My Little Pony FIM Chapter 1: Magical vortex

Story by Lunarmon on SoFurry

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Finally got done with this, not sure if I hit the characters right but I hope it isn'...

A human man is violently riped from his world by a strange magical storm and ends up in Equestria, where he begin to make a new life among the ponies.

Finally got done with this, not sure if I hit the characters right but I hope it isn't too bad tell me what you think and I'll see when I can get the next done.

My Little Pony FIM Chapter 1: Magical vortex

"Another day of trying to stop those fools from destroying more of the world, do they never learn?" I said to myself as I closed the door behind me before looking into a mirror on the wall where I saw my own reflection, a young man in his early twenties, with light brown hair with darker brown highlighting and brown eye, before going into my living room to relax in my comfortable chair, closing my eyes, after a rough day.

After a few minutes of resting and relaxing I slowly opens my eyes again and stretched my body out. "Better get down to it." I said as I stood up and went out into the hallway and went down to my basement and into my 'Meditation Chamber' where I got down in my meditation position before closing my eyes and began to focus my thoughts and energy as I began to go into a deep meditative trance.

Suddenly I felt a powerful energy pulse, ripping me away, twisting me around, through the energies until I lost my consciousness.

"Hi Twilight, what are you doing?" I looked up from the stall and saw Pinkie Pie hopping towards me from among the other ponies, making me smile at her.

"Nothing Pinkie Pie, just looking at the stalls, to see if there's anything I want, and getting some apples from Applejack to take home." I said as she hopped up to me.

"Oh, apples, apples is good, not as good as cupcakes but what is," she said as she jumped around, "anything else?" she asked as she put her head almost up to my face.

" Pinkie Pie nothing else at the moment." As I said that Pinkie Pie stood still for a moment before jumping up.

"Then how about a party?" she said as she jumped around, I took a step back and looked at her as she jumped around me.

"A party? Well hmm...well why not, I just finished reading my last book and could use a small break, sure!" I said as Pinkie Pie began smile even more.

"Yeah we'll hold a party to celebrate that Twilight has finished another book, better begin sending out the invitations, see you later at 17 for the party." She said as she began to skip along on her way through the market towards Applejack's crate. I just smile at her while shaking my head before beginning to walk after her, when suddenly a storm broke out all over the market, wind throwing everything around, everypony screaming in panic as lightning began to flash over the sky. I then gasped as I looked at the sky, it was full of whirling energies and a strange dark pink and dark blue color, while the lightning flashed over it all the time.

"What in Celestia's name is going on here?" I ask while looking at it. Then I saw Rainbow Dash flying while trying to avoid the lightning flashed, almost getting hit a few times. "RAINBOW DASH! GET DOWN HERE!" I shout to her over the cracking of the lightning, and the howling of the wind, then I saw her changing direction and flying down towards me, while dodging the lightning strikes, as she gets closer I prepared a 'shield' spell to protect us from the lightning, hopefully. As she just about touches the ground I release the spell and the next moment a lightning strikes it, making it ripple, but it didn't break. "You okay Rainbow Dash?" I ask as she slowly gets back on her hooves.

"Yeah I'll be find but what's with this strange weather," she looks up at the whirling energy storm, "it wasn't supposed to be stormy today and what's with the strange sky?" I just shake my head before looking at her.

"I don't know Rainbow Dash, it just came out of nowhere, but I'm almost certain that there's magic, powerful magic, in that storm, more than I have ever felt before." As I said that Rainbow Dash looked at me.

"Then can't you do something with you magic?" she asks, I look uncertain at her for a moment in thought before answering.

"I don't know but I can try." I then begins to concentrate my magic before unleashing it at the storm but the moment my magic touched the storm it's like my mind was pulled into the storm and it felt like I was being ripped apart. I scream but it sounded like it was coming from far away, and was getting even further away. I cried as I felt my mind being ripped to shreds by the wild energy.

"Don't give up yet, you have strong magical powers, tame the storm and bend its energies towards something constructive instead of destructive." At first I didn't hear the voice over the pain of the ripping energy but when I heard it I cried.

"I don't know how!" I then felt something enveloping me, shielding me from the shredding energy and I felt a presence of something kind and benevolent.

"Then let me show you how," I felt like something was embracing me from behind, "together we can tame this storm and stop its destructive path." I nodded while a tear fell from my eyes.

"Okay, let's do this," I said as I opened my eyes, now glowing with a white light, "Together!" we both said at the same time, our voices mixing together as the light enveloped us, and the storm.

As Twilight began to concentrate her magic I looked up at the sky but then my attention was pulled back to Twilight as she began to scream in pain. "What the? Twilight are you okay?" I ask in panic as I saw her jerking in pain while screaming, other pony was running over here and began to ask what was happening, "I don't know she just try to use her magic to stop it but then she began to scream," I said as I began to shake her, "please Twilight snap out of it." I called to her but she didn't seem to hear me.

Then her eyes suddenly opened and she righted herself up and looked up into the sky before saying. "Together!" but it sounded like there was another voice mixed in with her own.

"What the? Twilight?" I asked but then a bright light enveloped everything, blinding everypony, as her magic surged up into the sky. When the light receded I looked up to the sky and saw only a blue sky with a few white clouds. "You did it Twilight, you did it..." I said as I turned back to her but stopped as I saw something strange kneeling behind Twilight, it had long arms and leg, which was bend as it sat on them, it only seemed to have fur on the top of its head, although I couldn't see much if it's body because of its clothes, and that was not even very long, its eyes were closed as it held her in its arms, with a look of deepest concentration on its strange, furless, face.

After a few moments Twilight's eyes began to stop glowing and she slowly closed them, a few moments later it opened its eyes, they were a brown colour, and looked down at Twilight before speaking in a male voice. "You did well, my magical friend. I was right, you have strong magical powers." Twilight just murred for a moment before slowly opening her eyes.

"That voice..." I began, while feeling the same presence from the storm behind me, but was interrupted as I felt something rushed by me, knocking the presence away from me. Confused I turned around and saw Raindow Dash standing over a strange creature, with a light brown mane with a darker brown highlighting, while staring down at him.

"What were you doing to Twilight Sparkle? was that storm your doing?" Rainbow Dash asked with a snarl, while holding him down with her hooves on his chest.

I slowly got up and walked over to her. "It's okay Rainbow Dash, he didn't hurt me," I said as I gently nudged her to get her off him, before extending my left hoof to him, "he saved me." Rainbow Dash looked at me in shock as she realized what she did.

"He what?!" she said as she looked at him and swallowed, "I'm sorry...." She began but he interrupted her with a smile.

"It's okay, if I were you I'll probably have done the same." He then shook his head before looking at me. "And you saved me, Miss Twilight Sparkle, without you I would still have been caught in that energy storm," he shook his head again, "but that was very foolish of you to do." I just looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean with 'I saved you' you had more than enough magical power to stop it on your own, and why was I foolish?" I asked but he just smiled for a moment as he shook his head before gently caressing my cheek.

"My magical little friend," he smiled at me, "I may have had the power to stop the storm but I was missing something, something that you had." I just looked at him, as more ponies gathered around us.

"And what was that?" I asked as looked me in the eyes.

"A connection to your world, more precise you body, although you were losing it when I found you. Had you lost it you mind and soul would have been ripped apart and devoured by the storm, to make it stronger," I gasped, as well as all of the other ponies gathered around us, "and that is why it was so foolish of you to interfere with something you didn't know of or understood but I am glad you did as if you hadn't I, as I said before, would still be caught in the energy storm, maybe forever." My eyes went wide as I understood just what had almost happened, what I had almost lost, forever.

"But...if I would have been destroyed, then how was you still alive inside it?" I asked after getting over the shock, and thinking over what he said, but he just smiled.

"Because, my magical Twilight, I'm an Elemental Master, such energies could never overcome and devour me like that, my power is to great and I know too much," he looked into the sky for a few moments, "but even I would have been cautious about interfering with that storm alone." As he said that I was shocked even more, I have felt his powers in the storm and he was strong.

"But-but you are so powerful, surely you could have handled the storm on your own!" I exclaimed but he just shook his head and smile at me.

"I may be powerful, Miss Twilight, but all have their limits and that storm was dangerous, one mistake could have had disastrous consequence for me." As he said that an idea hit me.

"Was that how you were caught in the storm, because you made a mistake?" He just laughed before gently caressing my cheek again.

"Maybe Miss Twilight, but not consciously. You see I was in my 'Meditation Chamber', in a deep meditative trance, when suddenly a strong energy pulse ripped my mind and soul away, breaking my connection to my physical self, my body, which was afterwards devoured by the energy storm before going after a new strong magical power, but as I'm a Elemental Master it couldn't devour my mind and soul for my magical power, only keep my trapped inside it."

I thought about it for a moment before smiling at him. "Well at least now you are free again." He nodded.

"That I am, and it's all thanks to you."

"Um, Twilight, what is this?" Rainbow Dash asked, I looked at her and saw her pointing to where I sat before, where a round sphere lay with something whirling around inside.

"Don't know Rainbow Dash," I said as I went closer to study it, "I wonder what it is." I then felt something on my left shoulder and looked to see the strange male standing beside me.

"That is the magical energy storm." At his words my eyes went wide as the other ponies took a few steps back.

"Th-the storm?" I began with a slight tremble in my voice, remembering the pain as it was ripping me apart, "how? won't it break free and cause disaster again?" I asked, more than a little worried, as I took a few steps away from it while watching it carefully.

"No," he said as he leaned down and took it up, "it's contained in here now and can't grow anymore, you could say it has been structuralized," he raised it to his eyes, "bound by laws and rules, now it's just magical energy that can be used for whatever it is needed for...although it has quite a bit of power in it."

Then Rainbow Dash call. "Hey look there, it's Princess Celestia." I immediately looked into the sky, like everypony else, to see my mentor gliding through the sky towards us at high speed, she would be here soon.

At Rainbow Dash's call, I lowered the Sphere and look up into the sky, like everyone else, and saw a large, winged, white unicorn, with a mane like a flowing rainbow, a lot like Rainbow Dash's but more 'faded' not as bold and more flowing that hers, landing on the ground not so far away.

At my side Twilight took a few steps forward, as all of the other ponies got down on their knees, by bending their front legs to lower their front side in respect. I just kept standing, while keeping watch over what happened, as Twilight reached the winged unicorn. "Princess!" Twilight exclaimed as she reached the Princess and the Princess bowed her head to the side of Twilight's to hold her head with hers, before she began to speak in a soft, friendly voice.

"My faithful student, Twilight, I sensed something very powerful and dangerous a few minutes ago and saw a strange colored storm in the horizon over Ponyville, I feared you couldn't handle it, whatever it was, but before I could reach you it disappeared, was that your doing Twilight?" she asked as she raised her head again to look at her and I saw Twilight lower her head slightly and before she could say anything I took a few steps forward.

"She tried my Princess." I said with a bow as they both turned to look at me.

"Who are you and from where do you come?" Princess Celestia asked in her kind voice as she looked at me, making me bow again.

"My name is Richard, Richard Serapthym, as for where I come from and how I got here, I guess the best, though not the most accurate, answer will be that I'm from another dimension and was brought here by that storm you saw, after it had ripped me away from my world," I then placed my left hand on Twilight's right shoulder, "if it hadn't been for Miss Twilight her I would still have been caught in it, it was foolish what she did but I am glad she did." I saw Twilight Sparkle blush at my praise of her, before shaking her hand and said.

"Actually he was the one who saved me after I almost got caught in it to and helped me stop it," she looked a little shamed down into the ground, "I couldn't stop it on my own." I just gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"Don't sale yourself short, your powers a great, with the right knowledge, you may have been able to do better on your own, although it would have been very dangerous." As I said that I saw Princess Celestia smile at me.

"I guess I owe you for saving my faithful student when you did, I would gladly offer you my help in getting you home but," she shook her head, "I have no idea how." At her words I closed my eyes in thought, as I twiddled the energy sphere, containing the magical energy from the storm, in my hands for a few minutes, I then looked at her then back at the sphere and nodded before looking back at her.

"Princess Celestia, may I hold your horn for a moment?" I asked her.

She looked at me for a moment before nodding. "You may." She said as she lowered her head, I then gently took a hold of her horn and closed my eyes in concentration.

As I concentrated I saw a blinding bright light, as it enveloped me I saw shapes and pictures flashing through the light, as well as a feeling of kindness, compassion and love, surrounding me, making me feel at peace. I smiled as I gently removed my hand from her horn. "Thank you Princess Celestia," I said as I bowed to her, "if you'll allow it, I'll very much like to stay here," I look at her eyes, "I have nothing back there that I really want to return to, even though I have a good idea how to do it. If you'll allow me to stay, all I'll ask about is to use some of the magical power stored in this," I help up the sphere, "to bring my home here." Princess Celestia looked at the sphere.

"What is that, I can sense power in it." I grinned at her while holding it out to her.

"It's the magical energy of the storm that Twilight, with my help, stopped. I have contained it in this, using my power and knowledge as a Elemental Master. All the wild energy is now sealed in here, ready to be used and although it can't grow any more it will continue to restore its power when used." Princess Celestia looked at it more carefully.

"So it will retain this much power forever?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, I shook my head.

"Not really, no, it will regain a certain amount of power over a set amount of time but if it's power is used faster than it can regain it, soon or later it will run out," I then looked more closely at it, "even if I use it to bring my home here, its remaining power should still be quite a bit," I then looked at Celestia, "although if you'll listen to an advice then you will place this a place where it will be safe, an item with so much power should only be used with caution." Princess Celestia nodded.

"I agree, Richard," she said and smiled, "and I be happy to let you stay here, if the ponies here don't have anything against it," we both looked over the ponies and they all seemed to give their agreement, I saw a pink pony who seemed to be out of herself with excitement, I saw Rainbow Dash smiling at me and gave me a nod, along with many others, I then looked at Twilight and saw her smile at me, I smiled back before both Celestia and I looked at each other, "it don't seem like anypony have anything against it so I herby decree you a citizen of Equestria," she then smiled at me, "now you just have to find a place to place your home before I'll take that sphere back with me for safekeeping, at least for the time being." I nodded before looking around at the small village Looking for a good place to bring my home.

I looked around for a few moments, looking at the houses while looking for an empty spot, after a few moments I smiled as I've found the perfect place, at the edge of the town where a river flowed and a little south of the Town Hall there was a lot of empty space. I smiled as I walked over there to look a bit more closely at it, after a moment a tan pony, with a light- and dark grey mane, came over to me, I looked at her as she smiled at me over her glasses. "I'm the Mayor of Ponyville, found a place for you home?" she asked me and I nodded at her.

"Yes this spot seems good, unless it isn't free." I looked at her and she nodded her head with a smile.

"It's fine and it will give you a fine view." She said as she took a step back while I raised the sphere, with my left hand, as it began to glow, with a soft light lavender and pink colour, and a distortion appeared as a rip in reality opened and filled the space I had chosen. A few moments later the light began to fade as the rift closed.

When it disappeared a two storey house stood where it was a moment before, I smiled as I turned and handed the sphere to Princess Celestia. "Here take it and place it somewhere safe."

"I will, goodbye and be well." She said as she took it, levitating it with her magic, and began to fly back to where she came from, and I turned back to my home.

As the light faded away and Richard gave the magical sphere to Princess Celestia I, together with Rainbow Dash, walked over to the house that had just appeared from the strange light. "Hey look Twilight Sparkle, it looks a lot like our house even the door." Rainbow Dash said as she hovered before it.

"It do," Richard's voice came from behind us and we turned to see him smiling at us, "I took the liberty to use some of the sphere's power to alter it a little, so I won't have to do it least not much, want to come in?" he asked as he walked up to his door. We both nodded and walked up to him as the rest of the ponies went back to what they were doing.

As we walked inside he closed the door behind us and lead us into a living room, where he sat down in a big comfortable chair. "Nice place Richard." I said as I sat down in another chair in front of him on the other side of a table, and Rainbow Dash in another to my right.

"It is." He said as he lifted his left hand and from the kitchen three cups, a kettle, with some sweet smelling tea, and a plate of cookies. The kettle filled each of the cups with tea before the cups was put down in front of us and the kettle sat in the middle of the table. "A cookie?" he asked us as the plate sat down on the table and he took one.

"If you don't mind." Raidbow Dash said as she took a hoofful of cookie, I just shook my head and used my horn to levitate a cookie and my teacup over to me as I took a sip of the tea before taking a bit of the cookie and smiled at Richard.

"They are good and the tea is very sweet as well." I said but was interrupted by Rainbow Dash as she, loudly, returned her cup to the table.

"It sure is some good tea, heh heh, Rarity would love it." I smiled at that as I took another drink of my tea.

"I'm sure she would." I said and saw Richard smiling at us and smiled back.

Some hours went by as we talked about what have happened in Ponyville lately and the ponies in it. Rainbow Dash had left a few hours ago and had returned to whisper something to Twilight that she nodded to before waving goodbye again as she left, I just smiled and waved at her before continuing my talk with Twilight about magic and her life here, and a little about my own life but not much.

" that proves the theory of compatible magic right, although the book of 'Equivalent of opposing magic' also hold some good theories that contradicts the other theories, which just proof that each magic runs by its own rules, it's very simple." Twilight ended a longer discussion between us about the use of different kinds of magic, I just smiled as I drink my tea.

"Very good, Twilight, you sure knows a lot." I said but raised my eyebrow when I saw her look away with a blush on her cheeks. 'her blush just makes her even cuter, oh how I'll just love to hold her to me while...,' I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts, and a strange weak sweet scent that seem to slowly beginning to fill the room, 'no I won't think that, she a good friend and I don't want to ruin it by going too fast, I don't even know what she'll say about doing that with me, no I'll take it slow and see what happens when I've learned her and her friends better,' I smiled a little for myself, 'but the feeling of us being together in that magical storm was very good, almost as good as being joined intimately together.' I though as she regained her composure and looked back at me.

"Do you want to come home to me and see how I live," she smiled at me and I saw a weak blush return to her lavender cheek, "I have some good books you may want to borrow."

"It would be my pleasure Twilight Sparkle," I said as I stood up, "lead the way." I said as she got up from her chair and lead the way to the door, while I looked at her swinging tail, and the few brief glimpse of her cunt lips and a small amount of wetness from it. After we got outside I walked by her side, so I won't run the risk of embarrassing myself by getting lost in lust while looking at her privets, as she lead the way to her home.

I slowly lead Richard to my home, while greeting and nodding at other ponies on the way, while some of them sniffed the air, before shaking their head, and sneezed as to get a strange scent out of their noses. When we reached my home I opened the door and we walked in. "Nice home Twilight Sparkle, a perfect home for a knowledge hungry pony like you." He said with a smile, as he went over to a bookshelf and looked at the books, making me blush.

"Thank you Richard, just tell me if you find a book you like and you can borrow it." I said as I went over to another bookshelf, pretending to look at the books, while trying to stop my blushing. I sneaked a peak at him, as he was looking at the books. 'I don't know why I feel like this but since we became one in that storm, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind, and I feel so....' She stopped her thoughts and lowered her tail even more, as her blush intensified, as she felt her virgin cunt getting moist from arousal. 'Better think about something else...although he does look very good, different but very handsome, and I'm sure it would feel, at least, just as good to mate with him as it felt when we were one in that magical storm and...I'm sure he'll be a very good mate, and a good father to a colt or filly...what?!' I suddenly jerked my body, and almost jumped, as I realized what I was thinking, before shaking my head, 'what is wrong with me, I was trying not to think about that and why did I think about whether he would be a good mate, and father.... And why do I feel such a strong need for young? my next heat is still some months away?!' as I thought that a sweet scent, that had been laying in the background for some time and slowly growing stronger, now that we were indoors again, 'what's that smell?' I asked myself as I took a few sniffs before my eyes went wide in surprises, 'by Celestia it's the smell of a heat MY heat, but that should have begun to build before at least a few more months and my full heat should still be some months away...and it's building so fast,' I said to myself as my eyes grow wider, 'soon I'll be in full heat!' I was startled when I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when a hand touched my right shoulder.

I had been looking over at Twilight Sparkle now and then, while the same strange sweet scent from before grow in the background, I saw her jerk for some reason and saw her eyes go wide, and getting worried I gently reached out to her with my magic and felt; confusion, disbelieve and worry, I could read her mind, probably with little trouble, if I really wanted, although she might feel it if I tried, but that would have been a very disrespectful and cruel thing to do to a friend, or anyone else, without permission, and I only tell a very few, that I really trust, that I can read minds, as the mind is a very privet part of anyone and NOT to be violated without very good reason, mostly only when lives are at stake, so I slowly walked over and gently laid my left hand on her right shoulder. "You okay Twilight Sparkle, you seem tensed and worried about something?" I said as she looked at me with wide eyes, without warning she buried her head in my chest as her body was shaking, and the sweet scent was stronger and almost overwhelming, gently I held her close as I ran my hands over her silky mane and gently kissed the top of her head, "you can tell me Twilight Sparkle, I'll help if I can." I said and she raised her head and looked into my eyes and I, somewhat, lost myself in her violet eyes.

As she stared into my eyes she said in a whisper. "It's my heat, it should still be months before it should begin but has already come and I'm almost in full heat, I don't know why it suddenly has come or why it has grown so fast..." she looked away from my eyes, "and for some reason it's harder this time, I can't stop thinking about you and what it'll be..." she suddenly stopped and buried her head again and I saw her blush even more. She had stopped mid sentence but I still caught what she was about to say, what it'll be like to be with me intimately, and I gently held her close to me as she shook.

"It's okay Twilight I understand and I, have had similar thoughts but just didn't want to push you away as I've just met you and wanted to get to know you better, and learn how you'll most likely take it, before asking you if you'll want me as more that a friend, more as a love and maybe more..." I looked down at her and looked at her eyes, as she had raised her head again, and softly lowered my mouth to her muzzle and kissed her and we both closed our eyes in pleasure as we deepened the kiss.

After a few minutes we broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes again for a few minutes while I ran my hand through her silky mane, I then gave her a quick kiss on her muzzle and smiled at her. "And I think I know why you heat has began so premature." She looked at me and said.

"Why?" I just gave her another kiss.

"Because of the magical storm, when you 'soul' merged with your body again I think some of the left over energy from the storm coursed through you, causing some havoc to your body or more precise to you biological organs, that jump started you heat," I kissed her again and held her to me, "if you want I can fix it so you go out of heat until the time it should normally have come." I told her as I held her in a tight embrace and whispered. "I love you."

I smiled when he said he could fix it and was just about to tell him to do it when I heard him whisper "I love you_"_ and I couldn't say anything as my heat burned even stronger at his word, and I knew they were true, and I realized I didn't want him to fix it the way he offered, no I wanted him to 'fix' it another way as I realized that I loved him and had since I first met him and we were both very much alike in some ways; as our thirst for knowledge, and different in others; like our way of thinking, and I'm sure we'll make a good pair. So I gave him a deep kiss before whispering in his left ear. "Oh I want you to 'fix' it, just not the way you suggested," I kissed him again as he looked at me confused and I smiled, "you said you wanted to be more than a friend to me and more than a lover, so..." I licked his left ear before whispering, "do you want to be my mate and father to my, our, foals?" I felt him stiffen as I asked him, and was getting a little worried, when he suddenly held me even more tightly to him and I looked back at his face and he smiled at me before giving me a passionate kiss and said.

"Yes, very much my magical little unicorn." He said as he kissed me again and I just melted in his arms as I felt my heat spike and burn even stronger, it was time.

"Then take me to my, our, bed and take me as you mate and give us our first foal." I said breathlessly as he, almost effortlessly, lifted me and carried me up to my, now ours, bed and gently laid me down in it, and as I lay and watched he took off his cloths and I just stared in wonder, and a little fear and excitement, at his nude body. He was very different from a pony but to me he was the most handsome male I've even seen and surprisingly his genitals was very nice and I was sure he would give me much pleasure as we made love and my lust for him became too much and I got up and raised my backside as I lowered my front and whimpered. "Please take me, I can't wait any longer I need you my love." I said as I looked over my shoulder at him as he got on the bed and kneeled behind me I then felt his tongue lick at my virgin lips and neighing and moaning I trashed my head from side to side as I begged him, between whinnies and moans until I gave a loud neigh of pleasure as he made me orgasm from his tongue on my needy folds, then I felt his hands on my hips, and while still in my post-orgasmic stat he flipped me onto my back and crawled over me and smiled down at me before giving me a passionate kiss.

"I want to watch you face to face this first time, my love," he said as he kiss me again and I felt something hard poke at my virgin folds, "ready?" he asked me and I kissed him and folded me forelegs around his upper body before saying.

"Yes, my love, make me yours, make me your MATE!" I screamed as he plunged his shaft into me and I felt me hymen break and whimper a little as he hilted and he began to lick and kiss my cheeks as he stayed still inside me as I got used to the feeling of him inside me and the feeling of his hard thick, and long, cock stretching me but soon I began to wriggle and moaned at the pleasure it gave me and I felt him gently rub my cheek and looked up at him.

"Ready, my mate?" he asked me and gave a small weak thrust making me moan at the feeling of him moving and made me blush again at hearing him call me 'his mate' and gave him a deep kiss while pulling him to me.

As I broke the kiss I breathlessly said. "Yes, my mate, take me as you see fit and truly make me yours and sate my burning need and give me our foal." I moaned and neighed the last part as he began to thrust into me, hard and fast, taking me as I should be taken and showing me just how strong he was and how much he desired me and I smiled as my moans grew. 'I sure am glad that I had cast that silence spell a few days ago or anypony would know what's going on.' I though before an orgasm washed me away in a sea of pleasure, and from there I just moaned and neighed in pleasure as I came over and over from the pleasure my mate was giving me and in my near catatonic pleasure stat I thought. 'What a first time, I never even thought there would be this much pleasure,' I smiled at myself in my mind, as I moaned in pleasure, 'I hope my mate will be willing to mate me often, this feels so good.' I moaned in my mind before I felt Richard speed up his thrusts and the pleasure increased even more until I heard him groan as he hilted and heard him moan my name as I felt him cum inside me and the feel of his hot cum inside me triggered the orgasm that had been building inside me and I screamed in pleasure as it coursed through me and my last thoughts before I was washed away to oblivion was. 'My foals.' And darkness consumed my consciousness.

I gently held Twilight Sparkle as she convulsed in my arms from her orgasm as I filled her womb with my semen, my love, my mate, I smiled, it felt a little strange to use the term 'mate' about the one I loved but then again it felt just right considering the circumstances and I gently kissed her as she grew still and lay over her while looking at her beautiful and peaceful face as she lay unconscious from the pleasure of her orgasm, I just laid still with my still hard cock inside her waiting for her to wake up. 'and if she is up for a second round I'll be happy to oblige her but if not then I'll be content just to hold her in my arms for as long as I can,' I thought as I looked down at her again and smiled, 'she's so beautiful, I'm very lucky that she would have me considering I look so different than anypony else.' I thought to myself and smiled at my used of their terminology.

A few minutes late I felt her stir in my arms and smiled at her as she opened her, beautiful, violet eyes and said. "Welcome back my lovely little magical mate, slept well?" she looked at me with a sparkle in her eye and smiled.

"It wasn't a dream was?" she asked as she ran her front hooves over her slightly bloated womb and felt the slightly warm liquid sloshing around inside and smiled as a small tear ran down her cheek, worried I held her close as I looked in her eyes.

"What's wrong you regret you decision, about me and the foal?" I asked with a worry voice, if she really did I would do what I could to help even though it would hurt my heart if she didn't want either me or the child that would soon be growing in her body, and I could tell, after using a diagnostic spell, that she was pregnant and that an embryo had embedded itself in her womb and unless something happened to it, it should grew into child with time.

With a smile Twilight gently ran her left hoofs over my right cheek while kissing me. "No my mate I have, NO, regrets about my choice in my mate, or having a foal with you, I'm just happy. I never really longed for young before now but after meeting you the desire for young just became overwhelming and I really want them but only with you and no one else, I am yours..." she kissed me again and I felt my heart melt as I heard her confession of her love for me and I held her closer, she then broke the kiss, "and you are mine." She smiled and I smiled back and kissed her again and I licked at her lip, until she opened them, and pushed my tongue into her mouth and ran it against hers and her eyes rolled back in their sockets and she moaned through the kiss as we ran our tongue against each other.

After a few moments I broke the kiss and smiled at her as we both panted for breath. "Do you want to go again, or have you had enough for now?" I asked her and her eyes went wide as she realized my shaft was still hard inside her and moaned.

"Oh yes my mate," she then looked at her clock and smiled at him "yes one more round but this time let's do it the right way," and she wriggled out from under me, and moaned as she felt me slide out of her, and got back on her hooves and turned her backside to me and with a smile she lowered her front and said, "take me as a stallion." I smiled as I got in position and placed my shaft in her pussy again, making us both moan.

"As you wish my mate, here I come." I said and moaned as I pushed into her making her moan even more than before.

"That's it, that feels sooo good!" she moan and neighed in pleasure as I kept thrusting in and out of her with increasing speed as we both moaned more and louder in our throes of ecstasy.

I brought her to many orgasms in quick succession, as she was still very sensitive from her heat, and would be so for a few days, but at least after a bath, or a quick spell, the scent of her heat would be almost completely gone, except a faded post-heat scent that would not be so easily detected until it would disappear in a few days.

As I neared my next orgasm I griped her tightly and sped up my thrusts even more as I placed my mouth at her left ear and whisper. "I love you my mate, may many light days be before us." She whinny in pleasure and said.

"Oh yes my mate I love you to, so MUCH!" she screamed in pleasure as she felt me cum inside her again and closed her eyes as she came as well and didn't see my eyes shining with a gentle light green light with some light blue mixed in, or the same light shining around us as the powerful enchantment/blessing I casted, as we came, took effect, without her feeling anything, and when she opened her eyes again the glow had already faded away and I smiled at her as we both panted from pleasure in our afterglow.

"That was very pleasurable my mate," I panted and after a few moments to get my breath back I continued, "but we need to get cleaned up and I hope you don't mind if I follow you home," I smiled at Richard, "I hope you won't mind me sleeping in your bed next," I winked at him and ran my tail over his nude body, in the process showing him my wet folds dripping with our juices and watched him smile as he looked at it before look at me with love and I smiled back with as much love in my violet eyes, "and maybe we can break in your bed later tonight." I felt him gently take my shoulders in his hands and pulled me to him and kissed me and I melted in his arms.

"With pleasure my mate and it would be nice to have you by my side in my bed tonight but tomorrow we need to find out how we are to handle this, this is your home and a big part of who you are..." I gently held my left hoof over his mouth and smiled.

"As you said we should figure it out, tomorrow, let's wait till then and beside I'm sure we'll find something out," I sighed as I looked around at my home; at the shelves of books, my things and all of the memories that was here, "yes it has been a big part of me for some time and probably always will be but I have taken you as my mate and I love you and my home will be where you are," I then smile, "but still I'll always have this place and I'll still be here even if I move in with you, and sleep there, it is here I will be." I said and saw him smiled at me before giving me a kiss.

"You are right and I'll never take that from you, as for cleaning," I saw him lift his hand and saw a faint glow around it, and us, and then looked at us with wide eyes, we were completely clean not a hair out of place, he smiled as I looked back at him, "I think we can stay here a few more minutes." I giggled a little before snuggling up to him.

"I got to learn that one, I think it'll come in handy."

We just laid snuggling together for a while, enjoying each other's company. 'Yes we can stay for a little more time.' I thought to myself as I laid my head on his chest and listened to the soft beat of my mate's heart.

"Do you think he'll be surprised?" Pinkie Pie asked as she hopped into her room in front me and I smiled as I watched her tail go up and down, showing tenderizing glimpse of her pink lips and tight cunt making me wet below my tail.

I answered as I closed the door. "I'm sure he'll be very surprised." I grinned to myself. 'Very surprised.'

"Do you think he'll be super duper, over the top, flat on the floor, surprised?" Pinkie Pie asked as she hopped around me and I turned my head to keep her in my sight, and to catch more glimpse of her pussy.

'I can barely wait any longer,' I thought as I looked at her lips as they were getting wet, 'oh yeah, that's it.' I thought before answered her. "I'm sure he will but come on we don't have much time if we want to be there for the surprise." Pinkie Pie stopped her hopping around and stood before me and gave me a deep kiss.

"Oki-doki, Dashy, let's get to it and as you said we need to hurry." I watched as she went to her bed and laid down on her back and spread her lips and gave me a 'come here' sign.

With my mouth watering I walked over to her and gave her cunt a lick and murred at the taste of her juices and her sweet moans were music to my ears. "Come on Dashy, don't leave hanging I want some of yours to." Pinkie Pie said between moans as my talented tongue brought her closer to an orgasm.

"Okay, Pinkie." I said as I stepped over her and lowered my wet cunt to her mouth and gave a moan into her pussy as her tongue went to work on my own pussy. 'Oh yeah that's it,' I thought as I moaned while continuing to please my love, and secret mate, anypony just thought we were very good friends and 'prankster buddies' if only they knew, I smiled at the thought as I kept pleasuring her bringing her close, then keeping her at the edge for a few moments before bringing her down again, while she did the same to me, 'oh how I love my little Pink Pie.' I thought as I brought her back to the brink again, and felt her do the same to me.

After a few more minutes of this I took a quick look at her clock and saw that we were running out of time, and with regret began to end our fun time. 'I'm sorry my lovely Pink Pie, we have to end it so soon but I promise I'm going to 'torture' you for most of the night making you beg for release, before you'll do the same to me.' I thought as I began to speed up bringing her to the edge and beyond, while she did the same and we both moan deep into each other's cunt as we came, filling our lover's mouth with our juice and drinking the other's at the same time.

After that we snuggled together for a few minutes before cleaning each other off, when we were done we looked at each other and gave one another a deep love filled kiss, as we separated I said. "Come let's go my own little Pink Pie we need to get there before Richard and Twilight gets there so we can be part of the surprise." Pinkie Pie then gave me a quick kiss and said.

"I know Dashy, let's go," as she reached the door she turned and looked at me "when the party is over you sneak back here and we are going to continue where we left this isn't over by a long shot." She said as she opened the door and 'skipped' down the stairs, leaving me standing there with a smile on my lips.

"That's my Pink beloved mate." I whispered the last part before following after my lover, and pretended that we were nothing but friends. I held my head high as I followed Pinky Pie but inside my head was low to the ground, I wanted nothing else but to hold my love in the open and watch our foals running around us. '...a dream that will never be, all I can do is watch her from afar, and only at night in her room can I hold her as I want, and only then can we dream...'

We made our way to my home, now ours, walking side by side, my left hand on her shoulder as we smiled to each other every now and then. The sun was sinking as it was becoming evening, as we walked I wonder over what the other ponies would say to me and Twilight getting together, over all I didn't think they'll have any problems with it as far as I could tell from their friendliness, and Twilight didn't seem concerned about it, so I decided not to worry about it, not that it'll do anything I'll never leave my mate and our unborn child, although I hadn't told Twilight yet that she was pregnant even though I sure she knows she is or will be considering she was and is in heat.

We soon reached my home and I opened the door and let Twilight go in first then I walked in and closed the door, as I turned on the light a loud "SURPRISE!" came from everywhere as everywhere I looked there were ponies, it seemed like most of the town was her then I saw the Pink Pony I saw earlier jumping over to and around me while saying. "Surprise, surprise, surprise." Before stopping in front of me and asked. "Were you surprise, were you, were you?" I smiled at her and looked over the crowed of ponies, and the obvious surprise party and said.

"Yes, very, and thank you it's very kind of you." She began to jump up and down like a hyperactive child and said.

"Then let the party begin!" and disappeared into the crowed, I just smile and Twilight Smiled back at me and said.

"That was Pinkie Pie, she loves holding parties." I ran my hand trough her mane and said.

"I can tell and this seems to be a very find surprise party." Soon after the ponies around us came over to introduce themselves, and that went on for quite some time, then Twilight Sparkle introduced me to her friends.

"Howdy partner, I'm Applejack, so nice to meet ya, heard ya saved our li' Twilight, that was mighty well done." She Said as she shook my hand and I smiled at how strong her hoofshake was and said.

"Nice to meet you too Miss Applejack, and Twilight saved me as much as I saved her." Then I laid my hand back on Twilight and gently rubbed her shoulder and saw Applejack smirk at us.

"That's very good; ya seems to be a good pony." She then walked by us but when she passed by Twilight she whispered to her. "Ya're lucky, girl, keep him very close to you." And winked while Twilight Sparkle blushed as she walked away.

She seems to be a good and honest friend, I like her." I said and ran my hands through her mane as she kept blushing.

"She is, and you can always trust her to be true and dependable," she then look up and smiling said, "and here comes Rarity." I followed her gaze and saw a white, dazzling, female, unicorn with indigo and purple to dark violet mane and tail, walking towards us.

"Hello you must be Richard, so nice to meet you." She said and offered her left hoof to me and I gently took it with my right hand and gave it a light kiss.

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Rarity, you look most fabulous." She smiled, with a small blush.

"Such a gentlecolt, you know how to act in high society," she then turned to Twilight and smiled, "you're so lucky, Dear, he is a real gentlecolt." She then bow her neck and walked away.

I looked at Twilight and whispered. "Just me or do it seem like you friends know or have an idea that we're mates?" She looked at me and thought for a moment.

"Yes it seems like that and maybe they do, oh there's Fluttershy come." She said and began to walk over to a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail sitting by herself looking at all of the others. "Hallo Fluttershy, want to meet Richard?" Twilight asked and I saw the Pegasus's head whip around to face her and saw her eyes grow wider.

"Hello Miss Fluttershy, nice to meet you." I said and she hid behind her tail, I smiled and gently moved her tail from her face. "No need to hid such a beautiful face." I said and she looked at me and slowly removed her tail and shyly said.

"Th-thank you, and nice to me-meet you too." I offered her my right hand and she slowly raised her left hoof and I gentle shook her hoof and she blushed. As I let go of her hoof I looked out over the party and saw Pinky Pie hopping carefree around among the partying ponies and smiled, but then I felt a feeling of sadness, and distress, from Pinky Pie as I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration I felt the same kind of feelings from another place and looked into corner and saw Rainbow Dash sitting with a glass of juice in front of her looking at the other partygoers, without really seeing them. I got worried seeing her like that as I felt something was wrong, and that somehow Rainbow Dash's and Pinky Pie's troubled feelings was connected, I turned back to Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, who was in the middle of talking and said. "Sorry to leave you lovely girls but there is something I need to look into, hope you'll keep each other occupied." And smiled as they looked at me and Fluttershy blushed even more and Twilight nodded with a smile and said.

"We'll be fine, have fun." Before returning to their talk.

I then slowly made my way over to Rainbow Dash and sat down beside her and look at the other ponies for a few moments. "What is troubling you Rainbow Dash?" I asked and she looked a little startled at me before saying.

"Me? there's nothing worrying me, I'm fantastic." In a boastful voice that made it sound like she was at the top of the world, I smiled.

'She's very good, she sounds just the way I remember from earlier but still I sense a undertone of distress in her voice but nothing that anyone will notice if they weren't listening after it.' I thought to myself as I leaned back at the wall.

"Rainbow Dash, I can sense your troubled feelings, and something IS troubling you...and Pinky Pie," as I said Pinky Pie's name I saw her stiffen and before she looked away I saw a glimpse of fear and distress in her eyes, and her feelings became even more troubled, worried I gently placed my left hand on her shoulder and whisper, "you can tell me, I won't say anything to anyone if you don't want me to and maybe I can help." She looked out at the party for a moment before saying in a low voice.

"You can't help, no one can." And her shoulder sank a little.

'This is bad,' I thought, greatly worried about my two new friends I thought about telling Twilight that something was wrong but decided that that would cause more problems at the moment than it would solve, 'maybe if I told her my secret, she'll trust me with hers.' I thought and as I looked at her sunken body I decided. "Listen Rainbow Dash, I'll tell you a secret and then you'll decide if you'll tell me yours," she looked up at me and I whispered to her, "I can read minds," I saw her eyes go wide and shook my head, "I don't do it as it would be disrespectful and dishonorable to read another's mind without permission, as the mind is a very private place, and I'll never do that, unless a life was at stake and even then I'll feel horrible about it, so even if you don't tell me I won't just force it out of your mind but if you'll listen to a good advice then tell me and maybe I can help." As I finished I saw her look out at the crowed and followed her gaze and saw Pinky Pie Laughing among a group of other ponies, before she looked back at me.

"Maybe you're right," she said with a sigh, "Pinky Pie haven't been the same the last few months, she hides it well and no one seems to have noticed, yet, but it keeps getting worse and sooner or later someone is going to find out that something has changed about her...." She lost herself in looking out at Pinky Pie.

"How did it start?" I asked softly and after a few moments she said.

"We have always been good friends but as time passed we got closer and we became lovers, then a few months ago we took it a step further and became's not like there's anything wrong with same sex relationship in Equestria, although they are not that common, but still some look down on such ponies and we didn't want the town to look at us like that so has kept it hidden from the start but..." she gave a sigh and I saw a little wetness in the corner of her eye, "...since we became mate a need for foals of our own has grown in us both, we've never before really thought about it and at least I have never wanted any before, but now...." I gently pat her shoulder.

"Well there are ways around that, I'm sure there's stallions out there that could give you foals without getting between you." I said but she shook her head.

"I know and we have talked about it but neither of us have wanted that, we don't want some other's child we want each other's, and even if we did do that it'll mean that the town would find out about us." She said and hang her head even more as I leaned back and thought over what she had said for a few minutes.

"So you want to go freely in the street and be able to show each other how you feel and have foals that is part of both of you?" I asked her and she nodded softly.

"Yes, a dream that can't be, even if we could walk on the street and show our feelings for each other we'll never have any foals." She said and the distress and sadness was clear in her voice.

'Hmm...I don't know that much about their magic yet, maybe Twilight could help, but first I need them to confess their feelings to others, hmm...I think their friends is a good start and they may have some good ideas or at least they'll support them, of that I'm sure,' I thought to myself before looking back at Rainbow dash and saw her staring at Pinky Pie again with a longing in her eyes, and made up my mind, 'if anything I'll ask Princess Celestia to borrow the magic sphere again, I'm sure she'll allow it if I explained why.' I then gently said. "Listen Rainbow Dash if you'll listen to another advice then talk it over with your friends if anypony will support your love then they will, that I can guarantee, and I will too." She looked at me for a moment before looking back at Pinky Pie and said.

"I'll think about it, and talk it over with Pinky Pie; if she refuse I'll follow her wish." I nodded at her.

"I understand and agree, talk with your mate and decided what you think is best and if you want to talk, just come to me." I said as I stood up and walked away, as I walk away I heard her whisper.

"Thank you." And I smiled.

Soon after I found Twilight talking with a group consisting of the Mayor, another earth pony with a pink mane with a light pink line, a magenta coat and a cutie mark that looked like three smiling flowers, a gray Pegasus with a light yellow mane and a cutie mark that looked like a stream of bubbles, and her eyes seemed a bit strange, looking in two different directions, and two almost identical earth ponies except one was blue with a pink mane and the other was pink with a blue mane, even their cutie mark seemed the same a lotus, obvious twins. I smiled as I walked up to them. "Hallo everypony, nice to meet you." And placed my hand on Twilight's shoulder and she rubbed her head against me and smiled as the others looked at us.

The mayor smiled at us. "Nice to see you again Richard you seem to fit right in, er, um..." she began but the gray Pegasus interrupted her.

"Are you lovers or something, you seem awfully friendly to each other." She said in a drawn out voice before the two twins shushed her, while we both blushed a little, before Twilight coughed and said.

"Actually we have become mates." She said and the group just looked at her for a moment as the rest of the party went silent, I looked around but beside a few shocked faces, that soon turned to happy smiles, there were no resentment or ill will, which just reinforced my believe that Rainbow Dash and Pinky Pie could continue to have a good life here, among the ponies that they have known their whole life, with no problems at all, and speaking of Pinky Pie I saw her jumping over to us and the sadness I sensed from her was almost completely covered by her excitement, almost, and that told me just how much her relationship with Rainbow Dash meant to her and I promised myself I was going to do all I could to help, even if I had to bent the promises I had made to Rainbow Dash, but then again I had been trained by the best to do something like that, and I was master at it, I smiled, even my own teachers had said that.

"MATES, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this calls for a party," she then stopped in mid jump, "but we're already having a party," she then began to jump again, even more excited than before...if that was even possible, "I know, we just party more and make this into your 'before mateship ceremonial party'!" she said and many of the other ponies agreed, I think more than just Pinky Pie is a party pony, and those ponies sure know how to party. For the next few hours we was offered congratulations from the many ponies, but after a few hours, as I was accepting congratulations from Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy, I saw Pinky Pie leave the party, but no one else noticed, and I had seen Rainbow Dash leave a short time after she gave us her congratulation, and I had no doubt that they were going to the same place, I just hoped they decided to ask their friends for help or I'll have to somehow help their friends to see what was happening between them, without breaking my promise to Rainbow Dash.

I left the Party a short time after giving my congrats to Richard and Twilight, and I was really happy for them, and remembered Richard's words and now they gave me a little hope. I had went to Pink Pie's room to wait for her, and I knew it won't be long before she'll leave the party, like me the reminder would be too hard to bear and hopefully that would make it easier to convince her to follow Richard's advice.

I soon heard her hoofsteps on the stair and soon after the door opened and my Pink Pie walk in, and look completely dejected, and I flew to her and held her in my arms as she began to cry, and I held her close fighting to keep my own tears back, to be strong for her.

After a few minutes she looked up at me with tear strips running down her cheek and kissed me, before whispering. "I need my Dashy." And I gently laid her down on her bed and gave her a kiss.

"As you wish, my lovely Pink Pie." And began to run my hoofs over her body as my tongue, slowly, went down her body to her wet treasure and began to lick in slow circles around it making her moan and wriggle, I then thrust my tongue into her and I smiled into her sweet pussy, as she moaned loudly in pleasure, before I returned to my licking of her outer lips for a few more minutes before thrusting into her again, bringing her to the edge but not over it again and again for over a half hour before slowly removing my tongue from her and began to rub her virginal lips gently with my left hoof. "Pinky Pie," I said softly and she looked at me with pleasure filled eyes, while I kept her in a pleasured stat, "we can't continue you like this, it's tearing us both apart," she looked at me and I saw her pain and sorrow in her eyes and I kissed her, "you hide it well but soon or later somepony is going to figure it out, and it's hurting you and I can't take that anymore, we have to do something...please." I said as I broke the kiss and looked at her beautiful pink face and puffy mane.

"But what can we do, Dashy?" she asked and held me close and I felt a few tears on my shoulder and held her closer.

"Richard could sense our sadness, um, somehow, and he offer us his help and advised us to tell our friends and talk with them, and...I think it's a good idea, we can't continue like this." I said and held her as she held me and I could feel that we both felt safe in each other's arms.

"Y-you, you're right Dashy," she hugged me closer, "we'll tell them tomorrow," she then looked at me with a deep love in her eyes, "now show me how much you love me." I smiled and kissed her again.

"As you wish my love." I said as I went back to licking her folds bringing her to the edge again and again over the next few hours, before thrusting my tongue into her and wriggled it around inside her as fast as I could and she screamed in pleasure as she finally came.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, I love you so," she said and kissed me before falling back to her bed as her eyes slowly closed, "my lovely dashing rainbow Pegasus." She whispered as she fell asleep, with the first, truly, content smile I've seen in many months and I smiled.

"And I love you, Pinkamena Diane Pie, now and forever." I whisper to her as I laid down and cuddled to her as I also closed my eyes and fell asleep with my love in my dream.

The end of Chapter one