
Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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In the aftermath of James Trent's actions destroying Halo's control room, the survivors are caught in a desperate struggle for survival.

"Hello? Is there anybody in there? Are you okay?"

Based on the Halo franchise by Bungie

"C'mon, get up!"

Written by SniperSpartan-977

"Miss, please! You need to get up! This is not your grave..."

Halo Chronicles


1) ... but you are welcome in it.

"Please! Please, get up!"

Through the murky, groggy darkness, Kali Klepto heard the voice. Slowly opening her eyes she found herself laying in a steel casket. The Sangheili girl's slender limbs were splayed out over a mangled crash seat and her fitted attire was stained with soot. The pelican was twisted, bent and buckled all around her serving as a makeshift coffin cratered into a snowy mountainside. Though, it would be a coffin had she perished in the crash.

It slowly came back to her. The events in the control room. The escape. The crash... James.

"Miss, c'mon!" Came his breaking voice again, de-railing Kali's train of thought. "Can you hear me?"

"Hello?" Kali asked a little groggily. Her mandibles felt swollen and she tasted her own tarry blood. Waving a hand in front of her face to dissipate some of the thick smoke hanging in the downed pelican, she peered through the murky light. Somewhere across the twisted troop bay was a neat circle of light surrounding a dark silhouette looming in the passageway.

"Oh, thank goodness! You're okay." Came a girl's teenish voice again. "Are you hurt? Can you move?"

Kali ran a set of slender fingers over her face. She remembered the crash. A whole pelican hitting the ground at high speed? Of course she was hurt! Regardless, she managed to flex her limbs without too much agony. It felt like nothing was broken, which was a start at least.

"Yeah, I'm..." Kali shuddered for a moment. "I'll live."

Kali wasn't exactly the toughest, most badass Sangheili alive. Essentially Sangheili were a warrior race, their skin tough as hide, bones re-enforced with naturally occurring steel and her muscles had twice the density than that of a human, or even most furs. Kali was still young though, her body toned into a slender, athletic young female with a slim frame and developing features that said she would grow up into a beautiful woman. Her purple plume was tied back into a braid, and her pink eyes seemed to glow in the murky light.

Reaching forward, she used her other arm to push herself to her feet. The hole in the wreckage seemed to sway and bob from side to side as she made her way through the stuffy confines of the twisted pelican. Reaching out she grabbed the frame of the hole and pulled herself out.

Immediately she found herself in unfamiliar territory. There was no snow, no mountain air. There were warm rays of light beaming down onto her skin warming her to the core. The dirt under her hands and knees where she landed felt pleasant and the area around the cratered pelican wreckage was scattered with pleasant bushes and a few patches of lush green grass. Fluffy little cotton-candy clouds hung in the sky under the mid-afternoon sun with a big smile on its face. Birds tweeted happily from a nearby tree as Kila clime dot her feets. That was srange to be sure, all happy and bright surrounded her surely she was losing her mind.

Wen Kali took one step she got freight. A pink blob materialised, squeaking happily and smiling a big toothy grin. Kali's first reaction was to look for big wepon, but could not find none, or bullet. The blob was not humanz like she used to.

It was little horsey with poofy pink hair and picz of ballons on arz. The little ponie bounced up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down happy and laughing lots of timez.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie." Declares the pony with an air of sugary sweetness. "Yor funnie thingy aren't you?

"Yes." Says Kila. "I'm elite, but I'm not in Covenant."

"Then we can be friends!"

"We could be more than friends."


So pinkie and Kali were more than friend. They were deep friend. Kali picke dup ponie and carried her to underneath tree where they made nice sex. And everyone was hapee.

The end




Trolled, you've been trolled, you have prob-ab-ly been told.

Don't re-ply, to this guy, he is just - getting a ri-ise

Out of you, yes it's true, you re-spond and that's his queue

To start trou-ble on the dou-ble while he strokes his manly stubble.

You've been trolled, you've been trolled, you should prob-ab-ly just fold

When the only winning hand is not to plaaaaaay!

But still you keep on try-ing, mindless-ly re-ply-ing

You've been trolled, you've been trolled, haveanice day!

Author's note : U mad!? Hahaha. I suppose you have every right to be. Halo Chronicles fans! Listen up! Afterlife is in full swing and getting along nicely. I'll be letting all my pals know exactly when it does see legitimate completion, and then we'll have to see what happens. As promised, it will be published when SoFurry 2.0 sees full release, but if I'm in a good mood it might even see release before that date! Stay tuned and... y'know... don't hate me for this. I was only fucking about. :)

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