Ninja Kitty (A Poem)

Story by SHADOWxxLIGHT on SoFurry

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The following is a poem i wrote for a friend of mine awhile back. I decided to share it with you all. Have a nice read! (^.^)

Ninja kitty, Silent, deadly, Smart, kunning, Flying through the shadows, ALways invisible, stalking his prey, The black panther to the white mouse, Constantly watching, without a sound. Travis is his name, Like other kittys not the same. His pure awesomeness resides in his feet, And in health when he eats meat. When he strikes, no one will know, But they will when they see his fat black toe, Right before their head's cut off, And ninja kitty Travis starts to scoff. He can change his epic form at will, Through his blood it sends a trill. A craving for flesh, it does amend, one that many, cannot comprehend. He teaches himself, many a trick, So that anyone, he can easily kick. Stalking his victims, around the halls, Always staying close, and near, to the wall. When he captures his victims, in a state of pure terror, He takes them to his big, gigantic manor. He devours them whole, minus the head, Because honestly prefers his victims, very much dead. "Nothin' can stop meh!" He thinks to himself, "For i am way bettuh, than any puneh elf!" Little does he know, his reign is soon to end, For a counsle of people, has agreed to send, A messenger to me, Shadow supreme. I lurk in dark, I make it my mark, For it hides me so well. "Am I there?", You never can tell. I run through them, across the hills, untill i reach the manor, ready to make my kill. I enter through the top window, When I suddenly spot a black widow. "Do you know where Travis went?" I asked, which I truely ment. "He's down in the basement, of course." The widow replied, with no remorse. I scuddle on down there, then hide off to the side, What's right before me, I see with my very own eyes. Ninja Travis, in the flesh, But now that I've found him, he will no longer be fresh! As I jump from the shadows, into the air, I feel ninja kittys heart, fill with dispair. For I hide where he hides, in shadow. Therefore where he hides I will always know. My shotgun blows him up, in one big shot, "Haha, my friend, you have been caught!" As he rebuilds himself, I put him in a time-stopping box, Which, at one time, used to hold a fox. "Your time of reign is over!" I tell him through the cover, When i suddenly realize, This was a demize! As the bow explodes, to all corners of the room, Travis repairs himself, with a great big boom! "Ninja kitteh away!" He says, As he jumps onto a pile of hay. As he dissapears, the lights turn on, And suddenly I know, he has gone. Off to the other side of the world, is the most likely guess, So he can trick us into sending only our best. Well it won't happen, not for a long time, Untill we meet again, ninja kitty, Untill next time!

(If you are slightly confused about that last part, he can repair his body after he is killed, by rebuilding his body parts. Tha box he is put in stops time inside. Yep, pretty self-explanitory.)

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