Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Prologue

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Sexcapades of the Neighborhood

Hey, all! Over the several months, the incredible Lucardevoir and I have been working on a co-op story, involving several of our original characters. This is an intro chapter I decided to write on how Rose and Maggie met. A good read, plus great sex. Happy fapping!

M Lopunny (A)* x H Mismagius (A)

*The (A) means anthro

In the world of Pokémon, there are the five main regions of existence: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova. There are also the lesser-known areas of Orre, Fiore, Oblivia, and Almia. However, there is one small area not known of by many humans. Far to the southeast of the Hoenn Region, there's a small island, off of most maps in the Pokémon world. It was recently discovered by a ship sailing that had lost its way in a storm. This place became known as Pokétopia. However, no humans live on this area. It is inhabited entirely by pokémon. However, these pokémon are different. A strange energy emanates from the island, transforming all Pokémon who set foot on the island into anthro versions of themselves, while still retaining features of their species, like fur or feathers. They also gain the ability to speak English with no pokémon sounds hinted. Their minds also become more human, and less feral. Over many centuries after its first finding, it has blossomed into a working city, run entirely by the humanoid Pokémon. All the pokémon were also clothed, wearing normal human clothing. It has everything a normal human city has, ranging from stores, to a movie theater, and even a school. And that's where this tale begins. This school goes by the name of Pokétopia University, where young Pokémon go to learn the ways of both humans and Pokémon. The bell rings, and students rush off to their classes. It is in a large metal-shop class we focus our attention. This is the classroom for Robotics 101, and a shiny male Lopunny is the professor of the class. The students take their seats, and the professor stands up to greet the class.

M. Lopunny: Good morning, class. Class: Good morning, Professor Rose. Rose: Alright, today, you'll keep working on your projects to make your autonomous claw robot. Understood? Class: Yes, Professor. Rose: Alright, get into your groups, and get going.

Rose was a caring professor, willing to help his students whenever they needed it. He walked around the room, seeing his students hard at work. About 45 minutes into the class, Rose saw a power tool still plugged in.

Rose: Jeez, guys, how many times do I have to tell you? Always unplug tools after you use...gah!

Rose just yelled because the wire he grabbed had a fray. He grabbed right on the fray, and 110 volts of straight current shot through him. He was blasted back, and slammed straight into a concrete wall. Some large beams of wood fell onto him, as his class just stood there and screamed in horror. One of the students quickly called 911, while some of the stronger ones started removing the beams from over their teacher. When they finally cleared all the wood, the sight was not pretty. It was clear that Rose had broken his arms and legs in at least three places each, and his head was bleeding. What was the worst was that he wasn't breathing. The falling wood had knocked down the automatic defibulator from the wall, and it broke on contact with the ground.

M. Luxray: What do we do?! F. Emolga: I got this! My mom's an emergency paramedic. She taught me how to debfibulate someone with Thundershock! Trust me!

The students were nervous, but they had no other choice. They cleared a space for the student, and she placed her hands where the pads for the defibulator normally go.

F. Emolga: Clear!

She sent a pulse of electricity through Rose's body, and it jumped into the air. Suddenly, Rose started breathing again, but his first gasp quickly became screams of intense pain. The Emolga student then used a low-power Thunder Wave on his arms and legs to remove that pain. Rose stopped his screaming, only moaning from the head pain.

Rose: *weakly*

Luckily, the EMTs got there, and they restrained his arms and legs in place, and quickly got him inside the ambulance. A Roserade used Sleep Powder on him, and rose quickly fell asleep.


A few hours later Rose slowly opened his eyes and they were greeted by a flash of light from a bright room. When his eyes refocused, he saw that he was in a hospital room. His arms and legs were heavily casted up, and his head was wrapped in a bandage.

Rose: Ow...what happened? ???: Finally, you're awake.

Rose saw a purple form above him, and he realized it as a Mismagius. He could see it was a female, judging from the D-cup breasts on her.

Rose: Who are you? Mismagius: The name's Maggie. I'll be caring for you during your recovery. Rose: How bad is it? Maggie: See for yourself.

Maggie flicked on the X-ray viewer board, and showed Rose the X-rays of his body.

Maggie: Both your arms and your legs were broken in four places each, and you broke two ribs. You also suffered from a concussion and a fairly large laceration to your forehead. The bone breaks didn't make fragments, so resetting the bones was easy. We stitched up the laceration, and once it heals, the mark should be gone in a couple of months. Rose: So it wasn't too bad? Maggie: You're lucky that your Emolga student knew how to debfibulate on her own. I was impressed. Rose: Yeah, Emily's a great student. Maggie: Well, I'd better go get your meal.

Maggie left for a couple of minutes, and came back with a hot hospital meal.

Rose: But I can't move my arms. Maggie: Here, I'll feed you.

Maggie held up a forkful of food, and Rose graciously ate it. After his meal, Maggie stayed and talked with Rose to keep him company. Maggie was not only a nurse, but a farmer too. Her family owns a large farm in Pokétopia, and she's now the owner of her family's farmer's market. Maggie combines a lot of her knowledge about plant properties with her medicinal teachings to increase the ability of modern medicines. Over the next couple of months, Maggie took good care of Rose, feeding him and helping him with anything he needed. When Maggie took a look at Rose's X-rays, she was surprised at what she saw. His bones had completely healed, no signs of weakness anywhere. He wouldn't need plates, screws, or anything of the sort to keep them in place. In fact, they seemed stronger than ever! Rose said that his family had a history of quick recovery, so it made sense. Rose then spent another month in rehabilitation, regaining his ability to walk and hop around. Once he was fully healed, he was released from the hospital. He was about to get into a taxi to get home, when he heard a familiar voice yell for him.

???: Rose, wait! Rose: Maggie, what is it? Maggie: Here, a little something to remember me by.

Maggie handed Rose a folded piece of paper, then gave him a quick peck on the cheek before running back inside. Rose just smiled and got into the taxi. Once he was home, he opened the paper and gasped a bit when he saw that it was a message from Maggie.

Rose, It was really nice to meet you. I wish it could have been through better means, but I really want to see you again. Give me a call sometime. Just don't hurt yourself to see me again. Maggie

It also had a phone number on it. Rose placed it by his phone, and went up to go to sleep. Over the next couple of weeks, Maggie waited anxiously to hear back from Rose, but never got a message. She was worried a bit. Was he mad she was so forward? Did he not like her? Did he have a mate already?! But thankfully, a few days later, her cell phone rang.

Maggie: Hello? ???: Hi, Maggie? Maggie: Rose! Rose: Hey. Well, I was wondering if, um, if you wanted to, uh, go get dinner sometime? Maggie:...Let me ask one question first. Rose: Anything! Maggie: What took you so long to call? Rose: Well, this may sound awkward, but you're the first girl to give me her number. Maggie: Really? Rose: Yeah. Since I'm a robotics professor, I get seen by a lot of females as a nerd and a geek. Even the other professors at the university think so. Don't you? Maggie: Well, I did think of you as a little nerdy. But that made you all the cuter. You were kind, sweet, everything I look for in a guy. Rose: Really? Maggie: I would love to go out with you! Rose: Wow! I mean...ok... Maggie: *giggle* So cute! Rose: *chuckle* Tonight at 7? I'll pick you up? Maggie: Sounds fun.

The two of them had a great time that night, and for several months after that. They always sent gifts to one another, Rose sending flowers over to the hospital, and Maggie sending chocolates to Rose's class. They never got intimate, though, as Rose wanted to take it slow. Hey, this was his first girlfriend, after all. They went on simple dates, movie, dinner, a stage show here and there. That's why it surprised Maggie when Rose told her to wear a nice dress to their anniversary. It turned out that he took her to a very nice restaurant, where they had a wonderful meal. Pokétopia was an island, so they then went out to a boardwalk, and saw the sun set.

Maggie: That was a wonderful date, Rose. Rose: I agree. You know, I've been thinking these past few days. Maggie: About what? Rose: About how much you cared for me in the hospital. You did everything you could. I really want to repay you. Maggie: These dates were more than enough! Rose: No, I always want to be there for you. That's why I thought of the only way to do this.

Rose got in front of Maggie, got down on one knee, pulled out a box from his pocket, and opened it to show her a ring.

Rose: Maggie, will you please honor me by being my mate?!

Rose heard nothing for a few moments, and he was worried that Maggie was appalled at his request. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see Maggie with her hands in front of her mouth, eyes welling up with tears.

Maggie: Rose...I know what I want to say...but there's something you should know. Rose: What?

Maggie peered around, and saw that no one was around. She quickly lifted up the front of her dress, to show Rose a bulge in her panties. She pulled the front down to reveal that she had a penis.

Maggie: I'm a hermaphrodite. Rose:...Why didn't you tell me? Maggie: You're the first boyfriend I've had too. I can't believe I have to reveal my worst secret now of all times. I'm sorry I've wasted your time this past year. I'll go. Rose: No. Maggie: What? Rose: It doesn't matter. I love you for who you are. That's what matters most to me. Maggie: Really? Rose: Yes. Maggie: Then of course I'll be your mate!

The wedding was nice and sweet. Friends, family, and even some of Rose's students, fellow professors and Maggie's doctors and nurses attended. Maggie's Matron of Honor was her best friend, Abby. Her other Bridesmaids were Zoey, Serena, and Eva. Rose's Best Man was his best friend, Max, along with Lucas, Blaze, and Gavin, a physics professor at Pokétopia U, as his groomsmen. They said their vows, kissed, and they were officially mates. They took their honeymoon in the closest region, Sinnoh, in the Battle Zone's Resort Area. On their second night, they finally indulged in the greatest pleasure of being mates. Their room was candlelit, and Rose was in the bathroom, stark naked.

Rose: *thinking* I can't believe this is actually happening. I finally get to be with the girl of my dreams! Maggie: Rose, are you ready yet? Rose: Yep!

Rose slowly opened the door to reveal his mate lying sultrily on her side on the bed, wearing nothing but a see-through short gown, letting Rose see everything under it.

Rose: Wow, sexy. Maggie: *giggle* Thanks. You ain't so bad looking yourself.

Rose slowly walked over to the bed, and lied down next to his mate. He pulled her slowly to his mouth, slowly engulfing her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss, which Maggie eagerly returned. Their tongues wrestled with each other, Rose stealthily slipping Maggie's gown off. They broke the kiss after what seemed like an eternity, and the just stared into each other's eyes.

Maggie: Incredible. Rose: I was just about to say that. Maggie: But, I have a cock, what are we going to do about that? Rose: Well, I have a secret of my own. Maggie: Oh my gosh, you're gay! Rose: Wrong! But close. I'm equal bi. Maggie: Really? How did you find that out? Rose: I did it with my parents. Maggie: What?! Rose: Yeah. I asked them what I should do, so they decided to prove it was great by letting me fuck both of them. Even took my dad's cock right up my ass. Felt amazing. Maggie: *giggle* You big slutbunny. Rose: You know, I'm one of the few Lopunny who actually believe that I am exactly that!

Rose quickly slipped down and started licking Maggie's soft cock. Maggie moaned out from the attention she was getting, and rolled onto her back. Rose kept going, fondling her orbs with his free paw. Once she was hard at 9 inches, Rose suckled on the tip, then bobbed his head on the rod, savoring the taste.

Maggie: Rose, get the bunny dick in my face!

Rose smirked around Maggie's cock, then got his crotch over her face. Maggie saw that he was already rock hard, and gasped at its massive size.

Maggie: Holy shit, how big is it. Rose: 10 inches. Not bad for a Lopunny. My dad was 15. Maggie: This is going to be so good.

Maggie slipped her mouth slowly down the length of Rose, then suckled on the entire thing, licking all over it in her mouth. Rose moaned around Maggie's cock, using his paw to rub the outer lips of Maggie's dripping cunt. He slowly slipped a couple of fingers in, but hit a barrier.

Rose: Maggie, you're a virgin? Maggie: Yes. No one's ever been with a freak like me. Rose: You aren't a freak, you're gorgeous. Besides, having double parts means double the fun! Maggie: How did I know you were going to say that?

Rose just giggled, and went back to work. He still fingered Maggie, but was careful not to break her hymen yet. He wanted her to lose it right. They kept going at it until Maggie squealed around Rose's dick.

Maggie: Rose, I'm cumming! Rose: Same here!

Rose deepthroated Maggie, but Maggie pulled off to the head of Rose. Maggie's cum sprayed down Rose's throat, as her fem cum drenched his paw. Maggie felt Rose's cum wash over her tongue, tasting salty, with a hint of sour in it. She reveled in the taste before slowly swallowing it as it came. Once they came down from their high, Rose rolled himself off his lover, both of them panting in bliss.

Maggie: That was great. Rose: Definitely. Maggie: So, ready for the real thing? Rose: Actually, there's something I want. Maggie: What? Rose: You in me.

Rose rolled onto all fours, showing Maggie his tight bunny ass.

Maggie: Really? Rose: Why wouldn't I?

Maggie just smiled and faced his tailhole. She licked all over it, lubing him up. Rose moans out, this being his first rimming. Maggie stuck her tongue into the hole, making sure to get as much lubed up as possible. When his ass was wet, Maggie pulled pack and lined herself up with him.

Maggie: Alright, if it gets too much, feel free to tell me to stop. Rose: Do your worst.

Maggie grinned, and started hot-dogging Rose's tailhole, making the bunny squeal out.

Rose: Maggie, don't tease me! Maggie: Beg for it, slutbunny. Rose: Please, stick your cock in me! I need to be filled by your huge dick! I want it! I need it!

Maggie smirked, and slammed her entire cock into Rose in one fell swoop, making the shiny bunny scream in joy. Maggie was inexperienced, so she started going right away, not letting Rose get used to her first. Not that he minded. Rose loved taking it up his tailhole. He's even taken three at once! But that's for later. Maggie was grunting, trying to keep a rhythm amidst the intense pleasure of her first fuck.

Maggie: Ah, Rose, this is incredible! Rose: Fuck me! Fuck me harder!

Maggie grabbed Rose's shoulders and pummeled the bunny. Rose just panted and groaned out, his cock bouncing around with each thrust. Maggie's inexperience got the best of her, and she soon felt that growing feeling again.

Maggie: I'm cumming, Rosie! Rose: Fill me, my darling!

Maggie slammed in hard, filling Rose up with her seed. She kept humping throughout her orgasm, shoving her cum into Rose's belly. Rose groaned out from the feeling of being filled with cum, as it had been a long time since he last felt it. Which was about a week. Once Maggie spurted her last shot of cum, she slowly pulled out of Rose, and fell back onto her ass. Rose's front half collapsed onto the bed, cum slowly dribbling out of his used tailhole.

Maggie: Oh my Arceus...amazing. Rose: Told ya. Maggie: I've got a gift for you, and this is the best time for it.

Maggie went over to her purse and dug around. She pulled out a vial with a pink liquid in it.

Rose: What's that? Maggie: I make potions. I use berries along with my magic to make them. This is one of my popular sex potions. It recovers your energy and makes your cock rock hard. Care to try it? Rose: Do I?!

Maggie tossed the potion to Rose, and he quickly chugged the contents. Instantly, he felt invigorated, and his cock jumped to attention.

Rose: Wow, it works great! Maggie: Thanks. Now how about you use your new energy on me?

Maggie lied on her back on the bed, legs spread. Rose went up, and lined up with her cunt.

Maggie: Rose, wait. Rose: Yes? Maggie: Fuck my ass. Rose: Why? Maggie: I want to save my virginity for last.

Rose just sweetly smiled, and nodded. He stuck his fingers back into Maggie's snatch, and got them wet. He then slipped a couple fingers into her anus, making the ghost-type wriggle in slight pain. He used the rest of the juices on his paw to wet his cock. When he was ready, he lined up with her pucker, and slowly pushed. Maggie started to tear up a bit, this being her first penetration ever. Rose finally got himself fully in, and stayed there.

Rose: You ok? Maggie: Yeah. Just give me a sec.

Maggie just lied there, getting used to the girth in her sphincter. When she was ready, she nodded to Rose, who slowly started thrusting into his mate. Maggie started gasping erratically, feeling a newfound pleasure. Rose groaned out from the extreme tightness, slowly screwing his love. He leaned down and pulled her into another kiss, calming her down. However, she quickly broke it.

Maggie: Rose, I'm ok now. Go faster.

Rose nodded, and started slowly accelerating his hips. Maggie started breathing erratically again, and Rose didn't mind. He soon was up to full throttle, pummeling his mate. Maggie was practically screaming now, lost in pure ecstasy.

Maggie: Rose, cum in me! Rose: You got it!

With one last push, Rose hilts in Maggie, filling her with his seed. Maggie stops screaming, and just weakly whimpers from her first filling. Rose cums for two minutes before slowly slipping out of Maggie.

Rose: Wow, that was nice. Maggie: Thanks. Rose: You ready for the real thing? Maggie: *gulp* Yes, I'm ready.

Rose lined up with her love hole, and slowly started pushing in. Maggie gasps, feeling a surge of pleasure rip through her entire body. Quickly, Rose hits her barrier again.

Rose: Maggie, are you ready? Maggie: Yeah. Please, take my virginity. Rose: On three. 1...2...3!

Rose plunged in hard, breaking her hymen and hilting inside of her. Maggie screams out from the quick stretching and the breaking of her cherry. A little blood starts trickling from her cunt, as Rose holds himself in.

Rose: You ok? Maggie: *whimper* Yeah, but it hurts really bad. Rose: Don't worry. I promise that once you're ready, it will be the best feeling you've ever had.

Maggie rested for a few more seconds, until she clenched down on Rose's prick, making the bunny jump a little.

Maggie: Ready. Don't hold back. Rose: You jerk.

Maggie giggled as Rose slowly pulled out, and slammed hard in. He started fucking his mate fast, but not too hard. Maggie gripped the bed sheets tightly in both hands, her toes curling up in pleasure. This was an incredible feeling, just as Rose had said.

Maggie: Rose, this is the best! Rose: Told ya so. Maggie: Go faster!

Rose gladly obliged, humping her hard and fast. Maggie was now gritting her teeth, not in pain, but to stop herself from screaming and waking up the entire resort. Suddenly, Rose flipped her over, and now humped her doggystyle.

Rose: Now you can put your face in a pillow and scream. Maggie: You're so thoughtful.

Maggie buried her face, and let out one of the most primal screams she'd ever let out. Rose just grinned and kept pummeling her pussy raw. Maggie teared up again, but this time in joy. Rose soon couldn't handle the pressure around his cock, and leaned down to grab Maggie around her chest.

Rose: Maggie, honey, I'm gonna cum! Maggie: Me too, baby, cum in me!

Rose flipped her over again, and grabbed her cock as he fucked her, jerking her off. Rose slammed in hard, practically howling out and filling his mate's womb with his seed. Maggie couldn't take it, and came as well, her cunt spasming around Rose, her cock erupting all over her stomach and breasts. They both came for three minutes until Rose slipped out of Maggie, spurting a couple of weak strands onto her stomach, before collapsing onto his back.

Maggie: Incredible. Rose: Ditto.

The two of them rested up, and once they had energy again, they both went to take a shower. Once they finished, they got back in bed and cuddled together.

Rose: Oh Maggie, I'm so happy for this. Maggie: Me too. Rose: Just double checking, you're not in heat, and you're pilled up, right? Maggie: Yes, honey. Rose: Good, just checking. I love you. Maggie: I love you too, honey.

The two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms. A few days later, they returned home, where the resumed their normal jobs. Maggie moved into Rose's home, and they lived in Pokétopia for about 4 years. Then, the rent of Rose's home went up, and he couldn't afford it. He then heard of house openings in an area outside of Jubilife City. He talked it over with Maggie, and she agreed. They had their friend Serena teleport them back and forth between work, and they moved into Pokétopia. After unpacking, Rose decided to go to their neighbor's house. The one of their left was empty, but he heard a TV on in the other side. He decided to meet them. Little did he know how much fun these neighbors would turn out to be.

Bunny Love: Chapter 13 1/2

(This chapter takes place during the final scene of chapter 13. These are the events that took place in the other room while the other four screwed each other silly) In the other room, things were heating up as well. The three females were going into...

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Bunny Love: Chapter 13

It's been several weeks since Kyle's Unovan friends came in. In that time, Kyle got several more Unovan species of Pokémon, ranging from a Braviary named Brandon, to a Sawsbuck father and his Deerling daughter, named Steven and Debbie, respectively....

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Bunny Love: Chapter 12

Our lovers, Blake and Rose, have returned home from visiting Rose's tribe in Eterna Forest, bringing Rose's best friend and ex-boyfriend, Serena the Gardevoir and Gabe the Gallade, back with them. It's been a couple of weeks since their return, and...

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