
Story by fauxbunny on SoFurry

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This disclaimer is to say all characters, places and names in this are fictional, yadda yadda ya. By even opening this story, you are 18 years old at least and are of legal age to view adult material. This story contains very adult themes, and also strange ideas by popular standards such as anthropomorphic and furry stuff (and in this case, homosexual relations as well). Also by reading this, you are saying that you are reading the story of your own free will and can't blame me for anything. So, that being said, I hope you like the story and please enjoy yourself and tell me if you like it and why!!!!

Now, this is hopefully the first in a series of chapters focusing on a group of furs in an urban setting with magic, telepathy, mordern technology, maybe humans and all that sort of thing in the metropolis of New Mayne City. Also, most of these characters are used in an RP. The characters Fox and Minerva, Alraune Studios, the original concept of New Mayne City are the intellectual property of DieHard Fox. So, without further delay, the story.



The door of the apartment opened and a tall, lean fox walked in. He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and his tail hung low behind him. His head wasn't up to it's usual height either. He lazily plopped the plastic bag filled with liquor bottles onto the counter and the almost stumbled forward landing face first on the couch in front of a silent T.V.

"Never again will I work the dusk 'till dawn shift if half of the pay Fat gives me is nothing but booze" He grumbled into the soft cushions.

"Well, look what got dragged in." Came a silky voice that walked into the living room from the kitchen. "Late night again, huh Vaux?"

"Hi Jing." Came the muffled reply. Vaux cautiously rolled over and blinked at the late afternoon sunlight as he looked up to see his male skunk roommate looking down on him with a spoon in one paw and a pint of ice cream in the other. He wore a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Yeah real late, so keep your voice down, please. Working at that night club is enough to give anyone a headache."

"Aww, poor baby." Jing said playfully. "Want Jingy to make it all better?" He tossed the spoon on a table and made an excellent basket ball shot of the empty ice cream container before he pounced on top of Vaux, straddling the fox's waist.

Vaux tried to shove the skunk off of him. "Get off Jing." He nearly growled.

"Oh, come on. I know I can make your woes disappear." Jing smiled slyly.

Vaux closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. "I'm not in the mood to put up with this Jing. You're lucky I haven't kicked you out already."

"And I suppose it's out of the goodness of your heart, huh?" Jing lightly stroked Vauxes chest with his fingers. "You want to have a little fun and I know it."

"I said get off Jing!" With sudden strength, Vaux managed to force his roommate off of him and on to the floor with a thud.

Jing sat there for a moment, but grinned widely. "You want me and you know it."

Vaux just growled. "Then you know me better than I do. Back off Jing."

Jing hadn't always fooled around like this. It didn't start until after he had moved in. Sometimes, Vaux wondered about his decision of inviting his friend to live with him. Okay, so it was a third of the rent, and the skunk didn't always act like this but still...

The door creaked open again. Slowly, an eighteen year old rabbit with very long, floppy ears and bluish white fur walked in, carrying a large, crystal staff and almost obviously hiding something under his shirt. This caused a mischievous look to cross Jing's face and as soon as the door closed, he was all over the young rabbit in a flash, pushing him up against the door.

"Whatcha got there B?" He asked almost innocently.

B looked down, blushing. "Um, n-nothing."

"Oh come on, you can let little ol' Jing see." The skunk pawed at the younger's shirt.

"It's nothing, really. Just something someone gave me" The rabbit insisted.

Jing smirked and suddenly tickled the bunny which immediately got laughs and made B loose his grip and drop what he had under his shirt which Jing swept up and carried away. After the rustling of a plastic bag... "Ooooh!"

Vaux lifted his head. "What is it?"

Jing appeared over the back of the couch, holding a DVD in his paws. "Oh, it's just," He spoke melodramatically, pretending to be choked up. "Our little B is growing up. Look. He bought his first porno."

B's eyes were wide and he charged after Jing, trying to grab the thing but was held back by the skunk's paw. "Someone gave it to me! Give it back!" Jing gave a push that shoved the rabbit gently to the carpet.

Vaux's eyes widened a little and he snatched the DVD to get a better look. B on the other hand was silent, his eyes wide with fear as he watched his two roommates look at what he had tried to sneak in.

"Wow." The fox said. "Hey, isn't that Minerva?" He asked Jing, looking at the attractive white mare on the cover.

Jing leaned in. "Yep. Aww, isn't that cute? B has a crush."

B ran to them. "Stop it! Give it back!" He was blushing horribly and almost crying, when he snatched the DVD and ran off to his room, nearly slamming the door.

Jing and Vaux gave one another a slightly stunned look. "Think that was too much?" The skunk asked.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't've teased him so much." Vaux rolled over onto his belly with his eyes half closed. "But don't worry about it. He might not've even bought the thing. It's not like he needs to be ashamed about it. Just give the rabbit some peace and he'll get over it. Maybe loosen up a bit too."

Jing nearly slinked over to the couch and laid a paw on Vaux's shoulder. "Feels like he's not the only one who needs to loosen up." He gently began to rub his roommate's shoulder.

Vaux groaned, he was nearly fed up with this, but it faltered into a what was almost a sigh of relief. "C'mon Jing... knock it off." He moved his arms to the armrest of the sofa, seeming to get up but his resolve faltered and he just hung his arms over it. Jing's one handed touch grew a little harder and the fox's resistance started to falter.

The skunk smile softly and gently climbed up onto the couch, straddling the fox's legs. He leaned forward and started rubbing both shoulders. "I know you've had a long day Vaux," He said sweetly. "Time to relax." He continued the massage for a few moments before he frowned thoughtfully, playfully running his fingers down Vaux's back to the bottom of the t-shirt and lightly, barely moved it in a direction to take it off. "I think this shirt is getting in the way." He said playfully.

Vaux lifted his head a little. "Huh? Okay...." He said sleepily, lifting his upper body long enough to slide off his shirt to reveal a well muscled back covered in orange fur before he laid back down on the couch. "Jing... Why do you do it?" He asked very softly. Almost as if he was going to drop off to sleep then and there.

The skunk's firm paws moved down to the middle of the fox's back. Stroking his spine lightly before returning to the tense muscles. "Do what sweetie?"

Vaux kept himself from murring, even softly. "Flirt with me so much."

Jing smiled, and almost laughed. "Because, you are one of the nicest guys I know. You're kind, caring and fun. And not to mention I get to see that cute butt of yours every day." He leaned down and lightly nipped the black tipped ear.

Vaux managed a weak laugh. Chills suddenly ran up his spine from Jing's paws making his fur stand on end. "You think so, huh?" He asked softly, cracking his eyes open barely.

"Mmm hmm." Jing said sweetly. "It's not just anyone who would let little bunny B stay here and help him out so much." His paws continued working their magic on the fox. Kneading the muscles into relaxation and working every strand of stress from them as the gradually moved further down. "And it's not just anyone who can wear jeans like this." Jing smiled slyly, gently sliding a finger into the hole in the jeans that Vaux's long, fluffy tail stuck out of and lightly massaged the tail base which made Vaux shudder. Jing felt that there wasn't any underwear under those jeans. The vulpine could be such a tease sometimes.

Jing finished his massage, running his paws up and down the soft orange fur, making sure there weren't any knots still tied in the muscles. Satisfied, he leaned down and nuzzled the back of Vaux's neck, reaching underneath him and undoing the first snap to the pair of jeans.

Vaux lifted his head, almost alarmingly. "Jing please don-"

The skunk cut him off. "Shhhhh. Relax Vaux. You're lonely. Don't try to hide it. You haven't had a date in a month and all your other friends are on vacation." Jing slid the zipper down. Vaux's member already mostly erect poked gladly out of the open fly. "Just relax. . . you need this." And it seemed like he wanted it too, Jing thought with a grin.

As his jeans were slowly slid off, Vaux felt like he should do something... but he didn't want to. A soft, nervous whimper escaped his throat, and Jing moved very slowly and gently, taking off his own shirt and hugging the fox's chest, pressing his black and white chest fur to the orange fur of his friend and gently stroking and rubbing Vaux's chest.

Finally, Vaux couldn't help himself and started softly murring, his foxhood hardened and completely out of it's sheath. This wasn't lost on Jing, but he made no move towards it and he just held the fox, kissing his neck and cheeks very softly before he stopped. The skunk sat upright on his knees and as he backed off, he let his paws lightly stroke the other's fur.

He was getting drowsy. Jing wanted Vaux relaxed, not sleepy. It wouldn't be any fun if the poor thing passed out. Fully behind Vaux, Jing lightly placed his paws on the other's rear and very slowly and very quickly, gave the fox's tailhole a lick. The effect was better than he could have hoped for. Vaux's eyes snapped open and his tail stood straight up.

"Jing!" Vaux almost growled but then the skunk's paws moved further up, massaging his lower back and the base of his long tail. Vaux could've sworn something was wrong here because he was lulled immediately back to a calm state.

"Relax sweetie," Jing murred. He kept massaging Vaux's lower back as he gently nuzzled his rear, sliding his tongue back out and with a slow rhythm, began to lap at Vaux's tight hole. The fox started accepting it, lying on the couch limply, but his member softly throbbing underneath him. And after a few more minutes, Jing pulled his muzzle away from Vaux, making him gasp a little.

The skunk kneeled and pulled a condom out of his pocket. He removed his shorts and black briefs in one motion before he unwrapped the contraceptive and slid it on using only his left paw while his right kept stroking Vaux's warm fur. Then Jing slowly moved closer to the fox. He brushed the long, orange and white tipped tail aside and let his member slide along Vaux's buttocks and between the cheeks, but he had no intention of actually inserting himself into Vaux.

Vaux's head lulled a little and he lifted it with a small whimper which was softly hushed by Jing who was still wearing a kind smile. The skunk wrapped his arms around the fox, letting one paw slowly slide down the fox's torso to the unsheathed member and took a soft grip on it. Jing laid his head on Vaux's shoulder, rubbing their cheeks together as he slowly began to hump against the fox.

Vaux's breaths became harder. His eyes still shut as he felt Jing's paws exploring his body and stroking his hardened foxhood at the same speed as the skunk 's humping. Vaux felt like he should say something, do something. But he couldn't... he didn't really want to. Jing very gradually and very slowly picked up the pace. His entire body from his head to his long tail moving in a fluid motion against the vulpine who's rapid breaths became soft urfing sounds.

The skunk closed his eyes, pleasure written on his face as he began to move faster and faster... stroking the fox's chest and penis. He gently began to kiss and lick the warm orange fur, something he hadn't done for ages. Vaux reached behind and lightly stroked and held the skunk's dark black hair, his own hips moving to meet Jing's strong paw.

And suddenly, Vaux felt his body tense, his small sounds fell silent and he shuddered, ropes of his semen blasting from him onto the couch and Jing's black paw as the pleasure of the orgasm shot through him. And this was all Jing needed and wanted. He licked the hot seed from his paw as he gave a sharp cry, filling the condom with his seed, but leaving Vaux's fur clean. As the skunk climaxed, he had to keep himself from biting Vaux's shoulder, clinging to him and holding him close as they both collapsed in the couch.

The fox slowly breathed in ragged spurts, shuddering softly as thoughts started filling his head. This didn't feel right. Not right at all. What was wrong with him?

Jing's breathing was still calm and collected. Barely cracking his eyes, he slid the condom off and tossed it into a near by waste basket but never let his body stop touching his roommate's as he rolled both of them onto their sides, spooning with the fox.

Jing tenderly laid a paw onto Vaux's shoulder. "Feeling any better honey?" He asked softly and caringly.

"No!" Vaux nearly snapped. His voice was wavering like he was fighting back tears.

Jing said nothing and simply continued to stroke Vaux's shaking body for a few moments. "What's wrong?"

Vaux sniffled a little. "I don't know anymore. I feel so alone... Why can't I find love? And... what about this?"

Jing was taken aback. He softly stroked the fox's back before he smiled softly, understanding dawning. "Is this Vaux talking, or B?"

"Wh-what?" Vaux asked barely above a whisper.

"Your empathic link with him. You don't usually get this emotional because of a slow month sweetie." Jing gently ran a paw through Vaux's hair. "B must be feeling worse than we thought."

Vaux laid there silent. Curling up a little into a half way fetal position. "But... I'm... " He trailed off trying to find words. "I just want a girl who'll love me... I'm... not gay."

Jing sighed and licked Vaux's ear lightly. "I know you're not. But this was just a little fun. And as long as I can be here, though you may not have a girl to love you, I'll always be here for you.'

Vaux sniffled again. "I still wish you hadn't done that."

"It felt good though, right?" Jing giggled and gently rolled Vaux back over to face him. "Now you really do look beat.

This managed to make the fox crack a smile. Jing drew him closer and held him and the two friends fell asleep on the couch.

* * *

In his room, B sat on his bed, holding the DVD in his paws and looking at the cover. He just stared at it.

What was he supposed to do now? He felt so alone and helpless. He was still virgin. He had never had a girlfriend before. Heck, his first kiss was not but three months ago. And he could still remember it very clearly. It had been her. The mare on the cover. She was posing naked on the front of the DVD, with all the right parts covered to either make her more tempting, or seem more modest. B wasn't sure which.

But then, what intrest could the beautiful Min have in the young bunny who was barely into adulthood? Especially when she was one of the biggest stars of Alraune Studios, and so drop dead gorgeous, she could have any guy she wanted? Even if she wasn't in adult movies, B could just imagine how many males drooled over her.

But then, he didn't drool over her. Before the summer, he had never even seen a picture of her. So, why the infatuation? When he first met her, he had been in an emotional pit. B couldn't remember what was wrong, but at the time, it had been bad enough to cry about.

And then there was the white mare. She asked him what was wrong. She acttually took an instrest. She had held him until the dark cloud over his head had vanished. Maybe it was something he shouldn't have developed such strong feelings from, but he couldn't help it, And he had no idea if the feeling was the least bit mutual.

The fact he had fallen for the horse was written very plainly on his face whenever he saw her. Fox, one of Min's fellow actors, had given him this video out of good humor earlier that day. He had said it was a 'solo deal' and that B would like it.

But right now, B didn't know what to think or do. He just felt so alone. All that he could think about right now was how isolated he felt and how he would give anything to be held again.

The silence continued as he sat still on his bed. His heart felt a jumble before he felt a sudden calm leak over him. Something almost like contentment... "Vaux." He muttered to himself softly. As much as he felt like he shouldn't be cheering up, B couldn't help it.

The rabbit gave a long sigh. He went to his computer, popped the DVD into it and sat back down to watch.

Afternoon Glade

Hi! Okay, please keep in mind, I'm a complete amateur at this so this disclaimer is to say all characters, places and names in this are fictional, yadda yadda ya. By even opening this story, you are 18 years old at least and are of legal age to view...

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