Antone's Dilemma.txt

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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The following tale was made by me, created by me, and oh yeah is owned by me.. Don't like the content? Don't read it if you are offeneded by such material. All characters belong to me and only me, got that Mr. Pirate?


Antones Dilemma Part One




Antone and Boe sat in the den of the house the two recently moved into shooting the breeze about whatever topic crossed their minds. Antone was stretched out on the big loveseat with his head resting on Boe's lap as the husky petted his head and briefly played with one of his horns making the bull instinctively lurch his head away from Boe's paw.

It had been several months since Antone's fight with Henry and recently the tiger had been crossing his mind as he looked up at Boe staring down at him contently smiling.

"You know Boe I've been thinking about Henry recently" Antone said softly to Boe who snorted.

"Why have you been thinking about him Antone, He's not been a great influence in your life like I have and it has taken you a real long time to let go of what he did to you" Boe said looking into Antone's baby blue eyes.

"Well I mean Boe, what if he has changed? What if the time since our incident has changed him?" Antone wondered looking at his friend who had a look of amusement on his face.

"Ha, I'll believe it when I see it and I have yet to think otherwise" Boe said bluntly. "The day Henry changes is the day reality hits him straight in the face with a big right hook to the jaw I'd be more then happy to give to him" Boe said with a clear sound of stress in his voice.

Antone rose up off Boe's lap wrapping an arm around the husky's neck gently massaging it as he spoke:

"I know how much you care about me and don't want me to consider going back into a relationship with him. I understand how much this has hurt you but you know eventually I'm going to have to track Henry down to divorce him"

"I understand you two are still legally married but I still do not like you even considering giving him another chance" Boe said with clear concern in his voice. You don't know how he is going to react or what he is thinking. For all you know he wants to hurt you worse then he did before" Boe said in a clear tone.

"Look Boe until I'm legally divorced from him the best we can manage is the relationship we have now which both of us know is an open one. You know in your heart until I legally get divorced we are just friends living together under the same roof we both purchased together" Antone said truthfully.

Boe knew the bull was indeed right and he forcefully sighed before he nodded his head in agreement.

"I just wish you'd let the State handle it and when they track him down you go down to the court house and officially divorce yourself from him without having to deal with him" Boe said as a feeling of sadness came across his eyes making him frown.

"Boe, you know the State of Illinois requires I have to face him in a court because both of us have to be there to make the divorce final. Until we sign both of our names on that paper there is no way we can both move on with our lives" Antone said softly kissing Boe on his cheek.

"I need some time to think this over before I take the right action towards it" Antone said. "I need to head into the city to clear my head so do you want to come along with me in the morning?" Antone asked petting Boe's head making his husky tail bounce quietly off the couch.

"No, I'm sorry Antone tomorrow I have to go to my parents house and go with them to a family get together at one of my Uncle's houses" Boe said looking at Antone who dropped his head sighing.

"I wish to the heavens I could go with you to that event but I know your Uncle does not accept your gayness like your parents do" Antone said as a clear sigh breath came out his nostrils.

"Antone, I would love to have you with me in this special event but my Uncle insisted if you came with me he wouldn't let me into his home" Boe said looking down at his lap.

"Your Uncle is a clear bigot who doesn't deserve to have you or your time wasted there" Antone said with clear disgust in his eyes and voice. "Please do come with me into the city and we'll have a great time together. Your parents I think will understand your wishes and if they don't and you have to go to this then I will understand even though I don't like it one bit" Antone said clearly making Boe smile.

"I'll see what I can do in the morning but for now we both have to get to bed for sake of any of those things becoming a reality" Boe said yawning as his shirt rose up exposing his sleek sexy belly as he stretched making Antone rub it forcing a happy pant out of the husky.

"You know Boe you are so sexy when you stretch" Antone purred kissing Boe on the lips as he rubbed his belly.

"Thehhehehe, likewise honey" Boe purred returning the kiss as both of their tongues lashed together while they kissed.

Both of them broke it just long enough to see the fronts of their sweats were bulging like crazy with matching raging erections.

"Well now I think we need to continue this in a more intimate cozy place" Boe cooed as both of them blushed at the same time.

"After you honey, I'll follow you" Antone said lustfully groping the front of his friend's sweats for extra incentive.

Boe found the strength to rise to his feet even though his legs felt like rubber and his heart pounded as Antone teased the front of his sweats groping the hot bulge which pulsated to the bull's touch.

"Mine tonight" Antone whispered into Boe's ear as they both made their way to the bedroom door with Antone doing the guiding.

"Deal" Boe managed to say as he opened the door with his one free paw behind his back while Antone buried his maw into Boe's muzzle deeply kissing the husky as he shut the door behind them.


The next morning while Antone took a shower Boe emerged from their bedroom dialing up his parent's phone number. Several minutes later Antone emerged from the bedroom wearing only a towel around his waist as the scent of the shower came out into the open filling the den with the smell of Dial Men's Bodywash.

Antone walked over to Boe sitting on his lap letting the husky breathe in his clean scented chest.

"So what's the word darling" Antone teased as he looked at Boe who had a very contented smile on his face.

"Well dear" Boe said smiling as both of them got a good chuckle out of it: "I've got good news and bad news"

"Ok, let's hear it" Antone said as he put an arm around Boe's shoulders petting the half naked husky on the head.

"Let me start out with the good news, the good news is I don't have to be there all day long and I dont have to ride with my parents over to my Uncles place, I can just drive myself overthere" Boe said as he looked up at Antone with in love hazed baby blue husky eyes.

"Ahh wonderful!" Antone said with enthusiasm in his voice.

Boe's eyes looked away from Antone's as the bull felt the sighing breath of his friend hit his chest:

"The bad news is after I come back from there my parents want me to do some chores for them at their house to which point I won't be back here till this evening in time for dinner" Boe said in a sad tone.

"Hey I'll tell you what, I'll go into the city and you can call me when you are making your way towards the train station in Brighton Park. You can pick me up there and we can go over to your parents house and do the chores together so that way we can make it back home before the evening" Antone suggested seeing Boe's eyes light up at that idea.

"Sure that's a great idea Antone!" Boe said with clear happiness in his voice.

"Perfect! I have to catch the nine am train up to the city and I'll plan to come down on the three o' clock train out of the city" Antone said looking at Metra's train schedule out of downtown Chicago for that time and particular station stop.

"Great Ill call you when Im on my way overthere and pick you up from there as soon as you get in Boe said with his tail wagging and bouncing off the couch.

"Sounds like a deal to me honey but there is one thing I really need you to do" Antone said looking at Boe who had a quizzical look on his face. "Get a shower man because I can smell your armpits all the way up here and they are contaminating the wonderful smell in here" Antone said covering his nose with his hand to illustrate the point to a laughing Boe.

"Ok ok, I'm on my way, but first have some contamination" Boe said raising his armpit to a repulsed Antone who quickly got off his lap bounding over to the otherside of the room pointing towards the bathroom door.

"MOVE!" Antone shouted as Boe in hysterical laughter made his way into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. "You better wash those pits with tomato juice because if you don't I might consider walking instead of riding with you" Antone added removing his hand from his nose.

"Yes ma'am!" Boe joked turning on the shower as his friend made his way into their bedroom rolling his eyes not hearing the laughing husky who was holding his ribs trying to get his breath as the hot water of the shower hit his body.

Antone made his way into the closet selecting a pair of red briefs, khaki cargo pants, and a nice light brown wool long sleeved shirt Boe got for him for his birthday.

He wanted to be by the lake so he also threw on a pair of sox and walking shoes to complete the look.

He emerged out of the closet just in time to see Boe making his way into their bedroom in nothing but his husky birthday suit making the bull give him the once over whistling a flirtatious whistle at the husky who winked at the now blushing Antone.

"I sure hope you are leaving here in more then just that honey" Antone said with a clear trying to act serious tone in his voice.

"What do you think Darling?" Boe asked sarcastically looking at Antone who was giggling to himself.

"Uhh, I guess I would have to say no" Antone admitted as Boe made his way over to Antone looking him over.

"I think the apple red wool long sleeve you have will look hot on you" Boe said shaking his head at the bull's choice for a shirt.

"Hey I like this shirt you gave me for my birthday" Antone protested.

"I know but light brown does nothing for you given you are that color, here, throw this on" Boe said handing Antone the apple red wool long sleeve shirt.

Antone did as he was told removing the light brown wool shirt replacing it with the apple red long sleeved wool shirt Boe had handed to him.

"Much better, you look very hot!" Boe said in approval loving how the red made Antone's baby blue eyes pop.

"Thanks Boe, well I have to run and get to the train station before nine" Antone said looking at his wrist watch which read 8:30AM.

"Need me to give you a lift?" Boe asked.

"Sure if you hurry I can just make it to the station" Antone said pointing to his wrist watch.

Boe made his way into the closet and a few minutes later he emerged wearing a buttoned down light brown long sleeved dress shirt, khaki slacks, and light brown dress shoes.

"Damn honey you look great! Are you sure this is just a family get together?" Antone asked smiling.

"No, I want my Uncle to see I'm not some queer little fag who wears only rainbow wear as he says" Antone grumbled as he finished buttoning up his shirt.

"Your Uncle can kiss my and your queer asses if he thinks like he does" Antone said in an annoyed tone.

"HA HA, this is why I love living with you Antone" Boe chuckled as he threw on a pair of shades. "Come on, you have a train to catch" Boe said motioning Antone to the front door as the bull grabbed his shades and Roman Catholic cross chain necklace throwing it over his neck tucking the cross in his shirt to rest on his heart.

Fifteen minutes later they came to a stop at Homewood Metra train station just as the train was coming into the station.

"You'd better get going before they leave here without you" Boe said looking at Antone who just had enough time to get a ticket and jump on the train.

"See you at Brighton Park in a few hours hon, just ignore your Uncle because he's more gay then you are" Antone said giving Boe a quick kiss.

"Heh, I'll remember that" Boe said returning Antone's kiss with a quick one of his own.

Antone quickly got out of Boe's Jimmy making his way to the ticket counter purchasing a ticket for Union Station in Downtown Chicago. He gave a quick wave to Boe who beeped at him making his way out of the parking lot hitting the main road for his Uncle's place.

Antone just made it on board the train as the doors closed and the horn of the lead locomotive sounded followed by recoil of the cars pushing the train forward out of the station. Thirty minutes later and a couple more station stops to let people on and off the train it finally pulled into Chicago Union Station at 9:30am.

Antone made his way off the train and walked with its load of people out the door into the city. He hailed a cab for Michigan Ave and within a few minutes was at the lake shore. He paid the cabby his fare and made his way down the pathway watching the cab drive off blending itself back into city traffic.

Even though it was early spring there was still a clear bite in the breeze as it blew off Lake Michigan. As Antone made his way down the path he noticed there were a few souls brave enough or dumb enough to take a dip in the frigid water.

"Must be polar bear clubbers" Antone said to himself shaking his head when a lioness made her way into the water and within seconds was out of it clutching her body for warmth.

Antone kept walking until he saw a small park on the otherside of the road which faced the city. Even though the sun was out the air temperature was not inviting to be sitting on a bench by the lake so he made his way across the road into the park.

The park had plenty of trees to stop the wind and it was a fairly big place with scores of people walking around in it with their babies in strollers or just out for a run.

Antone took a minute to stop and view the city as he found a bench taking a seat on it. He took in the impressive Sears Tower which dwarfed the rest of the buildings making them seem like a man made Lego set next to its foreboding size.

While he sat there Antone began to let his thoughts roll as he thought about Henry. The images of the tiger in his mind made Antone droop his head in shame as tears welled up in his eyes remembering the night the tiger scuffed him up in their house.

He clenched his fists in anger realizing Boe was right about how he felt about Henry who deserved to get what he had coming to him in a much deserved divorce. Antone didnt want to face him but knew in the credence of the law he had to in order to make the divorce final.

He wished there was another way to approach this legally but knew in his heart there was no other way around it then what the State Of Illinois said had to be done.

Antone drooped his head in defeat wiping tears from his eyes realizing a lawyer was the only way.

He pounded his fists in disgust on the bench as a feline stopped in his tracks stunned by the sudden noise. The tiger looked at the bull as a feeling of sympathy came across him.

He looked at the handsome bull and immediately was overtaken with attraction to him. His eyes scanned over the well defined body sculpted into his clothes.

When the tiger's eyes stopped at the impressive bulge in the front of the bull's cargo pants he immediately took them off of it and was ready to say something to the bull.

"Hi" the tiger said to the bull who jumped in stunned surprise at the sudden sound of a voice invading his thoughts.

Antone looked up and laid eyes on a beautiful white tiger with the most gorgeous black stripes and green eyes he had ever seen. The white tiger was dressed in a red sweater and khaki pants which gave off his beauty making every stripe stand out on his head and his eyes seem more of a hue of dark green.

Antone sat there stunned at what he saw. He couldn't come up with words as his eyes locked on the white tiger. He felt his heart start to flutter and his pulse throughout his entire body quicken.

"Uhh hi" Antone managed to eek out as his mouth went dry looking at the tigers sculpted muscles barely being covered by his clothes. When his eyes locked on the well defined bump on the front of the tiger's pants moving he immediately felt his whole mouth flood with drool as he quickly looked up at the white tiger who stood there in front of him as if it was a dream he was having.

"Mind if I sit down?" the tiger asked.

"Uhh sure I guess" Antone stammered.

"If you're waiting for someone I'll be on my way" the tiger said in a serious tone not wanting to waste his or the bulls time.

"No please it won't be a problem, I'm waiting for nobody. I was just walking and figured I'd take a seat here" Antone said as he quickly snapped out of it.

"Ok then it would be my pleasure" the tiger said making his way over to the bench removing his backpack he carried placing it on the ground as he bent over.

As he was bending over to sit down Antone's heart and his bulge both pounded as the tiger's pants did little to cover up the non-underwear outline of the tiger's ass as each of the round cheeks were well defined on each side of them and the crack of his ass made a very pleasing semi wedgie which made Antones mouth loll open as his breathing increased the more he stared at the arousing site.

Antone closed his eyes as he felt his cock straining against the fabric of his underwear making him double over and then cross his legs which did little to stop the intense throbbing of his growing erection.

The tiger glanced over at the bull who was doubled over and in obvious discomfort. A feeling of concern came across him as he tried to get to the bottom of the bulls predicament.

"What's the matter? Not feeling too good?" the tiger asked with a look of concern in his eyes.

"You could say that" Antone said regretting he had said yes to the tiger to sit down with him.

"Ahh, well anyway, name's Jerry" Jerry said. "What's yours?" he asked not bothering to extend a paw.

"Uhh.. Antone" Antone said feeling his head spinning as the pleasure overload threatened to knock him out.

"Are you sure you're ok Antone? You don't look right at all" Jerry said concerned he might have walked up on a bull with some kind of a sickness or reaction to something.

"Noooo.. I'm I'm.. fine" Antone lied knowing he was the most turned on he'd ever been in his life.

"You don't look fine" Jerry said as he looked for the source of the bull's problem finally zeroing in on the bulging front of the bull's cargo pants getting bigger and bigger as he tried to cut it off by crossing his legs.

Jerry smiled coyly at the bull's obvious predicament but never tried to reveal the fact he was just as attracted to the bull as the bull was to him.

"You know I think you need to come with me to my apartment and lay down until this sickness passes" Jerry said collecting his backpack off the ground as he rose to his feet.

"Wha.. what?" Antone said almost on the verge of blacking out from his pleasure overload as Jerry helped him to his feet.

"Come on Antone let's get going" Jerry said quietly cheering in delight knowing this bull was going to be his fuck buddy for life after he was through with him.

Jerry wrapped his paw around the dazed bulls shoulders and helped him walk towards his apartment in the city as many onlookers they passed looked over at the inebriated bull assuming it was somebody taking home another drunk from the park.

A few minutes later Jerry with arousal overloaded Antone being guided by his left arm made their way up the steps into the building where Jerrys apartment was.

Jerry dug out his keys from his pocket as he made his way with his arousal drunken new friend up to the door of apartment #15. He put the door key into the keyhole and the door screeched open. With Antone almost blanked out he led him with his left arm into his apartment.

He led Antone into a bedroom tossing him on the bed where he landed on his back making a "ugh" sound as he did.

Jerry made his way back to the front door closing it making sure it was locked before he made his way back to the bedroom. He saw Antone laying there dazed looking up at him with a clear look of total arousal in his eyes and in the front of his cargo pants.

Jerry not wasting anytime quickly got onto the bed crawling his way up to the lips of Antone kissing them deeply being rewarded with a deep tongue lash kiss from the bull who stayed locked in with him for several seconds.

Jerry broke the kiss and made his way down to the snap of Antone's cargo pants quickly undoing it and pulling them and his underwear down all in one full motion.

Antone's throbbing twenty four inch bull cock came popping up into the air as soon as the fabric prison door holding it prisoner was released from it. The entire room reeked of his arousal as Jerry threw his cargo pants on the floor admiring the massive cock before him inhaling Antone's musk making the front of his pants bulge out threatening to split his zipper in half.

Jerry licked his lips looking into the arousal hazed baby blue eyes of Antone that were begging him for a show before the blow.

"I know you wanted to see this and now I give it to you" Jerry purred as he turned around smacking his clothed butt with his paws undoing the button on the front of them slowly pulling them down letting the crack of his ass tease Antone who was panting as drool cascaded out of his maw onto the covers below.

Jerry twirled around slowly pulling down the zipper of his pants letting the bull get an eyeful of the base of his cock as the zipper slowly went along the length of it before it finally allowed all fifteen inches of raging barbed tigerhood to come popping out into the open filling the air with the scent of his arousal mixed with the scent of Antones arousal.

"Do you like what you see Antone" Jerry said seductively as he got back onto the bed crawling up the bull's legs not once taking his green eyed gaze off of him.

"Uh huh" Antone grunted as his sex crazed baby blue eyes turned to a dark hue as he licked his lips ready to be blown like he never had been blown before.

Then you're going to love this" Jerry purred as his mouth consumed Antone's raging cock making the bull gasp outloud moaning at the top of his lungs as his tool was expertly worked over by Jerry's expert tongue.

Antone didn't know what to feel except the instinct of rut which he more then put to good use as he slammed his cock deep down Jerry's throat.

Jerry's eyes went wide as his mouth was filled with buckets of pre which drooled out of it down the length of Antone's cock coming to rest at his crotch before it cascaded down collecting in a pool on the bed sheets below.

Antone's big hand gripped the head of Jerry who was getting more then he bargained for. He tried to breathe through his nose as the torrents of pre continued to spill out of the bull's cock slit.

Antone's butt bounced off the bed as he humped Jerry's mouth in a wild carnal uncontrolled rut. He could feel his balls tensing up against his body. He knew he was getting close and was not going to let go of Jerry's head until he blew his load into his throat even if it meant flooding his brain with his seed.

Jerry knew he had to just hang on and ride out the incoming tsunami of the bull's orgasm so he wrapped his lips around Antone's cock squeezing down as hard as he could while he reached down giving the bulls balls a hard squeeze with a bit of a twist.

Antone howled at the top of his lungs shaking the windows as he erupted deep inside Jerry's throat as the tiger went wide eyed as jet after jet of his seed erupted into his mouth at an alarming rate.

Several huge strands of bull seed leaked out onto the bed as Antone's cock twitched violently threatening to choke Jerry out.

Jerry tried to ride the orgasm out as best he could but the bull's seed was winning the battle as more of it came out then it went into his belly.

Finally after several more agonizing seconds the orgasm finally ebbed enough to where Antone released his grip of Jerry's head and the tiger quickly removed his mouth from the bull's cock as he rolled off the bed collapsing onto the ground trying to spit out the bull seed which blocked his airway.

After several tense moments Jerry was finally able to breathe but not before he got dizzy and very light headed. He tried to regain his balance but couldnt as he suddenly lost it blacking out and landing face first in the pool of bull cum he had spit out on the floor.

An hour later Antone opened his eyes and suddenly darted up from bed wide eyed and confused from not knowing where he was. He looked around the dimly lit room sure he was still in a dream.

He tried to pinch himself to get out of the dream but when the hurt of the pinch felt real Antone freaked out going into hysterics and then almost having a stroke when he looked down and saw he was not wearing his cargo pants. He jumped up off the bed frantically looking for them finally locating them on the floor by the foot of the bed as millions of thoughts raced through his head.

"How in the hell did I get here and what am I..." he trailed off as he saw a white tiger lying on his face in a pool of bull seed.

Antones body went ice cold as he looked at what looked to be a young white tiger about Henrys age laying there unconscious. He didnt know what to think but he knew he couldnt run out of the apartment without first checking for a pulse.

He kneeled down to see if there was a pulse on this tiger and there was one and it was moving at a good clip.

It was when reality finally hit that Antone was able to piece together some of what happened when he realized this was the tiger named Jerry who he had seen at the park. He looked down at the sculpted body of the fallen tiger remembering how turned on he was by it. But then the rest was a fog up until the last thing he remembered which was seeing that beautiful assAnd then his eyes went wide as his flight mode kicked in.

As fast as he could, Antone made a beeline for his cargo pants quickly putting them on as he made his way to the front door coming to a stop before he opened it realizing his dilemma.

If word of this got out into the city Boe would surely hear about it and throw him out on the street when he found out about it. He knew their relationship was open but he doubted if Boe would accept him getting into these flings with street whores especially if they were tigers likeHenry.

It was then Antone knew he had to revive this tiger somehow and then somehow pay him off to keep him quiet so none of this would leak out into the city streets or social areas where Boe could catch wind of it.

The sound of groans and noises behind him made Antone jump out of his skin and his thoughts as he whirled around to see Jerry now laying on his back slowly coming out of his daze clutching his head.

"Damn Antone that's the first time anyone has ever given me a load so huge that Ive blacked out from it" Jerry said as he got up off the ground covered in bull seed.

"WHAT THE FUCK? Who are you and what the hell am I doing here and what did you do to me?"

Well first off to jog your memory Antone Im Jerry, the guy you couldnt take your eyes off in the park and you got so turned on by me I had to bring you here because I thought youd black out on me in the park Jerry said as shakily made his way into the den from the bedroom.

You still didnt answer my question, What the fuck did you do to me? Antone demanded stamping his foot on the ground.

"What did I do to you? HA HA, it's more like what you did to me Antone" Jerry said looking at his soaked fur.

Antone nearly lost his lunch on the floor staring at the seed covering the bed, the floor, and Jerry who stood there nonchalantly speaking as If nothing had ever happened.

The other reason I brought you here was I knew you were as turned on by me as I was of you and I wasnt going to pass up the chance to give you what you desired the most in letting me blow job you Jerry cooed staring a hole in Antone who was frozen from being locked into Jerrys gaze which etched itself in the bulls mind.

"You mean we, me, you.. How?" Antone stammered like a prey animal being cornered by a predator.

Oh it is very simple Antone, I knew you wanted me and I brought you here to fulfill that fantasy which you obviously did Jerry chuckled looking into his bull seed soaked bedroom and then over his body.

"Look Jerry, If word of this leaks out to my friend I am most assuredly sunk" Antone said in a shaky voice swallowing hard as he thought about the reaction Boe would have towards him if word of this encounter reached his ears.

"Look Antone, I could give a shit less who your friend is and if I was you Id take my offer of finishing what you started by giving me a blow job as good as I gave you. If you accept the offer which I know you will none of this ever leaves the apartment " Jerry said pointing down at his raging tiger cock which twitched as it throbbed.

Antone feeling his erection getting really tight again in his pants stared down at the throbbing fifteen inch tiger tool almost drooling as he thought more about Jerrys offer.

You know youd better do as I say and fulfill my bargain because if you dont word of this will reach every gay in this city one way or the other because I know a lot of them Jerry said smiling coyly as he looked at Antone who shook his head in no choice agreement.

I guess I have no choice but to do what you say then Antone said bowing his head in defeat.

Its your choice Antone but judging by what I see down below your waistband I dont think you have much of a will to deny me Jerry cooed pointing at the bulging front of Antones cargo pants as the bull blushed in shame.

"You promise to keep your word?" Antone said as he made his way over to Jerry embracing him.

"I'm a white tiger and we white tigers never spread rumors if our bargains are met and that is a promise Antone" Jerry said wrapping his arms around Antones shoulders ready to kiss him as his green eyed stare made the bull whimper.

"Well I will admit you are one of the most gorgeous tiger's I have ever seen" Antone said as he planted his lips on Jerry's lips for a kiss.

"Thank you and I will say the same about you" Jerry purred as he rested Antone's back against the front door kissing him deeply.

Antone pushed his back off the front door breaking the kiss getting on his knees wrapping his lips around Jerry's cock as the tiger moaned deeply feeling the expert mouth and tongue of the bull working his cock as his head bobbed like a bobber being nibbled on by fish in the water below it.

Jerry rested his back against the side wall by the front door throwing his head up in the air moaning deeply at the incredible blow job Antone was giving him.

He started to hump into Antone's throat but unlike the tiger Antone knew what to do. He expertly groped Jerry's ass inserting a digit into his hole forcing the tiger to fast hump with the rhythm of his sucking.

Jerry squealed and roared as he felt his balls tense up against his body shooting spurts of pre into Antone's hungry mouth.

"Oh fuck Antone, don't stop, you're fucking "NNN *MOAN* Incredible!" Jerry seethed in between moans.

Within seconds Jerry exploded sending torrent after torrent of his seed deep into the throat of Antone who sucked it up like a vacuum. A second powerful earth shattering orgasm followed the first as the contents of Jerry's balls were milked like a dairy cow feeding a calf.

When orgasm number three came up Jerry squealed as one last jet of his seed went into Antone's mouth. Finally his cock started to ebb and the tiger collapsed onto the ground as Antone released his grip and licked the remaining bits of cum off his lips.

*pant pant* "Holy fuck, that's the best anyone has ever blown me" Jerry said in amazement as the warmth of his buzz took over.

"Let's just say I have lots of experience" Antone said looking deep into the eyes of Jerry who chuckled at the confidence in the bulls voice.

Antone looked down at his wrist watch and realized it was almost two thirty and he had to go catch the train down to Brighton Park to meet Boe so they could go over to do chores at the huskys parents home.

"Listen Jerry I have to run to go meet my friend down in Brighton Park" Antone said. "I have to admit you were not bad yourself either at blowing me" Antone added winking at Jerry.

"Anytime you need somebody to talk to or just want to have some spontaneous unadulterated fun you know where to find me" Jerry said seductively kissing Antone on the lips as he rose to his feet.

Jerry made his way over to the counter grabbing a small sticky writing his number and cell phone number down. He walked back over to the bull giving him the numbers which he programmed into his cell phone.

"Well I have to go, if luck is with me I can just make in time to catch the Brighton Park train." Antone said opening the door making his way out into the hallway of the building.

"Yeah you will just have enough time so get going with you baby!" Jerry said giving Antone a kiss and a bulge grope making the bull moan low.

When both the kiss and the grope were broken Antone stared into Jerrys eyes begging him to resume the wonderful tease he was performing on the bull.

"Maybe your friend can finish what I started" Jerry said looking at an unnerved Antone who was swallowing hard.

"I'm just joking, now beat it hon" Jerry playfully joked pointing his finger towards the exit.

Antone did not waste a second making his way out of the tigers apartment building blending in with the people as he made his way to the street to hail a cab.

Jerry shut the door and quietly made his way into the bathroom turning the shower on jumping inside of it letting the hot water cascade down his body riding it of the caked bull seed which coated it.

He couldnt place his finger on it but he in some ways had the feeling this wouldnt be the last time he saw the bull.

And that thought alone gave Jerry another throbbing erection which he happily pawed off thinking about his new friend as the water washed away his and the bulls cum down the drain.

The End

Look for part two coming soon from SWSP!

Henry's Lesson II

Henrys Lesson II By, SWSP ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Several...

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Henry's Lesson, Part 1

**I know this is getting to be routine but.. The following is the sole property of me SwiftWindSpirit. All characters and their players are mine. They were made by me so obviously they are owned by me. Any failure to get this bold print will result in...

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Antone's Recovery

**The following story was made by me. All characters bull, husky, or otherwise were created by me. This means you can read but you can't touch, understand?** Antone's...

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