Bad Intentions

Story by Sickfuck69 on SoFurry

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The streets were wet, slick with rain. It was a dark and chilly night, the kind of night that most people wouldn't be out in. At a little after two in the morning, people were leaving the bars, most with the intention of going home; but as always, those weren't the only people out in a city like this.


A young woman looking to be barely over the age of 19, and with scant enough weight to be any sort of a hassle proved to be a perfect target for a small group of three inebriated guys. One took the lead in tailing her, while the other two lingered behind.


She seemed to notice she was being pursued when she met the edge of a new block, for she glanced behind her and tried to speed up her stride. A car passed by, its tires rolling noisily over the slick pavement, and she watched it with some sort of false hope that it would stop, and the mysterious driver would somehow rescue her.


Of course, reality didn't work like that. If it did, bad things would never happen.


"Hey baby, you have a nice ass," the guy behind her said, now walking uncomfortably close.


She tried to shy away, looking nothing more than a timid, terrified little girl.


"Hey are you gonna answer me?"


She refused to reply, but before she could break into a run, the man grabbed her and violently hauled her into the nearest narrow, garbage-filled alley. As if from nowhere, the two other guys appeared, and watched as the first slammed their victim against the wall and violently began ripping her coat off of her.


She struggled, turning around and started trying to punch and hit the much bigger male, but he only laughed at her attempts as he grabbed her arms and squeezed her wrists hard enough for her to scream in pain.


In the darkness of the alley, her eyes looked pitch black, not even the whites existed anymore as she looked terrified over at the two other men as they slowly advanced. None of them seemed to see the change, likely too drunk to even notice it at all.


Her shirt was literally torn off as she was thrown down to the stinking wet alley floor, and finally the others descended upon her like wolves on a kill. Her pants were soon to be rid of so quickly it was almost jarring, leaving her in nothing but her bra; and it took her a moment to realize her underwear had been stripped from her as well.


An inhuman series of croaks tore from her throat, a sound that had one of the men looking up at her in confusion. The one who was about to take his turn first, however, didn't even seem to notice.


He swiftly penetrated her, easily since one of the others was holding her down. A horrific scream left her in response.


"Will someone shut her up!?" the guy currently on top of her shouted to the other two.


Immediately, the one not holding her down came over and tried to shove a bit of her own torn shirt into her mouth. She responded by biting his finger hard enough to draw blood.


"Bitch!" he shouted, leaping up and backing away.


"Holy shit," the guy holding her down exclaimed suddenly.


The one on top of her looked up at him rather than down at her, the monster that no longer resembled much of a human being. He was about to angrily shout something, when he looked down and saw it.


Her body had begun to sprout feathers, even as she began to writhe around, her arms seemed to dislocate and shift to where her shoulder blades should have been. Already, two small arms had formed just below her ribs, and he watched as one elongated and grew rapidly, and the next thing he knew, he had a claw embedded deep in his eye socket.


This thing that had once been a woman was grunting and clicking crazily, low guttural sounds. The guy who had been bitten was having a hard time standing, as he held onto the wall, trying his hardest to flee. He only made it about five feet before collapsing, far from the exit of the alley.


Now half blind, the guy who had once been on top of her now fell backward screaming in agony, and was wildly kicking and writhing on the ground.


The woman-thing now no longer even remotely resembled a human. Covered in head to toe with white silvery feathers that shrouded its whole hulking form like a cloak, and its face was elongated like a reptile's, huge jagged teeth bared like a crocodile's.


The creature went after the only person still standing; the man who had once been holding her down, the one who had at this point literally pissed himself and could hardly move from sheer terror.


It jumped on him and raked its claws over his chest, tearing straight through his shirt and into his skin. He screamed in agony, staring up at those giant, vacant black eyes of the monster above him as he tried to desperately writhe away.


It covered his face with its hand and pressed. His nose audibly cracked under the pressure, followed by the rest of his skull with a sound like a melon hitting the pavement from five stories up.


The creature got up and went for the half-blind man, guttural croaking sounds emitting from its throat. It grabbed him, and he began trying to struggle and scream. The creature wasn't even hindered in the least by those weak movements. It shredded the man's clothes from his body with its claws.


The acrid stench of hot urine filled the air, the man having apparently lost control of his bladder somewhere in the middle of this process. Shoving him face-first into the pavement with a claw to the back of his head, the creature held him there as it positioned itself behind him.


It was soon discovered that the monster was male, but the man didn't have time to really react to that before something that felt exactly like a huge, slick and jagged piece of red hot lead was shoved into his ass. It just slid deeper and deeper, no matter how much he tensed up or struggled and screamed, there was simply nothing he could do to relieve the pressure.


The creature held the human down without much trouble as it began violently rutting into him. With every movement, more and more flesh was torn by the barbs that covered the tip of the creature's organ that curved back like fishhooks.


A hiss left the creature when he felt the human lurching and harshly tensing; the pain had become too much and now the man was retching, violently throwing up a small amount of random bits of food and black bile. The color of it matched the pavement almost perfectly.


With a couple violent thrusts, the creature managed to break through the wall that had thus far been preventing it from fitting its entire grotesque sexual organ inside the man. Seconds after that, its massive, feathery wings spread a bit, and it gave a couple more shallow thrusts.


It held like that for a moment, listening to the human start to choke and gurgle, gasping for breath. A faint sizzling sound was heard as the monster's emission finally ate through the intestine and flesh like acid, and the viscous reddish fluid was now dripping down onto the pavement below them; attempting to eat through that as well.


With a couple harsh movements, the monster managed to free itself from the human; after it had reached orgasm, previously hidden hook-like spikes had emerged all down the sides of its shaft to keep the mated pair together. Said hooks now held fragments of torn intestine.


The man was still gurgling and struggling to breathe when the monster left him there, to go for the final of the group who was currently comatose on the alley floor. With all its anger and energy drained, the creature only held enough desire to crush the man's head under its rat-like hind foot, before stalking off.


Before exiting the alley, the creature suddenly shrank down dramatically, into a common housecat. After that it simply vanished without even taking a single step; as if from thin air.

All characters and scenario (c) 2012 GJD, all rights reserved.

Feeding Day

Ana was drunk, leaving the party in a huff because she'd just got done arguing with her boyfriend about how he wasn't paying enough attention to her at the moment, or something; not even she could really remember. All she knew was that she was angry,...

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