Putting Up a Fight - Chapter One

Story by Salaav Onitrex on SoFurry

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#2 of Putting Up a Fight

Disclaimer: All Pokémon names, locations, prevalent world characters, gyms, etcetera, are copyright to Nintendo, Game Freak, and a lot of other people. Original characters, and specific storyline are of my own creation. If anyone wants to use them in their own work, feel free. Please don't take credit for their creation, though.

Author's Notes: Yes, I have decided to start writing stories. I am not making any guarantees that this will be a regular thing, but if this story is well-received, I plan to contribute more work to SoFurry. Thank you to Capthavoc and Foxstriker25, because reading your stories made me want to start my own writing. Special thanks directly to Foxstriker25, for helping get me started. Having you help me was like getting martial arts lessons from Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Maybe I'm the only one who sees you as a kind of celebrity here on SoFurry, but you are awesome. If anyone has any constructive criticism, tips, errors to point out, or just have some questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or PM me. Also, tell me if there were things that needed improvement. I want to keep writing, but will only do so if at least one or two people enjoyed reading my work. All that being said, "Story, I choose you!"

Putting Up a Fight

Chapter One

Shit, I thought to myself as I woke up in the alley. Noticing that it was a little darker than it had been when I was last awake, I estimated I had been unconscious for almost two hours, making it about 12:30 in the morning. I checked my pockets and, like I expected, found all of my cash gone. This was the second time in one week I had been mugged.

I thought back to how I had left home in Oreburgh City a month ago for a job in Jubilife City and groaned. My cousin had been a waiter in some restaurant, and when he decided to become a Pokémon trainer, he recommended me as his replacement. He must have been pretty convincing if his boss actually called me and personally offered me the job. Mom and Dad weren't too excited about me leaving, but they knew that in this economy any job was worth it.

I got up and started walking the eight blocks back to the apartment my cousin had also left me. I was no pushover in a fight, but sometimes there are just too many to take on at once, especially if at least five of the six attackers were trainers. My chest ached, as if I had cracked a rib or two, and I was sure that my nose was broken. Through my ripped t-shirt, I could see that I also had a nasty burn on my chest.

Lucky that's all I got, I thought sullenly. I smiled as I remembered that I pulled off a clean judo throw on the first guy to rush me, knocking him out cold instantly. After that, I was able to take another trainer down, only to get up and turn around, freezing in terror at the sight of his Blaziken, who swiftly kicked me, her foot flaming. The blow hit me square in the chest hard, sending me flying into the brick wall behind me. That explained the burn on my chest, but I didn't remember much besides that...

Years of training in jujitsu, and being a Varsity wrestler in high school, helped me to become fairly tough. Just not tough enough to take on six people, one powerful fire/fighting type, and other Pokémon.

I thought back to how my friends at work kept telling me to get a Pokémon of my own.

"The bond will make you stronger, too!"

"The friendship built between you and your Pokémon is like nothing else!"

"A Pokémon can help keep you safe if you ever need it!"

"A Pokémon could help you out with simple chores around the house!"

It might be a good idea, I thought as all of their reasons for why I should get a Pokémon flooded my mind again. I sighed heavily, lightly brushing the scar on my neck.

Fucking foreigners, I thought, as my chest protested my deep breath.

It's difficult for me to admit it, but I am truly terrified of Pokémon. I have been, ever since I was attacked by a wild Luxray when I was six. She was the one who gave me the scar on my neck.

I know how silly it sounds, me, an 18 year old guy who's pretty tough, quaking in my boots at the thought of a Pokémon. I'm scared shitless by the medium-sized and big ones, and fairly scared even around the small ones.

Even with my childish fright, I managed to make it through life and school alright, albeit a little uneasy at times.

* * *

I stumbled into "my" apartment, and headed to the bathroom after bolting the door. The mess that looks back at me from the mirror is only just what I had expected. My nose is bent to the side a little too much and my short, dirty blond hair matted with just enough blood to be noticeable, but not enough to scare me into the emergency room. My light blue eyes gaze back at me from the bruised sockets.

I was just glad that I didn't get seriously injured. I may look scrawny, but I'm a lot stronger than I look, and a lot more skilled than people give me credit for.

I decided to take a shower, go to bed, and then see about going to the hospital tomorrow. I turned on the water to let it get warm while I took off my clothes. My shirt was trashed and my nametag was burnt so that I could just barely make out "Forest" on it.

I need a new one anyway, I thought as I tossed it into the trash._ How can they misspell "Forrest?"_

My shower took a little longer than normal, but it was a nice way to end a spectacular day. Making only $20 in tips, getting lost on the way home again, and finally getting my ass handed to me and losing my money, again, summed up today quite nicely. After I got dried off, I collapsed in my bed and went to sleep, grateful that I would wake up to my weekend off.

* * *

I woke up around 11:00 in the morning, and felt much better. My nose only needed to be iced a little bit, and my chest didn't hurt as much as it had the day before. The burn looked better, but needed some time to heal completely. There was a large scab and a small bump where I guessed the back of my head had hit the brick wall.

I was sore, that was certain, but not too much to stop me from going for a walk on Route 204, just north of Jubilife City. I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, also slipping on a light jacket as I left my apartment and headed towards the beautiful road. I was grateful, once again, that I was only two blocks away from the gate to Route 204.

After making my way through the gate, I felt a little more relaxed. Don't get me wrong. Just because I am terrified of even little Eevee, it doesn't mean I enjoy being around people all the time. I prefer to be on my own. Alone... As in, all by myself. People can be irritating or even downright hostile. Most Pokémon leave you alone, as long as you don't pose any threat in their territory, while most people are the exact opposite.

I had been able to locate and memorize a few back trails that avoid the main road, and by extension, people. They also seem to avoid Pokémon territory, as well. These have become my private, relaxation areas. I was on one of those trails right now.

I followed the path for a about forty minutes, coming to a junction that I remembered. I always turned left, but today I turned right, onto a part of the trail I had never been on before. This trail looked less used, almost as if it was very old, or only used irregularly. The obviousness that it was used by wild Pokémon never crossed my mind, for some reason.

After about another twenty minutes, I came across a small lake, set in a clearing of trees. I decided to take a break here, and sat down, leaning against a tree a few feet from the water's edge.

I looked around, taking in the beautiful scenery, as well as the lack of people and, interestingly, the apparent lack of Pokémon. The water was crystal clear, giving the impression it was only a few feet deep, but I knew that that was an optical illusion. The water was probably about twenty feet deep close to where I was sitting.

I'll have to come here for a swim, once the weather warms a bit, I thought cheerfully.

Across the lake, about 50 feet away, I saw what appeared to be a small cave entrance, made by two large boulders leaning against one another. I was curious as to where it led, but didn't want to risk bumping into a cranky Steelix with no way of protecting myself.

I heard some bug and bird types a little ways behind me and in front of me on the path, but nothing in the surrounding area.

It seemed so still and peaceful. I began to nod off, it was so relaxing. I eventually gave up fighting it, and slipped away into unconsciousness.

* * *

I woke up to the sound of someone's voice. Thinking it was some hikers who had discovered the same trail I had, I rolled over and relaxed once more.

"What are you doing here?" the voice asked boldly. I was pretty sure it sounded feminine.

I jolted upright, as I realized that the voice was speaking to me. I looked around, but I didn't see anybody.

"If you don't answer me, I will hurt you," the voice coldly stated. I couldn't discern the direction the voice came from, which was odd, since the speaker sounded as if she were right in front of me.

"Where are you?" I asked the trees and lake. "Who are you?"

I heard a soft thump behind me, as well as the minute sound of leaves crackling under silent footsteps. Whirling around, I gasped in shock. I also tripped over a log and landing on my back as I quickly backpedaled away from the figure in front of me.

I am this close to ending your life, pathetic human! Now answer my question, as your response may let you live! She howled in my mind, leaping into a crouch right on top of me, pinning me to the ground. My eyes confirmed what I had hoped my fears had created in my mind.

The creature above me had tan fur on her belly and chest, out of which a large spike was sticking. Her face had two black stripes of fur. One went back over the top of her head, between her tall, pointed blue ears. The other stripe came from the back of her head, across the eyes and the tip of her muzzle. She had four thick, shoulder-length "dreadlocks," which were also black. The lower part of her face, her neck, her arms, her "shorts," and her long tail were also covered in blue fur. She had rings of black around her upper arms, right at the shoulders, as well as a "belt" of black fur around her hips. Her paws, which sported smaller, just as dangerous-looking spikes, and legs from the knees down were also black.

The Pokémon had pulled her paw back into a fist, ready to execute me with the spike on the back of her hand. Her other paw was gripping my shirt, causing me to wince, as she pressed into my still-tender burn. Her eyes were narrowed and glowing completely blue, as if filled with some kind of energy. The lips on her snout pulled up, showing very white, very sharp teeth. Answer me!

She's talking to me using her mind, that's why she sounds so clear. After my mind released that thought I snapped back to reality.

"I-I-I'm j-just resting here!" I sputtered out in fright.

And I'm the president of Sinnoh! Tell me the truth!

I have no idea what happened in my mind. I was suddenly fed up with getting my ass kicked almost everyday, even though I trained to not even engage in physical confrontations, and at least handle them efficiently if I had to. Maybe I was finally tired of the odds always being against me.

I grabbed the arm that was gripping my shirt and bucked in that direction, throwing my attacker off of me to the side, with me ending up on top. She pulled one leg back and kicked hard into my chest, sending me flying up and backward.

You're gonna die, now! I heard in my mind. I somehow managed to land on my feet, as she came at me with lightning speed, punching straight at my face with her right paw. I ducked under her strike and scooped her right leg under my arm, while sweeping out her other leg with my foot. She fell, as did I, except I was prepared to fall and tucked my arm under her leg for a leg bar. She wasn't ready, for the fall or her leg to be barred. I didn't realize that I was going full-force on the bar and was shocked when I heard an audible crack!

"Riiiiiioooo!" she screamed suddenly, and loudly, with her Pokémon voice.

I immediately released her leg and got up off of the ground. She reached for her leg as she continued screaming. Once I saw her leg, which was now twisted and bent at a horrible angle, I lost all fear of her. I actually started to feel sympathy.

I didn't mean to hurt her!_I franticly thought. _I only wanted to stop her!

"I'm sorry! I don't know if I'm in your territory or what, but I need to get you to a Pokémon Center now!" I said as I moved towards her, glad that I can at least think and act quickly in dire situations.

_Touch me and you'll lose whatever part you reach with first!_she mentally spat at me. However, she didn't seem to me to be able to fight back with an injury like that.

An injury I caused her, I thought ruefully as I knelt to inspect the leg before lifting her up in my arms. As I suspected, she didn't make any motion to resist, only cradling her leg even more, cringing in pain.

_Suck Darkrai's cock, you pathetic shitbag!_she almost whispered, putting one paw around my neck. She continued to "verbally" harass me, though. I ignored it and walked back the way I had come earlier.

* * *

Damn winter! I thought, as I walked through the cold darkness to the Pokémon Center. It wasn't very late, but it had gotten dark about an hour ago. Even though she wasn't as heavy as I had feared, the two and a half hour walk back to Jubilife was pretty taxing.

She had given up protesting, and was simply glaring at me with intent to kill. And by this time, I was pretty certain she could have killed me. Maybe the only reason I was still alive was because she knew that she wouldn't have been able to get herself some help alone. Her screams had long since turned to small whimpers and ragged breaths, but my fear of her had undeniably returned.

When I walked into the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy turned to me smiling. Her smile dropped as soon as she realized that the Pokémon in my arms needed immediate attention.

"Bring her into this room right away! Chansey, get the supplies for a fracture, now!" she yelled as she opened a door for me. I took the Pokémon I carried into the room and set her down gently on the bed. Nurse Joy promptly ushered me out of the room.

"Why didn't you put her into her Pokéball if she had an injury like this!" She spoke it as an order. I didn't have time to answer before she said something else. "Wait right outside, a Chansey will bring you the paperwork. Stay here!"

With that, three Chansey rushed into the room and Nurse Joy slammed the door shut.

Well, that effectively threw away my chances of never seeing that Pokémon again, which would have been preferable. I groaned as I went over to the waiting area. I hadn't felt the pain from where she kicked me until now.

I think she hits harder than that damn Blaziken from last night! I thought as I sat down in a chair. Maybe this time I really do have a broken rib.

A Chansey walked up to me, handing me a pen and clipboard. I took it without arguing, but didn't even look at it. I hoped I didn't have to wait long.

* * *

When the door opened, and Nurse Joy came out, I had been waiting for about an hour. She walked up to me with a bright smile on her face.

"Your Lucario is doing much better right now. She should be fully healed in about two weeks. Right now, she wishes to speak with you!" she said cheerily. I must have not looked very pleased with that statement, as she exclaimed, "Well go on then, she's waiting for you!"

I held my breath for the entire short walk to the door. Nurse joy opened it for me and I stepped inside, quite terrified, as I knew that the Pokémon in the room might very well still want to tear my head off, and undoubtedly had the ability. I was surprised to see that she was smiling at me from the bed.

I wasn't surprised, however, when the smile disappeared as soon as I heard the door close behind me. The Pokémon in front of me went back to her old expression of murder. I gulped audibly.

As she detected my fear, her mouth turned up on one side in a small smirk. She motioned for me to sit down in the chair next to the bed. I was too scared to protest at all. I sat down and finally started breathing again, but only because it was necessary.

You were in my territory, human. What were you doing there? she asked coldly.

"I went for a walk, and when I found the lake, I laid down to rest. That's all," I whispered. I was able to do so without stuttering in fear, which made me proud, if only a little. "Can I leave now? I promise to never trespass on your territory again, and I apologize again for injuring you."

No, came the simple response. I wish to speak with you for a while.

"What do you want from me?"


Silence for a moment.

Why were you not on the main road, like all the other humans I have seen?

"I prefer not to be bothered by other people," I said. "I wanted to be alone to think and relax."

I see, she stated calmly. Why did you fight back? Don't you know what I am?

"I have been beaten up a lot, recently. I guess I sort of snapped and lost control," I answered. "No I don't know what you are."

She looked a little surprised as I said that last part. Her features had begun to soften, without calming my fear of her.

I am a Lucario, a fighting steel-type, she said proudly, smiling. You may call me Savaalia.

"I'm Forrest," I said, unsure of what else to do.

She held out her right paw, as if to shake my hand. I took it in my hand.

Bad move.

Still smiling, she used her grip to pull me out of my seat and closer to her. She was still quite strong, and further proved that point by punching me hard in my jaw. She didn't let go of my hand, though.

Pleased to make your acquaintance, Forrest! She said brightly. That was for trespassing and breaking my leg.

Using the grip she still had on my hand, she pulled me closer again, gently this time. I tried to pull away, but she simply wouldn't let me. Through all of it, she kept her smile, which actually seemed quite genuine and friendly.

I was still terrified of her, but less so after talking to her a bit. However, her current actions were pretty nerve-wracking. She pulled me so close to her, our faces were almost touching. Her eyes, I noticed, were actually a beautifully bright red, and showed no more hostility towards me, which was confusing.

She looked me right in the eyes, closed hers, and gave me a small kiss on my lips. It was a bit awkward, with my mouth and her muzzle being shaped differently, but she made our lips mesh together somewhat smoothly. I gasped as she did so, allowing her tongue to pass between my lips and lightly flick my tongue. It was a surprising situation, but not altogether unpleasant. As soon as I realized this fact, she pushed me off of her, rather roughly, finally releasing my hand.

That was for having the guts to carry me here to help, amidst all my threats.

She giggled, an interesting sound. A mix of a purr and a growl met my ears, while girlish giggling entered my mind at the same time. She interested me very much so. She also still scared me.

The more I get to know you, the more I actually like you, she said happily. That lady says that I can leave whenever I feel up to it.

"That's good, I guess," I said, not realizing why she was telling me.

Do I have to be so blunt about it? she asked in a humorous tone. I'd like you to help me out of here. She seems to think I belong to you, or something.

"What?" I asked idiotically. "Oh, right"

She moved the sheet from covering her legs, allowing me to see the large cast on her right leg. I winced at the sight of it. Even if I'm in a fight to defend myself, I don't like seriously hurting anyone.

She put her paws around my neck as I lifted her out of the bed. I carried her over to the door, and Savaalia opened it, pushing on the door handle with her long blue tail. When Nurse Joy saw us coming out of the room, she gave me a puzzled look.

"Why don't you use her ball?" she asked . "You also forgot to fill out the Trainer's Report."

"I'm not a trainer. I found her out on Route 204," I answered her.

"And you're sure that you're safe with a wild Pokémon?" she asked giving me a shocked expression.

Before I had time to respond, Savaalia purred and snuggled her head against my chest.

Nurse Joy just shook her head when she saw this. "Thanks for coming. We hope to see you again," she said without any real emotion.

I guess that's it, then, I thought to myself. I walked out of the Pokémon center, still carrying Savaalia.

I had no idea where I would go. "Do you want to go back to your territory?" I asked the injured Lucario.

And be easy prey for any trainer or hungry Pokémon_?_ she asked me as she looked at me as if I was two.

"Okay. How about we go to my apartment for now, so I don't have to walk around the city until your leg heals?"

Only if you really don't like holding me. Your arms are actually quite comfy!

* * *

Once we got back to my apartment, I set Savaalia down on her good leg so I could unlock the door. I opened it and turned to pick her up in my arms again. She still had that same playful smile on her face.

Nurse Joy must have given her some great pain pills, I thought as I carried her in and set her down on the couch. Only then did I realize that I had skipped breakfast to go on my walk, and hadn't had time for lunch, with all the commotion.

"Are you hungry at all?" I asked Savaalia. She nodded at me eagerly.

I'm starving! I haven't eaten for about two days! She practically yelped into my mind.

"Can you eat human food?" I asked her, hoping. "Because I don't have any Pokémon, nor am I prepared to cater to one."

Two days without food, and you think I care?

"Sorry, just checking," I said as I headed into the kitchen to make us some dinner.

_It's already that late?_I thought as I realized it was already about 7:00 in the evening. I decided to make a simple salad with oran berry dressing, as it would be the fastest to make. In about ten minutes, I had set the table and carried Savaalia over to a chair across from where I usually sat.

_Thanks!_She said as she started to eat. I was surprised to note that she already knew how to use a fork.

"Your welcome," I responded. I took a few bites myself. I was glad that I had made a lot, as she was already finished and was looking around, as if to see where I had hidden the rest of the food. I grabbed her plate and got up to get her some more.

"My turn to ask you some questions," I stated as I sat down, setting her plate in front of her. She nodded, so I continued. "Why were you so hostile to me when I was just sleeping?"

I have never met a human who has not attempted to capture me, before you. I didn't want to be the one caught off guard.

"Okay. Why did you trust me to carry you all the way to the Pokémon Center? I'm quite certain that you could have killed me, even with a broken leg What if I hadn't been going there? What if I had taken you to here to capture you first?"

I can read aura from creatures, humans included. It's what allows me to speak to you with my mind. I could tell that you were terrified of me and guilty for what you had done, so it seemed that you weren't likely to cause me any more harm or trouble. Besides, how would I have gotten myself to help, not knowing where it was? I'm glad that I trusted you. _ She paused for a moment, seeming to gather her thoughts. You still seem nervous._

"I was almost killed by a Luxray when I was six. Ever sense then, I've been terrified of all Pokémon. Childish, I know," I said.

Why was I talking to her this easily if I'm still scared? I asked myself. I'm afraid of her, but I'm actually enjoying her company.

_It is a little childish, to let a fear like that follow you all the way to your age. How old are you, by the way?_she asked while looking at me curiously.

"I'm 18."

She said nothing after that. She only finished what was on her plate and then looked at me hopefully. I smiled as I took her plate and got her some more. I gave her a third serving and asked, "Why haven't you eaten in two days? Haven't you been able to find any food?"

No, as I'm new to this area and have been making the lake area my new home. I've been making sure that any trespassers, human or Pokémon, stay away from my territory, she explained, sighing deeply_. I think that with my broken leg, I won't be able to stay there safely._

Crap, this might end badly! I thought nervously. I knew what I was about to ask her, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. "Nurse Joy says that your leg should be fully healed in two weeks. If you trust me, and can guarantee that I can trust you, you can stay here until then."

She beamed at me, practically squealing inside my skull, Thank you so much! I really appreciate all that you've done for me!

We both looked at her leg. Well, almost everything, she said with another of her small, interesting giggles.

We were quiet for the rest of dinner. I only had two plates, while Savaalia ended up having six plates of the salad.

That was really tasty, for just being leaves, she said tranquilly. I was at the sink washing the plates.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it," I said, truly happy that I wasn't alone for the first night in over a month. Her kindness only made me feel worse, when I thought about how I had injured her. "Feeling better?"

I'm not hungry anymore, but those little thing Nurse Joy gave me to calm the pain are wearing off, she said.

"If you can stay here alone for about twenty minutes without hurting yourself or trashing my place, I can go to the Pokémart and buy some pain pills for you," I offered.

She nodded slowly, saying, That would be really nice if you would.

"Alright. Do you want to be back on the couch?"

Is that the soft thing that was more comfy than your arms? She asked, making me blush slightly as I nodded. Definitely!

I scooped her up again and carried her over to the couch, setting her down gently. I noticed that the more I carried her, the more I enjoyed the feel of her soft fur. It was a beautiful mix of black and blue, complemented perfectly by her bright red eyes and tan "vest." She really was quite a beauty.

Are you going to let me go so you can go get my medicine, or are you going to hold me all night long? she asked, jolting me out of my stupor. Not that I wouldn't mind it that much!

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, as I took my arms out from underneath her. She laughed at my reaction. "I'll be back in a while."

I grabbed some cash and left the apartment before I heard her say anything.

Why am I acting like this around her, and so quickly, too? I asked myself.

* * *

The trip to the Pokémart and back proved uneventful, thankfully. It just took a little longer than I expected. I was gone about forty-five minutes. When I got back to the apartment, I didn't see Savaalia on the couch, which was a little surprising.

I looked around the small one-story, but couldn't find her anywhere.

Maybe she decided to go back to her territory, anyways, I thought, a little disappointed. Oh well.

I set the medication down on the couch, went to the bathroom, and got ready for bed. Before I did, however, an idea struck me.

Maybe she's doing her business outside somewhere, I thought, somewhat excited at the possibility that she might come back. I went to the front door and unlocked it.

I went back to my bedroom, turning off all of the lights as I went, not bothering to turn my bedroom light on, as I knew where the bed was. I stripped off all but my boxers and got in under the blankets. I rolled onto my side as I thought of how nice it was to be in my warm bed.

Wait a minute! My bed is never this warm! I realized as my eyelids fluttered open to see two eyes, glowing blue right in front of my own. I scooted back, yelping, as I realized that Savaalia had taken quite a liking to my bed.

I heard her cute giggle again. Cute? Am I really falling for a Pokémon this fast? I asked myself.

Is this your bed? It's really cozy! She said seductively.

Stupidly, I asked, "Why are your eyes glowing blue?"

They glow blue when I'm focusing on looking at everything through what some humans call aura vision, she answered sweetly. And boy, I can see exactly how embarrassed you are right now!

If I wasn't blushing yet, I was now. Not that she needed to see me blushing to know what I was feeling. For some reason, I was frozen in place. Part of me screamed to jump out of bed and go to sleep on the couch. The other part quietly wondered if her butt was as fir-_Not going there! _ I tried to silence my thoughts. Those kind of Pokémon-human relations were illegal in Sinnoh. Highly illegal.

Still trying to make my body move, and not being all that successful, I felt the bed shake slightly as Savaalia shifted closer. Right up against me, in fact!

"Savaalia! What are you doing?" I asked her weakly. I only heard her giggle, in my mind and ears.

Arceus, her body is warm! A thought I couldn't repress escaped. I still felt embarrassed, but now I felt something else. Something more...physical. Please oh please, Arceus, don't let her notice! I thought helplessly.

I had never been in bed with a female, of any kind. I was a virgin, yes, but I understood the "mechanics" of sex. It's not that I never had the chance, there were a few girls who were quite willing, but I was always too scared to continue past petting. I somehow had the feeling that that option wasn't open to me tonight.

Scared of me, or something else? She asked me with a tempting voice. It didn't help that I felt her tail tickling my leg and her paws brushing my chest. I must admit, it was quite sexy to hear her voice, feel her body against mine, and see her eyes glowing blue.

"It...It's not you," I started. "I-" she cut me off with a kiss.

What a kiss! If earlier today was pleasant, this was heaven! I thought to myself.

_Are you... you know... a virgin?_she asked me hesitantly

"Yes," I whispered, nodding, feeling somewhat ashamed.

Good! she whispered back, sounding excited. This is going to be a lot of fun!

Whether she meant fun for me, or for her, I did not know, but I didn't have much time to think about it, as Savaalia's tail suddenly stripped me of my boxers. I gasped, pulling away slightly.

Upon feeling me tense up, she threw one paw around me, effectively pinning me tight against her chest... and spike.

"Ahh!" I cried out as her chest spike jabbed me. She giggled again. Damn it that was a turn on!

Sorry about that, she whispered. Too rough? Didn't think so!

She didn't give me time to respond as her other paw stroked its way steadily down my body to my crotch, grasping my erect member in a tight, but comfortable fist. I moaned slightly at her touch.

Well, what are you waiting for, it's not as if I have underwear that needs to be removed! she teased as she tugged lightly on my manhood. I responded by gasping once more and reached my hand out towards her. My fingertips grazed her stomach as they traveled towards her nether regions, causing her moan softly.

My heart beating faster than ever before, I finally pressed my fingers lightly against her pussy. She began to take shorter, faster breaths, as I softly massaged her lips. I guess she likes that, I thought.

Loving her reactions to my slight pushes against her mound, I decided to go a bit further with my rubbing. I slipped one finger just inside her lips, sliding up and down between them, not fully penetrating her.

_She's so wet!_I mentally noted. As my fingertip brushed a bump inside her quivering lips, she moaned loudly, squeezing me tighter against her, her chest spike still digging into my chest. I didn't care anymore. I was so enthralled in her bodily replies.

"Lu! Lucario! Lu! Luc!" She panted, forgetting to use aura for communication, as I played more forcefully with what I guessed to be her clitoris. I didn't mind, as I thought her physical voice was sexier than hearing her speak in my mind.

She had long since forgotten about my now fully hardened penis, but I was too busy pleasuring her to worry about it too much at that moment. I had done a little of this with one other girl when I was 14, but we stopped before it went too far.

I was getting more and more excited as her breathing quickened. I could also feel her heart beating faster than I thought possible of any creature. I kept increasing the speed and force with which I was fingering her. She squeezed me even tighter, her spike digging so hard into my chest, I was certain I would have another scar caused by a Pokémon. Her body suddenly tensed up, as her built up pressure became too much.

"Riiiiiooo!" Savaalia howled into the darkness, my hand suddenly soaked with warm liquid.

That's the most erotic sound I've ever heard! I thought excitedly. I couldn't believe that I had given a girl an orgasm! Well, a female, at least!

She continued to howl with pleasure and squeezed me for a few more moments. Her breaths were drawn deeper and slower. Her tail uncoiled itself from my leg, surprising me. I hadn't noticed it tighten around my leg as I was... preoccupied with other parts of her body. Her paws slowly drew circles around my nipples and lightly played with the minor wound from her chest spike.

_That was amazing, Forrest!_she whispered into my mind. I smiled as I lightly brushed the fur around her eyes. My excitement grew, as I felt the soft fur of her belly tickle my manhood. I had a pretty good idea of what was coming next. I was nervous and eager at the same time. Her body rocked gently back and forth, exciting me further.

The rocking slowed, and I braced for when she would take her paw upon my member, placing it at her warm, wet entrance. But her paw didn't move lower, her face did! It slowly brought its way to my chest- where it stopped, and I finally heard her light snores.

She's asleep?_I asked myself. _But I thought it was men who passed out after getting off! Not women!

I couldn't believe my luck. I had a female sleeping against me peacefully, while both of us were naked. That was definitely good. It was my bad luck that put her to sleep before I could have my turn!

I laughed and swore quietly to myself, draping my arm over Savaalia. After a few more minutes of looking upon my good and bad luck, I decided it was mostly good, seeing as how she was still here, and had seemed to enjoy my company for the evening. This thought kept me feeling content, until I fell asleep.

I was still curious as to why I was so close to a wild Pokémon so fast. I'm terrified of them! I thought, puzzled. Savaalia was still somewhat intimidating, but I already felt so attached to her. I was also wondering why my initial fear of breaking the law didn't allow me to even attempt to stop her.

_Well, let's see what tomorrow holds..._was the last thought I had, before drifting off.

* * *

Author's Notes: Not what any of you expected? I didn't plan on having any naughtiness in the first chapter, but it ended up going that way. Wow, this story is completely different that the original idea I started writing with. I hope that all of you who read this liked it. I do plan on having more than one chapter, so if there was anyone who thoroughly enjoyed it... *crickets chirping* ...anyways...I will continue. Not sure on the posting date of the next chapter, as this is sort of flowing from my mind directly to the page, with almost no sort of planning whatsoever. Until next time, I guess/hope.