TteotMBD - Chapter 13: Two Families Destroyed

Story by DarkstartheDragon on SoFurry

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#13 of Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon

Rasani and I exited the portal and found ourselves in Bloodshadow's Castle in Akarum. This room was the same dusty room where I had discovered the portal, all those days ago. This was the room that started it all.

We left the room and walked down the hall, occasionally stopping to listen to the various noises floating down through the corridors. We soon came across the more travelled halls and were standing directly outside my old bedroom. I opened the door and walked in. The place had been destroyed. There were bits of furniture and glass everywhere. I turned around sadly and closed the door. Rasani gasped and waved her hand over my shoulder. I felt a burst of power and turned towards the direction we came from.

There, suspended four feet in the air, was Shadownight, Bloodshadow's second son. He was trapped in a swirling vortex of water that held him in place. Rasani was standing next to me, both hands raised, palms out with claws extended. It was obvious that she was the one holding him there in the vortex and I grinned to myself. I felt very proud of this powerful dragoness that I had married.

'Darkstar you bastard! I see you have returned! And who is this? The bitch that married you? Yes, we know all about Rasani the bitch and the rest of the Kermani family.' Shadownight laughed at us.

Rasani flinched a little and I growled as I drew the Dragonblade from its scabbard. 'Too long you have been taunting me, Shadownight. Now that I am back, I think it is time that you all paid for the suffering and pain that I have had to endure over the years.' I growled.

Shadownight frowned and I felt dark powers begin to move around the room. I grunted and grinned.

'So I was right! You and Lightbane do know how to use your dragon powers, while everyone neglected to teach me. Well unfortunately for you, I happen to have uncovered my own powers and it is said that they rival those of Stormsun's. You are doomed and no one is going to be able to save you.' I told him happily. I focused my powers and raised my left hand. Power flew from my claws and wrapped itself around Shadownight. He was suddenly constricted by a black cloud that wrapped itself around him.

I dashed forwards and stabbed him through the chest, the bloodlust controlling my actions. The black cloud that I used to stop him from using his powers faded and disappeared. This was something I felt I needed to do. Too long had this family been the tyrants of Akarum, too long had the dragons suffered under their rule. I twisted the blade inside his body and was rewarded with a scream of pain. I wrenched the sword out of his chest and thrust it into his right lung. Shadownight screeched in pain and I could feel the anger and rage burning through my veins, controlling and strengthening me, and it felt... good... it was like I was a completely different dragon. Blood erupted from Shadownight's mouth and chest and splashed onto my arm and shoulder. Shadownight sighed and choked, painfully dying in his cage of water.

Rasani released her powers and Shadownight's bloody corpse fell to the ground. I stared at his dead form for a while, remembering all the serious things that he and Lightbane had done to me over the years. It seemed fitting that he should perish this way, but at the same time another part of me was screaming at me for cutting him down in cold blood. I no longer knew which part of me was really me and which part was controlled by bloodlust and power.

Rasani put her arm on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

'You had a just reason for what you did. If you hadn't ended it here, then many more would have suffered under his and his brother's rule. We came here for a purpose; to end it all, to kill Bloodshadow and his sons and rescue my father. I feel no remorse for his death and hope that he burns in hell.'

Listening to her words, I suddenly had a vision of Shadownight in hell being tortured by Nano. I laughed quietly and Rasani gave me an odd look.

'Don't worry. I was just picturing something that could happen to Shadownight and it struck me as rather funny. You were right though, he did deserve to die painfully. My only regret is that it was over too quickly.' I replied with a slight smile on my face.

I felt rather evil and angry. It was like I wanted to kill everyone and everything, but I knew that to do that would make me no better than Bloodshadow, Kaos or Havok. I wanted to be different from them, not the same. I got a grip on my powers and quenched the rage that was burning its way through my veins. My shoulders slumped as the strength that came with the rage subsided. I felt rather weak and could now understand why dragons loved using powers such as this. They were rather addicting. The power and the strength was something no one could easily give up.

I slowly turned my back and we walked away, leaving Shadownight's corpse lying there in the middle of the floor. We had more important things to deal with at the moment. I flicked my Dragonblade, trying to get most of the blood off. I looked at the blade, still coated in blood, and decided to leave it like that.

Better that Bloodshadow knows that one of his sons is really dead before I kill him. I thought to myself. I raised the Dragonblade over my head and focused on the blade itself. The sword burst into a bright blue flame and I waved it experimentally through the air. The searing heat of the blade seemed to carve up air in large chunks. I was pretty sure the blade was lighter than before too.

Rasani grinned. 'The cold kiss of a Dragonblade combined with the searing heat of a magically induced fire. I like the sound of that. That blade aught to cause a lot of pain in your enemies.' She said, still grinning evilly.

I realised that this was a side of Rasani I had never encountered before. She was a lot more aggressive than I had originally guessed. I decided to question her more about it later.

For ages, we walked along the corridors and through the rooms, slowly making our way towards the centre of the fortress, towards Bloodshadow's Throne room. Finally, we came across the large oak doors. These doors were designed to withstand a small army. I laughed evilly, drew in my powers, focused on the doors and waved my flaming Dragonblade. The doors exploded in a mess of burnt metal and smouldering splinters of wood. Carefully stepping over the wreckage that was the doors, I glanced around the room. The large hall was empty apart from two dragons. Bloodshadow was lounging on his throne, but jumped to his feet as I entered. The other dragon was Bertain, who was tied up with thick chains at Bloodshadow's feet.

'YOU!' Bloodshadow roared at me, looking shocked.

'Hello again... "Bloodshadow". I have come to collect my father-in-law, the dragon you have tied up at your feet. If you do not hand him over, then I am afraid you will have to see the face of death sooner than expected.' I said, grinning evilly at him.

'Over my dead body you bastard! I disowned you the day you were born and do not regret one moment of it. You are the one that deserves to die, not me.' He yelled. Bloodshadow reached behind his throne and grabbed a large sword. It glowed an eerie red and hummed as he stepped down from the throne.

'I see that you have acquired a Dragonblade of your own.' Bloodshadow noted. 'But let us see how it compares to the legendary Dragonblade of Akarum.'

'Yes, it is a stunning blade, isn't it? I am damn sure that this blade can match yours, if not better it. For you see, I have awakened my powers, and what an awakening it was! You have tried to shield me from everything, hoping that I would never be able to achieve anything or overthrow you or your sons, but that was a mistake. All my pain, all my suffering, all my hatred, has built up over the years and now I finally have a way to release it. I promise you here and now that I shall destroy you and Lightbane. Shadownight is already dead and you are the next in line.' I growled menacingly.

A look of utter rage crossed Bloodshadow's face. He roared and swung his sword madly. Bertain rolled to get out of the way and I rushed up to meet Bloodshadow. Bloodshadow flinched slightly as the burning blade passed mere inches from his face. This was the battle I had wanted to fight for many, many years and now, I finally had the opportunity to end Bloodshadow's life.

Bloodshadow lunged forward, his blade passing over my shoulder as I sidestepped to the right. I countered by tossing my blade into my left hand and making a swipe at his shins. Bloodshadow leapt backwards and growled at me as I grinned at him. He leapt to the left and I felt the fiery sting of his sword in my arm. I shut out the pain and valiantly fought on. I launched a flurry of attacks that was designed to force your opponent to retreat and found that Bloodshadow was not prepared for my sudden counter-attack. He lurched backwards and almost tripped on his own tail. I pressed the attack, forcing him back step by step. I knew that I now had the advantage but I wondered how long it would take for Bloodshadow to either fall or to regain his balance and fight back.

A look of utter despair crossed Bloodshadow's face and I thought that I had just won, but it was too soon, the despair gave way to rage and Bloodshadow leapt forward, countering my blows and fighting back with a ferocity that I had never encountered before. He pushed forwards with almost everything he had and I was forced to use both my left and right hands to counter his blows. My ability to be able to toss the Dragonblade into the opposite hand and still fight properly seemed to confuse Bloodshadow. He still pushed on, forcing me back. I growled in frustration as I realised that I might actually lose against him. I staggered back and almost lost my balance when Bloodshadow lashed out with his foot. I realised that to beat him, I was going to need to rely on pure strength alone rather than blade mastery. I began implementing everything I could into my attacks. I fought with feet, arms, elbows, fists and my head and it all seemed to be working. Bloodshadow got more and angrier as the fight went on. Eventually, he lunged forward and launched an attack that completely knocked me to my knees. He started laughing as he raised his blade to cut my head from my shoulders. I quickly braced my right arm and thrust forward. The Dragonblade made a sickening crunch as it entered Bloodshadow's chest, breaking a number of ribs. The crunch was quickly replaced by a sizzle as the fire that coated the blade began to cook Bloodshadow from the inside. He staggered backwards off my blade and stood there gaping at me. Then he laughed and ran his claws over the hole in his chest. The wound sealed itself up, leaving a red scar in its place.

'Hey, that's cheating!' I growled at him.

'Isn't it just?' He laughed. 'You are a bit like your true father. He was always complaining about the rules of combat, even when no one obeyed them. He was weak and strange. No one knows what happened to him after his incineration. All I know is that I am glad they killed him when they did so that he would not be back to teach you anything, allowing me to keep you as weak as I possibly could.'

A sudden thought struck me. 'You know who my father is, don't you?'

'Of course I do! How could I not know which bastard of a dragon slept with your mother?' He growled at me. 'Your father was a dragon who had been banished from all lands except for Akarum. He was an outcast, a murderer and a thief. His name was Stormsun.'

I just stared at him with my mouth open in complete disbelief. There was no way Stormsun could be my father.

It would explain all the memories and the powers you have acquired. The Soul told me.

Yes, but... I can't be his son! I am not evil and a murderer! I argued.

But remember, Stormsun was not evil either. Bloodwulf was and Stormsun got blamed for it all. Oh and you are a murderer by the way. You murdered all those Black Guardians, Nirilana, Tim and the leaders of the Crusaders.

I began to suspect that my Soul was the Soul piece of the Heart Incarnate. I was just the body that it occupied at the moment.

My mind quickly flashed back to the fight as Bloodshadow used my momentary disbelief to launch an attack. He seemed to be moving sluggishly and I realised that time has slowed down to half its normal speed.

I am to ensure that no harm comes to you. We need you to combat Kaos and Havok and you can't do that if you are dead. The Soul explained to me.

To me, that sounded as if the Soul believed that I was not able to beat Bloodshadow on my own. This just enraged me more and once again, I felt the searing heat of rage flow through my veins, taking over most of my body and doubling my strength.

Time increased back to its normal pace and Bloodshadow's blade clashed with mine in a cloud of sparks. The shriek of metal on metal was painful to listen to and I took a step back. Rage was emanating from my body and Bloodshadow suddenly looked less sure of himself. I pressed my attack, forcing him to retreat. I ducked and sliced, dodged and thrust, parried and chopped. I was trying to find the hole in his defences, the hole that would allow me to land the killing blow. Just as I thought I had found the hole I was looking for, I felt my body get lifted up off the ground and I was suspended in midair. I looked down at Bloodshadow's grinning face and growled.

'You see, Darkstar, I am willing to use all my powers to beat you. I cannot allow you to kill off me and Lightbane to crown yourself King of Akarum. You and the bitch that married you shall perish here in Akarum, far away from anyone who could help you.' He laughed at me.

'Bloodshadow you fool! You really think that whatever powers you may have can rival mine? Remember, I inherited most of mine from Stormsun. You could not even begin to understand what I now have access to. If I was to pick up and activate the Key to the Heart and find the Shield, then I would be nigh unstoppable. The only two who currently have a chance of beating me are Kaos Bloodwulf and Havok. You know of them, don't you? Well guess what, they have returned to this world to fight me to the death. I am this world's only hope of survival against their evil. By killing me, you are only dooming yourself and every other dragon who lives on this land.' I tried to tell him.

'You expect me to believe all that? That is the biggest load of bullshit that I have heard in a while!' He said.

I realised that I would have to prove my point so I bunched myself up, tucked my wings around my body and drew in my powers, letting the feel of the magic run through my veins.

'Now what are you doing, you degenerate dragon?' Bloodshadow sounded confused.

With a burst of power, I flared my wings and spread my arms. The bonds holding me in the air shattered and I drifted gently to the ground. Bloodshadow looked me with his mouth open, as if he could not bring himself to believe that I had more power than him. I grinned at him and readied my Dragonblade.

Bloodshadow seemed to come to his senses and attacked me. It was a half-hearted attack, an attack by someone who knows that they have already been defeated. No matter what Bloodshadow was thinking, he was not going to do down easily. I leapt over his head and landed behind him. My Dragonblade dug deeply into his back as I landed and sliced open his flight muscles on his left wing. Bloodshadow screeched in pain and I kept lashing out with the blade, inflicting more and more damage with every slash. The pain became too much and Bloodshadow was driven to his knees in front of me.

'It is time Bloodshadow. I wish you luck in hell, but this is the end of the line for you.' I said sadly. 'May Nano and the Overlords have mercy upon your soul.'

Bloodshadow looked me in the eyes and I could see that there was something else lurking behind his soul. The whole room vanished and it seemed like we were floating out in space except that there were no stars, only blackness.

'I must congratulate you Darkstar. I did not think that you would defeat our disciple this easily.' Bloodshadow's mouth moved, yet it was not his voice that came out. It was a dry voice and was impossible to ignore.

'Havok! So it was you and Kaos who have done this to me all my life!' Realisation dawned upon me like the sun rising over the horizon.

'Of course. There was no way we were going to allow you to come into possession of your powers and the two other parts of the Heart, but we did not expect you to run away like you did. Now that you have destroyed Bloodshadow we are going to have to find someone else to control and manipulate. It has been a pleasure speaking to you brother mine. Say hello to Bertain, Cynda and Rasani for me.'

'You bastard! You killed Cynda in the Kermani mansion! You know you did! I swear that I shall see you dead for this!' I shouted.

There was only a ghostly laugh as the room reappeared and my blade was once again against Bloodshadow's neck. I swung the blade and grunted with satisfaction as I felt it sear through his neck. Bloodshadow fell to the ground, dead, in a puddle of his own blood. I sheathed my Dragonblade and picked up the Dragonblade of Akarum. This was now mine by right of battle, so I slipped it in between my blade's scabbard and my back. The blade felt cool against my scales and I hoped that it didn't slice my wings or back.

I flared my wings, rolled my shoulders and stepped over Bloodshadow's body. Rasani was standing next to Bertain and I noticed something was wrong. Bertain was kneeling in a puddle of blood and there was a large gash in his lower back from where Bloodshadow's Dragonblade had cut him as he rolled out of the way. Bertain was dying and I knew that there was nothing I could do about it because I had used up most of my powers in my fight with Bloodshadow. I walked over and joined them near the throne.

'I am sorry for what he had done to you Bertain.' I said sadly.

'It's ok. Rasani just told me about what Havok did to Cynda and now I can look forward to seeing her again in death.' He smiled, it was a forced smile and I knew it.

Rasani started crying and I picked her up and held her tightly.

'Look after her Darkstar. She is all the family you have left now. I wish you luck in the rest of your life and promise me that you will kill both Havok and Kaos for this. Goodbye Rasani my daughter. You are both now the heirs to the Kermani Mansion and everything that comes with it. Goodbye and good luck.' Bertain managed to say before he violently coughed and died.

Still carrying Rasani, I made my careful way back to the broken door. I saw a brief glimpse of gold scales on the other side and laughed.

'Run while you still can Lightbane! I shall be back one day to claim you too!' I said mockingly.

I made my way back to the portal and we teleported back to Kiralan.

As we stepped back onto the sandy beach of Kiralan, I saw Rasani start retching. I leaned over and placed my hand on her shoulder.

'I am never going to get used to that kind of travel.' She said.

I nodded my agreement and started walking back towards the city. Rasani flicked her tail out and tripped me up; I landed face first in the sand and she jumped on my back.

'What are you doing?' I asked her.

'I want to talk to you before you run off to get revenge.' She said. 'There are things happening here that I do not fully understand but I know that they are centred around both you and me. Why my parents were killed, I do not understand, but I want to make sure that the same does not ever happen to you. If I were to lose you, then there would be nothing left for me to live for. Now, I am going back to the city to hire some friends to get the house cleaned up and my mother's body ready for her and my father's funeral. What you do for the next couple of hours will not bother me but I shall need to talk to you about a lot more later on, so do not go running away.' She got off my back, spread her wings and flew back towards the city.

I lay there in the sand, pondering her words. It struck me that her mood was rather like mine, she was angry, satisfied and confused all at once. This reminded me of our encounter with Shadownight, as she was bloodthirsty just like I was. I began to wonder if we were somehow linked together in some way.

I got up onto my feet and decided to take a walk back to the city through the forest, rather than fly like Rasani did. I walked towards the edge of the forest, looked around for a minute, then walked in and made my way slowly along the path. I could feel someone else in the forest nearby, but I tried to avoid them as I needed time to think without interruptions. I remembered that the lake was near the spot where I was standing so I moved towards it, hoping to swim for a bit and gather my thoughts.

I entered the clearing where the lake was located and walked slowly into the cool water. I moved towards the middle and floated on my back with my wings spread out over the water to hold me up. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander.

A short while later, I heard a small splash and thought nothing of it. After a couple of seconds my mind caught up and I opened my eyes to see what had caused the splash. I saw a flash of golden scales before I was pushed under the water and held there.

I floundered around, drowning and wondering who was holding me underwater. The sight of golden scales immediately made me think that it was Lightbane holding me under but it was not his presence I felt, it was familiar though.

I grabbed one of the arms that was being used to hold me under and yanked on it. The dragon holding me tripped and splashed into the water, losing its grip on me and allowing me to burst upwards. I erupted from the surface of the water and grabbed the dragon... dragoness that had been holding me under. As she came up I recognised the face, it was Zathari. She looked at me happily and started laughing.

'Zathari! What are you doing here and why were you trying to drown me?' I asked her.

Zathari stopped laughing long enough to answer me. 'I am here because this is the place where I always come and walk. I used to walk with Avyn a lot before she was brutally murdered. There are some dragons that say they saw you leaving the building around the time she was murdered but I cannot bring myself to think that it was you who killed her. As for why I was drowning you, it seemed like a fun thing to do at the time as you were half asleep in the water.'

I briefly grinned at her then shook my head sadly. 'Avyn was murdered in front of me by Nirilana, Queen of the, now dead, Black Guardians of the Inner Sanctum. I entered the room just as Nirilana stabbed Avyn through the chest. Nirilana managed to escape from the place and I tracked her down to the Hornet's Nest. I killed Nirilana and destroyed the Black Guardians. Shortly after that I also took down the Crusaders, therefore eliminating both the major syndicates in the city.'

Zathari looked shocked. She obviously did not think of me as a killer, but now knew that I could easily kill anything that angered me.

I waded through the water over to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

'Zathari,' I told her, 'I can try my best to guarantee that no harm will come to you but make sure you are not tricked into believing anyone you don't know well. There are two powerfully evil creatures on the loose out there and they have already been responsible in some way for the death of both of Rasani's parents. I don't want to see them kill you too.'

She hugged me close. 'Don't worry so much for me Darkstar. I can take care of myself you know.' She raised her head and kissed me deeply, her tongue forcing its way into my mouth.

I could feel my desire for her building and my cock slowly began to grow. The cool water flowing over my cock as it exited its sheath sent waves of pleasure through my body. Zathari grinned as she felt it poke her leg and I blushed slightly.

'Why not just take me here?' She whispered in my ear.

I grinned at her and reached under the water with one hand. I moved my hand down her body and found her warm pussy. She gasped as I gently rubbed one claw over her clit. I then moved my hand and moved my cock towards her pussy. I found her warm entrance and slowly pushed in; loving the way Zathari shuddered with joy. I picked her up and moved towards the shore of the lake, my cock still buried deep in her. We emerged from the water and I lay her down on the grass. I positioned myself above her and thrust downwards. Zathari gasped and wrapped her arms around my neck. The pleasure was sending me spiralling out of control as I thrust into this beautiful gold dragoness below me. Zathari moaned and gasped with pleasure and I grunted and thrust deeper and deeper, faster and faster, hoping that this would last forever. I felt the walls of Zathari's pussy begin to convulse and Zathari squealed as she came, her juices erupting all over my cock and balls, lubricating them a bit more. Much to Zathari's discomfort, I pulled my cock out of her pussy, but her groan of displeasure soon turned to a slight purr as I pushed my cock into her open mouth. She wrapped her tongue around the head and began sucking me off. I groaned with delight and fingered her pussy, loving the feel of it underneath my claws. I shuddered and gasped as I came in her mouth, my cum erupting in waves and Zathari managed to swallow it all. She sucked me dry and kept the last little bit in her mouth, savouring the taste. I leaned forwards and kissed her deeply, the taste of my cum still strong in her mouth.

'Don't go thinking that you are done yet, Darkstar.' She told me and squirmed slightly.

I got her meaning immediately and placed my cock back over the entrance of her wet pussy. I thrust in slightly and drew back, teasing her. Zathari growled and slapped my ass with her tail as I grinned and continued teasing her. She eventually got sick of waiting and thrust her body up. I moaned with pleasure as I felt the walls of her pussy once again close around my cock. I pushed her down and lay bodily on top of her. I began thrusting in harder, delighting in the pleasure it sent through both of our bodies. Zathari squirmed and groaned loudly as she came again. She was really enjoying this so I decided to take it a step further. I rolled over and began thrusting upwards as I felt my orgasm building again. I grunted and moaned and finally hilted deep within her body. She squealed as my cum burst forth and into her waiting womb. I lay back on the grass, panting heavily with Zathari still on top of me. She finally rolled off of me and sat down on my chest. By the look in her eyes, I could plainly see that she was still not finished with me so I grabbed her and dragged her towards my head. Once she was within range, I raised my head and began lapping at her pussy with my tongue, loving the taste of her juices mixed with my own. The pleasure was becoming too much for Zathari as she moaned and squirmed, pressing herself deeper into my muzzle. Soon, almost half of my muzzle was inside her pussy and she came for a third time, her juices erupting into my open mouth.

Zathari slumped onto the grass next to me, plainly worn out from the sex.

'We must do this more often, Darkstar my love.' She said to me. I jolted suddenly, shocked at the term "my love". I was Rasani's not Zathari's and could not have both of them as wives at once without annoying a lot of dragons in the city. It was considered bad enough to be betraying your wife, but to have two? Well, that was almost a criminal offence. Dragons frowned upon multiple marriages with weapons in their hands as it was considered to be one of the worst possible things you could do.

After lying there on the grass with Zathari for about an hour, I bade her goodbye and finished my walk towards the city.

I entered the giant gates and was greeted warmly by the two guards on duty there. I nodded at them and continued my stroll though the gates. I wandered up and down streets, slowly heading back towards the Kermani mansion. I was in no hurry as Rasani was probably still trying to clean the place out. As I entered the street where the mansion was located however, I felt and saw a dark presence hanging over the upper floors. It as like a black cloud that twisted and turned, blotting out most of the light. It was pure evil power and it worried me greatly. I ran towards the house, drawing both of the Dragonblades on my back as I did so. I focused on them and they both burst into flame. One blue, one red. I ran up the stairs to the front door, shouldered my way through the door and ran through the house. The presence was upstairs so that was where I went. I could feel it getting closer as I moved through the halls. I stopped just outside my and Rasani's bedroom and knew that the presence was on the other side of the door. I drew in my powers and blew open the door.

What was on the other side shocked and angered me to the core and was burned into my memory for eternity.


Hmm, what was behind the door?

I regret to say that I am probably going to discontinue the Tymencian Chronicles for now to focus more on this story, and because I have almost run out of ideas for that one. I shall post the next four or five parts that I have written then that will most likely be it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Through the eyes of the Midnight Blue Dragon.

  • MBd Darkstar