Part 3 - Hunger

Story by Onyx Tanuki on SoFurry

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#3 of Coming Home

_Disclaimer: This story contains themes of a sexual and homoerotic nature, and is not intended of audiences of under eighteen.

This story is a collaboration between myself (Onyx Tanuki) and Royal Sovereign._

"So exactly how long have we been waiting, anyway?" Chris whined, sitting on the ground as he looked down to study the newly muscled body that formed over the morning and afternoon. He was no longer surprised at how rapidly he and Max seemed to be changing... no, "evolving" might be a better word for it. He still wasn't close to Max's musculature, but he was definitely seeing his torso take shape.

Max's body, too, had shifted quite a bit as the hours passed. Less noticeably than Chris's, since he had a good deal of muscle to begin with, but where he was once just strong, he could now be described as ripped. It formed an even sharper contrast to his still-youthful face, which by now sported an impressive set of goat horns. "I dunno... maybe two... three hours? Why, you hungry again?"

"No, just curious..." Chris had stopped telling time in terms of hours and minutes, and had begun judging it by his hunger pangs. By now, the two boys had "fed" on each other at least four times, and Max had eaten of himself twice beyond that. Each time, the other's cream seemed to have a sweeter, more desirable taste, and though neither would admit it to the other or to himself, they were beginning to enjoy the act just as much as the relief from hunger that came afterward. "Why, are you hungry again?"

"Not yet. I might feed myself anyway, though. Er, just to be on the safe si- oh, hey, I see a truck!"

Chris grumbled, "Well, let's hope those horns don't scare this one off like the last couple of people..."

Thankfully, as Max extended his thumb, the great rig rolled to a stop, and once the driver switched gears, the passenger side door swung open. "Hello there, boys. Need a lift?"

The man inside was a paragon of masculinity. A red plaid flannel shirt layed open over his body, revealing a torso covered with a coat of fine, short black hair that looked to be soft and well-groomed. Despite its thickness, the layer of chest hair didn't hide the hard, burly musculature pushing up from beneath his skin. A cigar sat clamped between pearly white teeth, and his strong jaw was covered in a beard trimmed short and coming up around his lips to end just before a mustache could form. A small silver ring sat in his lower lip, and another through one of his thick eyebrows. Piercing black eyes sat beneath a solid browridge where two perfectly straight eyebrows shadowed them. His hair was mostly hidden by a red baseball cap, but thick black sideburns pushed their way down in front of his ears to meet his beard at the jawline. Below his impressive chest, his thick thighs were covered with faded jeans, the legs obviously brimming with just as much muscle as the rest of him, while his lower legs were bound inside knee-high combat boots.

"Well, ya gonna get in?" his manly, gruff voice inquired, "or were ya just stickin' yer thumb out so you could dry it off?"

Max had to force himself to think about masturbating grannies once more to keep himself from getting hard and exposing his inhumanly large member, and it worked... barely. Ever since drinking that water, he'd found himself more and more turned on by guys, and this picture of manliness wasn't helping him fight that craving in the least. In fact, he was beginning to wonder if it was even the water that was causing this attraction.

"Max, c'mon. Stop staring and get in the truck," Chris urged, snapping his companion out of his daydreaming. Together, they climbed into the massive cabin, finding that they had plenty of room to sit even with the driver's incredible bulk.

The large male turned toward the two boys, grinning softly. "So, what would a couple of half-naked teenage mutants be doing out in the middle of nowhere?"

"M-mutants!?" Chris growled indignantly. "Look, we may be desperate for a ride, but I'm not gonna let you insult-"

"Calm down, buddy, I'm just teasin' ya. I've done some wild things to my hair when I was younger too, and I've got some horn implants, myself." He lifted his hat, displaying sharp conical lumps pushing the flesh of his forehead up, hidden beneath the shadow of the cap's brim. "See? Never seen 'em goin' through the skin before, but I got mine a spell ago."

"Oh..." the boy mumbled, embarrassed at his overreaction. "Well, anyway, we're just trying to get to the nearest city, is all," Chris answered. "See, we escaped from an orphanage with nothing but the clothes on our backs..." He looked back down over his bare body, still covered by nothing but a skimpy pair of briefs that seemed to bulge more by the hour. "Erm, so to speak."

"Ah... gotcha. So, you two got names, or should I just make some up for ya?" the man said as he shifted into drive and the rig pulled forward on its way to who-knows-where.

Max nodded, finally having adjusted to the man enough to look at him without risking an erection, although the powerful scent of the burly trucker still made his testosterone bubble, as did the kinship he felt from him because of them both having horns, even if the other's were just implanted. "Yeah. My name's Max, and this is Chris."

"Max and Chris..." he replied, committing the names to memory. "Nice to meet ya. You can call me Russ."

"Pleasure's all ours, Russ..." Chris added as he studied the male's face.

Noticing his gaze, Russ rose a hand from his steering wheel, brushing it through his bristly beard. "What is it? Somethin' on my face?"

"No... it's just... I dunno," the older teen answered, turning away. "I could swear I've seen your face before, but I just can't place it..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Guess I just have one of those common faces, eh?"

"I suppose."

Before any more conversation could take place, the CB radio crackled with another voice, mild, yet masculine. "Trucker 2-4, do you copy?"

"Hmm... do you think we can trust him?" Chris asked his companion, whispering over garbled speech between Russ and his contact about picking up and dropping off deliveries.

The horned boy smiled as he looked over Russ's body once again. "Sure we can. Besides, even if we couldn't, we're already here in his truck, so it's too late to consider that anyway." He pushed his glasses up with his middle finger, still eying the man. "Hey... do you think he's... ya know... 'cause he's kinda cute..."

Chris smiled too, surprised at his friend for even asking. "Max! You aren't..."

"Well... I, erm..." He turned his face away and blushed. "Yeah, I guess. Shut up."

"No way... I can't believe you're gay too-" Chris put his hand swiftly over his mouth, but the word had already slipped out before he could catch it. That one little word... if only he'd caught it in time... "Oh shit."

"Too? You mean you're-"

"Hey, fellas, wanna let me in on the conversation?" Russ suddenly piped in, setting the CB back in its stand on the dashboard.

Chris shook his head. "Sorry, but it's kind of a personal thing... between us."

"Fair enough." Russ shrugged, staring straight forward at the road, and the boys let go of the issue, instead beginning to idly chat with the trucker about whatever topics floated about one of the three males' heads at the time.

In the hours that passed, the two learned a good bit about Russ's past. He, like the two of them, was an orphan, and knew nothing about the first few years of his life. He had the fortune of being taken in when he was a toddler, though, and raised by a father he spoke affectionately about. He was skilled with an acoustic guitar, and had a son close to the boys' age, adopted just as he was. Many people teased him for having a limp, but he didn't mind much.

They happily accepted when Russ allowed them to use some of his son's spare clothes that he kept in the cabin. The jeans and t-shirt that Max had chosen fit very tightly over his broad muscular frame, while an identical pair of jeans fit loosely on Chris, who decided against a shirt, if for no other reason than allowing himself to see his newly chiseled body every time he looked down. The crotch bulged for both of the young men, though, the thick denim straining to contain their nuts, which had grown to nearly the size of baseballs. The new clothes couldn't have come at a better time, because the hair on their legs was beginning to thicken, Max's into the same curly brown on his groin, and Chris's the soft, straight white to match what was on his head.

During the long trip, they slowly began to become more and more hungry. Each was tempted to feed on the other or himself, but there was no way they could do that in front of Russ. What would he do? How would he react, seeing them voraciously devouring each other's cocks? They were afraid of what the answer could be, so they instead tried to ignore it. It was hard, though, and getting more difficult by the second. By sunset, Chris was struggling just to keep from doubling over and gnawing at Max's crotch, and Max held his stomach as it was gripped by the pain of starvation.

"Exactly... how long has it been since you boys have had a proper meal?" Russ finally asked, worried for the horned male's wellbeing.

Chris shrugged. "I dunno..." He honestly didn't know... at the orphanage the children were only fed a tasteless gruel three times a day, something that could hardly be considered a proper meal. Granted, they couldn't have fed more than seven or eight hours ago, and while that would naturally make most people hungry, it sure as hell wouldn't make them suffer as much as they were. "It's... been a long time since we've really eaten much of anything..."

Russ frowned as he glanced back over to Max. "I see... I saw a sign for a truck stop only a few more miles up the road. There should be a motel and a restaurant there. I'll stop there and get a room and some food for us all." His hand left the steering wheel for a moment and stroked through the younger boy's hair gently. "Hang in there, kid, you'll get somethin' in yer belly soon enough..."

Max opened his eyes, which had been clenched from the growing pain and panic, looking pitifully up over his glasses at the truck driver. His tender touch only served to arouse the young man, and made his gut roar even louder. He nodded as he kept gripping his belly. Chris, meanwhile, could only watch helplessly as his friend slipped into starvation, knowing from the gurgling in his own intestine that he could soon fall to the same fate.

Luckily, it was only another few minutes before the rest stop came into sight, a neon sign indicating that it had vacancy. In fact, the entire parking lot was empty, aside from the cars of the few employees working. Chris and Russ both jumped out of the cabin as soon as the trucker had shifted to park, and helped the horned teen get out. The white-haired boy supported his hunger-stricken friend, helping him walk, as Russ moved ahead and secured a room for the three.

The inside was what one might expect of a cheap motel. The walls were papered with some green and white design straight from the early 1970's, and peeled in several spots to show the piss-yellow paint beneath. There was no carpet over the cold, cracked cement floor, although a small grey area rug made a pathetic attempt to hide this. A bare-framed bed was topped with a full sized mattress stained with so many unknown fluids, though one could probably make a good wager as to what they were, and beside it was a small wooden bedstand with a dim lamp that bathed the whole area in a sickly yellow and served as the only illumination aside from another light peering through the open bathroom door. Russ ushered the two friends in, watching with concern as Max rested weakly on his companion's shoulder. "Okay, I'll go get some food for ya. Be back in two shakes..." WIth that said, he shut the door and made his way to the restaurant.

No sooner had the door slammed closed did Max, in a sudden burst of energy, push his friend to the bed. "M-Max!?" Chris grumbled as the horned boy clawed desperately at his jeans, wanting inside.

"So hungry... Chris, please feed me... I'm begging you..." the younger of the two pleaded, lapping at the denim stretched over the other's balls.

The poor young man looked so pathetic, licking at the older male's pants, looking up at him with tears welling in his eyes... "Okay, but hurry up, Russ could be coming back any second..." Chris carefully unfastened his jeans and pulled the top of his briefs down underneath his balls, keeping them held down with one thumb and allowing his swiftly inflating cock to flop out onto Max's nose. The horned male grasped the semi-flaccid member in both hands, letting one of them wander up the shaft and play with the head, ripping a moan from Chris's lips and bringing him to his full fourteen inches. Suddenly, Max opened his mouth wide and took the entire length down, not stopping until his nose was buried deep in Chris's downy white pubes.

"Nnngghh... M-Max... oh God..." the older boy groaned as he threw his head back and gritted his teeth. He hadn't realized that doing without his friend's mouth for a few hours could make such a difference in how incredible it felt. The younger of the two swallowed over and over, his throat contracting around Chris's dick and making it twitch and send a torrent of precum deep into Max's belly. He found himself gripping his friend's head tightly, pushing him down into his lap. As he did, the boy's horns gently rubbed against Chris's abdomen, making him quiver in lust. "So good... so fuckin' good... oh, Max... Max!"

A sudden tearing sound caught the older male's attention, and as he gazed past his companion, he saw that the fly of the younger one's jeans had ripped open, the button having flown God-knows-where and the zipper dangling by a few threads, broken beyond any hope of repair. The thing that had caused this was Max's own shaft, which had strained the denim beyond its breaking point as it hardened and pushed its way through the young man's boxers. The massive organ laid on the floor in front of the kneeling male, pouring its own river of precum under the bed.

Chris didn't have much time to marvel at his friend's cock for long, though, as he felt Max's fingers grip his hips, fingers digging in like a lion's claws, holding onto a fresh kill as it gnawed on the carcass. This, along with those horns subtly stroking his abs, made the older boy moan lustfully and begin thrusting up into the maw his cock was already so deeply buried in. It didn't take long before he reached his breaking point. "Oh, fuck... fuuuccckkk... fffFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!" With an animalistic scream, Chris let his orgasm loose, pumping his seed deep into his friend's maw. He grinned goofily as he thought about how every time they did this, it felt better and better... then his grin instantly turned into a wide-eyed look of horror as he saw the doorknob to the room turning, and the door slowly creeked open as Russ, holding a few doggy-bags filled with various foodstuffs, stepped in.

"Oh... G-God..." Chris's voice quivered, both from the sense of his semen still churning through his massive cumpipe and into Max's belly, and from the sheer humiliation of the stranger having seen him fucking Max's face like a stallion mounting a mare. Max, however, was too enthralled in the hot cream pouring into him to notice - or for that matter, care - that he was seen in such a lewd act. It seemed like forever as the trucker stared blankly at them, until finally the first hint of emotion came over his face in the form of a lewd smile.

"You little devil..." Russ said, looking over to Max as he finally pulled Chris's softening member out of his mouth, still hungry, but at least not starving anymore. It was now that it hit him, that Russ had seen him downing his friend's cock so eagerly. He blushed, simply staying motionless on his knees as he gazed at the man.

Russ walked forward and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning an elbow on Chris's shoulder. "Hey, it's fine. We all have our urges. Happens a lot to me when I'm on the road a long time..." he explained. "Yep, sometimes I get so horny, I can't stand it, and I have to pull to the roadside so I can jerk off."

"U-um..." Chris was flabberghasted. Not only were he and Max not about to get pulveried as he'd expected, but Russ was talking openly and freely about masturbating. "You mean we... didn't scare you or anything? I mean, with... you know..."

Russ rose his arm from the older teenager's shoulder, running a hand gently through the smooth white locks. "Well, I'll admit, you two have some fuckin' huge cocks... but naw, they don't scare me. In fact, I think they're... kinda hot." As the man turned sideways, folding one leg up onto the dirty mattress and letting the other stay on the ground, his fingers strayed toward his crotch, wrapping around his dick through his jeans. "Seeing your friend goin' down on that big cock of yours made me hard as a fuckin' rock..."

Max, smelling Russ's arousal in the air, gravitated to the man's side, his nose getting ever closer to the source of the thick musk. Chris too found himself drawn toward the masculine odor, and realized that the scent was making his mouth water. Without even thinking, he reached over to the fly of Russ's jeans, unfastening the button and drawing the zipper down. He reached down inside the opened pants, his hand quivering as he felt the man's silky pubic hair against the back of it, and wrapped his fingers around a hot, hard shaft and yanked it from the trucker's pants leg.

The pillar of flesh wasn't nearly as big as the two teenagers' overgrown members, but at more than nine inches long, it still wasn't anything less than impressive. A silver Prince Albert ring sat parallel to his cumpipe, glittering seductively in the dim light, and a lorum sat well below it between his base and a pair of hefty, low-hanging nuts. The lengthy phallus bent upward attractively near the middle, and was already moist with precum. "So, which of you two's gonna take the first taste?"

Together, the boys dove forward, their lips meeting on opposite sides of the burly male's shaft, earning a lustful grunt from deep in his throat. Max's hand ran up inside the trucker's shirt, digging through soft hair and massaging his chest, and Chris let his own fingers mimic his friend's. He noticed the man moan softly when he felt his nipple pass under his fingertips, and let them linger there, playing with the swiftly hardening nub of flesh. Russ responded appreciatively, pushing his own strong fingers through the young male's white locks and gently gripping the back of his head, then doing the same to Max's brown waves. "Nngghhh... God damn... you're both doin' so good..." he whispered, watching with a lazy grin as the two tongues writhed like demented snakes over his pulsing organ.

The boys' mouths soon took separate paths along the phallus. Chris's lips traced upward until they were pressed to Russ's gaping cumhole, which the young man lapped at furiously. The horned teenager, meanwhile slipped down, laying a hot trail of tiny licks along the man's shaft until his tongue met with those heavy testicles and drew one of them into his mouth to suck on. Russ bit his bottom lip, his breath getting heavier and deeper thanks to the friends' combined efforts to get him off. "Fuck... this is the best blowjob I've had in ages..."

After a few more minutes of sucking and licking in their chosen areas, the young men converged once again, this time on the head of Russ's throbbing dick, painting coat after coat of warm, thick saliva over the sensitive glans and occasionally batting around his PA. The trucker's grip on their skulls tightened, but still remained loose enough that they could maneuver. Each young male looked longingly into the other's eyes until they suddenly crashed together, their lips locking together in a passionate kiss as their tongues danced around the glans trapped inside their mouths. Russ mumbled incoherently as his breathing got faster and shallower, and his hips twitched forward, pushing his member deeper into the teens' interlocked mouths.

His fingers curled tightly in the youths' hair and he grunted roughly as his dick began spasming wildly, and he fired the first of his creamy load into their hungry mouths. Neither boy had known what to expect of the man's taste, but found it intoxicatingly delicious, like the milk of the gods. They swallowed as quickly as possible, but were hardly able to keep up as every steamy wad Russ pumped into them filled both of their mouths to capacity. His orgasm seemed endless, but neither boy gave a damn at the moment, caring for nothing more than drinking down every drop they could of this heavenly elixir spewing from Russ's organ.

Neither of them knew exactly how much time had passed, but it seemed like a thousand eternities had passed them by before Russ's endless flow slowed down, giving them a chance to finally lap the spent organ clean. Gasping for air, Chris finally came to his senses enough to actually realize that something about the whole situation was off. Suddenly, it hit him. "Russ, even Max and I have never cum for that long... how in the world did... y-you..."

Chris's voice trailed off as he saw that, even after shooting what couldn't have been less than a few gallons of semen, Russ's member was still hard and throbbing. "Ah, that's just 'cause you two ain't changed all the way yet."

"Changed...? What... do you know, Russ?"

The burly man flashed a devious grin as he tossed his hat aside. "Sorry fer decievin' you boys... but I had ta make sure you were the ones." The fleshy horns he'd claimed were piercings erupted through the skin that housed them, coiling into those of a great ram. He tugged the skin-tight denim away from his legs, revealing thighs covered in fur. Not hair, but fur. The same continued into his boots, which he tugged off to show that his entire leg structure was that of a goat's. The whole time, Max's tongue had continued to slather Russ's cock in spit, even as the organ grew longer and thicker, not stopping until it was nearly eighteen inches long and thicker than the truck driver's forearm. The brown-haired teen was just so enraptured by that hot flesh that he couldn't bring himself to give a damn what it was attached to, so long as he could get more of that glorious cream from it.

Russ sighed as he watched the younger male's mouth keep working over his turgid organ, urging out a fresh load of crystal-clear precum. "See, Chris, I'm what ya'll might call a 'satyr.' Ever heard of it?"

Slowly, the white-haired teen's head nodded. Yes, he knew what a satyr was. Pan's followers, according to myth. Half man, half goat, beings who reveled in the earthly delights of wine and song and sex. Ancient Greece's equivalent of the modern phrase, "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll." "What does that have to do with us? What do you mean when you called us, 'the ones?'"

"Nggghhh... Y-You and yer friend h-here... have satyr blood i-in yer veins," the satyr grunted, his breath once more becoming ragged as Max's skilled tongue suddenly dipped into his pisshole, making him shoot a jet of his clear nectar over the boy's face. "Yer... a-ahhnnn... yer evolving... him into a s-satyr, and y-you... ah, shit... you into... a s-sileni..."

Maybe it was some kind of shock. A mental overload. A short circuit in his brain. But somehow, hearing this explanation didn't concern Chris in the least. Hell, he was even relieved. Even if it made no sense... even if it went against all logic... at least now there was a reason for what was going on with the boys. "So, what made us start... evolving?"

Russ layed back on the bed, his body wracked with pleasure, teeth grinding, as Max's lips assaulted his head, forcing his salty precum out in streams. "You'd hafta have d-d-drank water from P-Pan's Fount... oh God!... F-Fountain..."

The instant he heard the name, he knew. That's what that sign meant. They were the supposed "chosen ones." Everything was falling into place. "Wow..."

Russ, now sweating as the horned male's tongue twisted over his throbbing erection, turned his head to look at Chris's face. "Y-you okay?" he asked, hoping that this overload of information wouldn't be too much for the kid to handle.

With a sly smile, Chris met those dark eyes with his own. "I'm fine. But it looks like you could use a hand..." He reached forward and wrapped his palm tightly around Russ's cock, earning a joyous shout from the horny goatman. Swiftly the boy's fingers pumped up and down the monstrous shaft, and within a few more seconds, the combination of one male's hand and another's mouth working over his dick became too much for the trucker to bear, and a second orgasm ripped its way through his sweat-soaked body, pumping another load of steamy satyr seed into Max's gluttonous maw. Whatever didn't fit into the younger teenager's mouth dripped down the satyr's shaft only to be lapped up into Chris's mouth as it drizzled over his fingers.

"Nnnnnggghhhh... God..." Russ groaned as his second climax slowly faded into sweet afterglow, and the two teens layed down next to him. "I think... we're gonna have a nice trip together..." he sighed as each boy nestled his face into the satyr's warm chest, and the three spent males drifted into peaceful post-coital slumber.