A Dragon's Forbidden Love Pt2

Story by DaKilla on SoFurry

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A generation of war has split a world once bound in peace, into 2 sides... Humans vs Dragons.

Both sides had fought fiercely for dominance over the evolving world, both had spilt countless gallons of blood for the cause, and lost countless lives in the process as well. All hope is not lost, for the younger, newer generation, is growing weary of the older generation's war, and finding love and peace among each other. The world is starting to mend.

This is the story of a male dragon, and his lovers, twin female humans, bound together by love, comsumed within each other by lust.

It had now been 6 months since Alexandria had followed her sister to her secret clearing in the woods, and watched her make love to a large dragon named Kraten. Alex had gone back up to the same clearing the next night, and found herself falling in love instantly with the gentle dragon. During the time that both twin sisters Alexandria and Adrianna had shared a lover, much had gone on in the world around them that they were almost entirely oblivious to. Alex had still not found a job, and Adrianna still had not found a suitable college that did not preach the evils of the race she loved dearly, and both had found each other. It had now become a love-triangle, all 3 participants in love with one another, the sisters sharing in devouring Kraten's seed every night from each other's bodies after being filled one after another by the dragon. Loving their own wickedness, they did not much for their lives, but almost devote it to loving one another and Kraten. The end of the war was coming, and they would either soon be torn apart or brought closer together.

Alex went about her daily house chores, bumping into her sister only once when she went to make their bed. She still found it quite exciting to know that she was sharing a bed with her sister, not just physically, but intimately as well. The thoughts spurred more thoughts in her head, dirty thoughts, incestious thoughts. Their parents had never questioned their twin daughters sharing a bed, thinking little of it other than sisterly love and caring. Alex continued her housecleaning avoiding pouncing upon her sister and making love to her then and there on the floor as she had done many times before. Her thoughts turned back to cleaning now, she went about the house.

Adrianna had just come out of the private bathroom connected to their bedroom when she saw her sister, smiling softly a sweet smile, hiding back urges and desires, knowing she would be able to indulge them later with her beautiful sister, continuing into the living room to sit down and watch TV. Flipping through the channels quietly, she came across a war movie. She watched as she realized it was about the dragon/human war that was currently waging. She chuckled as she saw a large dragon make short work with a breath of fire upon a troop of infantry, finding it funny that the government still chose to put anti-dragon propaganda out, and make the dragons out worse than they were, or as far as she knew. She spotted her sister coming into the living room after finishing her cleaning the house, feeling her plop down on the couch next to her, a familiar hand taking hers, turning to look at her sister and explain the movie, being greeted with a lovely sensual kiss, giving it back to her sister as they embraced each other in their arms.

Meanwhile, Kraten was in his own dwelling, though not of the human's standard of "elegance", he found it to be quite tasteful. Solid rocks made up the walls, filled inbetween with concrete, a human invention, still used today to make new buildings in both lands. Smiling as he pictured the sweet twins with which he'd shared himself many times, loving them so. His thinking suddenly led to an upspringing of his malehood, looking down and chuckling, "Oh how Adrianna would love to suck on this...", taking hold of his cock, stroking it quietly by himself, imagining the sweet sisters both pleasuring him at the same time. Continuing to stroke, feeling himself near his edge, picturing more thoughts in his head of the sisters, suddenly shooting his huge load halfway across the room onto the floor, hearing it splatter on the flattened rock floor, sighing softly as his cock slowly starts to wilt, feeling the great relief in loins. Getting up quietly to get a mop to clean his mess.

While cleaning the mess, he thought of how wonderful it would be to have the twins live with him but knowing it cannot be until the war was either over or the dragons had won and he had claimed them as his own slaves. He knew they wouldn't mind that in public, because he knew they would know they had freedom in his house. Smiling to himself quietly, finishing his cleaning, deciding to pay the girls a visit, something he had never done before. He agreed to himself that he would and he would do it now. He left his house, locking the door behind him with his nail. Taking flight quickly, rising high in the air with other dragons, making a low pass through some taller buildings heading towards human lands, keeping out of sight as best as he can, coming up to the mountain that seperates him from his loves, taking high to the air again above the clouds, staying above for a few moments, peeking his head down and out for a second, seeing he hasn't cleared the mountains just yet, picking up even more speed. Poking his head out again, seeing he has cleared the mountain now, diving down and out of the clouds to skim the trees, to stay unnoticed, following a thin foot-beaten path from the clearing, seeing it lead directly to a house at the foot of the mountains a mile or 2 ahead, slowing himself down as he comes upon the house to not kick up dust, landing roughly into a run, making loud thunderous steps, slowing down to a halt behind the house. Leaning down and looking in through the back window seeing thought the kitchen into the livingroom, his cock becoming hard a second time in less than 15 minutes, watching the sisters roll around on the couch, seeing each one's heads buried in the other's crotch, knowing full well what they're up to, keeping quiet, watching intently.

Alex and Adrianna full at it, licking each other like there's no tomorrow, their bodies a heap of sweaty, moaning, writhing flesh as each one brings the other to orgasm, both screaming out their love for one another, as they collapse. Not hearing the heavy foot steps before, they suddenly hear a splattering thud against the back of the house, quickly jumping up and hiding, getting on bathrobes, going to the back door to investigate the noise, seeing Kraten standing in their back yard, his cock still hard and in his hand, a large white mess on the back of the house. Kraten takes his chance to speak up now, "I'm sorry... you 2 were having such a fun time... I couldn't help myself.", the girls cried out together as one, "KRATEN!"

Suddenly Kraten had 2 fine young human women clinging to him stroking his cock for him, Adrianna speaking up, "That looks like the same amount if not more than you give me...", she said, taking a soft lick on the tip of his cock, cleaning out any cum left in the little slit, putting the tip into her mouth quickly, trying to devour him again although they both know she can't. Alex watching her sister gagging on Kraten's cock, giggling and looking up to him, "What are you doing here at our house? You could have been seen and killed..." Kraten moans softly at Adrianna's mouth and tongue, looking down at Alex, "I had to come see you 2. Ohh fuck... How could I miss this little devil sucking on my, oh shit, cock?" Alex looked up at him a little disheartened, "And what? You don't miss my tight little asshole?" Kraten's cock perks again, lifting Adrianna a bit before letting her feet set back down on the ground, Alex seeing this and giggling. Adrianna's eyes close softly, feeling Kraten's cock straining now, knowing he'll be cumming soon, her mouth suddenly filled with dragon's cream and lots of it, much sooner than she anticipated, a lot of it squirting out around her lips as she quickly swallows, then holding her throat open for him to pump it straight into her stomach. Feeling him finish she lets off and licks all that had squirted back out onto his malehood, swallowing it quickly.

Alex looks up to Kraten, "Ready for me?"

"Doesn't look like you're ready for me though."

Alex smiles and undoes the bathrobe, showing she's nude underneath, grinning up at him, moving around in front, kissing his tip gently, turning around, lifting the robe over her smooth ass, holding her hands on the tops of her knees, awaiting the dragon to take her. Kraten not missing a beat, pressing his wet tip against her asshole, pushing in a little roughly to get himself started into her body. Alex cries out, "OH FUUCK," as Kraten's cockhead pushes her open. Kraten grins, suddenly shoving himself deep into Alex's body, sheathing his cock in her entirely, Alex crying out again, "OH FUCK, KRATEN. YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! THAT HURTS AND YOU KNOW IT!" Kraten grins, "I know it does, but it feels wonderful," slowly starting to stroke his cock in and our of Alex's asshole. Alex moans loudly, feeling Kraten take it easy on her now, feeling his cock slide in and out of her, feeling it deep in her belly.

Adrianna is still somewhat amazed at this sight even though she's witnessed it before, happily coming over to her sister, lifting up her robe, offering her pussy to Alex willingly, Alex instantly turning her head to start lapping upon her sister's pussy a few times, turning her head back, moaning loudly as Kraten starts to pick up pace, filling her body with his cock faster now. Panting heavily now, Alex's body starts to convulse as she has an orgasm, her asshole becoming tighter on the dragon, Kraten crying out loudly as her body clenches tight, suddenly his cock filling her body with it's sperm. Alex crying out as she feels his cum deep inside her body, filling her up quickly feeling herself bloat a little with his load, collapsing face first to the ground, Kraten's cock slipping out of her asshole as she falls. Kraten looks down at his little human lover, smiling seeing her panting heavily as her eyes stay closed, her asshole starting to ooze some of his seed, taking initiative and putting his finger in to plug it shut so she retains all his gift to her. Feeling her asshole start to clench it, and tightly, he removes it with a small wet popping sound, seeing her asshole return to a tiny pucker. Helping her up and brushing her face off where the grass had gotten her. Kissing her gently, then kissing Adrianna gently as well.

"Girls," Kraten spoke again, "The war is ending soon, we will come out of the closet and put an end to it, we will unite the peoples of both lands together..." Alex and Adrianna both look at Kraten quietly, wondering what the hell he's talking about. Alex speaking up first, "If we came out of the closet, you'd be murdered and we'd be executed." Kraten smiled at this comment, "They won't kill the King of the dragon lands." Alex and Adrianna both looked at each other and then Kraten, speaking again as one, "King?" Kraten nods, "As in leader of all dragons... Didn't you notice that when we started seeing each other, the dragon assaults on human lands had stopped? All I knew was the humans wanted our lands for themselves. I never knew of humans that liked dragons, let alone would love one. I want to end this war, so that we may be together, without question, without bloodshed. I will take you both to live in my castle. We will partake in whatever it is you so desire."

Alex and Adrianna stood there, stunned and astonished. "You mean it? You're the King, you want to end the war, you want us to live with you?" Adrianna spoke quickly. Kraten smiled and replied, "Yes to all of those my love... Come, get dressed, I am going to leave to see the President, and I wish you 2 to be my guests." Alex and Adrianna perked up and rushed back in the house to get dressed, Kraten smiling softly as he watches his loves, knowing things are going to change for both his kind and theirs, for him, and for them.


This is a followup to "A Dragon's Forbidden Love" and is posted in response to the e-mails I've received so far... I hope this is up to par with what people were expecting and what people were hoping for. I hope it was also a bit better than the first one. Same as last time, e-mail me with comments: dakilla2k1 (at) yahoo.com - Use subject "Dragon Story Ending" so I know to read it and which one you're talking about. Thanks.