A World of Hunger

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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Alex has no idea what the gift waiting for him is, but it's from a friend, and it looks like it should be fun... and very filling!

A Story commission for copain staring alexx.

Yes, this is a new Planet Eating story, and there is still a Planet Eating Yahoo Group to go along with the concept.

A World of Hunger by: Theo Winters

Written for Copain

Alex was a little surprised when he came home to find the box resting on his doorstep. It a rectangular container, about three feet tall and a couple inches thin. There was nothing on the box other than an address label and a return address he didn't recognize. It was addressed to him, so it wasn't a miss-delivery; he just had no idea what it was.

He picked up the box, it was lighter than he had expected, and tucked it under his arm. Stepping inside the cat-rabbit closed the door and went into the living room, carefully navigating around the empty couch on which he set the odd box. After taking off his jacket and grabbing a drink he returned to the box, giving it a curious look.

"Now what could you be?" he mused as he leaned forward to work open the packing tape. Bending down his long lop ears swayed over his back, they were pulled together with a hair tie just above the white fur on the tips. Once the top was open he slid out the contents, another blank box, but this one was all black. Holding it at an angle to the light he could see the world "Sythitech Worlds," written in a slightly different shade of black.

The only other thing that came out of the box was a single piece of folded paper. He took the paper and unfolded it, surprised to see a hand-written note.

"Just a small surprise for you, my friend. I had this preprogrammed. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.


Alex chuckled at that. "You crazy fox, what are you planning this time?" he mused as he set the note to the side. His friend had a habit of finding interesting things that he thought the cat-rabbit would like, and he was usually right. Whatever was in the black box it was going to prove to be interesting.

Setting the note aside he opened the lid on the box, surprised to find it filled with electronics. On the lid of the box was a list of instructions, each one numbered. He read them over quickly, it was all rather complicated and he didn't quite understand all of them. On the third to last step there was a small post-it note saying 'start here'.

Following the instructions he plugged the odd device in, and then picked up a weird little mesh of wires on a frame. He settled it down onto his head, adjusting the fit to make it secure. The ends of the frame pressed at his head, through the fur and against the skin. It sent a small tingling sensation through his scalp which tingled all the way down to the tips of his ears.

He sat down on the floor, crossing his legs and tucking his fluffy tail against his hips. When he was comfortable he reached into the box and pressed the power button followed by the activate button. The moment he touched the second button a bright flash of green light filled his vision for a moment, then it cleared away.

Alex shook his head, reaching up to take off the mesh helmet, but it wasn't there. All he could feel as his orangeish fur. He looked back down at the box; the electronics were gone, leaving nothing but a blank slate. Above it the words "Synthetic world active," were floating in bright green letters. Under it was a single button labeled "Deactivate."

"Interesting," he said, watching the floating text move as he looked around it. Apparently he was inside some sort of computer simulation, but it didn't seem any different than real world, at least as far as he could tell. True the colors all seemed a bit more vivid and the carpet looked a bit off, but it *felt* real.

His belly stomach rumbled in hunger, strong enough to make his belly shake under his shirt. Touching it he frowned for a moment, his hunger getting stronger now that he was paying attention to it. Putting aside where he was for the moment he stood up and went into the kitchen, but the refrigerator was empty, as were all the cupboards.

"What kind of world doesn't have any food?" he mused, his belly rumbling again. Still frowning he picked up his jacket and headed back outside. The afternoon sun was strong on his face, warm and pleasant, a number of birds were flying overhead and there was even a squirrel in the tree next to the driveway. The squirrel looked at him, chittering slightly, his black eyes were wide and his tail was flicking a bit. Alex looked back at the squirrel, not quite sure to make of it. He took a step forward, his ears sawing behind his back "What are you doing?" he started to say, but half way through the question the squirrel leapt off the tree right towards him, right for his open mouth!

It landed half way into his muzzle and started to wiggle deeper. He gulped without thinking about it; sucking the squirrel into his mouth, then with a second swallow sent it sliding down his throat. As it landed in his belly he realized two things, the fist was that the squirrel had tasted fantastic in the few moments that it was in his muzzle, and second was that his belly was starting to quite down.

Alex laughed and rubbed his belly feeling the squirrel still wiggling a bit inside of it. "Copain, you truly are a silly fox," he said.

The squirrel wasn't much of a meal for him, his belly was still rumbling in hunger. A moment later the neighbor's yappy little dog ran up to him and sat down on the driveway. He looked up at him, his head cocked to the side, eagerness showing in his eyes.

The cat rabbit bent down to look at the dog. "You want to be eaten to?"

With a happy bark the dog leaned forward, placing a paw on his knee, looking up in excitement.

"Well then," he said, grabbing the small dog in both hands. The dog didn't squirm as he lifted him up to his mouth, his tail flicking in excitement. He opened his jaw as wide as it could go, and then shoved the dog inside. He tasted even better then the squirrel had, the flavors rushing through his mouth as he gulped the dog down. He had never tasted anything like it before, it was earthy at the same time hinting of nuts. The dog's tail flicked even more, so excited as he was quickly swallowed and slide down his throat.

He could feel the dog in his belly, pushing it out against his shirt, forcing it out from under his belt. It felt so wonderful to have his belly full, but it was still growling in excitement.

A dozen pidgins swooped down, circling around him, all of them watching with eager black eyes. All Alex had to do was open his muzzle as the first bird dived down and landed on his tongue. He closed his jaw around it, feeling the feathers tickling at the roof of his mouth. With a slight purr he gulped it down, the tickling going all the way down his throat until it joined the squirrel and the dog in his belly.

The cat-rabbit opened his muzzle again for the next bird, eating him as quickly as the last. By the time he had six of the pidgins in his belly he found his pants were starting to get tight against his belt, his shirt hanging over the hem. He moved his belt back a notch then opened his muzzle again. This time two of the pidgins dove down, landing in tandem on his tongue. It took some work for him to close his muzzle around them, pressing them tightly together before he swallowed them both. They went down, wiggling together as the landed in his full belly.

He rubbed his belly, feeling it growing larger as he allowed the next two birds to press into his muzzle. This time it was a little bit easier to swallow them down, all the feathers and wings teasing in the most pleasant way.

Alex let out a small belch, his paws exploring his bloated belly as the last pair of birds landed in his mouth. He swallowed them slowly, enjoying the feeling of them against the sides of his muzzle, the feathers rubbing at the inside of his teeth. With an easy gulp they slid down his throat to join the rest of their flock inside of him.

Taking a moment to gather himself he felt his belly rumbling again, not satisfied in the least. If anything he was even hungrier now then he had been before. He looked around to see what else he could eat, surprised to find a trio of medium sized dogs sitting in front of him.

With a smirk he dropped down onto all fours, opening his muzzle. The smallest of the dogs pressed right inside without even a moment of hesitation. He clamped his jaw around it, holding its rump as he swallowed, enjoying the feeling as it slid down his throat. It didn't go quick; he had to gulp a number of times before the tail vanished down past his lips.

Alex purred deeply, flicking his fluffy tail as the dog settled into his stomach. He was heavy, pulling him to the ground, his belly almost touching the grass. His shirt was getting tight around his growing body, as well as around his arm and shoulders, the open neck starting to strain. His pants were also starting to feel full, the fabric pulled tight over his rear and hips. Even his shoes were pulling at his feet.

He only thought about it for a few moments before the next dog leaned up and licked his face. "Fine, fine, you're next," he said, then shoved the canine's head into his mouth, sliding in up to its shoulders. With each gulp it slid down deeper before it too landed in his belly.

The third dog didn't even wait his turn, he just pressed right into Alex's muzzle the moment it was free. He eagerly ate the canine, enjoying the feeling as it pressed down his throat. It was a wonderful feeling, and it got better each time he ate something. When the last of the dog vanished down his throat he was eager to find his next meal, but there was nothing around.

The cat-rabbit climbed back up to his feet, all his clothing tight on his body. As he stood upright he felt his feet burst through his shoes. He looked down to see his feet but his large gut was in the way, though it was quickly shrinking as his meals digested, instead he found himself having to lift his feet to see them. As he raised his legs he felt his pants pull tightly against his ass and hips, this with a long tearing sound they ripped open down the length of his legs.

He blushed a bit; twisting his body, trying to see the remains of his pants It felt like only the legs of his pants had burst, but the rest of it was still pulled tightly around his ass. His shirt was doing the same thing, but had ridden up to settle under his arms.

Alex turned back to the house to go get some new clothing, but was surprised to find that he was eye level with the roofline. He took a few steps forward, reaching up slightly to place his hand on the roof. He had to be a least twelve feet tall, and as stood there he felt his arm relaxing as he grew taller, soon he was looking down at the shingles.

He smirked a bit and flicked his tail, his belly growling eagerly, demanding even more food. He suspected that wouldn't be hard to find. Turning back around he found pack of wolfs standing on his driveway. He stared at them for a moment as he biggest of the wolves kicked the smallest. The smallest one took a shy step forward, his head lowered.

This would be his biggest meal yet, but Alex was sure he could eat it. Be grabbed the wolf with both hands and lifted him up to his muzzle, shoving it inside and eating it quickly. As soon as his muzzle was empty he picked up the next wolf that was offered to him.

With a laugh he picked up the eager wolves and starting eating, grabbing the next one as soon as he could. It was getting harder and harder to reach the wolves as his body continued to grow. The remains of his pants were staring to pop and tear, splitting along the seams as he got bigger, by the time only the alpha wolf was left the only thing holding his pants on was his belt.

The big cat rabbit was about twenty feet tall as he reached down to grab the last wolf. His shirt pulled tightly across his chest, the fabric straining and creaking before ripping apart. With a laugh he reached up and grabbed the last of the shirt, tearing it off and throwing it to the side.

Below him the big wolf whined, eager to be eaten. Alex was happy to oblige him, grabbing the canine and shoving it into his muzzle and swallowing him down in two quick gulps. It was wonderful to be able to eat such a big animal so easily. It made his whole body glow as he continued to get taller.

Once the current meal was done he reached down and pulled off the last of his pants, leaving himself nude, but he didn't care. There wasn't anyone around to see him. He looked around to see what else there was to eat, but nothing was lined up for him. With a sigh touched his growling belly, his hunger growing faster than the size of his meals. With an idle thought he started walking down the road, towards downtown. His extra height allowed him to see the skyscrapers over the roofs of the houses.

After ten minutes of walking his belly was growling so hard it felt like his stomach was trying to break free. Just as it was about to get too much for him he was surprised to come upon a lion-morph. The lion was small, looking up at him with awe in his face, his tail flicking slightly.

"Hello?" Alex asking, bending down to look at the lion.

The lion blushed a bit, his ears sinking down into his black mane. "Can you eat me?" he asked.


He nodded.

The cat-rabbit smiled and grabbed the lion, holding him easily in his paws as he lifted him high in the air. At thirty feet tall the lion was hardly more than a small snack, which he proved by shoving the cat into his muzzle. The lion squirmed and purred in pleasure as Alex closed his muzzle around him and swallowed him down with three gulps.

A moment later Alex blushed, he had just eaten a person! True, he had wanted to be eaten, but it was still a person... but he was a tasty person, and it felt so good to have him curled up in his belly. It also quieted his belly, at least a little bit. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling as the big cat wiggled inside of his belly, it was a wonderful feeling, unlike anything he had even experienced and truth be told he loved it! He wanted more of it.

Opening his eyes he wasn't surprised to see another person standing in front of him, this time a bear. He didn't even have to be prompted; he just picked him up and shoved him in his muzzle, gulping him down as he walked. As soon as his muzzle was empty he found a vixen waiting to be eaten. She went down just as easily.

As Alex got closer to downtown he found more and more people lining up for him. Each one went into his muzzle without a second thought. Soon he was eating them two at a time and then four. By the time he reached the first tall building he was eating people six at a time.

He stopped at the tall building, not at all surprised to find his muzzle was level with the roof. He was a little surprised to find that the roof was full of people all watching him, but it only lasted a moment.

The giant cat-rabbit didn't bother to say a word; he just opened his muzzle and lolled out his tongue. The whole crowd started forward, climbing into his muzzle, each one with a slightly different taste and texture as they crowded in. They managed to get themselves to all fit inside, allowing him to close his jaw around them and swallow them in a single mass. They went down in clusters, stretching out his throat and sliding down into his always hungry belly.

With a laugh he patted his rumbling belly. "It's going to be hard to keep you full if I keep growing like this," he said then moved on to the next building. This one was taller than him, but he could see people pressed up against the glass.

Alex stopped to look at them, cocking his head to the side, his ears swaying behind his back. There were so many of them, pressing up against the glass. There were all different species and genders, each one of them eager to be eaten by him. Individually they were hardly even enough to even taste, but as a group they were more than enough.

Still, he wasn't sure how to get to them, the building was still taller than he was and they were trapped behind glass. He couldn't just allow them to walk into his muzzle. On the other hand, he was big now, bigger than anyone else around, he should be able to eat them anyways.

Turning his head to the side he opened his jaw as wide as it could go and bit into the building. He sank his jaws in deep, the glass and metal breaking easily as he shoved his mouth in. He snapped his jaw closed, scooping up everyone at the windows along with the walls and floor, locking them in his mouth.

He was surprised at the flavor of the debris, not only was it not bad, it was very good. He had never tasted anything like it before, but it exploded in his mouth, filling it with the new flavors as it mingled with the tastes of the people, it was an amazing combination. He gulped it down, purring as it slid into his belly.

Without a thought he took another bite of just the building, enjoying the flavor by itself. He chewed happily on it, and then went to town. Bite by bite he ate the whole building, pulling it down and shoving it into his muzzle until he found himself on his knee and licking at the walls of the basement, the whole building bulging in his belly.

Alex leaned back for a moment, rubbing his belly, the heavy construction weighting him down in the most pleasant way. When he stood back up he discovered that he had grown again, this time reaching half way up the tallest buildings in town. Those would have to wait for now, there were other buildings around him, each one filled with people just wanting to go down his gullet. Two of them were so crowded that people were almost falling off.

He went to that one first; deftly catching a few that did actually fall over the edge. He popped them into his muzzle, hardly tasting them at all. The cat-rabbit then lowered his head and licked over the roof of the building, scoping them up and sending them right down his throat. It took only a few licks to clean off the roof, then he started on the building itself. Pulling off large pieces and shoving them into his muzzle, eating it all in only a few minutes. He turned to the next building, doing much the same there. He wasn't sure which tasted better, the people or the buildings; it was hard to really tell any more. It was all wonderful and one filled his belly just as well as the other.

He worked his way through town in much the same way, each building going faster than the last as he just kept growing. Soon his feet were so big he was flattening smaller buildings with each step, hardly noticing them anymore. He finally got to the point where he had to rip the tall buildings out of the ground in order to get the roofs up to the level of his muzzle.

Finally he approached the tallest building in town. It towered eighty stores above the ground, but not over him. In fact it only came up just under his pecks. Looking down he could see that the top dozen of floors with filled with people, pressed in like fish in a can.

Alex smiled at his meal, then reached down and grabbed the building just under the packed floors. He squeezed and twisted, breaking it off and lifting it up to his lips. Pressing his tongue up through the floors, he broke through them, allowing all the people to fall down into his muzzle. He held them in his mouth as more and more fell in. When the very last one had dove inside he closed and gulped them all down. He guessed that it had to be a least a thousand people, and they were hardy more than a muzzle full.

Once they were eaten he shoved the top of the building in, chewing and swallowing it in moments. He ripped off more of the building, eating early, shoving it into his muzzle as he swallowed it down. As the building got shorter he found it was harder to reach, so he simply sat down, his ass crashing into the ground, sinking down deep into the earth. He wrapped his legs around the building, pulling more and more of it off as he ate every inch of the sky scraper.

He was disappointed when he had eaten the last of the buildings. Looking around he saw there wasn't a single structure around him tall enough to be more than a quick bite. In fact the city was filled with flattened buildings, empty holes and giant footprints. The only thing worth eating was the basement in front of him, and his belly was growing again, eager for more.

"Well... if it's all there is to eat," he said, surprised at how his voice rumbled and echoed over the ruined city. Brushing his long ears back he bent down and bit into the ground, ripping the whole basement out along with lot of dirt. He chewed it slowly, the dirt tasting even better then the building did. It mixed with everything, filling his muzzle and making his taste buds dance. He gulped it down, feeling it warm in his belly, and then looked down at the hole in the ground. With a smile he moved onto his hands and knees and starting to eat the ground itself. Each gulp was easy, rolling down into his belly without hardly any chewing. He started to eat along the ground, moving through the city and out towards the mountains, he kept growing as he moved, each bite a little bit larger, the trench left behind him growing wider and wider.

The ground was getting warmer the bigger he got, his muzzle digging down hundreds of feet as he started to near the mountain range. As he got closer the ground got harder, the dirt being replaced with hard rock. Each type of rock had a different flavor as it rolled over his tongue.

Then without warning his head hit something large and heavy. Looking up he was shocked to find he had head-butted one of the mountains. Leaning back on his heals he was surprised at just how big he was compared to it. The peak was at almost ten thousand feet, and crouched down like he was he was still almost taller than it was.

Alex smiled and opened his jaws wide; biting the summit of the mountain off, his teeth easily ripping through the stone and ice, and crunched it in his powerful jaws. His thick tail quickly flicked against the ground behind him, flattening out the land with each swat.

The giant dug into the mountain, eating it bite by bite, feeling the heavy stone settling down inside of him. It didn't take long until he had eaten to the very core of the mountain, a gust of hot magma bursting free, his own weight forcing it up. He lapped at the liquid stone. It was hot on his tongue, spicy in a way he had never had before, but it was a great complement to the taste of the rock and dirt. He lapped up all he could reach, enjoying each taste he got, but soon it petered out, all the lava under the mountains squeezed out.

Bending down he kept eating the ground, starting down out of the mountains and towards the distant coast. It was well over a hundred miles away, but his own tail was half a mile long and he was still growing. He ate bite after bite, pushing closer to the coast as he got even larger, the distance vanishing into is muzzle.

When the huge cat-rabbit reached the city he wasn't surprised to find that he was much bigger than it. It was much bigger than the town he had come from, but now it wouldn't be anywhere near as big of a meal.

With a smile he leaned forward, his ears falling over his had to crash to the ground, leveling half of downtown as he bit into the ground, eating a full fourth of the huge city in one single bite. The second bite including the beach and part of the ocean, the sea washing into the hole left behind. He chewed the city, feeling whole buildings slip under his teeth as he broke them down and swallowed them all.

He leaned back, watching the ocean fill the hole then down the trench he had left behind, the water would probably reach the mountains... it was a good start. With one last bite the last of the city vanished into his maw, going down easily and partly filling his still growling belly.

Alex slowly stood up, just to see how big he was now. As he rose up his head reached up through a layer of clouds, then into a second layer, the air was cool around his face and whiskers. Looking down he could see hundreds of miles of land and ocean reaching out all around him as far as he could see. If he had to guess he was at least twenty miles tall, and as he watched the clouds continued to slide down his still growing body.

With a laugh he let himself fall forward, splashing down into the ocean, the water crashing up and over him, soaking his fur as his belly crashed down into the ocean floor. The cat-rabbit pulled his head out of the water, shaking it off, his ears sweeping in mile long arcs around him. Bending back down he stuck his muzzle into the water and started to gulp it down, slurping it up into his belly.

After a few minutes of drinking the water level started to go down, lowering around him as he grew. Excited by this he drank even faster, tasting all the sea life that had gathered up around his muzzle to be sucked inside. Only the whales were big enough that he could really taste them, but he didn't mind, the whole ocean was like one giant soup to him, all the flavors mixing together.

He was actually disappointed when his nose hit the bottom of the ocean, sinking into the silt a few hundred feet. Lifting his head up he licked it clean, chuckling softly to himself. The mud was a pleasant taste, but it was rather bland compared to the dirt and stone, so he would have to work down to the good stuff.

The fifty mile tall man shoved his muzzle into the ground and ripped open a huge hole, gulping it down. His second bite broke through into the familiar spicy taste of magma. He purred deeply in excitement, shoving his hands into the ground and making the hole ever lager. Soon it was as big as his head.

Alex pulled his ears back to keep them out of the may, and then shoved his head into the hot magma. The thick molten stone pushed around his face and head, covering him up to his neck. He filled his mouth with it and gulped it down, feeling it roll down his throat like pudding. It was such a wonderful and pure taste, one of the best he had found. He ate more of it, eating as much as he could. Finally he discovered he couldn't reach any deeper as his shoulders were pressing against the sides of the hole.

He tried to pull himself free but found his shoulder and neck stuck, so he braced his hands against the ground and pulled hard, feeling it stone and break around him. With a second pull he broke free, a shower of rock flying into the air around him.

Shaking his head the cat-rabbit looked down the hole, seeing the warm glow of the center of the Earth. With a smile he grabbed the edge of the crust and started to pull. The ground resisted, but only for a second, until a huge slab of stone ripped free. He snapped it in half and dipped the pieces into the magma, eating it with a pleased purr.

He stared to rip up more of the earth, eating them pieces in a planetary fondue. With each bite he grew larger and larger, towering miles in the air even though he was sitting down. The air was growing cool around him, but not in an unpleasant way. Alex continued to eat his way across the ocean floor, soon reaching the mid ocean ridge. He ripped it open with a flick of his hand, the whole surface of the planet shaking. He was getting so large the crust of the earth was sinking under him. He flicked his tail, cracking the ground up behind him as it gave way more and more.

With a laugh he grabbed the edge of the plate, twisting it and ripping the majority of it free. He set it to the side to eat later, and then sank down into the hole he made, settling into the hot magma. It was a wonderful hot tub and it was getting hotter the deeper it went. Letting out a long purr he started to eat at the crust around him, making the hole wider to accommodate his quickly growing body.

He leaned back against one part of the crust as he ate everything in reach. He finally had to grab the edge of the crust and pull, feeling it lurch as it moved closer to him, waves rolling through the magma, sending it crashing up over his chest and arms.

His belly still rumbled as he ate, still hungry, still wanting more. He ate as fast as he could, pulling more and more of the crust to him, breaking off pieces of it and using it to scoop up mouthfuls of magma. He was content for the moment, eating happily as he kept growing, the other continents getting closer to him with each mouthful. Soon he was able to rip off a chunk holding a dozen huge cites. He took his time with that one, eating it slowly and savoring the flavor of buildings, earth and magma flowing together in his muzzle.

Licking his fingers clean, Alex was surprised to feel something under his feet. It was round and big enough that he could just stand on top of it. It took a few moments for him to realize that it was the core of the planet. He had the center of the world in between his feet!

He played with it between his toes as he kept eating, holding it as he continued to grow. He could feel it shrinking under his feet as he got bigger, his weight forcing it down deeper and deeper into the magama as he continued with his planetary meal.The hybrid wasn't surprised when he reached the tallest mountain in the world only to discover that it was the perfect mouthful. He ate it slowly, taking his time to chew it thoroughly, enjoying the fantastic taste of it. Once it was go he made quick work of the rest of the mountain range and then quickly worked his way through the rest of the continent.

He was actually surprised when he ran out of land to eat, but when he reached out for more all he encountered was cooling lava. Now almost twenty thousand miles tall he looked around, trying to see anything, but all he could see was the warm red glow of the cooling stone. He had eaten all of the crust, every single piece of it. The thought of it brought a smile to his face.

Still, there was more to eat and his belly was still rumbling in excitement.

Alex dove into the cooling magma, slipping under the surface and deep down inside, feeling the warmth growing as he went deeper and deeper. He settled inside the floating ball of liquid rock and started to eat it, taking huge bites of it and gulping it down. The thick hot liquid ran down his throat and filled his belly, filling it even more. He swam around in the magma, shoveling it into his muzzle and he kicked his feet, feeling them break the surface as the bubble of rock got smaller and smaller. He started to slow down, wanting to take his time as he ate the last of the world. Every bite made it that much smaller and him so much bigger.

The cat-rabbit wiggled and stretched out, his head lifting out of the magma, his ears flying back as his feet and legs kicked out the other end of the planet. The remainder of the mass hung around his belly, pressing up to him, almost eager to be eaten. He could feel the air hugging at him, holding onto his skin as scoped up pawfulls of the former planet.

With a sigh of disappointment he gathered up the last of the molten rock and lifted it to his hand. He bite down into it and was surprised to encounter something hard. Digging around with his fingers he pulled out the core of the planet. It was the size of a large jaw-breaker compared to him.

Letting out a laugh he threw the core into his muzzle, catching it in his teeth. He pushed it back between his molars then bit down hard, feeling it crunch under the pressure, splitting apart with a burst of exotic flavor that he couldn't place. It filled his mouth as he chewed the hard iron and rock, and then slowly swallowed it down.

And with that, there was nothing left, nothing but a few pieces of cold magma on Alex's fur and a moon circling around his head. He sat where the world had once been, taking up the space it had formerly occupied, his belly finally satisfied.

A moment later he saw a flash of green light out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head he saw words floating in space next to him. "Synthetic world active," and below it sat the deactivate button, the perfect size for him to press at his current hundred-thousand feet height.

Alex looked at the words for a moment, pondering what he should do. It had been a wonderful meal, eating everything in the whole world... but did he really want it to end? As he pondered that he reached out and plucked the moon out of space and took a huge but out if, enjoying the oddly bitter taste of it.

Closing his eyes, he let out along sigh, he had only eaten one planet but he could feel more of them pulling at him, wanting him to come closer. Opening his eyes again the trim cat-rabbit ate the last of the moon and brushed the dust off on his chest. With a wave of his hand he washed away the message; he wasn't ready to turn off this wonderful flavorful world. Not while there was something left to eat!


This story was written and copyright 2011 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author, violators will be nibbled upon. The characters of "Alex" and "Copain" are owned by their creators, and are used with permission.