
Story by Fox_Fusion on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissioned Works

Word around town depicted the owner of the wholesale pharmacy as an eccentric. The man who ran the place operated alone, doing everything from stocking the shelves to serving the customers by himself. When asked if he wanted some employees, he would shake his head and laugh. "Too expensive, I barely make enough to support myself." Try though they might, nobody in town could convince the owner to even consider hiring a temporary employee. His prices remained incredibly low, though, and he managed to keep his stock in check, so his steady customer base provided him with the necessary income to keep the business going, with just enough cash left over for food and the occasional luxury.

Vee knew all about the rumours and discussion that went around town: that he secretly had a man on the side, that he sampled his own products, that he worked alone because he didn't want anybody finding out what he actually did. The cheetah-hyena hybrid remained friendly, offering nothing but customer service and friendly banter with everybody, be it in the store or on the streets. People found it difficult to dislike the man who would offer discounts if coerced correctly, or give product recommendations that actually worked. So for all the gossip-mongering that went around, Vee didn't give a damn. It only made him well known, and made his business more appealing.

The cheyna stood out on his own right. At 6'2 and packed with muscle, people understood how he could handle all the supplies without any assistants. It was no secret that he regularly went to the gym, where he could be found bench-pressing nearly 700 pounds of iron and steel. Supplements, he said, and hard work. With a mass of 300 pounds himself, almost all of it brawn, the cheyna needed to specially-order clothing just to house his body. This allowed him to get his pants to be extra roomy in the crotch area, where it still left a noticeable bulge. The gym rats speculated on the size of the object contained within, but none had dared to see it. Vee was rather private about his size, and refused to shower in the gym. His blue hair, often matted with sweat after long workouts, remained unkempt and wild. The smell of the muscular feline clung to the locker room hours after he had already left.

In the warehouse itself, Vee kept a variety of air fresheners running to help mask the scent of his own odour. The rows and rows of pills helped to keep the smell down, though it could never quite be ignored, creating this situation where every product taken home smelled of cheyna musk. Customers complained about the smell originally, which was why he got the fresheners. His own house was devoid of the stuff, everything ripe with the intensely male aroma. Sometimes he would go around the store and unplug a few of the cleansers, just to let his stink accumulate. But when he had special orders, he doubled the number of devices emitting pretty perfumes. It helped to make a good impression when trying to acquire a new product.

Today's product in particular had the cheyna's interest. The company promised a pill that could enhance male potency, something that always piqued the feline's curiosity. He did his best to find ways to max out his load or increase the size of his member, though more often than not the products were simply sugar pills, devoid of any chemical nature. They did make excellent additions to coffee, on the positive side. This new pill would likely be the same, Vee knew, but it didn't keep him from getting rather excited to try something new and different. His member stirred at the thought of increased length. He looked down at it with a scowl, whereupon it throbbed against the inside of his jeans. It never listened to him.

Vee headed for the loading dock to his store. Outside he was greeted by a porcupine wearing a delivery company's uniform and a pair of dark sunglasses that hid his eyes. The cheyna could catch his own red eyes reflected in the glasses, which set the feline on edge. Most delivery men at least had the decency to pretend to make eye contact. "Sign on the dotted line, sir," the porcupine said. Vee signed after he checked the side of the truck, which had the words 'Lion's Best' printed on in bold black letters. Satisfied, the porcupine went back into the vehicle and started the engine. The large machine clunked to life, followed by the sound of beeping as it backed up towards the ramp that lead into the building. Once locked in place, Vee and the porcupine worked on unloading the hundred boxes filled with 50 bottles of pills each. The whole process took only twenty minutes, thanks to the cheyna's strength and endurance. The pair were sweating all the same once the work was done, the summer heat at its peak for the day.

"Can I get you a drink at least," Vee offered, wiping the moisture from his brow, the yellow fur moving to the right. His brown spots looked more black with all the water in them. The porcupine declined the gesture, even when Vee insisted time and again. When the cheyna finally relented, the porcupine stepped back into the truck and drove off, leaving the empty backdoor open. Vee scratched his head and shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't often he got to meet somebody not intimidated by his size. If the pills worked, then no doubt the owner of the company was a mighty impressive male, one that clearly outclassed the cheyna. His dick twitched thinking about a male larger than himself, the barbs around the head of his hard cock digging into the denim. He often didn't wear underwear - too confining - and now was one of those situations where going commando was proving a poor decision. He quickly shut the garage door to the loading dock, hoping nobody could see the obvious erection tenting his pants.

Despite the drive and need to release, Vee kept himself in control. He had a rule against masturbating while at work - it wouldn't do to have somebody walk in on him wanking one off right there in the store. Not that the idea wasn't appealing to him, it just wasn't conducive to managing a business properly. He had other things to attend to aside from pleasuring himself for hours on end: boxes needed to be opened, a new product needed a price and shelving space, and it needed testing. That last part made the top of the cat's list of priorities. With his member leading the way, the cheyna headed towards the towers of packed boxes. He grabbed one from the top of a ten box high stack, the single unit so much lighter than the five at a time he'd been lugging previously. With the individual package resting on the ground, Vee used his claws to rip open the packing tape, the lid popping to reveal fifty small bottles, each which could fit snugly in his palm.

He pulled out a bottle and read the instructions and warnings on the side. 'This product increases virility in males. Take one pill before sexual intercourse to produce a larger amount of semen for your partner's enjoyment. Recommended for those having trouble reaching erection or who can not produce enough semen to cause impregnation. Take no more than one pill per day. Side effects may include longer lasting erection, slight inflation of the testes, painful erections, longer orgasm, coloured tint of the seminal fluids, headaches, and exhaustion. Please consult your doctor if any other side effects occur.' Vee noticed the name of the product when he rolled the bottle in his paw: Enhancer. The cheyna chuckled about the cheesy name as he twisted the childproof cap off.

He poured the contents into his free hand before placing the empty container on top of the open box. Standard procedure required Vee to count the number of pills per bottle, to ensure he knew how often a product might need to be replaced if a customer required it. With meticulous precision, he picked up one pill at a time and counted it aloud before depositing it into the bottle. Once he reached 60, he repeated the process, hitting the total of sixty a second time. Satisfied, he pulled out a single pill, this time raising it up to eye level for proper study. The white pill had the flat circular shape of so many other medications, similar to an Advil, though about half the size. It would be a fairly easy bit of medicine to swallow, considering it was no larger than a pea.

Vee hesitated for a moment, the pill pushed right up to his muzzle. It happened every time, and nothing bad happened so far, but what if this was the pill that really did what it promised? He'd be breaking his rule about jacking off in the store. It would be a small price to pay, however, and he knew it. That's why he'd followed through before. The pill entered his mouth, whereupon it was swallowed instantly, going down the cheyna's experienced throat. He imagined it travelling through his esophagus, the little white pill plunking into his stomach and dissolving, spreading through his system and pumping him full of whatever chemical would cause the desired result. He waited for a minute, then two, finally three.

His cock throbbed uncomfortably. He only felt that kind of ache when he couldn't get himself off for a day, something he religiously avoided because of the pain. The jeans seemed to restrict around his crotch, binding his member and balls to his quads, squeezing the package tight. The barbs around his cockhead rubbed against one another and the jeans, eliciting a moan out of the very aroused feline. Rationality went out the window in an instant, his paws going to his fly to unbutton and unzip the restraining fabric. His hard dick flopped out, easily a foot of stiff cheyna meat bouncing in the air, leaking pre down the shaft. The nuts stayed inside the jeans, he couldn't be bothered at the moment. He was too busy working on his cock that screamed for attention and pleasuring.

The ache in his balls kept rising, even as the flow of pre picked up, dripping down on to the floor and narrowly missing the open box. Paws worked on the pillar of flesh, both wrapped around and stroking the length, trying to reach that point of no return that always brought a mewl to the cheyna's lips. Each pleasured squeeze to his cock made his muscled body shiver, his knees nearly buckling beneath him. Masturbation hadn't felt this good since he was an adolescent, at the peak of his sexual frenzies when he needed release a minimum of four times a day. Back then his cock wasn't quite as large, though, nor his balls as full. That he was doing it in a public setting only made him want it more, to finally abandon the foolish rule he'd used to restrict himself.

When the rush of orgasm finally hit, it brought Vee to the ground, his mouth wide as he whimpered with the sudden blow of sexual gratification. Cum shot from his rigid member, the spray arcing forward and landing on the tiled floor with a wet splat. The second shot went upwards, his cock held in a vertical position by his paws. He tasted the saltiness of his jizz on his tongue, the volley having reached above his head before landing in his mouth. He tried to get another taste in a similar fashion, but by the fourth release he wasn't firing quite as powerfully. Whatever cum landed on his t-shirt or paws he licked off once the climax tapered off. Spent and pleased, the cheyna lay on the floor, panting with exertion he rarely felt even after a serious workout.

After his recovery, and a quick wipe down with his paw to try and pick up any of the delicious goop that might have landed on him, Vee sat up, using the open box as a support for his arm. His malehood continued to throb, not as insistent as before but desiring attention all the same. Unsure whether the pill had actually done something or whether his own fantasies had fuelled the flames, Vee prepared himself to co consume a second pill. Worse case scenario was the orgasm of his life, he figured. He fished into the bottle, pulled out a little white tablet, and tossed it into his mouth, the taste of his semen attached to the pill. He licked his lips.

His body cramped, a tightness that started in the pit of his stomach and spread all over. The cheyna would have yowled if his mouth could have moved, but the pain crippled him, locking his body into place. It passed as quickly as it came, leaving him huffing for breath, the flavour of his own musk in the air thick from the combination of sweat and puddles of cum on the floor. Reacting to that wonderful sampling, he breathed in, slow and steady, letting his mouth hang wide to get in as much as it could before swallowing, then breathing out. The air fresheners were going to have a rough time trying to cover up this stench. His customers would just have to get used to it.

As he tried to stand up, his semi-hard member jerked, like it was trying to get ready for another round. When he looked down to see it standing at full attention, his eyes went wide. His cock was lengthening, yes, but it wasn't getting any harder. It seemed to be reeling out, stretching down his leg, reaching the twelve inches that it normally was hard and surpassing that, going on to fourteen. The growth wasn't limited to his penis either, as the tightness around his orbs brought to his attention. He lowered his pants, letting his nuts finally have a little space. They looked swollen enough that he thought of lemons, trapped inside of his yellow sac. Each pulse of his cock found itself accompanied by the stretching of his testicles, balls plumping and filling out. At the point that his dick had reached his knees, his balls hanging just about at that point too, the unnatural growth stopped. Natural growth kicked in, the cheyna cock reaching full erection, thick around as a normal man's wrist and bobbing against his chest. He hugged it to himself, moaning as the sensitive barbs brushed against his biceps and pectorals.

An urge began to overtake Vee, the fulfilment of his deepest wishes now manifested into a reality. These were the pills he had dedicated his life to finding and enjoying, the ones that would turn him into the quintessential male. Choosing to delay his pleasure, the cheyna released his rod, letting the thick spear bounce off his legs before returning to a forward facing position. It drooled pre like a poorly closed faucet, the fluid seeping into the box, getting the cardboard wet with seminal juices. Vee didn't care, he wanted those pills in whatever state he could get them, and if that meant covered in cum, so much the better. His body quivered as he bent down to grab the already opened bottle, stomach pressing into the shaft. Without any reservation left, he tipped the container into his mouth and began to swallow, pulling the bottle back once there was nothing more inside to be devoured.

Vee's eyes rolled into the back of his head as sudden climax gripped his body. The massive cock rocked as it fired a load that shattered the cheyna's previous records, spunk flying across the room and smacking into the loading garage's door. His hands grabbed the jerking shaft, trying to coax out more and more from the tremendous piece of equipment. Before he could start wanking it, the orgasm ended, though the bliss didn't dissipate. The reeling sensation from before returned, stronger and faster, his meat softening and stretching out against his leg, pre smearing into his jeans as the head made it's journey towards the floor.

Not to be outdone, his balls attempted to keep on pace with their partner. The low hangers got stuck on his jeans until Vee bucked his hips forward. With that extra bit of motion, his nuts flopped out of his pants, dropping down to mid shin. The sudden tug on his scrotum had him howling for more, his package becoming sufficiently heavy that it was giving his body a good enough workout just trying to stay standing. He gripped one of the near by stacks of boxes, using it for support as his equipment continued it's rapid and steady expansion. Pre dripped on to his feet, his genitals resting on the floor between his legs. They gurgled with the absurd amount of semen that his orbs produced. He wanted more, even before this wave of growth finished off. He needed it, before his junk became too big for him to move. He was going to have to work quick.

As he reached into the box to pull out another bottle, Vee felt his shirt dig into his chest and back, tighter than it should have been. It caught his attention long enough to keep him from going for the next bottle for a moment. Before him, the veins on his forearm pulsed with his heartbeat, each throb making the muscle on his arm stand out a little more, just the slightest bit of extra definition. Fascinated, he watched, dimly aware that his legs were getting pushed apart to make room for more bulge, that his cock was poking at the stack of boxes before him. Ripping noised caught his ears, the feline feeling cool air brush into his fur, his built torso revealed. A glance down confirmed the truth his arms already knew - muscle was packing on to his frame. And the speed of it was increasing at an alarming rate.

Time limited itself further. The cheyna was having difficulty moving with the large junk between his legs. Fortunately he was close enough to still reach into the box, largely naked save for the persistent pants that clung to his knees and calves. He leaned forward, grabbing the bottles in the open box, and started to consume them. He worked as quickly as he could, trying to dump in container after container of the miracle drug, each bottle full making the next one just that much more difficult to get. By the time he managed to grab the last one, his feet were off the ground, his body supported by the malehood of his that was knocking over the rest of the stacks, sending pills flying every which way as the carefully piled towers fell down around him.

Such a waste, the cheyna thought for a moment, before his mind and judgement became too clouded to think beyond the sexual needs of his own swollen body. His balls had reached a circumference that outmatched the size of the boxes. Then the pills began to really kick in. The size of his genitals doubled in moments, crushing the bottles that happened to be on the floor, the plastic grinding into his testes. His cock surged forward, huge spurts of pre soaking everything as the dong dug into the metal garage door, denting it with the force and strength of the semi-hard pipe. Legs kicking against his sac and arms reaching for the meat, Vee stopped thinking and just let the pleasure start to overwhelm him. The fantasy was happening.

Vee couldn't quite reach that monster cock though. For all his stupendous size and girth, his arms could not compete with the boulders of pecs that had grown onto the cheyna's frame, the cleft between the two mounds large enough that he could stick a pencil in and would barely be able to see the tip. It pushed against his head, trying to force his muzzle back and up while he attempted to lick and drool over the muscle covered in soft yellow fuzz. With his ridiculously accelerated growth, the brawn won out, and the cheyna had to settle for looking at the ceiling. Not a terrible view, now that his hard cock has gotten long enough that it was grinding up against the door and poking at the roof, a rain of pre showering the contents of the garage.

Or perhaps the problem was his arms, and not his chest. Comparing his forearms to piping would have done a disservice to the sheer power contained within Vee's corded limbs. His forearms were pumped to a point that pro bodybuilders' legs couldn't reach over a lifetime of training, and the forearms appeared small in comparison to the biceps, two hills looking like they were stuffed with couch cushions to get that large. They lacked the soft plush of cotton, though, and so bulged and bounced off of the hybrid's chest when he tried to grip the cock that was more him than the rest of his oversized body. The triceps beneath were about the only thing that could touch his package, simply because his balls had grown large enough to reach that high up.

Obscured by the throbbing length that was now double backing over the cheyna's head, the abdominal were not to be outdone by the rest of his torso. They needed space to grow, and they weren't getting it by fighting with one another, eight bricks striving to reach sizes that could compare to a woman's head, including her ridiculous bouffant. Desperate for more size, his abs pushed out, almost like a gut, save for the pureness of muscle that comprised his stomach. It wasn't enough, though, and his body compensated by giving him just a little bit of extra height. At a point when his abs just wouldn't go out anymore, he gained an extra inch or two, the muscle filling in the new space.

Exercise no longer a factor in muscle creation, his body worked on his useless leg, so far off the ground because of his balls that his head bumped against the roof of the building. As his feet kicked against his nuts, the sinew adding to his legs made that motion more and more difficult, his knees getting covered with muscle and locking his legs into place, straight lines of bunches of beef. They were starting to overlap, making it difficult to tell which quad started where and when it bled into another one, and yet each of the four heads were entirely distinct. It was simply impossible to tell how they managed to stay on his leg, or how his bone structure supported all the mass. The kicking stopped, as his legs could no longer move, pushed out by his cock and attached to an impossibly thin waist that was half as narrow as a single leg's hamstring.

His back met a couple of problems. He couldn't roll his shoulders anymore, his lats were too overgrown that they were pushing his arms out to ninety degree angles, furthering his lack of mobility. When he tried to lean backwards, he met up with the squishy contents of his loaded sac, filled with gurgling cum that sloshed loud enough to drown the sounds of his own huffing and moaning. Flaring like a cobra's hood, a cobra that was about fifty times bigger than average, and tapering down to that slim waist in a wide V shape, the cheyna possessed the ultimate backside. It even ended in a perfect bubble butt, high and firm such that it could just be seen cushioned by the house-sized pillows keeping his body up.

Through and through, Vee could find fewer parts of his body that were capable of movement. It was driving him wild, having all that brawn and mass, but not being able to actually do anything with it aside from experience the steady progression of his growth. And to think, there were ninety nine more boxes filled with pills that he couldn't get access too. Even more than the need to get larger, he wanted those pills, simply because it would fulfil the primary desire. But the last of his mobility - his head being able to turn from side to side - was failing, his traps starting to surround his cheeks, his pecs forcing his head farther backwards. His cock raged above him, lengthening without getting harder, else it would surely have popped the top to the warehouse. It was leaking pre down his back, getting his fur and crevices coated in it. Some of it even dribbled down his chest and into his awaiting maw.

The urge to cum continued to rise in the hybrid's balls, but it would never reach fruition. Each time he thought he would climax, another spurt of growth would overtake his body, causing the semen ready to surge forward to back into his balls, clogging the sac with more cum and just making them swell larger. They were conforming to the walls around him, part of his inflated nuts even squeezing into the tiny door that led to the main room where he served customers. Something sounded under all the churning and gurgles, something like a shriek, but it was barely noticed by the monster of muscle and cock. The building groaned, finally giving in to the force of pressure that it was trying to withstand from within. With something like a loud bang, the walls burst apart, and the cheyna's cock flopped forward, crushing the three houses that happened to be in its way. His balls roiled and spread out, bowling over the trees and buildings, sunlight creeping through the cracks between his pecs and lats that were surrounding his head from all sides now.

Whatever people thought of the scene, the common reaction was to panic. The immersion of a massive pair of balls and cock was enough to freak out the majority of people, save for the truly perverted who thought it was a gift from heaven. But as the mountain of testosterone expanded, even the sickest of men knew it was time to flee, to avoid getting crushed beneath the number one thing they coveted. People dashed about left and right, mothers covered their children's eyes, the police and firemen set up blockades to try and stem the flow of pre that washed down the streets. Vee didn't notice any of it, his world was nothing but muscle and sex, blind to anything but the strength and sexuality of his own burgeoning body.

Stench wafted from the cheyna, the musk catching on the breeze that caressed his body, sending the sexual smell into the noses of those fleeing. A few succumbed, giving in to the sudden rise in their shorts, or the need to pleasure themselves. Those that did stop to masturbate lasted no more than a minute before peaking, long enough that the threat looming behind them was getting too close for comfort. The smell only intensified as the hybrid's body blossomed, making it increasingly difficult to resist the urge sniffing it caused. Vee would have been happy to give in to it, but his dick was having none of it, his member staying in that state between flaccid and erect.

By the time the neighbourhood finally finished evacuating, there were only a few houses left. Some had managed to avoid getting smashed by the deadly package, but those were summarily washed away by the endless river of pre that flowed from the giant's phallus. Vee tried valiantly to twitch his body, wriggle any part that he could just to get a little bit of friction against his cock. The ground had worked for a while, and even some of those houses had felt wonderful as they splintered against his dick. But now they were too small to really provide any sort of sensation, and he needed something to happen so badly that it was driving him crazy. The growth continued, but at his larger size it just didn't seem to be happening fast enough to satiate him. Orgasm built, then avoided release. It wouldn't be long now.

Thus the lustful cheyna assumed, nearly prayed for if such a god of a beast could consider the divine an entity beyond himself. His excited cock, stretching out to full hardness, met with a rather interesting impediment. Vee could not see what was happening, only feel the building pushing against his slit, feel the concrete squeeze into the entrance as his penis continued to extend, feel the structure slip farther and farther down his shaft, blocking up the pre to the point where it was making an obscene bulge in his dick. He howled, moaned, screamed, all of it smothered by the walls of muscle surrounding and constricting his head. Something like an explosion sounded, heard across the country. And Vee felt the extra pair of balls in his sac, churning with its brethren, pumping him up faster.

His frame responded like a match to lighter fluid. Everything doubled in size instantaneously, a single nut covering the entirety of the town, his cock pushing into fellowships miles down the road. The darkness around him intensified, his musculature becoming too dense for sunlight to stream through, blocking out the last of sounds from ever entering his ears. The immobile juggernaut could do nothing but sit and experience the untold pleasures that assaulted his body from every angle. Even the state of imprisonment, trapped by the forces of his own gigantic limbs, served to enhance the overall euphoria of the moment.

The earth cracked and crumbled beneath the weight of the titan, grooves spreading from the place beneath his several hundred thousand ton body, fissures creeping along and sending destruction before him, though not as fast as his accelerated growth managed. Despite all his size, the incredible sinews that packed themselves over his form, the cheyna was more cock and balls by nearly thirty times than he was man. The differential only increased the longer the growth continued, a town beneath him turning into an entire state faster than he had grown out of the warehouse that had begun this misadventure.

Nothing could impede the cheyna's growth. One state fell, followed quickly by a four more, each struggling to contain and hold the mass of a single one of his factories. His cock was dipping into the ocean, plowing through the water that turned white as his juices flooded the sea. The water level rose rapidly, creating flash floods across the globe, salty brine that lapped around the cheyna's orbs as the progression of ballooning had him smooshing most of the country beneath him. His cock bumped into ground, a bridge made of hard cock flesh, the barbs at the end digging into the earth, causing the whole spire to twitch with the stimulation.

States stopped comparing to his pecs, his muscles trying to find more and more room to fit on his form that seemed increasingly diminutive compared to his manhood. Any sort of struggle out of Vee resulted in nothing more than his chest mashing against his biceps, which ground against his lats, that fought for space with his abs, which in turn rested atop his quads. Each muscle group attempted to dominate the space that it could grab, only to find itself pushing up against another that it had no business being in close proximity with. And all of it clamped around the base of his dick, squeezing at the more sensitive area of the cheyna's pride.

Coolness gripped the cheyna's body, a great quivering overtaking his godlike body. The sudden dip in temperature could mean only one thing he knew, or at least that he hoped - he had grown into space, his size taking him into the great depths of the cosmos. The thought of needing to breath, of needing air - none of it registered, only the great high from being larger than a planet itself. A rock bounced off his shaft, felt only in that it sent a small tingle of pleasure through his cock, and probably meant that he had just bashed aside the moon like a man bats away a fly. Pre drifted through the vast emptiness, floating in the void in large globs that coalesced into massive bubbles of fluid.

His legs became coated in the stuff, drenched in the everflowing cascade that his dick produced. The wet spot minimized though as he surged larger, the galaxy of his home planet lost to his size. Even the sun, the giver of light and nutrients, failed to stop the rise of a new god in the universe. It's last ember snuffed out between the folds of Vee's sac, the cheyna felt the searing heat for a moment before it faded, replaced with the white hot temperature of his own boiling testicles. They needed freedom, he wanted more growth, to dwarf even this size and go beyond that. It would happen, too. His nerves told him so as his fingers, stiffened by the muscle around his knuckles, poked at tiny stars.

The growth seemed to slow, much to his agitation. He wasn't nearly massive enough yet, there was still room, there had to be. The universe needed an ending point, and if he hadn't reached it, then it wasn't enough. Cum sloshed in his gigaton sized sac, ready to fire out of the intergalactic cannon, but he wouldn't let it. He did everything he could manage to try and hold it in, which wasn't all that much in his current state. All he could accomplish was to flex, to make every muscle condense and clench around the base of his cock, hoping that blocking himself like that would keep him from cumming.

It didn't work. Quite the opposite, that sensation sent him over the edge, his eyes rolling back into his head and nearly making him pass out as the cum rushed through his phallus, blasting into the depths of space and devastating anything that dared to stand in its path. Volley after volley of thick kitty spunk filled the cosmic realm, the inflated balls only swelling up larger as they produced more than they could expand. The ejaculation never ended, nor did the pleasure that gripped the cheyna's body from muscle-locked head to immobilized toe.

Only when something poked at the back of his balls did Vee attempt to recognize what was happening. His back was wet, dripping with something far too viscous to be water. It flowed down the contours of his junk, held close by the gravity of his tremendous density. When the object poked at his back again, this time depositing another load of creamy liquid against him, he moaned, the sound echoing within the walls of his muscular cage. The universe didn't end, it wrapped around on itself. He had grown large enough that he was stretching from end to end.

That didn't account for all his cum though, nor the amount of cum that he could still produce. But unfortunately he was growing no more, having just barely reached the size of an entire universe and falling just short of maxing out. It wouldn't take long for the cum to fill everything that his own mass didn't occupy, but Vee wanted it to be his bulk that ended it all. What he wouldn't give for another pill right there and then. At least the sexual high was still great, he decided, letting his eyes close and just enjoying the feeling of his cock firing endlessly against his orbs. He didn't think he could ever get bored of it.

In another universe, a lion watched through a scrying glass as a deity of a cheyna climaxed ceaselessly, slowly causing the demise of an entire existence. "I might have gone overboard this time," the lion said to himself, idly scratching at the tent his blue jeans made. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and with good cause - it showed off his gloriously sculpted torso. "On second thought, I wonder if I can sneak another of those pills factory into his body somehow. The first one clearly did wonders."

Change his Mind - part 3

"Give me another rep, faggot," Brutus growls in my ears. His hands wrap around the bar, but he refuses to pull, forcing me to shake and quiver as I try and push the weights up so that I can rack them. I'm not going to make it and I know I won't, Brutus...

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Change his Mind - part 2

October rolls in, and I still manage to go to the gym twice a week, as per Brutus' instructions. While I've only been to the gym a total of eight times now, I still see some of the results. Brutus says that's normal, that you get the most results when...

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The Mane Event

Yuri struggled in his bonds. The lion wasn't exactly used to being tied and chained up against cold metal platforms, so he didn't find the experience all the pleasant. It didn't help that he could not recall how he came to be in that particular...

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