CSYA Ch9: Just a Job?

Story by Dalkorrd Malvolio on SoFurry

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#2 of CSYA

Cyan team had had many successful missions after their first one. They were even privileged with the job of being strong arms for one of Vlad's loan sharks, who turned out to really be a shark, named Nero. They had already broken some poor souls' legs because of their new positions.

Today, they were going to beat up on a guy who had borrowed $6,500, and had missed the last three payments on his loan. There was no real glory in their line of work, but they did not care. They only cared for their paychecks and that their lives would not be forfeit to the cops.

They all sat in a white van that only had the front windows, the only thing that let it back up was a rear-view camera that displayed what was behind them. They were parked outside their target's place of work: the local grocery store, and checking over the files on Zane's computer. Their target was a lion, a twenty-seven year old who was terrible with money, lived alone in an apartment, and slightly wimpy when given a show of force.

The three of them waited for hours until the store closed, and the workers left for the night.

"There's our mark," Emma said as the lion walked towards his car, a red VW Beetle.

When the lion's car started to move, they followed at a distance, they did not want their target to get spooked. They followed him to a run down part of town, and drove by as he pulled into the garage under his apartment. They went down the street, then turned the corner to park out of sight.

Once they were parked they got out of the van and walked casually toward the lion's apartment. Thrax lead the way and pressed the buzzer to announce their presence.

"Yes? Who is it?" the lion's voice was slightly higher than they had expected.

"Is this Rin Jannisine?" Thrax asked.

"This is him," the lion replied.

"We need to talk."

"What about? Who is this?"

"Let's just say, you buzz this door open, or I'll have to break it down."

They heard a buzz as the electronic door clicked open. The three of them went inside of the main hall of the building and walked upstairs to their mark's room. The door was cracked open, so they let themselves in.

Rin was nervously sitting on his raggedy old couch in the apartment's main room. Zane, who was the last one in, shut and locked the door. Thrax strode over to him, which made him shrink back into the couch a little.

Towering over the cowardly lion Thrax spoke, "now Rin. Where's the money you owe Nero?"

"I-I d-don't ha- ha-" Rin could not bring himself to say it aloud.

"You don't have it?" Thrax finished for him.

Rin nodded slowly, dejectedly. Zane tisked at him.

"You know what happens when you don't have the money right?" Emma asked mockingly sweet.

Rin pulled his knees up to his chest and held them there, he was close to tears. "I tried to get the money, I really tried. I just couldn't. Please don't break my legs. Please! Just give me another month and I'll have the money then OK?"

"Sorry Rin," Thrax said, "We've got to teach you a lesson."

"Please! I'll do anything! Just don't break my bones! I need them so I can work to get the money!"

Zane smirked, "hey Thrax, he did say 'anything' didn't he?"

Thrax smirked. "You want to or shall I?"

"Go ahead, I've got plans with Emma tonight."

Emma slapped him lightly. "Don't go telling Thrax such things, he hasn't gotten any since Kissya."

"It's fine," Thrax waved them off. To Rin he said, "follow me lion, you have to learn a lesson. But I promise not to break any of your bones."

Thrax went into Rin's bedroom and waited for the lion to catch up. When he did, Thrax closed the door.

"Stand near the bed," Thrax demanded, and Rin obeyed quickly.

"Strip down, you won't need any clothes for this."

Rin followed Thrax's commands quickly. He got out of his work clothes as fast as he could, almost tearing his polo shirt off. It took him about a minute to get completely nude, his hands instinctively tried to cover up his privates. Rin was surprisingly fit for his lot in life. He had a slight six-pack, softened by a miniscule amount of fat. His mane had obviously seen better days, and seemed as if it would not take too much work to clean up. His eyes were a pale blue

"Just relax, it'll be over before you know it," Thrax said as he unzipped his black jeans, revealing white panties. Thrax took all his clothing off even faster than Rin had, too fast for the lion's embarrassment to linger.

Rin's hands fell to his sides as he saw Thrax's six inches of purple malehood fully emerged from his genital slit, his own member slowly growing; unbeknownst to him. Thrax noticed though, and smirked.

"Is that a sausage or are you just happy to see me?" Thrax joked.

Rin blushed and was about to cover himself again when Thrax grabbed his wrists and pulled them above the lion's head and pushed him onto the bed, purposefully falling on top of him. Once they were laying on the bed Thrax lifted Rin's legs onto his shoulders and positioned his cock at the lion's tailhole.

"You might actually end up enjoying this. If so, then I'll just have to think up something else," Thrax whispered.

"I rather doubt that I'll enjoy it," Rin replied, tensing his anal muscles to try to keep Thrax's cock out.

"You got hard looking at my cock. And unless you want nothing but searing pain, I would suggest to relax those muscles down there, resisting makes it worse."

Rin stopped clenching his anal muscles, but he did not relax. He still struggled as Thrax pushed the first unlubed inch into the lion's virgin tailhole. Rin roared in pain as Thrax forced himself into the lion.

Rin felt like he was being split open as Thrax slowly pressed into him, pausing to let Rin's tailhole to stretch around the purple dragon-meat. Thrax smirked down at the lion beneath him, his wings extended and folded to embrace him slightly. He eventually hilted into his new toy. When he pulled out slowly, Rin yowled from the feeling of Thrax's cock ridges pulling out of his ass.

Thrax started to pick up the pace. He sped up, but only enough to keep Rin partially comfortable. Eventually, Rin's face stopped grimacing and even started to show a little enjoyment, up until Thrax began to go to town on his tailhole. Ass the lion's ass was pounded, he gave off silent roars of pain, mixed with pleasure.

Thrax came, his seed filling Rin's bowels. Thrax pulled out, some of his jizz began to leak out of the abused hole.

"Hey Emma," Thrax called. "Get the 'Kit.'"

"Alright," Emma called back.

"What's the kit?" Rin asked.

"You'll see," Thrax said. "Well, while we wait, it's only right to get you off."

Rin stared at the silver-and-copper dragon, who just smiled warmly and brought his face to the lion's crotch. He opened his mouth and licked his cock from the base to the tip. Thrax slowly pleasured the lion's cock, who moaned and squirmed in ecstasy.

Thrax took the feline member into his mouth, he gently sucked on it and ran his tongue on the underside. He began to bob his head along the length, deepthroating every time he went down, and licking the spines and the tip when he pulled nearly up. Rin began to slowly hump into Thrax's maw, who stopped bobbing and just held his head in place, letting the lion face-fuck him. It only took about a minute for Rin to unload his seed into Thrax's mouth, who greedily drank it down, not wasting a single drop.

Once Rin's orgasm was over, Thrax got off of the lion and crawled up to lay down next to him.

"Told you you might enjoy it," Thrax said, "and I saw that you liked being pounded."

Rin blushed. "I didn't like it one bit."

"We both know that's a lie," Thrax rubbed Rin's nipple.

There was a knock on the door, then it opened.

"Kit's here," Emma announced as a fox walked into the room.

The fox was in his mid-thirties, but due to a genetic disease, he looked like he was twelve years old. He wore a lab coat and carried a shiny metal briefcase. Because of his looks, he was known as 'the Kit' in the mob.

"Hello Kit," Thrax said standing up, Rin was about to as well but Thrax pushed him back down.

"Hello Thrax, what's your request?" the Kit asked.

Thrax whispered into the Kit's ear, and the fox smirked.

"That all? Well, this'll be an easy operation to do." The Kit put his briefcase on the dresser and opened it to reveal surgical equipment.

"What's this?" Rin asked from the bed. "You're just a cub, how do you have all those?"

"Thank you for reminding me about my genetic disorder," the Kit said. "If it weren't for that, I'd be one of the leading surgeons in the country. But I must admit, black market surgery is very profitable."

"S-surgery?" Rin stammered.

"Let's give him the pills now, before he gets panicky," the Kit said as he put on a pair of surgical gloves.

Thrax grabbed Rin's arms and the Kit force-fed the lion two pills. It took a few minutes, but Rin's limbs grew slack, and his cock grew rock hard. Kit flicked at Rin's ballsack, and Rin's eyes grew wide when he could not feel anything.

"This will be a rather quick operation," the Kit said pulling out a scalpel, and putting on a pair of glasses that had multiple microscopes on wheels so he could adjust the magnification. "You may want to blindfold him though."

Thrax took Rin's discarded shirt, and used it to create a make-shift blindfold. The Kit grabbed Rin's sheath and peeled it back as far as he could, then sliced the sheath slightly so he could see the very base of the lion's cock. He then pulled the cock outward and sliced where it met Rin's groin, completely severing the member in one go. He then cut the glans, and spines, from the severed length, putting th main portion into a bio-hazard bag. Once he had the tip separate, he increased the magnification of his glasses and grabbed a nearly microscopic needle and thread. The Kit began to sew the nerves of the tip, to the nerves at the base of where Rin's malehood used to be. Once he was satisfied that the nerves were correctly reattached, he began to sew the rest of the tip onto the base. Once that was done, he sewed up the incision he had made in the lion's sheath.

"All done, let me just clean him up, and put a chastity belt on him," the Kit said as he pulled out a packet of sterilizing cloth and a bottle of decontaminate. The fox cleaned up all of his handiwork as thoroughly as possible, then put a chastity belt that covered Rin's sheath. "He can not have any form of sexual contact in that area for the next month, I will check on him once a week to make sure that it's all well and good."

"Thanks Kit," Thrax said as the Kit took off his gloves and threw them into the same bio-hazard bag as the severed length of the lion's cock.

"I'll send you the bill Thrax, it's good that you did not ask for an approved sex change, or we'd have been here longer, and you'd have more to pay."

"How much is it by the way?" Thrax asked.

"It'll be on the bill when you get it, and if you can't afford it, then you're doing something wrong in your financial area."

The Kit left then, leaving some pills to help Rin recover more easily from the surgery.

Thrax undid the blindfold then. The drug that kept Rin sedated was still working, but he noticed that his deflated sheath was locked in a cage, as well as his balls.

"I told him to leave your balls, so when you can have sex again, you can cum properly," Thrax said. "I think you've learned your lesson about not paying up when Nero tells you to. I'll be back in two months to collect the money then. If you don't have it by then, well, I guess we'll see what your punishment will be then."

Thrax left the room, with Rin staring after him in awe and fear.

Emma and Zane were watching tv on Zane's laptop when he walked into the apartment's common room.

"Let's get going, we need to tell Nero that Rin's got the message," Thrax said.

"Aww, but I wanna see what you had the Kit do to him," Zane said.

"You can see when we come back here to collect the money in two months. For now, he needs to rest, and adjust." Thrax said.

"Alright, I call driving," Zane said as the three of them headed out of the apartment.