Life in Yiggow Chapter 2

Story by Zachious on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

As Berkeley walked up the stairs to the Frat house a lot of questions were swirling through his mind. Why would anyone accuse his friends Why would anyone hate Douglas because he was gay? Why would anyone think that Thunder was a crook? Where did the war fit through all this as well?

As Berkeley pondered these questions a huge tall looking Bull came out of the Frat house looking as muscular as ever. Jack Lungo was a Bull who was as thick headed as they come and he wasn't shy about showing it either. Jack thought everything was a conspiracy!

Jack was a dairy cow of all things in the fur world. Jack wasn't your normal dairy cow though he looked like a huge muscular bovine. Jack looked like he could kick your ass as soon as look at ya. But in reality Jack was a softy underneath.

Jack for being a dairy cow had the most beautiful soft green eyes, which Dr. Wolfington praised like the dickens. He always looked at Jack like he created the atom. It drove everyone crazy.

Jack had his cow hair in a pompadour twist he always had it like that trying to be cool for the ladies. But everyone knew Jack would do anything with his looks because he was desperate for women.

Jack came out all excited "Hey you got to hurry up Berkeley, we ordered pizza!" Jack saw Berkeley in deep thought, "You alright, dude? You seem down in the dumps."

Berkeley snapped out of his depressed thoughts, "Yeah-yeah...everything's fine, let's get ready to eat."

"By the way, what were you and Mrs. Wingcock talking about?" asked Jack.

Berkeley snapped his head back in the direction in which Mrs. Wingcock left. "Oh she wanted to know if we had finished our essay papers for tomorrow."

" Right on man!" Jack gave Berkeley a huge slap to the back, "You know we got that done!"

Berkeley starts rubbing his back, "So what pizza did we order?"

"I asked the guys to get cheese."

"Again with the cheese!" said Berkeley irritated.

"What's wrong with cheese?" asked Jack.

"We get cheese every time we order out pizza! What is your big obsession with cheese!?" yelled Berkeley.

"Everybody loves cheese." replied Jack

"Well we don't! We have cheese all the time, we're sick of it!" Berkeley rushes over to the refrigerator door and opens it and points to the cheese in the dairy compartment. "Why don't you eat the cheese I just bought you?"

Jack stares dumbfounded at Berkeley, "You do know I make that stuff for a living right?"

"Yeah," scoffed Berkeley, "And so do how many other cows?"

Jack gives Berkeley the ha ha look and goes into the kitchen. Berkeley was going into the fridge to get an 8 An Up Cola and Jack was looking for snack food to munch. Typical for a cow! "So who was that girl you were fondling today in Science class?" asked Berkeley who took a big gulp of 8 An Up.

Jack looked confused, "Girl I was fondling?"

Berkeley makes tweaking motions, "Yeah it looked like you were playing with some girl's titty's who sat next to you?"

"Hey why were you watching!?" snapped Jack angrily.

"Newsflash! Everybody was watching you!" Berkeley went over to the table and sat down in a chair. "Even Dr. Wolfington noticed, and he said..." Berkeley imitates Dr. Wolfington, "Excuse me Jack, but what the hell do you think your doing?"

Jack's face turns scarlet red, "Well at least I'm trying to make a move. I haven't seen you ask Martha out or anything?"

Berkeley points a long lizard finger at Jack, "Hey that's a whole different story."

As Jack and Berkeley were arguing, coming down from the upstairs was Douglas Wonder. Although Douglas was gay, you wouldn't be able to tell it unless he talked. The only time Douglas looked gay was when he was in the Frat house. Douglas would walk around in a loin cloth and nothing else. In class he would wear normal clothes that any other man would wear. Douglas was a grey wolf who had a passion for plaid. He always wore plaid it was his favorite clothing to wear. Douglas would never make a move on his friends without their permission. Outside of class though that was a different story.

Douglas had bright scary yellow eyes, what made them even more scary was that his eyes were like female eyes boring a hole into you like the female animal who was ready for mating season. Douglas was slim with a decent build, he really, really liked the gym. He would always work out at the school gym to keep his physique the way it was. Douglas's hair was always curly too, Douglas always found it sexy that way. When Douglas made his way down the stairs he hollered at Jack and Berkeley.

"Hey babes, what's going on?" Douglas danced his way swinging his hips over to Jack and Berkeley.

"Nothing much, we're doing fine, I just got off of work." said Berkeley taking another drink of the 8 an Up Soda.

"You seem very happy today Douglas. Something good happen to you today?" asked Jack eyeing Douglas who was still shaking his hips.

"Well, of course babe! I mean haven't the two of you see that lovely young gun badger Davey Mathews! "Douglas was making a fanning with his hand, "Talk about hot!"

Jack rolled his eyes, "Well, that's no surprise you say that to just about everyone!"

"I do not!" Jack barks a laugh which was weird because him being a dairy cow in all.

"Are you kidding me," now Jack started mooing with laughter, "Come on Douglas, just last night you put a rubber piece on Berkeley's tail and were chasing after him doing a robust thrust and saying SHE-BANG SHE-BANG!"

"Oh come on there babe!" said Douglas "You know that me and the Berkster were playin and anyway," Douglas goes close to Jack's little cow ear and Douglas made a an evil fangish like smile. "Plus you always know I get horny around eleven babe!"

Jack looks like he's going to puke, "That's disgusting you fa---"

Suddenly the air in the room got very thick and the stern faces of Douglas and Berkeley, were pointing menacingly at Jack. "Don't say the damn word!"

Jack fought back the urge to finish his sentence and then looked down at Douglas and once again looked sick. "Why don't you wear some pants?"

Douglas gave a toothy smile, "Only during class babe!" Douglas starts thrusting his loin cloth toward Jack. "You don't like my loin cloth babe? You don't know the freedom I get from this thing!"

While Douglas and Jack were having their argument Berkeley was thinking of what Mrs. Wingcock said about Douglas. Berkeley turned his green eyes toward Douglas and just stared. He began stroking his spines with his lizard hand. Which Berkeley rather did when he was nervous. Berkeley then exhaled.

"Douglas, may I ask you something?"

Douglas turned from Jack and made his way over to Berkeley. Douglas than went on the other side of Berkeley and began stroking his spines with love. "Of course you can honey, and please call me Dougie."

Berkeley brushes away Douglas's paw and became very stern, "Has anyone been making fun of you for...being gay?"

Douglas stared at Berkeley, "What?"

Berkeley started pressing his lizard hands against his snout, "Has anyone been making fun of you for being what you are?"

Jack stood in shock with his cow jaw wide open, "Where's all this coming from?"

Douglas was equally shocked "No no...babe...why would you even ask that?"

Berkeley didn't answer he just went on with his questions, "Have any of the teachers tried to get you expelled for being gay?"

Jack actually slapped himself in the face with his hoof and Douglas ran a paw through his hair mane looking confused. "Look, Berkeley I know I've been behind on my school work. But why would any one want to expel me for just being gay? I mean I may not mind showing who I am. But it's who I am and I'm not going to change."

Berkeley shakes his head sadly. Jack starts clicking his hooves together, "Berkeley who said these things? What's going on?"

"It's nothing." said Berkeley softly.

Jack starts eyeing Berkeley, "That sure looked like something to me."

"It's nothing." repeated Berkeley a little louder.

Jack was looking straight at Berkeley, "Come on man, we both know you and when you act like this something is definitely going on. So what happened?"

Suddenly Berkeley just exploded his green eyes glowing with lizard rage, "GOD DAMN IT! I TOLD YOU IT WAS NOTHING!"

There was an eerie silence that went throughout the frat house. Berkeley, Jack, and Douglas all look and stare down at the floor.

"Look I'm sorry guys, I just don't want to talk about it right now." said Berkeley.

Douglas then perks up with a huge smile and rubs Berkeley's spines. "Hey don't worry about it babe! You'll tell us when you can."

"Yeah don't worry about it Berkeley, when your ready we'll listen." said Jack giving Berkeley a pat on the back.

Berkeley smiles at the encouragement his friends have given, "Thanks guys that means a lot. I appreciate it!

Douglas then dances his way over to Jack and starts touching his cow body. "Speaking of which Jackie, babe! When are you going to give me some of that moonshine?" Douglas gives Jack a kiss on his cow snout and starts dancing around in circles.

Jack wipes the spit from his snout and pushes Douglas away. "Get away from me you damn sicko!" Jack was starting to get agitated, "When are Nikoli and Thunder going to get here with the food?! Because I can't take much more of this!"

Suddenly bursting through the front door of the frat house was Nikoli and Thunder carrying pizza's.

Life in Yiggow Chapter 3

Chapter 3 "Who wants pizza?" Thunder Darkstone was coming through the door carrying about ten pizza's. Thunder was a husky, needless to say a dark husky.Thunder always liked to wear black T-shirts and jeans, sometimes the jeans would even be...

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Life in Yiggow

Life in Yiggow was like any other for lizard man Berkely Stark. He made his living going to an fro from school to work. Berkely did his work like any other lizard man or creature for that matter. Yiggow was always a bustling city full of huge...

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