A New Beginning

Story by Zadik on SoFurry

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A young Lucario mother by the name of Karry , a young girl no older the age of 22 sat upon her bed with her four-year-old Riolu daughter by the name of Celty, both of them were very beautiful women, even when they were wearing the dingyest of clothes they both had a natural beauty about them.

They wear dingy clothes because sadly the pair don't live in the best conditions with Karry's abusive boyfriend and their small two bedroom run down trailer in a very bad part of their neighborhood. An out of work construction worker, Rob , another Lucario at age 23, had been recently laid off work and struggling to provide for his girlfriend and his little girl. Rob wasn't always abusive sadly, after being laid off his first job he struggled for a few months to keep to keep up the rent on the two bed room apartment that they had gotten when Celty was born. After only two months of unemployment he was found ways to coup with the stress and the anxiety he was feeling for not being able to be the provider he was supposed to be. That solution, much like men in his situation in life, he found alcohol. Karry on the other hand had no other choice but to provide for her little girl an her boy friend whom she still supported till the very end. She luckily found a waitress job at a local diner thanks to a friend of hers whom worked the in the back as a fry cook. But a small pay check and small tips were not enough to support her family, so one night she was offered a job she couldn't refuse, guaranteed over three hundred dollars a night and on top of that forty bucks an hour, she became a stripper. Even though she was making good money working two jobs, she still struggled to provide for three. She alone had to pay the bills, gas for Robs gas guzzler of a car, and day care for Celty while both of her parents were out during the day trying to earn a living. Even with all of this happening Karry still found time to sit down with her little girl and play a game with her or read a little night time story. Every night as she put Alicia to bed before slipping off and heading to her stripping job, she felt ashamed of her self that she hasn't been part of her own daughters life that much, and even more ashamed that she never fully potty trained her. Celty was able to sense when she had to go number two but when it came to urination she was untrained and everyday all day she wore a diaper so she wouldn't leave messes all over the place. Karry's world may have been unstable, and very horrible and terrifying to some, but to her as long as she had her baby, nothing else in the world mattered, even with the nightly beating she got from Rob, waking up and seeing her little girls smiling face was more than enough to pull her put of any bad feeling or mood she may have been in. The beatings them selves were the worst part of her day, having a guy grab her ass in the strip club or having a toddler pull her tail, and hard, in the dinner was better than beat by her boyfriend. Each night if Rob's dinner was not hot and ready for him to eat when he came home from job searching or an under the table job that one of his construction buddies got for him, an angry scowl would come over his face and give a long speech about all he wanted to do was come home to a nice hot meal after trying to provide for the family. After the speech if Karry even thought about giving an excuse as to why she didn't have his dinner he would quickly smack her hard across her muzzle causing her to yelp followed by another less painful slap to her muzzle to get her attention back to him. Normally it would stop there if she would say sorry for not having his dinner ready, but when she didn't speak or tried to give an excuse he would give her a quick sharp jab to her mid section causing her to cry out in pain and double over clutching her stomach. And from there it would continue to get worse, if she was still defiant he would grab her by her ears and pull her head back and smack her once again across her muzzle and if she was close enough he would throw her against the closest wall not caring what part of her smashed into the wall. After he was done using her a punching bag he would leave her where ever she lay and just let her cry. Usually she didn't care about when Rob would beat her, and she would never but up a fight back, in fear of her daughters life. She was afraid that if he killed her while she fought back, that he would go after her little Celty, and that's one thing she wasn't going to have happen. Each night she would endure her punishment and head off to work to display herself to men, luckily her fur hid all of her bruises. Each night she morning she would come home and rest with her little girl for about three hours until Celty woke up needing a changing and wanting breakfast, and each morning she would force her self to do it out of the love she had for her daughter, tired as she was. This was her daily routine, and aside from the beatings and showcasing her body, she was content with her life, and knew it wouldn't get worse from where she was in her life. Well that was until that one night.

Karry was sitting on her's and robs bed watching a cartoon on T.V. with Celty sitting snug in her lap. It was Karry's night off at the trip club, and on those nights she liked to let Celty stay up a little later to have some bonding time with her. Karry was in her favorite comfortable black pajama bottoms and a pink tank top, her mid length black hair was let down and untied so she could just relax, and little Celty was in her usual diaper and a long night shirt, her hair was combed back and her fur was damp, having just taken a shower. Celty yawned leaning back into her mother causing Karry to look down at her and smile. "What's wrong sweetie, are you getting sleepy?" She asked in a very motherly tone. Celty nodded to her mothers question. "Yeah, a little tired momma." She would stretch and close her eyes. "Alright sweet pea, let's get you into bed, because tomorrow we're going to go to the park, and you and me are going to have some fun, how does that sound?" She asked in a, trying to get her excited about it tone. Celty quickly sat up and turned around to look at her as her little tail began to wag. "Wealwy momma, we going to da pawrk tomowo?" she asked in an over excited tone. Karry giggled seeing her daughter so happy to hear they were going to have a day at the park. "Yes sweetie, we're going to go to the park tomorrow, and we can stay there as long as you want" she touched one of her paw fingers to Celty's little nose, "but little pups who don't go to bed right now won't have enough energy to play tomorrow" Celty instantly took the hint and slid herself off her mothers bed making a little squish sound as she did. Karry called her back to the bed just before she left the room and gave her a quick little check "get a fresh diaper out of the drawer sweetie and lay on your bed, I'll be in in a minuet to change you before you fall asleep." To this Celty nodded and made her way to her room and got a fresh diaper from the dresser in her room, her room wasn't too big, there was room enough for her bed, a dresser. a small book shelf and toy chest, that didn't have too many toys in it. She followed her mothers instructions and laid on her bed, the fresh diaper next to her and some baby powder, to her this was normal, and didn't know most pups her age were already in big kid pants, or trainers. She didn't have much in her life but her mother and a friend that she knew from day care, and only saw in day care. The one thing she holds near and dear though is a stuffed female Lucario plush doll, no matter where she was she carried it with her as a sense of security when her mother was away and she was being watched by either her father or the neighbors. When asked by her mother if she was happy Celty would always reply "yes", and when asked why her only answer would be, "because I always have my momma!" Karry got her self off of her bed and was about to head into Celty's room to change her and put her to bed when she heard the roar of Rob's muscle car come to a stop outside of the trailer and the driver side door open and slam shut. She went from going to Celty's room to the kitchen to pull his dinner out of the oven, she was placing the casserole dish on the counter as Rob entered the house and started to make him a plate as he let his construction gear fall to the floor with a large thud as he always does. "This is a shock, I actually have a hot meal ready for me when i get home today?" He asked in a typical ass hole way as he grabbed her ass. "Am I gonna be able to get that pussy of yours tonight huh?" he laughed in a sleazy way and gave her ass a good smack making her flinch a little. After smacking her ass he grabbed a beer from the the fridge and popped it open and sat down at the table "you know you don't have to ask for it Rob, you fuck me whenever you want, even when i'm trying to sleep on my nights off." She said as she placed his plate of the table. Rob was taking a big swig of his beer while she was talking and wiped his chin when he was done, a clear sign known to anyone who knew Rob that had been drinking. He laughed at what she had said and set his beer down and picked up a fork "and don't you fucking forget it, I can take you when ever the fuck I feel like it." He started eating his food in an almost pig like manner. Karry only rolled her eyes at his statement and decided to ignore it, as she always did. she took her seat across from him at the table. "Honey, when I changed Celty earlier i saw she didn't have too many diapers left, I looked online and saw they have a bulk item of the type she wears, I have most of the money, I only need ten more dollars, did you happen to get paid up front today" Rob only scuffed at her and laughed "your kid you pay for what she should have stopped wearing when was two" "What are you talking about, she's your daughter too, and if you had helped with her maybe she would have been out of diapers by now." Rob leaned forward and looked at her, ready to pounce and attack if she didn't answer the way he wanted her to "what the fuck did you just say to me?" He asked in a all too serious tone. "A-all I'm trying to say if you spend some time with her, or even change her diaper for once in your life-" her sentence was cut off as Rob stood up from his chair quickly and walked to her side of the table and grabbed her ears and pulled her head back with his hand back ready to give her a good smack. "Rob, please don't do this, not right now, Celty is still awake" she pleaded with him. "Fuck that little brat." was all he said as his paw came down and collided with her muzzle in a loud smack causing Karry to cry out in pain "please Rob, not while Celty is awake!" she pleaded with him as she stood up from her chair, her ears still in his paw and her arms up trying to cover her face. "Every night it's all you talk about, Celty this and Celty that, that kid has cost me so much money." "What money, I've been supporting us since before she turned two" "What was that you just said fucking bitch?" he asked as he grabbed her throat and letting go of her ears. she gasped for breath a she grabbed his paw desperately trying to get free from his grip, but to no avail, he was too strong for her. "Please Rob, I don't want Celty to come out and see you like this" Celty was still on her bed waiting for her mother to come and change her, and maybe read her a bed time story. While waiting she could hear everything that was going on in the trailer, as the walls were paper thin. None of the sounds caused her to become concerned until she heard her mother cry out in pain. Hearing this made the little pup sit up and look at the door, she gave a little whimper and climbed off of her bed and walked to the door and opened it. When she walked to the end of the hall what she saw shocked her, her father had her mother by the throat and pinned against a wall with an evil look in his eye. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, each time Karry had been beaten Celty was either in a deep sleep, or next door. As Karry was pinned against the wall, tried to slam her fist into his arm in an attempt to get him to release her. It wasn't until she was silent that she heard the whimpering of her daughter. Quickly she looked the hall way to see her little girl standing, terrified by the scene unfolding before her. "Celty go back to your room." She ordered her. I was too late. Rob turned his head to see her standing there. His gaze was something Celty nor Karry had ever seen, it was pure hatred. Rob turned his attention back to Karry "never too early to start teaching little ones discipline." He said coldly. Karry gasped, "don't you dare touch her!" She shouted trying to kick him. Rob tightened his grip a little on Karry's throat "shut the hell up you slut." he shouted in her face. He pulled her off of the wall and positioned her so her back was facing the living room. He cocked his arm back and balled up his fist nice and tight. Karry could only gasp in shock before Rob let go of her throat and swung his fist and punched her in the face, knocking her back into the living room and knocking her out. Celty's eyes opened wide as she dropped her plushy and wan over to her mothers side. tears were in the little pups eyes as she shook her mothers shoulder, like she did when she woke her up in the mornings, "momma.....momma get up!" she pleaded with her. she heard the heavy foot steps of her father heavy steel toed boots walk up behind her. She didn't have enough time to turn around and look up, her father quickly grabbed her by the scruff of fur behind her neck. Because she a toddler now, the scruff behind her neck was starting to tighten up, and now hurt when it was pulled upon. She was yelping in pain as Rob held her "Da....daddy, it hurwts." she reached back with her paws and tried to move his paw away but her only tightened his grip on it and shook her slightly causing her to cry in pain. Rob got a slight whiff of her just as he saw a liquid running down the inside of her leg and dribble onto the floor making a small puddle, she had been wetting herself, and it was starting to leak out of her diaper and onto the floor. This only further angered the already pissed off Rob. "It's time you learn how to be a big girl Celty, starting with punishment, your going to get ten hard spankings every time you piss your self." He turned and started to walk back to the hall with the still crying Celty in his paw. Karry, despite being knocked out on the floor heard all of what was said, including hearing her baby crying. She woke up just in time to see Rob walking off to Celty's room. She knew he was going to fiercely beat her. "Don't you touch my daughter you bastard!" Rob heard the shouting coming from her and walked back to where she lay and used his foot to turn her onto her side. "I said shut the fuck up whore!" with that said he reared his leg back and kicked her hard in the stomach causing her to cough up blood. Rob smirked seeing her squirm around in pain, it pleased him greatly. satisfied that he had beaten his girlfriend enough for the night he made his way back to Celty's room and closed the door, and tossed Celty onto her bed causing her head to hit the wall with a good amount of force to put her into a small daze, she didn't cry but tears were still streaming down her little face. Rob walked over to the bed and stripped off her shirt revealing a very soaked diaper that leaked with each little movement she made. He undid the tapes of her diaper and threw it off to the side. He put her over his knee and lifted her tail exposing her rump, and proceeded to swat her behind her. Ten loud and painful smacks could be heard coming from the room and each followed by a cry of pain from the little pup, each smack was louder than the last and each cry grew louder. When Rob was finished he set her down on the floor, her nude little form was shivering from the pain she had just experienced for the first time in her life. "Get a diaper for your self." His tone of voice was very normal, not angered like before. A few seconds went by and Celty had not moved, her little rump was stinging too bad. "I said do it now!" He was finally annoyed with her and shouted at her. She was startled and quickly went over to her drawer and brought out a diaper for herself and walked back to her father who was now standing up. he lifted her up and laid her on the bed, she held the diaper up to him so he could put it on her. Rob took the diaper and put it next to her, "first things, first, you little brat" he gently felt her chest, carefully going over what would soon be double d breasts like her mothers. Celty didn't know what he was doing but just laid there waiting for her new diaper and to go back to her mother. Rob slowly moved his paw down from her little chest, down over her little belly, and down to her undeveloped vagina and started to feel it softly with her index paw finger. Celty remembered what her mother had said about being touched down there and closed her legs and looked at her father, "no daddy, mommy said that's a bad place to touch." She didn't know about molestation, she only knew at her young age that it wasn't an appropriate place to touch. Even though, her rejection to his touch angered him again, "you're going to learn some respect you little shit." He stood up straight and started to undo his belt and then his pants, he let them fall to the floor revealing his black boxers and his fully erected cock "you're going to be mine forever Celty." He said as his paws started to move up to the elastic of his boxer's each night before bed, you're going to suck me off, and when you're old enough, I'm going to be your first, and only" Behind him the door to Celty's room slowly opened up, so as to not alert him. there stood the beaten and bloodied Karry, in her paw she held a black revolver that she had gotten to protect her while she walked to and from work at night, she never thought she would have to use it for in home defense, but now found herself standing in her daughters door way ready to shoot her daughters father. She raised the gun and aimed it at his head just as he started to take off his boxers. Before revealing the cock that helped create her, he heard the sound of the hammer being pulled back on the revolver and turned around to see his girl friend there with a gun to his face. "I said leave her alone Rob." Her tone was normal, no anger and no fear, she was going to be ready to pull the trigger at any second he made a move she didn't like. "you fucking bitch, you can't kill me, I own you, and i'm gonna own this little bitch in a second too" "If you touch her in any way, I will shoot your dick off" Rob took a few steps toward her "I don't know who the fuck you think you are you fucking bi-" He said in a very hostile tone. His walk and words were cut off by a very loud bang and a stinging pain in his chest, Karry had shot him near his heart. Rob looked down to blood pooling around the entrance wound. Realizing he hadn't gone down from the first shot, he lunged out to try and grab Karry, only to be shot once in the head. Rob fell over, face first onto the floor, his head and chest wounds creating a big puddle of blood on the floor. Karry dropped her weapon letting it fall into the puddle of blood below, she quickly went over to Celty's bed and picked her up, the poor little thing was so frightened she wet her self on the bed and continued to shake from fear. "Sshh baby girl, mommy's here for you." Her voice had gone back to a motherly and nurturing tone once again as she picked her daughter up, along with the fresh diaper and fresh night shirt. She made her way back to the living room and put Celty down on the couch where she put the fresh diaper on her and slipped on the night shirt. Celty was crying the entire time, still frightened beyond all belief and confused as to what had just happened. Karry picked little Celty up and cradled her in her arms and gently rocked her, "It's alright sweetie, mommy made sure that daddy's not going to hurt us ever again." The combination of just being in her mothers presence and being rocked was calming her down, when the tears stopped streaming down her face, Karry started to sing a soft lullaby to her. As Celty started to doze off in her mothers arms they both heard the frantic sound of police sirens coming towards the trailer, "Don't worry angle, when you wake up, your life is going to turn around, you're going to live a great life, one better than I could ever provide." That was the last thing that Celty heard as she fell asleep. When Celty was fast asleep two cops kicked open the door the the trailer, one a Mightyena, and the other a Raichu. Karry simply looked at both of them and pointed down the hall towards Celty's room and waited for them to take her and Celty into their custody. After finding the dead body the two came back to the living room, their guns holstered. The Mightyena looked at Karry, "come on let's have her." his voice was gruff, clearly a veteran officer. Karry cooperated and gave Celty a little kiss on her forehead before handing her to the officer. The Mightyena gently took her into his arms. "Alright rooky, cuff her." The veteran said calmly. The Raichu nodded and helped Karry off the couch and started to arrest her with her paws behind her back. "Johnson, She's not a flight risk" said trying to help her keep her dignity as they walked her in front of the masses that had gathered outside. The rooky cop nodded and left her hands in front of her, though still in cuffs. Celty and Karry were placed in separate cars, Celty left with the police veteran and Karry was left to be taken down to the station with the rooky and his partner. When Celty was relinquished to child protective services, she was immediately given a physical to determine her state of health. When the results came back it was found out that was in great health, all of her shots had been taken care of, she wasn't malnourished, and other than the sore bottom she was going to have, she was healthy, though when she got there she was asleep the whole time. the doctors were concerned with this and ordered a cat scan for her. It was found out that when she hit her head on the wall when her father threw her, she had suffered a concussion, and when she fell asleep, she fell into a non life threatening coma, the doctors said that what she witnessed that night may have also been a factor in causing her coma. nether the less, they had no idea when she was going to wake up.

When Celty finally did wake up, she was very groggy, and warm, which to her was strange since every time she woke up in her room she was cold. That's another thing was strange to her as well, the room she was in was made for a toddler, but it wasn't her room nor were the PJ's she was wearing, they felt very soft, and smelled like fresh flowers. She felt a cold wet sensation around her crotch, as she does every morning, though this time the diaper she was wearing felt like it had more padding to it, she slid down her pajama bottoms to see a fluffy white diaper, the kind she had seen in commercials on TV, on it was a little picture of a mother Lucario holding her baby, wearing the same type of diaper. All if this confused her, she was in a room she doesn't recognize and she was starting to get a little scared, as she looked around the room, she saw stacks of books on shelves, toys that look like they could keep a pup like her entertained for hours on end. The one toy that caught her attention though, among all the others she spotted this, it was her Lucario plush that her mother had given her. It sat on a dresser just near her bed, she threw off the covers and ran over to it. She quickly snatched so quick off the dresser it looked like someone else was going to grab it and throw it away. Celty stood there tightly hugging her stuffy for a few minutes before she heard the the door knob jiggle a little, and the door open up, her tail started to wag as she turned around to door "Hi mommy." Her excitement was cut short as she saw the female standing in the door way was not her mother. This female was about six years older, she was just as thin, and her hair was a little longer than her mothers, her clothes were also unlike her mothers, she wore a nice buttoned down long sleeve black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, her breasts were the same size as her mothers and she wore designer dark blue jeans Celty gripped her stuffy tighter and took a small step back from her, "who......who are you, where....where's my mommy," she asked, tears starting to stream down from her eyes "I want my mommy."