Wrath of the Gymnast

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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Wrath of the Gymnast...

By Rowyin Darkwulf

Proofread by Evertide

Keri © her player, all other characters © me

The whole front of the house vibrated as the front door slammed, a lithe, very ticked feline storming in, tossing her backpack to the floor. Her tail lashed back and forth behind her as she stormed up the stairs to her room, her door slamming behind her. She couldn't believe what they had done...how dare the gymnastics team replace her with that new ferret girl of all people! She sat down on her bed in a huff, a growl coming from deep in her throat. There had to be a way to get that upstart ferret off the gymnastics team without openly hurting her...she just had to think how to remove the ferret's agility in a more stealthy way.

An idea popped in her envy-filled mind: her brother was a chem wiz, and had a twisted mind himself, so she was sure he'd have something she could use to remove her competition. She rushed down to the basement, knocking hard on the door to her twin brother's room. She could hear the sounds of fabric rustling coming from deeper in the room, reminding her that her brother had stayed home sick for the day. There was a loud click as the door unlocked and opened, her brother's tired face appearing in the crack of the door. "You remember to get my homework for school, Keri?" the male tabby asked his sister, looking quite worn out.

Keri nodded quickly, but interrupted him as he was about to speak. "Yeah, it's in my backpack...but that's not what I'm here for, Joseph. I need some help with something..." she began, explaining her situation, and what she wanted done to ensure her return to the top.

Her brother looked at her in doubt, but seeing the look of determination and anger on her face he decided to make a deal. "All right...if you can get me a date with your friend Ashlee, I'll fix you up something that'll help you out," he replied, a hint of a grin on his muzzle.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do about that date then...just get me something that will take that bitch out of the picture," she replied as she headed back upstairs.

Joseph locked his door once again, finishing up the soup he had made himself earlier and stepped over to his work desk. His sister was wrong in thinking he was a chem wiz; he was a chem prodigy, and he knew it. He could do anything with the right combinations of chemicals, and he knew this new 'request' would be a challenge. He brainstormed for a little while before his mind centered on a truly diabolical solution. He skimmed over a few of his notes on fertility and bovine growth hormones and smirked, taking a few chemicals off a nearby shelf and beginning to work.


The week past much too slowly for Keri's liking. Every moment she saw the ferret her anger seethed even more. By Friday she couldn't stand to see the ferret known as Colleen around the school, and was almost going to do something herself before her brother handed her a vial of clear liquid while they were home after school. "Just get her to ingest this and everything will be taken care of. Just remember to come through on your end," he said, returning to his room.

Keri grinned to herself, slipping the vial into her gym bag. She knew exactly where she'd be able to slip the concoction to the ferret: that weekend when she went to practice. It was the perfect place to giver her the solution. Colleen's uncle owned the local gymnastics training gym, and often let Colleen and any other girls from the gymnastics team stay after-hours as long as Colleen made sure to lock up, and Colleen would always be the last one to train before locking up.


Saturday finally rolled around, much to Keri's glee. She packed up her gymnastics leotard and other things and headed out the door, making sure she had her brother's concoction hidden away on her person. After a quick drive to the converted warehouse Keri met up with her other teammates, keeping up a nice façade as the group practiced their routines. Keri excused herself and changed into her gymnastics leotard, slipping the vial into her bag and went out to join the others for their practice.

One by one the other girls finished up their practicing, stopping for a quick food break before getting back to their practicing. By the time Colleen's uncle left it was just the ferret and her chatting idly to each other as they practiced. Keri took a quick break from her balance beam practicing, sitting down and watching the ferret flip and somersault across the practice pad.

Keri took her duffel bag and shuffled closer to where Colleen had placed her water bottle, and while the ferret was in the middle of a series of flips Keri dug out the vial. She quickly popped out the cork and began pouring the liquid into the ferret's water, looking up and making sure Colleen was occupied. She didn't notice the vial slipping from her grip until it was too late. The glass tube fell and shattered against the cement floor, spilling a good quarter of the serum onto the floor amidst the broken glass. Keri cursed to herself and quickly tried to brush the shattered glass away from the chair, looking up to make sure Colleen didn't hear the vial break. It appeared as though the ferret wasn't aware what was going on, but suddenly Keri felt a sharp pain in one of her fingers. She sat upright suddenly, gritting her teeth as she looked at her hand. A shard of glass had pierced into the flesh of her index finger.

She removed the glass and stuck her finger in her mouth as it began to bleed, grabbing her bag and moving back to where she was sitting while sucking on her finger. She looked back over to the ferret as she finished up her set, panting slightly as she walked over to the chairs, completely unaware of what Keri had done. Keri quickly slipped her finger from her mouth, narrowing her eyes for a second as the ferret approached, but returning to a fake friendly smile as Colleen sat down tiredly. They chit-chatted for a bit as they rested before Keri excused herself, heading to the bathroom, yet concealing herself in a small broom closet while watching the ferret. It took a moment, but Colleen finally took a big swig from her spiked water bottle.

Keri waited another few moments, attempting to see any change in the ferret, but was quite disappointed that nothing immediately happened, but continued to watch anyway in case something did happen. After resting for a few more minutes the ferret stood back up and practiced her routine one more time, starting with a series of somersaults. Keri noticed a slow change to the ferret's agility as she bounced around on the mat, a few stumbles becoming intermingled with her routine. She slipped up one more time as she finished, stumbling over as she landed. She stooped down, doubling over and clutching her stomach. She quickly straightened up and rushed to the bathroom, kneeling over one of the toilets and emptying the contents of her stomach. Keri had ducked back into the closet as the ferret ran by, hardly able to contain her happy squealing.

Colleen felt terrible as she puked into the toilet. She felt bloated, even with the day's food floating in the toilet bowl. After a few more dry heaves the ferret slowly got up to her feet, cleaning herself up before stepping back out. She wasn't exactly sure why she suddenly had the urge to vomit, nor why it was suddenly passing either. She adjusted her leotard as she walked back out, the top feeling slightly tighter than she remembered it being earlier. She decided she was done practicing, and with another swig of water she felt better, so she decided to horse around a bit, heading towards the foam pit with the long trampoline in front of it. She mounted it and began to gain some momentum, bouncing in place before heading down the trampoline. She noticed as she leapt into the pit that her tits were bouncing much more than she was used to, and as she began to dig herself out of the pit she felt her leotard somehow become tighter all over her body. As she reached the top and pulled herself from the pit she realized why.

There was a bulge in her midsection, her leotard stretching over the melon-sized bulge in her middle. Her eyes went wide, a hand tentatively touching her tight belly as she stared at it. Her eyes moved from her belly to her breasts, her chest suddenly having increased a cup size, looking much like plump oranges. She let out a small whimper as she felt her leotard stretch further over her suddenly bloated body, her belly looking even bigger than before! She could swear she looked somewhere around thirty weeks pregnant, her belly weighing her down as she scooted away from the pit, recoiling in fear as her belly bloated bigger again. Her leotard was beginning to reach its limits as her belly rivaled that of a full-term pregnancy. Her big brown eyes welled up with tears as she felt something inside her move, the realization of what was happening to her hitting her like a ton of bricks: she was carrying life inside of her, life that kept slowly bloating her bigger and bigger.

She gasped as her belly went through another two growth spurts, the first putting her in the overdue stage, the second making her look as if she were carrying twins. She panted and whimpered, the top of her leotard straining over her growing breasts, now easily the size of cantaloupes. She felt something wet on her leotard and looked down to see small circles of wetness around her hardened nipples which slowly increased in diameter, her breasts leaking out onto her clothing. She felt something give as her next growth spurt began, the seam by her swelling breasts ripping slightly. She whimpered as tears streamed down her brown cheeks, another spurt pushing her from triplets to quads in a matter of seconds. She struggled to stand up, the weight of her belly and the sudden change in her center of gravity making it extremely difficult for her. Her muscles protested as she levered herself onto her feet, slowly turning towards the building's office and stepping towards it in a slow waddling-shuffle.

She didn't make it far before her next growth spurt, the whole side of her leotard finally tearing, the nylon snapping towards the other side, leaving her now quints-sized belly and leaking, melon sized breasts bare. She groaned and fell backwards under her own weight, her legs not able to carry the increasing weight, her breasts slapping off the top of her furry belly and spurting milk out onto the floor. Colleen panted and grunted again as her belly pulsed larger and larger, the wait between spurts having shrunk to almost nothing. The pressure in her breasts was growing to unbearable levels, her nipples constantly leaking milk down her swelling belly. Her legs spread as her belly inched across the floor, passing her shins and forcing her to lean backwards upon her arms.

She attempted to reach around a breast to one of her nipples, her arm barely pressing into the flesh as she groped for her nipple. She managed to get hold of her now thick nipple, another growth spurt pushing her breasts farther upward. She squeezed her erect nipple, a spurt of milk shooting from her chest and landing on the mats in front of her. She was lucky she couldn't see how large she had grown, her huge breasts blocking her vision of the massive mound of her belly. There was no telling how many kits she carried, at least a dozen, but then her growth began to slow. She panted heavily, her cheeks soaked with tears as the massive protuberance of her belly blocked her vision as the growth stopped. She sat there sobbing to herself, eyes shut tight as she wished for the whole ordeal to go away, to be nothing more than a dream. But the gravity of the situation hit her again when she felt fluttering movement beneath her thinly stretched hide. She actually was really...really pregnant!

Keri was maliciously ecstatic about the ferret's sudden transformation into a hugely pregnant moo cow, not literally of course. She quietly giggled to herself...that ferret looked like she was ready to pop with twenty little hellions like herself. There was no way even after she dropped that massive litter that'd she'd get back in shape in any hurry. Keri's grin slowly changed to a look of confusion, and then nausea as her stomach began to gurgle. She doubled over as the urge to vomit rose in her throat. She slipped from the broom closet and ran to the bathroom, bursting into one of the stalls and retching. She knew what was going on even before she felt the fabric of her leotard begin stretching across her front. She levered herself up, plopping quickly down upon the toilet seat as her mind raced. How could she have received a dose of the concoction?! She hadn't drunk anything!

She grunted as the growth spurts began, her previously toned belly bloating larger and larger, putting her in the area of a second trimester pregnancy in a matter of mere moments. She grit her teeth as the nylon of her leotard tightened around her belly and breasts, the latter looking like swollen softballs, her nipples standing out through the fabric. She heard and felt a soft pop on her belly, her bellybutton popping out into the fabric, looking much like her nipples. Her eyes welled up with tears; there was no way to stop her swelling, and soon she thought she'd be just as swollen as Colleen. She gave out a grunt as her belly swelled past looking overdue, her leotard slowly reaching the limits of its capacity.

She prodded her belly, the pressure inside not giving any, but revealing a critical fact to her. She noticed then the small cut on her finger, and cursed herself for her stupidity as her next growth spurt pushed her past carrying twins. She clenched her eyes shut, moaning as warmth began to seep from her nipples and out into the top of her leotard as her breasts began to leak milk. She mewled loudly as she heard the first few seams of her leotard pop, cool air against the side of her right breast causing her fur to stand on end. The next spurt ripped the seam down to her waist, which was pushing triplets size. She didn't know how much longer she was going to grow as her belly pulsed larger again, the rest of her leotard falling off of her body as it was torn apart. She yelped as the sides of her burgeoning belly pressed against the cold metal walls of the stall...she was gonna get stuck in here!

She tried to force herself upright after having been leaning back against the back of the stall, but it was no use: she didn't have the flexibility with the big ball of babies pressing out from her midsection. The weight of her leaking breasts didn't help either, the twin melons sitting on the sides of her belly, leaking milk down its sides. She yelped as she felt herself swell again, the sides of her belly fattening out against the side walls, wedging her in even more as it attained a pregnant-with-quintuplets size. She began to cry softly as she waited for the next spurt to trap her even more in the too-small stall, but the next one never came. She panted as she began to feel a light fluttering inside of her, the prospect of actually carrying life in her making her lightheaded, her eyes fluttering shut as she passed out.

She awoke many hours later to a loud scream of fear that echoed throughout the converted warehouse...sounded as if someone had found Colleen....

The End....

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