Unknown Change

Story by David M. on SoFurry

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This is my first yiffy story so please let me know how I did, and what I can do to improve. All comments are welcome.

Warning Warning Warning

If you are bothered by homosexual sex (male on male), sex of any sort or you are under the age 18/21 in some states please do NOT continue and leave this place immediately. Otherwise if you likem/m homosexual acts and such things do not bother you as well as being at the age to view adult content then please go on ahead and not let me keep you here on this disclaimer anymore.

Jordan awakes in the late evening, disappointed as always by his body. Every other night he works out to rid himself of his scrawny unappealing body, only to wake up disappointed as he can't see any growth of any sort. He has even gone to the lengths of weight-gainer and even steroids, yet he can't see any growth. One of the only reason he wants to get bigger is so that he wouldn't get bullied all the time when he was at high school. For the past couple of years he has decided to commit to dropping out so he wouldn't be tormented anymore, but he has never stuck to his word or his plan. Now it was even harder since this was his senior year and he would be done anyway, so he couldn't make up his mind.

Ring, Ring, Ring. No one else is home to answer the phone, so if he didn't pick up he would never hear the end of the telephones incessant, annoying ring.


"Hey Jordan, how are you doing?"

"Hey I'm good Mark... how are you?"

"I'm doing well, but I'm bored and since I knew you weren't doing anything and you don't work on Sundays I thought I'd call you up and see if you would like to come over."

"Yeah, sure. What time would you like me to come over?"

"Well... the sooner the better, besides I have something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Wow, that is kind of ironic because I wanted to talk to you and ask your opinion on something."

"Ok, well I will just see you when you get here then."

Jordan hung up the phone, went into his own private bathroom since his parents had given him the master bedroom since he was becoming an adult, and he undressed. He looked at himself in the mirror and shuddered at his skinny, pale physique and fantasized for a second about what he would look like with a nice tan and a nice build, nothing huge but just some appealing curve to his undeveloped muscles. He also looked at his cock and sighed, knowing it would look better on him if he were built. He was told by all the guys in the locker room after tennis practice that he was big for their age and not to worry about his physique, because it would come soon. He got in the shower quickly, lathered up and rinsed. He grabbed some clean clothes out of his closet, threw an outfit on himself and one in his backpack since he would no doubt stay over the night to go to school in the morning. Jordan swung his back pack over his left shoulder and walked out of his house, then two blocks down to Mark's parents house. It looked like all of the houses in the neighborhood. All white, with black shingles on the roof with a bay window in the living-room. As Jordan walked up to the door to ring the bell, Mark answered the door. Jordan was shocked by Mark's physique. Just yesterday when he saw him at the mall he was as skinny as Jordan was, if not skinnier. Now he was a buff, tan piece of man, with a dark brown beard and moustache.

"Dude... what the hell happened to you. Last night when I saw you, you were as skinny as I am now and you didn't have one bit facial hair, but now you have a full face of fuzz."

"Yeah I know, I couldn't believe it myself. I guess I went through some abrupt bodily changes last night."

"Yeah... I'll say. I just wanted to say you look awesome and I wish I looked like that."

"Well I appreciate the compliments, come on in Jordan."

Mark's home was nicely furnished due to the fact that his parents worked for the government and they made over a hundred thousand dollars a year.

Jordan and Mark went up to Mark's room, that was also given to him by his parents since he was now 18 years old, and he was an adult. As they walked into Mark's room, Jordan noticed something different as well. A couple days ago, Mark's room was filled with female calendar models in skimpy bikinis. Now his room was covered in posters of male, muscular men, most of which were porn stars, naked and posing in suggestive poses.

"Mark... are... are you gay?"

"Well... I wasn't last night, but when I woke up this morning, all the pictures I had of women were disgusting to me. For some reason this feels more right."

"God, now I feel even worse about how I look, with you looking the way you do, and having all these pictures of men all over your walls."

"Well, I'm sorry but also ever since last nights unexpected change, I have been really horny and I have blown four massive loads soaking my sheets."

"Damn man, where is all that cum coming from? I was going to ask you were that smell was coming from, but I thought it best not to."

"Well you know, when you are horny you got to lose it some way."

"Heh, yeah I know what you mean. The past couple of nights I've been whacking away just so that I could go to sleep without thinking about fucking some tight pussy."

"Ok dude, that is enough. I told you that shit is disgusting to me, now if this had been yesterday I would have agreed with you and made some lewd comment to back it up."

"So, Mark... how did this all happen to you?"

"Well as you know, today was my 18th birthday and I was asleep when the clock hit midnight. Also, just like I told you I woke up just like this, which was about an hour and a half ago."

"Dude, you slept all day! It is like 8:00pm."

"Well you did too because on the phone you told me you woke up a little bit ago yourself."

"Yeah I know, I was like that yesterday as well. I didn't even go into work just because I was sleeping the whole day."

"Wow, that is crazy. I did the same thing for the past couple of days and now I wonder if what happened to me will happen to you."

"Hey, did your parents cook anything before they left for the week?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry as well. They left a whole bunch of half cooked steaks, and they are some what bloody, but man are they delicious. I could just eat one completely raw."

"Dude! Normally I would say that is completely disgusting, but right now completely raw steak sounds completely delicious."

"Now you are speaking my language, lets go down stairs and unthaw some T-Bone steak and rip it right off the bone."

"God Mark my mouth is watering just thinking about it. I just think I'll let you go downstairs, get the steaks and unthaw them, while I pick out a movie up here."

"Sure thing bud, I'll be right back with the steaks in a couple bowls so that we can get every drop of blood and sweet flavors. How many do you think will be enough?"

"Well I am so hungry for meat right now I could eat a whole cow, but I think three steaks each should be enough."

"I was going to say I could go into the large butcher freezer we have in the basement and bring up a whole cow carcass and let it thaw in the tub of my bathroom. Then when the meat is unfrozen we could just go to town on that bad boy!"

"Alright, I'll set up a movie to watch while you go downstairs and get the cow."

Mark hurried out the door and Jordan could hear him fly down the stairs all the way practically in the basement. Jordan was completely surprised he could hear Mark all the way down into the basement, even when he opened the freezer door to get the cow carcass. Jordan focused on getting a movie ready. Jordan looked through his collection and picked out a movie almost instantly. He picked out An American Werewolf In London, for some reason that movie screamed out watch me. Jordan had never seen that movie, and decided to go ahead and look at the chapter selection of the DVD. He skimmed through and saw the portion called metamorphosis and decided to play it. Just as the scene began Mark walked in carrying a cow carcass over his right shoulder.

"Ah, I see that you picked a movie. This was the biggest cow cadaver I could find, but I think this should do. I'm going to put this over the tub and I'll be right out."

Mark slowly walked out of the room, into the bathroom and he could hear the jingling of the chains as he hung up the cow. Just as Mark came back, David in the movie was transforming into his werewolf form, and Jordan saw Mark shaking his head.

"What... what is wrong with the movie?"

"Well that is somewhat an accurate portrayal of a werewolf transformation, but not quite."

"Are you shitting me dude? Werewolves aren't even real."

"That's not true, they do exist but they aren't that willing to reveal themselves to humans."

"How the fuck would you know? Have you met one?"

"Well... there was something I was neglecting to tell you. The reason why I look like this is because I am a werewolf, well more accurately I am a weredog."

"Dude, you are smoking some serious shit if you think that I am going to believe you that you are a weredog."

"Well I am telling you the truth, and to be completely honest, I believe you are becoming one too, I just don't know what species you will end up becoming."

"You are on some serious drugs man, now knock it off. I know it is odd that I have been sleeping all day for the past couple days and I am very hungry for raw, bloody, and dripping meat, but you are no weredog, nor am I a were-whatever."

"Dude, I guess I will just have to show you then."

"What do you mean show me?"

"Just watch, and don't worry we will be the only people in the house for days on end. We wont even have to go to school if we don't want. Then again I don't think I could go without free eye candy everyday. Ok, I'm gonna prove to you that we exist."

Mark undressed in front of Jordan, which wasn't unusual for the two since they took showers together after gym class in school. His body was magnificent, even though Jordan was straight, he couldn't help to admire Mark's body for what it was. He had large voluptuous arms, pecs, legs. His back was so chiseled, Jordan could see the begining and end of every muscle group. His abs were also chiseled like a rock, and if a drop of dew fell on it, his abs would replicate the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River. Jordan could hear a low rumble from the pit of Mark's stomach, which grew deeper and seemed to resonate in Jordan's ear canal for what seemed to be eternity. Then it grew into a loud howl, which Jordan thought someone would surely hear. Jordan could see Marks skin come alive, balling up, moving around and twitching all the while he still growled. This time it wasn't a growl of pain, but that of pleasure. Jordan could see precum ooze out of the tip of Mark's cock dribbling on to the hardwood flooring. The only reason it was wood instead of carpet was because Mark was a sexual animal and he didn't want cum to be soaked in his carpet. Suddenly Mark's muscles started to bulge, stretch and contort to accommodate his newly forming skeletal frame. At the same time that his muscles were changing, Marks fingers fused closer to the top to form paw pads, but still had enough length to be able to have full function of his paws and both his toenails and fingernail grew longer, curved and sharper, creating razor sharp claws. Marks face stretched outward as his nose grew black and moist, with his ears moving to the top of his head, opening more into a triangle and the tips drooped down forward. Mark opened his jaws and could see his teeth becoming sharper, making his k-9's more fang like that a human's tooth. Mark howled as his balls drew closer to his body and his cock went inside his skin, forming a sheath to protect the more sensitive cock. A growth started to protrude from the base of Marks butt, and a long semi fluffy tail jutted out covering his pink, moist and vulnerable hole. Mark drew in a huge breath and howled at the tops of his dog lungs as his body instantly sprouted thick amounts of fur covering his entire body. Then toward the closing end of his howl, his cock now still human like with a mushroom head and a thick shaft jutted from his sheath, shooting out copious amounts of thick, stringy cum that covered Jordan's face.

Now as Mark stood in front of Jordan on his hind legs, standing as a human would but on the balls of his feet, while Jordan was cleaning off the cum from his face. Mark walked up closer to Jordan as he leaned backward, trying to escape from the carnivorous predator. Mark only lifted up his dog lips and extended his new and long tongue, licking up all of his cum in one giant slurp.

Jordan sat there, still leaning away from the beast that was Mark, scared as all hell.

"M... Mark.... are you still in there somewhere?"

Marks voice was a little bit deeper than before "Yes, of course I am silly. Now do you believe me when I said there are were-creatures out there?"

"Yes, I can't believe you are a freaking were-golden retriever!"

"Yea, well its taken me time to get used to it as well. I really hope you are like me man, because I could really use relief. It's like this body never runs out of cum, I just keep on cumming and cumming."

"Well Mark, we will just have to wait and see what happens."

Mark looks over his right shoulder to see what time it was, and according to the digital display there was 30 seconds until it was midnight. For Mark, the change started right about midnight and it would probably be the same for Jordan, or so he hoped.

The 30 seconds passed and Jordan began moaning in pain and screamed "My fucking skin is on fire. Holy shit this is painful, I'm so fucking hot."

Mark could only smile knowing that he was becoming a were like himself. Mark bounced on the balls of his paws in giddy anticipation of what species Jordan would be.

Jordan could feel his skin stretching, twisting and contorting for the first change. Jordan was becoming uncomfortable as the change progressed and Mark saw that he couldn't get out of his clothes. Mark raised one paw up and took a quick swipe at his body and all of Jordan's clothes fell in small pieces to the floor. Mark opened his muzzle just a bit to let his tongue hang out at the sight of Jordan's cock and balls. They were abnormally large for his size, and now with the change, Mark knew that his cock would be longer, thicker and harder and Jordan could not wait. Suddenly his body shifted slowly, as his hands grew longer and larger and melded together to form paws while his fingers melded higher, he could still use his fingers to do everyday tasks and at the same time his feet grew longer as his four front toes melded together to form his lower paws, as his big toe shifted and raised up to the heels of his lower paws. His nails grew longer, curled and razor sharp. His muscles bulked out, almost exploding from nothing, to huge mountains of muscle all over his body, and he was just as chiseled as Mark. His nipples however stood erect and hard, never softening unlike Marks, where he had to be aroused and played with. His nose grew a dark black and moist, while his face stretched outward forming his muzzle, and his ears shifted to the top of his head, becoming triangular and erect, unlike Mark's flopping ears. Mark howled a deep wolven howl as his teeth filled his new muzzle as they grew longer and razor sharp. Jordan howled again as his balls grew closer to his body and his cock went into his skin and then a nub grew at the base above his pink hole. He howled again as bluish gray fur covered his body except for around his stomach, cock and balls which was a snowy white color. Jordan started to growl a deep pleasurable howl as his tail popped out from the quick formed nub. His newly formed sheath sprouted its contents, and just as Mark had hoped his cock was longer, thicker and had a huge mushroom head with overflowing amounts of precum. Mark knew the end was near and he got on his knees in front of Jordan's wolf cock and held it in his muzzle, waiting for the explosion that was quite close. Mark looked up and noticed that Jordan's eye color changed from blue to a dark green with a light touch of brown, and the white of his eyes turned yellow. Mark raised his paw to the base of Jordan's cock and balls and that was the final act that released all of Jordan's thick, ropey and copious amounts of wolf seed into Marks muzzle, and he drank every last bit. After all the seed was down his throat, he licked around his lips to get the rest of his wolf seed into his stomach.

Jordan's voice was much deeper than before, as the base of his voice almost shook the walls of his room.

"Oh my God, that was incredible! I can't believe how hot and attractive you are in your dog form. God I feel like I could fuck and be fucked all night."

"Well aren't we a bit horny? See I knew you were like me and I'm glad that you are gay like me. When I called my parents right after the change, I asked them if they knew it would happen, they told me yes they knew, and they knew that you would change too. Your mom and my mom go way back and she knew about your family line, that once ever hundred years there would be only one male born into the family, and he would have the gift of anthropomorphism; the same was for my family line as well. In fact, I was told by my dad, who was good friends with the principal, that all the boys at our high school would all change when their 18th birthday occurred, so we get to have fun with all kinds of different weres."

Jordan started whimpering as his thick and throbbing cock yurned for release, wanting to loose all of the new cum swelling in his larger and more feral balls.

"Sorry to cut you so short Mark, I find this all interesting right now, but I'm so horny I want you to cum full blast in my mouth and in my ass."

"God, I want the same from you, but we have all night and all week, as school will more than likely going to be canceled until all the people are used to the difference and changes."

Jordan didn't want to hear anymore as he took Mark into his wolfish arms and threw him onto the cum soaked bed behind them. Jordan brought his muzzle down to Mark's sheath, breathing in heavily and taking in all of Mark's musk and arousal. The new senses he developed were all sending a huge rush to his head. He could hear Mark's breathing and heartbeat as clear as day and it intensified the longer Jordan kept his face at Mark's crotch. Jordan smiled as he looked up to his friend's face, seeing that helpless and defensless look on his face, wanting Jordan to do what ever he was intending as well as Mark's anticipation of showing off his member again. Jordan snaked his long wolf tongue out of his muzzle and licked the inside of Mark's sheath, tasting the sweat and the cum that was left inside from the last ejaculation. As Jordan licked around the inside, cleaning out his sheath, Mark's cock started coming out if its home and Jordan opened his mouth as he felt it push against his lips, allowing the entire cock to fit in his muzzle and grow to its fullest, filling his mouth and popping his jaw, allowing him to fit the whole thing in his mouth and down his throat. Jordan relaxed his throat muscles before the cock filled his muzzle and felt it go halfway down his esophagus. Jordan pulled off to see how long and thick it really was. It was a remarkable 12 inches long, and at least 8 inches in diameter. Jordan's eyes almost bugged out of his sockets, but he re opened his muzzle and took his whole length in his muzzle, bobbing slowly first, pushing it down further and further, all the way down his shaft to the base of the sheath. Jordan could feel the veins getting harder and fuller, feeling the cock slowly inch its way bigger than it was earlier. Jordan just released his muscles and then he could feel Mark start to pump into his muzzle and throat. Jordan began to suck as hard as possible, making his throat tighten and close off around the cock, but still relaxed enough for it to slip up and down the wet tunnel. Mark began to pant faster as Mark began to reach his climax. Jordan started to help by bobbing as Mark thrusted foreward, matching his speed of bobbing with Marks thrusting. Mark howled as he came fully, emptying his balls to there was no more cum left which was much thicker, harder and longer than the first time during his change. it was so massive as it was the first time he was fully spent. Jordan lapped up every bit that was missed or spilled out when it couldn't all be handled, which was very little, with his long wolf tongue, making sure to get every drop of his tasty, yet salty dog seed. Jordan smiled, feeling all of the cum swish around in his newly expanded stomach.

Jordan came up to Mark's head and began kissing and sucking on Mark's dog tongue. They laid there in bed, holding each other in their feral forms, naked, suckling, and cuddling awaiting sleep to take them away for the evening. As they laid there together, Jordan started cramping and feeling the cum that was in his stomach, drain and go somewhere in his body. Mark looked over to Jordan in concern and waited to see what was happening to him, as he did not know what all that cum would do. Suddenly Jordan began moaning in pleasure as he felt his cock grow tighter, fuller and firmer than ever before and watched as it grew to allow all the blood that was flowing in to fit. It grew longer from the meager 8 inches long and 3 inches thick it was before to an astonishing 13 inches long and 6 inches in diameter. He also felt his balls swell to new sizes, growing from the large marbles to tennis balls. Mark smiled as he saw the new Jordan and wondered what would happen if he were to take a complete load like Jordan did for him, as he was already quite big.

Jordan layed back down and thought to himself if this is what its like to have gay sex in a were body, I cant wait to go to school to have new anthro meat in me, as well as their hot cum. Now this is the life I had always fantasized about!