Someday I'll be Famous

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. This chapter has M/M anal, prostitution, sweat-smelling (you'll see, I don't know), condom use, and is not for minors. If you are under the legal age (18/21), it is illegal for you to view this material, or you are offended, you may leave. Otherwise read on. Any resemblance to real people/places/events is purely coincidental in nature. All characters from the series, unless otherwise specified in all parts in existence and from this point forward are copyrighted to Thomas Andrews (tapanther). Permission is given to copy the story for personal viewing, so long as the text remains unaltered. You may not post this story elsewhere without the author's (me) consent. If you wish, send me a PM for permission. I'm sure it will be granted.


NOTE: Due to me being to lazy to put for italics, all mental notes/thoughts will be in some form of brackets. Ex: [It's been so long since he's been this lively]. This should kind of read "I though to myself / I thought" since this is a narrative. If you see anything in dashes -xxxxx- it is either the style of the speaking, or onomatopoeia. Ex: -Whmipered- or -Pop!-. I put all dialogue as their own paragraphs, so anything in quotations inside a bloc of words is not dialogue. Also, anything in parenthesis ( ) is like a side note or mini-dialogue.

Any other story series (Fear the Dark/Forgive Me and anything I may have started since August 4th) in on a short hiatus right now, since I just got back from a week's vacation in Yosemite, and have to catch up on other things. "Forgive Me" should be back sometime in September. Thanks.

Some Day, I'll be Famous . . .

. . . Until then, I'm Cheap.

"You sure? -Pause- Alright, it's your money. It started about a year back . . ."

"We're sorry Mr. Carter, but you just don't fit the part. We hope you understand, and we wish you better luck in the future."

[In other words, 'We don't like you. Get lost.' Well, that's the tenth time this month.] My name is Kevin Carter, and I'm an actor. Or at least, I was. I've been going from studio to studio in California, trying out for different parts in different plays. I've tried out for everything, from the lead role to a stagehand, but the story is always the same; I just don't fit the part. I don't know why. I'm not ugly, quite the contrary, I've been able to hang on thanks to my good looks. I'm not a scrawny little runt of a fox, in fact, I work out a lot, and it shows. I can bench press half again my body weight, and I'm no featherweight. Last time I checked, I was 173 pounds of solid, hot, fox muscle. I keep my fur clean and shiny, and I don't smell bad. In fact, several of my . . . customers have commented how good I smell. Maybe that's just it; they know what I do to stay alive. I find it hard to believe that ten studios would all reject me simply because I don't fit that part.

At first, I tried other jobs to get the bills paid. For a time, I worked at a liquor shop near my apartment. I hated every minute of it; it was boring and mundane, and I had to deal with everything from kids trying to buy beer to nearly deaf grandpas and grandmas who couldn't tell the difference of a dollar bill to a twenty. I had to quit after I lost my temper at an elderly couple and stormed off. I then tried to work at a movie theatre, but that quickly went down the drain; I kept falling asleep on the job. Next I worked as a stage hand, but that lasted only as long as the play was on. Shortly afterwards, I kept going from job to job, always getting fired or quitting after a short time. It's not that I didn't try or that I was lazy; I just couldn't do those jobs, my body wouldn't let me.

I was between jobs one day, I was working out at my local gym, you know the type; the ones that are cheap but have the basic stuff. I was doing a few bench presses to keep my pecs well defined, when a young mink came and sat down next to me to lift weights. I didn't pay much attention to him at first, but while I was between reps I caught him staring at my chest, licking his lips. I always worked out in a pair of tight workout shorts and no shirt, so he had a pretty good view. I wasn't angry, in fact, I was flattered. (Yeah, I'm gay. What's that supposed to mean? You wouldn't be paying me if you weren't gay yourself!)

"Hey there! Like what you see?"

He was startled and almost dropped the dumbbell he'd been holding. I flashed him a toothy grin, and he returned it with one of his own. I flexed my chest, making my pecs bounce a few times, and bulged out my biceps. Poor guy, he was drooling a little. I continued my workout, making sure to give him a good view of my body. By the time I finished there was a glistening coat of sweat matting down my fur and raising a bit of a stink. Apparently the mink didn't think I smelled bad; he inhaled deeply and sighed several times, apparently enjoying the smell.

"My name's Mark. Mind giving me your's hot stuff?"

"Kevin. I see you definitely liked what you saw."

I pointed down at the throbbing tent in his shorts, and I saw a faint hint of red in his otherwise snow-white fur. At the time I was thinking about taking him home to have a little harmless fun. But boy, if I knew what I was about to stumble into, I might've fled right there and then.

"What you say if we go back to my place, and have some fun. How does thirty an hour sound? Two hours, maybe three."

I was so confused by what he meant. I stood there, looking at his eyes, wondering what the hell he meant. Then, it struck me! He thought I was a hustler, and he was offering to pay to have sex!

"You okay there Kevin?"

"Yeah, just remembered something I forgot to do earlier. Anyways, sure, sounds good to me."

He looked shocked, as if he wasn't expecting me to agree so readily. He pulled himself together, and led me to his apartment a few blocks away. As we walked, I could see his confidence slowly evaporating away by the way he walked and the way he held himself. He started out standing straight and his voice was firm, but as time went on, he began to slouch and his voice weakened. We finally arrived at his apartment, and he meekly led me in. It was very much like mine, single bedroom, small kitchen, and small bathroom. We went into his bedroom, and he stopped short of the bed.

"Listen, I've never done this before, so I'm not sure what to do . . ."

His voice trailed off into an inaudible whisper. My mind raced, considering I hadn't done this before. I thought back to those dirty stories I'd read late at night. I then got a thought.

"We can do whatever you want. For the next three hours I'm all yours."

I did my best to sound slutty. [Why not, I was getting paid to.] He gulped, and looked like he wanted to say something but was too ashamed to.

"Don't worry, just tell me what you wanna do, no one else will know. If it's too far out there I'll tell you."

"I want you to . . . rub me."

"Like a massage?"


He squeaked out the last word, and apparently thought I'd reject it. I didn't see anything wrong with it, so I walked closer to him and began to pull off his shirt. He lifted his arms and I lifted the shirt off completely. He wasn't too well built, but he was lithe. I saw he was scared. To be honest so was I, but you know what they say about actors . . . grace under pressure and all. I mean, if I could stand in front of a couple hundred people and pretend to be everything from a serial killer to a warrior-priest, I could act like a hustler for one guy.

"Relax . . . here lie down. Now doesn't that feel better?"

I got him on the bed and started to rub my paws all over his chest and stomach, lightly scratching him every now and then. He was enjoying it a lot judging from how hard his cock was. I kept rubbing him for about ten minutes, getting him very relaxed.

"Mmm, that's nice. You think you could kiss me all over?"

[Why not?] I bent down and started kissing him all over, planting little pecks all over his body. I kissed his chest all over, paying special attention to his belly. I knew I was doing something right since he squirmed with each kiss to his stomach. I moved on and started to kiss his neck. Sure I was getting a few hairs in my mouth, but they weren't a problem. He started to lightly scratch the back of my neck, and I slowly moved up, getting nearer and nearer to his mouth. The last kiss was right on his chin. I stopped for a moment trying to decide whether or not to french him. I decided "what the heck . . . might as well". So I did. I grabbed his head and pulled it roughly into mine, forcing my tongue into his muzzle. He tried to jerk back at first, but the moment my tongue touched his, he melted like putty in my hands. He just started shivering, and pulled me in closer to him. I pulled back, and his face was completely star-struck. I'm sure he'd never hired a hustler before, and wasn't very sure what he was doing. I'm sure he imagined I'd take over, having "done" this before. Unfortunately for him, he was my first "customer"; I was just as unsure as he was.

"C-could I, ah . . . could you flex . . . for me?"

"Sure thing."

[Now this I like.] I've always been a bit of a narcissist, and I love it when guys ogle over me. So I lifted my arm and started to flex it, making my bicep and triceps bulge out. Now, I'm not a bodybuilder, so I don't have massive 30 inch guns, but mine are pretty nice, about 14 inches. My bicep made a nice hill under my fur, and my triceps spread nicely making my arm look bigger than it really is. Mark was really drooling now; he wouldn't take his eyes off my arm, watching as my fur rippled with each flex. I tried to think back to some videos of guys posing, but I couldn't really remember many poses. I remembered the one where they flex both arms above their head, so I tried that. Mark apparently loved it, 'cause my pecs were now in view, and my entire chest was easily visible. I didn't have a six pack back then, but you could feel little bumps were each muscle was. He didn't seem to mind though; he started to rub my chest and squeeze my arms, and he even sniffed my fur.

"I have some weights here, could you like, workout a little?"

I didn't say anything, but I smiled at him, and put my arm out as if saying "lead the way". He caught my meaning immediately and walked out of his room and into the living room. He rummaged around a closet there, and pulled out a bar and several weights, plus a few dumbbells.

"I got these a while ago, but I like the gym more. -sheepishly- I can look at hot guys there."

"No prob. Here, hand me those twenties and the bar, and those dumbbells."

He did as I said, and I fit two twenties onto the bar. He had a long wooden table in his living room, so I cleared it of papers and junk, and laid down on it. I started to do a few bench presses for Mark. He seemed to love the way my chest bulged and flexed with each lift. I was a little tired from my earlier workout, so the forty pounds I was lifting seemed much heavier. After only a few reps, I was sweating again. A few drops rolled down my face, and I could smell a faint hint of sweat in the air. I stopped the rep I was doing, and turned to look at Mark. His shorts were tenting out, and his eyes were darting about trying to look all over my body at the same time. I set the bar down and stretched for him. Mark slowly lifted his hand and put it on my chest, rubbing my stomach lightly. He got bolder and bent down to put his head on my pecs, and started to tease my nipples. He quickly stopped when I chuckled, but he slowly began to rub me all over. His fur began to gleam slightly from the sweat he'd rubbed off me. He brought his hands up to his nose, and inhaled deeply, shuddering with pleasure. I was a little weirded out that a guy was getting off on my smell, but hey, who was I to say what he could like. He got on top of me, and I was a little worried that the table would break under our combined weight, but it was a sturdy solid oak thing and could probably hold six of us. He began to rub his body against mine, and his tongue darted out to lick my chest and neck. I wondered why the sudden burst of courage, and then his cock poked into my thigh. Talk about thinking with your second head. I closed my eyes to enjoy his caresses, when suddenly I felt something poke under my arm and push its way into my armpit. My head shot up, and I saw Mark's head pushing its way under my shoulder.

"Whoa! Mark, hold on there! Hey, you like the smell or something?"

"Yeah . . . it smells great."

[Geez this guy is starting to scare me a little.] I was a bit worried now; I'd never thought someone would get off on how I smell. Mark seemed to be lost in his own lust, and shoved his muzzle under my arm again. He took a few deep breaths, and withdrew his head. I was starting to worry what he'd do next, but he got off me and ran into his room. Well, skipped into his room. He came out with a bottle and a box, and I guessed it was lube and condoms. As Mark got closer, I could see I was right.

"I want you to fuck me, nice and hard."

[Now that's more like it!] I just smiled, so Mark tossed me a condom and the lube. I noticed the condom was ribbed, something I've always wanted to try up my ass. That's not to say that I'd had sex many times before that. I fooled around with a few guys in high school and the acting school I went to, but at most it was a dozen times. Little did I know that from now on in a week I'd usually have more sex than I did in six years of school. Mark was getting really excited, and I saw a few drops of pre fall from the tip of his cock. I tore off my workout shorts (not literally!) and rubbed my cock a few times to get it hard. A few looks at Mark certainly helped, so in no time I was painfully hard and already leaking (yeah, it's true; us canines leak like faucets). I rolled on the condom, and saw how the little ribs made nice bumps all along the length. I quickly squirted some lube on my paw and rubbed it on the condom, and squirted some more all over his ass. I placed my cock right at the rim of his ass, and waited for some signal to start pounding him. The signal turned out to be Mark pushing back against my cock, getting the head in before I could react. It took about a second, but from there on I just started to pound his ass for all it was worth. I fucked him with quick, short, hard thrusts making him moan pretty much constantly. He reached down and started to paw off, and he reached behind to grab some of the lube that was dripping all around his ass. He spread it on his cock and man, you should've seen his hand flying back and forth. Few seconds later, I felt his ass clench all around me and he shook for a moment. That was too much for me, and I slammed my cock into him, burying it in knot and all. He gasped for air as my lemon-sized knot broke past his ring. I humped him for a few seconds before I felt pleasure surge through me, rocking my body more violently than anything I'd ever felt before. I felt each jet of cum shoot out of my cock and hit his prostrate, making Mark whine in pleasure. Past that I can't remember much, I think I fell asleep on top of Mark. Anyways, I remember waking up on Mark, feeling all sticky and a little sore. He paid me $150, more than I expected to get really. I was really happy, since now I had just enough money to pay the rent.

"That was about a year ago, since then I've been able to get by with a few acting gigs here and there, and a lot of happy customers. Most guys say I go too cheap, but what the heck, I can't say I don't enjoy it. You know, I never did catch your name stud. -Pause- Tetsuhiko Asai, that's an interesting name. What does it mean? -Pause- Iron, really? Certainly fits you! You're built like a tank! -Pause- Heh, you're right, battleship is more like it. Anyways, we still have an hour left . . . I'm sure I could make you a very happy customer."

Well that's a try at a slightly new writing style. I hope you liked the story, and I hope you'll check out the pic that gave me the idea at:

Anyways, thanks to Beachfox for the idea, and anyone who reads this. Now I'll proceed to pass out from exhaustion. Have a nice night!

Also, kudos to anyone who spots the cameo.

Sleep Well, My Sweet

DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. This chapter has M/M love, kissing, cuddling, relationships and food eating. If you are under the legal age (18/21), it is illegal for you to view this material, or you are offended,...

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Forgive Me- Chris 8

DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. This chapter has M/M love, kissing, cuddling, anal, oral, bondage references, and references to bodily harm. If you are under the legal age (18/21), it is illegal for you to view...

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Forgive Me- Chris 7 + Surprise

DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. This chapter has M/M love, kissing, cuddling, anal, oral, strip show, dildo use. If you are under the legal age (18/21), it is illegal for you to view this material, or you are...

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