One BIG Christmas Party

Story by Bahamut-255 on SoFurry

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Two days before Christmas. The last day of work before all was shut down. Most of the staff had since left for home, only three of us remaining. Myself. Othello Drake. And. Dmitri Tereshkova, the Security Head. Getting ready for the party to come. One I'd set up for myself and a handful of others. Taking one quick look around my office to make sure that everything was in sorted, I then exited the room and locked the door, the key going into my duster jacket pocket. Right after, I briskly made my way down the hallway to the stairs, which would take me to the ground floor. There, by the main reception, Othello and Dmitri were waiting.

Dmitri happened to be a dragon too, but quite different to both myself and Othello. Unlike myself and Othello, Dmitri was very tall - 351cm when standing - but very slim for his size. The long, sinewy body supported on two digitigrade legs. His large tail nearly as long as the rest of himself, ending in a serrated arrow-tip. A neck about as long as his arm ,where his head sat. An elongated snout with three small horns set to the sides of the head, and another, much longer pair at the top, with a slight downwards curve to them. His torso carried the same lengthy, sinewy theme as the rest of him, while curving somewhat in order to maintain his balance. There was little muscle apparent on him, though this was quite an illusion, he was very strong. The scales themselves were a deep crimson red, while the scutes were a dark chestnut colour.

Once I approached the others. The brief conversation started.

"So. You all ready for the night?" I asked them both.

"Sure am." Dmitri responded in his deep, bass, and gravelly tone.

"Wish I knew the details though. You haven't exactly been very talkative with them." Was Othello's reply.

"You'll find out when you get there. In, two hours." Was all I had to say on the matter. "But trust me, you're gonna love it. But in any case. Everything's off here for the next few days, so it's time we all left now."

To that, I started heading towards the side door which was now the only way out. Even without looking, I knew the others were right behind me. Their heavy footsteps easy to hear in the otherwise quiet building. Once we'd all left, all that was to be done was to lock the doors, and they would stay that way until work resumed in a few days time.

"See you in a few hours then!" I called out to them as we made our way to our respective modes of transport.

"Same here!" Dmitri and Othello returned, almost at the same time. As they went to their homes and I went to the place selected for the party.

Following a 30 minute trip, I reached the location I had selected for the party. On the outside, it actually looked rather unimpressive, a large, industrial warehouse. Opening the doors to the interior, however, revealed that a serious amount of work had been done inside. The setting up of a heavy-duty sound system, drinks and refreshments laid out to one of the sides - including a special piece I had arranged just for this occasion. The interior also happened to be very large, it's 14 metre width matching the height before you hit the support beams, and perhaps two-and-a-half times that in the interior length. Waiting for me inside was my girlfriend, Terra Crescent. Who had spent the better part of the last two days setting everything up here. Naturally, the first thing I did was to approach her and wrap her up in a warm embrace, lips locking together for some moments before we parted said lips.

"So I take it that everything is ready?" I asked her.

"Every. Single. Part." She replied in her soft, raspy tone.

"Good, good." I chuckled away, the stage having now been set for later on. All we needed to do was wait for the others to turn up.

That occurred a little over one and a quarter hours later. When the first pair arrived. Othello and Zack. The suitably impressed look on their faces telling me they had not expected what was inside based on the exterior.

"Hey! Real glad you could make it!" I called out to the pair as they approached.

"Well, you did promise a party. I had to come with Zack." Othello responded.

"And besides. It's only good manners to turn up." Zack added. Now they were closer, I could see they'd put some effort into their attire, while still looking casual, they were in good condition, very clean, and looked quite new. Basic trousers and shoes along with a simple shirt that could actually stay closed without being stretched. For now if I had my way.

Further chat was cut off when the next pair arrived. Dmitri had arrived with his own girlfriend. She was another dragon, though more like Othello in terms of basic build, in that she also had wings. Standing a good 320cm in height, with at least some of it attributable to her longish neck. A decent set of breasts that appeared to be a solid D, though her size made them seem smaller than they were, hidden under a full length sapphire blue dress that came close to the dark blue colour of her scales and light blue scutes. The dress itself, coming down to just above her ankles, and having an extremely deep V-Neck that had a small band across it just below the breast-line, with a long slit down the right side that actually came to just above the waist. While being supported by the neck, and not being on her back until it was a little above the tail-line. Her name, Celes.

As for Dmitri, he was dressed in s similar manner, though what he had also covered his arms and all of his back, while also being a little more ornate in design, being a mixture of black and red, with some gold styling put in as well. The rest of us headed over to greet them.

"Hey Dmitri. Glad you could make it." I spoke up, having to look up a good deal owing to his being a lot taller than me.

"Well when you set up a party for us. We gotta come along." He chuckled his reply. "Though you seem to have stocked up a bit much on the food and drink." He referred to the fact that the tables had been loaded with food and drink.

"Oh, I'm not too worried about that." I replied. 'Once it's done, there won't be enough most likely' I thought to myself.

"In any case, now we're all here. It's time to start this party everyone." Terra moved the subject. To which we were all in agreement.

Within moments, the first song was started, a slow, romantic dance which saw us dancing with our respective partners. My eyes were squarely on Terra for the duration, matching each other step, for step. A few minutes later, the song had ended, and it was time for the first round of refreshments. Everyone helped themselves to what was available, as did I, but my eye was on the special set of drinks set aside. Picking up the plate they were resting on, a motioned for the others to come. Once that had, I handed each one of them one of the glasses and spoke.

"Well. Here's to a Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a great one this year!" I toasted. The others all agreed and once the glasses were clicked together, we all downed the drinks. 'Perfect. It's all set now.' Was my main thought. Once a little more of the food was eaten, it was time for the next song.

It was another romantic theme, though a little faster than the first one, as we all danced away to the rhythm. I shared a sly smirk with Terra as we whispered to each other.

"Everything is set now. Just gotta bide the time." I spoke, keeping my volume way down, as so to avoid being overheard.

"I know, this is gonna be great." Terra's mouth pulling back into a smile.

"It sure will. Starting. Right. About. Now." A slight warmth flowed through my body, signalling the beginning of the effects. I could tell that Terra felt it too since she had her eyes shut and had to squeeze her mouth in place to avoid giving it away. That only lasted a moment before she recovered her composure. All the while the dance continued, the rest not noticing what was happening now. Either that or they were especially gifted at hiding the fact that they knew. In any case, I could feel the beginnings of the juice working as my clothing slowly began to feel tighter around me as the dance continued.

Once that song ended, another, faster paced dance track started its run. And for this, the dance changed to reflect it. With all of us upping our tempo. This continued for a while, with a lot of swinging around, fast steps. Though when I could, I would steal a glance at what was happening. Clearly, the initial effects were in full swing, Dmitri's and Celes's dresses were a snugger fit than when they came in. The same applied to Othello and Zack. But I had to redirect my focus back to Terra, as her shirt was squeezing in her ample bust, the stiff nipples clearly outlined in the strained shirt she was wearing, making it obvious that she hadn't bothered with a bra today - as usual.

Soon enough though, the song ended, and a new one would have to be selected. This was suspended by...

"HEY!! What the hell did you do!?!" This came from Dmitri, as he realised he was on his way to outgrowing his attire. His voice, now deepened.

"Isn't it obvious!?" I called back. "I said you'd know all about this party here! And now you do!"

"Okay!" This time it was Celes speaking. "But these are expensive!" Pointing to what they were wearing.

"Then lose them! Before you lose them!" Terra responded, her own clothes reaching their limits now.

With little choice on the matter, they quickly, but carefully got themselves out of what they were wearing, forcing them into the nude.

"Don't worry! We'll all be like that soon enough!" I consoled as my jeans began to split by the zipper.

"Alright! But..." Celes began to realise that some 'other' part of her was expanding faster than the rest of her. "Actually, this isn't too bad!" Cupping her swollen breasts approvingly.

"See!? I knew you'd like it! And besides! We still got a party to continue!" Terra replied. "Right after a snack!" She made for the buffet, while Dmitri and Celes sent there dresses to a corner where they'd be able to survive the night, while I went to join Terra.

"I think they're gonna like it." I spoke as we selected our food and drink.

"I know." Terra spoke. Though she had been cut off by the buttons on her shirt failing her and blowing free. The sleeves stretched right to their limit. And I heard her own trousers giving way, just beneath the tail.

"So, what exactly does this particular design do?" Othello had come up to ask, the front of his trousers having blown open under the stress and bringing his hefty cock into view.

"Very good question. No idea." I replied cheerfully.

"Hold on? You don't know the effects?" Othello did seem a little confused by this.

"All I know is that we shouldn't outgrow the building. I decided to make it a surprise for everyone, even myself. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens." This earned a good laugh from us all, just as more buttons began to go AWOL.

"Looks like you're putting on some weight there." Zack had joined us, completely naked, having apparently decided to save his clothes by stripping down before it was too late.

I looked down to see he was right, the buttons I'd lost were by my belly, which was spilling in front of me. But before I could speak...

"My Pecs!" I turned to see that Othello was also adding fat, though his splitting sleeves suggested that he had muscle as well. He turned to me, and immediately burst into laughter. "But at least it's better than what you got!"

Dmitri and Celes also joined in the laughter, having made it to the tables, and clearly adding some height. Dmitri thickening with muscle fast.

"Well that's what happens when you do tricks like this!" His voice significantly deeper now. And having to sit down to reach the food, Celes being held in front of him.

"Don't worry Vince. I'm liking it." Terra comforted me, wrapping her thick arms around my flabby belly. I hugged her back.

"Well, let's continue this party now, shall we?" I offered. The answer, we all went back to the dance floor to pick up where we left off. Although me, Terra and Othello hardly had much left on. I had no lost all the buttons on my shirt, which, along with my jacket had split down the back as well, being held on only by my arms, which were thickening now. As were my legs, which had just been freed from the jeans, and I was also now barefoot.

So too, was Terra, who was really packing the muscle now. The final scrap of her ruined shirt snapping off as the next dance started, leaving nothing to constrain her and her dance moves.

A real fast dance this one was, which meant a lot of movement from us all, and thankfully, I was able to keep up, though the wall of flab had me carrying some momentum.

Othello and Zack were also having a great time. Just as into the music as we were, they were also doing a lot of body contact when they were in my view, and loving every minute of it. Othello, while showing a prominent gut, was cancelling it out with thick muscle. Whereas Zack was all muscle.

As for Dmitri and Celes. They had found the swing of it properly. While not adding as much muscle as others, Celes was definitely having a great time, and a serious set of breasts were now complimenting her expanding frame. Dmitri was the most heavily muscled of the group, and had worked a routine that kept them from getting in the way of his dancing. They were truly in their own world right now.

This continued deep into the night. Rounds of dancing, followed by snack breaks, snacks that thinned more and more with each run, as we ate more and more. Growing in our respective manners all the while. Finally, we began to grow tired and needed to stop. The music was stopped once the next song ended, and we approached each other.

"Well, this is gonna be one party to remember, right?" I chuckled, which caused my thick folds of fat to jiggle. This had Dmitri chuckling away.

"I'll say! And it looks like I got the better end of it." Rubbing his Herculean arms, and Celes, who could just match him for size, both of them almost to the support beams now.

"Perhaps, but with Zack here, that doesn't matter." Othello countered, he and Zack very much holding onto each other.

"And with Dmitri, I don't care for those results." Celes responded, leaning into Dmitri.

"And now, we'll need to get comfortable for the night." Terra shifted to the next task.

"And I can help you with that one." I offered, finding one notable advantage in the gluttonous state I was in. to which everyone, myself included laughed away at. "And don't worry, the effects will wear off early tomorrow."

"That's good to hear." Dmitri started, before yawning noisily. "Well, best to try and get some sleep now." He and Celes made for one of the corners and curled up together.

While I noticed Othello and Zack already asleep in the middle of the room. This left me and Terra to the other side where we could curl up together. Well, it was lay laying down on my side with Terra snuggling up, pressing her immense self into my mounds of fat. Taking my right arm to her, I slowly rubbed her by the shoulder, as she pressed into me further, using my left arm as a pillow.

"Night Terra. Love ya"

"Love you too Hun." She murmured, before she drifted of into sleep. Joined seconds later by myself.

Another story from me. A Christmas party taking place for - for macro-lovers - the inevitable happens.

Zack's BIG Birthday Present

The weather, calm. The clouds, minimal. The air, cool and clear. The place, a quiet mountain retreat, far away from major civilisation, comprising of heavy forested regions, good trails to enjoy walks on the good days, and a nearby lake fed from a...

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Othello's BIG Way to Start the Job

On the outskirts of a major city, where there is as much flora and fauna as there is buildings, a car rolls into a parking bay, providing the only other one there with some sorely needed company. Once it's pulled into one of the many parking bays...

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