The Silver Renomon Series Chapter 7

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#10 of The Silver Renomon Series Some secrets are discovered, new characters introduced, more plot reviled.

First things first the disclaimers: This is entirely a work of fiction and nothing more. With respect given to the copy write owners of Digimon the anime series and assorted books etc. In addition, I would like to thank all of the writers out there on the net, especially Rena Tamer whose stories were my inspiration. And to all those others I have read in the last six months and those I might read in the future, Thanks for inspiring me to write again. And lastly I need to think my wife and her editing skills, without her this story would have never reached the Internet. Notice this story involves mature concepts and adult situations, graphic sexual situations, language, violence, blood, death(not in yiff) and it's not recommended for those under the age of 18. Some (a lot) of yiff, for those of us that don't understand the rest of what I just One note... I'm going half and half with my wife on this one. So be sure to give her half the credit. And as we have totally different writing styles, we apologize in advance to the reviewer. Also we would like to thank our fans of the series and apologize for the long wait on this chapter. The Silver Renomon Series Chapter 7 By Wolf421 & Lady Shandi The cabin: Lisa woke the next morning and looked at the clock that read 12:00 pm. "My god it's that late?" Lisa exclaimed surprised. Knowing that she was normally an early riser. Beside her, the large furry lump under the covers snored loudly making her quickly put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. She knew full well that Cole would be mortified if he knew he was snoring as loud as every buzz saw in a lumber yard going at once. He would say it was undignified. Even to this day Cole refuses to admit he snores. Lisa disentangled herself from Cole's loving arms and went to the shower. After she had dried off and got dressed, she felt and heard her stomach growl loudly. "Damn I'm hungry, I'd better see what we have in the kitchen, and find how how much we need from the store." Lisa said to herself quietly. One minute later she was at the kitchen door that was cracked open a little bit and overheard Achilles and Deb talking. "No I'm not mad at you! This is a joyous occasion! You just took me by surprise that's all. I didn't mean to make you think I didn't want the cub or cubs. I do. It's just that I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never have cubs because I didn't think it possible to have cubs with you. Even though I wanted that so much it hurt. Now you have given me the most precious gift, and I love you all the more my beloved." Achilles said happily. "Good, I was worried when you didn't say anything the rest of the night. I guess I did shock you dropping that on you the way I did." Deb said laughing. "Achilles! Stop that! They will be up any minute. Ooh that feels good...No Achilles. Someone could walk in on us!" Deb told him both mildly aroused and embarrassed. "Then I would say let them watch, but you have said no so I will respect your wishes but what am I going to do about this." Achilles said respectfully. "Oh! I guess that is a problem. But, didn't you get enough last night?" Deb asked coyly. "Get enough of you? Never!" Achilles said to her lustfully. Lisa heard Deb giggle softly and she couldn't help but giggle as well. She debated mentally how she should enter and finally decided just to walk in. She found them in a loving embrace kissing heatedly and Deb stroking Achilles heavily engorged shaft and Achilles was purring loudly. Lisa blushed red at the scene but felt herself grow wet. She cleared her throat to announce her presence in the room. Both Deb and Achilles jumped startled and blushed. "Don't mind me, please continue. It will give me an excuse to pounce on Cole later. Besides leaving him with a hard on like that would be cruel. Umm or not." Lisa said giggling as she noted that Achilles suddenly lost the massive erection he had upon her entrance into the kitchen, his cock slipping back into his sheath. "Uhh, Good morning Lisa. Sleep well?" Deb asked politely but blushing hotly. "Yes, as well as can be expected considering the circumstances." Lisa answered. "Uhh Lisa, I have a personal question for you that i didn't feel comfortable asking in front of everyone else." Deb requested obviously uncomfortable as she fidgeted suddenly obsessed with her nails. "Ok, ask away."Lisa responded her curiosity piqued. "It was rather disturbing to see a Daryl at ten years old put his hand in your..uhh well you get the idea. It borders on incest. Now Lisa I'm not saying you abused him, so please take the scowl of your face! I guess my question is.. Why Daryl? Why not Cole as it should have been? I'm not trying to judge you, I'm just wondering why? I'm sure there was a logical reason." Deb asked curiously yet still uncomfortable. "Yes, there was. I had a choice. Cole's claws are not retractable like Achilles are. In addition they make brand new stainless steel razor blades look dull and over used. When he pleasures me he uses either the middle of his long fingers or his knuckle. When he fingers my snatch he bends his fingers at the knuckle and pleasures me that way, but with his fingers bent that way they are only long enough to reach me G-spot, not my cervix. His claws with exception of the back of them never enter or touch my body. So with that established, I will explain it simply. I wanted to be checked throughout my labor to make sure I was progressing and to make sure that there were not any sudden complications such as breach birth or worse. Because if I wasn't progressing, I shudder to think what would have happened if I had to go to the hospital. Tell me something, If you had a choice between your mates non-retractable excessively sharp claws and your exceptionally intelligent son that has no claws and tiny hands that are more comfortable than an adults hands that also had prepared himself on his own so he knew what to expect for the birth and how birth worked from a midwifery point of view, because he was adamant that he wanted to see his baby brother or sister come into the world, not to mention help anyway he could. Think for a moment about those claws inside your cunt and tell me you would choose the claws. Oh which by the way if you had a sudden contraction while being examined those same claws could impale your baby and kill it, not to mention cut up your insides. What would you choose?" Lisa explained thoroughly and raised an eyebrow with her question. "Ok, OUCH! I understand now...honestly if I were in that position. Give me the kids hands. I don't want any claws like that in my puss. But luckily Achilles claws are retractable so I don't have to worry about that as much. And after what you just told me, believe me I'm thankful for that." Deb said relieved as she hugged Achilles tightly. "Ok then, so now you know. And thank you for not bringing this up in front of everybody. Cole and Devon would have taken it as a grievous offense to Daryl's memory and would have asked you to leave and never come back if they were feeling generous. I don't want to think about what would have happened if they weren't." Lisa responded shuddering but still thankful. "No problem, I'm glad I did too, now. Hey Lisa the cupboards are bare and I was wondering if it was safe enough for us to even go to the store to restock. To be blunt, the last thing we need is someone to see us and recognize one of us from the news broadcasts and turn us in. I know we need the food but which one of us should go? Not to mention we don't have a car." Deb asked nervously. Lisa nodded and looked to be thinking when they both heard a car coming up the driveway. They scrambled quickly to find weapons. Lisa pulled out a double barrel sawed off shotgun from under the kitchen table, quickly loading it with slugs that were with it, then aimed for the door. Deb just settled for a large meat cleaver that had to weigh 20 lbs., and a 14 inch butcher knife. Achilles poised himself ready to jump at the intruder. They waited as they heard a car door open and close, then another car door open and after two minutes close. Footsteps on the gravel walkway made the tension in the room so thick you could cut it with a knife. Lisa leveled her shotgun better then cocked both barrels so she wouldn't miss if the person or persons barged in. >Rap, Rap, Rap<, pause >Rap, Rap,< pause >Bang!, Bang!< The knocking on the front door made Deb jump and make a muffled squeak. Lisa stepped cautiously towards the front door and peeked out the window, Then calmly un-cocked her shotgun, and slammed it down on the kitchen table before going back to open the door. "DAMNIT DEVON! YOU ALMOST GOT YOURSELF SHOT AND TORN TO PIECES!! DID IT EVER OCCURE TO YOU TO LEAVE A NOTE!" Lisa bellowed angrily at her son, her face in a heavy scowl like a mask of anger and concern with a touch of fear. Lisa didn't wait for him to answer she pulled him close and held him despite his height of 7'2. Devon wrapped an arm around his obviously upset mother before he spoke while still juggling the bags of food in his paws. "Aww mom, I'm sorry, but I knew we needed the food and a car not to mention gas for the generator. This form is unknown. I played as if my human partner had sent me on these errands. The shop keeper and the guy I bought the car from didn't even bat an eye because I was there. As I was shopping two other digimon came in with lists and money from their partners. Apparently they are regulars because the shopkeeper called them by name. That and the sign above the register that read 'We serve digimon and humans, but no fighting allowed. Take it outside and off my property if you feel you must fight.' So am I still in trouble? By the way these groceries are kind of heavy and there are a lot of them can I get some help bringing them in. Is Kit still asleep?" Devon asked quizzically. "No, but you do have some questions to answer. One, how much was that car, what is it, and what condition is it in? Two, where did you get the money? Three, who did you buy it from. Four, can it be traced back to us." Lisa asked still somewhat angry as she released Devon from her embrace. "To answer your questions in order, 500 bucks off the pre-paid credit card. 89 ford custom quad cab truck with a camper, looks like shit but the motor and transmission are new. The interior could use a little work in my opinion, but I never did like puce. And I see by the perplexed looks on your faces that you don't know what puce is, it's a brownish purple. It wouldn't be so bad if wasn't for the entire interior lined with plushy puce colored fake fur with plushy flowers, moons and stars. Yeash! Honestly it looks like an old hippie got a hold of that poor truck. The exterior however is black and a bit beat up. But other than that it's in good condition. Like I already said I got 500 bucks off the pre-paid credit card from an ATM and Horus McDermott, he was a really old man in a wheelchair, signed the title over and seeing as he was the local Notary agent for this area he put it down as the truck was owned by a Renomon. He took care of the tax, title and license. Even sent me where I could get a driving test so I could get my driver's license. He sold it to me because he couldn't drive it anymore. He didn't have any legs, just nubs half-way up the thigh of both legs. I felt bad for him because he couldn't drive it any more but after I bought the truck, I loaded all the food and necessities in to the truck drove it out of sight of the store then pulled over and gave it a complete check for tracking devices and bugs. I didn't find any so I came home. So no it can't be traced back to us. Look enough questions. Can we get the groceries in today before they go bad?" Devon finished rather exasperated. Devon and the others made quick work of getting the food and the other stuff inside the house. "What you do Devon buy out the whole store? I see several loafs of bread, cheese, milk, meat, all kinds of fruit and veggies, a couple boxes of cereal, ice cream, ohh strawberry cheesecake frozen yogurt, pancake mix, sandwich fixings, you pretty much bought everything we need for the next two weeks, And thanks for the toilet paper, the bathroom was getting so low that I thought I was gonna have to use leaves soon. I see you also got paper towels, various cleaning supplies, bath soap, shampoo, and conditioner for the resident digimon and humans, Good they will need it. That will make Cole happy. The fleas and sand ticks are murder out here." Lisa said happily as she helped put away the the food stuffs and necessities. At the mention of the possibility of getting his fur infested with fleas and ticks Achilles head jerked up with a 'oh god no!' look on his face, grabbed the flea and tick shampoo and conditioner mumbled something about being back in a little while and quickly disappeared upstairs. Five minutes later they all heard the shower running and laughed. "Ok it would probably be easier to ask what didn't get." Deb said as she started unpacking the food. "Alright but you better make sure we have enough money to last us until one of us can get some money coming in. Otherwise we're screwed." Lisa replied as she lent a hand unpacking everything. "Hey Devon why did you buy so many seed packets and boxes of miracle gro, are you planning on starting a farm?" Dax asked surprising everybody. "Dax! How many times have I told you not to do that! You scared the piss out of me! Damn where did you learn to walk so quietly that even the digimon didn't hear you. Your lucky we both have a warrant out for us and I need you, otherwise I'd strangle your ass." Deb griped vehemently. Everyone stood still looking at each other's faces then broke out in laughter. "Oh you wouldn't want to do that. After all I am your only brother." Dax said convincingly. "Don't, Just don't go there, I'm still trying to get past the (we had sex when we were younger thing) EEWWW! Oh man I don't feel so good, I think I'm gonna be sick." Deb responded shuddering and turning a little green. Uhh excuse me." Deb told everyone as she made a hasty run for the downstairs bathroom. "Morning sickness, that's one thing I don't miss about pregnancy." Lisa commented rhetorically. "Speaking of warrants, I heard on the radio that there is a nationwide man hunt for someone called Anton Blake. One of the charges is treason. The radio announcer said that there were other charges but didn't say what they were. They gave his description and last known location. But authorities are saying that he is armed and dangerous. All citizens are to avoid him at all cost and not to attempt to apprehend him ourselves. That and if he is spotted to call it in to a national 1-800 number." Devon informed his new coterie of friends. "Anton Blake! If it's the same one I'm thinking of, I know him." Lisa expressed with surprise. "What do you know about him Mom?" Devon requested curiously. "Well he used to work for Hypnos as a team security specialist, and was a trainer hopeful but kept getting rejected by the digimon for some reason. All I know is on his last mission to the digital world something happened and it was classified top level as soon at his superiors found out. And as soon as he got back they rushed him to medical and kept him under guard. A few weeks later he up and disappeared and was never seen at Hypnos again. I never did find out why or what happened to him. Word has it that he went off the deep end, and was committed. But he was a serious megalomaniac to begin with." Lisa related somberly. "Sounds like an egotistical asshole with delusions of grandeur, no wonder a digimon wouldn't take him for a partner. The one that probably would have accepted him was the evil virus types. But then again even they might of thought twice about that." Dax commented jokingly. "Dax what do you think a megalomaniac is? But here's a thought that chills me to the core. What if he did get a digimon, like MaloMyotismon or Ice Devimon. But what I remember of him no one at Hypnos ever liked him. He always thought his shit didn't stink. On top of that his attitude sucked and he treated everyone like they were beneath him." Lisa told them contemptuously. "Anton Blake. He was never the same after he came back from that mission. I couldn't stand to be in his presence. He always seemed to say the wrong thing intentionally to grate on peoples nerves. Most of the time he was just intentionally insulting, especially to digimon to their face and their partners behind their back to get a reaction. I overheard the doc pronounce him mentally unfit for duty and he was later fired. If you're wondering how I know this, I can get into places you can't and not be noticed. That's all I know about it other than what Lisa has already told you." Cole informed them honestly. Everyone in the room shuddered uncomfortably and fearful at the thought of Blake having such a partner. Deb finally came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and began making breakfast for everyone. * * *

Meanwhile in the Digital world

  • * * Anton Blake had traveled long and hard to get here. He raised his eyes to look upon the dark foreboding castle before him and he felt like he was finally home. "I will get to see my master soon and although he will not be pleased with me because of my failure, I know he will be pleased to see me. It has been too long, I seem to find myself missing him. Soon, soon I will see him." Blake thought to himself. It wasn't long before he finally saw the digimon guards. Four Greymon stood between him and his master. He expected as much. "This though expected is going to be such a hassle. Lesser digimon aren't worth my time." Anton muttered to himself under his breath. He approached as if he was expected and as if he belonged there, But as expected the guards stopped him. "You are either very brave or have a death wish human. Leave now and I might give you a head start before I kill you." Growled the Greymon with seething hatred and vile contempt. "Give it a rest, I'm here to see my master and yours. I am Anton Blake and I dread to think what our master would do to you if you harmed me in anyway. Here look at this and don't waste anymore of my time." Anton demanded haughtily as he opened his shirt and pealed off the skin-toned latex revealing a mark upon his skin. Branded deep into his flesh the mark was of a Daemon in it's true form. Carved line by line with infinite detail into his skin above his left pectoral muscle with a white hot claw to staunch the bleeding. All four of the guards eyes bulged comically and quickly let him pass unchallenged. It took only a few minutes before he had reached the second set of guards in the peristylum, a colonnaded portico that surrounded the central garden but luckily one of them recognized him and did not hinder his progress or allow the others to. "Don't stop this human, he's the master's pet and we are under orders not to harm him. As distasteful as that is, I for one don't want to face the Master if that one has so much as a scratch on him that he didn't put there himself." The Cherrymon warned his fellow guards. The other 7 Cherrymon shook their branches in what could be taken as a nod of assent. "Eight Cherrymon? Good grief that's a bit overkill but whatever pleases him. Still, his garden is as beautiful as ever, and just as deadly as he is. I'm glad I brought this offering for his garden. I'm sure he will like the bleeding heart and the death camas plants I have for him. This is the only thing he likes from the real world, our deadly plants and me of course." Anton thought to himself as he continued his long walk to his master. Ten minutes later he was at the door to the throne room. And on either side of him were two nasty looking DexDoruGreymon. A DemiDevimon came forward to Anton looking extremely disgruntled. "I don't know how you got this far human but it will be your last mistake...wait a minute. You look familiar for some reason. What do you want and who are you?" DemiDevimon demanded cruelly. "Nice to see you too Faerthan. You're as welcoming as ever. Still playing errand boy I see. Now how 'bout you take your worthless piece of shit ass and announce to our master that Anton Blake is requesting an audience." Anton commanded not caring about what Faerthan had to say on the matter just as long as he did as he was told. A few moments later Faerthan entered the throne room to announce his arrival. The throne room door was left partially open and he could hear the conversation as it played out. "M-M-Master? I beg forgiveness for this intrusion but, Anton Blake is demanding to see you. Rather rudely I might add. And- " Began Faerthan nervously. "What? And you have not brought him before me yet? CHAOS FLARE! I COMMANDED SHOULD HE SHOW UP HE WAS TO BE BROUGHT TO ME IMMEDIATELY! WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING! CHAOS FLARE!" The master roared, his ire obvious. "ANTON! ENTER! Faerthan get out of my sight before I decide you are of no further use to me and take your data" Ordered the Master again. Anton rushed into the throne room and knelt at his master's feet as Faerthan flew out so quickly he was nothing but a blue streak right before the doors were shut. "I am surprised to see you here, however I assume you are here you impart some good news? One other thing, remind me again why I keep that worthless failure of a mon around. You may answer my questions." The Master spoke nonchalantly. Anton smiled as he spoke and in his pocket he held in his hand a digivice. His digivice. He stroked the device affectionately then answered. Anton knew they were alone in the throne room as such he was allowed liberties that when in public he would have been severely punished for. Anton raised his gaze to his masters sinister blue eyes. "Faerthan is your comic relief, not to mention he has shown to be useful sometimes his evil whispers attack has gotten you quite a few followers. Except me, I wanted you all of my own accord. You are the only Digimon worthy of me and my black heart, my beloved Master Xerxes. You are a Daemon and I only hope I can continue to be worthy of you." Anton said affectionately as he bowed loyally to his master in worship. "Ahh yes, that is true. As far as your worthiness yes, you have proven worthy thus far.>Xerxes smiled at Anton.< Now why have you returned to me Anton?" Xerxes related amused. "I regret to inform my master that my actions have been discovered, despite the great lengths I went through to hide them. Exactly to what extent is unknown to me. I believe they have figured out my connection to the deaths of the firewall teams. 3 digimon and 2 humans escaped. Also According to reports that traitor Kithira was somehow able to get another partner. In an odd twist of fate, her new partner is the younger brother of Daryl Thackry, who died by my own hand, unfortunately his adopted viximon escaped and was reported killed, her data absorbed by the greymon that was dispatched to destroy the village he was living in, at least that's what was reported to me. They also found out my handy work with the firewall and have probably scrambled the pass codes at least twice if not more. It was not a total loss though my master. I was able to get 2000 digimon loyal to you alone into the real world, And about that same amount or more in 50 countries around the world. But as to how they are faring with their tasks is now unknown to me. I do know this as a fact however, Hypnos only knows of 10 out of all that you sent. One of those ten got cocky and stupid as a result were destroyed by Kithira and a silver renomon that is unknown to me. As far as reports indicate her new partner is no longer with her, only the silver renomon. But as far as I'm concerned I feel that somehow her partner is perhaps a hybrid like myself and able to digivolve where as I can't. No matter how hard I try I just can't." Anton reported and said the latter with bitter jealousy. "Why do I have the feeling that there is more that you have yet to tell me." Xerxes said raising an eyebrow, obviously not happy. You have done what you could Anton, considering the deplorable conditions of having to work with those wretched humans instead of bathing in their blood like I knew you wanted to. However there is more isn't there?" Xerxes said simply. Anton was fearing this part. And he knew telling his master that he was of no further use was signing his death warrant. "Master I-" Stuttered Anton fearfully. "SPIT IT OUT ANTON! You're wearing my patience very thin!" Xerxes warned. A foreboding and deadly impatience was clear in his tone that filled Anton with dread. Anton steeled himself and took a deep breath, then began. "Yes, Master. As a result of my actions being uncovered I now have a warrant for my arrest. I can't go back to the real world without a severe risk of being captured and incarcerated. If that happened I would no longer be of any use to you at all. I wouldn't even be able to contact you period. At least with me here I could still give you information that won't be convoluted by whatever overly zealous digimon that try to twist my messages to you to make it appear as I'm failing horrifically or make it look as if I'm sending the wrong information intentionally. I hate this. I wish I could shed my human half and be only Digimon. I'm hated no matter where I go. Ahh to hell with it. I don't give a shit if the others like me or not as long as I can be with you nothing else matters." Anton finished as a myriad of emotions flitted across his handsome features with each sentence. Xerxes was unnervingly quiet as he stared at Anton. Minutes pass and the terrifying silence continued, Xerxes face was unreadable and fearfully stern. When Xerxes finally did speak Anton nearly jumped out of his skin. "Very well Anton. It is true that the messengers have been corrupting your messages to me. But for some reason I sensed they were lying and destroyed them for their treachery. Now I'm glad I did my pet. Come to me. You may approach. You will be punished of course for your failure, but because you were able to get a good portion of my hoard into the real world your punishment will be to a degree a lesser punishment, nothing fatal I assure you. You are still useful to me, but now only as a mating toy. Come here. Satisfy my lust and I may yet again be moved to show you mercy. I doubt it, but we will just have to see, won't we?" Xerxes said silkily yet serious. Anton nodded as he approached, shaking both in fear, and marked arousal. His shaft became diamond hard with anticipation as he stripped off all his clothes with exception of his underwear, and approached Xerxes then knelt at his foot paws. Xerxes smiled at the blind obedience of his pet. Knowing full well the lashing he was going to give Anton for his failure and he had decided at that moment that he would not be satisfied this time until he had fully raped his pet. "Good thing for me I never promised I wouldn't steal his virginity. Only that I would never ask for it. I think it's about time that lil' pet of mine used that cunt between his legs instead of pretending it doesn't exist." Thought Xerxes to himself. Anton then lovingly kissed his master's sharply clawed foot paw and trailed his kisses up Xerxes leg not knowing of his master's plans. Anton lifting His master's robe as he went eventually climbing in. Anton was at Xerxes's inner thigh when the Daemon's robe fell and covered him completely. Xerxes own arousal soon became obvious from the attention of his pet. Anton was lovingly licking his masters inner thigh slowly going to his masters very erect cock. Anton smiled as he heard his master moan in pleasure and wrapped him arms and legs around the massive shaft and began to bounce as best he could jacking Xerxes off with his body and his tongue licking the whole time, up and down Xerxes hard cock. "Anton I have decided your punishment. Come out from under my robes." Xerxes ordered firmly. After only a breath of hesitation Anton complied and knelt obediently at his Masters feet. At that moment Xerxes picked Anton up and place him on a cross shackling him down in a position that forced Anton to keep is ass stuck out in the air ready to be mounted. True fear gripped Anton's heart but so did extreme arousal. Why this was, he didn't know, but his Anton's arousal wasn't lost on Xerxes. With a slash of his claws the underwear was ripped away exposing Anton's dripping wet virgin cunny and his now painfully throbbing 10in erection. Before Anton could speak a blindfold was placed tightly over his eyes and he felt what he knew to be his master's cock rubbing firmly against his own. His own fuck shaft sliding inside Xerxes's huge piss-hole of his massive cock and hearing Xerxes moaning and begin to cock fuck Anton's shaft like they had done so many times before. "Yes, Master fuck me, oh my love it's been too long, no no! Ooohh god!!!" Unfortunately for Anton, it had been too long since their last encounter and within a few minutes Anton was cumming hard inside Xerxes cock. An angry growl was heard coming from Xerxes and before Anton could even scream, Anton felt a Xerxes's fuck tool being shoved into his cunny his hymen ripped away and was being used brutally. Anton Screamed in agony as his virginity was stolen and was crying painful tears as he was being violated by such a massive shaft being forcibly shoved in and out of his puss. "You will watch me violate your cunt, your ass, and anywhere else I choose Anton. You are now my breeding toy. You will bath in my cum and you will allow me to violate you anytime I wish. And Anton... I'm not asking you, I command it. "Xerxes ordered lustfully as he altered Anton's position to Anton resting on his own shoulders and was force to watch his own once virgin fuck hole being violated. Blood was running down Anton's abdomen from his nether regions. "Why did he have to choose this, I'm not some freak of nature! I'm male! Why is he taking me there? Oohh why is it starting to feel good...every time he rams his shaft in to me there, oh god it feels so good. But I'm male this isn't supposed to be this way" Thought Anton to himself now extremely confused but refusing to cry, but too caught up in the feelings and humiliation to worry much about that little fact now. He in this bound position could do nothing else but watch himself be violated by his master. Within 10 minutes of this Anton was quaking and shuddering "Ooh master I'm ..I - I'm CUMMING...I can't can- can't stop" Anton screamed helplessly as his cunt had began to convulse and tighten in waves as his orgasm overwhelmed him. "Anton no!!no, ooohhh so tight, too tight!! your making me cum...oh yes!!take it my pet, take it all!! " bellowed Xerxes as he came and rammed himself deep into Anton and was surprised and very pleased to find Anton had a womb. A womb that he quickly filled with his jizz. Anton had passed out from the pain of the entry, but all the same, Xerxes knew Anton was his creature completely now...and now privately his mate. He picked Anton up after untieing him from the apparatus then took him to his sleeping quarters and began the arduous but pleasant task of licking Anton clean. "Tomorrow my pet dawns a new day, you are my mate, as must as I detest this form of yours you are still my trainer. How you managed that..ahh I remember, your my child....and have the same black heart as I do..we are meant to be.. though I doubt I need you, digivolving will for now be easier with you around. Now sleep my pup, and forget all that I have just told you, it is best that you don't spread your legs, I am far from sated daughter.. When you wake all you will know is that in bed I call you my daughter as a way to torment you and a game we play, you will never remember the reality that you ARE my pup and I plan to breed you until you conceive me a granddaughter, and I will continue to breed the females until the human is bred out then I will allow you to then I hope to have found a way to make you change...then I will truly breed you...uhhhhnnnn yes that;s a good lil' herm take it all in your cunt take all of my 14in cock let my incestuous seed fill, you impregnate you, yes, yes YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" he grunted loudly... With each word spoken Xerxes thrust deep into Anton's cunny each thrust deeper and harder than the last until the last yes when he filled Anton's cunny again and Anton only able to cum...his mind was lost in the sexual ecstasy of the fact his father was raping him, his father was trying to impregnate him, his father was his master and his digimon, and something in the back of his mind clicked and he knew that he wanted this, to feel his father's cock inside himself violating him like he had done to the bitch that birthed him, he wanted to do the same to rape, maim and and breed hoards of females but only after he now much beloved father was able to remove his cursed foul human side...he would remember that Xerxes was his father no matter what he did to him.. All he wanted was to sleep and breed with his father until the inevitable happened, pregnancy. A sexy, loving, taboo, incestuous pregnancy that he now wanted as much as his Father and master... and he hoped the first born would be a herm like himself so he could breed it.. if his Master allowed it anyway...his thoughts as he drifted to his sweet safe slumber was" Anton you have finally lost it...good...the farther away from my humanity I am, the better. Oohhh! That feels soo good when he rams his cock into my cunt like that, I hope he keeps filling me until I look pregnant and continues to yiff me as I sleep... that would be so hot, ooohh he is shoving his cunt-juice lubed cock into my asshole oh god I'm not gonna last long, he rubbing my.. oh god..I'm cumming cummmmmmmmmingggg!!!!! * and unconsciousness took him as the last mind shattering orgasm stole him away..." Anton?...." Queried Xerxes, but laughed when he found him only unconscious. But Xerxes continued his sexual assault of his child's female Anton respite only when bodily functions or his own plans needed to be attended to, otherwise, Xerxes seemed to never be sated and continued his assault even after he was sure Anton had conceived. but this time was openly willing.. and this spurned Xerxes on all the more...and continued until Anton laid 5 Darkdigi-eggs...and thanks to his digimon half, he recovered quickly. "You have pleased me have done well for now, but what of missing Renamon and her trainer, or the other trainers? Find out what has happened pet.. I want to know where they are. Go.." commanded Xerxes. "As you wish master. I may be way for some time master, I will return as quickly as possible." Anton replied and bowed...quickly leaving to obey. ---Meanwhile, back at the cabin--- "I don't get it Devon, it's been a month surely we would have found something or see something of our enemy...but we find nothing." Kithira vented frustrated. "I don't know Kithira, something's up....we know this, but we can't find any evidence that suggests that we are in danger. This can be bad or good...I just don't know which. Not yet anyway." Devon replied obviously worried, looking at everyone seated at the kitchen table. "Well Hypnos has been very quiet about what Blake did. My contacts here and there have been real tight lipped about it, their scared along with the rest of Hypnos. But the one thing they all agree on is that without doubt Blake was behind the teams being killed." Dax paused and let his words sink in before continuing. "One of them did tell me that Blake had created hundreds of access codes to by-pass the firewall. When I pressed him for more about it, he told me to drop it and hung up. Which is unlike Reggie we go way back to high school." Said Dax shaking his head. "If that's true Hypnos has the network security personal working around the clock for the past month trying to get rid of all those codes from the mainframe and all of the backup copies in storage. At least we now know who is responsible for Daryl and the rest of the teams death, now we have someone to go after. That son of a bitch has a lot to answer for and I'm going to make sure of it when I get hold of him." Deb said her voice going almost guttural. "Calm down love, Blake has a lot to answer for and I'm sure the rest of us here would like nothing more than to get our paws, err, hands on him. " Achilles said placing his huge paws on her shoulders from behind her. "Well the network hasn't made mention of us in over a week, at least not that I've seen. Which can be both good and bad, good being we have hid out for a month now and dropped off the radar so to speak. And the bad could be they already know where we are at and just waiting on us to make the wrong move." Deb said nonchalantly. "I still think Lisa and Cole going in is the wrong move, but the necessity for up to date information and not censored is a must for us right now. Hypnos controls the information flow to the networks web, cable tv, radio etc." Rayne said looking at the others. "Whats taking them so long? "Devon asked looking at Kithira. "They've been gone only 2 hours and some odd minutes it might be awhile before they get back." Answered Dax. "It will take however long it takes them to accomplish the mission." Kithira replied in a soft motherly tone. "Breaking into Hypnos isn't my idea of a good time, it's like breaking into Fort Knox or just as bad. But if they can find even some of the information we need it might be worth it." Dax said somewhat nervously. Just then Lisa and Cole appear in the corner of the dinning room, Lisa jumps out of Cole's arms and lands on the floor and turns to face him. Her face a mask of rage. "Dammit Cole, two more seconds and I would had the lock open!" Shouted Lisa. "And you would have been seen by the security guard coming around the corner from the north hallway, and by now would be under arrest by Hypnos security, mate." Cole said eying his mate closely. "Well how was I to know they have upgraded the locks to finger print scanners, it has been over ten years since I was last there after all. Ahh, sorry for shouting at you. You only did the right thing and got us out of there." Lisa said wrapping her arms around Cole. Joining the others in at the kitchen table. "Well that was a bust, but not without some rewards for our hard work, just wished we could have gotten more than what we did. Hopefully these will give us some answers to some of our questions. Cole stated as he produced 2 mini-disk dvd's from one of his gauntlets and laid them on the table." Dax quickly grabbed the mini-disks off the table before Deb could. "I'll get to looking at these for anything useful, ah any idea whats on them?" Asked Dax. "I acquired them from chief St. John's desk when he wasn't looking." Said Cole nonchalantly. "YOU DID WHAT? Cole are you out of your mind? And you talk about me taking chances, I can't believe you did that!" Lisa exclaimed. "It was nothing really, he wasn't looking at them at the time, he was reading a report and drinking coffee. Wish I could have grabbed a copy of that report though. Oh, and to answer your question. No I'm in my right mind." Cole said smiling. "Balls, pure balls to sneak into the chief's office while he's in it and take something off his desk without him seeing you." Dax replied as he removed the first disk from it's case and dropped it into the dvd drive on the laptop. "Be careful that disk is probably encrypted and has some nasty security features built into it." Lisa said with a concerned look on her face. "With any luck the security codes for our team will be still accepted and I'll be looking at all the data on this disk in seconds." Replied Dax as his fingers danced over the keys of the laptop. Five minutes later. "Well that does it, I've tried every code I know and all the ones Deb has and none of them are valid anymore, ideas people?" Asked Dax. Picking up the discarded disk case. Devon looks at the number printed on a sticky note attached to the case's cover. "Hey, Dax, do you know the kiss principle? Asked Devon. "Yeah, keep it simple, stupid. Why? Asked Dax. "Well, did you ever think to look at the jewel case to see if it had the code already on it, like this pink post it note that's blaring bright neon pink with code that's written on it in a even more obnoxious color. You know, like this one." Said Devon pointing to the post it note. Laughter fills the kitchen as Dax turns red with embarrassment. "Boy, look at him turn red! Are we embarrassed? Asked Rayne. "Give me that!" Exclaimed Dax snatching the jewel case from Devon's hand. "I'd be checking my fingers to make sure I still had them if I was you Devon, by the way he grabbed that case." Achilles said jokingly. "Boy, I think we struck a nerve or something being how he grabbed the case from my hand." Devon said as he walked into the kitchen flexing his hand. Dax, quickly types the number off the jewel case into the security program window for access to the disk, the tension is thick in room as everyone holds their breath. The sound of an error beep from the laptop breaks the silence. "It's not the code for this disk, sorry guys no joy, more than likely it's just the file number of the disk." Said Dax as he ejects the disk and replaces it back in the jewel case. "Try that code on the other disk, it might have gotten put in the wrong case by the chief." Lisa replied, handing the other jewel case to Dax. Dax shrugs his shoulders, and takes the offered case from Lisa. "Can't hurt, maybe the chief is like me and puts disks back into the wrong case occasionally." Dax said as he opened the second jewel case. "Bullshit!" Coughed Rayne into her hand, bringing a round of laughter from everyone in the room. Rayne is rewarded by a scowl from Dax. "Yeah, uh huh, keep it up, Rayne and we'll see who gets the bed tonight, alone." Replied Dax smiling. "Oh boy, the bed all to myself for a change!" Exclaimed Rayne "No, I was meaning you'll be sleeping on the couch in the living room." Dax said in a no nonsense voice looking at Rayne as the disk drive closed. "Ok, you two give it a rest, enough joking around, Dax the disk please." Deb said. Within seconds of the drive closing the a window pops up. "Installing new 256bit encryption protocols version Please wait.." "What the heck?" Exclaims Dax. "Installing new network protocols version 5.1.995.... Please wait.." "Installing new gateway and firewall program version 6.01.02... Please wait.." "Installing security access level AlphaOmega...Please wait.." "Oh shit! Thats why I can't get into that disk, Hypnos has changed everything in the security and network files. But after what happened, don't say I blame them one bit." Said Dax as the laptop rebooted. "Correct me if I'm wrong Dax, with these new files installed you should be able to access Hypnos network and bypass all network security checks from the internet?" Achilles asked. "True, but they may still require a password into key systems and files. Just have to wait and see which areas of the network I can access without a password or security clearance." Dax responded his eyes never leaving the laptop screen as it booted up. "Lunch is served! Sandwiches and iced tea for everyone." Devon said as he came in carrying a tray from the kitchen and sat it down on the table. "Actually we might be able to access the network without going through the internet, Dax's laptop does after all have a wifi card installed. Of course that is if we can get a signal out this far." Deb commented as she poured a glass of iced tea from the pitcher on the table. "Well the cell phones and wifi does work out here, err, somewhat. Ever since that tower went down three weeks ago the service has gone down hill if you ask me." Lisa stated as she grabbed a sandwich and glass of tea. "I just thought of something, when you log into the network will Hypnos be able to trace it to us? Or at least find our general location from the wifi signal?" Asked Cole as he joined the others eating. "The same answer for both of your questions Cole, they might be able to get our general location from a trace to the nearest wifi tower, but that still leaves a lot of homes in the area to check out." Dax said as he typed his user name and password into the laptop. "Besides if Hypnos was looking for us something tells me that they would have sent a containment team by now. We're probably so low on their list that we dropped off of the end of it and they just forgot about us completely." Devon replied in a joking tone. "We could only be so lucky." Said Rayne. "Well everyone hold your butt's, let's see if I can get on the Hypnos network." Dax said as he clicked on the Hypnos network icon on the laptops desktop with the mouse pointer. Everyone watched as the computer tried to connect to the Hypnos network. "Unable to connect no wireless connection available." A pop up window displayed on the screen. Everyone resumed breathing at that moment. "Well it was worth a shot, but maybe with some luck these disks will be readable now with the new protocols installed." Dax said as he pulled out the first disk and replaced it in the drive. He watched and waited as the os found the drive had a disk in it and scanned it before bringing up a window with the view of the disks contents. "I guess it was all we needed was to have the proper encryptions installed to view the disk. Makes since with all the other stuff they've changed at Hypnos in the past month. Now lets see what Cole has found for us." Dax said with gusto, his face alight with joy like a kid with a new toy. Minutes pass while everyone waits for Dax's report on the disk. Everyone is so intently looking at Dax for any reaction that when the printer connected to the laptop starts printing everyone jumps, especially Achilles who had his back to the table where the printer is. Who turns to attack with one arm drawn back to deal the printer a death blow. Laughter ensues, mostly aimed at Achilles who almost looks like he's blushing under his tawny colored fur. "Shit! Give me some warning the next time, Dax. I almost destroyed the printer!" Achilles said before joining the others laughing. "Hate to kill everyones good mood, but we got real problems people. By the way, being your already over there Achilles please put some more paper in the printer before it runs out." Dax said not looking up from the laptop. Everyone stopped laughing at Dax's statement. "What's up, Dax? Stop keeping us in the dark and tell us what you found on the disk." Lisa said concern in her voice. "Oh, not much, just found out about where Anton Blake is, and more importantly what he is." Dax replied as he reached for a sandwich. "Well are you going to keep it to yourself, or spill the beans to the rest of your attentive audience here?" Rayne asked. "Let the print out finish first, I printed the most important of the files. Only twenty pages or so, some from different files, but the ones that concern us the most right now." Dax replied as he picked up a glass of tea, a worried look on his face. Leaning back in his chair, Dax looks around the room at this group he and Rayne have become part of in the last month. His eyes wander from person to digimon in turn before getting up and collecting the print out from the printer. And then turning to the group he begins to tell what he found out. "First, we don't have to worry about Hypnos looking for us, they got bigger fish to fry. The truth of it is they are more worried about oh, around two grand plus of digimon that Blake helped get through the gateway and firewall un-noticed until last months breach in the security. Dax let his words sink in before continuing. Second, Blake is a total psychopath, at least that's what page two says from the Hypnos doctor that debriefed him after Blake's first team was killed in the digital world some fifteen years ago. And then there's Blake's last medical scan which really is going to be a fun read, going to need a psychological and a medical dictionary to understand both them reports fully. It's all here in the print out, take turns reading it." Dax said with sorrow tinged with anger, as he placed the printout on the table, then walked out of the room. "Something's bothering him, I better go to him." Said Rayne as the sound of the front door closing reached them, her turning and chasing after him. Kithira grabs the printout before anyone else has a chance and hands it to Devon. "Devon would you please read it for all of us? Just leave out all the un-important stuff, and what Dax already told us." Kithira said as she placed an arm around Devon's waist. Scanning the first page Devon is shocked to see a different figure than what Dax had told them minutes before. "Shit! Dax was way off on that number of wild digimon that Blake brought here, if I'm reading this correctly there could be as much as twenty thousand wild digimon here." Devon exclaimed as he turned to page two. "Surely you read that wrong, Devon. Turn back to page one and recheck the figures." Said Cole an unbelieving tone in his voice. "Sorry dad but I don't make mistakes like eighteen grand, I got straight A's in math class." Devon replied not looking up from the page. Cole looked at Lisa for confirmation and received a nod from her. "According to this, Anton Blake suffers form acute antisocial personality disorder, that can be manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. In short one very sick puppy, no wonder he was kicked out of Hypnos when he got back." Devon said as he turned the page. "Well at least now we know what type of psycho he is, that gives us an advantage when and if we ever can get our hands on him." Deb said in a cold flat voice from her chair at the table. "Devon, please continue reading." Cole said, as Devon turned another page, then two. "Give me a second, just getting past the rest of the psychological report. Anyone interested in his mission debriefing?" Ask Devon, looking up from the report at everyone. "I think we can all leave that one alone for now, besides it's probably put together from months of notes and half of it was what the interviewer thought Blake meant. Heck he was a mess when they found him almost six months after his team disappeared. Go on to the next section, Devon." Lisa said. "Here we go, lets see what this is." Devon said as he began reading the page and the next four pages after that. Minutes pass before he speaks. "That son of a bitch! Now I have a reason to go after him, Kit with all due respect to you and the memory of my brother, Anton Blake is mine." Devon shaking with rage tosses the print out on the table in front of Deb. "Fill everyone else in I'm going upstairs to pack my gear!" Devon said heading for the stairs. Everyone is stunned by Devon's outburst and abrupt walking out of the room before anyone had a chance to speak. Deb looks down at the report and reads the page out loud to everyone. "There is proof positive that Anton Blake ordered the killings of the undercover units (both human and digimon) in the digital world and this one. Notably one person and the only person he had a direct hand in was Thackry, Daryl agent #15-2059 over a month ago. We know after finally getting access to the logs that Anton Blake was in the digital world the very day agent #15-2059 was killed. The body of agent #15-2059 was later recovered by Hypnos personal after being lead there by Anton Blake's journal which was recovered from his computer in his office. After being brought back to Hypnos command an autopsy was performed on agent Thackry. Agent Thackry was found with a child viximon that would not leave him. The team that recovered agent Thackry's body was forced to bring the child viximon back with them because the child referred to agent Thackry as daddy, and the team leader feared that said viximon was a hybrid. A DNA test was done on the child and the results showed it to be fully digimon. Also the DNA showed that the child is agent Thackry's digimon partner Kithira's child. The child viximon is currently in quarantine at unit #2 containment and control in Denver Co." The silence is broken by Kithira. "My child is alive and in this world, where is the unit #2 so I can get her out?" Demanded Kithira, looking at Deb. "Hold it Kithira, your not going anywhere yet. Besides I'm not about let Hypnos take another of my family away. Cole go find Dax and Rayne and get them back in here, Kit get Devon back down here we have some planning to do before anyone goes running off half cocked." Lisa said in a commanding tone. Cole nods to Lisa and heads for the front door after Dax and Rayne. Kithira is stunned by Lisa's commanding tone that she nods and heads upstairs after Devon. Meanwhile outside Rayne finds Dax sitting on the tail gate of the truck, setting down next to him she wraps an arm around him. Minutes pass before ether of them speaks. "I never thought when Daryl and I was in training together that one of us would die doing our job. We were best trained agents in the field and had countless hours experience. But now it's official, we know he's dead and know who's responsible for his death." Dax said trying not to cry as he spoke. "You and Daryl where like brothers before being partnered with me or Kithira. It is hard to lose some that close to you and not feel like you do, But you're not the only one to lose him Dax." Rayne pauses a few seconds before going on. "If it hadn't been for Daryl nether of us would be here right now, none of us would be, you know it as well as everyone else on the team. I miss him to." Rayne said hugging Dax a little tighter. "It's nice to know that Daryl had such good friends that cared very much about him, my son did well I see. Lisa asked me to find you two and requests that you come back in the house." Cole said. Dax nods. "Give me a few minutes to collect myself and we'll be in." Dax said. "Why? Is your data loosing cohesion?" Said Cole looking closely around where Dax is setting. Rayne giggles at Cole's question. Dax Looks up at Cole. "No, I need a few minutes to get my thoughts and emotions under control, last thing we need right now is for me to lose control and Rayne warp digivolve in the kitchen." Dax answered. "Ok, I let them know that it will be a few minutes." Cole said as he faded out of existence. Meanwhile inside and upstairs in Devon and Kithira's bedroom. "Mate, what are you planning to do?" Kit asks as she walks into the room. "I'm going to the digital world to find this Blake, and when I do, I'm going to scatter his data to the winds for what he has done to Daryl and all the others he killed. That's what I'm going to do, now you can come with me and extract revenge on him for his crimes or stay here. It's your choice." Devon said in a very aggressive tone. "Mate, I understand your feelings about this Blake, I want to hunt him down also. But right now is not the time, my daughter, your daughter now is in this world and being held by Hypnos! And I can't go in alone to rescue her, I need your help and anyone else that will come along." Kit said, anger and fear coloring her voice. Devon stood there shocked but recovered quickly. "Your daughter is here, but how? I thought she died when Daryl did." Devon asked. "If you would have read the rest of the report instead of letting your anger with Blake overwhelm you, you would know. Mother has a plan she wants all of us down at the kitchen table. So put that pack down and lets see what she has to say before, as she put it "going off half cocked?"" Kithira replied holding out a glove covered paw to her mate. "Ok, but after we get your daughter back and she's someplace safe, we go after Blake." Devon replied as he put the pack down on the bed. "Agreed, now lets see what Mother is planning, shall we?" Kit asked as she backed out of the doorway into the hall. Devon nods his head and follows her back downstairs. Hypnos Command Complex, Colorado Springs, U.S.A. "Stevens in my office now!" Chief St. John shouted from the doorway on the upper level of the command center. "Oh great, what did we do now to piss off the chief? Stevens asked his digimon partner Alex as he stood up from his desk. "I don't know, hopefully it's an assignment, anything other than sitting here all day." Replied Alex as he flew up to Stevens shoulder from the desk. Heads turn and watch as agent Stevens with his patamon on his shoulder head upstairs to the chief's office. In the chiefs office. "You wanted to see us, chief?" Said Stevens as he walked in and closed the door. "Yesterday was the last day of your administrative desk duty, your new assignment is to go to unit #2 in Denver and see if you can get anything out of that viximon that was brought back with agent Thackry's remains 2 weeks ago. Here's the case file, read it and see if you can come up with anything new, something that agent Barnes missed. By the way, Stevens your better as a field agent than a desk jockey and I'm noting that in your file. The next time you violate Standard Operating Procedures you'll be given unpaid leave by me, don't make me do that. Now get up to unit #2 and question that viximon." St. John said closing the file on his desk. "Got it chief, on our way now, is there anything else sir?" Stevens asked as he took the offered file. "You haven't left yet? Get going before I have you cleaning the restrooms at the museum. And close the door on your way out." St. John said looking up from another file. Closing the office door Stevens looks at Alex. "Asking questions to a viximon is better than cleaning the restrooms any day in my book." Stevens said as he walked down the hallway to the garage to get his car. "Heck, I can't get you to clean out the stuff in the refrigerator at home much less the bathroom." Alex said jokingly. "Remind me when we get home to do that." Stevens replied. "I do everyday and you keep putting it off. I'm telling you that take out bowl of chili from last month was moving this morning at breakfast, better get rid of it before it tries to eat us the next time one of us open the refrigerator." Alex said matter of factually. "Ok, point made. Now lets get to unit #2 and talk with that viximon." Stevens said as they walked into the garage. Meanwhile back at the cabin as everyone gathered around the table. "Ok, everyone here's the deal. We now know who is responsible for the death's of our family and friends and who knows how many others. We also know that Anton Blake is in the digital world, otherwise the police J.A.S.F., or Hypnos would have found him by now. But first and foremost I think we need to concentrate on finding a way to get my granddaughter out of unit #2. Then we tackle the problem of bringing Anton Blake to justice. Idea's anyone?" Lisa asked looking at the each of them in turn. "Well it won't be easy getting into unit #2 I can tell you that. Unit #2 is "C&C" containment & control unit, basically a super max prison for digimon. I was there once, that place has state of the art security and guards out the yin yang. But also it has it's own gateway and firewall on site for deporting digimon back to the digital world, which could be our escape route. " Said Dax. "Or even better yet, could we use their gateway on site as a way in?" Devon asked. "That's a good idea, but first we would have to get to the digital world to do it. Which if I may remind everyone that's not possible with all the public gateways in lock down. Then we would need the access codes to their gateway and firewall to return here from the digital world also. Which we don't have the last time I checked." Deb said. "Deb, what was your clearance level the last time you used it?" Dax asked. "Same as yours, Alphabeta." Deb replied. "And yours Lisa?" Asked Dax. "AlphaCappa, why?" Responded Lisa. "Aw, and what level of clearance would you say (AlphaOmega) is?" Dax asked looking at Lisa. "That's easy, unless they've changed it. Even when Cole and I where still at Hypnos that level was for the chief commanding officer of a base and the only one higher than that is the president." Lisa replied. "Was anyone paying attention when the security program was upgrading my laptop?" Asked Dax. "No, I wasn't, when you've seen one upgrade you've seen them all is the way I look at it." Deb replied. "Well I was, and a good thing I did because the security clearance was upgraded along with all the new protocols that was installed. And if I miss my guess that means that we have AlphaOmega clearance now, and if so I suggest we use it before they find out that these disks are missing from chief St. John's office." Said Dax. "If that's the case then we have our way in. So whats next?" Asked Lisa. "First lets see if we can upgrade at least one of the D-arc's with the new security and network protocols, then will work from there as needed." Dax replied. "I can help there, I programed many of the systems Hypnos uses, including D-arc's and D-advanced series digivice's before they scraped the development project." Said Lisa. "I read about that project in the training academy, was there a problem with the hardware or software?" Asked Deb. "Neither really, the order just came down one day and the project was shut down. Personally I always thought some bean counter didn't like how much it was costing over the D-arc series and pulled the plug. That was the one draw back to the D-advanced series, was cost. For every one of the D-advanced made four D-arc's could be made." Lisa answered Deb. Pulling out his D-arc Dax connects it to the laptop by way of the mini-usb cable. "Well lets see if this works." Said Dax as the control program pulled the D-arc's firmware, security, and access codes and began updating to the latest versions. "So what was the biggest cost in the D-advance series?" Asked Dax. "Oh, thats an easy question to answer. The D-advanced series uses a specialized cpu for it to work. Unlike the single core in D-arc's the D-advanced used a quad core but with less than half the power consumption over the old single core models." Lisa replied. "That's it upgrade done. Who wants to go next?" Asked Dax removing the cord from his D-arc. "Here do mine." Lisa said handing Dax her D-arc. Dax takes The D-arc from Lisa and looks it over. "This one is, what almost 20 years old?" Looking at Lisa for confirmation. "Older actually, I was 18 when I got it." Replied Lisa. "Your one of the original tamers then here in the states, no wonder you know so much about the D-arc's and all. Well I'll hook this thing up and see if it will accept the firmware update." Dax said as he plugged the usb cord to the D-arc. "Oh, it'll work the insides of my D-arc are actually for the D-advanced series." Said Lisa. "You actually changed out the boards and memory chip and got it to fit in this old D-arc, smart, very smart." Said Dax. "The team thought it was a waste of money for us to build ten test models and just to destroy them when the plug was pulled on the project." Said Lisa as the control program started updating the software in her D-arc. "Ok, now we know that we can upgrade our D-arcs. We still need a plan if we are going to use them. I for one say we go digital then come back through the gateway at unit #2 and get Kit's daughter out of there and leave the same way we went in." Devon said. "And like I said, all the public gateways to the digital world are locked down tight. No one is getting in or out at least not without clearance." Deb said. "We have clearance now with the upgrades to the D-arc's why not use it?" Devon asked. "Because, son, we might get to use that clearance once maybe twice before someone figures out that we should not have it. And then when we need the clearance the most it will be unauthorized and our D-arc's will be useless for travel to the digital world or back to this one." Cole replied. "Here's the other reason the plug was pulled on the advanced series, they're untraceable to Hypnos scanners. The higher up's wanted a sense of control over any trainer's movements, not that they didn't have that already with the firewalls and gateways." Lisa added to Cole's statement. "Uh, mom, I got a question. Do you think you can look at the programing of my D-advanced and find out why I haven't de-digivolved back to human. It's been over a month now, and I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be just human again." Devon said. "I can if Dax doesn't mind me using his laptop." Lisa said looking over at Dax as he finished upgrading Kithira's D-advanced. "No I don't mind at all, here have at it." Dax said getting up from the chair. Kithira, give me Devon's D-advanced." Lisa said holding out her hand to Kithira. Pulling out the blue D-advanced Kithira hands it over to Lisa, and watches as she plugs in the usb cable. Seconds later the control program comes up and Lisa begins looking at the coding from the D-advanced. An hour goes by before Lisa looks up from the laptop and un-plugs the usb cord and hands it back to Kithira, and Kithira hits the scanner button to make sure it works. "The truth is I can't find anything wrong in the code Devon. I don't know why you haven't changed back to human." Lisa said looking at her son. "I think I might have already figured it out." Kithira said. "Well don't keep us in the dark, tell us." Deb replied. "The first time I scanned Devon with the D-advanced he showed as a rookie, and that was before he digivolved for the first time. Just now I scanned Devon again and it shows him to be a champion level digimon. Could have Devon's human form be his rookie form?" Kithira asked. "I don't see why not, he is after all a hybrid. But even digimon revert back to their lower levels occasionally." Achilles said. "Well after most digimon reach a certain power level and age we never revert back to our lower levels unless we spend a great portion of our power in a fight." Cole said. "Lets get back to this plan for getting Kithira's daughter out of unit #2." Rayne said. "I still think the best plan yet is for us to go down to Denver and stake out unit #2 and see what we are up against before we go rushing in and get caught with our pants down around our ankles." Deb replied. "It's better than going in blind and having to fight our way out." Replied Achilles as he looked at everyone seated at the table. "Why not just bash the door down and search the place until we find her." Devon said rather brutally. "Why! I'll tell you why. Listen and listen well, combat weather it's trainer or digimon is brutal, it's not like the battle dome games where no one ever dies. This is for real, people and digimon alike get hurt or even die. I know I've lost many a good friend over the past ten years in both worlds, and one of them was your brother." Said Dax as he got up from the table and walked out of the room. "Because my son, sometimes the best battle plans are not fought on the fields or mountains but in your own mind before the battle. Your battle right now is with your anger and rage towards Anton Blake for what he has done, don't let the anger and rage control you. If you do let it control you then you have already lost the battle before it's even started." Cole said from the seat next to Devon. "This is true mate, I don't let my anger and rage control me in battle, but I control it and harness it to my will and use it for better purpose's like that extra burst of speed just before the hit in a battle." Kithira replied. "All very true, as a leomon I thrive on the battle, especially when it's an honorable one. But like your father and your mate, Dax, Rayne, Deb, even your mother knows this. Don't let your emotions control your actions in battle." Said Achilles "Everyone here acts like we are at war or something, I just want to help my mate get her daughter back before they do something to her. And this sitting here talking about it is not getting anything done but waste time that we may or may not have a lot of." Devon replied. "Well I'll split the difference with you Devon, lets go stake out unit #2 first and see if we can learn anything. And if after a couple of days if we haven't been able to get any information then we play gang busters and kick the door in and stomp a mud hole in anyone that stands in our way until we find her." Deb replied. "Sounds like a plain to me, and while we are staked out we can be collecting information on guard changes trash pickup, etc. Who knows, in a city Dax might be able to get into the Hypnos network and find out something that way." Lisa said. "Rayne, please go and tell Dax what the plain is, the rest of us lets get to packing for the trip to Denver." Deb replied as she got up from the table. "Oh and people pack light, the camper isn't exactly roomy inside." Devon said as he got up from the table. Meanwhile in Denver C&C unit #2 two hours later. "I hate coming here, this place always reminds me of the prison my father died in years ago. But heck it's part of the job." Agent Stevens said as he parked his car in the parking garage. "You never said your father was in prison. Did he do something bad?" Asked Alex. "Yeah, you could say that about him, he started doing drugs and the police caught him to many times and he went prison. But that was years after he left mom and me one day for work and never came back. Later I learned that mom kicked him out because he was doing drugs at home. But enough of that for now, come on Alex lets go check in and see this renamon." Said Stevens as he got out of the car and held his hands out to his partner, which Alex jumped into his hands effortlessly. At the gate. "Agent Stevens and my partner Alex to see prisoner 65-4323-112." Said Stevens as he pulled out his id and showed it to the guard. The guard looks at Agent Stevens Id. And then consults his computer screen. "Go on to visitation, I'll have the prisoner 65-4323-112 brought there, and if there is any problems the prisoner is located on wing 4 cell 324." The guard replied as he opened the gate allowing agent Stevens to enter. A half an hour later the prisoner is brought into the room in a small cage, almost to small for the viximon and sat down on the table in front of agent Stevens and Alex. "Guard you can leave, this viximon poses no threat to me what so ever." Stevens said, waiting for the guard to leave before talking again. "Hey, are you deaf? My partner said you could leave." Alex said to the guard. "With all due respect sir, my orders are that no one is to be left alone with the prisoner, sir." Said the guard and didn't budge an inch toward the door. "I'm agent Stevens, Hypnos C&C. I don't care what your orders are step out of the room now or I'll have you removed from duty for impeding an official investigation into another agents death." Stevens said with the "I won't take no as an answer tone." "Very well my commander will be down shortly." The guard replied as he stepped out of the room. "I'll be waiting." Stevens said as the door closed. "Listen, I know you don't like being in that cage any more than I would. But if I'm going to be able to help you, I need to know where your dam Kithira is. Can you help me find her?" Stevens asked. Minutes pass without a word from the viximon. "Alex, give it a try see if you can find out anything before the guard comes back." Stevens said. Alex switches to his native language and begins speaking with the viximon. Minutes later the conversation is finished as the guard returns with his commanding officer. "Ah, agent Stevens so nice to see you again. Now what's this I hear about you commanding my guard to leave the room while you're interrogating a prisoner?" The commander asked. "Commander Bridges, I thought they reassigned you to unit #4 in England last month, was I wrong?" Stevens asked. "No, I was reassigned, just finishing my last week here. Now answer my question, or you'll get escorted out of here along with that orange puff ball of yours." Demanded Bridges. "Yes, I told him to leave. And you know the rules, as long as there are two agents in the room no guard is needed to stay in the room with the prisoner." Stevens said in a neutral tone. "That viximon is directly responsible for an agents death in the digital world. I'm not taking any chances one of my guards being hurt or killed by it." Bridges said. "Listen commander Bridges, thats where you are wrong. Or haven't you read the report yet on the agents cause of death yet?" Stevens asked. "The report hasn't been released yet, and as commander here I know all I need to know in regards to this prisoner. How would you know what the report says?" Bridges asked. "Because, I'm holding it right here in my hand, which Chief St. John gave me this morning personally before I left Hypnos command. So apparently you're not on the need to know list like myself, and as of today I'm the lead agent in charge of the investigation. Now with all due respect get out of my interrogation room both of you, before I have you both busted down to janitor!" Stevens said almost shouting the last of it. The guard looks at his commander for an answer one way or the other. "Very well Agent Stevens, I'll leave the room with my guard, but know this I will be submitting a report on your behavior before I leave for England at the end of the week." Bridges said as he turned to leave the room with the guard. "Oh, and one more thing have a larger cage brought at once. This viximon may be a prisoner but it's not right to be confined in such a small cage to where it can't even lay down to sleep. And that will be in my report before the end of the day." Agent Stevens replied as the door closed. "Now that we are rid of them for the moment, what did the viximon tell you?" Agent Stevens asked his partner. "The last time she saw her dam was over two weeks ago the morning the village was attacked by a large number of greymon along with a human and Daemon that was commanding the slaughter of all the village inhabitants. The human with the Daemon partner according to Katy was the one that killed her daddy, which can be safely assumed to be Daryl Thackry being where she was found guarding his body." Alex said. Agent Stevens pulls out his cell phone and dials Hypnos Command (the Chief's private number) it rings twice and is answered. "Stevens how the hell did you get my private number?" He demanded. "I'll explain that later, right now I need authorization to bring the viximon to command central as the only witness to agent Thackry's death." Agent Stevens said. "And how did you come to that conclusion?" The chief asked. "She told Alex and he told me." Agent Stevens said. "Alright can she identify who it was if we show her a picture?" Asked Chief St. John. "There's something else sir, the human that killed agent Thackry had a Daemon for a partner. Besides that clueless paranoid control freak Bridges has this viximon in a cage way too small for her to even to lay down to sleep much less eat. Furthermore I believe if we leave this viximon here we won't have a witness at all because she will be dead by the end of the week. And sir, Katy the viximon has identified Kithira as her mother, the last thing we need is for Kithira to go rogue on us. And it's bad enough she thinks we're the ones after her after what happened in Spokane last month." Agent Stevens answered. "And how would you know that it was Kithira in Spokane last month?" Asked Chief St. John. "Simple, she would have known that he was dead and would have gone to his family to tell them the bad news." Agent Stevens replied. "Ok, I'm sending the authorization to your pda, get the viximon out and get back here asap." Chief St. John said and hung up the phone. Less than two minutes later his pda beeps informing him that a message was just received. Checking his pda, agent Stevens hits the print button and watches as the small card sized plastic sheet is ejected from the end. Walking over to the intercom he pressed the button for the guard to come to the door. "Can I help you Sir?" Asked the guard. "Yes, I need a larger cage for this viximon and prepared for transport immediately, here's the print out of the authorization code for release into my custody." Agent Stevens said holding up the authorization for the guard to see. "I'll have a new cage brought in, but I need to verify that code before I can release it to you." the guard said. Five minutes later a new cage is brought in and then with Alex's help the Katy happily moves into the larger cage. Two minutes later Katy's cage is placed on a cart for transport to the garage and Agent Stevens waiting car. And as Agent Stevens pulls his car onto the road heading south to Hypnos command. Katy looks at the world passing by. "Katy go bye bye whee." Here ends chapter 7 and currently working on chapter 8