly the part where Maxine had explained about the insistent need for the new soldiers to have all of their feral instincts intact, and for their ability to be self-propagating. That, he'd been told, was why an anthro's heat was such a big deal.

"And species doesn't matter for it?" he asked, as the pair sprawled across Paul's couch. The latest little session had ended only minutes ago, and the last legs of Maxine's heat gave her a longer stretch of lucidity before the need to breed set in again. "I mean, you said that other anthros could knock you up, but humans can't..."

She just chuckled and shrugged as she turned her brilliant green eyes on him. "Aww, you a little upset? Did you actually want to get me all pregnant?" The chuckle turned to a laugh as Paul gave her leg a little kick. "No, I looked up the biology of it online before my heat kicked in, cause I figured you'd have questions. Anthros are a different species to humans. We can't interbreed; we're genetically too far apart." She chewed on her lower lip for as a faraway look came into her eye for a moment. "But different kinds of anthros are designed to be... it's like human races."

Paul smirked as he ran a foot slowly up along the side of Maxine's leg. "The fur fits, but you don't come across as a sassy black woman to me."

The words drew another chuckle and a light little punch to the man's shoulder. "Cheeky fleshy. You've got the right idea though, I think. It's like the differences between being black, white, Asian..." Maxine shrugged again. "I don't know the actual science of it, but I know we can interbreed. You won't see half-breeds, though; the kids are either genetically one or the other." She paused for a moment. "Well, except for the few half-breeds that were specifically grown in tubes for it. They're a little different. Their kids can be half-and-halfs, or whatever the other parent was. Real weird."

With a shake of his head, Paul leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes. "Didn't know there was so much to it. I always wondered why you didn't see more hybrids around. Guess I know why."

"Oh, go visit Europe; plenty of half-breeds over there." Maxine smirked as she mirrored Paul's relaxed posture. "I wouldn't be surprised to see you do that, either. Paul McBride, winner of one of the largest lottery draws in history, travels across the world to seek new and exotic anthros to fuck!"

The man's eyes opened again, and he rolled them as he turned to face Maxine again. "Oooh, no. No, I think I've had enough sex with anthros to last me a good long while. I didn't know what I was getting into with you." His eyes narrowed, even as his lips curled into a smile. "You know, when you teased and pushed me into being your surrogate husband."

For a second, Maxine looked about to laugh. Then her eyes widened and she glanced across the room to a small digital display mounted across from Paul's TV. "Ah, shit. It's almost six-thirty; I need to be out picking up Sam from the airport in an hour, but getting there's going to be hard." She turned back to Paul. "D'you mind if I use your shower? I need to get cleaned up fast before I go grab him."

"Yeah, 'course you can," Paul replied, as he waved a hand off in the vague direction of the bathroom. "You know where it is." When she nodded and started to stand, he continued, "So then, we're done now? With your husband back home from his trip, you'll be able to have him here for your heat, right? I can actually sleep for the first time in the last week?"

Maxine just laughed and nodded as she headed off towards the bathroom. "Yeah, you fragile little fleshy; you can get some sleep," she replied, before she headed off again. Her voice echoed back down the hall to Paul's ears, "I'll probably have to jump him the moment he gets back, so you've got a little time to yourself before he's here and asking questions. Showering now!"

Paul heard the bathroom door click shut before he even had a chance to reply. Still, the prospect of getting a little rest was a pleasant enough one to him after all the pantheress had put him through. He knew she had a key, he knew she had clothes here, and he knew she would be able to let herself out. Sure that he was safe from further molestation - at least for the moment - Paul leaned back and closed his eyes.

He was out like a light before he even knew what had happened.

The sensation he woke up to later was one he had been intimately acquainted with over the course of his last week with Maxine. It was a mouth, warm and wet and entirely pleasant, and it was wrapped around his dick. The touch was gentle, but it was just firm enough to rouse him from his sleep. The coarseness of that feline tongue wasn't about to let him rest further, either.

A sigh almost rolled out from Paul's mouth before he opened his eyes, but he managed to reign it in. Instead he gave an encouraging groan, and his eyelids lifted to reveal a darkened room. He glanced over at the little digital time display as he shifted against the couch. Nine fifty-two. "Max? That you?"

The panther's quiet, "Mmmhmm," came from above the man's crotch. She punctuated the response with a little twirl of her tongue, corkscrewed down along the left side of Paul's shaft in just that little way that she'd learned how much he enjoyed. Her little affirming moan turned into a muffled giggle at the way Paul's entire body stiffened up against her ministrations.

"Do you always have to wake me up like that now?" Paul asked, as he wriggled himself up against the arm of the couch and let one leg slide down and off the front. Maxine moved with him, and the head of Paul's manhood ground up lightly against the roof of her mouth before she pushed herself down at a better angle to swallow around him.

She stayed down there for a couple more seconds, long enough to make Paul squirm up against her muzzle before she drew back and off his shaft with a wet little pop. "What can I say? I'm allowed to, and it's fun. You twitch in your sleep when someone's sucking on you, you know. Cute." Again she chuckled. "Anyway, I'm back for a bit more. Got an itch that needs scratching."

Again, Paul glanced over at the clock. He rubbed his eyes with one hand to clear them, but the display continued to show the time as just a little bit before ten at night. "But you were going to get Sam at the airport," he managed, as he sat up a bit higher. Dimly, the man was aware of the way Maxine's silhouette shifted to keep her face relatively close to his manhood the whole time. She wasn't going anywhere, except perhaps back down on him again. "Shouldn't you be sucking him awake instead of me?"

The shadowy outline of the pantheress shrugged as Paul's eyes became more accustomed to the darkness, and he even caught the way her muzzle curled up into a very feline grin. "He's spent half the day on planes and waiting for connecting flights. He's completely exhausted, hon. Sure, waggling my bits in his face might wake him up, but he's not exactly in a good mood for it." The headlights of a passing car briefly threw a dim light into the room, and Maxine's toothy grin shone brighter than anything else in the room for a moment. "You, on the other hand-"

"Are just as tired," he replied with a shake of his head. It was token resistance, and Paul knew it. She'd woken him up, she'd worked him up, and he was fully hard. She knew all the right buttons to press to make sure that even at his most lethargic, Paul would be able to give her what he needed. And, as frustrating as it was, the want to do exactly as Maxine insisted was stronger than his own resistance.

Maxine knew it too. She simply leaned down as she shrugged again and nosed ever so lightly down from Paul's tip. "It's never stopped you from bending me over before, hon," replied the pantheress, and the grin could be clearly heard in her voice. "So c'mon, what's it gonna take to make you spill another load in me? Mmm?"

Both of the man's hands came up to rub over his face as he shook his head and laughs quietly to himself. "Aside from a good night's sleep and a whole lot of hydration? You'll want to bend yourself over the couch first, and then we can go from there."

The feline's response was immediate and almost faster than Paul's still sleep-addled mind could comprehend. She all but bounced right off the couch, and the shadowy outline that he attributed to Maxine's body shifted through the room and settled at the couch's other arm. Paul could make out her arms as they propped her up, and her silhouette's back arched as her tail flicked back and forth above her jutted backside.

"Yeah, I suppose that'll do," Paul replied, as he hauled himself to his feet with a grunt. Despite his presented attitude, he knew just how much he wanted it. Even without the feline's direct stimulation of his shaft, it hadn't flagged in the slightest. The whole house stank with Maxine's heat. It'd soaked into everything. Unlike any other scent in the house though, Paul never quite got used to it. It was always present, it was always dominant, and it always threw him for a loop. It smelt of need and desire, and it was associated with a panther that had all the necessary will to extract what she needed and desired. It wasn't worth fighting. It was impossible for him to seriously try.

No sooner had Paul slipped up and behind the pantheress, the head of his shaft ground up firmly against the lips of her heat-damp sex, than the living room lights flicked on. His darkness-adjusted eyes lost all sense of vision as he threw up a hand to cover them. All he caught was the barest glimpse of Maxine's back before him, and he knew that she'd been nowhere near the room's only light switch. "Fuck!" he cursed as he rubbed at his eyes. "Who's-"

"It's just me, Paul," came a familiar, amused voice from off in the direction of the light switch. "Nothing to worry about."

Paul's eyes immediately tried to work themselves open to confirm the owner of the voice. The light was still painfully bright, but Paul could almost make out the shape of another panther off to the side of the room. "Sam? That's you over there, isn't it?" The figure nodded, and Paul's gaze dropped immediately to the feline's still-bent-over wife. "Uh... Maxine said you'd gone to bed, and-ah!"

His voice cut off as Maxine suddenly shifted and pushed back against him. What had only been the barest grind of his manhood against her entrance instead became the sensation of her heat wrapped up around him again. The cry melted into a groan as she squeezed down snugly around him, her whole body just as hot as the first day she'd come to him so filled with need. His fingers instinctively gripped down at her hips to steady himself, as his own drove forward to sink himself to the hilt within her.

It was only when he'd been hilted for a moment that he realized that Maxine's husband was still no more than five feet away, and what little blood he could spare pumped immediately to his cheeks. "I, uh... this wasn't my intent; I was sleeping, and I wanted-" He was cut off again, forced into a soft hiss as Maxine wriggled her hips back against him. "Dammit, stop squeezing!"

"She can't, and she won't," was Sam's reply. Paul could hear the smile on the panther's face as he strode over towards them, and his features came more into focus as the man's eyes adapted to the light. He was every bit the well-dressed businessman, and it was clear he'd gotten off a series of planes that day. The tiredness in his eyes was as obvious as the interest on his face. "She likes making you squirm, or so she said. Anyway, you don't have to worry about me. She's here because of me."

Paul managed a quick, confused glance down at Maxine. In those brief moments, he caught her coy little Cheshire grin over one shoulder, before her hips started to roll and work herself back in harder against him. "Uh... but you're able to take care of her now, right?" he asked, as he continued to fight the urge to hump up into the eager pantheress. His reluctance didn't stop her in the slightest, and Maxine's hips continued to slowly and smoothly roll back and forth along his shaft.

Sam just shrugged as he started to tug off his tie. "Yeah, and I could have, and I will either later tonight or tomorrow. But you've been doing a pretty damn good job of keeping up with someone who's a little more enthusiastic about the whole thing than even most in heat." His grin grew until it almost matched Maxine's, but there was warmth in his where hers was pure cheek and tease. "So I wanted to get a little look in on you. See how you handle her."

The man simply gaped, his jaw dropped low as he regarded Sam in the bright light. "You actually want to watch me fuck your wife?" he asked. A part of his mind reminded him that he'd just woken from a nap; an incredible hallucination would have been more likely than the reality of the situation.

But it was no hallucination, not with the way Sam nodded and patted his shoulder or the way Maxine wriggled back harder against him. "And, ah... you're alright with that? You actually want that? Why?"

"Who cares why," came Maxine's insistent growl from down in front of Paul. Her legs slid further apart as he pushed back from the arm of the couch and drove herself down hard along Paul's shaft again. She swallowed every last inch in one go and arched her back as he shivered and ground himself up against her. "He wants it, I need it, so you're gonna have to get to it. Me. Now!"

Anything else Paul might have said in protest or query was blanked from his mind as Maxine began to buck herself back more smoothly and deliberately along the man's length. He knew from experience that it wasn't even close to enough for Maxine in her heat; she needed more, and with a bit more force than what she alone could get. There was no mistaking the pleasure in the motion though, and Paul couldn't really see a good reason to stop. If it felt good, and if those other two consenting adults wanted it that way, who was he to really argue?

His hands slid up a little further along Maxine's sides before he brought them back down to her hips again. Paul squeezed at them tightly as a ripple of pleasure ran down along his shaft, a rolled squeeze from the feline he was buried inside. If there was any more resistance in him, that clench and the feel of her walls closing down around his manhood was enough to banish it completely. He drew his hips back from Maxine before he thrust back forward again, driven back down to the hilt.

Sam's presence in the room stopped mattering much to Paul pretty soon after that. An insistent pantheress in heat was persuasive enough, and doubly so when someone was into anthros as much as Paul was. His fingertips dug into her hips in just the way he'd learned she loved, and he ground himself down hard against her as he hilted himself again.

Maxine's back arched as her own demands faded away in favour of heady moans and enthusiastic grunts. She wriggled her hips back down against his efforts, ensuring his shaft was buried as deep within her body as it could possibly go. Her hips rolled as she squeezed slowly down and around Paul's manhood, massaging and clenching gradually down inch after inch. The feline heard his grunt and felt the way his fingers tightened further on her hips, and her muzzle tilted up and curled into a smile. She knew what was about to come.

She wasn't disappointed, either. Paul's hips drew back, his length withdrawn from the slick heat of the panther's sex. He held back for only a moment before he thrust right back down again. The motion was repeated quickly and without warning, and his hands used his tight grip on the feline's hips to yank her back in against every inward motion. It was almost unnecessary; Paul could feel her hips buck with his grip to drive herself down just as hard against him. It was what she wanted and loved.

He leaned forward and over Maxine's back to use his weight as leverage. She immediately buckled and leaned forward, not from the weight but from Paul's assumed dominance. The gym-owning panther was more than strong enough to have thrown him off, but it was never going to happen. She was put in her place, male behind her hard at work. She was being bred, mated deeply, and there was nothing in the world that was going to make her want to give that up.

The moment Paul had just started to really drive himself into her again was also the moment where his thrusts faltered and stopped in surprise. He'd caught it out of the corner of his eye, a quick and surprisingly large flash of black that he'd not expected. It took another moment of consideration and careful replay in his mind to realize that it was Sam. More specifically, it was Sam out of his work clothes. Bare fur. Hard cock. Very hard cock, in fact; the thing looked like it was throbbing hard enough to pull itself of his body. "Sam?"

"Just keep going," the feline replied. The smile on his face was the spitting image of his wife's cheeky grin, and she even turned that grin back on Paul as Sam slipped up behind the man. "Don't worry. Nothin' bad's gonna happen."

It was Maxine who elaborated, as she started wriggling up and down along Paul's shaft. Despite the man's surprise, she wasn't going to go without her breeding. "What'd I tell you about my heats, hon? They get guys goin' pretty hard... well, anthro guys, anyway..."

"And he needs a little something right now?" Paul asked. He needn't have bothered. No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he felt the tip of Sam's malehood slide down against his backside. "I, uh... I didn't know you were into-"

"I'm not," he replied as he ground himself up and down between the man's cheeks, each pulse of Sam's shaft easily felt by the man bent over his wife. "Not really. But sittin' there watching you and her, with that smell... I gotta do something. You're bent over pretty well, so..." With that, he grinned and pressed forward harder.

Where Sam had produced the lube, Paul didn't know. He knew he was grateful for it though, as his surprise-tightened ring began to give under the push of the panther's hips. Paul forced himself to relax as he closed his eyes, unable to help but be pushed back down into Maxine as Sam worked his way deeper and deeper. He shivered as he felt himself wedged tighter and tighter between the two felines.

That was when the reality of his situation really sank into Paul's mind. It was one thing to hump forward and sink himself into sleek, furry body beneath him. That alone was enough to get him worked up, no matter what the societal norm was regarding human-anthro relations. But to feel his manhood squeezed down by that feline beneath him while another sank himself nice and slow into the man's own squeezing backside? It was overwhelming. It was incredible. It was more than he'd ever expected.

Paul's hips jerked, and then jerked again as Sam bottomed out. His whole body trembled and sang with pleasure as his lips parted to release a long-pent moan of pleasure. The quick pulse of Sam's heartbeat thudded along his malehood, and Maxine's in the rhythmic twitches of her body around him. Paul could feel them both together, almost synchronised with one another. He could feel it all.

Renewed drive and need flooded him, desire he'd not felt since the week began and Maxine began to exhaust him with her sexual demands. New energy drove his hips as he worked himself back and forth, his shaft pushed down hard into Maxine before he withdrew to slide down along Sam's length. Paul's eyes fell shut as he tilted his head up. Another moan slipped out of him, and he shivered as he felt both Sam and Maxine echo him.

It almost felt to Paul as though he were riding waves of pleasure, in a way he'd never thought possible before. Every one of Sam's thrusts bucked his body forward and down into Maxine. Then the pantheress would wriggle and grind back into him, until he was able to pull back from her body again. And then Sam would thrust forward again, and the whole chain would be repeated over and over and over again. Every little motion ground against this or pushed into that, and each result yielded a fresh spark of pleasure. It built and built.

The waves just kept building, and it was almost like the man was just along for the ride. He only needed to offer token bucks of his hips to sheath himself down to the hilt inside Maxine, and little rolls and wriggles back afterwards to make sure that Sam was buried as deep as he could go. The little twitches that ran through him, fuelled by the motions of the panthers on either side of him, were more than enough to provide all the extra effort that was needed. It left Paul with his eyes closed, slaved to two different sources of pleasure.

But it wasn't enough to just be along for the ride. That deliciously naughty panther couple had him again, and Paul wouldn't settle for just sitting back. His muscles tensed as he squeezed down around Sam's shaft, his own flexed deep within Maxine. He wriggled his hips from side to side to force the male panther's length down deeper, even as he ground his shaft in new ways against the female's clenching depths. They groaned, and Paul smiled.

It redoubled their efforts, but Paul had already found his mark. His fingertips dug deeper into Maxine's hips as he pushed up on his tip-toes and bucked back into Sam. The pair gasped again as Paul's eyes closed. His body became a wave, crashing down and drawing back in equal and opposite amounts between the married couple. Where he withdrew from one, and pushed into the other. The pleasure was constantly there from one source or another, and it was almost more than the man could handle.

In the end, it was Maxine who lost her control first and started the chain reaction. Her legs spread out for a moment before they tensed and quivered, unable to contain the sensations that brewed inside her. She cried out as her knees threatened to buckle, and it was only her grip on the arm of the couch and Paul's weight on her that kept her in place. She fell back against him, swallowing up the man's shaft with the heated pull of her climax.

It wouldn't have been enough to tip Paul over the edge so quickly, if not for a sharp thrust from Sam that dragged the head of the panther's malehood across his prostate. Coupled with Maxine's twitching and clenching body, there was no way Paul could hold himself back. As the pantheress squirmed eagerly back against him, the man humped forward hard and fast and deep into her. Again and again he rammed himself back into Sam's length, working it against that pleasureful spot inside himself as he teetered on the edge of his control.

The he tipped right over and arched back against Sam's chest. Black fur pressed up against Paul as he unloaded himself, every muscle in his body stiffening at the same time as the first spurt of his seed rocketed out of his manhood and splashed into Maxine. She milked at his length even as he felt his own body clench with each spurt around Sam's, and a grunt from the male feline behind him gave Paul enough warning that Sam was about to pop as well.

Then it came, as the panther wrapped his arms tightly around Paul's middle and drew him tighter and closer. Even while the man was still wrapped up in the middle of his own climax, Sam's shaft pulsed heavily against Paul's squeezing muscles. He hilted himself and held steady as he joined both the man and his wife in their climaxes. Each shot of seed he drained into Paul marked another one Paul left in Maxine, with the pantheress' hips raised to offer herself up for every last drop the man could provide.

It took the better part of a minute for the last dregs of Sam's climax to fade away, though both Paul and Maxine were left slumped forward by that point. Both were left to pant heavily - the feline against the couch and Paul against her - as Sam shuddered and ground his hips slowly against Paul's backside. It was he who broke the silence as well, with a quiet chuckle and a shake of his head. "Well, that was... new."

Paul licked his lips as he forced moisture back into his mouth. "What was?" he asked, as he forced himself to lazily turn his head back to glance over his shoulder. "You've never done that before?"

"You sure have," Maxine spoke up as she chuckled and wriggled her hips back up against the man's spent shaft. "Took me a while to get used to him humpin' away like that, and I felt every thrust he stuffed you with. Took it like a champ, hon."

It was all Paul could do to blush and clear his throat as he closed his eyes again. "Bit of practice before I moved out here," he tentatively replied. "You know, those canids and their big knots..."

Sam's laugh broke off Paul's explanation. "No details necessary. But no, I meant me... never done that with a guy before. Or Maxine." He glanced over Paul's shoulder at his still-slumped wife. "Someone's not into that."

She waved a tired paw back at him. "Love you too, hon."

Again came a little chuckle from Sam, as he ran his paws slowly over Paul's chest and stomach. "Ah well. Seems you've done Max a real service while I was gone. I'll do what I can to keep up, and give you a little chance to get some rest or something." He shrugged slowly as he worked himself up lightly against Paul's exposed and still-stuffed backside. "Might even have to see what else you can do, myself."

The suggestion spread a blush over Paul's features, as he felt Maxine shift beneath him to glance back at her husband. "Oh? Got a little interest of your own now?"

"He's a little more snug than you are," Sam replied with a teasing tone, and the burn on Paul's cheeks grew hotter.

Maxine shot back a quick, teasing retort, but Paul wasn't really listening by that point. Instead, a little pulse of reignited interest tingled through his shaft, just as it began to flag. It'd sounded like Sam was talking just in jest, but what if he hadn't been? What if the suggestion had been legit; a tentative reach-out?

A little shiver played down Paul's spine as he smiled. Tease or not, there was something more to Sam. Straight guys aren't into pounding another guy's backside as a general rule, even if their wife's right there. There was something more there for sure.

And Paul knew he was going to find it.

Do let me know your thoughts through comments/favs/watches/cums/scores, and check out the rest of the series if you're interested!