Big Debt

Story by himinoboi on SoFurry

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The big centaur trots through the gate, stretching and looking at all the strange, short little human mares. He wasn't clothed, since centaurs don't normally wear much of anything, and his large, swinging nuts ached.... He was going to empty them into a few of these mares, he knew, but first... He needed to go pay off his debt to the money lender.

The money lender was known far and wide because of his Fay blood. He may have been given long ears and handsome features but none of him was weak or fragile like most females. He stood much taller than the humans and his eyes glinted at the feral magics he often used on those who did not pay their debts on time in full as promised. The villagers always gave him and his patrons a wide breadth while he was conducting business or demonstrating to all what happened to those who didn't pay. Of course the centaur was given a few extra days because of their meager means to procure money of human or other worthy denominations so the collector was expecting his tab to be paid in full for the convience of more time.

The centaur walked into the dark office of the fey blooded male, nodding to him slightly and pulling out a small bag, dropping it on the table. "Gold," he said, "and the items you wanted. That should more than cover my debt," the centaur declared, already wanting to be gone and chasing some of those mares... "Let the sorcerer's know that those components are the best that could be found in the swamps. They've been picked clean this year," he said, turning and swishing his tail, heading out the door.

He stared at the other, feeling the metal heat, but not burn... After all, fey were weak to iron. "Well?" he demanded.

"There are only two of six on the third and seventh stock items. Those ones are common herbs even. One of twelve. Two of ten... Either you were pick pocketed, are neglecting to part with or just too incompetent I am short a grand total of 70% of the required stock... even the extra gold doesn't cover half that in price." he warned. His frown was a wide one as he tisked and recounted.

The centaur glared at the clerk. "Well, what the hell do you want? I told you, the swamp is picked clean. You know how good I am at searching for herbs. It was a bad season, on top of over harvesting," he defended. "If you want, I can get the rest, but it'll take time and travel, and you all told me you needed them in a week."

"I told you I needed them half a week ago... I gave you extra time... This is an inconvience to you I understand. Your priorities are not at the moment on delivering so much as... depositing. Am I right?" He asked as he looked at the centaur and the shoes heated more to make him think twice about an assault. After all a Fay that could affect iron meant the half blood stories were true.

He glared and clopped a little. "Just let me breed a couple of the fillies in town, and I'll go get your damned herbs," he said, grunting somewhat in annoyance at the heat in his shoes... "You know what it's like... having a... unnatural libido. If I'm not cumming, I'm distracted, and I don't work as well. And you've had me running so much I can't get with anything!"

"Two trips in the last six months... that must be quite a burden for you. I will remember to pass that along to the Magi. I bet he will be most pleased to know you'll be upping productivity once you're released." He said with the metal suddenly peeling off the centaur's shoes and curling through the air quick to cool as they made very tight binding cuffs about the male's wrists.

He looked down at the cuffs, eyes going wide and he pulled at them, powerful muscles working against the metal. "W-what? What sorcerery is this?!" he said angrily, rearing and kicking at the door with his rear hooves.

The man laughed. "You think that my people would put me into the "Collection" seat should I have such a profound weakness like the rest? I am half blood. To be precise half cavern Fay, those who dwell in the deepest mines and dine on metal far more solid than this. You brought me sustenance." He laughed and he came up around his desk to look the other in the eyes. "Your production has gotten less and less with each trip. Why?" He asked. He had his eyes glowing quite red and angry now. A blood chilling sight.

The centaur grunted, feeling the compulsion of the fey over taking him, finding himself having to answer truthfully... "Th-the breeding urge," he stammered. "I... I have to breed, or I can't focus.... can't concentrate... Maybe... maybe if you sent a filly with me... someone I could mate regularly... my production would return..." he stammered. It seemed that even 'civilized' creatures like the centaur were subject to their based lusts...

"You only have had two excursions this year for your tasks, what have you been doing with the rest of your time? I know it does not take six whole months to gather these fresh herbs and roots." He scolded and he walked about the stud with a buyer's eye now as if eyeing a slave at the market.

The centaur grunted again, closing his eyes tightly. "S-searching... I... I..." he stammered, unable to answer. The centaur stallion shook his head. "B-breeding..." he stammered, his eyes glazing a little as he shook his head solidly, trying to throw off the unnatural magics.

"So it's not a matter of you not having the time off, you've just become too potent to be useful. That correct?" he asked as he slipped a hand between the other's back legs. With the magics affecting him like this, he'd be more than grateful for a little touch. It was the easiest way to stop his hostility.

He jerked for a moment, and then felt the hand on his sac, groaning for a moment. "Y-yes..." he said, hanging his head slightly."I'm a centaur stallion in my prime..."

"Good for you, I bet your tribe has been blessed with how many of the mares you've plunged this shaft into... Tell me what is the number you're expecting to have sired? It must be a lot, you've told me you've been traveling for the herbs, or was it just tail you roved after?" he asked as he rolled and played with the male's nuts.

The centaur nickered. "I've been travelling too much..." he stammered."I've barely had time to breed four or five this year..." he said weakly. "And all of them at the beginning of it... I've fed my seed to the ground for the past eight months... I just need to go back home for a few days... They're coming into season soon... I know..."

"That should be plenty don't you think? You shouldn't waste your mind on this if you've been gone on a lust haze for so long. It's not healthy." he warned the other as he played with his full nuts. He knew it'd be a shame to let them go to waste though. "Tell you what. I have a centaur in the back, worse payment than yours, she's to be sold off but if you promise you'll up your production I'll let you fuck her..." He smiled. The centaur in the back was recently a male but being gelded as he was it was easy for a male in his rut to overlook that... plus the collector could easily put a gelding tie on the stud once his rocks were off and everyone would win! Well that's if he agreed.

The stallion nodded quickly--eagerly even. "Y-yes! Anything!" he said. The other's hand on his nuts had made it even worse for him, driving his lusts even higher. He didn't know that the compulsion magic of the fey was related directly to lust magics, and his own natural rut was just exacerbating it. "Is... is she in season?" he asked eagerly.

"Last time I was in there she was moaning and eager, her heat is quite something I felt it across the barn." he noted, The back was dark and he explained it before leading the other in, that he wanted to humiliate her for proving to be less than useful. It was surely the stud's lucky day. The Fay even spoke the truth, the heat of the other's loins was intense, and the salve applied to the once proud stud was making him quite submissive and eager for any other male.

The centaur could feel the heat, but he couldn't smell it... Though in his rut, he didn't notice. He trotted quickly across the barn, mounting the "filly" and thrusting once or twice before he rammed his long, hard cock into the other's hole. A loud whinny let him know he'd struck home, and a few thrusts later, he was already starting to cum... even though he didn't stop thrusting.

The moaning from the gelding was easily sounding like a filly's first time, a bit of distain mixed with lust and need. The poor male was none the wiser and those insides clamped tighter than any true cunt could. It was a good reward for someone who had messed up so badly in recent returns. Then again the fact the Fay still aimed to geld him before he left was probably why he was getting the last reward.

The centaur kept fucking the 'filly', cumming almost the entire time, stuffing the other's ass full of thick, equine cum. He grunt, finally slipping from the other's back after maybe an hour. He grunted, feeling the haze of the rut starting to leave him... "Ngh... Sorcerer... I owe you a greater debt that I thought... I needed that badly..." he said. "I'll leave tomorrow. The far mountains should have everything you need... Just remove the cuffs, and I'll make preparations."

"And one more thing. This is our insurance." He said warningly as the cuffs suddenly sprang free like they were not welded together and then reclamped in a long stretching and tight tube along the other's nuts sac. "Should you be seen you will be thought of as sterile with the mark on this band." He informed the other, so he had no reason to be fucking because no female now would want his seed, that and the cuff was slowly going to stretch his nuts off him.

He whinnied as his nuts felt the band coming into existence around them, then groaned as it lengthened. "I... I... Y-yes..." he centaur stammered. It wasn't like it had much of a choice, after all... "F-fine... I'll be back as quickly as I can... Will you... save this filly for me?" he asked.

"I'll bring extra herbs for her... You'll be paid... I just want my colt when she's ready to birth it."

"Sure... you have a month or it'll be sold. And believe me it's got many eyeing it for those natural talents." he laughed. He knew the other would need more than a month to get the ingredients. "I could always just take payment for the colt if you prefer..." he added. There was enough cum in the gelding to impregnate a real mare after all.

The male bit his lip some... then nodded. "I... I suppose," he said, not really wanting to lose such a young filly, as she seemed... "I'll get your herbs, then. Farewell, sorcerer."

The centaur cantered back into the shop, panting. Indeed, the metal had made all females look at him like he was a sterile, and none of them would allow him to mount. To make matters worse, his nuts were large and swollen, as for some reason, he could no longer relieve himself. He hefted the bag--full to overflowing, it seemed--onto the counter, groaning. "S-sorcerer..." he stammered, have deluded with the rut."Your herbs." In reality, he'd stolen the bulk of them from a competing shop in a neighboring city... but he hoped the other wouldn't mind.

The smell of the shop's incense lingered enough that the man could smell it and not only that the glowing ball of arcane symbols in the back of the shop glowed red, it was the sign of great misdeeds. "I am shocked at your desperation. Do not tell me you pilfered from another shop to make good on your deal." He said glaring at the other who came back with such haste. "This will definitely not do." he clicked his fingers and the ball binding shrank to what it would be if the other had one day left for his task to be completed on time. "Return these now or face the consequences." He warned, by the time the stud left the shop he'd no longer have working nuts and by the time he'd make it to the next town he'd have none attached.

The stallion grunted, falling to his front knees. "Y-you don't understand!" he stammered. "I had to! How can I do this without cumming!" he shouted, groaning and falling to his side. He shook in a combination of pain and need.

The way he acted was appalling to the Fay and with a final snap the binding sliced clean through even closing the wound with all the applied pressure so the other's taint looked smooth as could be. "I am sorry but you are now part of my debt collection, failing to gather your goods and stealing has forfeited your claim to payments." He said and he let the binding float up to collar the other as a slave while he bent to pick the nuts up off the ground to use as reagents.

The big stallion felt the binding grow tighter and tighter, gagging slightly as he felt it finally snapping shut, making him shake hard. The only thing worse than feeling the collar snapping around his neck was the sight of his nuts in the other's hand. "But... but... centaur's bolls... those are... very, very valuable..." he argued.

"Not as valuable as the time you've cost me as well as this incident with the herbs. I must return these and hire a more competent gatherer while still showing the fact I have punished the thief meaning you are now property of the collection. To say your debt is paid by virtue of these nuts alone is bullocks." He snapped and the collar clamped a bit as he motioned the other to follow him to the lit back room.

He gagged a bit, feeling the collar clamp as he was suddenly compelled to follow the other to the back... the same place where he'd bred the 'filly' last time. He panted weakly, even though the rut was quickly leaving him now. A moment later, though, he felt the sorcerer applying something to his flanks and rump... He nickered softly, shaking his head as the magic starting to seep into his body.

"There is a bit of good news though; your Filly is still not sold. Want to see 'him'?" He asked after the salve was applied as he led the gelding to the stall second to last where the handsome 'filly' was bound like a good mare boy.

He looked over at the other, suddenly realizing that he'd bred a male's tail hole, his face burning in shame... then in something else... He felt his rump start to heat up, but the heat felt like it was coming from somewhere inside him... "W-what did you do to me?" he asked, looking in fear at the other obedient and broken centaur.

"Your balls may be quite expensive but a well trained mare boi like this one... and you soon, that is almost your weight in gold. And the salve makes you quite a bitch. Did you notice how he pushed back on your cock when you took him last time?" Asked the collector as he guided the stud into the stall beside his partner for that lusty night and the male would find his arms put into shackles and stretched to be held above him while the heat salve worked him.

The new gelding groaned as his arms were bound, his face burning in shame... but soon the ointment applied to his flanks was taking effect... He felt himself working his hole desperately, not even knowing what he was doing in his head, his body just working...

"Now please tell me how you wish to be fucked... I can either let the other gelding try, or I can hire a stud to test you almost like you tested the other..." He offered. It was going to be humiliating either way but it was something his ass seemed to begin craving.

He spread his legs a little further, panting as his hard and erect nipples begged for attention. "A... a stud..." he said, panting louder as he raised his tail over his hip, nickering weakly."Please..."

Nodding he knew just the place to fetch one. It wasn't ten minutes before he was back with the sound of heavy hooves accompanying him. "Shall I introduce you to your new mate? Seems that this proud stallion has desires for a mare boi such as yourself." The elf told him. Behind him now was a big black steed with ebony skin and midnight fur and a monster hanging between his hind legs.

The ex-stallion backed up a little more, practically begging for it now. The ointment had taken care of just about any dominant urges that he had before his nuts were removed. Even his cock was soft in its sheath--and would be forever. "P-please! I need... I need to be bred!" he stammered weakly.

The black stud looked at the Fay. "He's very eager, and you say he's only been gelded today? I am impressed. But you said there was a way to make a child in this one... That was what made me wish to see him." He noted. The elf laughed and nodded.

"Well that would involve magics to alter his body... I could not easily sell him if you did not desire the 'mare' once he is a she. So you would have to make a purchase." he said as if the man was not there they spoke of altering him.

The big black stallion peered at the Fay, and then dropped a large bag of gold into his outstretched hand. "Make this good, wizard," he stud said, taking a step back. The fey nodded, stepping forward and pulling a long, thin rod out of his robes. He knelt beneath the ex-stallion, pulling his sheath up slightly, and sliding the rod into his cum slit. The fey laughed as the gelding nickered, then stepped around the front of him, pulling out the ointment and starting to rub it onto the gelding chest. "You want to be a good mare, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes!" the ex-stallion shouted, nickering as the collar glowed, making him not only want but lust for the changes the fey was suggesting. "Please!" The big black stud laughed, watching as the other's own desire made the rod in his cock begin to glow.

"Good," the fey said, smiling and watching as the man's chest hair slowly began to fall out, his chest beginning to expand into a set of small teats. "Now, what do you want more than anything in the world?" the fey asked, laughing softly.

"I.. I wanna be bred by a stud!" the gelding stammered, groaning as his voice increased, his cock and sheath sinking as the magical rod pushed them into his body, reforming them into something more appropriate. The Fay chuckled this time, going and getting a different ointment, taking it and walking behind him as the wand fell from his body, no longer necessary. A moment later, the stud felt something being rubbed against his body, a cool liquid that seemed to calm his "heat..."

But a moment later, it got more intense, moving deeper. What had previously been a want to be bred suddenly turned into a burning need. The gelding's body was shifting, changing... Pecs grew teats becoming larger as he felt a womb forming... a moment later, ovaries grew, large and needy, desperate for foaling. A weak, whimpering cry issued from his voice as his body finally came into alignment with what his mind was being transformed into: a weak, submissive slut.

A moment later, the big stud chuckled. "You've delivered, sorcerer," he said, laughing and stepping forward. "Whinny loud for me, filly." He insisted, his hooves landing on the other's back, his cock ramming forward. At the moment, the deal being sealed, the sorcerer snapped his fingers, the collar falling off of the new mare boi's body and his mind suddenly remembering every he'd ever been previously...

He screamed, but only for a moment... and then he moaned... a good slut for his new stallion.