shane-the pit

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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by nightshade and deyna otter

Shane lifted his head and howled, the blood dripping from his claws. another

foe vanquished, and he felt the sweet thrill of victory. the body of the

loser was dragged away and he was led to his pen. he ruffed happily as he

washed the dirt and blood off his fur. he grinned into his mirror. since the

time the glowing stone had fallen into the fighting pit, his wolf body had

grown stronger and better. he could stand on his hind paws, and his front

paws could grasp and tear. he dried off and curled up on his bed, dreaming

of victories to come.

"and i tell you we have to be careful!" the man said as he paced before the

desk. "the freaks have been granted full human rights, if we get caught we

could be arrested." the man behind the desk just smiled, smoke curling from

his cigar. "you worry too much Sid. the money keeps rolling in, and Shane is

the biggest draw we have." he chuckled. "the contenders never have a chance,

not since he got this way. we can't lose." he smiled a smile of old, one

that harkened back to the days of his family, back in old rome, at the

colliseum. "Lucius Cane never loses." he grinned confidently.

welcome to the Pit!" Lucius called to the crowds. they all came here to this

old underground station. hungry for blood and death, animals within like

they always had been. he raised his arms high and they applauded. 'fools' he

thought, his blood racing. "presenting, the greatest warrior in the Pit, the

master of the tooth and claw, SSSHHAANNEE!!!" the light was turned on and

Shane strode confidently into the arena. he lifted his head in a howl and

the crowd went wild. he lived for this, this feeling. he was the alpha here

and none could beat him. he lifted his paws high and shook them roaring.

"are you ready?" Lucius called and the gathered people roared their

approval. "then bring in the contender!" a struggling wolf was pulled into

view and tossed into the arena landing in front of Shane. he growled and

waited for the signal, then paused. this one wasn't like the others.

the head was crowned with golden curls and when the head was lifted he saw

it was a female. she got to her knees and stood. his eyes widened. she was

like him! she stood almost as tall as him, slender and shapely.

Shane growled again. So he was to fight weaklings now? Oh well, a kill is a

kill. He crouched low to the ground and jumped at her. The femme screamed

and ducked. He landed on the ground and turned. "Little female fight Shane!"

He swung a fist at her. She ducked again. "Please stop! I don't want to

fight!" The female slowly backed up. He was too primal. No civilization. She

knew enough self-defense to keep him at bay, but it wouldn't be enough to

pin him or defeat him. But she couldn't fight him. If he got angry he might

lose whatever thought he has.

Shane tackled her, sending her to her back, much to the approval of the

crowd. He was on top of her, pinning her to the ground with his tail

wagging. Shane's muzzle was close to hers, his teeth gleaming in the

sunlight. "Weak." He growled. That did it. The noise of the audience no

longer reached her ears as she focused. She hooked her leg behind his knee

and levered him off her. She flipped back and landed on her feet. Shane

picked himself up and smiled. He crouched and ran at her, then punched at

her nose. She blocked and grabbed his wrist. "No. YOU are weak!" Twisting

his wrist to the right and kicking his paws out from under him, she flipped

him. Shane tried to gain his balance but it was too late, and he landed

smack on his tail. The female backed up and tried to think. He was too

strong and he had more endurance. He could probably go for way longer than


Shane shook his head and snarled. How'd she do that? He's stronger than her.

He jumped back onto his feet. The crowd whistled and cheered Shane on. "Kill

her! Kill her!" Crouching low to the ground, Shane concentrated. Kicking off

the ground, he propelled himself towards the female. Quickly she grabbed his

wrists and put a foot to his gut. Rolling on her back and with the force of

his attack, she neatly threw him. Shane twisted in the air and landed on his

hind paws. A smile was creeping to his muzzle. He was starting to get a

strange feeling in his gut. Like excitement mixed with anger. Before the

female could regain her balance, Shane jumped on top of her, pinning her

arms to the ground. "Female... makes Shane... feel..." He moved his muzzle

closer to hers, with a strange look in his eyes, "Weird." She moved a leg to

the side and kicked up, rolling over and pinning Shane under her. His musk,

his rather intoxicating musk, it was in her nostrils. It was strange. She

was slightly aroused. Shane broke her silent reflection with a bite to her

shoulder. Not a deep, skin breaking bite. It was a playful bite, like an

alpha submitting the beta. This was getting interesting.

"Alexander?" Lucius said in a light but demanding tone. A thin wiry Italian

man came to his side. "Yes sir?" Lucius squinted at the two wrestling

figures. "Why isn't that bitch dead? What's Shane doing down there?"

Alexander fetched a pair of binoculars and focused on the pair. "Well, he

seems to be losing steam. Wait, I think they're," He smiled lightly,

"playing." Lucius's hand squeezed the tumbler of brandy. Alexander ignored

him and zoomed in. He snickered. "That female is rather sexy." Lucius

growled, like the animals that he hated and threw the glass at the poor man.

"Get out!" Alexander wasted no time in running out the doorway. "Vinnie!" A

medium sized Italian, whose olive complexion had turned the color of very

old and crusty olive oil because of his many years on this earth, came to

his side. "Yes?" Lucius pointed to Shane and the female. "I want you to find

a different opponent for Shane. A male, beast or human, I don't care, with

muscles and an I.Q. equivalent to garden tools." Vinnie took a deep breath

and then exhaled lightly, as if to ask a rather long and complicated

question but decided against it. "Right now?" Lucius slammed his fist

against his chair. "YES RIGHT NOW! Dammit, do you not hear the crowd? They

are getting suspicious, angry, even disgusted! This has changed from an

enjoyable fight into a sexual display!" Vinnie jumped and ran to the offices

to check the records as fast as humanly possible. He darn near broke the

land speed record. Lucius clenched his fists and grinded his teeth. "Damn


The female had finally broken loose from Shane's hold and was standing

again, bracing herself for another head on attack. Shane stood and held up

his fists, like he'd seen some of his opponents do before they met the

hereafter. This surprised the female, who was expecting an uncalculated

animalistic move, not a fair fight. She matched his stance and smiled. "Come

and get me, big boy." Shane came at her with a quick right punch, which was

blocked easily by her forearm. He punched again, faster and faster. She

blocked as best she could, but the punches were hitting higher and higher

and were coming too fast for her to react. Her arms were tired and she had

not blinked once, for fear of missing a single blow and then losing some

fangs. Before she could stop herself, she blinked and missed a block, taking

a full force punch to her nose. She staggered back, dazed and in pain. Shane

took the opportunity and punched her in the gut. Like a balloon that was

suddenly popped, the wind was knocked out of her. She could no longer feel

breath in her lungs and she fell back to the ground, gasping for air.

Shane smiled, thinking he had wounded her fatally, and turned to face the

crowd, his adoring public, and howled in victory. He had won! Or so he


Unbeknownst to him, the female had caught her second wind and was

as mad as a hornet. She ran and jumped at Shane, catching him in the back

with a flying sidekick. Shane stumbled forward, regained his balance and

turned, with blood shot eyes and fangs bared in a scary smile. Finally, an

equal! Someone to challenge his alpha status, the yang to his yin. And then,

in that instant, the words formed in his mind. His mate.

She raised her fists and took a stance. Shane raised his, but before he

could move, she rushed him. Letting his newfound instincts take over, he

blocked her attacks to the best of his ability. But instincts are sometimes

inferior to knowledge, as Shane was about to find out. She broke through his

blocks and started dealing hard blows to his face and neck and chest. She

aimed for vital points, sensitive areas and pressure points, causing immense

pain. Pain that she had felt but ten fold, no, a hundred fold over!

Shane was flinching with each hit. How could a female with less strength

cause so much pain? In a quick flash of fur, Shane grabbed her left wrist

with his right paw. She froze and then punched at him, but he caught her

right wrist with his left paw. Using his superior strength, he brought her

fists down to her sides. He looked into her eyes, feeling a strange peace

within himself. She looked into his eyes and felt a twinge of curiosity

mixed with lust. Then she felt something sting her, and she got sleepy

really fast. Shane saw stars and fell slack into the arms of a big man with

a stun wand. Soon the female beside him fell to the ground, the tranquilizer

dart in the back of her shoulder gleaming in the light. A smaller man

holding a bolt-action rifle smiled and lowered his weapon. Lucius walked

into the field and held up his arms for silence.

"My dear friends, there has been a mix-up!" Lucius yelled over the

commotion. "Shane was to fight a male from Uzbekistan, not this puny bitch!

I apologize profusely and we will set up for the next fight as soon as Shane

regains consciousness! I expect that to be about twenty minutes, so I urge

you to go back to the bookies

and have your money refunded for the bet of this

fight. And also, go to the 'concession stand' and have a free beer on the

Pit!" There were loud cheers and some curses but everyone got up and

shuffled back to the bookie that they'd placed the bet with. Most went

straight to the kegs and refilled their beer steins first, eager to get

their freebie before it was gone. Important things first.

Lucius turned and walked towards the skinny man. "Put her in

Shane's cage. I want to see how this... relationship turns out."

the door to Shane's cage was opened and they entered, the female being

tossed in. she landed and scrambled to her feet. "you can't do this.

i'm...!" Lucius rounded on her. "you are nothing, just a freak of nature!"

his eyes blazed with hatred, and she shrank back. "you and the rest of your

kind, no more than animals, to be used by the true masters of this world.

men, like me!" he stalked out and the door was slammed shut and securely

locked. she sank to her knees, tears pricking at her eyes. Shane shook the

dust and dirt out of his fur and turned towards her. "why female not try to

kill Shane?" she looked at him blankly then realization dawned. "how long

have you been here?" he tilted his head, not understanding. "all your life?"

she gasped. "you poor soul, all you know is the ring and fighting." she

walked over to him, still a bit wary, holding her left arm. "i'm so sorry

for you." she crouched down by him and he thumped his tail slightly. "female

is strong, make good mate for Shane." despite herself she couldnt help but

smile. he was like a child, unknowing of the outside world. he looked at her

arm. "hurt?" she shook her head. "just a little." he licked it softly and

she smiled, gently touching his muzzle. "you poor soul, i'll help you." she

looked around at the cage. "besides, thats probably the only way i'll ever

get out of here..."

Shane slept on the pile of straw in the corner, curled up tight. she

shivered on her own pile, as the cage cold. he lifted his head at her

shivering sounds and walked over to her, nuzzling. "be warm with Shane?" she

looked at him, then nodded. "my name is Sharin." he curled up with her and

she did feel warmer, snuggled into his fur. she slept fitfully at best,

dreaming of escape and getting back to her life, then gradually settled


Lucius smiled his cruel smile as he watched them on the monitor in his

office. "perfect." Sid stood beside him and fretted. "kidnapping, this is

way out of control." Lucius glared at him. "shut up you fool. how can you

kidnap a beast." he watched then snuggle. "with her as his mate, i'll have

may strong fierce fighters. this is only the beginning...

over the next few days, Sharin tried to help Shane. when he returned from

battles she cleaned his small injuries and was kind to him. he was kind to

her as well, taking a protective stance. on one occasion when his keeper

tried to beat her, he took the beating for her, and she cried a little as

she tended him afterwards. "we have to get you of here, this is no way to

live." as the days wore on she grew more and more worried. she missed her

life above and there was another concern. she had none of her effects or

clothing with her, including her birth control, and she was coming into heat

very soon. Shane gave her the best of his food, and stayed close to her, but

when she came into estrus, he became even more attentive. he sighed and

struggled to control her instincts and his, but one night...

she was curled up in the far corner and she flicked her ear as she heard

Shane approaching. she opened her eyes and saw him stading there. his sheath

was bulging, his tongue lolling as he scented her musk. "no, we, i musnt."

he tilted his head and whined. "i, i," she sighed and gave in. he had been

very good to her and with luck she night not catch. "okay, but i'll teach

you how to do it right." he yipped happily and tried to mount her. "no." she

giggled and pushed him off. taking his paws, she showed him how to stroke

her body and as she laid back on the straw, she taught him how to enter her

carefully and soon the cage was full of soft moans and pants. at first he

tried to mate her forcefully but she stopped him and after a few false

starts, he got the rythm, moving in and out of her tenderly. she moaned and

quivered. he was learning fast and she felt soo good inside her. he was so

hard and long and despite herself she felt her heat rising. she arched and

gave a soft howl as release rushed over her and Shane howled too, as his

seed gushed forth. she licked softly over his muzzle and he licked back as

they cuddled.

after that night a plan began to blossom in her mind. taking note of the

position of the camera, she learned how to block it with her body and she

started to teach Shane. drawing letters in the dirt floor she taught him

slowly how to read and then to write. he took to it quite quickly, and her

affection for him grew. she told him stories of the world above and his mind

began to expand as she taught him things he had never even heard of before

her coming. then a month later, events came to a head.

shuddering on her knees, she held her belly as she finished vomiting. Shane

moved over to her and nuzzled her softly. "are you sick?" she shook her head

and puked again. her took her to their corner and cleaned her, being very

gentle. she curled up and sobbed, and he looked at her with concern. "why

you sad?" she wiped her eyes. "its 'why are you sad'?" she corrected then

shook her head. "oh Shane, we can't go on this way, we have to get out, for

the child." he blinked and tilted his head. "the child?" she nodded. "i am

carrying our child in me." he yipped happily and wagged his tail. "this is

good!" she shook her head, "this is not good." she touched his cheek. "i

have taught you of how things are above. should our son have to live this

way, forced to fight?" he looked at her, and she saw his eyes glint with

anger. "no, our son shall not!"

the gate of the ring opened and the crowd roared as Shane entered, but this

time it was different. instead of roaring and snarling Shane was standing

tall on his hind legs, and his eyes did not glow with bloodlust. the crowd

murmured as Sharin also walked out with him. "STOP!" Shane roared and the

crowd stilled. "there shall be no fight! no more fights ever!" Lucius shook

with anger. "what does he think he's doing?" throwing down his mike, he

picked up his whip and stalked down to the arena. Sharin took Shanes arm as

they stood in the center of the ring. "this is wrong! we are people just as

you, and we will not kill for your pleasure!" She called out. the other gate

clanged open and Lucius stood there, livid with rage. "you are nothing,

monsters and freaks!" he raised his whip and lashed out at Sharin. "you've

ruined him bitch, i'll kill you!" she cried out in pain as the whip lashed

her cheek and Shane roared. "NO!" he slashed out and the whip fell to the

ground, cut through by his claws. Lucius threw it aside. "how can you do

this to me, after all i've done for you?" he advanced and Shane moved Sharin

gently to the side, then moved towards Lucius. "done for me? you kept me

ignorant and afraid!" Lucias snarled and seemed to grow larger. "i made you

what you are and i can destroy you as well!" Sharin gasped as she saw the

human begin to change. his clothing tore and fell away, as fur moved over

his body like a living carpet, muscles bulged and his face lengthened into a

muzzle. with a howling roar, the last of his shredded clothing fell away and

Lucious snarled, a huge werewolf facing down Shane, almost twice his size.

Sharin gasped, he was a were! "kill you!" he slashed out and knocked Shane to the ground with one blow of

his massive fist. "Shane!" Sharin cried out, but he shook his head and stood up.

"i'll be alright love, just stay safe over there." clenching his fists, he

faced down Lucius. "this is for my son!" with a towering roar, he leapt into


Shane jumped and drew his paw back, ready to cut Lucius with his claws. With

a sweep of his mighty paw, Lucius knocked Shane out of the air and into the

stone wall. Sharin gasped and prepared to leap. "No!" Shane yelled as he got

up. "Stay back!" Lucius drew his fist back and punched at Shane. Shane

rolled to his left, just barely escaping lucius's mighty blow. Jumping with

all his might, Shane soared high into the air and bit Lucius's shoulder as

hard as he could. Blood flowed into his mouth, making him feel excited and

almost feral. Lucius roared and threw Shane off. Shane twisted his body and

landed on all fours. Lifting himself onto his hind legs, he breathed in

deeply. "Lucius, I can't forgive you for what you have done to me or my

mate." Lucius pounded the ground and roared. "I don't need forgiveness! I

did nothing wrong!" Shane walked forward slowly. "Kidnapping? Assault and

Battery? Illegal gambling?" Lucius growled. "Yes Lucius, I know all about it

now. Why i became what i am. How i'm a new breed of animal, not human. Well,

I may not be human, but," He pointed his finger at the giant monster.

"Neither are you!" That did it. What humanity Lucius had was now gone. the

only thing left was animal rage.

He reared his head back and roared, then charged the smaller furre. Shane ran

towards him and at the last second slid between his legs. He jumped and

kicked the monstrous Lucius in the back with both his feet. He landed on his

back and rolled over onto his feet gracefully. Lucius's landing was anything

but graceful. His arms had flailed out and knocked several people off of the

walls. Picking himself up, he turned and smashed the wall, causing more to

fall to their deaths. He ran towards Shane, every step thumping the ground

hard. He swung his mighty fist at Shane, ready to destroy him, ready to

finish the embarassment. Shane quickly rolled to the side, letting Lucius

stumble. As he picked himself up, he felt his paw hit something. He looked

down. A long pole with a sharp, shiny thing on the end. He picked it up and

balanced it in his paw. What was it for? Some kind of weapon? His revellrie

was interupted by a large paw swatting him to the side.

Lucius picked the smaller furre up, strangling him with one paw. "Damn

beast. You had so much going for you. And with a pregnant bitch, I could've

had a fleet of fighters." Shane wriggled around, trying to loose himself

before he passed out. His mind was going blank, his head was light. He

flailed out and by sheer luck, stuck Lucius's paw with the weapon he had

picked up. Lucius roared and released Shane. With a thud, Shane landed on

the ground gasping for air. Oh sweet, delicious air. He shook his head to

clear it and stood up. He held the stick in both paws, the sharp end

pointing at Lucius. It was time to finish it.

Lucius held his bleeding paw. "That hurt! You son of a.." When he looked up,

he felt something hit him with the force of a charging rhinoceros. He looked

down at the large spear that was embedded in his chest. "Bi.... i...tch."

With a loud thud, Lucius hit the ground, slowly turning back into human

form. Shane limped to Sharin. He collapsed into her arms. His ankle was

twisted, his body was cut up and his fur was dyed almost completely with

crimson blood. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "My love.... we're free."

Sharin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and helped him towards the opened

gates. Without anymore words, the couple limped off into the bright

afternoon sun, ready for their next obstacle.

Shane licked her cheek tenderly as she lay in the hospital bed, her eyes weary but happy. the nurse wheeled over the bassinet and they held paws and smiled tenderly at the wriggling mewling cub within. "a fine son." she murred. "just like his sire." his chest swelled with pride and he picked up his newborn son gently. as Sharin watched he lifted the child up and gave a howl of joy and triumph. this was his true victory, his destiny revealed, and as he laid the cub in Sharin's arms and he began to nurse, he couldn't be happier with the prize.

the end

authors note-this was a request that i found most intriguing to do. given my limited skill at fight scenes, i wish to thank deyna otter for his writing of them and his skillful editing of the finished work. i figured that, tragically, there would be those who would still mistreat furres the same way they had always mistreated animals before the Change. i have never approved of blood sports so this story was personally satisfying for me as well.