Beyond Expectations 03 - Desires

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#6 of Beyond Expectations

This is the third in a series of six commission-turned-gift pieces for a friend of mine! Enjoy!

  • Faora


Sometimes, Paul actually wondered if he was completely in control of his life. Sometimes there was the distinct sense that some higher power was playing games with him, that an all-powerful god enjoyed watching him squirm. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy some of the opportunities that came his way, but some of them did make him wary.

The man rubbed over his face as he sighed, and leaned back in the black leather chair that rested in the corner of his living room. It was just about more than he could bear. It was one thing to find himself attracted to anthros, socially accepted or not. It was quite another to act on it. And it was something else entirely to have the married couple next door invite you to it.

The panthers - Maxine, and her husband Sam - had taken him out to dinner when he'd first arrived in town. They'd been friendly to him, when almost everyone else had been disturbed or downright hostile. A one percent human population in the town was more than enough reason for any man to feel out of place. The couple had been able to make him feel a lot more comfortable, at least until they'd come over a week earlier and discussed the idea in intimate detail.

It hadn't been so bad, when Paul looked back on it. Sure, it had seemed awkward and really more than a little weird to him, but both felines had been very up-front and frank about their desires and needs. Sam had kept himself silent for the better part of the conversation, while Maxine had been left to do most of the talking.

"I know he's explained most of it to you," she'd told Paul as she'd sat on the couch, while she glanced to her husband at her side. "I just want to know really why you seem to be so... put off, I guess, by this offer. Surely it's not such a big deal?"

Paul remembered how he'd shaken his head and tried his best to keep his cheeks from lighting up like a Christmas tree. Just the frankness of the strong feline before him had been enough to get his blood flowing. "I... don't really know, I admit," he'd replied, once he'd found the words. "I guess not. It just still feels odd. I didn't expect you'd... you know..."

"Drop the tease and ask you to stick your dick in me?" she'd offered, and those words had most definitely made Paul blush. It made him blush even to remember it, and the way Max had laughed at the sight. "Well, odds were that I wouldn't have. But with Sam going out of town, and my heat starting in about two weeks... well, toys aren't gonna cut it with me." She'd smiled over at her husband, as he chuckled to himself. "He knows damn well how difficult I can be when I get that way. I can't help myself. This'll be the first time since we've known each other that I'll be in heat while he's away, though. It's never happened before. Pure fluke, really."

Sam finally interjected when Paul had nodded along. "That's why this hasn't come up with us before, either. We had the conversation a couple nights ago, researched the biology of it all, and decided that you might be up for it." He'd smirked and shrugged at the human as he grinned. "And hey, you don't exactly hide the way you look at us, either. That you'd be interested's a pretty safe bet."

Paul had coughed as he'd continued to nod. "Yeah, well... can't really help looking. But there's looking, and there's... well, actually doing something. Time comes, I don't know that I could actually do it. I mean, you guys are my only real friends here, and that's great. But you're married, and I feel bad about... well..."

"Paul." Sam's voice had lifted the man's gaze to stare directly at the panther. "Maybe you're not so familiar with anthro biology, but like we said, Max has had me around every time she's gone into heat before. She's not gonna have me around this one. This isn't just a simple little need to get some. It's real, instinctual desire to seek it out."

Max nodded and smirked. "They thought that it would be too dangerous to create anthros back in the war days if they took away certain biological imperatives. I'm not just fertile when in heat, hon. I'm actively lookin' for it. I don't get it from Max, I go to the next nearest interested male."

"No amount of willpower helps?" Paul had asked, as curiosity about the situation started to get the better of him.

But the feline had shaken her head. "Not in the slightest. It's an overriding need, and a hell of a lot stronger than what ferals feel. Hell, I grew up with a wolf who'd head off into the woods every heat, and find a local feral pack to go at her for a while. Not so legal, but... it shows the lengths we go to so we can get some."

"And we've traded our medical history, so to speak," Sam had added with a smile. "You're clean, so's she, and humans can't knock anthros up. You find us attractive, Max's up for it... so're you." He'd pointed at Paul's crotch, were his jeans were bulged despite his academic interest in the situation. "You don't need to decide now. I'm not heading out for a week. But we've gotta know before I go, so we can make... other arrangements."

Before Paul could even reply - he'd been far too busy adjusting his pants and covering his lap with his hands - Max had answered his unspoken question. "If it comes right down to it, there are other avenues. Hell, there's a whole line of professionals who exist just for the kinda thing I'm asking of you. It'd cost money, and it would be very impersonal, and you're pretty cute for a fleshy." She'd grinned, and her teeth had flashed in the light.

A knock on the door snapped Paul out of his thoughts and memories. He glanced around himself for a moment before he sat up, brushed down his shirt and pants and headed over to the door. "Coming!" he called out before he reached the entrance, and quickly unlocked and pulled the door open.

He wasn't ready to see Maxine on the other side, dressed in gray shorts and an equally gray strapless top. Her hair was pulled back in a short ponytail, and she grinned at Paul as she waved up at him. "Hey there!" she said, as she leaned against the doorway. "Just got off work and out of the showers, and I was in the neighbourhood... so I wanted to head over and see how you're doing."

Paul leaned out the doorway and glanced over at her and Sam's house. In the driveway was a little white SUV; Sam's blue sedan was absent. "Neighbours tend to be pretty nearby," he replied as he looked down over her body for a moment. He caught himself as he stepped back from the door. "Come on in. What's up?"

"What, can't I just wanna come see my favourite fleshy?" She continued to grin as she looked around the living room, before she turned to watch Paul close the door. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you. You've still not really gotten back to Sam or I about the... offer. We're still waiting for you to make up your mind, and he headed off to the airport a few hours ago."

The man nodded as he raked a hand up and through his hair, and the brown strands fell back into place as he glanced back after the feline. "Yeah, sorry... I was just thinking about that, actually." He sighed as he looked over the panther. With her dressed so minimally, he could already feel his malehood begin to stir. It made what he felt he had to say that much more difficult. "Look, Maxine... you know I really wanna do it, right? That'd I'd really be more than happy to. But..."

"There's gotta be a 'but' here?" she asked, with a hint of a sigh.

"Yeah, I think there does," replied Paul, as he forced some firmness into his voice. "Look, as much as I'd like to... you're married. I don't want to complicate things any more than they already might be. I don't think I can help you."

The feline paused for a moment, and her grin slipped a little. Then she shrugged and plopped herself down on one of the couches and folded one leg over the other. "Well, that's entirely understandable," she said. She began to rub at one of her sneakers with the other, before she started to work them off. "I think Sam and I explained what the alternative was, didn't we?"

Paul nodded as he glanced down at the feline's footpaws. He watched one sneaker pop off, followed by the other, and he found himself not immediately able to look away. "Uh... yeah, you did. It was getting some professionals in, or something like that... right?"

"That's it." Max's voice was almost like a fog, such was Paul's focus shifted elsewhere. The feline bent forward in the chair to peel off the little white socks that clung to her footpaws, and she sighed and wriggled her toes slowly once they were off. His gaze fixed for a moment on her pink paw pads, the first he'd actually seen on any anthro in person. Even her husband's were black; he remembered from when he'd caught sight of them a week earlier. "It's really gonna suck. We weren't budgeted for this sorta thing. We really hoped you could help us out here."

"I'm... really sorry that I can't," he muttered, as he tore his eyes away from the panther's footpaws and lifted his eyes by force to her face again. "Look, can I get you something? Water, soda, milk? Anything?"

She just shrugged as she leaned back in the chair and stretched out. Her toes curled as Paul's eyes dipped down to fix on her paws again, and she watched as Paul bit his lip to keep himself quiet. "Well, I was hoping for something... but you wouldn't be too interested in it, unfortunately. So no, thank you. If you're thirsty, by all means! Go get something to drink. I'll wait right here."

Paul nodded jerkily as he backed up towards the kitchen. He bumped against the wall on his way there, and the sensation was enough to jar him out of his stare. The human turned away from Maxine and dashed away, and he let out a breath he'd held from the moment she'd begun to stretch. Paul rubbed over his face with one hand as he made his way around the counter to grab a cup, and he glanced down over himself as he started to fill it from the tap. There was his malehood alright, and it bulged his jeans considerably. Damn paws, he thought to himself as he smacked his forehead again.

He forced himself to calm down, though his shaft would not settle. He knew Maxine was teasing him; there was no doubt. He wondered how she'd figured out his affinity for paws for a moment, before his memories from the previous week came back. When he'd caught Sam working out in his garage, Paul had been stuck staring at the feline's footpaws for a while. He'd even ground himself up against them when it became too much to resist, though he thought he'd smooth-talked himself out of it. As he grasped tightly at the cup and headed back out towards the living room, Paul decided that he'd not gotten away with it as cleanly as he'd hoped.

Then he moved back into the living room, and his jaw just dropped. Maxine was exactly where she had been left, and she still wore that cheeky little grin of hers that always seemed to emerge when she teased Paul. She wore nothing else, however; the muscled pantheress' body was fully on display. Her top draped over one arm of the chair, and the shorts rested on the other. She'd even kicked her socks and shoes off to the side, but they were the last thing on Paul's mind as he stared. "I... you're... uh..."

"I'm wearing absolutely nothing," the feline replied, and her grin somehow grew wider. "That happens sometimes. Usually it happens when I take my clothes off, or when someone takes them off for me. And since you weren't going to do it for me, I took a little liberty. I hope you don't mind too much."

One part of Paul certainly didn't, but he held onto his rational mind for a moment longer as he shook his head. "No... I mean yes! I... Maxine, I said that I couldn't. It wouldn't be right of me to-"

"Sshhh." Paul fell silent immediately as the panther leaned back in the chair and unfolded her legs. She spread them apart slowly with a smile as she lifted her legs up and extended them out. Her toes wriggled again as she waggled her footpaws slowly before the man, and Max began to purr quietly as Paul sagged slightly. "It's very right. Absolutely fine. It's cute, the way you're worried for Sam and I, but it's fine. Really. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't."

He couldn't help himself. The moment those paws were waved at him, Paul knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from her for too long. It was equally obvious how sure she was, and that she wasn't about to leave before she'd gotten what she'd come for. "I... well... what do you want, then?" he asked slowly, as he fought to keep a stammer from interrupting his words.

The smile on Maxine's face softened considerably as she nodded and wriggled those toes again. "At the moment? To indulge you. Get you comfy with me. After all, I'm probably going to be over here a lot in a week's time. You've gotta get to know my body, I've gotta get to know yours... though I already think I know one thing you like." She grinned as Paul stepped closer.

He all but gasped as he moved in range of those paws, just as one dipped slowly down to press against his crotch. Paul almost imagined his jeans tearing open right there, as his manhood throbbed heavily at the new pressure. "Ah... I guess Sam said something?"

His words trailed off to a little whimper as the feline's other footpaw lifted up. It hovered right before his face, held there by powerful and well-trained leg muscles. Almost as soon as it was there had Paul reached up to take it in both hands, and he humped forward and against Maxine's other footpaw as he leaned forward to give one of her pads a gentle lick.

Any and all resistance to the pantheress' advances were instantly banished from Paul's mind at the feel of those surprisingly smooth pads against his tongue. His whole body shook and trembled as his hips ground forward to push the bulge of his pants against Maxine's other footpaw. He felt the firmness of her pads and the wriggle of her toes through the fabric, and he only had a second to consider just how much better it would feel without denim in the way.

Then one of her claws flicked out and caught in the zipper of Paul's jeans. His moan choked off as the promise of better contact came with the fall of the zipper, and he licked and kissed slowly across Maxine's pads and up towards a toe as she dexterously unbuttoned Paul's pants with her free footpaw. "See?" she purred, the words only barely able to penetrate the haze of the man's thoughts. "This isn't all so bad, is it?"

Paul couldn't even reply coherently. A lewd little slurp left his mouth as he sucked one of Maxine's toes into his mouth, and his tongue curled around it as his jeans began to slide down his legs. A quiet giggle from Maxine penetrated the haze in the man's mind, and he opened his eyes again just in time to watch her squirm back in the chair with a grin. The thought that maybe he'd found a ticklish spot only persisted for a moment before her toes drew the waistband of his briefs down after his jeans, and his almost painfully-hard manhood was exposed to the air.

Then Maxine's footpaw pressed back up along its underside, and the panther's giggles faded from Paul's awareness again. He felt her toes twitch and close around his length, trapping that throbbing flesh between a loose grip as her pads rubbed slowly up and along him. A little pre began to push up and out of his shaft as he moaned around the panther's toes, his grip on her leg tightening for a moment as he fought to keep his own footing.

Every wriggle and squirm of those toes, either against his shaft or his tongue, was enough to coax another shudder out of Paul. The man's eyes closed as he worked his hips back and forth slowly, his sensitive length ground down along Maxine's fuzzy footpaws. The little giggles and purrs of the pantheress began to penetrate the haze in Paul's mind even as pleasure shot up and through his shaft at a curl of her toes. "N-no fair," he managed to stammer out as his lips slid up and away from her footpaw.

The feline just stretched out languidly and leaned back in the chair. She grinned wider up at him and offered a lazy roll of her shoulders. "All's fair in lust and war," Maxine replied with a wink. Her legs spread a little wider as her paws pushed up lightly against Paul's shaft and across his lips, and both trembled with the contact. "Bit riled up now, yeah? Think you'll be able to show me what I'll be getting in a week's time?"

Paul's blush went completely unnoticed as he glanced back down between those spread, black-furred legs. Some of that fur was matted, dampened around Maxine's slit as she purred a little louder. "You're still so sure-"

"You're gonna," she replied, and that Cheshire grin on her face only grew wider. She had him, and she knew it. "Just a sec, sweety; lemme help you out there."

With speed and dexterity that surprised the part of Paul's mind still capable of appreciating such things, one of Maxine's legs slipped up around his waist and curled around the small of his back. It hooked him in and pulled him forward, and the man's eyes widened as he quickly threw up his hands to stop his descent towards that smirking visage. He stopped himself on the chair just before his forehead smacked into Maxine's, but the gasp of surprise that caught in his throat quickly turned into one of pleasure.

His head and body stopped their fall, but his hips were pulled down faster by that hooked, feline leg. Guided by toes that continued a relentless assault on what felt like every pleasure center in Paul's body, his shaft ground down across the lips of Maxine's sex for only the barest moment. Then he slipped inside. The wet warmth of her body wrapped around one inch of his shaft, then another, and another. Deeper and deeper he fell into her, and his breath finally slipped out as a moan of repressed pleasure. "Ooh fuck..."

Maxine opened her muzzle to offer what Paul assumed was to be another smug little comment. His mind however went into overdrive the moment that heat slid down his malehood, and cut her off with a quick, hard thrust. It rolled the pantheress' eyes up in her head as her words stalled out. A sharp intake of breath replaced them as she arched her back from the chair. Her hips pressed up to meet Paul's, and the man couldn't help but grin as he watched and felt her writhe beneath him.

After what had come immediately before and the heavy-handed seduction that preceded it, Paul knew he'd already crossed the line. Whether or not he wanted to let it happen, there was no denial in the heat of that particular moment. He was hilted inside his neighbour's wife, every last inch of his shaft enveloped in her womanhood. And whether he'd wanted it or not, whether she'd known he would or not, it felt damn good.

There was no sense fighting it anymore, and Paul knew he wouldn't be able to even he tried. Instead, he did the only logical thing. One of his hands slipped down from the top of the chair to wrap around the feline's middle, and he shuddered as he felt his fingers slide down and through that soft, ebon fur. He ground himself down harder against her as she gasped again, and his fingers curled through Maxine's fur as he drew his hips back.

He only managed to move a couple inches away before her leg tightened around him again. Paul needed no more encouragement than that to thrust back down again, the motion softly and slowly repeated. His eyes fell closed as he focused on his sense of touch; on the warm, furred body beneath him. Every twitch of Maxine's body ran her fur along his fingers, ground it between his legs, whipped her tail against the couch in great lashes. She squeezed around him with both her sex and her still-curled leg as her soft purrs were punctuated by short, equally soft moans.

Paul's fingers tightened, squeezed at that fur as he leaned down into her. One of his legs lifted, braced against the side of the chair as he brushed his chin down and across Maxine's shoulder. For the barest moment he regretted that his shirt kept him from properly feeling that furry body against his own. Then Maxine grunted and ground down harder against him, and those thoughts vanished beneath a fresh surge of pleasure. For as much of a dry run as it was of what Maxine wanted the next week, Paul was more than set to enjoy what he could get right then and there. His concerns were gone, washed away by each fresh wave of pleasure.

His hips smoothly set to work as the feline beneath him continued to writhe and push up against his body. Maxine licked slowly across his cheek as he squeezed her a little tighter, and that rough, feline tongue dragged across his skin and drew another little shudder through Paul's body. His hips trembled, his thrusts stalled and shaken for the moment. For how wrong the rest of the world said it was, there was no question in Paul's mind. Her fur against his flesh, the touch of her pads and claws against his back as she held his body just as tightly as he held her's... there was no greater feeling in the world to him than that. Almost nothing compared.

One of the few things that did was Maxine herself, as her sex slid up and down along his length. She gripped at him tightly as he plunged down into her body again and again. Each descent of his hips brought her belly to his own and a shudder from the feline that transmuted directly to her grip on Paul's shaft. She rippled and shook around him, her body wracked with twitches and sparks of pleasure. The panther's other leg slipped up and around Paul's middle, the two squeezing at his body tightly as he thrust down over and over again into her body. Her arms draped up over the man's shoulders as she tucked her head down beneath his chin, and her hot breath washed over Paul's chest even through his shirt.

Sweat began to glisten on his forehead as he pressed down tighter against the pantheress' pleasure-wracked body. His hips kept up with her own; every buck of her body up against Paul's met a new thrust. The lips of her sex pressed down at the base of his shaft with every downward push he made. Every inch was wrapped up in the heat of her body, again and again and again. Maxine just kept begging for more, though. Everything thrust set alight the desire for another, harder and deeper than the previous.

Paul was more than happy to oblige her, even as his own pleasure began to peak. He knew he wasn't able to hold out for too long; her footpaws had teased that option away earlier. It had been an acceptable loss for the man himself, and some aspect of his mind hoped that Maxine was able to understand why he wasn't able to hold out longer. Her body was lost to the throes of pleasure as each new thrust blanked her mind out, and it only coaxed Paul towards his climax. Every panted breath, every tight squeeze, every graze of her claws.

It was the claws that did it. They raked down along his back too lightly to draw blood, but the sensation was way more than Paul could handle. His thrusts became erratic as he fought to take her even faster than he was capable of, and he felt Maxine's sex tighten around his malehood as she too fought a losing battle for control. She squeezed him tighter, and her insides rippled around Paul's shaft as it pulsed heavily.

Then he cried out, thrown far over the edge. The pantheress' own cries were muted, quieted down as she moaned into Paul's shirt. His length erupted as she clenched tight around him, her body clamped down around his shaft to not allow even a drop of his seed to leave her. That seed came thick and fast, spurt after spurt shot deep into her body. Her legs tightened their grip further still, Paul left unable to escape her heat even if he wanted to. His head came to rest down atop hers, his pleasured moans gasped out between her feline ears.

Maxine shook and shuddered, overwhelmed by her climax as she held on tightly to the man above her. She rode out wave after wave of pleasure as Paul's hips continued to jerk in time with each shot of his seed, her crotch as soaked as his own in her juices as she arched her back and pressed her body against his own. There was pleasure, there was the throb of his manhood, and there was nothing else.

It took a few moments for either the man or the feline to come down from the high of their climaxes. The intense pleasure gave way to the warmth of the afterglow as Paul slumped down lightly against the panther's body. Her grip only slackened a little after a few moments, and Maxine was the first to break the silence. "Now... that wasn't so bad, was it?" she slowly asked, as Paul managed to finally lift his head up from atop hers. "Not so worth fightin'?"

It took a moment for Paul to catch his breath, though he shook his head while he waited for it to come back to him. Finally he looked down and met those feline eyes. "Not so worth fighting," he replied, and reached up to swipe across his sweat-spotted brow with a forearm. "Guess... guess you and Sam're really okay with this, then."

The pantheress chuckled quietly as she nuzzled down lightly against Paul's chest as her legs squeezed around his middle again. "Like I said, fleshie: we talked about it plenty. It's for the best." Her muzzle curled into another cheeky grin as she rumbled out a quiet purr. "Of course, this probably means you're gonna be available for me next week. There's a little problem with that, though."

The haze of Paul's afterglow faded a little as he heard the word 'problem'. "Uh... what's that?" he asked. Something about that smile...

"Well, I just hope that's not all you've got for me," Maxine replied with a grin, as she slid one hand down along Paul's thigh. Those furred digits slipped down between her legs and drew up to stroke lightly along his freshly emptied balls, and she shivered and grinned wider still as Paul jumped at the touch. "These poor things're gonna get drained plenty. Don't tell me you've only got one go in you."

At the suggestion, Paul just smirked. Sure, maybe he sometimes wondered if he was completely in control of his life. If, perhaps, some higher power enjoyed watching him squirm. Right at that moment though, as Maxine's paw lifted back up and he wriggled himself in tighter against that black-furred body, he knew that being made to squirm sure wasn't the worst thing that he could be made to do. "Well, if you're gonna test me, maybe we should get out of the living room and into a room with a little more mattress..."

Do let me know your thoughts through comments/favs/watches/scores, and check out the rest of the series if you're interested!