worlds unknown

Story by Reilloc on SoFurry

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I am falling. Is it because i jumped or was i pushed. I try to think straight. I was in some kind of fight i can tell. My face feels sore, my body has stiff muscles all over and my rib cage feels as if i might have a broken rib or two.

It doesnt seem that my arms or legs are tied up. "Thank the goddess," I mutter. Now back to the problem at hand. I am falling. Got to figure out how to slow myself down before that sudden stop at the end.

I have a bone whistle around my neck. The whistle you could say is magical by nature. As to what it does is one of those things that is hard to define to one thing. It varies on urgency of blower. Yes it has more than one tone and can make some really nice music. All depending on the blower blowing.

I guess you could say my blow into the whistle was one of extreme urgency.

Something whistled past me. It was moving way to fast for my eyes to focus on it.

Suddenly it leveled out beneath me and allowed me and the weight of me falling onto its back. I grabbed hold of my saviour tightly so as not to slip off.

Evidently I wasnt the only rider on the thing that caught me. Their was a woman as the other rider. I knew her. She pulled me up to the saddle to which I gratefully strapped myself into.

My saviours name is Ashley. Her gryphons name is "Rei," There is more to it but everyone just calls her that.

Ashley asks "What in the 9 hells did you do this time."

Ashley and I grew up together. At one time we were friends. Now its just disgruntled almost hatred between the two of us. Many years have passed since the thing that broke our friendship up. I dont even remember what it was. But Ashley does evidently.

I say "Good to see you to Ashley, and very glad to see you Rei."

Rei only nods, she starts a slow descent to the ground, to drop me off.

The rest of the flight down is silent.

Once on the ground the days light is fading fast. Rei refuses to continue flying tonight. Rei is quite adamant that she wont fly.

Ashley is a half woman half panther. She is a beautiful grey, with black spots slightly visible, and a sleek and slender form, and with fur that shines like the moon hitting the night sky. Standing about 5'4" with eyes as blue as the sky, and with a larger chest and nice curves. right down to her tail. She isnt afraid to use her claws or the double short swords strapped to her back.

Rei walks over to me looking kinda sad. I raise my hand and scratch a spot behind her ears I know she likes. I give her a hug. Rei pushes me playfully, but I lose my balance and fall to the ground. Rei is still a teenager compared to the life span of most gryphons.

Rei unfolds her wings, a good 18 feet in either direction from her body. From feather tip to the ridge of her spine. So a good 36 foot all together. She shakes her fur to fluff it out and tries to look as scary as she can while she stalks me.

I start to laugh and pretend to be scared. Crab walking backwards trying to get away.

Rei's body looks like a true lion shape but much larger but then you look at her head more like a giant eagle or hawk head. Beautiful falcon like wings, all feathers on her wings, fur on her body slightly reddish brown.

My hands and feet scrambling to get away. But Rei is too fast for me. She straddles me knocking me over again. Im on my back holding my hands up in mock horror, trying to defend myself from her.

Thats when Rei licks my face. Her tongue is big and wide enough to lick my neck and both ears at the same time. I start laughing again cause it tickles. I wipe my fave off, then reach up and try to start tickling Rei again. She yelps in a way that could only be laughter. Her wings come together and she rolls over grabbing a hold of me in the process. Now im on top of her tickling her. She loves it.

Ashley and Rei dont play around like this. But the 2 are hardly inseparable. Never far from the other. Ashley, at the moment is too pissed at Rei for not wanting to leave. So she is off blowing off some steam away from Rei and me.

Rei rolls back over cocks her head to the side like she is listening for something. Then looks down at me with what could only be described as a big grin.

Gryphons have a innate magical ability or psionics ability, due to the fact that magic was the first creators of them.

Rei looks at the belt on my pants and it flies away. She rests her paws on my wrists, and ankles holding me down in an x shape. I cant really argue or resist her in anyway. My shirt starts sliding up revealing the scars on my chest, and my pants start sliding down past my waist.

Im embarrassed about my nudity to Rei. I try to squirm but she just holds me tighter. Her tongue starts licking my chest down to my penis.

"What are you doing," I say to Rei?

She just grunts, as she licks me again.

"Why are you doing this," I pleade?

She looks up at me with another grin. To which she licks my growing penis, which she seems fascinated with. She slides her tongue up and down my shaft.

In my heart and my mind I know its wrong. But my body is saying "OH MY GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD!" I start to relax under her. Once she feels my body slacken she loosens up her grips as well.

She looks into my eyes a look of lust. I have seen it before on many gryphons, but never was when they were looking at humans only other gryphons.

At this point i didnt care. My own animal needs were kicking in.

Rei turned around and placed her pussy almost right into my face. She was in heat.

Evidently it was her first heat. She didnt know how to react other than find her first available male figure. Lucky me. At least she knows and trusts me. But of course I am by no means big enough to pop her hymen. The least I could do is temporarily satiate her and my needs animalistically. Till she could find someone much bigger than me to satisfy her real cravings.

I tasted my first gryphon pussy! I dont know how to describe it. But I didnt stop licking and sucking on her pussy lips and clit.

Rei started to shudder a little bit, thats when I found out she is a squirter. I about drowned on her juices.

Rei turns around and licks my face clean. She then gets off of me and does a what looks like a cat when they do their morning stretches. It exposes her furry pussy and ass to me.

I get up off the ground finish removing my clothes, stepping out of my pants. I slowly slide my cock into her very slick pussy. I know she cant be getting too much pleasure of my little cock. So I try to angle it so it slides up against her clit at same time to give her as much pleasure as I can.

Again Rei shudders in an orgasm, but this time her juices are all over my body cause it happened on a thrust inward everything splashed against my body up, down and outward equally. After her that orgasm, I exploded with my own orgasm.

I walked around to her front side and gave her a hug. With a whisper of "Dont worry, what happened with me I wont tell a soul."

She nods and licks my face, and also licks some of her still running juices off of me.

I gather up some of my things and got semi dressed and headed over to a little stream I had seen to bathe up some.

Rei ran past me and jumped into the stream.

I continued my normal walk.

Ashley appeared beside me all of a sudden.

"Did you take care of Rei?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did you help her out with her need?"

"How did you..."

"I've known her all her life, I knew she was in heat. I could smell it. I just didnt know how bad it was, till she refused to fly tonight. That and I can smell her all over you."

"If you can smell her on me, why did you ask?"

"To see if you would admit to it, and also to ask if you wouldnt ever tell anyone?"

"Dont worry, I wont!"

"Ok, good. I wont tell anyone about you and Rei either."

I started to say thank you, but Ashley took off.

Later that night...

Rei was cuddled into a huge ball of fur and feathers.

Ashley and I are sitting around the camp fire.

"Ashley, how come whenever we run into eachother, it seems like your always pissed at me for something?"

"I know you are human. But me, Im only half. The rest of me is covered in fur. When we were growing up I hated it, cause everyone was always mean and teased me cause I had a tail and had fur. Including you."

"I know it may not account for much, if I do recall I was also a friend at times. Yes I I know I wasnt the nicest of guys at times. I hope that some day you will be able to forgive me."

"In a way I already have. If a human such as yourself is willing to help out a creature of a different species as you have with Rei. Their is a chance for me yet to find someone who can and will accept me for what I am too."

"On that note M'lady lets call it a truce with a new friendship to hold on the line. I hope I can be a friend from here on out."


We clasp forearms; mine human, hers covered in fur. Both of us smiling.

Morning found both Ashley and me under a wing of Rei for warmth. Rei woke both me and Ashley up with a lick across our faces. I gave Rei a friendly morning tickle. Ashley wipes her face off, but at least she has a little bit of a smile.

Rei looks at me a little, then back at Ashley. Rotating her eyes back and forth. I just laugh and give Rei a hug. Ashley looks a little bit lost, but she missed Rei's look.

I helped Ashley fix breakfast for the two of us. Rei went off to go play or hunt in the woods.

Once breakfast was done, I helped Ashley saddle Rei, once Rei returned. We took off shortly afterward, with me sitting behind Ashley. We took off. It was a beautiful day, hardly a cloud in the sky. Looking down at the green forests leading the way up the mountains with the snow caps. It really was awe inspiring.

We flew next to a small waterfall where a little updraft or rei was playing a joke, caused me to jump and grab a hold of Ashley. Had I ever done anything to touch her in the past, it would of ended up with me laying on my back or in the hospital.

All Ashley did was laugh silently, pushing my arms and hands down to a spot on her waist. She leaned backwards and said "Scared of heights?"

"No, a fear of the fast fall and quick stop at the end."

"You should be used to the falling part," she joked.

"Ha Ha, very funny."

"I thought it was," as she laughs some more.

I just sit and smile, while keeping my hands on Ashley's waist. I am just glad Ashley is just warming up to me. Its been years since we have had a civil conversation.

"So where are we going Ashley?"

"We were on our way to Rei's family, before we were yanked to rescue you. Her pack needs her to help perform a special ceremony."

"I am sorry, not like I can tell what my whistle will do you know."

"So we noticed."

"How far we gotta go to get to Rei's family?"

"We were only 2 days out. If nothing else slows us down we will be only 2 days out again by morning."

"Ok, so when does Rei need to be there," I questioned?

"If we fly straight with no incidents, we should have one day to get settled in at her family's cave," Ashley replied. "We would of had two and half days but no you had to go and blow that whistle."

"I said I was sorry already, what more do you want from me?"

"You have already helped my by helping Rei. She trusts you for some odd reason," Ashley said laughingly.

I laughed with her.

We stopped to eat after awhile. More so to give my legs a rest, im not used to flying an animal and gripping it with my legs to hold on.

Rei's hunger doesnt work the same as mine and Ashley's. She dont need to eat as much or as often, but when she does eat its large meal. All depending upon how much energy she used.

Ashley and I set up a temporary camp to fix our foodstuffs. I look at it like we had to land cause you try eating food at 200 foot or more above ground, with winds blowing 70 plus miles around you. You end up wearing more than eating it.

I took off my pack and set it on the ground. Squatting down to dig into the bag, Rei and Ashley came up behind me. Rei pushed me over, with Ashley grabbing my bag running as fast as she could. Which is way faster than me, always has been. I got up trying to run after her but Rei pushed me over again.

Rei starts to stalk me again. Im thinking oh no, shes needs to have another orgasm. But this stalk she was doing was more playful, and their was no look of any kind of lust in her eyes. I jumped up, it startled her a bit. I tried to push her while tickling her. But small object versus much larger object.


Rei makes a sound like she is laughing at my stupidity.

Rei and I are playing like this for awhile. When Ashley reappears with my pack. At that moment Rei jumps into the woods leaving me and Ashley in the clearing. Ashley puts my pack down and smiles at me. Me being the guy that I am i dive for the pack, I didnt notice Ashley. My stomache was growling and letting me know it.

"Well," she said, tapping her foot.

"Well what, im starving and you took the food."

"Food, is that all you can think of is food. I took the pack to get at your shaving stuff."

"Why would you want to do that," still not looking at her shoving something into my mouth to eat.

"Look at me dammit!"

Slowly looking up I see her. With the exception of the hair on her head she was hairless, even her tail. My eyes popped out of my head.

"Wh....Why," stammering, "What did you do that for?"

Ashley lookes down sullenly "I thought it would make you like more."

"Ashley I have always liked you. Ive always thought you very pretty too."

"You did," she said quietly?

"Yes I did," I replied. "You didnt need to cut all the hair off your body to show me that you liked me."

"I didnt cut all the hair off," she said smiling.

"Where didnt you cut your hair?"

"Wouldnt you like to know?"

"Thats the reason I asked." Forgetting the half eaten foodstuffs in my hand, for the moment.

"How about a little game between us. Whatever piece of clothing I take off you take off as well?"

"Are you sure,... Do you really want to do this?"

Ashley shook her head shyly, "Yes."

"Ok, then do you want me to start or do you...."

Ashley leaned forward and kissed me, interupting my chain of thoughts.

I wrapped my arms around Ashley, pulling her ontop of me.

Rei came bounding into the clearing then and made squawking noise, which I suppose meant she was ready to continue with our journey. Ashley jumped up and started gathering the things.

I got up and got the saddle out, and Rei came jumping over towards me and lowered her body to accept the saddle. I threw the saddle holding onto one of the straps an pulled to make it sit on Rei's back tightly and to make the other strap swing under Rei's body. Grabbing the straps, and cinching them down.

Ashley came up behind me with the backpack of stuff. Wrapping her arms around me, and sliding one of her hands against my groin area. She started massaging me through my pants.

"Excuse me what are you doing?"

Ashley just laughed. Rei was anctious to keep moving so she squawked again. I took the backpack from Ashley, while she climbed aboard Rei. Then I climbed aboard as well. Ashley had to sit in front cause it was her gryphon. I understood that.

Once we were in the air again, Ashley reached back behind her back with one hand while keeping the other hand on the reigns of Rei. I hadnt really noticed her hand, till it found my crotch. She started massaging me again. I leaned in and reached around to her front and started massaging one of her breasts. Not exactly easy with the outfit she was wearing but I did it.

"Fair is fair hun."

Ashley laughed at that.

She was getting my cock hard with her constant groping of it. I reached down with my hand that wasnt occupied with massaging her, and unhooked my pants to make it easier on her to grasp me. I took her hand and put it where she was desperatly trying to get a hold of. Slowly she started stroking me. I relaxed the hand that was massaging her breasts and slid it down to her own crotch which to my shock found nothing in the way to block my hand. Sliding my hand up her leather skirt, to a lil patch of fuzz (that hadnt been shaved) I found that slightly moist spot and slid a finger into it. When i did that Ashley leaned back and kissed me passionatly.

After a little bit Ashley pulled my hand out of her sweet spot, and leaned upwards giving me a beautiful shot of her ass and pussy. I slid her tail out of the way and did my own leaning forward to kiss each of her ass cheeks and to get a taste of her pussy and my pinky into her ass. She looked back at me with a kind of shocked look, but didnt say stop.

I slid my fingers out of her pussy and ass, then moved up in the saddle and leaned backwards in it. Positioning myself perfectly for Ashley to slide down onto me.