Daughter of Zareh

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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Author: A Mouse

Edited by:(Unedited)

***YOU ARE WARNED!! This story is poorly written and violent. I felt really evil and wanted to destroy something lovely. So I created a character with no name to destroy. Again this is poorly written, I just sort of threw it together to be evil. It will likely never be edited down, or continued.***

(M/F, Age-Play, Violent, Harsh, Dark, Death, Revenge, Poorly Written)

A tale is told of long ago and starts in a court house of the damned. The gavel trunked against the desk the gray wolven judge sat at. "This court finds the defendant guilty and sentenced to be put on display for 1 day before execution." The young lizard girl was standing on the defendants block, no more than fourteen and had just been convicted of killing her parents. She hadn't done it, she knew she didn't but the courts had other ideas. She was grabbed by a large Doberman in police attire and dragged from the block the crowd cheering at the sentence laid down by the judge. She was dragged through the crowd, who kicked her and spit on her, toward where she would be put on display as a criminal. Her clothing was all but ripped from her frail form exposing her breasts just starting to develop, the green scales of her back and the golden scales of her belly.

The Doberman pulled her up to a block where her feet were shackled to the base spread wide and her arms where shackled over her head, to both help keep her standing and to expose her more. A special length of steel twine was fitted around her neck and pulled so there was no slack in it. She knew all too well that was made so she would have to stand up, if she slacked or let herself droop the twine would tighten and slice her neck, normally this wasn't enough to kill a prisoner just enough to make them suffer.

Her tail was lifted up and tied to the bar over her head, the one which her hands were shackled to, this left her totally exposed. She sobbed, her yellow eyes flooding with tears that ran down her cheeks as the crowd gathered, mumbling and whispering among themselves as the Doberman finished locking the lizard into her bonds and stepped back. The first to step forward was a Mink who lobed a rock at the girl, the rock smacking her in the left breast and forcing a shriek of pain from the lizard girl. This of course set the rest of the crowd off, all of them throwing rocks and sticks, cursing her for murdering her family and siblings and spiting in her direction.

The lizard girl yelped as rocks smashed into her form, working hard to hold herself and turned her head to protect her face as she was pelted. During a small lull in the attacks she turned back to face the crowd and opened her eyes, only to scream as a sharp rock pierced her right eye, bursting it in her skull as the rock lodged in the socket. The pain was unbearable and she screamed in a long shriek of pain, causing the entire crowd to pause for a second as blood start to ooze from the wound. The first to step up on the pedestal with the lizard was a Roo male, strong muscled form showing off for the crowd as he walks and slapped her, the slap jarring the rock from her eye socket and allowing her to close it, crying tears of blood as her rubbed her bruised breasts.

The crowd cheered the roo on, starting a chant, "Fuck her fuck her fuck her" They knew anything was fair game for the condemned and wanted a show. The male grinned and pulled his pants open his member standing proudly from his sheath as he moved in close to the lizard and kissed her cheek before thrusting his shaft up into her passage, stretching her out and threatening to rip her virgin flesh. The poor lizard was lifted off her feet by the powerful thrust, her unused passage stretching so widely around the shaft filling her.

The roo leaned in and whispered to the lizard, "Your father didn't get it, I run this town, those in the crowd, and they are my men, the judge, the jury, all my men. Your father didn't get it, which is why he and your family died. You were just so sexy, I had to fuck you. But you will die too, don't think you won't" The roo cackled as he pulled back and started thrusting, his words eliciting a sob from the lizard as her passage was pounded . The roo cackled as he came all too soon filling her sex with his hot seed, which burned at her flesh, it was so hot. He pulled back and grinned, "You won't see the rest" He says grabbing her head and jabbing a claw into her other eye, slicing the eye and putting it out as well so the poor girl could see nothing but darkness.

The roo moved away and a stallion stepped up on the pedestal, he had a ball bat and reared back, pausing as the crowd cheered him on. The white furred stallion swung the bat smacking the girls belly, making her pull forward and causing the wire around her neck to pull taunt against the skin. The thought of just dropping, trying to kill herself filled her mind as she felt the wire. She knew however, the most didn't die from the wire, it was loose enough it would only cut the skin, not enough to cut her jugulars to kill her.

The stallion kneeled and positioned the bat at the lizard girl's sex, receiving a loud cheer from the crowd before he grabbed the handle and pulled up, shoving the bat into the poor girl's sex. Blood stained the bat, dripping from her fold that were stretched too far as the stallion pulled the bat down then up again, the wide end of the bat slamming against her cervix deep inside her. Another rock hit the girl in the chest as the stallion jerked upward the bat pressing too hard for her poor flesh to handle and her cervix ripped letting the bat slide deeper into her, forcing her belly to distend as the bat slammed into her womb.

She tried to scream, but no words came, nothing could describe the pain as the stallion pumped the bat in and out of her womb, the violation crushing her spirit as nicks in the aluminum bat's body tore at her sex. The stallion left the bat inside her, her ripped muscled quivering as they held the bat deeply in her. She shuddered, her legs getting weak as she decided to drop, she couldn't live like this.

The lizard girl fell forward, but to her surprise the slice to her neck never came only a fist to the back of her head where the roo was standing, "Stupid girl, do you think we would leave that there for you, no no, you're going to suffer," He said pulling the cuffs free and punching her in the back of the head again. She girl fell forward, her stomach landed on a box that had been placed in front of her, holding her up on her hands and knees. Her hands were quickly locked to the ground and her tail was pulled up and tied to her neck.

She sobbed as the bat was pulled, lighting the fires of wounds inside her again as the crowd cheered louder. She soon found out why as something licked her sex then she felt it, herd the huffing and felt the fur. The crowd began to chant, "Dog fuck dog fuck dog fuck," As the dog on her back humped at her torn sex, his member finally slipping into her and catching in a tear in her passage. The dog didn't care he began humping wildly, his member stretching and tearing the delicate skin farther as his knot swelled, ripping the hole larger with ever thrust of his shaft. The lizard cried, the salty tears causing her burst eyes to burn with a fiery pain as the dog hilted hi her, his knot flaring as his hot cum like fire sprayed into her body, settling around her intestines.

The dog was roughly pulled from her ripping her sex farther, so bad that the little opening leaked a steady stream of blood now, the girl horse from sobbing. The roo leaned down and whispered, "We don't want to kill you yet, you will stay here and suffer, all night," and with that he left. The crowd stayed a bit more, rock pelting the girls face, sticks poking her here or there, one male even walked up and shoed s small dagger into her tail hole, humping her with it and cackling as if it was the most fun he had had in years.

As night fell most of the torturous crowd had dispersed, leaving only the girl and the occasional stray dog that would mount her, shoving it's member into any bloody hold it could find and hump her until it's hot salty cum burned her wounds. She sobbed loudly, what had she ever done to deserve this, to deserve the endless torture. A soft voice sounded around her, in nearly a whisper, "You will die, yes, but your death will not be in vain." Then the voice left her, she tries to speak back, unable to form words, her body weak.

The morning came all too soon, with the crowd gathering as soon as the sun was rising. Hands grabbed the lizard girl, pulling her bonds off then carrying her. She was pulled by two large bears to the place she was to be killed; two large poles were stuck in the ground with shackles at the tops and bottoms. She was spun, her feet shackled above her head, and her hands shackled to the ground, holding her upside down.

She didn't even have the strength to hide her bloody sex with her tail, which hung limply behind her as the bears hefted a large two person saw. The saw was lifted over her then pulled down, the teeth glinting in the light as the crowd went silent. The teeth of the saw touched her sex, parting the torn lips and resting against her, biting into the flesh before one bear pulled, the saw digging in, each tooth carrying bits of skin with it. The lizard girl screamed, not believing she had a scream left in her as the second bear pulled back and down, slicing her body open further, they were cutting her in half from the crotch up.

The saw slid forward again rocking the lizards body as it began tearing bits of her pelvis, splintering the bone as it was heaved back, smoothly cutting through her as she felt the blood cooling on her scales, running up her form as her body parted as it was sliced. Another swipe of the saw made it dig into her belly, her little heart pouncing as her chest heaved, screams all but lost now as the pain started to fade she felt the pressure of the saw being drawn back and her body shook as it separated farther, her intestines spilling from her belly to hand over her sides.

The saw lurched as it was pulled sliding the girl's heart in two, the pain of that not felt as she gasped for breath, living a few precious seconds as the saw was pulled back again feeling her body separate as it slid through her shoulder. She didn't hear the cheering of the crowd or the laughter of the bears as they hefted the saw, one walking between the halves of her body as they slipped off stage leaving her hanging there.

She couldn't believe how horrible she looked as she stood beside her corpse, her sprit freed from the pain, but not the torment, the voice had been right, she did not die in vain. The crowd grew silent as a ghostly, blue glowing vision of the lizard materialized over the body and wailed in a sound that made the ears of all that herd it bleed, "You have doomed yourselves for your evil acts" The voice echoed as the sky darkened. Some of the men fled, some kneed and began to beg for forgiveness, others stood dumbfounded as lighting began shooting from the sky striking the men dead, the ground heaved and burned, buildings turned to ash and were swallowed by the flames. The lizard's voice bellowed, "I am, daughter of the God Zareh, Queen of the Gods, You are not worthy to live"

To this day the region where the town once stood is barren, nothing will grow, not even grass. It is said that any travelers that stop on the sacred ground meet with the young lizard girl. She knows their sins, their past and future. It's said she kills those unworthy of life and blesses the kind and good hearted. Rumors are all they are, but the lands are just over this rise, care to test the tail?


Author: A Mouse Edited By: (unedited) Decisions (Part 3 of the Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles) (M/F, Oral, Love, Pokémon, Zangoose, Incest, Age-Play, Story Progression) LOVE stirred in Tina's heart. It had been two...

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Paybacks Are A Dream?

Author: A Mouse Edited By: (unedited) Paybacks Are A Dream? (Part 2 of the Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles) (M/F, Oral, Secret-Love, Pokémon, Sleep Sex, Zangoose, Incest, Age-Play, Short) Light filled the room as...

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Realization (Part 1)

Author: A Mouse Edited By: (unedited) Realization (Part 1 of the Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles) (M/F, Oral, Pain, Love, Pokémon, Sleep Sex, Zangoose, Incest, Age-Play) The air was cool and crisp as Tina looked...

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