A Bit of After Class Breeding

Story by Z-Byte on SoFurry

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It was about five minutes before classes started in the Sinnoh Trainer Academy. Students both young and old were removing textbooks and writing supplies from their bags, the select few already able to carry Pokemon placing the ball of the one companion they were allowed during class on the corner of their desks into a small docking station modeled after the Experience Share tool used by trainers. There was the normal murmur of academy rumors and such before the teacher would arrive, but one conversation in particular stood out.

"Are you sure?" It was the voice of Cindy Lee, a teenage trainer who was now bouncing in a strange, excited dance. Her long black hair bobbed along with her, and her bright brown eyes now twinkled a bit. "If this is a joke, you're all dead."

There was a girlish gaggle of giggles before one of Cindy's friends piped up. "No lie. They broke up yesterday after class. Apparently, she 'can't be with a man who forces Pokemon to fight.'"

Another friend clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Oh, she's one of those? I hate it when people don't see the difference between a trainer and an abuser."

Cindy nodded, "So do I... still, I probably shouldn't feel so happy. I mean, he's probably pretty hurt because of it. They were close, weren't they?"

"Not that close, apparently," said the first friend, who Cindy gave a friendly shove against for her sarcastic humor. The second started speaking again.

"Yeah, you two were made for each other. I doubt he was that hung up on her, or else he wouldn't have just walked away when she said 'it's me or your barbaric rituals.'"

Cindy stayed silent for the rest of the time, taking out her lopunny's capsule and putting it in the corner slot, allowing the creature to see what was going on outside its ball. With a neat effect, the ball shone and seemed to become transparent, revealing a pint-sized version of her prized Pokemon looking back up at her.

"What do you think, Rose," she asked her lopunny in a whisper. "We have an opportunity, but would it be wrong to try to get with Kevin so soon?"

The Pokemon may not be able to be heard, but she was able to give her trainer a reassuring gesture, grinning and bouncing to and fro to show her approval of this happenstance. Cindy smiled, comforted by her trusted companion's enthusiasm. She looked up in time to see the teacher walk into the room.

Professor Baten opened the door silently, but his mere presence got the attention of all of the students, who immediately stopped their chattering and sat down. The teacher had long, blond hair, handsome features, and piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare everyone at once, the small framed glasses he wore providing no protection from his omniscient gaze. He seemed to have this intimidating aura of strength and wisdom that made each pupil feel as though they were in the presence of the champion, causing some girls (and one guy) to silently swoon and others to sit upright in respectful attention.

"Good day, class," he said, his voice soft, but commanding. As the rest of the class replied with a curt "Good day, Professor," Cindy couldn't help but notice Kevin had not come to class yet. *Is he that broken up? Ooh, maybe it's not such a good idea...*

As Cindy's doubts plagued her mind, Professor Baten placed his notes and his one Pokemon on the edge of the desk, the image of a proud, elegant glameow shining through the ball. Crossing his arms, the professor quickly glanced at his roll scanner, noticing only one empty seat registered in his class.

"Does anyone know where Mr. Phoenix is today?"

* * *

"Sonovabitch I'm late," shouted Kevin as he leaped from his dormitory, dashing through the halls and out the door, heading the short distance to the school, the alarm on his poketch blazing in his ears. He had stayed up far too late studying for the battle exam today, and it was ironically going to make him late for that very thing. He could hear his mother's voice in his mind, "That's what you get for slacking off until the day before!"

Shaking his head clear, his short black hair whirled behind him as he made sure he had his Junior Trainer ID and his companion Alastor at his side, the powerful luxray being a shining testament to his training ability despite his educational deficiencies. He had trained the creature since he was seven, and they had grown very powerful.

Entering the school, he sped past protesting teachers and equally panicky students until he came to his classroom, opening the door nervously, knowing that he was about to become the center of a lot of unwanted attention.

"Welcome to class," said Prof. Baten, his amused smile being shadowed by his dagger-like gaze, which the class seemed to imitate. "I'm glad you decided to show, what with your busy studying schedule. We've already finished the review, but I'm sure you don't need one."

The room was filled with chuckles as Kevin stepped in. He was a famous crammer, and he scratched the back of his head and gave a goofy little grin as he began walking to his desk. "Yeah, sorry about that... I hope it won't hurt my grade any."

"No, but," the professor stopped his student, making Kevin turn to face him. "While the lesson is still... fresh in your mind, how would you like to go first in the battle exam?"

The young trainer knew that it was more of a command than a suggestion, and he nodded, "Heheh, eh... yes sir, I'd be happy to."

* * *

The class was lead to the school gym, which usually served as the battleground and testing facility for trainers. Today, the students were going to be tested on their combat abilities. The pairs would be matched up in order to ensure there were no type advantages, and those without Pokemon had to rent one from the school or have to take a written exam later. When Kevin stepped up, indeed the first one up to bat, Cindy's friends shoved her a few feet forward, making the Professor look her way.

"Ah. Miss Lee, you're a nice match for our diligent studier," he smiled and the girls giggled at the double entendre they found in their teachers words. Knowing she couldn't refuse, Cindy stepped nervously forward, blushing as she stood on the other side of the arena.

"Now, you two will be judged on your talents and abilities as a trainer," said the professor, arms crossed with one hand adjusting his glasses. "You'll be graded not on your victory or performance, but on your knowledge, tactics, and overall level of skill. This is not a tournament, so instead of concentrating on winning, focus on doing your best."

Cindy and Kevin nodded, and both reached for their Pokemon. Cindy saw that, as soon as Kevin's hand touched the ball at his belt, his face seemed to change. He was focused, determined, and strikingly handsome...

"Alastor, spark to life," said Kevin, showing that he was one of the fad followers that brought a little command to the release of their Pokemon. In a flash of white, the capsule clicked open, and the luxray was unleashed. His black and blue fur danced with idle sparks as his deep red eyes seemed both proud and bestial at the same time, a yowling roar adding to his animalistic experience as his tail flicked around. Everyone could see the muscles rolling beneath the creature's fur, and everyone who saw him was, at the very least, impressed. Cindy, however, was still awestruck, blushing at the man and beast before her.

"Miss Lee, your Pokemon," said Baten, and with a short gasp and ambient giggles from her friends and classmates, Cindy fondled the ball at her hip and gripped the capsule, tossing it up into the air with her own little command. "Bloom, Rose!"

* * *

Kevin couldn't help but smile at her awkwardness, but his eyes lit up when he saw his opponent and her Pokemon. The lopunny was beautiful, groomed, and happy, just like her trainer, who stared at him and his Pokemon from across the ring. He silently waited for the word to start, his first command hanging on a hair trigger on his tongue, eager to test this opponent, to take his mind off of all the shit that life has been hurling his way recently.

He'll always have the battle.

"You may begin!"



The luxray growled, his rumbling throat soon joined by the crackling spark of lighting jumping from hair to hair on his mane, giving his devilishly spiked hair the look of tall spires jumping with energy.

Rose began hopping from side to side, loosening her leg muscles and stretching her tendons to make it so much easier to move around. She was hopping like a martial artist, fur-cuffed paws brought to her chest as her black eyes and ruby-colored irises bobbed with her head and scanned her opponent.

"Thunder Fang!"

"Jump Kick!"

Alastor leaped at the lopunny, his sharp teeth dancing with lightning. However, the Agility from before seemed to pay off, and, instead of having a shocking bite, Rose leaped with her skinny, yet powerful legs, and landed a cute kick on the nose of the lion, leaving much more of an impact than one would think. The luxray rolled backwards, shaking his nose clean of the sharp pain from the comparatively tiny Pokemon and glared at the menace.

*Heh, she's not bad,* was Kevin's thought as his partner got to his feet amidst the amused chuckling of the class. "Let's slow her down, Alastor. Thunder Wave!"

Rose barely had time to react as the luxray let out an angered roar, a surge of electricity bursting through the air and passing over her. She went to jump out of the way, to dodge it, but she felt her muscles tense and tighten, frozen by the jolt that now pulsed through her. She found it hard to continue bouncing, so she stood still, hoping to avoid the tensing pain of paralysis. She looked up and gave a defiant smirk, confident, despite her status ailment.

"That-a girl, Rose! Now, show him our Dizzy Punch!"

The little rabbit balled up her cute fist and began spinning it on her arm, running, almost skipping towards her target. However, the paralysis made her legs lock up just as she reached Alastor, who batted her away after a short command. "Strength."

Rose went flying backwards and, just as she landed before her trainer, Kevin gave a smirk, seeking to end the battle. Forgetting the four-move rule, he ordered his luxray to give one more attack. "Charge Beam!"

The professor raised his brow as the air was filled with a large, electrical humm. The lights dimmed, the students oo'd and ah'd, and Cindy winced, shouting an unheard command to her lopunny just as the flash of white light was released in a thick thunderbolt that launched from Alastor's prickling mane.

The arena was bathed in a light so bright that no one could see, not even those in combat. When it faded, there was a crumpled mass at Cindy's feet. When everyone started gasping, thinking that Kevin had gone too far, they began to look closer, and discovered something.

It was a plush toy.

Kevin didn't have the time to react, his mind finally clicking with the answer as he looked to the sky. "It's a Substitute!"

He saw a brown furred shape rapidly descending on him. "Alastor-"

"Jump kick!"

There was a loud yowl as the bunny hit the lion square on the nose again, just as he had looked up. Again, Alastor rolled backwards, now with the surprising force of Rose's descent. His trainer winced, almost feeling the doubled pain of the attack.

Before the lion could rise again, however, the professor spoke. "Cease."

Half-shouted commands halted before they reached their Pokemon's ears as both trainers turned to face their teacher. They walked next to their Pokemon, standing right beside the other, making Cindy a little nervous with how close she was to the object of her girlish affection.

"We're only going for so many rounds. Not only that, but I believe I've seen enough to get a grade."

Crossing his arms, he turned to Cindy. "You did exceptionally well, Cindy. Using Lopunny's speed and agility to help her overcome her physical weaknesses, which it seems you have overcome using good training techniques. The move Substitute was also a pleasant surprise. You get an A."

Cindy smiled, and part of Kevin was happy for her, patting her on the back and congratulating her. She blushed again at his touch, and the girls whispered to each other, barely heard giggles quickly stifled by the sound of the professor's voice.

"You did fine as well, Kevin," said Baten with a smirk, only his gaze was stern. "However, you broke an official rule during the match. Only four selections of moves are allowed, and you used five. Keep in mind that this rule was created to benefit both the trainer and the Pokemon. It encourages strategic thinking, and it's fair to the less intellectually gifted Pokemon in the world who can only memorize four moves."

"I understand, sir."

"Good. Breaking an official rule is an immediate letter grade off, but that's all I'll be removing. You fought well, and you deserve the grade you get: B."

"Th...thank you, sir!"

"Don't thank me; thank your... study habits. Now go; give the rest of the class a chance to test."

The two nodded and stepped aside, walking back together. Kevin couldn't explain it, but when he fought Cindy, he realized how close she was to her Pokemon. After all, lopunny only evolve when their trainer grow a powerful bond between each other.

"You have a nice lop, there," Kevin finally said, looking over to his side. Cindy looked back at him. "You know I do. She sure kicked your butt."

They both laughed, stopping at the end of the semi-circle of students and continuing to talk while the rest prepared to watch the next two classmates battle.

"Yeah, but it was a team effort," he said, reaching out to the cute rabbit. Rose looked up at him, black eyes wide, and the red, empty ovals inside of them darting up and down. She stepped a little closer and rubbed her head into the trainer's hand, giving a short, musical cry as she nuzzled it.

"Well, she likes you!" Cindy said as Kevin smiled at the softness of her fur, seeing Alastor's smirk out of the corner of his eye as the lion rubbed at his nose. She wasn't as soft as she appears to be.

"I'm happy to hear that. I'd hate to end up like my companion here."

"Oh, we didn't hurt him too much," The female trainer wiped the hair out of her face and her gaze momentarily caught Kevin's, his sharp green eyes glazing over her brown ones. She looked down at the lion to avoid another embarrassing blush. "He's a pretty amazing Pokemon. Strong and powerful, pretty impressive, even if he did just get beat by a bunny."

There was a short laugh, and more chatting. They talked about themselves, their lives, their training tactics, their Pokemon...

Just as the last two students were stepping up to battle against each other, another conversation sparked up. Cindy grinned, looking at their two companions. "You know, our Pokemon would make a great breeding pair."

"I was thinking the same thing... maybe we should think about taking them to a good breeder after we get our official licenses."

"Why bother with breeders? I'm sure we could do our own research. I'm not a fan of leaving my Rose with strangers."

Kevin thought for a minute, and then agreed. "You have a point. The library should have several books on the subject. After class, we should go and read up..."

Cindy smiled. It wasn't exactly a date, but time alone was time alone! Most students learn by doing at the school, so the library was usually only used by those who were forced into it by their teachers. Needless to say, she couldn't wait for class to be over.

* * *

And soon it was. Lessons were done for the day, yet the school doors stayed open for the students. The sun was halfway on its way to setting, but it was the fluorescent lighting and the distinct smell of new and unused books in the library that caught the senses of the two students.

"Here's one," said Kevin, picking an impossibly thick tome off of the shelf labeled "Safe and Healthy Breeding.". Plopping it down on the table, the entire structure shook with the weight. "Alright... hmm... number... 405! Here you go."

Kevin opened the book and revealed the pages dedicated to the luxray, showing it to her. The two Pokemon, now free of their capsules, were sitting across from the two, murmuring in their own language as they passed casual glances towards their trainers.

Cindy looked over the pages, reading some things aloud. "It is known that luxray have extremely powerful eyesight, able to see through objects using a subtle, harmless radiation... this helps them find their prey. While crossbred offspring have not been known to exhibit this extraordinary ability, most have shown exceptional eyesight, making it a popular candidate for breeding to guardian Pokemon, such as growlithe."

She got to the more... physical attributes of the creature, and decided to read silently, wordlessly scanning over a picture of a male luxray mounting and biting the neck of a female beneath him. *Now, when breeding a male luxray to a female of any type, one has to remember the mating rituals of the creature. Most luxray, especially those showing the rivalry trait, are extremely dominant, and thus demand nothing but complete... total... domination over the female. You may have to train your female to be submissive and accepting of the male's advances, as failure to do so may cause injury, as a determined luxray is rarely halted in its search, and mating, of a female it desires...*

She looked up at her lopunny, who was normally all happy and bouncy. She imagined having to train her to get down on all fours, to let herself be taken by that large creature who was silently sitting across from herself right now. Part of her was a little discouraged of the idea, but another part...

She shook the image from her head and turned the page, wishing a second later that she hadn't. On it was a detailed diagram of what appeared to be a muscled pole, tapered at the tip and covered in tiny, sharp spines. It was obvious to her what it was, and she didn't even bother reading about it. She looked across the table at the beast, which was no longer beside her lopunny, who had decided to bounce around the table and bring Kevin a nonessential book just to get an amused pat on the head. The lion's crimson and golden gaze was softly shimmering, and she couldn't help but feel naked in front his all-seeing eyes. She thought that she could see a hungry glint in them, and she felt her fingers rubbing along the shaft on the page, almost as if she could feel the texture, the heat, the-

"What did you find out," asked Kevin innocently, the lopunny at his heels with her head on his knee. Cindy closed the book on her finger; embarrassed to be caught looking at the diagram, despite that it was what she had come to see. She was glad to have something to take her mind off of her strange thoughts. Relieved, she said, "Well, I'll have to train Rose to be submissive to the guy she just kicked the crap out of, but if I can manage that, we're set!"

"That shouldn't be a problem. Alastor is strong, but he can be as gentle as a kitten. I don't think he'd hurt her, unless of course she liked it." He let out a chuckled at his dirty little joke, and Cindy laughed half-heartedly along with him, the corner of her eye once again catching the gaze of the beast, who seemed to lick his chops while staring uncomfortably at her.

*Gentle as a kitten, huh...*

* * *

Cindy passed the book over to Kevin, who opened it and scanned the table of contents again. Finding number 428, he thumbed through the pages and found what he was searching for. With the lopunny nuzzling against his knee, he let one hand fall to her fuzzy head and the other point to the sentences he was reading aloud. "Alright... lopunny are avid, almost famous breeders. Belonging to both the field and human shape breeding groups, both males and females are sought by famous breeders everywhere, especially those breeding for contest purposes. The offspring of a lopunny usually has a much softer fur to match the luxurious coat of their parent. If the other Pokemon does not have fur, it develops softer scales or silkier skin, so it is not advised to breed a male lopunny to a Pokemon if you wish to use the offspring for battles."

Kevin turned the page, reading on. "The female of the species are surprisingly picky of their mates. They keep their paws at their chest, protecting their sensitive upper body with their furred cuffs and shielding their human-like breasts from the eyes of others, which is among the only recorded instances of modesty in Pokemon, along with machoke wearing human tights to cover their genitals. They only open their arms when they're about to mate. They choose their mates carefully, though it is a decision based on instinct, wanting a mate powerful enough to protect them from potential pelt poachers and other predators. This is perhaps why they have evolved to accept human shape partners, because many of those species are physically powerful. Because of their adaptable breeding patterns, it is assumed that they could further evolve to accommodate other species if the need arose."

"This is pretty interesting stuff," said Kevin, admiring the penciled picture of a lopunny opening her arms with the caption "the lopunny's lucky mate." He glanced down at the adorable bunny at his legs and realized he was still petting her fur. It really did feel like silk... he was fixated. He heard the lopunny let out a sweet trill as her fur was displaced between his fingers, and Kevin gave a short chuckle, looking up at the bunny's trainer. "Hey, you alright? You're pretty quiet."

"Oh!" Cindy jumped a little at the sudden inclusion. "I was just, um, thinking..."

"About what?"

"Well, about how we're gonna breed them. I mean, we're not professionals, and reading a few pages in a book doesn't qualify us."

Kevin smiled, "We're not going to breed them until we have our licenses, remember? That won't happen 'till the end of the year. Until then, we can get them used to each other. From what I've read, lopunny are choosy about who'll they'll mate with, so it would help if she got to know him better."

"Y...yeah, I suppose so. A training license would give us a green light, so...that'd be fine!"

They spent a long time pouring other manuals, all the while coming up with ideas to get the two Pokemon used to each other. Satisfied with their solutions, they looked around and noticed that the library was completely bare now. Most in the academy had gone home by now. Cindy spoke, "I think it's time we head home. The books will be here tomorrow."

Nodding, Kevin stood up, careful not to disturb the furry mass of cuddly love at his legs. The poketch on his wrist gave a small beep, and he brought it up to look at. It was six.

"How the hell were we in here this long?"

Cindy checked her own poketch and gave a little gasp. "Ha, time flies. So, I'll see you later, then?"

"Sure, you stay at the dorms?"

"No, I have my own place. It's not far from the academy, though."

Kevin cocked his eyebrow. "How are you able to afford your own place?"

"Parents. They're professional trainers, and they figure the best way to get me used to long stretches of time void of other human contact on the trainer's quest was to give me a small house in the same town they lived in. It's pretty cool; once you get past the fact that the only other one who lives there is Rose."

Cindy let out a long breath through her nose, her dark hair softly swaying. Kevin crossed his arms and smiled, "Then I have a great idea."


"How about my partner crashes at your place? I could head home and send his food over, and he can get used to being around Rose."

"That... could work," said Cindy, "but wouldn't you be lonely? And what if he doesn't listen to me?"

Kevin turned to his Pokemon. "Alastor, you'd be a good boy for Miss Cindy here, wouldn't you?"

Alastor walked around the table and stepped towards the young girl, giving a small, fanged smirk. He laid his large, black head into her leg and started purring, sending a large vibration shaking up her body as the library was alive with the loud rumblings of a large, contented cat.

"See? You'll be fine. I'll hand you his Pokeball, and give you the capsule with his food and his care instructions over the online transfer."

Cindy smiled, "That sounds like a plan! A lot of professional breeders actually do things like this, so I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. Sure you won't miss him?"

"I'll manage," Kevin said with a little laugh. "The guy's been with me his whole life. We don't have class tomorrow, and there were some things I needed to get done that he'd have to stay in the ball for. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the vacation, especially if his caretaker is a lovely young girl and her beautiful little Pokemon."

The girl giggled and turned to her lopunny to hide her blush. The bunny had her eyes closed and her rump poking out, wagging her puffball tail with a sudden burst of happiness. "You like that idea too, Rose?" Asked Cindy, unsure whether she was elated at the idea that they had come up with, or the little compliment that Kevin just gave her.

"Alright, then it's settled. I'll be in to check on you guys in the morning," Kevin promised, giving Alastor's pokeball to Cindy and heading out the doors. "See you later, Alastor, Rose, Cindy!"

Alastor let out a little grunt, while Rose waved her ears with a big smile. Cindy just gave a little wave, and let her hand fall on the head of her newest charge. The huge black kitty purred again as the girl began thinking.

*Trainers would only lend their Pokemon out to people that they really trust. Either he's stupid, or...*

She blushed as she shook the idea out of her head. "Naw, we just met. Ah well, I won't complain to have a reason for him to come to my house. Let's go, Alastor, I'm going to show you your home away from home!"

The great cat yawned, looking up at his temporary partner. Cindy grinned at his apathy and recalled him into the capsule, also withdrawing her own in her other hand. As the two Pokemon disappeared, she could still feel the piercing gaze of the luxray watching her, as if she could feel his eyes on him even through the ball. She sighed and put the capsules on her belt, hearing them click into place. She grabbed the book, the graphic images rushing back into her head, and she checked it out of the library, heading back to her house with several thoughts swimming in her mind at once: intrigue, excitement, and most of all, curiosity.

* * *

She was home. It was a small house, much like a well-made trailer, but it was perfect for what it was used for. She didn't feel too lonely living in the small space, and the closed quarters made it cozy. She unlocked the door with her house's keycard and stepped into her foyer-slash-den.

Cindy closed the door, locked it, and placed the book on the table in front of the couch. Her computer was blinking with "Accept Incoming Transfer?"

"Must be your food, Alastor," she said to her foreign friend, opening his pokeball with a click and watching the great beast materialize before her. She also let Rose out, the lopunny forming from the white light.

"Show our guest around," said Cindy to her Pokemon. "Give him the tour while I fix us all something to eat."

Rose nodded and put her paw on the lion's shoulder, motioning towards the bedroom. Cindy turned back towards the computer screen and began to read Alastor's care instructions. After she finished, she accepted the transfer, and the item capsule containing Alastor's food materialized into the little slot beside the computer.

Just then, the luxray decided to show up, being led full circle by his furry little guide. "Now, you'll only be here for a little while, Alastor, so get to know Rose, okay? You two might have a future together." She finished her sentence with a giggle and opened the ball, revealing a rather large bag of generic Pokemon chow. Meat flavored, of course.

The rest of the evening was uneventful. They all ate, and then sat by the television, watching an imported program from Hoenn.

"And there you have it," the announcer shouted, her long, red hair swirling around her. "With what has to be one of the most amazing displays I've ever seen, Zack Stone has trumped the Desert Rose. Please stay tuned for the awards ceremony right after this; we have a special surprise for all of you; the champion Seth is going to appear!"

Cindy sighed, watching the beautiful, female trainer withdraw her flygon, the other trainer petting the neck of his own flygon with barely heard congratulations as the crowd roared around them. "He can't be much older than me, and look how powerful he is! And that woman; her breasts can't be real!"

Rose giggled, which sounded more like a bird rapidly chirping. Alastor was curled up on the floor, head resting on Cindy's feet. He looked up at Rose, and the lopunny gave a little smile before opening her mouth wide in a cute yawn, still keeping her hands clasped around her chest.

"Aw, getting tired, girl?"

The lopunny let out a low trill, her head on the arm of the couch.

"Alright, it is pretty late. You head to the bed; I'll be coming with you as soon as the show is over."

Nodding, the bunny leaped over the head of the couch, happily hopping down the hall and into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

No sooner did the door close, Alastor stood, grabbing something off of the side table. It was a brush. "What, now? Come on; the show's still going on. I'll brush you when it's over."

The luxray apparently didn't take well to this. With a glance at the TV, it went out, giving a dull pop as the circuit breaker was triggered. The lights also went out, the area being softly lit by the streetlight outside the window, and Alastor's own crimson, glowing eyes.

"A...alright, jeez. You're a cat; shouldn't you be cleaning yourself?" She took the brush from the lion's jaws, wiping the warm drool on her blue skirt. "Well, come up on the couch. I can't brush you if you're down there."

He didn't move, simply looking up at her with those proud, commanding eyes. "You can't be serious."

Alastor looked down at the ground, and then back up at her, as if to say "Why should I have to come up there, slave? You have legs." She smiled a bit as she imagined those words coming from the lion's mouth and used that humor to make her feel better about getting on her knees. Once she was down there, she realized how massive this creature was. Sitting up, he was half a head higher than her, using his position to stare down at her out of the corner of his eye.

The girl felt a bit intimidated as she reached her brush out to comb through his perfectly straight mane, thinking that this whole idea was dumb; that she shouldn't have agreed to it. Still... to know that Kevin trusts her with his Pokemon made her feel good. She couldn't refuse! Still, what if his Pokemon got mean? Rose had beaten him before, but...*

A heavy paw rested on her partially exposed thigh, knocking her out of her thoughts. She looked up at her furred master, placing her hand on his paw. "Hey, let's not get frisky, I'm here to comb your fur, buddy."

She had said it with a laugh, but Alastor didn't move his paw. She tried to apply a little more force to it, but it wouldn't budge. She even felt a little bit of his claws that time, the sharp points poking effortlessly through the fabric. She was scared now, trying to hide her fear with humor. "Y...you better not have torn my skirt. I'll have your master pay for it."

He didn't reply, just continued staring. Thinking that he'd let up once she finished her "assigned duties," she continued brushing him. There was nothing to brush; he was completely clean and kept. She looked up to brush his mane, and he leaned his massive head in, to where his breath could be heard escaping his nostrils right by her ear. As she combed through his beautiful black hair, she noticed that his nose was pressing into her shoulder, breathing deeply through his cold nose, which migrated to her neck as she brushed out what was probably the only knot on his body. He took a deep breath, and Cindy could feel the air washing around her neck and into his nose, after which he let out a deep, shaky sigh. His paw had retracted its claws and was now kneading her, like a cat trying to find a soft spot to rest.

Cindy shivered. The cold nose shook her body, and his massive weight only a few inches away from bearing down on her. She wanted to say something, to make another joke, to reach for the beast's pokeball beside the table. She didn't have time to think, though. A growl cut off her thoughts. It was deep, low, primal, and masculine. It shook through his body and reverberated in hers. She felt like she was in danger. She knew she was. But her voice was frozen. The creature's mouth so close to her neck... it scared the hell out of her! She barely noticed that his paw had found bare flesh beneath the skirt, and was now kneading that beneath his deadly paw, leaning just a little closer.

She dropped the brush and grabbed the couch to avoid falling over. He was so big, so strong, her arm quickly shook and gave away as she was slowly, but unceasingly led to the ground. Her body stopped responding, her muscles tingled, her voice was gone, so frightened that it had left her. She felt his gaze again as he stood over her, scanning her, searching, hunting for something. His glowing eyes told her nothing of his motives, but she soon saw something else, something familiar, something that put it into her head just what this luxray had in mind.

It was bright red, just like in the book, but she never thought she'd see it in such detail now. It was smaller than the one she read about, but she saw it begin to very slowly grow, the triangular head becoming more prominent as it leaked a clear liquid onto her skirt. The light was dim, but she knew what else there was: tiny, nub-like barbs, used to stimulate the female during breeding. The drops hitting her skirt left a clear stain and a faint, musky odor wafting underneath the creature's body.

"N...no," she said, the only thing her throat would allow. She tried to get up, tried to move away, but that paw was still on her thigh. He must have felt her attempt, though, and another deep growl escaped his throat, sending another shiver down her frightened spine.

*Ah God... he's dominating me...* She looked over to the pokeball, now hopelessly out of reach. She could make a grab at it, and she wouldn't suffer that much damage, would she?

Cindy felt the paw at her skirt reach the inside of her thigh, and she knew that those damn eyes of his found what they were looking for. She'd have to try! She made a move and the paw on her skirt came down, claws out, just as she freed herself. Her skirt was gone, but she was halfway to the ball, crawling frantically towards it. Her fingers brushed across its polished surface, and she thought she was home free!

But Alastor didn't. His paw crashed on her back, the force causing her to lurch forward and knock the ball out of reach again. He was on top of her, his black and blue body looming over her, keeping her under paw like a prize prey. "Rose! He-urk."

As she tried to cry out for help, the luxray pressed harder on her back, causing her lungs to tighten. She felt a tingling sensation in her body, and knew what it was. Her muscles tightened a little, and her body no longer wanted to obey her commands. He was threatening her with low amps of electricity. She thought back to what the book said.

*He's not gonna stop,* she thought to herself. *He's picked me as a... as a mate, and... he's not gonna stop! Oh God...*

*He's going to fuck me!*

As if to give accent to her thoughts, the luxray grabbed the hem of her now exposed panties and ripped them from her body, claws slightly brushing against her skin and causing her to give a little yelp. She felt the fabric of her undergarment stick to her crotch, like it was glued. Had she wet herself? No, she isn't that young, and she had used the bathroom before watching TV. Her pussy felt sensitive, and even a little puffy.

*This... I can't be turned on by this. I'm being raped! By a Pokemon! How could I-*

She was pressed deeper into the ground as the luxray mounted her. He wasn't wasting time. Cindy couldn't move, partially due to the massive weight on her, but mostly out of fear. Images flashed in her mind: the luxray's cock, the words in the book, the picture of the two beasts fucking on the paper. She turned her head to the side; it was all she could do. In the dark reflection in the TV, she saw a girl with black hair, a loose school blouse, and no pants, with a big luxray on top of her, a barely seen, glistening pole shining and dripping onto the carpet. It was like watching porn in a mirror. She saw his haunches heave, and she felt a hot, wet, hard shaft slide between her thighs, small barbs tickling her sensitive flesh as it left trails of pre that quickly cooled in the musky air.

She moaned. It escaped her mouth, and she tried to retract it with a gasp, to pull it back, to forget it ever happened. There was no way that this monster was getting her... there wasn't...


He was still humping at her, missing, slamming against her ass and lower lips. She felt the spines pull her clitoral hood up and let out a shout of surprise, pain, and sharp pleasure as the barbs tickled her pearl. "S-Stop! Rose, help!" She found her voice, and made one more attempt, in vain, to call for help, but the small house was silent, the only things breaking through the air were the fevered panting of the girl and the growling of the beast.

And then he found her. Cindy felt that tapered tip enter her tight hole and let out another cry, which was stifled by the best pain she had ever felt. He didn't wait, he didn't take it easy, he was a beast, and he needed satisfaction, so as soon as he discovered the sweet entrance to her breeding tunnel, he buried himself. His barbs tried to pull her labia with them as they made their forceful entry, hilting his shaft inside of her and having his huge, heavy balls slam harshly on her sore clit and raw lips.

She screamed as she was suddenly filled, feeling his body lower closer over hers. Her own form was obscured by his and his haunches began pumping, thrusting, running her insides ragged as his cock pushed in and out, unrestrained by her unwelcome cries. Her inner walls were now being slathered with that clear liquid that only helped him rape her.

Hot tears rolled down Cindy's cheeks as the creature slammed in and out of her, her body reacting against her will by providing more and more juices to help him rape her. She felt so violated, yet so full. She felt like she was being used and dominated, but...


Her cries turned to heavy breathing. She was exhausted, and after she stopped fighting, his grip seemed to lessen. She wrapped an arm around the legs of her rapist and held on, letting out a breath each time that thick, hot shaft dove into her, each time she felt those spines tingle and set of fires inside her body in a way that only they could. She had never felt anything like this before. She was ashamed of herself, ashamed of her body, but her inhibitions were broken, torn like the tattered remains of her cheap panties that now soaked up the dribbling remnants of luxray pre and human estrus.

He was her master... and she didn't care. She was being abused, raped, and used as a receptacle for a hungry monster, but it turned her on. She was moaning now; this was better than normal sex, accepted sex. The lion's muscles lurched and heaved as he growled and yowled with his own pleasure. His pace quickened, and his force was starting to cause burns on her knees as she kept her ass raised and ready for her master.

*He's gonna cum...* She thought, her shattered mind barely able to do even that. She felt her body catch fire, a precursor to her own orgasm. *And... I'm going to...*

Her body couldn't take it as it was pushed, no, thrown over the edge, her teeth clenched, and her muscles spasmed and tensed. Her back rose to meet the heavy chest of her master, and she squealed. Her body was bombarded with pleasure, flashing like warm lightning all over her flesh, clouding her mind and rewarding her act of procreation. The luxray followed with a roar, and then his face dove for her, his jaws resting harshly on her neck and holding her arched body still. The sudden pain in her neck brought her another sensation, the pain of knowing that she belonged to him, that she was his female, that primal pleasure of purpose filled her head as a thick, hot, rolling spurt of interspecies cum filled her womb, pouring from those massive nuts in such volume that much of it splattered hotly onto the torn panties.

"Ah... oh God...more....fill me..."

If this was a human, she would have been crying now. She would be afraid of becoming pregnant, of being killed afterwards, of having to go to court and explain to everyone what happened. But this wasn't human. This was a beast, filling his need, not caring that she was a human, that his seed now dove into unwelcome territory. She was a female, that's all that mattered.

She felt his cock continue to lurch and surge inside of her, pouring more and more of that cream coat her body. She never felt so full, so alive, as if her body was telling her that it had done well. She wasn't thinking about what she had done, she was only concentrating on the pleasure.

And then he withdrew, leaving her with a sense of longing and emptiness. He dismounted, and her body collapsed, his cum now leaving her too, trying to escape as though it knew that it was heading for its demise deep within her womb. She nuzzled the carpet for a little while, her eyes closed, before her nose was filled with the scent of sex and musky animal fur. Hot driblets hit her face, and as she opened her eyes, she saw that wonderful organ pulsing and throbbing by her face, and a commanding look in the luxray's eyes.

"Yes, master," she said, trying to raise her body to heed the unheard command. The beautiful tool was hanging, still glistening with her disobedient body's juices. This was sick; she wouldn't do this to a human partner. But she found herself watching it grow closer, feeling her mouth open, smelling the spunk of sex, feeling the hot shaft press against her lips, and then tasting the pungent, salty creamy thickness of luxray sperm, sweetened with her own cum.

It was unreal; she was sucking on this beast's dick without any sort of apprehension. In fact, she was enjoying it! This was a scene straight out of a hentai. As her body idled by cleaning Alastor's cock, her mind was free to wander. She had heard about students having sex with Pokemon, but she thought it was just a weird rumor. She regretted her first time; she was used by an abusive boyfriend and tossed aside. Now, though, she felt like a virgin again, a virgin that had been popped and claimed by a new, powerful male. She didn't regret this first time, and showed it by suckling harder on the throbbing cock that now beat a small trickle of cum down her throat.

Satisfied with her cleaning job, he pulled his hips back, letting a final spurt of seed slap hotly against her face, leaving a runny, pearly-white trail running down her cheek like a sultry tear. She sat back against the couch, her master curling up beside her, placing his massive head on her shoulder. Her neck still ached, but it was a good ache. It reminded her of what just happened, almost more-so than her dribbling, battered cunt or the thick cum cooling on her lips.

"Uh, that was... pretty amazing," she said, looking into the luxray's lovely glowing eyes again. This was better than role-playing master and slave sex. She actually felt owned, yet safe, and after it was over, she could act as though it never happened.

Then, she felt a paw on her back, and turned to see a brown ball of fur staring back at her. It was Rose, her legs planted comfortably over Cindy's shoulders as her arms remained locked in front of her chest.

"Rose! Where the hell were you? I could have been killed."

The rabbit trilled and shook her head, using her feet to flick some of the cum off of her trainer's face. "I could have been, you little hussy. You're supposed to come to your trainer's aid."

Rose stuck out her tongue, obviously having a little bit of fun at Cindy's expense. "So, you just sat back and watched the whole thing?"

The lopunny nodded.

"So what, even when I said 'stop, help me,' you didn't want to stop my fun?"

She shook her head.

"Why, because you thought I'd have fun?"

She nodded.

"...I hate how much you know me."

She stuck out her tongue again, her little tail flicking back and forth as she sat on it. Alastor glanced at the television and both parties watched as it sprung to life, showing the Hoenn champion on fire in some wicked, martial battle with his blazing blue blaziken.

Cindy watched it, her Pokemon at her back and her master at her side. The lion placed his paw over her exposed cunt, as though hiding it from the eyes of others. He glanced for a moment at her, and then back at the TV. The girl felt sore, but alive, wrapping an arm around her friend's Pokemon and watching TV along with him.

She was definitely looking forward to spending more time with Kevin now.

* * *

"Hey, are you guys doing alright?"

Kevin had stopped by to check on them, as he said he would. They were all sitting there to greet him, the lopunny staring up at him and wiggling her butt with happiness.

"We're fine! We're getting along so well, I was wondering if we could keep Alastor for the rest of the weekend."

"Sure, that wouldn't be a problem. I have some stuff to take care of, so I'll be seeing you all later, alright?"

"Okay! We promise to be good."

Kevin smiled and walked off, grabbing his pack and heading off to the trainer tool supply store. Cindy watched him leave and closed the door, turning to her two Pokemon companions. "You like him, don't you, Rose?"

Rose giggled, and Cindy could see her cheeks redden beneath her fur. Cindy laughed and walked back into the den.

"Well, maybe we should invite him over tonight?"

Rose stopped giggling and froze, her blushing getting deeper. She hid her head in her arms and covered her body with her ears, a defensive mechanism to hide her embarrassment.

Giving another chuckle, Cindy sat down on the couch, her master padding to her legs and placing a huge paw on her thigh.

"This breeding thing is a lot more fun than I thought."