Fallen Ch Two

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#2 of Fallen

finally some hot sex! Bringing in the first character of Arcadians possible romance? what pleasure will she have in store for him?

The dreams had started out peacefully, I was walking along the beach, the same where I had talked to Elya, and watched the stars dance across the sky. I felt like I was home, but at the same time I wasn't.


I turned around and saw Alexandra behind me, her same black dress flowing in the light breeze.

"Alexandra? Now you enter my dreams as well?"

"No, I brought her here."

Elya materialized next to her and smiled at me, getting a rise out of my apparent confusion. She reached over to Alexandra and brought there faces together, kissing momentarily before casting a sultry glance my way.

"Is this what you want Arcadian?" she whispered, tracing her lips over Alexandra's neck.

I remained motionless and speechless, watching as Elya kissed the nape of Alexandra's neck and traced a free hand across her left breast. Alexandra cooed quietly, and looked back to me with a smile.

"What is it you feel now, Seraphim made mortal?"

"I... I don't know."

Elya looked at me while pulling down the straps of Alexandra's dress, stopping before revealing them to me. With a giggle she traced a finger across her chin, and then began to wave away the flowing silk covering her torso.

"Shall I continue Arcadian?"

My mouth was dry, and the fires of lust were to much for me to control. I meekly nodded my head and found myself reaching down to stroke my shaft beneath the silk.

The two continued kissing, fondling, and careless tickling of each other as Elya began to pull the rest of Alexandra's dress down. A piercing ringing snapped me out of watching, and I opened my eyes to stare at a ceiling. I reached over and grabbed the phone and pressed to my ear.


"dreaming of me and a fallen about to share intercourse is not a good start to a day Arcadian."

"Elya! I am terribly sorry, I couldn't control what..." I began.

"No matter how pleasing it may sound. Good luck on your search!" Elya interjected before hanging up.

I sat with the phone to my ear and tried to shake what she said before looking down to see I had cum on the bed during the lucid dream.

"god damnit."

I stood up and threw my clothes on the bed and went to the bathroom, admiring the very large stand in shower. I walked in and saw no nozzle, just a smooth black pad below the shower head. I reached out and pressed my hand against the smooth surface, and ran my palm against it.

"Good morning guest! I am ENIS External Neural Interface System. My readings show you like your water at a warm 98 degrees and soothing music, shall I begin your shower?"

"Uh... I guess so."

The wall chirped and warm water sprayed from the nozzle and from a series of holes behind me. I yelped because I wasn't expecting it, and ENIS sounded like it was laughing at me. I shot the black plate a glare before washing my hair, and began to listen to the house music that ENIS was playing for me while I bathed.

"What song Is this ENIS?"

The wall chirped and a display lit up the wall, cycling through a digital library.

"That was Right This Second by Deadmau5."

"Deadmau5? What kind of name for a musician is Deadmau5?"

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying off my hair and fur before walking to the bedroom and picking up the phone.


"Yes Arcadian?"

"I don't seem to have any clean clothes here."

Elya laughed and I felt her familiar powers of creation at work in the room.

"I can see that, quite a pleasing sight to see you have been taking care of your physical form."

I looked around suspiciously and grinned widely.

"Enjoying the show?"

"Very, but if you insist on wearing clothes, there are some in the drawer next to the bed now."

I thanked her and hung up, walking to the drawer and pulling out a white zip up hoodie and a pair of weathered jeans. In the jeans back pocket were more wads of cash, and I silently thanked Elya for her kindness. Upon donning my new wardrobe I spotted something shine at me from the bed, and I walked over to see a very nice set of silver and black headphones. Attached to the end of the cable was a brand new Ipod touch, and I quickly scrolled through the music with a childlike wonder.

"I knew you were more of a person who liked House and Electronica." came an all to familiar voice from behind me.

"Alexandra, do you not know the meaning of knock before you enter?"

I turned around and saw her wearing a tight pair of black pants with heels, her green v-neck t-shirt again displaying more of her cleavage than normal. The purple lens glasses covered her golden eyes.

"Nice, it's good to see that Elya still has a sense of taste."

"Indeed. So what brings you to my humble abode?" I inquired, drawing my eyes from her sexy figure.

"I thought I would point you in the right direction, here catch." she laughed while tossing me a pair of keys.

"Nothing fancy, but you can use my car for the day."

I caught the keys and looked at her with a smile.

"Something tells me this isn't an act of sheer kindness."

She shrugged and bit her lower lip as she stared at me.

"Whatever you want to believe Arcadian, although under the circumstances I would give you some advice and call yourself Arc when on this planet."

"Arc..." The name rolled off my tongue and I tried it a few times before nodding at her.

"I like it, Arc it is."

She nodded her head and walked out, glancing at me one more time before exiting the room.

"Damn she's hot." I whispered quietly.

I took the elevator down to the main lobby and walked past the zebra clerk, who took a double take at my clothes. I exited and hit the button on the key set, and heard a echo in the background, I turned to my left and smiled at the 2010 Mustang GT sitting next to me.

"People are going to get suspicious."

I hopped in and started the engine, feeling the roar of the power at my fingertips.

"I don't even know how to drive this."

I whipped my head back as a sudden flux of knowledge hit me like a rock, pelting my consciousness with various stunt driving and defensive driving techniques.

"Now that's more like it."

I plugged the Ipod into the stereo and picked out a fitting song as I drove away. The roads were cluttered and I was soon pushed shoulder to shoulder with other vehicles. How mortals moved anywhere was beyond me, this was beyond insane. I soon found myself in the shopping district, and parked my car near an auto mechanic shop.

I stepped out of the car and heard a loud screeching sound come from the open door of the shop, and then a loud curse and a scream. I rushed forward, slamming the door open only to see a car suspended on hydraulics, had fallen and pinned a mechanics leg to the floor.

"Fucking Elya on high, Fuck!" the mechanic screamed.

I ran over and held the car beneath my hands, and saw the mechanic up close. She was a slender but muscular Sergal, brown fur with a white stripe that went from her neck down her open coat, which was pulled back to leave her shoulders bare. She wore suspenders beneath the coat, covered in grease and oil.

Her wild red eyes pierced mine, showing me her fear, her anger, and something else.

"what the fuck are you doing? You cant lift a car! Call a fucking ambulance!" She continued to rant as I tapped into my seraphim powers.

I felt the metal react under my grip, and I lifted the car enough for her to pull her leg out. I let the car down with a gasp, the use of the power putting a visible strain on my body. The car fell with a satisfying crunch, leaving her laying on the ground panting and casting a suspicious glare my way. I walked up to and extended a hand, and watched as she latched on to my wrist, pulled herself up, and then pushed me back against a wall. Her hands pushed against my chest as she looked me over, panting and sweating.

"Is your leg ok?"

"It's fine." she growled. I had a feeling something was going on with her that was making her so much faster and stronger.

"How did you do that?" She whispered, eyes narrowing.

"I don't know." I was a Seraphim, and innately terrible at lying.

"don't fucking give me that!" She yelled, pushing me harder against the concrete wall.

"Didn't you see the damn sign, we ARE CLOSED! That means don't come in at all."

I was starting to get a little pissed.

"I just saved you!" and this is how I'm to be treated!?"

She stopped, and her eyes softened a little before she eased her grip on my hoodie.

"Yes... you did save me. I'm sorry, but you should leave...NOW."

I felt her ease on her grip even more, and I placed my hands on her shoulder with the intention of calming her down. As soon as my hands made contact to her bare shoulders, she snapped her eyes onto mine, and with a hungry growl planted her lips on mine, invading my mouth with her tongue. Her warm, wet tongue slid across mine as her hands held me against the wall, and I suddenly found my hands migrating to her hips and pulling her close. I fell forward as her arms wrapped around my neck.

'I have to go lock the door, stay right here." She whispered with authority, leaving me standing against the wall dazed and confused.

My phone chirped and I picked it up, whispering to the speaker.

"What the hell is going on Elya?"

"She is in heat, its what happens when a woman is ready to mate, and you just happened to have caught her attention."

My eyes went wide as I saw the Sergal mechanic pick up a large crowbar and jam it beneath the door, sealing off any hope of escape.

"What the hell do I do?"

Elya remained silent for a bit and then whispered as if ashamed.

"Well I made them like that so they could have equal strength over men during certain periods, I would say you better satisfy her, or she'll rip your arms off and beat you with them." with that she hung up, and the Sergal looked back to me with a fanged grin.

"Uh... I don't think we should be doing this, I don't even know your name." I cautiously insisted, backing against the wall as she licked her lips.

She lunged forward and caught me by my shoulders once again. The look in her eye was creating a mixture of fear and lust within me, and her panting didn't cease as she eyeballed my chest.

"didn't you read the sign? It say Mich's repair shop."

I chuckled lighty.

"Your name is Mich?"

She growled and grabbed the opening of my hoodie, tearing it off and throwing it across the room.

"Michelle, my full name is Michelle. What's yours prey?"

I didn't like the way she said prey...

"Arcadian. But I go by Arc."

She smiled and ran her hands over the fabric of my t-shirt. The feeling caused me to shiver with ecstasy.

"Arc? There we know each other now." She hastily stated while kissing my neck and moving back to my mouth.

Her hands were soft, as were her hips, which seemed to magnetically attract my hands. We continued to kiss, our tongues entwining and drool dripping onto my chest from the exchange. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her perky breasts, and she guided them so they kneaded beneath the denim of her pullovers. She smiled and moaned into our kiss as I touched them. But I found myself quickly pulling them away.

She stopped kissing me and gave me an angry glare.

"you suck at playing with my tits, you'd think you were a virgin!" she shot.

I felt my cheeks grow hot and I looked away from her, hearing a gasp escape her lips.

"Are you a virgin?" softly, losing part of her edge.

"Well. Yeah I am." I said half ashamedly.

I looked back at her to see her red eyes glowing, actually glowing.

"Are you serious, what were you raised in a monastery or something?"

I remained quiet and didn't look at her. I was offended that she treated this like a joke, so much for a good first day. I heard her sigh and looked over to see her shaking her head, moving her long hair out of her face. When she looked back at me she smiled sweetly, something I hadn't expected.

"I guess I can restrain myself and let you...explore a woman's body." she whispered, unclasping the overalls and letting them slip off around her hips.

Her breasts were smaller then Elya's and Alexandra's, but much more perky than them as well. Her nipples were hard and poking out half an inch, the black nipple partly covered by her brown fur. She pinched one and pulled upward, gasping and closing her eyes tightly.

"these are the most sensitive part, you play with these girls and women will be putty in your hands." I nodded my head as she massaged the globes of fur and flesh, her mouth falling open with more gasps and moans.

"Awfully quiet, don't you have anything to say?"

I kneaded my hands together, uncertain as how to act.

"Can I.. can I touch them?"

She didn't even reply as she moved my hands over them, and I found myself rotating the palms over her nipples with a smooth, steady motion. Her face showed she was enjoying my touch, and I felt her tenseness slowly subsiding.

"Better, now play with the nipples." She hissed.

I took one between my thumb and forefinger and pinched lightly, and her entire back went rigid as she cried out joyously.

"Oh Elya! Yes, now lick em!" she commanded.

I didn't need to be told twice and leaned in to lick one with a flirtatious flick, then set to suckle at one while pinching the other.

"Fuck yes..."

Even with the course language, I soon found myself thinking this feisty Sergal was incredibly sexy. She grabbed the back of my head and clawed at my scalp, almost pushing into me so more of her tit was in my mouth. Finally she had had enough and pushed me back against the wall, a sly look in her eye.

"do you have an extra pair of clothes?" She asked with a wicked grin.

"Uh. No."

She showed me her claws and tore my shirt off, shredding it in the process.

"Whoops." she laughed sarcastically. She pressed her breasts against my chest and moved up and down, her soft breasts sending trails of ecstasy across my body.

"you like that?" she asked.

"Yes." I managed to whimper, my jeans getting too tight.

"Good. Because I am going to fuck the living shit out of you so hard that Elya will wish she was me!"

I whimpered mostly out of anticipation and partly in fear. She stepped back and admired her handy work on my shirt, and snapped her fingers as if she had a sudden idea.

"lay on the car."

I looked at the muscle car she was working on and pointed to myself.

"Yes you, get on the fucking car." she commanded while stomping her foot.

I ran over and laid on the hood, my head resting just short of the windshield. She smiled and got on all fours, crawling up the hood like a spider until her face met mine.

"so how hard is your cock right now?"

"what?" I squeaked.

"Well I'll just find out." she laughed, lowering her hips onto my crotch and rubbing back and forth. The friction and the heat was causing my orgasm to slowly build up, and I grabbed her hips and urged her to slow down.

"What? Am I getting you excited boy?"

"Yes you are." I mustered up the energy to say.

She growled and sat up, pulling down her overalls lower. She stopped short of her pelvis and began to pull at my pants, suddenly going slower like savoring the moment.

"I felt you with you pants on, so I wonder how big you really are?"

She pulled my pants and boxers off with one movement, and stopped with her hand covering her mouth.

"Oh Elya's tits..." she gasped.

I looked down and saw my cock poised at attention, and looked back to her with worried thoughts.

"What's wrong?"

She looked back to me and then my cock before bursting out laughing. I felt ashamed, used. I pulled myself up and was again brutally pushed back onto the hood of the car.

"what's wrong? that's the biggest hunk of cock I've seen in a long time, you aint going nowhere until you shove that shaft up my burning pussy." with that she jumped off the car and tore her overalls off, crawling back up the car and grabbing my cock with her left hand while separating her dripping lips with the other.

"any last words Arcadian?" she growled, her lips just an inch above the tip of my shaft.

Power suddenly filled my body, and I grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her down, pushing more than half my cock inside her. The wet, tight canal of her pussy drew me near a climax just from touching, and she rolled her head back with a long, sensual moan. She rotated her hips as I raised my hips off the car, pushing deeper with each thrust.

"That's it! Pound me harder Arc!" she cried, claws digging into the fur on my chest.

Her wetness pooled around my cock as she dripped, her heat creating a intense pleasure I never knew existed. I reached up and pinched her nipples, toying with them as she increased the speed of her thrusts. With the added ecstacy of playing with her tits, she looked down with the glow of her pleasure emanating from her body.

"Oh Elya, that.. That is sooo good." I gasped.

"Harder Arc, faster!"

I obliged and pushed in deeper, her hips were now making contact with mine. I suddenly knew I wasn't hitting her G-spot, and with a growl I pulled out, her juices splashing off my cock onto her chest.

"what the fuck!?" she cried before I rolled and stood, moving behind her with great speed. I reached around and grabbed a breast as I slid my cock back in, and she immediately fell to bend over the car.

"Are...you sure you're a virgin?" she cried out, gasping from the sudden change in position.

She gripped the sides of the car as I felt her body quiver and then tense up, her pussy creating a tightening hold around my cock. She screamed and whipped her head back as she came over my cock, and I quickly pulled out and sprayed thick ropes of cum onto the car. She looked at me with half closed eyes before turning around and standing, locking her lips on mine in a slower, more sensual kiss.

"That was...heavenly. Never have I been so relieved during my heat..." She paused and blushed.

"I'm sorry if I drug you into this, I'm not normally this angry."

I looked down at her and grabbed her chin, locking lips and rubbing her chin.

"It's alright, I think that was an excellent first time Michelle."

She laughed and slapped me on the ass, grabbing a coat from a hook and jotting something down on a service order before tossing the coat to me.

"Sorry about your clothes."

"don't be, I'll get more." I laughed while pulling my pants back on. I watched as she walked over to the door and unjammed it, tossing the crowbar aside and walking back to me.

"My numbers in the coat, call me." she said through a kiss. She then looked at me pleadingly and bit her lower lip.


I smiled and kissed her again.

"Well I'd like to get to know you too, I'll be in touch, promise."

I walked out the door to my car and watched her wave from the window, and drove back to the apartment. I had left early in the afternoon and realized our sex had lasted 4 hours. I was too tired to do anything else.

As I walked to my room my phone rang, and I sluggishly hit the call key and answered it.


She laughed and then sighed.

"First time was good then?"

I paused and remembered what Alexandra had asked me.

"Is that why she cast her halo down?"

The line was quiet and then I heard a sigh

"Yes, that and love made her cast down immortality. Should you choose the same, all your power, the money, the clothes, will all be gone. Explore the possibilities a bit more and we will see."

I hung up and flopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling and my thoughts jumping from Michelle to Elya.


Fallen Ch. One

Fallen Chapter one "What a fucking fantastic start to a day." I groaned as I felt the first of many raindrops hit my muzzle. When I got the assignment to come down to earth, I didn't expect to be dropped off in the middle of a storm. The sky rumbled...

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the Tale of Eric Ch. 2 ~Old flames never die~

The tale of Eric Chapter 2. ~Old Flames never Die~ Las Lindas is trademark of chalos, and all characters belong to him. Eric belongs to me. The walk to a nearby diner was a silent exchange between Eric and Tiggs, both engrossed in thought....

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The Tale of Eric: ~Acceptance~

Lately I have been fascinated with a web comic known as the Las Lindas series. Not because of the enormous, gravity defying breasts, \*cough, cough\* but because the story has PLENTY of wiggle room for fanfics. This story is set in the Las Lindas...

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