Evolutionary desires pt 5

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#5 of Evolutionary desires

Hello once again, I'm here with another christmas story! I've had this story, along with a beautiful image burning in my mind for a while and it feels good to finally write it all down. I'd like to point out that this story does have adult content, including cub and incest. So if either of those things don't tickle your fancy, or your under the legal age, don't read any farther. With that out of the way I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading my stories, the submission view count rocketed from 2000 to 3000 in the blink of an eye and I just want to let everyone know I appreciate the views. Now, without further a due... Part 5!

Eevee collapsed on his bed, needing his rest. He had only gone through three presents and his legs already felt like rubber. Eevee tilted his head as to look at the remaining four gifts, if it weren't for his curiosity he'd save the rest for tomorrow. Eevee sighed as he pulled himself off of his bed, his legs almost giving way as pressure was applied once again. Eevee still managed to bring himself over to his presents before falling over and opting to lie down while opening his present this time.

Eevee stared at the next present in the row, which was about two thirds the size of him. He pressed his paw against it to read the tag and almost immediately pulled it back, not expecting it to be freezing cold. Eevee cautiously grabbed the tag, being careful not to touch the chilly package. "To Eevee." He read out "Don't worry, it wont melt. Glaceon" Eevee stared at the note confused, deciding the only way to figure out what it meant was to open it. With that, Eevee pulled the wrapping paper away, his room getting colder with every strip he removed from his gift. Eevee stared at his gift when he finished pulling off the last bit of paper, it was a sculpture of Glaceon, bending over in a submissive position, her tail raised suggestively. Eevee admired his sister's craftmenship, she had gotten everything down to the very last detail, including her sex that looked as though it was dripping crystal drops.

Eevee continued to stare at the sculpture confused. His room was very cold now, which woke him up quite nicely, and Eevee could see his breath as he continued to stare at his sister's beautiful creation. It was made of a strange fluid that was almost clear, but a little murky. Eevee was still admiring the crystalline figure when he spotted an envelope, almost invisible and hidden deep inside the sculpture's frosty folds. Eevee braced himself as he stuck his paw inside, being careful not to crack it in the process, finally pinching the envelope between his two paw nubs and pulled at it. There was a bit of resistance as the letter had frozen to inside of the sculpture slightly, but nothing Eevee couldn't handle as he pulled it out with a frosty crackling noise.

Eevee examined the note before tearing the top off with his teeth, spitting the excess paper out as he pulled the note out and read it aloud. " I hope you like my gift! Like I said it wont ever melt because it's made of a very special liquid, if you cant figure it out I enclosed a hint as well! Come to my room when you want something not made of ice." Eevee turned the envelope upside down, sending a picture floating to the ground, Eevee gasped as he saw the picture. It was an image of Glaceon, rubbing her sex as she squirted from what looked like her sixth of seventh orgasm into an almost filled mould. Eevee realised what his sister had done, the thought slightly arousing him. She had made a mold and filled it entirely with her juices, purely to give to him. Eevee began rubbing himself, the thought of Glaceon doing something so dirty along with the picture arousing him.

Eevee got up with a grunt, as much as he wanted to finish himself he knew the routine. Eevee began walking to Glaceon's room now, leaving yet another trail of his pre behind as he did so. Glaceon lied in position in her room, she used an ice crystal be the door to make sure her brother would have the perfect view when he entered. She knew she had done well when her little brother causally strolled in, stopped in his tracks, and let his jaw practically drop to the floor at the sight of her. Eevee couldn't believe his eyes. His sister was lying on her back, her legs spread apart with nothing covering herself except a dark blue bow she cleverly placed over her sex, and some ribbon of the same colour tied around her tail in a beautiful diamond weave pattern. Eevee's tongue lolled out to the side as he continued to admire his sister's prefect figure, his breath appearing as a cloud in front of him with every husky breath.

Glaceon giggled, she had a feeling he would like her costume. Unlike her brother, her breath didn't appear in the air as she spoke to him almost teasingly. "Merry christmas Eevee! I hope you like your present" She said, nodding at the bow which was hiding her sex in possibly the most arousing way. Eevee walked over, mesmerised before he grabbed the bow in his mouth, and with a flick of his neck turned it back into ribbon and sent it drifting to the floor. Eevee stared at her already puffy and dripping sex hungrily, wanting to taste her more than anything. He stuck his tongue out to eagerly lap up his sister's juices, but ended up pulling it back in shock as he almost froze his tongue to her. Glaceon giggled again. "You have to at least wait for me to heat myself up a little first!" Glaceon was well aware that at her true temperature she would give Eevee some very unpleasant frostbite, and focused herself as she attempted to warm herself up as much as she could.

Glaceon gave her brother a nod of approval, signifying that she should be safe to enjoy now. Eevee cautiously gave her another taste, he sighed as it now felt more like he was licking a pop sickle, as apposed to a flagpole in the middle of winter. The taste also reminded him of a pop sickle, very sweet, almost like ice cold hot chocolate with mint. Eevee finally came to the deduction that Glaceon tasted like christmas itself, festive, sweet, minty, cold, and very giving. Glaceon moaned as her brother's tongue explored her icy depths, trying to control herself lest her temperature drop back down to it's original state.

Eevee pulled his face away, still linked to Glaceon's sex by a thin string of his saliva. He looked up at his sister, a look of desperation on her face. "You taste amazing sis." Eevee said, a smile on his face as he wagged his tail as well. Glaceon blushed, enjoying the compliment but feeling a little guilty about taking his innocence from him. If only she knew. Before she could thank him he was back to eating her out, now Greedily lapping up all her juices from her deepest depths, causing her to moan out intensely. Glaceon pulled her brother's head away as she reached her climax, knowing she wouldn't be able to regulate her temperature at this point. Eevee realised he would probably freeze his tongue if he tried to put it back, and instead opted to opening his mouth and trying to catch as much of Glaceon's juices as possible as she arched her back and squirted into the air.

Glaceon finally came down from her climax, panting as her body temperature returned to what she was keeping it at before. Eevee hopped onto Glaceon now his arousal fueled by her juices, and rammed himself inside of her as they both screamed out in mutual pleasure. Glaceon had never felt the touch of a man before, nor had she ever felt something so warm inside of her. It was a battle simply to not climax immediately, but she was determined to make this special for Eevee, and literally freezing his balls off wasn't the kind of memory she wanted him to have of her. So she bit her lip in conflict as her brother rammed his shaft into her faster and faster, him already approaching his peak.

Eevee pulled Glaceon's mouth to his, dancing his tongue around inside her mouth as he lapped up every bit of her ice cold saliva he could find. Glaceon moaned as she felt some of her brother's warm pre-cum flowing consistently into her. Finally letting out a muffled scream as her bother tried to knot her. He failed the first time, her folds not stretching enough to accommodate his member, but after a second and more powerful thrust he managed to her his knot inside of her. His member now almost penetrating into her womb, if it was only an inch longer, it would have. Glaceon's insides were quickly becoming unbearably cold, which somehow caused Eevee to cum harder at the new sensation. The only thing keeping her insides survivable were the stream after stream of hot seed Eevee was shooting into her womb, and then everywhere else once it ran out of space.

Eevee sighed as his shaft was completely surrounded by his warm cum, which was slowly getting colder as time passed. After five minutes the coldness became too much to bare. Eevee felt as though he was going to get frostbite! Even though he should have waited another dozen minutes or so, Eevee began desperately trying to escape his sister's frozen sex. Glaceon gasped in shock as she felt her lower lips being stretched once again, this time causing the semen in her belly to slosh around. Eevee could feel himself almost coming loose, he tumbled forward as he finally escaped. Sending a mixture of there juices to come pouring out. Eevee lapped up some of the new fluid before letting out a moan of satisfaction.

The mixture of there juices tasted almost exactly like hot chocolate, now actually mildly hot from his juices. Glaceon looked back to see her brother lapping up the mess they had made. Not wanting to miss out, Glaceon turned around and pulled her brother into another passionate kiss. This time Glaceon was trying to taste everything she could as she gently sucked on her brother's tongue. Eevee finally broke the kiss, smiling as a string of saliva now joined both there lips. "We have to do that again sometime" Eevee said with a smile, his member covered in a strange frost. Glaceon gave him a nod of agreement before he left. Smiling as he walked back to his room. He definitely needed to warm up now!

There we go! I hope you enjoyed this story, and if you did feel free to like comment and rate. Have a wonderful day!

Evolutionary desires pt 6

Hello once again! I've nothing witty to say, so let me just warn you that this story contains adult content along with cub and incest. So if these things displease you or your under the legal age, do not read any farther. Now, without further a due......

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Evolutionary desires pt 4

Hello once again! I'm here with another installation on evolutionary desires. Let me tell you, it's not east releasing every day, especially when I'm this busy too! But here is part 4, I'm warning you, this story had incest, cub and of coarse, adult...

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Evolutionary desires pt 3

And behind today's advent calender is... Hello, just me. I'm here to warn you that this yeul tide story had instances of cub, incest, anal and of coarse, adult scenes. So if you are under the legal age or don't enjoy any of these topics, then do not...

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