Powerless In Space - Chapter 1

Story by ASHOKA on SoFurry

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#1 of Powerless in Space

*Co-Author - RAW19 *

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Warning this fic will contain a lot of comical violence as well as funny sex scenes.

_ Z _

Starring in

Powerless In Space

Chapter 1

Tangela Delight

Sometime in the past, thousands of miles of the beaten star way, there dwelt a kinky race of Purple Alien Eevees. Those so called menaces were the bad-asses of the galaxy, no shit these guys were hardcore. They were both Purple and also had the finer cliché quality of most aliens with antenna's on their heads, go figure. It must've sucked having things stick out of your head, but then again humans have noses don't they? These furry alien critters were bipedal, and well endowed with sexual assets, very big orifice thumpers.

A note worthy consideration about these lame invaders could be put down to their more than strange fascination for fucking Earth Pokemon, and fooling with Earth girls, so they at least had some good taste. This obsession had ascended them to become the horny scourge of the galaxy with such pastimes as Earth fap fics and porn. These guys would go on about their jolly old ways to invade other planets, but one proved a little awkward to conquer and invade- the one they loved so much. The main reason for this was- they wanted to get the best hentai artists and animé makers to force into making them fuck worthy crap, not to mention Earth had the best porn industry this side of the galaxy. Having taken over Earth it would have surely meant the good life with so many species to fuck, and not the same old purple Eevee babes all the time.

Earth's defences were as solid as an erection during fapping to a Mysterydude fic. In order to invade a planet like Earth they needed something on a level playing field, and collected enough samples to clone an interesting creature. A human, but one geared towards their so called plans. They had created the ultimate human weapon to launch the attack with. Her skills for combat would be on a level of unparalleled skills and co-ordination. Why a human? That would be the question and the answer is as swift as a premature alien Eevee' ejaculation. A human has faster reflexes due to their finger design, and its applications were not just there for combat but the many hand job techniques that came with it, a bonus.

And so a hot, tanned, female with the body of a diva was made, complete with very nice blue hair that they purchased using coupons from the back of a cereal box. Of course they wanted to fuck her too.

The human dream girl got implanted with everything she needed to know about their objectives, including battle tactics and sexual pleasure techniques. Somehow the sex techniques remained while she forgot others. Priorities were ever present in her mind, and it was always about sex first, then again everyone thinks about sex first, its a given. They made her pussy brazenly gold like the rest of her beautiful tanned skin, awesomely stretchy but still fantastically tight, and rape-ably soft. She could take it like a good girl and a real pro, always delivering the ultimate fuck experience to any partner. A fail safe was genetically altered in her so she couldn't live without mating and if she didn't have sex within a certain time period, she would snuff it. Fuck that must be utterly sucky, although the feisty thing was rather adept at doing things of a sucky nature, and something she was good with too. She was in fact so good at sucking there's no way you'd not stick a dick in her mouth without it blowing in 30 seconds.

Okay as much as we all want to hear about her blow jobs skills we should move on to her other qualities if any come to mind. Ah yes, she knew how to speak every language but somehow, it was too much information, and she forgot, she wasn't the smartest lass out in space unfortunately. They dubbed this impressive weapon of theirs Mechachick. A special combat suit was created just for her, and no other in the universe could pilot it, it was so hard to pilot not even MechaChick herself could understand its full capacity, but we already know they created an airhead. Soon after her creation, duties seemed more of a bore and fun was what she really wanted. There wasn't much room for it on the Eevee' schedule with all the invading and humping her they had in mind for her, so her own fun time had been taken out of the equation. Blast it, the things she must do for Mars. Hell she wasn't going to be any purple things invading tool or sex toy, and this my friends, caused her to immediately on the day of her creation make newer plans to escape. She most certainly did flee, and with a real kick to it.

Having fled her blasted creators, she ended up on Earth somehow, and instead of being the instrument of its doom became its condom for protection and more than once beat the hell out of those Eevees. It probably could be a safe presumption to assume she did it for the fact she loved fucking Pokemon of different species, as they came in all sorts of shapes and variety on earth. She was like a kid in front of a candy shop, so much choice it made her giddy and giggly as hell, mostly hyperactive. The other reason why she may have chosen to protect Earth and be its saviour may have been down to deciding she would much rather live her own way and by her own rules, that and she loved to kick the shit out of Alien Eevees. She even had adopted a none super hero name when her suit was out of power, and went by the alias of Z. She really liked that name so much, it was given by a new friend she made, but of course that's another story. In the time that passed, she had one adventure after another in her horny sexy exploits to take them down, and all the while she had a merry old time, and as much fun as possible along the way. Now her story continues....


MechaChick had commandeered her own alien vessel back 'The Orgasmanator Queen' from an Eevee base hidden on Mars, and had made her grand escape hitting hyper light speed. Now that the boisterous female was safely on-board the fleeting two man vessel, things weren't going quite to plan, but nothing did ever go smoothly for the sexy little space totty, she had no luck what so ever. She had found a friend in trouble, which seemed to follow her around along with a world of mishaps it seemed. Now racing down the super swirly warp tunnel within her ship, the toughened little tanned girl punched the buttons on the dashboard, frantically. The entire, blue and silver, streamlined ship felt like it was falling apart and was shaking like a bucket of bolts. She had little to no idea what she was pushing, but one of these brightly colored, oft flickering buttons had to do something to help, right? The space speed warp technology was completely untested and, from what it appeared like, it was failing. She pulled her fists back about to slam them into the controls but stopped to sigh. What use was there?

Her long blue hair fell across her face as she lowered her head in a little loss of hope, while she pushed the last button. Suddenly something spoke in a male voice out of a small display panel.

"Ahh good morning. I am Orgasmanator Queen, at your disposal; please state your designation and orders."

"Hey you spoke, wahoo, are you talking the ship? Hang on, why haven't you ever talked to me before?"

"Duh! You never turned me on, and who else would be talking to you. I am the artificial AI programmed to aid MechaChick only."

"Yay! Okay I'm MechaChick, POW! Now save me, we're going to blow up or something! Yikes there are red blinking lights all over. Oh wait, I just realised something hmm you're male, but the ships called queen?"

"I'm gay you brain dead ditz."

"Awesome, a talking ship, that's way cool, err why are you gay, you have no err sex at all?"

"Never mind that, we're going to blow up! Just say out loudly, "Control transferral to A.I. Hurry!"

"Err okay, control transferral to A.I. Hurrry!"

"You didn't need to say hurry, but I guess its fine. I have full control now. I can't believe you're MechaChick, you sound more like a Mega Air Head."

"Jackass, I'll pummel you if you get too smart."

"Then we'll both die, I'm a living ship.... Anyhow I don't have enough power. Follow my instructions, place your hands on the two joysticks to either side of you which control flight. I have to transfer some power from your mecha power suit as shits going to overload."

The tanned beauty did as she was told, although the nice thick girth made for a comfy grip, and the skin type textured dildo control sticks which worked the manual controls did feel good in her palms. She suddenly was hit with strong zapping as surges frizzled through her and continued to make her hair rise up.

"Stop it! My hairs going to be screwed!" The surges continued a few moments, not painful but weird and uncomfortable.

Her ship kept on facing turbulence as it carried on becoming heavier and heavier, then stopped in an instant, as it crashing through the warp, and out into the void of calm space. The Orgasmanator Queen spiralled and spun out of control but it wasn't vibrating like a tin can any more. Somehow the untested warp drive had failed and threw her miles off where she should be, and that was supposed to be between Earth and Mars. The sarcastic A.I. managed to regain some control, and taunted her.

"Oh dear poor MechaChick, now you're lost boo hoo want to cry?" he taunted "Regardless of that.... wuss, we're totally somewhere vastly unexplored and in a region which hasn't even been mapped, let alone charted in anyway by telescope even. I have some good news though." Her eyes lit up, hearing the words good news. Maybe she wouldn't have to plot ways to cruelly destroy him after all.

"That's neato, so what is it?" She was curious and happy things where not all doom and gloom.

"The good news? Well we are alive. Not to mention, the other day, I saved good money on my spaceship insurance by switching to IHABRBMTP insurers." That was so stupidly long, "It stands for- I Have A Big Rocket Between My Tail Pipe." She frowned a little.

'Some news that is.' She thought, mentally putting him back on the list of things to pummel. "And what's the bad then?"

"Although, having had further complications and damage sustained through burning out some of the ships hyper field automated distortion rendering, time displacement, polarised warp drive star, or simply put for you, the light speed drive or whatever you want to call it with your pea brain, meant that it had to be jettisoned out to avoid the ship blowing up." The young woman faced an awkward situation as the computers A.I. made some critical choices on her behalf.

"That's great, now what?" She was at a loss and didn't understand what to do.

"Just fasten your belt. The landing gears damaged but I'll deal with getting us to where we need to, to make repairs. ........What are you eating?"

MC held up the pastry that she'd been ob-nomming on for a bit now. "Blueberry Muffin."

"And...Where did you get that from?" The A.I. asked.

"Muffin Button." she mumbled with a mouthful whilst she scoffed on it.

"......I don't recall such a thing being installed." The A.I. said, with a hint of annoyance.

"Then where did I get this muffin....?" Mechachick wondered to herself.

"Whatever! Just....fasten your seatbelt!"

MechaChick didn't have much choice, as she strapped herself, and fastened the buckle.

A blue purple and pink planet came into view as the ship navigated towards the strange planet making its way there. There was a decent amount of water on the planet, so it was quite possibly inhabited, but there was far more vegetation than anything else. What could live there?

"Yipes don't kills us alright, pretty please!" The ship began making its descent through the atmosphere, with trails of streaking red following as it heated up, and growing into an inferno. Luckily the heat shielding around the ship stopped it from cooking her inside.

"I have it under control, but we're still going to crash." The ground started to come up. She noticed the flames around them had gone out, but it didn't mean anything if she was going to go splat any moment. The ship soared over the odd blue and pink trees, making the leaves blow off and the branches sway from their speed. A part of her thought that a multitude of beady little eyes were watching the ship crash. Obviously, she was seeing things. The front thrusters blasted out trying to level them out more and slow them down. It wasn't much help and soon enough they crash landed; the ship slid through the thick foliage with an overwhelming sound of shredding plant life and finally came to a halt with a loud PWRAAAASH. "See I told you,"

MechaChick was happy to be alive, but also knew repairs needed to be made and she was all alone in a alien environment with nothing but the on board artificial intelligence of the ship to keep her company. She felt frustrated, she was not meant to be here, it was meant to be an A to B journey, Mars to Earth. She took a deep breath and vented herself at the poor A.I.

"You idiot of a computer, I said earth where the hell have you landed us?"

"This planet has a sustainable atmosphere. It's also the closest planet that has material resources to help with the repairs and without them we won't be able to get of this rock, get it? Moron."

"Don't back chat me and call me moron, I'll fry your circuits, now tell me what I need?"

"First off we need to travel to three planets, this being the first as it will give us flight, idiot. Then to Alpha Vector three-four-nine which is a few light years from here, to get more of the correct elemental substitute which bares compatibility to what's needed to form stabilising material and avoid the repeat space jump which landed us here."

"Err space jump, I'm not sure what that is, I'm just made to destroy stuff. Tell me what to get I don't want to be here for long, I haz to beat the daily Eevee's up, or I'll get bored. and they iz fun!"

"Well a good note is that these materials are not as volatile as the ones the Eevee's had resources to, as this solar system has far more stable and sturdy sources. The original materials were jettisoned into space to avoid us imploding."

"What does imploding mean?"

"A big kaboom inwards dummy."

"Oh I see." she said nodding and rubbing her chin. "Imps exploding means kaboom, okay so where do I go from here to get the mats needed?"

"That's imploding, and I'll upload co-ordinates to your goggles."

"Wow neat, I didn't know you were smart too, just like me!"

Her power suit bleeped a couple of times. "Damn the power is drained, its retracting into a back pack, yipes no power.... how am I going to defend myself now? Are there any dangerous monster or anything out there?"

"I only detected killer space Tangela of some kind, three times stronger than our ones, skin so dense they don't need armor, and can break boulder with relative ease. But it's nothing to worry about, you're MechaChick after all. There's nothing out there that you should worry about. Try Kung-fu chops or something, you were implanted with every combat technique ever created in our solar system dummy."

"But no suit now!"

"You could always starve here, and hmm I am designed with an internal conduit that extends between your legs and docks with your pussy. To help you out for recreational purposes if you're on away missions. It's also a design fail safe. You'll die if you don't orgasm from a external source of sex, so masturbation won't get you anywhere."

"That's a bummer, but it's so awesome to have a ship that fucks me! But I'd rather not starve to death first, so we'll fuck later, I can't wait!"

"Yeah" The A.I. sighed "It's okay for you but I'm forced to sexually service a female, yuck! I'd rather pump rear entry points, you have the wrong orifice for me babe."

Her armour bleeped again before it transformed into a back pack. She sat nude apart from the goggles which remained on her forehead. "Awwww, my armor's out of power now, it says zero power?" She gave a little sob before resuming back to her merry self, looks like she was plain ol Z now, and not MechaChick. "Alright hurry up and implant the goodies in my little head"

She reached for her goggles, and pulled them down over her eyes as little bits of info streamed past.

Orgasmanator Queen continued to inform her of what to do, "That's the co-ordinates, and they are getting implanted in your brain." A small compartment opened to her left. "Take it and stick it in your ear. That tiny gizmo works with your goggles to help you understand local creatures you may encounter. It's easy, pea brain, just place your goggles over your eyes, say universal translator, and give it a moment to work."

"So neat."

"Yeah, now get going tuts, I want to get home so I can check out those tight little turbo thrusters on those male M-Zero 9 human ships, so smutty."

"Err that's a whacky fetish weirdo metal humper!"

"Says the chick sat nude that wants to fuck her ship."

"So....Off I go"


The hatch to the cockpit crept open as she pulled her goggles back over her head. She stood and jumped off the side of the ship. Z's footwork was very light and almost silent as she landed. She took a moment to look around the strange alien terrain, filled with dark green vines and bushes that littered the landfill. Many large and ageless trees grew up around her, sunk in deep green marshlands where little light fell through. They cast both a veil of serenity and mystery upon those that walked beneath them.

The girl grabbed along the long, teal grass ripping a few clusters out before tying them around her bust for support; in place of the gravitational nipple rings of the armor, which supported them even though she still had no bra in her suit, but now zilch. After securing them her pussy wasn't a problem; there wasn't anything here to perv on it anyway, not that she wasn't a perv herself at times.

She knew she had to head a little east to find the source of the metal needed, but without any powers she was uncertain about anything she could do to extract it; unless it was just a reach, grab and pick up job. Z trod forward more apprehensively with each step, the wind gently blowing her long, blue hair. She wasn't MechaChick without her armor and even felt a little vulnerable. Her arms brushed away the large plant leaves that were taller than she was.

She came to a small opening; the ground around her became harsher, and rocky, filled with cracks along the ground. Most of this newer area was grey and colourless, it definitely could use a splash of graffiti to cheer it up. Looking ahead she spotted strange creatures and immediately identified them as Tangela's.

"Eeeeep some alien Tangela's sooooo cute!"

She wondered if there was any form of universal greetings as she back trotted. The co-ordination for the material was right in the middle of them, but there was no possible way of knowing if they where hostile or not. Z pulled down her goggles over her eyes, and whispered.

"Universal translator, pretty please!"

Letters came across her sight as she peered through the glass; her goggles were working out their language. She was able to hear various sounds, mostly 'tangela' repeated in various tones or sometimes 'tan'. These native creatures looked different a little, they were, pink! She thought they were so adorable and harmless; nothing pink can be mean after all.

A little automated message appeared in her goggles,

_ -Language database complete, syncing to audio receiver- _

It took a moment but managed to get enough to start translating the weird sounds into words, this wasn't going to be so hard after all!

Making her bold move she moved out into the open, reasoning and cautiousness was needed. She needed to be tactful considering the shiny metal was being prized by three of them and a dozen more were swarming near it. It was of the imperative she didn't alarm them or be hostile in anyway or within her body language.

Taking a deep breath she stuck out her hand and she pointed at the metal.

"Hey you bunch of assholes, gimme that shit!" So much for tact, that notion went out the window. All glowing pink eyes turned to fix on her, as the entire crowd of them fell into the silence. "Yeah that's right, you heard me, now gimme gimme gimme or you iz going to feel the PoW!"

Two of them fell over sideways in sheer shock, before erupting into fits of laughter followed by the rest of them, whilst they pointed at her. She pouted heavily and held her hips with both hands, not looking like she's pleased at all.

One of them called out.

"You're not going to take it anywhere; it belongs to our greatest warrior!" Z scratched her head in a confused state.

"Alright, then how do I get it?"

"Well you're not going to get it, unless you defeat our leader."

"Alright, I'll PoW em hard!"

The laughter shot out again all over, it was becoming tedious, was this an inside joke or something? She folded her arms across her tanned jiggly tits rather unamused by it. The alien Pokemon started to all chant in unison, and very loudly "King Tangela! King Tangela! King Tangela!" The kept on crying it out.

Z waited tapping her foot, this seemed like a pain in the ass, but how hard could it be to beat up an overgrown weed? The Tangela all moved to the side, making way for their leader. Z's eyes widened as she pointed out and laughed hysterically, falling onto the floor holding her gut. That was a funny damn joke their king was half their size, and was only the size of half her shin for crying out loud... They all looked at each other wondering what had gotten into the strange alien creature to have her in such a laughing fit.

The creature stood his ground. The others informed him of the situation, but the sounds were almost muted out, as all her ears could hear over her laughter was her own thoughts musing on the half pint. She'll kick its ass for sure she thought, while she snickered to herself, what a loser. Then he spoke out in a very epic style indeed.

"I accept the challenge! So I'll take your Pokemon on, and beat it good!" It yelled out to her in the most squeaky, high pitched voice that drove her into further hysterics. Her eyes rolled in tears from how much she was laughing, till she finally calmed after an entire thirty minutes if not more of laughing. She was laughing so hard that she completely missed the part about him battling her Pokemon. She didn't even have any Pokemon on her. Standing up, she brushed off any dirt and debris from her naked skin.

"Okay I'm ready!" She tried to keep a straight face but still giggled away a little, she was about to crack again, but then it pointed between her legs which put a stop to her cackles.

"I'll fight that Pokemon, it's almost my size! And if you manage to stand up to it, you can have what you came for, deal?"

"Hell no! It's not a poke.... Oh I get it...." She giggled with a little blush, he must want to mate, she didn't mind getting off as it was roughly her orgasm maintenance time anyway.

"Well that's the Pokemon I chose, and you lie, so it's that or nothing."

Maybe he was serious, and it wasn't sex he wanted. Did he forget his glasses at home? She gave it the most evil glare; there's no way she could do this. Okay how hard could he hit after all? It was the size of a football, and if things got too much she could get up and kick it sky high. She stopped a moment more, what was she thinking? Was she was seriously considering about taking it on, but what choice was there?

"Hmm no I'll fight you, you can't expect me to use my mating organ to battle?"

"Oh your Pokemon's name is mating organ, cool, we can mate later maybe?"

"Stuff you, hmm okay maybe, just be gentle as I like mating too?" She winked

"Gentle? Hardly! It's a water type, so you have the advantage." He stared between her legs as her slit started to shimmer a little; she was getting a little wet there. It did seem like a logical assumption, but what the hell? Grass types are strong vs water, not the other way around! What kind of backwards ass planet was she on anyway?

"What? No it's not a water type, and I can't use it for combat!" Z starred a little in shock, her natural instinct to clamp her thighs tightly together. She tried to resist any signs of fear, in an attempt to not show any weaknesses, but winced at the thought. How could he honestly think her pussy was a Pokemon? Had he never seen a humans pussy before? Maybe that was a silly question, of course not. Then again had he ever even seen any other Pokemon besides Tangelas, for that matter? Maybe it was some sick joke or something but, unless he was subtlety saying he wanted her to climb into his bed, then there was absolutely no way she could use her cunt in this way. Hmmm, she would have captured one of the Eevees and brought it along with her if she'd seen this coming.

"That's a shame but that's my opponent" A tentacle appendage moved out of him, its end shaped like bulb, but co-incidental like a cock with a slit at the end. It moved up and pressed against her squishing sexual flesh and slurped, running a meter of its length along the surface of her womanly folds. Z let out a gasp feeling the sliding sensation right the way along her clit, as it sent a insane friction of pleasure through her juicy bits. She panted as it withdrew, maybe this would be fun after all. "Yay! So are we going to battle or not?"

The nude vixen sat down on her sexy little ass with nothing but those goggles and her small mecha backpack on. The cold ground met her skin and sent a little chill through her, but maybe it was excitement. She sat there before the Pokemon, not shy at all while she leaned back a little, and spread her legs, nicely hairless, and certainly the bald eagle. She placed her hands behind her back for some support.

A rather strange looking Tangela toddled out from the middle of the pack as they all circled her. The odd looking on had a whistle and two flags, obviously a ref it seemed. Out of nowhere and without warning two Tangela that had stood to either side launched their vines; she found her wrists quickly tied together behind her, while another set of vines from them gripped around her ankles as she was quickly splayed a little further than she already was; her sweet moist pussy glistened unprotected.

"Hey what's the deal no fair!"

The King looked at her and laughed, "You're so gonna cheat, this way only your Pokemon participates!"

"But but but..... fine." She said pouting. She couldn't deny the monster closing in between her legs was cute, and her very own mistaken monster was most certainly draining, of that there was no doubt.

As she sat there in the field; hands spread, legs bound, and a very sensitive part of her anatomy in danger, she started to feel like the unfortunate blond chick in horror movies. She could imagine the wind blowing against the majestic trees surrounding the clearing, so that the leaves flew everywhere; helpless victims caught in the wake of something much more bigger than them. The scenery fading to black as the Tangela approached her; thick and lethal looking vines raised menacingly.

The shit just got real Eeeep!

End Notes From Raw19 & CannonFodder -

The 'Orgasmanator Queen', and the gay AI was a creation of MechaChick (Who is also on this site) to conflict with her own sexual interests and show no interest in her no matter what she does to entice. So the credit goes to her for the character. It was used with consent.

She also helped out in giving me a big extract from her none released material so I could replicate its personality the best I could with this being my first fic. Whatever the case I needed all the help I could get.

I hope she liked the fic. Raw19 and myself have both worked hard on this story together. I sneakily added one of her fantasies from her private list, and one she was too shy to write as it was silly as she put it and was scared of the fic being laughed at because its one of her most intimate ones.

Just in case you where wondering it's a weird one about using her pussy an interesting way. Its strange but cute in a bizarre way. It will be exploited in chapter 2.

Working on this was actually a lot of fun. I look forward to the making of future chapters and, of course, shall do my best not to go to far with anything. I'll be good.

If any of you have any requests you'd like to make, if there are any scenes or situations you really want to see, or if you'd like a cameo/OC of your's to star in a moment of antics or sex, then just let us know and what you would like to see happen, remember there wont be human on human as that's no fun with the exception of one which maybe added later as part of the story line. We can take requests for comical sexual abuse and lemon requests, just about anything, so stick it in the review here or pm either CannonFodder or myself and tell us. We'd be happy to do it if its cool. Remember no matter how whacky or bizarre your idea maybe, we'll do our best to cater for the more unique fetish, and if you feel embarrassed then just drop us a private message

As always, if this was read then I hope it was enjoyed.

Powerless In Space- Chapter 2

Requests- Ask for what ya want, OC's, funny abuse scenarios, to pairings etc. We got a couple of requests already that we're gonna work in. Story Notes - MetalChick's super heroine Persona loves furries, in more than one way, n pokemon alike....

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