A Vulpix's Desires 10

Story by 2vdog on SoFurry

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#10 of A Vulpix's Desires

Hello, I'm here with another installment of A Vulpix's Desires! This story contains adult content, so if you are under the legal age I recommend that you don't read any farther. I'm warning you now, some of the stuff that happens in this chapter is creepy as hell, (or maybe it just seemed like it because I did this late at night) namely the stuff that happens in Brandon's mind. It actually was so freaky to me that I labeled the entire portion so if you don't enjoy creepy stuff you can skip it without missing too much plot wise. Now, without further a due... A Vulpix's desires 10!

Brandon's mind was slipping more and more by the day, his hallucinations also becoming more intense as well. The one Vulpix that used to invade his reality quickly became two, which quickly became ten, and so forth. Brandon even insisted there was an exact replica of the pet Vulpix he once had by his side every day, sometimes sitting for hours in his chair eyes wide and just stroking it's imaginary fur. Suffice it to say, Brandon was certifiably insane and his remaining Pokemon were more than slightly concerned.

Mew, Plusle and Minun met up in the front yard, unfortunately Poochyena had disappeared as well, presumably driven off by Brandon's newfound mental health. Mew was the first to speak, being the one whom called the meeting to order. "Okay, I think we can all agree that Brandon's off his rocker. Right?" The twins looked at each other before nodding in agreement, listening avidly to whatever solution Mew hopefully had. "So I think we can all agree that we need to teach Brandon that Vulpix isn't the world to him anymore, right?" The twins nodded again, this time Minun spoke up though. "So if Brandon's been imagining that he's... Doing Vulpix, does that mean you want us to..." Mew smiled. That wasn't exactly her plan, but she did love her thought process.

Mew decided she might as well act like that was her idea too, it couldn't really hurt anyone. Besides, when has a traditional intervention ever really helped someone. "Exactly" Mew said with a smile. Plusle and Minun shifted awkwardly, seeming to like and dislike the idea at the same time. "Are you sure that'll work?" Plusle asked, not sure if she really wanted to mate with the insane Brandon as much as she did the normal Brandon. The gears in Mew's head were grinding as she tried to think of a way to bring out the old Brandon for a while, just long enough to convince him to stay out. Finally an idea came to mind. "Well I'm no master of playing around with people's brains, but maybe I can bring him to a normal state long enough for you two to fix him up." The mood was still uncomfortable, but the two did seem to be more okay with the idea that before. in the end the two agreed to at least try, setting up an elaborate plan to make everything work.

Insanity begins

Brandon was busy in his room, mounting one of the fifty imaginary Vulpixes while the three concerned and very real Pokemon watched with pity. Mew gave the two one last once over of their plan before getting to work. "Okay, so I'm going to try to enter his subconscious mind, but I'm warning you the mind's a twisted place when it's not broken. If I manage to figure out what what I can do to bring out regular Brandon. Once he seems to be back to normal, you two get to work on convincing him their are better thing in life than Vulpix." The two nodded in agreement before they hid behind Brandon's door, letting Mew do whatever she would be doing as they watched their trainer who was still humping the air.

Mew's eyes glowed a bright neon pink as she brought her mind and body into a state of limbo, somehow knowing the procedure by instinct. Plusle and Minun could have swore they saw a pink dot on Brandon's forehead before he went back to his normal process and the dot disappeared. Mew found some sort of projection of herself inside what she could only assume was Brandon's crumbling mind. Strangely enough, it was just a straight hallway. Mew wasted no time flying down the hallway, zooming by the same scenery again and again as she began to realise why her trainer was insane.

Mew could feel her powers draining, it didn't take long before she lacked to energy to levitate and was forced to gently drop herself on the floor. Mew tried to lift her foot but it seemed to be stuck to the floor as if it was coated in glue. Suddenly the floor changed, becoming pure white as Mew started sinking into the new floor. Was this... What the hell? Mew began struggling to rise as she realised she was sinking onto a stream of semen. How in the world could her trainer's mind be so messed up!?!? Mew finally felt her foot hit a solid floor after her entire waist down was enveloped in the thick seed. Becoming more disturbed by the moment, Mew began wading through the white and viscous liquid as she started to realise just how deeply her trainer was disturbed himself.

Mew must have struggled through the thick seed for hours in her mind, although it must have been only minutes in reality. Finally she reached some sort of change in scenery, a fountain spewing the thick white seed all over the place and into the shallow pond it sat in. Mew stopped by the fountain to rest, the "Water" only reaching her ankles in this place. Strangely enough the pond was a dead end, sitting alone in a marble encasement. Mew closed her eyes, she was exhausted from her forward struggle. Mew felt as though she needed sleep, her energy was gone, it couldn't hurt to rest a little while... Mew's eyes snapped back open to the sound of glass shattering, the old scenery gone and replaced with Brandon's old bedroom.

It looked as lovely as Mew remembered it, the fresh sunlight shining through the window and Brandon still lying asleep on his bed. Mew realised that she was sitting on the same windowsill she used to as well, Vulpix curled up in a ball at the foot of Brandon's bed. Suddenly Vulpix whipped her head up, her eyes were black as night and her expression looked dead. Mew felt herself being pulled towards the terrifying Vulpix, it's eyes seeming bottomless as they stared into her soul. Mew dropped to the ground with a painful grunt as the Vulpix watched her get up. Mew's energy was pitiful to say the least, and it took great effort simply to pull her body off the floor. Once she did she looked up to see Vulpix lunge at her, her jaw agape and her teeth stained red already.

Mew was saved by the familiar, but eerie sound of glass shattering. This time she found herself in a lake up to her knees, but the lake wasn't filled with water. Mew looked down and almost fainted as she realised she was standing an a pool of blood, how the hell could anyone's mind be so god damn screwed up! Mew turned around slowly at the sound of water splashing, regretting it almost immediately. The Vulpix was standing there, it's eyes still black as night and it's expression still dead. It lunged at Mew again, but this time there was nothing to save her. Mew threw her exhausted body out of the way and dived directly into the pool of blood. The Vulpix recovered swiftly, turning around and jumping on the still downed Mew.

The Vulpix went straight for the cheep shots, forcing Mew to stay underwater as her lungs pleaded for oxygen. Mew spun around and kicked the demonic Vulpix in the chest, gasping for breath as she tried to recover. The Vulpix was already upon her by the time her breath was recovered though, sinking it's teeth deep into her arm and actually tearing a chunk of her flesh away. Mew cried out, even as a projection the pain was still unfathomable. She was forced to watch as the Vulpix swallowed part of her flesh whole, grunting contently before diving back for round two.

Mew ended up floating on her back, the Vulpix on top of her with it's jaw extended as it tried to finish the job. Mew held the creature's jaws open with both hands, the arm that was bitten giving way concerningly fast. Mew knew she wouldn't have much time left if she kept this routine, and although she knew she was simply delaying the inevitable Mew still gave one final plan a try. In the blink of an eye Mew flipped her floating body over, dazing the Vulpix just long enough for Mew to put her small hands on the back of it's head.

Mew did what she thought was right, and in one painful motion shoved the Vulpix's head underneath the pool of blood. Mew watched as bubbles arose from around Vulpix's mouth, it's body flailing about as it tried desperately to reach some air. Mew was driven by some sort of adrenaline induced rage though, keeping the flailing Vulpix's head submerged in blood until the flailing ceased and the bubbles stopped rising. Even after the body went limp, Mew held the dead Vulpix head underwater for another good hour. She couldn't help but cry, the only thing she could hope for was that it was all over.

Insanity ends

Mew heard the bittersweet sound of glass shattering one last time as she was forced back into reality, her head throbbing and her arm feeling numb as her eyes returned to their original colour. She looked through the door to her trainer's room to see exactly what she hoped she would... ...Brandon heard glass shattering again, the Vulpix beneath him along with the forty-nine watching all vanishing in the blink of an eye. Brandon fell forward onto his bed once again, this time feeling dazed more than insane. He rubbed his head which was throbbing in pain as he looked up to see two of his Pokemon watching him with concerned looks in their eyes. Brandon wasn't sure exactly what the two were looking at him for, until he looked down and realised that he was entirely naked.

He searched for something to at least cover himself with, but neither his clothes or any of his bed sheets were anywhere to be found. In the end he sighed in defeat and decided it would be silly to try to hide his flagpole of an erection with his bare hands. Still wanting to know why his two Pokemon were looking at him with an almost fearful look he pulled them up on his bed patting them on the head before asking them in the voice they had grown to love. "What's wrong you two, you look so scared. Are you alright?" Plusle and Minun breathed a sigh of relief before rubbing themselves up against his bare chest, happy to have their sane trainer back. The twins looked to the door to see Mew standing there expectantly, it was almost as if she was saying "After the hell I went through, you guys better do your part!" They took their gaze away from Mew and to each other, giving the other a nod of agreement before getting to work.

Brandon gasped in shock at the feeling of his Plusle and Minun's uniquely shaped tails rub against his still erect shaft, a surge of pleasure running up his spine. Brandon smiled lightly, stroking his twin Pokemon's fur as he just let them continue. Perhaps his mind was clouded with some leftover arousal from his insanity, or perhaps he had always had some sort of suppressed feelings about the two, but either way Brandon felt no desire to stop his adorable Pokemon as they gave his erect shaft another loving stroke and looked up at him expectantly as if asking for his blessing. Brandon chuckled to himself, something about their big pleading eyes made it impossible to say no to them.

Brandon gave the two another playful pat on the head before pulling them up to his lap, what kind of trainer would he be if he didn't tend to his Pokemon's needs after all. With Brandon's blessing, Plusle and Minun got straight to work. They both picked a side of their trainer's member and began massaging it with their small tongues in rhythm, causing Brandon to fall back on his bed as he let the twins do all the work. Plusle was the first to give attention to the head of Brandon's throbbing member, putting the intoxicating knob in her small mouth and circling her delicate tongue around the sensitive flesh. Brandon was gripping both sides of his mattress, trying to great extents not to explode then and there.

Minun saw that her sister had everything under control where she was, and decided to take a bit of initiative as she climbed up Brandon's resting body. Minun took extra care to rub her already dripping sex against her trainer's bare chest as she traveled, leaving a clear trail of the path she took. Finally Minun made her way to the destination, Brandon's face. She couldn't help but giggle as she gazed at how hard her trainer was trying to hold back, his face scrunched up and his teeth grinding together. Minun gave her tense trainer a lick across the lips, simply adoring the sweet and salty flavour of his skin as his face loosened up to look at his cute and persistent Minun sitting on his chest.

Minun gave her trainer another lick across the lips, once again savouring the unique flavour. Brandon brought one of his hands that were gripping his mattress and lightly pushed his Minun forward, her now sitting only inches away from his face. Minun had a different goal though, brought herself forward the last few inches until her needy sex was directly on top of Brandon's mouth. Brandon got the hint pretty quickly, and opened his mouth to immediately be greeted by a few drops of Minun's arousal. Brandon swallowed them happily before putting his tongue to work, diving it inside Minun's sex as she writhed in pleasure on top of him. Minun couldn't help but grind her hips against her trainer's face, feeling more bliss than she ever had in her life simply from the large human tongue.

Plusle continued to circle her tongue around Brandon's member, slightly annoyed by the lack of attention she was getting. That could be remedied though, and with that though Plusle decided to step up her game. Plusle repositioned herself so her small mouth could take more of her trainer's member, and then proceeded trying to win her trainer's attention back. The first time she brought the member back she could only manage an to take an eighth, after that the head bumped against the back of her throat causing the little Plusle to almost gag. She was determined though, and Plusle relaxed her throat to the best of her abilities. Plusle was rewarded with a few more inches of her trainer's thick member, now taking about a third of it as she rubbed the rest with her little paws.

Now she had her trainer's attention, Plusle could feel Brandon bucking his hips as he tried to hold back his impending climax. Plusle didn't like being denied something she really wanted, and began gleefully bobbing her head up and down in an attempt to get the semen she wanted so. Plusle brought one paw down to fondle Brandon's balls, still running the other up and down his thick shaft. Plusle could feel that her trainer was close, his hips still bucking and his balls tingling as they prepared to shoot their seed into Plusle's more than willing mouth. Brandon had began franticly jabbing his tongue in and out of Minun's sensitive sex, bring the still wiggling Pokemon on top of him ever closer to her impending climax.

Most people tense up when they climax, at least to Plusle's knowledge, but Brandon actually loosened up when he hit his much needed orgasm. It was as if he just let his body and mind roam free as he shot stream after stream of his thick white seed directly down Plusle's throat. At the same time Brandon jammed his tongue into Minun's sex one last time, her being vocal enough for both of them as she cried out her name in a powerful orgasm. After swallowing the first bunch of shots from her trainer's giving shaft, it became far too much for Plusle's petit body. She pulled her small head back and let the still erect and now very well lubricated shaft slip out of her throat and back into the cold air as she gasped for breath.

The last few shots went airborne, one of them landing directly across Minun's face as she still cried in climax. The other two shots Brandon had left streaked across his bare chest, Plusle more than happy to lap them up. While Plusle was busy cleaning up the mess Brandon made with her small tongue, Brandon was swallowing as much of Minun's juices as possible while she finally came down from her climax. Brandon's entire face was soaked with the juices he wasn't quite fast enough to swallow, Minun now getting to work lapping up a mess of her own.

Plusle and Minun regrouped on Brandon's chest once their cleaning job was done, Plusle looking at her sister as she notices one last streak she had to clean. Brandon watched in awe as Plusle lovingly lapped up some of Brandon's semen from her sister's face, being sure to take her time as she did so. Plusle sensually picked up every drop of Brandon's thick seed with her small tongue, storing it in her mouth to share with her sister. And share she did, Brandon continued to watch in awe as Plusle and Minun kissed each other deeply on top of his chest. While he was watching he couldn't help but think over what was happening. Was he insane for wanting his Pokemon in this way? Was he crazy because he enjoyed watching his two adorable Pokemon love each other atop his chest? Well he certainly wasn't criminally insane anymore, I guess morally insane could be a problem for another day...

... Dragonite and Eevee set up yet another camp, another day another dozen dead ends. Dragonite was losing hope at an almost scary pace, every day seemed to add another hundred pounds on his shoulders. Without his stone he had nothing to keep him alive, and no idea how much longer he had to find Vulpix. Despite this, Eevee always seemed to remain hopeful. He would always talk about how tomorrow would be another day, and how they would find something tomorrow. It was always tomorrow.

Dragonite was just finishing up the fire when everything started going black. Dragonite held his head in pain as his center of balance was cut off, stumbling as he tried to bring himself back to his normal state. His vision began slowly turning black, starting at the sides and creeping to the center until he couldn't see anything. Finally Dragonite snapped back to normality, sweating as he tried to figure out what the hell just happened. He knew he was supposed to be dead, but he never assumed his body would take such drastic hits from it. Dragonite shook his head one last time before getting back to work, he couldn't let Eevee know about his condition.

Once they got the camp set up they decided it was time to collect food again. Now Dragonite was still drained from when he nearly blacked out, but he still refused to let Eevee know anything about it. So the two separated, Eevee going one way to look for berries and maybe some water, and Dragonite going the other way in search of fruits and some prey to catch. Dragonite was fortunate enough to find a small river, crystal clear and full of Magicarp. Dragonite didn't feel bad about the two Magicarp he scooped up from the river, possibly because it was just survival of possibly because they were so unbelievably dumb. Either way, Dragonite threw the fish under his arm and headed back to the camp site.

Unfortunately he was interrupted by another one of his mini-blackout, Grabbing his head in pain as he faced his second one today. It was strange, before today Dragonite had never experienced anything like what he was now. Yet he gripped his head for the second time today as he kneeled over to keep himself from falling over. Reality started fading, cutting in and out. Dragonite continued to try to wait out the horrible experience before finally it stopped. Not because Dragonite out waited it though, Dragonite actually ended up falling over unconscious as he finally let himself slip away.

It's a strange feeling, being subconscious when you're dead in every sense of the word. Dragonite's eyes were still shut and refusing to work along with his body, but he could still hear the sound of paws against the still moist soil as someone or some Pokemon approached him, he could still hear the sound of a female something grunting with effort as he was levered up, and he could still feel his limp body flop to either side of some thing's back as he was dragged away.

Dragonite awoke to the sound of two creatures talking, one sounding very masculine and the other sounding like the one who dragged him away earlier. "Here are the cuffs you wanted, I had a hell of a time getting them from my trainer." The masculine Pokemon said, Dragonite listening closely as to not miss anything. "Excellent, these will do quite nicely. Just give me a moment." Shortly after the female spoke Dragonite could feel pressure around both his wrists and then both his ankles, was she doing what he though she was doing? The other Pokemon spoke up again. "What about my payment?" Dragonite could hear shifting around as he finally got the energy to open his eyes.

Dragonite was in no way prepared for what he saw. The masculine Pokemon appeared to be an Arcanine, the same type of Pokemon higher ranked police officer's had. The Pokemon that dragged him away happened to be a Vaporeon, whom Dragonite had no idea why she wanted him. The unbelievable thing though, was what the two were doing. The Arcanine was taking the Vaporeon rather roughly from behind, apparently taking his payment in sex. Dragonite couldn't help but get aroused as he got the perfect view of the Arcanine's thick knot slamming against her sex with every forceful thrust.

Dragonite hated to admit it, but the entire scene was rather arousing. After only a few minutes of watching the two go at it Dragonite was standing at full attention, his shaft even drooling a bit of pre. Dragonite continued to watch the scene with mixed feelings as the Arcanine's thick shaft stretched Vaporeon's walls and even caused her to moan in bliss with every time his knot prevented his full entry. At this point some of Dragonite's pre was actually running down his long shaft and onto the floor, his heavily aroused member pleading for attention

The mating didn't last long though, the Arcanine quickly reaching climax as the Vaporeon pulled his member out of her sex and began stroking it. The police dog began franticly humping forward as he shot out several thick streams of his seed, which Vaporeon promptly aimed at the floor. With their business concluded Vaporeon told the still panting Arcanine to leave. "But you said I could tie you if I brought you the cuffs." The Arcanine said angrily. The Vaporeon laughed and shooed him out the door, getting the last word in before slamming the door. "I gave you what you wanted, now scram." The saddened police dog hung his head in shame and left with a still semi-erect shaft drooping as well.

Dragonite's eyes went wide like a dear in headlights when Vaporeon turned her attention towards him, her eyes going from business like to cold and dead. She walked up to him and sat in mere inches away from the Dragonite's still erect dragonic member. "So you're awake, are you." The Vaporeon asked, completely ignoring the shaft a few inches from her face. "Well then, I have a few questions for you." The Vaporeon got back up and began pacing around the chained Dragonite. "Let's cut to what I really want to know." The Vaporeon said. "Why the hell do you smell like my brother. And don't lie to me." Dragonite gulped as he watched the cold dead eyes he say a moment ago turn into sad, desperate eyes. "Your Eevee's sister?" Dragonite refused to believe it.

"So he did tell you about me?" Vaporeon yelled at him. "Was that his last plea?" Did he tell you about his family before you ate him like the monster you are?" Vaporeon had gone from yelling to screaming in his face, not even giving him the chance to answer before moving on to more accusations. "You did, didn't you? He was alone and scared and you bloody killed him!" The Vaporeon burst into tears, falling into a sitting position as she threw her paws over her face and cried. Dragonite didn't know what to say, if nothing else he wanted to prove he wasn't a cub eating monster. "I.. Didn't eat Eevee." He said softly, the Vaporeon throwing her paws away and screaming in his face again. "Lies! I know you're a carnivore! I know you wouldn't hesitate to eat another Pokemon and I know you smell like my poor brother!"

Dragonite still tried to keep his voice level, he had to somehow prove that he knew Eevee. Dragonite though back to all the times Eevee had talked about his sister, all the things he'd always say when they were curled up under the stars. "You're nothing like Eevee described you as, you know that?" Dragonite said, regretting his choice of words. "Oh really?" Vaporeon asked mockingly. "And how did Eevee describe me before you killed him?" Vaporeon was still yelling in his face. "He said you were kind. He said you were level headed. He said you were pure, and treated mating like it was sacred. He said all these things while we would set up camp for the night, while we laid under the stars trying to get to sleep, he talked about you... or what you used to be nonstop."

Vaporeon rubbed her face and sniffled as she tried to read if the Dragonite was lying or not. "Eevee... Eevee still talked about me." Vaporeon asked. Dragonite smiled to himself, finally having some leverage. "What you used to be." The Vaporeon sighed in defeat, still wiping tears from her face. "Take me to him."Dragonite was surprised by the Vaporeon's quick switch. "I'm sorry, what?" The Vaporeon began undoing the cuffs around Dragonite's feet. "I said take me to him." Dragonite was actually offended by the Vaporeon at this point. "I'm sorry, you take me away, tie me up, yell in my face for a few minutes, and then ask me to help you?" The Vaporeon moved on to the other cuff, rubbing against Dragonite's still surprisingly erect member as she spoke. "I'll give you all the sex you want if you're telling the truth, I just want to see him again."

Dragonite should have been happy with the offer, but he still couldn't believe the Vaporeon's attitude. "Wait, do you think you can just make everything better with sex?" Vaporeon climbed up a small staircase behind Dragonite to reach the cuffs on his hand. "Seems to have done me pretty well so far." Dragonite fell to the floor, freed from his last cuffs. "You really are nothing like Eevee described you as." Vaporeon turned towards him, apparently whatever he just said triggered something. "Nothing like he described?" Vaporeon was back to yelling at him. "After mom found out about us I was thrown away in a ditch like garbage, left to die. I learned to use what I have." The Vaporeon was advancing on him, Dragonite slowly backing into a wall.

"The food I eat, the water I drink, the roof over my head! All because I did a few favours. Do you have any idea how hard it is to thrive during winter, when you've been abandoned by your family! I wasn't exactly picky when someone offered a roof over my head after weeks of slowly dying in the streets! Free food, free water, free shelter. All if I helped him out when his wife wasn't around! Even after his wife discovered me, it wasn't long before another male had the same proposition. So yes I'm different, but I've learned to survive, whatever the cost. Now will you take me to my brother or not?"

Dragonite gulped, Vaporeon practically on top of him as she continued to yell in his face. At this point he had slid entirely down the wall he was backed against and Vaporeon was lying on top of his as she stared at him angrily and expectantly. Do Dragonite's dismay the feeling of a still aroused female lying only inches away from his still erect member was just asking for trouble. Dragonite shot a thick spurt of pre down Vaporeon's back, some also landing on his muzzle. Vaporeon smiled and lapped up some of his pre-cum before climbing off the embarrassed Dragonite. "For someone who's judging me for my lifestyle you don't seem to mind being on the other end, do you?" With that, Vaporeon left, leaving a confused and still incredibly aroused Dragonite to clean up the rest of his mess. Biggest tease he'd ever met...

There we go! I admit that this chapter was supposed to be longer, but the part I had written for Vulpix infuriated me. Suffice it to say I'm re-writing that portion to make it arguably better. Also I would like to point out that I warned you about the messed up part, but nonetheless it won't be the norm, I was curious if I could properly depict the mind of a mental patent. Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed this story please feel free to like, comment and rate. Have a wonderful day!

A Vulpix's Desires 9

So we meet again... I'm here with yet another story from A Vulpix's Desires. I'm not going to lie, I had a difficult time writing this one. So I hope it's still of the same quality as the other stories in this series. As usual this story contains...

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A Vulpix's Desires 8

Hello once again, I'm finally here with part eight of "A Vulpix's Desires"! I hope you enjoy this long overdue story. Unlike the series I just finished, this story is simply adult. Nothing controversial that you may need to be warned about, but you...

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Evolutionary desires pt 11

Hello! This is the actual last installment of Evolutionary desires, after this I'll be going back to writing my "Main" series (A Vulpix's desires). This one was a tad difficult to write as I'm not used to ending stories, but I think it's still alright....

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