An Evening with Uma

Story by Iron-K on SoFurry

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AN EVENING WITH UMA Written by Iron-K, 2011

"Dalziel!" As soon as he was halfway in the front door, the black and white rabbit pricked his ears as he heard Uma's voice calling his name excitedly. "Come here and watch my sister getting gunged!"

He froze in place for a moment, then shook his head and spoke up, clearing his throat.

"Er, coming..." He tugged his bag off his shoulder and squirmed free of the strap as he kicked the door closed behind him - even on nights when Uma's parents were around, he had got used to her invitation to come and go as he pleased. Throwing the strap over the free hook on the wall, he walked the couple of steps toward the brightly lit frame of the door to the front room and pushed it open.

The main living space of the house was a combined kitchen and sitting room, with a wide couch facing the large TV. Uma, an energetic blonde jaguar girl, was grinning up at him from the seat, the remote in her hand. Behind her, there was a step up to the kitchen area, a wide counter that ran the length of the room, where Uma's older sister was leaning over something on the cutting board.

"Oh, hi Rachel," Dalziel said as he moved to sit down beside his girlfriend. "That smells great, do you need us to do anything?"

"No, you two go ahead!" the slightly taller feline answered over her shoulder. "It's just the finishing touches now."

Dalziel flopped down on to the sofa, putting his arm around Uma as he did so and leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. She squirmed her head appreciatively against him.

"How was work?" she asked.

"Oh, the same as ever," he said, stretching his legs forward and closing his eyes as he felt her fur against his. "They still haven't found me anything else to do yet..."

"Hey, I'd take a job like that..." Uma grinned. "What you need is a body double to stand in while you go off and do something fun..."

"As if it was that easy!" he said, leaning back and indicating the black spot markings on his face that contrasted with his white fur - one around his eye and most of his opposite ear. "Know anyone else like this?"

"Nope - you're one of a kind..." The jaguar put her hands on his chest and ducked forward to kiss the tip of his ear, then his black left hand. He smiled - he knew the reason she was so affectionate was that her parents were away until the next afternoon, but she hadn't mentioned that her sister would be home from university. He glanced over to Rachel and then turned back to Uma.

"What did you say when I came in?" he asked, looking over to the television set mounted underneath the long window that ran the length of the room. There was an indistinct half-transition on the screen where she'd paused it on the digital recorder. In response to his question, she poked the remote at the screen as she pressed the play button, and the screen cleared to show a metallic title across the bottom of the screen, "Triple Tank", as a muscular red wolf led a young blonde jaguar girl forward from a group of contestants.

Dalziel recognized the host instantly. "Hey, is this... Industrial Zone?" he asked, trying to sound vague. "It must be an early one..."

"Yep, it's a re-run, I just caught it just now," Uma answered. "And look who's there..."

The camera changed as the host and the nervous feline contestant reached a cubicle in the center of the room, and the red wolf ducked down to slide the front panel upwards, patting her on the back as she ducked inside. As she turned around, revealing her face, Dalziel raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, it really is you!" He twisted in the seat to see the older feline looking over her shoulder, smiling as she watched herself squirming on the screen. "When was this?"

"A few years ago... I must have been about at the end of high school," she nodded. "Same age as you two are now."

"I never realized how alike you looked..." Dalziel turned back to the screen, swallowing as the other three contestants on Rachel's team took their positions on three buzzers around the booth. "If you wore your hair long like that, Uma, you could have been twins!"

"Heh, that's why I make sure I have it nothing like hers..." Uma snickered as Rachel came over and batted at her younger sister's head with the oven glove in her hand. The older sister propped her elbows on the back of the sofa, watching along with the two of them as her team prepared to start the booth up.

Dalziel slipped his hand down to take Uma's, realizing he was running his thumb back and forward nervously. As his girlfriend cheered, he leaned forward, trying to laugh nonchalantly as a thick column of purple gunge spewed down on to the feline on the screen, splattering outward from the back of her head and coloring the walls and back of the booth around her. He twitched as her expression became a shrieking laugh, her shoulders hunching against the gooey curtain as streams of slime crept forwards around her neck.

He glanced up to look at Rachel above him, and saw a smile spreading on her face as she watched herself. There was another splash of color from the screen, and he turned again to see her getting engulfed by a second flood of orange slime, ducking her head out of the downpour as the stuff slid thickly off her messy hair. As the gloop thinned out into a sputtering drizzle from the tank's nozzle, she held her hair out of her face, and the camera drew back a little to show her chipmunk teammate as she made eye contact with her. As the chipmunk pressed down on her button, the feline glanced up before closing her eyes and bowing her head, disappearing once again behind a bright red downpour.

"What did that... feel like?" Dalziel asked curiously, twitching as the flood of gunge washed over the squirming feline, slipping over her and drizzling in strings from her soaked fur.

"Pretty much how it looks!" Rachel said back, nodding to the screen as the presenter slid the front door of the booth upward to open it, and her younger self slithered forwards and ducked down to crawl out of the gunge tank, shaking the gloppy substance away from her hands as she straightened up outside it and then running her forefingers through the front of her slimy hair, getting it out of her face and tossing it behind her head. Dalziel hesitated, wanting to ask more but anxious not to appear too interested, even as he watched the paint-like slime dripping down Rachel's clinging T-shirt on the screen.

"Anyway, it's ready!" Rachel moved back to the kitchen area and gripped the dish she'd just taken out of the oven, digging into it with a long spoon. Realizing the moment was gone, Dalziel breathed out and watched as she spooned out three servings of lasagna from it, then arranged the plates with two on one arm and the third in her other hand, and stepped down to join Dalziel and Uma.

"Looks like that waitressing job taught you well..." Uma smirked as her sister walked over.

"You need to learn as well!" Rachel answered as Dalziel reached forward, carefully taking the plate balanced on her arm. "I'd been working at the caf? for two years by the time I was out of school..."

"Yeah, but you needed the cash - that's why I'm going out with him instead," she said, poking Dalziel in the side. He laughed, though a little uneasily, as Rachel put the second plate down and walked around behind him.

"I made it vegetarian for a special someone," she said, handing the last plate over the back of the sofa to Uma. She stuck her tongue out at her older sister with a smile, then swung her feet up on to Dalziel's lap as she leaned back on the arm of the couch.

"Oh - do you want a beer or something with it?" she asked.

"We're having this!" At Rachel's response, Dalziel looked over his shoulder to see her brandishing a tall dark bottle that she'd taken from the fridge. She grabbed three wine glasses from the top cabinet and returned to the sitting area with them.

"We're getting fancy this evening!" Uma exclaimed as Rachel fiddled with a corkscrew.

"Well, I've got to celebrate the end of my exams with someone - everyone else had already shipped off home!" She uncorked the bottle with a pop. "Besides, lasagna isn't all that special..."

"It's a huge step up from cheese on toast," Dalziel replied as he watched her pouring a half glass of the dark red liquid out in front of him. "That's what I'm going to have to live off next year..."

"Oh, you'll manage," Rachel encouraged. The rabbit shifted to his left a little as she sat down on the wide couch next to them, and he rested his plate on Uma's knees on top of his lap as she stabbed her own fork into her meal. "I hardly cooked at all before I went to university either, and now..."

"Yeah, we can just about survive this," Uma said brightly as she tucked in as well.

"It looks great - thanks," Dalziel said quickly with an awkward smile, to cover up his girlfriend's teasing. Rachel grinned and reached up to ruffle his headfur.

"You're lucky that you've got such a charmer here, Uma..." she said as she shook her head. "He balances you out perfectly!"

She reached forward to her wine glass, and Dalziel did the same, taking a small sip. His eyebrows rose at the bitter but not unpleasant taste, breathing out sharply as he brought it down from his face.

"A little stronger than you can handle?" He saw Uma grinning out of the corner of his eye as he swallowed.

"I'm fine..." he answered, tipping it towards his mouth again and then putting the glass back on the table.

They talked for a while as they ate, with Dalziel glancing distractedly at the screen and trying to laugh along with the girls as members of the show's team got put into games where they were covered in slime. He glanced sideways at his girlfriend, looking at her bright eyes as she watched with a small smile on her face - he hadn't told her about his deeper interest in this stuff, and this was the first time anything like it had even come up in front of her.

Uma pumped her fist in the air as she watched the young Rachel being enveloped by a dome of gunge again, this time on a conveyor belt as one of her team-mates pulled a wrong lever. Dalziel wriggled and moved to cross his legs as the gloop sputtered over her head from a nozzle in the ceiling, slipping over her shoulders as it ran out and dripping slowly down behind her as the conveyor belt carried her forwards out of it.

"Looks like cold custard," Uma remarked as she watched her sister run her fingers through her messy hair.

"Yeah... I think that's about right," Rachel answered as she watched herself. She brought one hand up and combed it through her hair idly as she remembered, and Dalziel shuddered as he looked back at her messy younger self on the screen.

"This is the last time you get it, isn't it?" Uma said as the show's host helped Rachel off the end of the conveyor belt, spraying her down with a wall-mounted hose. She pointed at the muscular red lupine. "And you fancied him like anything - I bet he was going easy on you..."

"Hey..." Rachel started, but her shoulders shook in an embarrassed laugh. "Remember I get put in the huge machine at the end..."

"Yeah, but it's all much gungier now. You should have got... something like this," she said as she pointed at the screen. Dalziel stopped trying to hide his face by concentrating on his plate and looked up again. He watched with another shudder as another game ended with one of the contestants' former teachers being covered in murky grime inside a cube-shaped tank.

"Yeah, I'm glad I finished that before this came on," Uma smiled, pointing to her nearly empty plate before leaning forwards on her elbows, watching the dark gunge spurt over the green and yellow reptilian on the screen as she wriggled and squirmed underneath it. "This always looked really icky..."

"Oh, you'd totally have gone in there if you'd been old enough when I was on!" Rachel declared, getting up from the couch with her own plate and coming around behind the two of them. Dalziel squirmed his head out the way a little as she leaned on the back of the sofa. "If there's anyone in the room who deserves a good gunging..."

"Oh, yeah?" Uma said back automatically, looking from her sister's face to the mucky dragoness inside the tank on the screen and back. "Shame you didn't, I would have got to gunge you myself when I won..."

She gasped and then grinned as a thought struck her. "Hey, have you seen that new one, Cleanup Crew?" Dalziel moved his arm away as she scrambled up, kneeling backwards on the sofa to face Rachel.

"Yeah, why?" the older sister asked, leaning forwards with a smile so that their muzzles nearly touched.

"'Cause we should go on that - I'd get to throw you in the Gunge Plunge!" Uma said back to her triumphantly. "How'd you like a bath in that slime?" Dalziel squirmed uncomfortably, trying not to give away any reactions as he felt his face and palms heat up at the thought.

"You're thinking you would win!" Rachel teased back, oblivious to Dalziel's reaction as she turned away and stepped up to the kitchen. She opened the dishwasher under the counter and slid her plate in, while Uma flopped back down into a sitting position, retrieving her plate and finishing off the last few mouthfuls. "I'd probably get to pull the lever on you instead..."

Dalziel looked at her over his shoulder as she turned back towards them, a mischievous smile on her face as she stepped brightly up behind Uma. "And I'd get to watch you in the gunge tank game at the start, too!" She held her hands above her sister's head. "'Sorry, Uma, that's completely wrong!' Spluurrtch..." As she drew out her sound effect, sticking her tongue out of her mouth, she slapped her hands down gently on her hair and turned her spread fingers downwards, running down the sides of Uma's head and ending grasping her shoulders as she wriggled underneath. Dalziel only just managed to stifle a whimper.

"It'd be worth it," the younger sister growled playfully. "And he'd save me!" She poked a finger into Dalziel's side, and he jumped, half at the ticklish feeling and half at what she'd said.

"Actually..." she added with a smile, "perhaps I'd put him in there to get gunged instead of me..."

"Hey..." Dalziel felt his cheeks burning and tried to cover it up by forcing a laugh, slipping his arm around his girlfriend's back and glancing to Rachel for support as she sat back down on his other side. "You're not dragging me into this as well, are you?"

"Yes, I am - we're doing this right now!" Uma stabbed decisively at the last forkful of lasagna on her plate, jammed it into her mouth, then leaned forwards out of Dalziel's arm to put the dish down on the coffee table in front of them. Twisting to the side, she picked her notebook computer off the cabinet at the side of the couch, and threw the lid open as she flopped back into a sitting position.

"You're not actually...?" he began, leaning closer to see as she typed the name of the show into the search bar.

"Oh, yes!" Uma's grin widened as she found the site for the show, then clicked to the 'Contact' section, scanning down the page for an address.

"They usually have first-years on that, don't they?" The rabbit twitched as Uma opened up an email window and began to type rapidly.

"I'll have to make a very good case for us, then!" she answered, and started reading out loud as she typed. "My sister deserves to be put in the..." She glanced over at Rachel, and then tapped back to the beginning, amending it as she started again. "My HOT sister deserves to be put in the Gunge Plunge because..."

Dalziel leaned back, reassuring himself that they wouldn't be given any special attention out of the thousands of applications, and he glanced over to Rachel, who was doing her best to look indifferent through her silent smile as well.

"We need a photo." Uma leaned over and dumped the computer into Dalziel's lap, and he just had time to notice the timer on its screen before his girlfriend wrapped her arms around him, grinning with her head sideways on his shoulder. He yelped as Rachel leaned further in as well, and kept still as she put one hand on his back and one across his tummy. There was an impression of a camera shutter noise from the computer, and he looked to the screen to see a freeze frame of the two felines draped around him, with him looking utterly shocked in the middle.

"Perfect!" Uma lifted the computer away before he had a chance to say anything. "That's done... I hope you like swimming in gunge, Rachel!" She smiled triumphantly as he closed the computer again, putting it back on the side table.

Rachel shook her head, then relaxed back on the couch. With the episode they had been watching over, Uma stretched forward to take the remote control off the lower shelf of the coffee table, and she flicked through channels idly as Dalziel wriggled a little towards her, putting his arm around her shoulder once more. He glanced at the laptop a couple of times before putting it out of his mind, and as the evening drew on, they talked about Uma and Dalziel's impending move out to college, the same one in which Rachel had just completed her final exams.

"So, um..." Uma leaned back during a pause in the conversation, stretching her arms up and grasping the back of the couch behind her head. "Do you want to think about bed?"

Dalziel glanced at the clock - it was barely half past nine - and then looked back at her impish grin.

"Okay, sure..." Rachel answered before he did, and she leaned across to take the two empty plates from where they were still sitting on the low table in front of them. "I'll clean up the rest this time... you two have fun," she smiled knowingly

"Yeah..." he answered, already feeling his heart speed up as he knew exactly what she was thinking. He stood up, ducking forwards to drain the rest of the wine from his glass, and clasped his chest as he swallowed awkwardly. Turning around, he took both of Uma's outstretched arms and leaned back slightly as she hauled herself up from the couch. As she stood, she wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him, giggling slightly as she slipped her hand down to clasp his.

Dalziel twisted around, opening his mouth to say a good night to Rachel, but yelped as he was tugged over towards the opposite side of the living room. This end of the one-storey house had the two bedrooms opposite each other as well as a small second bathroom at the end of the short corridor. On the left was the room that Uma and Rachel had shared since they were children, though the elder sister had moved out to college four years ago - but this time Dalziel felt Uma leading him towards the door on the right.

He leaned past her as she opened it - this was the one room of the house that he hadn't seen before. Inside was a slightly disorganized bedroom, some shirts and blouses draped across hangers on the door of the open wardrobe, but in the middle of the back wall was a large neatly-made bed with its head beneath the wide window.

"What, we're using your... parents' bed?" he asked as he came in behind her and closed the door, a grin spreading across his face despite himself.

"What they don't know won't hurt them," Uma replied as she stepped to the back of the room. She tugged on the cord to close the curtains then turned on the light above the bed, hitting the dimmer before indicating to him to turn off the main light. He twisted around and reached for the switch, then turned back to face into the low-lit room, smiling at the shine of the feline's eyes as she walked slowly past the bed towards him.

"And it's going to beat sleeping in that little bunk, isn't it?" she continued.

"I don't know, we seemed to get pretty close anyway..." He couldn't help grinning as he watched the blonde jaguar approach, holding her hands behind her back in a show of innocence as she bounced on her feet. They had only slept together once before, in their hotel room after the school leavers' prom, and he was very eager to get into bed with the gorgeous feline again.

He wriggled uncomfortably, adjusting the position of his trousers as he looked her up and down. As she came closer, his eyes dropped to the small amount of cleavage just visible above her top, but she raised a hand to push his chin upwards and cupped it as she closed her eyes and leaned forward to kiss him.

Dalziel gasped at the sudden kiss and held his breath, gradually relaxing and shutting his eyes as well, turning his head to the side and rubbing his cheek against Uma's muzzle as he smiled. Tentatively, he raised his hands to grasp her sides, then slowly slid them around to her bottom, smiling as she made no attempt to stop him. Suddenly, he felt her hands grasp at the top of his shirt, and he wriggled back a little, bringing his hands up to hover over hers as she worked her way down the row of buttons on his front.

After undoing three of them, Uma grasped at his collar, and he yipped and ducked forwards as she tugged his shirt off him, stretching his hands out in front of him as the sleeves turned inside out on their way off his arms. Shaking his head, he whimpered under his breath happily as he realized her own eagerness, and he put his hands on her hips and squeezed a little as he leaned forward to peck her on the lips.

Uma's hands came up between them, and he purred as she stroked her fingers around in the fur on his chest. Suddenly, his ears pricked at the noise of an opening door, and he and Uma looked at each other as they listened to the sound of lights being clicked off as Rachel went into the bedroom opposite them. At the sound of the door closing again, they shared an awkward laugh, and returned to their upright hug. Dalziel turned his head to kiss Uma's cheek, cradling the back of her head with one hand and slipping the other down to the button at the front of her jeans.

Fumbling excitedly for a moment, he realized he couldn't do it with one hand, and slipped his other hand away from her hair. Uma stayed still as he concentrated, and after getting the buckle undone, he pushed them downwards and let them drop the rest of the way to the floor as she wriggled them off her hips. Tugging at the legs with her feet, she stepped clumsily out of them, then as an aggressive smile formed on his face, he slipped his hands up the fur on her legs and underneath her T-shirt.

"Hey, are you wearing any...?" His brow raised and then he smiled, rubbing one thumb over the bare fur where he had expected her underwear to be.

Uma silently slipped backwards out of his grasp, grinning excitedly. She cocked her head to the side as she reached down to the bottom of her loose shirt, then paused for a moment before slowly lifting her hands, uncrossing her arms as she pulled it off over her head.

"Wow..." Dalziel gasped as she stepped away, turning around slowly, shaking her head to untangle her short blonde hair and then clasping her hands together behind it as she discarded the shirt. She was wearing an extremely small V-string to match her red bra, with a brief triangle of material over her front that thinned to a tiny band around her waist, leaving her bottom virtually bare. As she shifted to one hip, she slid one of her hands down her side, hitting her hip with a gentle slap, and he came forward to cup her buttocks with both hands.

"Where'd you get that from...?" he asked, nuzzling into her neck as he squeezed his hands gently.

"Just a little something I bought as a surprise..." she purred, reaching one hand behind his head and shivering as he kissed along her neck and shoulder. "Rachel helped me pick it out for you!"

"What, sisters do that?" Dalziel chuckled.

"We do a lot of things together." She smiled as his hands roamed over her hips, stroking up and down and twisting his fingers in the string of material across them. "I think you like it..."

"You're right," he smiled, and nodded as he stepped back. He undid the clasp on his own trousers, pushing them down his legs and revealing his tented boxers. "But you know it's not going to stay on long..."

"Naughty bunny..." She shuddered again, arching her back as she felt his hands slide up her back to the clasp of her bra. From the back, it only took him a couple of seconds before he had it open, pushing the red top quickly forward down her arms. She grabbed it as he reached her wrists, then let it flop to the ground, spinning around to face him. Dalziel's eyes dropped, enjoying a glance at her bare breasts before she came forward and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing herself against him and pressing their muzzles together.

As he closed his eyes, leaning further in to her, Dalziel reached his hands around to clasp Uma's bottom, squeezing a little with the tips of his fingers. He shuffled his feet towards her a little, encouraging her to move backwards, and as they continued to kiss, he walked her slowly around to the side of the bed. "I think you should go on top this time," he purred.

"Yeah?" she whispered back, and he nodded, slipping his hands around and up to her chest.

"Yeah, you take charge. And I want to see these bounce," he grinned, pressing his forehead to hers as he took hold of her breasts, lifting and squeezing them slightly. A tingle shot down his neck at the feeling of the soft fur under his fingers. Uma looked down at his hands, then reached for the band of his underwear, tugging them down and off him. A mischievous grin spread across her own face as she brought her hand gently back up along his hardened shaft, ending by stroking the head with two fingers.

"Then get ready for a rough ride...!" She grasped his shoulders, encouraging him to sit down on the side of the bed, then pushed him backwards to flop down on top of the covers. He grinned to himself, wriggling himself around so that his head was resting on the pillows, looking expectantly up at the near naked jaguar standing over him.

He growled happily as the feline pounced on to the bed, her hands either side of his head as she straddled him. She dipped her head down to peck him on the lips, and before he had had time to react, raised herself upright, wriggling her hips gently from side to side as she stroked her hands down her sides, hooking both thumbs underneath the string of her underwear. Dalziel watched, his horny grin frozen on his face, as she began to slip them very slowly downwards - and he suddenly remembered something that he had in his bag.

"Oh! Oh, I brought something for you too..." he said, grimacing as he realized it meant going back to the hall again.

"What, do you need it now...?" she asked back, raising an eyebrow. She lowered herself down a little, and Dalziel felt his length pulsing already as the red triangle of her underwear brushed lightly against him.

He paused, twitching at the sight of her, then realized it was already too late to change his mind. "Yeah..." he said with a grimace. He reached up and grasped her sides gently, squeezing to massage her a little. "Just wait there, and stay exactly like that, I promise I'll be right back..."

He guided her to the side and she flopped downwards, letting him swing his legs off the bed. He got up, blinking at a sudden dizziness, and swallowed, tilting his head to shake it off.

"This had better be good..." He turned around and looked as Uma pouted at him. Lit in the warm soft light of the dimmed overhead lamp, she was lying on her side with her head propped up on one arm, her other hand stroking the curve of her hip.

"It will be," he nodded, and quickly scampered to the door, picking his discarded trousers up along the way. He struggled to put them back on, wincing as he tucked his hardened member slightly to the side, then opened the bedroom door a crack. Seeing the living room was now deserted, he slipped around the door and dashed across the room out to the hallway, fumbling to open one of the zip pockets of his backpack and pulling out a small clear packet.

He grinned to himself as he looked at it in the dim light - inside was a small silicone ring with a battery-powered vibrating bead at the top, which the packet showed was called the 'Screamer'. Walking back across the living room, he pulled the plastic open and slipped the ring across two of his fingers, stretching it out experimentally and excitedly imagining Uma squirming on top of him. He put his hand out on to the back of the sofa for balance as he walked back the way, and distractedly pushed open the ajar door of her bedroom.

He sighed as he saw a shape under the covers on the bottom bunk, all that was visible of the jaguar being two sets of fingers around the cover of the magazine she was reading. Quietly, he undid the clasp of his trousers, let them fall and stepped out of them, then crept across the room to tackle her.

"Hey, put that away - I've got something for you here..." He flicked the corner of the covers aside and pushed her arms away as he closed his eyes and kissed her aggressively, his hand moving down underneath the covers to stroke her hip as he did his best to squeeze into the bunk next to her.

He stopped as he felt the texture of silky pyjama trousers underneath the covers. "Hey, did you..." He pulled back and opened his eyes, seeing the surprised face in front of him for the first time and instantly sobering up.

"Oh, God, you're Rachel. I..."

The door squeaked fully open and Uma poked her head around it, her face silhouetted against the brighter light she'd turned on in the corridor. As the rabbit whipped himself around, his hip moved over the edge of the bed, and he squeaked as he lost his balance. Instinctively, he grabbed at the covers, but only managed to pull them off the bed as he crashed to the floor with the sheets tangled around him. Scrabbling to get them away from his head, he looked up at his girlfriend in the doorway, out of breath and with his mouth opening silently as he searched for words.

"What are you doing with my rabbit, Rachel?" Uma looked over at her sister, half laughing at the collapse that he'd just performed. Dalziel's eyes widened at her reaction, then he looked over to his girlfriend's older sister.

Rachel was still speechless, but beginning to laugh as well as she looked between Dalziel and the younger feline, reaching one arm up to cover the nipples on her large breasts. "I... don't know...!" she exclaimed, budging against the headboard to sit up. Dalziel's eyes dropped to her legs, seeing she was wearing only a pair of see-through pyjama bottoms, before he tore his eyes off her and wriggled out of the nest of covers, struggling to his feet.

He grabbed at a corner of the covers to hold it over himself, feeling his length crushing against his hands despite the situation. He looked to Uma as she stepped fully around the door, and he gasped as he realized that she hadn't covered up from when he'd left her. She stood confidently, near-nude with one hand on her hip, the smile on her face more mischievous than he'd ever seen her.

"Can I have him back? We were kind of in the middle of something..."

"Hey, he came in here - he's mine now!" Dalziel yelped as Rachel lunged forward and wrapped both of her arms around him, dragging him back towards the bunk. He ducked and then toppled back on to the bed, attempting to wriggle away as he looked up at Uma, feeling her sister's breasts rub against his back.

Uma stepped forwards into the room, then bent over with her hands on her knees to put her face in front of his. Feeling his heart pounding, he opened his mouth to stumble out some sort of apology, but stopped and squeaked in surprise as she dipped forward to kiss him on the lips, tilting her head a little as she pressed their muzzles together and cupped his chin with her hand.

His brow raised as Rachel wriggled around to nuzzle against his cheek, then gave another yelp as she bumped his head out of the way. He watched with wide eyes as the sisters shared a kiss on the lips, stuttering and staring from his slumped position down below as their hands came up to stroke each other's muzzles.

Uma drew back a little, and glanced down at Dalziel. "Shall we bring him through?" she whispered, tilting her head in the direction of the other bedroom.

Dalziel's gaze jerked towards Rachel, who just grinned in response. He squeaked as she wriggled upwards behind him, catching him under the arms as Uma took his legs, but his mind was still too blurred to struggle as they carried him towards the door. Feeling Rachel's breasts nestling against his headfur, he was vaguely aware of Uma tugging the cord out of the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door before they moved back across to the other bedroom.

Blinking as they returned to the dim light, he twisted around as the felines swung him to the side, and as he was thrown roughly on to the bed he let out a puff of air, collapsing on to his back. Still speechless, he found himself unable to resist as Uma leaned over him and grabbed both his hands, swiftly tying his wrists together in a firm knot on the bed's flowery metal headboard with the dressing gown cord.

"Hey, what's he got here?" He looked up as Rachel came forward, and realized she'd seen the silicone ring that was still twisted around his fingers. She plucked it off him, then examined it with a smile.

"So, you two are into things like this?" she giggled, holding the ring out to her sister. She cocked her head, then raised her eyebrows, reaching forward as she realized what it was.

"No, that's... new!" She turned it over in her hands, squeezing the button on its side and quickly thrusting it forward to brush against her sister's left nipple. Rachel yelped, clasping her hand across her chest again as she jumped backwards, then growled and tackled her sister with a grin, pushing her head down on to Dalziel's tummy and bowing her head down to give her a rough lick across the muzzle.

Dalziel stayed frozen, his jaw wide as the sisters kissed on top of him, unable to stop a twitch from between his legs despite his nerves. As his growing tip brushed Uma's ear, she yipped and giggled, squirming away and turning to look him in the eye, pushing Rachel's head gently away with her hand.

Rachel looked up as well, nuzzling a little against her sister's hand. "So, Uma..." she started. "Do you want to see if it's true what they say about rabbits?"

"What, that they're scared of everything?" Uma giggled. Dalziel swallowed, and tried to rearrange his face as he looked back at the two topless felines staring over at him. He shuffled his feet against the bed, trying without success to sit up, as he watched the girls whisper to each other, Rachel cupping her hand to her sister's ear before they shared a grin. Helping her sister up with her hands, Rachel stepped around to the other side of the bed as Uma turned and leaned towards him, and he twisted to face her, his eyes flitting up and down her figure as she came forward.

"Hey, relax," she said, putting a hand on his hip and pushing him down so that he was on his back again. "You don't want us to stop, do you?"

He tilted his eyes up to look at his tied hands, then shook his head slowly, trembling as the jaguar reached toward his twitching length. She wrapped her hand around it, her palm on the top and her fingers surrounding the shaft, and pushed a little down and up again, slipping his foreskin against him and giggling as he wriggled and gasped in response. Distracted as he felt it pulsing in her hand, he barely had time to react before Rachel had come around to his other side and the sisters had both leaned in to meet their mouths around him.

He gasped and shuddered as they slowly moved up him together, their warm tongues surrounding and gently squeezing his shaft as they slipped over it. He squeaked as the two felines reached his tip, finishing with a kiss on each other's lips before they ducked down again.

Dalziel closed his eyes and winced as her felt them start again, his hips twitching and slipping his length up between them, the feeling giving him images of being inside Uma. He yelped as their tongues were replaced by a new sensation, and looked again to see Rachel stretching the silicone ring to fit it over his penis at the base. She wriggled her fingers out of it and he yelped as it gripped him, struggling his head up to look at it fitted snugly around him. As he watched, she reached to the button on the side of the bead at the top, and he twitched again as a vibrating sensation started, a faint buzz audible from the ring.

Rachel pressed her finger against the bead, its upper surface textured with a set of bumps that flicked back and forth with the vibration. "Oh, you've got to feel this, Uma..." she grinned.

She looked up as her younger sister leaned over to see, reaching forward with one hand and tentatively pushing her fingers against the bumps. As she smiled nervously, Rachel stood up on the bed behind her, ducking a little to avoid the ceiling light.

"I didn't mean like that..." she giggled, taking her sister by the shoulders and dragging her up to join her. Uma yelped as she was lifted up, but didn't resist as Rachel stood her up and dragged her red underwear down, the younger sister joining in to push it down to her ankles. As she straightened, she grinned down at Dalziel, who swallowed as he stared silently at the little tuft of white fur just above the pink cleft between her legs. As she kicked the V-string off her ankle, she gave another squeak as Rachel knocked her feet forwards, her hands supporting her under the arms as she began lowering her down.

Dalziel wriggled, looking from the naked jaguar girl to his own length and back, watching Uma grin up and over her shoulder at her sister as she let her slowly down in a sitting position. She walked her feet forwards so that they were next to his shoulders, and after looking down at her feet as she wriggled her toes, he gasped as the lips of her entrance kissed his tip. With a rush of excitement, he felt her folds being gently pushed aside, and twitched and growled happily as he felt himself being surrounded by the warm, slippery embrace that he remembered from their first time in the hotel room.

Uma let her breath out as Rachel gently let go of her, supporting herself with her hands slightly behind her and circling her hips a little to gently take him further inside. She gave a sudden yip as the bumps of the bead tickled the front of her cleft, then purred as she settled fully on to his own hips, her mouth open in a shocked smile as the vibrator buzzed against her.

Dalziel bucked his hips upward, grinning at the gasping squeak from Uma, and watched her twitching on top of him, strands of her short hair flying as he thrusted up into her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, pushing back down against him, and he struggled against the cord around his hands as he watched her nipples bounce in front of his eyes.

He hesitated with a stutter as Rachel quickly came around and crawled right on top of him, her knees on either side of his shoulders. As her thighs brushed against him he suddenly realized she'd taken her pyjama bottoms off, and his eyes dropped between her legs, where a thin, inch-long vertical strip of black fur led down to her cleft. She waited for a moment, smiling down at the reaction on his face, then she budged herself forward, putting her hands on the headboard and wriggling forward as he ducked away from her swinging hips. Trembling, he faced upward again as he realized exactly what she wanted from him, and took a breath as she squirmed down, pushing her labia against his mouth.

Tentatively, he pushed his tongue against her and dragged it slowly upwards, feeling a bump underneath it and seeing the feline above him shudder the instant he touched it. Suppressing a smile, he pushed up a little further and then flicked the tip of his tongue quickly back and forth.

Looking up along Rachel's tummy and the underside of her chest, he saw Uma's hands slide around her from behind, grabbing at her breasts and sliding her hardened nipples between her fingers. He thrusted harder at the sight, tugging on the cord around his wrists and finally wriggling himself out of it. With his hands free, he clasped them firmly on to Rachel's hips just above him, stroking his fingers in slow circles as she slipped faster against his tongue.

The older jaguar sister closed her eyes and wriggled at the four hands sliding over her, moaning and gasping at the flicking of Uma's fingers and Dalziel's tongue. She rocked back and forth slightly on his mouth, and Dalziel rolled his muzzle to keep himself pressed against her. As his tongue slipped around her soaking clitoris, lingering on it and pushing inwards, he watched as Uma moved her fingers down to pinch her sister's nipples, tugging on them slightly in turn as Rachel let out an ecstatic gasp, tilting her head up as she shuddered.

Slowing his tongue down, Dalziel watched Rachel's face carefully, watching her long hair spill forward over her shoulders as she bowed her head back down, looking at the half of his face still visible with a smile. She squirmed herself back up and away, and he flinched backwards as she swung her leg over him, kneeling awkwardly on the side of the bed before stumbling to her feet.

He turned his head to Uma, who was still in a sitting position on his length, panting a little as she pushed her hands against the bed to wriggle in trembling circles around him. He looked down from her face past the curve of her breasts, tipped by pinkish nipples where the orange and black of her fur reached her white chest and tummy, and grinned down between his legs at the view of the tip of her cleft, the rest hidden by the buzzer pulsing right up against her.

Dalziel gripped her feet as he tried to sit up a little, pulling Uma towards him. She squeaked as she leaned forwards to meet him, and he cupped her breasts with his hands, but quickly slid them around to her back as he pressed her against him. Closing his eyes, he pushed their muzzles together in a kiss, one hand going up to the back of her head and ruffling through her short hair. As she slowly parted her lips, he slid his tongue forwards into her mouth, and felt his heart jump as she did the same, rolling hers down and around his for a moment before she withdrew.

Gently but firmly, he pushed Uma to one side, trying to press his hips against hers as they collapsed together on their sides. As the jaguar squeaked, he felt a sudden cold feeling as he slipped out of her, but moved quickly to crawl on top of the panting feline. Breathing heavily along with her, he looked into the face of the gorgeous jaguar girl underneath him, her eyes shining brightly in the dim light of the room, and he brought his hand up to brush her cheek, kissing her on the opposite side of her face. As she brought her knees up, her fur rubbing against his thighs, he squirmed down a little to adjust himself and then pushed back into her, sliding easily into place as he grabbed her by the shoulders.

With a growl, he grinned and thrust his hips forward, enjoying the squeaking and giggling from Uma as he slipped slightly in and out of her entrance, and propping himself up with his arms either side of her to look down at her shocked open-mouthed smile. He yelped as Rachel's hand suddenly smacked against his backside, abruptly stopping and half twisting over his shoulder as she nuzzled up against him. Shuffling forwards on her knees, she stretched herself upwards, pushing her hips forward and grasping his sides as she wriggled down to rub her still slippery cleft on the top of his little tail. Dalziel gasped, feeling the elder sister slide against him, still frozen in place.

"C'mon!" Rachel took one of her hands off Dalziel's side and he felt the sting of another smack, and a shudder underneath him as Uma giggled at the slapping noise. Her movement set him thrusting unconsciously again, and he gave a whimper of pleasure as Rachel's hands slipped around him to run through the fur on his chest and tummy. As he pushed forward, Uma shuddered and yipped at the feeling of the vibrating bead against her sensitive bump, and as he wriggled his hips backward again, he felt Rachel twitching and purring as his tail pushed against her.

Sliding back and forth in between the two girls, he moved his hips in a circle to feel Uma's thighs wrapped around him and Rachel's tummy pressed against his back. As he sped up, feeling his orgasm building, Uma's squeaks turned into euphoric yelps, pushing her head against the bed to almost arch her back as she unwrapped her legs and stretched them into the air. As she shook underneath him, he looked down to her gently bouncing breasts, and clasped Rachel's hands tighter against him to feel her chest on his back as he felt himself tipping into climax.

Dalziel bit his lip to stifle his groan as he felt his entire body twitch and shudder, his length pulsing inside Uma's entrance as he finally came into her. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the tingle all over his body as a second wave surged out and over him, half-hearing Uma's scream of pleasure and squirming his hips right up against her. As his orgasm slowed to a stop, he bowed his head forwards, feeling the warmth of the felines wrapped around him as the intensity of climax faded, eventually subsiding and leaving just the rapid pulsing behind.

He stayed silent along with the girls for a few moments, then breathed out heavily, almost laughing as he tried to blink away the clouds in front of his eyes. He collapsed forwards, leaving Rachel behind as he nuzzled against Uma, kissing the jaguar's flushed cheek as he wriggled backwards to slide himself out of her. He smiled as Uma reached up dazedly to ruffle his headfur, and wriggled his head against her hand for a moment before ducking to the side. Sliding his hand around to her shoulder, he gave her a kiss on the forehead as she laid her head on top of his chest, holding her close and smiling at the warmth of her body against his.

He stroked his fingers along her cheek with a smile, still coming down from the high of the last few minutes and becoming dimly aware of the vibrating ring still around his shaft, but twitched his head to the side as he detected movement above him. He looked up, puzzled, then down between his legs and whimpered incoherently as Rachel leaned over and quickly unrolled a sheath on to his retreating length.

"N..." he started, the word interrupted by a gasp as she ducked her head down, taking him into her mouth and rapidly circling her tongue around the head of his penis. Despite already being drained, he felt himself harden again under the warm licking sensation, and grimaced as she bobbed her head slightly up and down, her lips pursed to rub against his shaft.

Squirming a little against her mouth, he glanced to Uma, who was still panting breathlessly next to him. As he caught her eye, she hauled herself up on to all fours again, and crawled a little forward to kiss him on the mouth, rolling their heads a little together.

He closed his eyes, and gasped half with relief as he felt Rachel slide her mouth away from him. The next moment, his heart jumped again as he felt the mattress dip down at the pressure of a knee to his left and then to his right, as the older sister positioned herself above him.

He gripped Uma's arm tightly, twisting his head away from her to see and twitching at the feeling of fingers lifting his shaft upright, slowly stroking him up and down. Blinking in the dim light, he saw Rachel straddling him facing towards his feet, looking down between her legs as she moved her hand to the base of his penis, twisting the slippery ring around so that the bead was towards her front. He whimpered as he watched her spread her legs a little wider to lower herself down, his eyes on her shapely bottom as she swung her hips slowly from side to side to slip gently down on top of him.

Dalziel gasped again, the noise stifled by another sudden kiss from Uma, as Rachel ground down on top of him, leaning forward and giving a moaning purr as she pressed herself against the vibrating bead. Despite his recent orgasm and the dulled feeling through the sheath, he felt himself pulse again as the warm walls of her entrance slipped around him, tugging a little on his shaft as she lifted herself upwards with each bounce. As Uma brought one hand up to stroke his face, he felt with both hands in front of him, hanging on to Rachel's hips as she wriggled them in slow circles.

Still in a daze, Dalziel weakly grasped at Rachel's fur, trying to push up into her as she rode him faster. He struggled to lift his head up and blinked down past Uma's head to see Rachel's bottom twitching quickly up and down, her tail flicking over his chest. He saw her looking down between her legs, then felt her hand stroke gently over his testicles, pushing the vibrating bead against herself as her breathing grew heavy and quick.

Dalziel gave her hips a last squeeze and slipped his hands off her, bringing them up to cup Uma's breasts as she leaned over him and gently massaging her soft furry chest as they shared another kiss. Feeling Rachel's entrance suddenly tighten around him, he gasped and pushed his hips up against her as his length shuddered in a dry second orgasm. Rachel let out a scream as he thrust roughly into her, freezing in place with her fur bristling as the bead buzzed against her.

After several seconds of silence, she gasped again, her entire body twitching. Tentatively, Dalziel relaxed his hips, flopping exhaustedly back on to the bed. With his heart thumping in his chest, he opened his eyes, leaning to the side past Uma as Rachel slowly slid herself upward, gasping at a slight tug and the cold feeling as he slipped out of her.

As he lay panting, she swung her leg over to the side of the bed and pushed herself off it to stand up. She turned around and put her hands on his chest, and he swallowed, blinking at the two pairs of white-furred breasts in front of his face as his girlfriend stretched up to share a kiss with her.

"I like him, Uma!" her older sister grinned, before turning to pick up her discarded pyjama bottoms. Dalziel watched her wriggle back into them on the way to the door, and with a silent smile back over her shoulder, she closed the door behind her.

He flopped his head back on to the pillow, letting his breath out. Looking over to Uma, he tried to stumble some words out, but only managed to mumble incoherently.

"Shh." She smiled, pushing her finger to his lips, propping herself up on her other elbow. After a moment, he swallowed, and wriggled to free his mouth of her finger.

"Does that... often happen?" he asked, with another glance at the door.

Uma looked up at it, too. "That... was the first time with a boy," she admitted.

Dalziel laughed, the image of feline fur rubbing against him still fresh in his mind. He flicked his eyes to the side, catching sight of Uma's beautiful smile in the dim light. After a second to gather himself, he leaned up in half-pounce, bringing her down to lie beside him and wrapping his arms around her.

Uma eeped as he pressed his hands against her back. "Hey, you can't still be horny now..."

"No," he admitted with a shake of his head, but kept her pressed close against him, stroking the fur up and down her back. "But we're not going to get the chance to be alone like this again for a while..."

"Hmm..." She smiled and kissed his shoulder, rubbing her face a little on his chest. "Still, just two months until college - and I'm sure when we get there, one of us will have neighbors who we don't mind keeping awake..."

"Yeah... single beds, though." He flopped on to his back and purred a little as she traced one finger around his chest fur, his mind still on the last few minutes.

"Well, if you'd like, we could get a hotel room together for a few days this summer." She leaned up on one elbow, her arm behind her head to push her hair back behind her ear, and he looked up again, smiling weakly at the sight of her nipples. "It doesn't have to be somewhere expensive... we'd be in bed the whole time - just you and me," she grinned.

"Yeah... I'd like that." He yawned and stretched, smiling halfway through. "But can we bring Rachel, too?"

He was too exhausted to dodge the pillow that thumped into his face.