A Bullseye

Story by s p on SoFurry

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Forewarning this story isn't meant for anyone under 18, if you're under 18 kindly click the back space icon. Also if you don't like M/M, Anal, kinky or rough sex this story really isn't for you. Lastly I want to add this is my first try at a gay story and not being gay myself put me at a disadvantage, so please be kind.

This is my entry for Chance Prowlers secret santa contest. So WisdomTooth I hope you like it, it was a challenge as I normally write about domestic canines and female on female, but it was good to write something new.


A bullseye

It was a warm summer afternoon and Bruce was putting the finishing touches on the meal he had been planning for weeks. It was their two year anniversary, sadly both he and Damien had missed their one year anniversary as Damien was forced to work.

"Nothing was going to spoil it this year." Bruce said to himself as he set the table.

In addition to the meal the large bovine was also wearing his tightest jeans knowing how much Damien loved seeing the bulge of his impressive package. Anyone that had remarked on a horse cock being huge had never seen an aroused bull.


An hour passed as Damien pulled up outside the house, he was a little later than usual as he made a little detour on the way home. He had picked a bottle of Bruce's favourite wine and a little something for the bedroom later.

"I'm home." Damien called as he closed the front door.

"I was worried they were going to make you work over again." Bruce said as he hugged his boyfriend.

"Not a chance I would miss our second anniversary." Damien replied giving the bull a kiss.

Bruce threw himself into the kiss, slowly he started slipping his hands down his boyfriends back onto his toned rear.

"Someone's in the mood." Bruce mumbled.

"With you I'm always in the mood." Damien replied breaking the kiss.

"I hope you can hold back long enough to eat dinner?" Bruce asked with a smirk.

"It will take all my willpower." Damien replied with a laugh.

"I've made your favourites." Bruce said as he guided the lean bull to the dinning room.

"I can't wait." He replied.

"Dinner first, dessert later." Bruce hinted with a sly smile.

Bruce guided the other bull to one side of the set table while he sat down at the opposite end. The two bulls laughed and joked as they tucked into their salads and drank the wine. Later came the chicken dish but it was clear neither bulls mind were on food.

The meal had gone well and the bottle of wine Damien brought had finished things off nicely as the couple were now holding hands.

"Lets take this into the bedroom." Damien suggested with a lustful grin.

"I thought you were going to make me beg." Bruce replied laughing.

"Never." The other bull said getting up.

Bruce got up from the table hugging Damien from behind.

"Hey wait until we get into the bedroom." Damien said flicking his boyfriend over the nose.

"I can't help it you're too damn sexy."

Not hanging around he quickly guided Damien towards the bedroom shedding his clothes as he went. Before long the two of them were only in there underwear, Damien in only his striped boxer shorts and Bruce wearing only his fake leopard skin thong.

"I get first go on that sweet butt of yours." Bruce said with lust in his voice.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Damien replied pushing the bedroom door open.

Damien slipped his thong down his legs letting it pool at his feet, Bruce not about to be outdone seductively removed his boxers. Both males looked at each other for a second before diving under the covers. Neither wasted any time getting started. Both horny bulls romping around in bed their lips met, sheaths touched and testicles rubbed as the two bulls no longer held back their lust.

"Present yourself." Bruce ordered with a snort. Damien moved from his side to the foot of bed, his tail raised high showing his anal pucker to his boyfriend in teasing way.

"Come, or should I say cum and get it." Damien said trying to hold back a giggle.

"I'm going to give it to you hard and wipe that smile off you face." Bruce said grabbing the other bulls tail hiking it further up.

"Promises promises."

Bruce held his boyfriends tail up with hand while he rubbed his large sheath with the other getting even more aroused. Then working up a fair sized gob of pre cum on his fingers he used the makeshift lube on Damien's hole.

"Ummmm." Damien mumbled.

After he had coated the other bull's anus Bruce slowly inched forward until his tip touched the puckered orifice. Almost as if teasing his boyfriend he rubbed his cock-tip over his boyfriends tail-hole.

"Ahhhhh. Ohhhhhh." Damien moaned.

"Moo for me." Bruce ordered still teasing the bull's hole.

"Moo, moo." Damien groaned half-heartedly.

"You'll have to do better than that." The other bull said getting a better grip.

"Moo, moo, MOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Damien howled as his anus was fully penetrated.

"That's more like." Bruce grunted pulling all but the very tip of his cock out.

"Fuck I felt that. More." Damien said taking a deep breath.

"You were meant to." Bruce replied lining up for another deep thrust.

Damien bit down on the corner of the bed sheet, knowing full well what was coming. He didn't wait long as the second thrust came although slower and more gentle than the first, then another and another, each one coming more rapidly than the last as Bruce sped up.

The smell of sweat, being pounded by his boyfriend and knowing it would be his turn some had made Damien hard as hell. He was horny as hell and it took all his willpower to fight grabbing hold and pumping his cock until he got sweet relief. His own male flesh was fully out of his sheath and begging for some attention and it was murder to deny himself, but any second now it would be over.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Bruce shouted as he shot his load deep into his boyfriend.

Both bulls panted having been rocked by the powerful orgasm, Bruce totally spent slipped from his lover and collapsed onto his belly as his thick seed left a mess everywhere.

"My turn." Damien called out in a cheerful tone.

Not wasting anytime he lined up on his spent boyfriend, he raised Bruce's tail and begun to fondle and run his fingers over the other bull's anus. It was no secret Damien had a anus fetish, even more so that most gay men.

Getting harder by the second he scooped up some of his lovers cum and began to work his now slick fingers in and out of the puckered orifice, before long he had coated enough to allow easy penetration.

Damien licked his lips as he gazed at the sight of his panting boyfriend laid before him. After drinking in the view he shuffled forward and aimed his tip right at the puckered hole that held his interest. Damien climbed onto Bruce's back and started to stab at his boyfriends hole with his rock hard organ missing the mark altogether. He thrusted again and again and on his fourth attempt hit his target with a grunt and a moan from his boyfriend.

"Harder." Bruce moaned still coming down from his own orgasm.

Not saying a word Damien put more force into his thrusts, the sound of his slapping balls were only drowned out by Bruce's grunts and moans. Before long Damien felt his release building, then with a animalistic bellow he came and came hard.

Panting and exhausted Damien collapsed onto Bruce's back with a moan of protest. Before long sleep took both lovers.


The next day Damien slipped out of bed being careful not to wake Bruce. As the bull stood in front of the full length mirror the signs of last nights love making were still there.

"I need a shower." Damien whispered to himself.

Walking across the hall into the bathroom he started running the water, quickly adjusting the temperature he climbed in and began to wash all the encrusted fluids from his body. It was as he was lost in his cleaning he didn't notice the bathroom door open nor did he see Bruce pick up a bottle of shower gel.

"What the hell!" Damien spluttered as his ball were fondled from behind.

"Surprise." Bruce said in a cheery tone.

"Didn't you get enough last night?" Damien groaned.

"What with that sexy body of yours?" Bruce teased giving his boyfriends tail a pull.

The end.


If WisdomTooth want to copy and post this to his page its ok with me.