Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 15

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#45 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Warriors - Chapter Fifteen

Raven Wolf - The Warriors - Chapter Fifteen




Shiya slowly begins to open his eyes, the cold wind that was blowing against him stinging his face, the sound of his name being yelled over and over again by Tahki impossible to ignore, his whole body feeling ill from the drop also not allowing him to remain asleep.

He looks to Tahki who has hangs onto him tightly, he looking past her and realizing that the city buildings there were over were rapidly approaching them, and then soon passing by them.

Shiya gasps in shock as he pulls his hand forward holding it past Tahki and toward the ground, a large mountain of ice and snow rapidly beginning to form on the ground below them, the domestics in the city letting out screams of surprise and confusion as they all try to gain as much distance as they can from the ice that was filling the streets.

The mountain continues to rapidly rise into the air until Tahki's body hits its snowy side, a burst of soft snow dispersing into the air around them from the force, the angle causing the two of them to slide down it, tumbling over one another, their bodies hitting mound after mound of ice and snow to slow them down before they finally hit the ground, the fall though very uncomfortable and painful, having been broken enough by the snow and ice to keep them from getting killed.

Many domestics that had witnessed the event begin to gather around the two in shock, no one able to make heads or tails of what it was that had just happened here.

Tahki holds onto her right arm as it hangs limply at her side bleeding, it having broken in the fall. She grinds her teeth ignoring the pain, prying the gun she had been holding onto from her fingers and holding it in her left, raising it and pointing it at the onlookers, the domestics all beginning to scream and scatter in fear.

Tahki watches them leave as she gets to her feet making her way over to Shiya's fallen form, grabbing onto his shoulder and forcing him up, Shiya letting out a scream of pain when he tries to put pleasure on his left leg, his body falling back to the ground.

Tahki looks Shiya's leg over, it like her arm having broken during the fall. She again pulls Shiya up, being careful to keep him from putting weight on his broken leg. "Come on, we have to get out of here before the military finds us."

She puts the gun down so that she could use her working arm to help support Shiya, holding Shiya's arm over her shoulder as she helps him along, the two moving away from where their fall had come to a stop, searching for a place to hide in the city they now found themselves in.


Dolly and the Super Soldiers stand within the city streets, the road soaking wet from the ice that had broken the fall of the two that had managed to escape, the large snowy tower though still prominent, already starting to melt from the heat.

Dolly looks around her for any sign of their targets, neither Raven Wolf's leader nor the female super soldier anywhere in sight.

Kane kneels down upon spotting something of interest upon the ground, the red colour of blood blending within the cool pools of water, though the melting ice had washed away any trail that had been left behind by the two the presence of blood still informed the Super Solider that looked for them of a very important factor. "They didn't escape unharmed, one or both of them were wounded by the fall."

Alistair picks up the gun that Tahki had taken from him. "They're also unarmed." He looks the weapon over, though visibly damaged from the fall it wasn't unusable. "It's still works as a weapon, so I think we can assume that Forty Nine is the one that got wounded, probably broke her arm so she couldn't use the gun anymore."

Chase thinks over what had been said. "Super Soldiers are not bound by having a dominant right or left hand, so if one was broken she should have been able to use the weapon in the other. If she didn't have a free hand to handle the weapon it either means that both of her arms have been broken, or it could possibly mean that the Raven Wolf's leader was wounded too, and that he needs her to help him move. If that's the case then they couldn't have gotten very far, nor will they be able to get very far."

Kane looks the group over. "We need to find them quickly while the situation is still on our side, we'll split up and search for them. When you encounter them kill Forty Nine, we need Raven Wolf's leader and we can't risk her derailing things anymore than she already has, not when we're so close."

Vaan doesn't seem too happy with this idea. "And what if I'm the one that finds them!? What the heck am I supposed to do against Forty Nine!? I wouldn't stand a chance no matter how wounded she is."

Kane sighs as he glances back to Vaan. "Get a hold of yourself." He places a finger against the headset he had on, all of them having one. "Radio us for help, you'll be just fine."

Vaan whimpers still not entirely comfortable with this proposal, the group splitting up and beginning to search the city despite how Vaan felt about it.


Teddy looks around him at the other wilds that had been placed in the same truck as him, his eyes having adjusted to the dark back of the truck hours ago, the truck that held them still moving to its unknown destination.

The truck slows down to a stop, the wilds that were with him all looking around them nervously unsure of what was going to happen to them now. Teddy hushes them, the wilds falling quiet at his request, Teddy now placing his ear against the side of the truck as he tries to listen to the muffled voices he could hear starting up on the other side, their voices not easily getting through the thick sides of the truck.

"... take it easy... ... rest... ...start again in morning..."

"... long way... ... weeks at the least..."

Teddy sighs as he looks back to the others, leaning his back against the wall of the truck and sliding back down to the ground. Though he had no idea where it was they were going it was pretty clear that they were far from their destination, they going to be stuck like this for a long time.

The other wilds seem to sense the situation from Teddy's body language without having at ask Teddy about what he had heard, they all hanging their heads preparing for the worst.


Dolly looks up toward the darkening sky, it had been hours since they had started their search through the city for the two prisoners that had managed to escape. There just too many places they could have gone to hide for a small team of six to handle.

The situation was starting to look hopeless, of course that was somewhat expected considering the awful luck she had had every time she had to deal with this certain group of wilds, Dolly now beginning to understand the frustration the military with having with them.

This mission had to be the worst yet, one of their own lost with at this point, absolutely nothing to show for it, the idea that the super soldiers or even the military she worked for wasn't even going to bother to try and get Zack back rather troubling. Dolly having to admit that she had become quiet used to having Zack around, even going so far as to admit that the two of them had become friends, something she had never thought possible when she had first met him.

She stops for a moment leaning against the wall of the ally she is in as she begins to think the situation over, the title of 'True Blood' being something that she had been hearing a lot of recently. The Super Soldiers had mentioned it, the hackers files had mentioned it, even that guy she and Zack had run into at the museum had mentioned it.

A look of realization fills her face, Fitz, the raccoon that she and Zack had run into at the Cadrey Museum had known about these so called True Bloods.

Zack looks back to Fitz. "You still haven't answered my question. How did you escape?"

Eve looks over to Zack, going along with the facts that were right now being presented to her and not fighting against them as she would have done before if ever thrown into a situation like this. "Does that really matter at this point? You're both already out anyway."

Zack looks over to Eve. "It does matter!! Of all of us that were in there, of all the ones that tried to escape none of them were able to make it!" He looks back to Fitz. "But him, Fifty Six dash Z, who isn't even a Super Solider, who is hardly anything and at the time was just a little kid, he managed to do what no Super Soldier or any other creation made in those laboratories was able to do!"

Fitz looks back to Zack. "And what would you do if I gave you this information? What good would it do you? You're already out."

Dolly thinks over the event as she begins speaking to herself. "Fitz knows where they are... and even how to get in and out of wherever it is the True Bloods are located..." She thinks the situation over, Zack had stated that Fitz had only been a child when he had found a way to escape, so perhaps if the instructions were given she would be able to do it to and get him out of there.

She shakes her head common sense taking over her wild ideas, she couldn't just go off and try to rescue Zack on her own, especially when she had no idea of the enemies capabilities, she would just undoubtedly get herself killed.

Her attention is brought to the ground, her eyes catching something she had not seen before, a dark mark upon the cold cement. Dolly kneeling down and placing her fingers on the mark for a moment, lifting them back up and staring at the fresh blood she had collected on her fur and claws from it. "Blood."

She takes her weapon from her side as she begins to search around her knowing clearly that one -if not both- of the escapees had been wounded from the fall, she beginning to follow the trail of blood intent on finding the source.

She lifts her left hand to her radio to inform the others that she may have found their trail only to find that it was not there, Dolly remembering now it had been taken from her by the True Bloods during the battle, neither she nor the other Super Soldiers she had been with having remembered about that before quickly setting off to find the two that had escaped.

She places both hands on her weapon, clearly she would have to find a way to deal with them on her own without the help of the Super Soldiers, the idea that such as action would end in her favour not very likely at all, still, despite that, she at least had to try didn't she?

The path she had been following soon leads her to the targets, Tahki getting to her feet to face her when she notices her presence, readying herself to attack once the opening presented itself to her. Just as had been suggested by the Super Soldiers during their evaluation of the situation one of her arms had been broken, and since the Raven Wolf leader wasn't going anywhere fast, she had to sacrifice the weapon to be able to help him move.

Dolly fires her weapon at Tahki, the Super Soldier instinctively moving out of the way of the bullet and leaping forward to attack her, grabbing onto the Domestic soldier and throwing Dolly to the ground, Dolly's head hitting the cement and dazing her, she letting out a cry of pain as she holds onto her head, her head already sore and fragile from being hit earlier during the commotion at the trials.

Tahki turns from Dolly as she makes her way back to Shiya, helping him back to his feet as the two begin to move once more to avoid being caught.


Shiya speaks to Tahki with concern as she continues to help him along, though it had been a while since they had encountered Dolly there was no telling how close she was to them. "You would be able to escape without any problems if I were not slowing you down."

Tahki's holds her ears back against her head, she not wanting to hear this, it both her job and an honour to protect Shiya. "That's enough, I'm not even going to conceder leaving you behind."

Shiya stumbles letting out a cry of pain, the two being forced to come to a stop for a moment before continuing. Tahki lowering him to the ground behind a vehicle they were near to attempt to hide him from site while he rested, the mouse kneeling down next to him, keeping a lookout for anything that may threaten them.

Tahki looks back to Shiya beginning to talk. "It's lucky that out of our pursuers we ran into Teddy's sister was the one that found us and not one of the Super Soldiers."

Shiya looks back to her. "Where do we go from here?"

Tahki thinks this question over, it very hard to say. The two of them stood out painfully well in the Domestic city, not to mention that the city was where the bulk of the military was based. It would be very hard to get out or even move through it without being spotted by one of them, not to mention that by now information on them had most likely been given to anyone at the exits of the city, effectively trapping them inside. "It honestly seems hopeless right now, but we'll figure something out."

Tahki falls silent when she see's Dolly's figure run onto the empty road they were on, it not taking her very long to regain her composure and catch up to them. Dolly kneeling down on the ground for a moment, picking up the trail that she had been following and beginning to head in Shiya and Tahki's direction. Tahki whispers quietly to Shiya as she watches her. "She's still following our trail."

Shiya begins to think over their situation, Tahki not going to be able to escape a pursuer like Dolly when she was being forced to move at such a slow pace to accommodate him. "You can't keep running from her."

Tahki nods her head understanding this. "We have to face her and take her out, Teddy's sister or not."

Shiya shakes his head that not the direction he had wanted her thinking to go in. "Tahki wait!"

Tahki lifts her body up, stepping out from where she had been hiding and standing before Dolly.

Dolly lifts her gun to Tahki as soon as she spots her, readying her weapon to fire at Tahki. Tahki standing in wait, anticipating the attack and ready to react to it.

Dolly though doesn't pull the trigger, though she had been given the order to kill this woman when she had found her she couldn't do it, the whole situation was just so confusing and hard on her right now, her partner having been taken by such a strange enemy, one that everyone around her seemed to know about yet she knew nothing about, and who knows what happened to her brother through the whole ordeal.

Dolly watches the robot, not entirely sure of what to make of this. "Who are you?"

"-A friend of your brothers-"

"You know Teddy?"

"-Yes, and you going against him like you are right now concerns me. Which is why I think it's best that not stay in the dark like you are, there are things the military is hiding that you need to know-"

Dolly remains still on spot, she should have paid attention to what the hacker had been telling her and read through all of the information given, Dolly having never bothered to go back to it, if she had gone through it than maybe this all could have been prevented.

Tahki is surprised to see Dolly begin to lower her weapon, Dolly was most certainly aware that lowering her defences like that would get her killed. She does not bother to question the situation though, preparing to leap forward and attack her, this action brought to a stop when she is suddenly hit and thrown back by a cold blast of air, Tahki's body hitting the road and crashing into the side of a car.

Tahki lets out a pitiful moan as she tries to push herself back to her feet, that having really hurt her. She seems confused, knowing clearly that the attack that had hit her had come from Shiya, she not understanding why he would have attacked her. "Shiya... what are you doing...?"

She looks back to Shiya only to watch a huge wall of ice rise into the air, completely filling the street that lead back to him and separating her from him, Tahki panicking as she got to her feet as quickly as she could. "No!!" She runs over to the wall of ice pounding her fist against it, it clear that Shiya was allowing himself to get caught so that she would be able to escape. "You can't do this!! Get rid of this right now!"

Shiya stares at the wall of ice, he having made it so tall and thick that he could barely see Tahki's figure on the other side, he wanting to make sure that she wouldn't be able to break through or go over it. "Just go, before you are caught and killed."

Tahki argues back with him, though both she and Shiya know that Raven Wolf would be safer without him it still wasn't time for him to go yet. "We still need you Shiya! You are not ready to leave yet! Iuana and Teddy are unprepared and they need your guidance! You can't just leave them like this!" She lowers her head grinding her teeth together, it more than just Iuana and Teddy, Shiya having kindly taken her into the tribe without questioning what she was or doubting that he could trust her despite the fact that she had been born in a lab, he had given to her the opportunity to live a life she could never had attained at the labs or even on her own, Tahki would still do anything for him to return this trust and kindness. "We all need you still..."

Shiya raises his voice. "Go! That is an order from your chieftain!" Tahki falls silent, Shiya having still referred to himself as Raven Wolf's chieftain, Shiya continuing to speak to her. "I fully intend for the both of us to return home, it is just not something that can be done right now, and certainly not something that can be done in the future if you are caught or killed."

Tahki is about to argue back but stops, Shiya was right. If they had kept going as they had then they would have both been caught again, but if she were to continue without Shiya she would most likely be able to escape and then once her wounds were healed she would once again have the strength to attack her enemies and get him back.

She reluctantly steps back from the wall of ice, turning away and beginning to run, intent on escaping the soldiers that right now pursued her.

Shiya looks away from the ice and back to Dolly, who is staring blankly at the wall of ice as she takes in everything that had happened, Shiya now beginning to speak to her. "Well then... do what it is you have to do. I can't run anymore, and I won't fight back."


Chase lets out a sighs as he speaks into his radio, Kane having just contacted him to report in and question the others on their progress. "I'm afraid I haven't found them anywhere."

Vaan's voice also responds through the radio. "Me neither, thank goodness... I don't even want to find them honestly."

Alistair's voice can also be heard through the radio. "Stop being such a kitten you scaredy cat."

Vaan argues back with Alistair in an annoyed tone. "How old are you again Quincy? Because right now I'm starting to think you might be six!"

"Care to try and put me in my place weakling?"

Chase rolls his eyes as he continues his search while listening to the bickering, his eyes quickly moving over his surroundings for any sign of the missing targets.

Kane's voice rises over the radio. "That's enough you two, we have an important task to finish."

Alistair lets out a laugh. "Face it Swartz, we lost them. That little runt known as Raven Wolf's leader went and got away from us again."

Chase speaks up there still a small glimmer. "Dolly may have found them, we just can't tell right now because she doesn't have a radio." He lets out a sigh. "I can't believe we forgot that she had lost it during the mission... we would have given her another and then we would be able to know her progress on this search as well."

Alistair responds to that comment in a bitter tone. "I doubt she could find anything, she's almost as useless as Berights is."

Vaan snaps back to him not found of being so constantly insulted by him. "Knock it off Quincy!"

Chase lets out a yawn, he ready to get back to the labs and sleep. "Well... even if we can't find them right now we'll find them eventually. We already contacted General Mort about this and he's made it so that no one is getting in or out of the city until they are found. Then as soon as their images are put out on the news they're not going to stand a chance. Someone is bound to spot them and report them in." He smiles to himself there no need to keep searching if they kept that in mind. "So how about we just call it a day and wait for the informative and helpful citizens of the city to become involved?"

All of the super soldiers respond over the radio at the same time to this. "Keep searching you lazy bum!"

Chase lets out a disappointed wine, he having really wanted to go home. "Nuts..." He continues looking despite his lack of enthusiasm to do so. "Miss. Conner seems really upset about what happened to Magellan... you don't think she had a thing for him do you?"

Alistair lets out an annoyed groan, Chase having a habit of liking the people he really despised. "What is wrong with you...?"


Tahki looks around her as she quickly makes her way through the city, the domestics that lived in the crowded city all giving her strange glances, the clothing she was wearing strange and tattoos on her fur even stranger, the broken right arm not helping maters either.

Tahki stares back at the people giving her strange glances, standing out like this was not good at all, not when she was intending to hide. There no doubt in her mind that the military and those super soldiers would be upon her in moments.

A whispery voice belonging to a young girl calls out to her. "Hey... hey you!! Number Forty Nine!"

Tahki quickly turns in direction the voice had come from upon hearing that number, it having been the closest thing to a name when she was at the labs, Tahki spotting a young girl that was heavily cloaked in layers of thick clothing to hide her features, she hiding within the doorway of shop that had already closed for the night as she motions over to her. "This way! Hurry!"

Tahki is about to turn tail and start running again but stops, even though this little girl had known her individual number she didn't really seem like a threat. Aside from her being just a child she didn't have the ambience about her that would cause one to be cautious.

Lumia continues to motion for Tahki to come her way. "Come on I want to help you!"

Tahki cautiously begins to make her way towards the young girl, Lumia looking around her curiously. "Where's Raven Wolf's chieftain? Were you two separated?"

Tahki begins to question the child. "How did you know-"

Lumia interrupts her as she answers her own question herself. "What a stupid question for me to ask... you must have been separated if you're alone like this." She reaches into a backpack she had on her, pulling it in front of her and beginning to dig through it, pulling out a large jacket and handing it to Tahki. "Here, this should be able to hide your clothing and face, people might mistake you as a really creepy person though, but at least they won't peg you as a wild."

Tahki takes the large jacket from her, she staring at her confused. "Who are you? And how do you know as much as you do?"

Lumia motions for Tahki to put the jacket on as to hide her figure, Tahki beginning to do so while Lumia explained. "I know about your situation from hacking into the military's computers. A progress report was sent in about you two getting captured, then another about you two escaping."

She frowns when she realizes that Tahki has not put her right arm through the sleeve of the jacket because it was broken and difficult to do so. "You've been hurt! That wasn't in the report. This isn't good at all since you're batch was slow as healing from wounds. You're going to have to hide out for a really long time before that heals up."

Tahki is more concerned than before. "You know about that too?"

Lumia looks back to Tahki as she quickly tries to clear up the mounting concern the mouse had. "Don't worry despite what it might sound like I'm not an enemy, I just know a lot. You just really need my help right now and I want to help you." She once again begins rummaging in her bag. "When you get back to your tribe you can ask Teddy about me, he'll clear things up no problem... well... sorta... he doesn't know I'm the hacker that's been helping him out... but he does know me to be a good person." She takes a note book out of her bag, Lumia beginning to write something down in it. "Anyway, this should help you with your situation right now."

She rips the page out once she had finished writing down an address on it, she now holding it out for Tahki to take. "I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but if you go to this location then you should run into someone that will be willing to help you out and hide you from the military. She has no idea you're coming but once she sees you she's sure to help."

Tahki does not take the paper from her. "As kind as the offer is I would not feel comfortable staying under the care of a stranger."

Lumia continues to hold the paper out to her. "She's not a stranger. You know her."


Eve hums to herself as she cleans the front desk at the museum's entrance, the building having already closed with the customers and other workers having gone home for the day, she and Fitz now tidying up the museum so that it would be ready for tomorrow's guests that would be arriving in the morning.

Fitz washes the floor in front of the front desk with a mop, he stopping his work for a moment to look back to Eve annoyed. "You know this has been bothering me for years... but why do I always get stuck with the floors?"

Eve looks back to him to answer. "Because I always have to be the one to do it when you're off on one of your stupid little adventures, now stop whining and work, if those floors aren't clean when daddy wakes up tomorrow he is going to be very upset with you."

Fitz lets out a sigh as he continues working, this stopping when a loud pounding on the front doors of the museum startles him, causing him to jump. He looking out to the glass entrance doors and staring at the figure that was there, a tall figure in a large bulky coat knocking against the glass to get their attention.

Fitz stares at the figure for a moment, he quickly looking back to Eve. "There's some really scary guy dressed in ominous clothing outside..."

Eve looks up from her work a little confused. "...what?"

Fitz motions toward the glass doors. "Want me to call the police?"

Eve walks out from behind the counter. "Daddy wasn't expecting someone was he?"

Fitz shrugs his shoulders as he watches Eve walks past him toward the entrance of the museum, Fitz beginning to worry. "Hey don't just walk up to strange people like that! Didn't they teach you anything as a kid?"

"Relax Fitz, I'm just going to see what he wants not let him in."

She comes to a stop in front of the glass museum doors, raising her voice so that the figure on the other side could hear her through the glass. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Eve! I need your help."

Eve stares at the figure, the woman's voice that had spoken up having been familiar. "Wait... are you..."

Tahki takes the hood off revealing her face, Eve letting out a gasp as she quickly unlocks the door to the museum letting her inside. "Tahki! What are you doing here!?"

Tahki makes her way inside, Fitz quickly running over to Eve. "Whoa, whoa, whoa what are you doing!? I thought you said you weren't going to let him in!" He stops talking as he looks over to Tahki. "Or... I guess that would be... her in..."

"She's a friend of mine Fitz, there's no need for you to worry."

Tahki squints her eyes as she stares at Fitz. "Fitz... this may be a strange question but... you wouldn't have happened once gone by the title of Fifty Six dash Z have you?"

Fitz stares at her, his face looking a little ill over hearing her say that, his eyes moving to her ear and spotting the tattoo on the inside of it. Fitz quickly turning around and running away, tripping over the bucket of water he had been using to clean the floor with, hitting the ground and throwing water everywhere.

Eve lets out a tired sigh as she stares at Fitz. "Not again..."

Fitz groans to himself. "I just cleaned this floor too..."

Eve turns from Fitz ignoring him, her attention now on Tahki. "What are you doing in the city?"

Tahki begins to plead with Eve. "Please you must help me, I have been wounded and I need a place to stay hidden until I recover."

Eve is concerned, Tahki's attitude usually much stronger than this, she having never before seen her so lost or panicked looking. "Wounded?" She opens the jacket that is covering her, spotting her broken, swollen and bleeding arm. "What happened to you!?"

Tahki looks to the side, there more wounds than just that one. "I also have a bullet in my back from another fight earlier."

Eve stares at her, completely shocked that Tahki was able to act calm like this with such wounds, she begins to pull Tahki along with her intent on dealing with this wound right away. "You need to have that looked at! Just follow me I'll deal with it right away!"

Fitz yells after Eve as she leads Tahki deeper into the museum. "Why are you taking her in like this!? She's a Super Soldier!"

"Be quiet and follow me Fitz! I'll need your help with this."

Fitz begins to mumble to himself as he gets back to his feet. "What is with the Super Soldiers coming here anyway!?"


Zack sits alone in the dark back of a truck belonging to the military that had managed to capture him. His mind not thinking over the situation or racing to find a way out, he pretty much having given up after being placed here. Zack having dealt with the True Bloods before, he knowing full well that once caught you weren't able to escape.

A small hatch on one of the door opens, a dim light from outside shining through it onto Zack catching his attention, Zack slowly turning his head and staring at the small bared opening on the door of the truck, he able to see the face of someone standing on the other side of it staring at him with a frown.

Zack turns away from him, returning to his sulking, the figure speaking up to get his attention. "Number Twenty Six of batch thirteen forty two."

Zack's ear with the tattoo marked down in it twitches at the mention of that number, the man taking that as a response from him. "Interesting..."

The man now begins to question Zack. "Twenty Six, do you remember me."

Zack nods his head as he mumbles an answer. "General Zephyr..."

Zephyr laughs amused at the response. "I guess it has been a while since we've seen one another, it's actually Commander General now." He stares at Zack looking him over. "You know it's hard for me to picture you full grown, none of the super soldiers ever last long enough back when we had them at the labs, so I guess I just always thought you would always look like kids. Pretty strange isn't it?"

Zack doesn't answer him, Zephyr continuing to speak with him despite not getting any answers. "Do you know why we bothered to put the effort into capturing you?" Zack once again does not respond, Zephyr answering the question even though the captured Super Soldier was not responding to him. "For one thing we're curious to find out how it is you happened to survive your execution, as for the other, well, I'll leave for you to find out once we get you back to the fortress. It will be like a surprise."

The small hatch on the door is shut, cutting off the light that had been coming into the truck, surrounding Zack in darkness once more.


Eve tends to Tahki's wounds while the mouse explains to her the events leading up to her arrival here, as well as the situation she and Shiya found themselves in.

Fitz nervously watches from the doorway, not at all keen on getting to close to the Super Soldier, he not trusting her as easily as Eve apparently did.

Eve stares at Tahki in astonishment after hearing this story. "So you and Shiya are here in the city, with Shiya most likely caught by the military?"

Tahki nods her head that correct. "Yes... though I can't be sure for certain the likelihood that he has been caught is very high. He drew the attention of the solider perusing us away from me so that I could escape, but with his wounds I doubt he could have run away or even fought against them to try and escape himself."

Eve shakes her head this of course bad news. "If he had been captured by the military that means that they could get access to that power source Shiya has been trying to keep them from getting." Tahki is about to speak up to question Eve on how she knew about this, Eve quickly explaining herself before being interrogated. "I did a lot of research on what the military might possibly want with Raven Wolf. Out of all the theories I developed the one that concerns the Six Sources is the one that fits the circumstances, meaning that Shiya somehow got his hands on one of them, am I right?"

Tahki looks away from her not giving her an answer to that question and instead trying to change the topic. "I know that this will cause you a lot of trouble, but I need a place to hide while I heal. It is impossible for me to confront the military when I am this wounded, so I will not be able to get Shiya back until my body has fully recovered."

Fitz doesn't look happy with this proposal, having the Super Soldiers show up at the museum was one thing, having them stay there for an undisclosed amount of time was an entirely different and unbelievably frightening matter. "No way are you staying here!! Once Eve's done patching you up you're going to get as far away from the museum as you possibly can!"

Eve glares over at Fitz while snapping at him, there no way that she could just turn Tahki away like that. "What is wrong with you Fitz!? Super Soldier or not she's a friend and she needs our help. You can just throw a wounded friend out into the streets!"

Fitz points to Tahki there a very big problem with housing a 'friend' like her. "You heard her didn't you!? The military is after her, the military knows you have a connection to Raven Wolf so they're gonna turn this place upside down looking for her!"

Eve argues back with Fitz that true regardless of if she helped Tahki or not. "The military is going to search this place even if she's not here because of those exact connections, they're after her and know that she has very little places to turn to help. They know that I spent some time among the tribe so this will be one of the first places they look! So I may as well have an actual reason for having to put up with that!"

Fitz continues their troubles not ending there. "Don't forget she's planning on attacking the military once she's healed, so you know what's going to happen to us if the military finds out that we were on the ones that helped her get better right!?"

Tahki tries to calm the concern that Fitz has. "Have you forgotten already? I'm a Super Soldier, I know how to stay elusive if they come looking, and if I do happen to get caught they'll never find out that you helped me out. I'm not stupid."

Eve sighs as she looks back to Tahki. "You know... Fitz does have a point."

"Darn right I have a point!"

Eve clears her throat ignoring Fitz' interruption as she continues. "It will be a lot of trouble for me to hide you here, and my family's reputation, livelihood and business will all be in shambles if the military ever found out. I have no problem helping you Tahki, but if I do I want to know exactly what I'm getting myself into, you need to tell me everything you know about what's happening regarding the Super Soldiers, Shiya and the military!"

Fitz angrily raises his voice to Eve. "What!? Don't let her stay in exchange for answers!! Kick her out before she gets us in serious trouble!"

Tahki lets out a sigh as she looks back to Eve, it completely understandable for her to be asking for this information, after all there was a chance that she and her family could completely lose everything if it was ever found out that they aided her. "What is it you want to know?"