Elements Chapter 2

Story by SummerHeart on SoFurry

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Mathias panted as he was hustled down the baking noonday street, the armored Watchmen standing as his side giving a growl as he pushed the slender Fox forward with worn wooden truncheon in his mailed hand, the sudden push causing him to stumble forward a few steps. A bloom of pain spreading through his new muscles and skin as he meekly bowed his head to avoid making eye contact with the guard as he and the other Beastiea who had been remade before him on the platform marched before him.

Mathias's eye's bloodshot eyes turned up to catch the sight of the of the large rolling hips and ass of the Prisoner-Turned Stallion in front of him, the ash and soot of his former body still falling off him and showing off the brilliant golden coat and blonde hair of his mane and tail, blonde fetlocks over his hands and hooves giving the Horse a more robust look. His eyes dart up farther as he regarded the tear soaked a tear-stained cheek and eye. Seeing the fox's observation the stallion winced and tilted his head, Mathias couldn't blame the other Beastiea for his reaction. A poor peasant out in the heartlands, probably of the very pious sort that that carried around a small token of faith with him and went to his village's Temple to whatever god or goddess served as its patron thrice weekly to say his prayers and once at Weeks-End to leave a small offering. With probably same religious teaching that had Priests of this Temple and others like it telling their flock of the Corrupt Nature of the Beastiea, whose corrupted souls were merged with that of beasts.

Poor fellow...He thought to himself as he rolled his shoulders forward to try and dampen the pain the truncheon had left between his shoulders. He'd thankfully been exposed to other cultures during his stint in the Faerosian Military so he had at least the ability to realize the Priests were probably...Well full of horse shit. He let out a little chuckle when he it hit him that he was standing behind a horse, somehow that little fact made the idiom funnier to the fox. It was cut short when Mathias felt another stinging blow between his shoulder blades as the Guard seemed to not appreciate the laughter. Cringing a bit he lowers his head down again and tries to move just a little faster to try and move out of easy striking range of the Vigil Guardsmen.

The clinking of chains from the irons on his wrists making him wince as a sudden itch came from under the rather tight metal collar that helped bind him so mercilessly. The crude collar was only a temporary one he knew. The real collar would be attached at the Auction House, the thought made him shudder a bit at just how easily his freedom had been stripped of him because of a series of unfortunate accidents and mistakes. You get drunk and pick a fight with a River Rat on 'Sluaght when the bastard had refused to pay his gambling debt and things get quickly out of hand he only realized as he walked down the baking midday street. Wincing as he fought the urge to try and scratch the itch beneath the chaffing the only bright side Mathias would admit to himself was they were finally far enough away from those awful screams coming back from the square as his other fellow prisoners were slowly being Crafted like him and Mr. Hick standing in front of him.

The downside however was trading one discomfort for whole new set of others among the itching and chaffing of the collar was seemed to be the curse of new skin. Though most of his new skin was covered with fur it seemed as if the paw-pads of his new digit-grade feet were not, and the baking sett's had plenty of time to absorb the suns heat. His eyes darting towards the side of the road where the shadows of the various shops and buildings provided some modicum of shade for his aching feet, he had to resist the urge of walking the six feet to the left for a relief to his pain. His ears dipped as he looks to the left and right and tried to dredge up the courage to walk out of the line to the left to spare his soft new skin the agony of walking across hot stones that had been baking in the sun when shade was so close by, his face screwing up he gives an angry chuff, his tail folding up in a submissive position as he tried to change his walk to try and limit the amount of time each delicate paw spent touching the stone. A malevolent chuckle coming from the guard who had been pushing him and landed that stinging blow to his between his shoulder, "Always fun to see the ones with new skin hop around." The one guard chortles while the other man simply grunts and leads on. Seemingly bored by his partner's grim amusement with Matthias's discomfort as the Fox hopped from stone to stone, with a pained sigh Matthias simply continued to move and put his bodies continuous discomfort from his mind as he trudged on, doing his best to keep his new paw-pads off from the sun-baked setts for as long as possible and ignore the Guard's sick amusement.

Through the baking heat of the day the pair began to stir as they smelled freshwater and the slight stink of sewage that made their noses run as they approached the great river Fahset and distantly the ocean, though Mathias took some small measure of comfort from the familiar odor his new sense of smell couldn't help but revolt against the odor. As the pair were hustled through the increasingly busy streets they finally turned a corner and emerged and finally came upon the great banks of the river. Where Mathias now stood was at the widest point of the river, nearly half a mile in width the water was dark and glittered in the sun. The surface of the water littered with large barges, skiffs and ferries, on the other side of the city one could see opposite shore of the city's waterfront along with the Royal Palace and awesome Citadel Fortress used by the Mages Guild. The city was quite spectacular to see....Though not so much to smell with his new nose Mathias mused to himself as he took a moment to think about the city and the river.

The Capitals riches were built upon this river and entire families as well as his own owed their fortunes and reputations to the river, the sheer volume of trade that goes through the Fahset Delta and the level of industry it supported made the Capital the crown jewel of the Empire. Though to do trade was an expensive proposition thanks to the stranglehold of the Merchant Houses and the Imperial Port Authority. Despite it being expensive to deal with the Port Authority and the Merchant Guilds many traders still flocked to the docks and canals of the Empire. Smart and well connected traders and merchants knew how to deal with the Houses and the cities Port Authority and could always find a way to make some extra coin through were known as Fee's in polite company and Bribes in the riverside Taverns that lined the lower dock wards. For those that wanted to have an even higher mark up was always the dangerous though immensely profitable business of smuggling. He remembered his cadet days of riding up the coast with his squadron in an effort to deter and arrest Smugglers. There were other things they had found on those beaches and the depths of the forests by the sea. Wincing a bit he felt the lead tugged at and making felt his ears dip as he and the Stallion were urged forward. The Stallions head cocked as he stared at the palace and the Citadel in wonder. The look on the Equine's face causing Mathias to relax a bit, it was far better than seeing the large Beastiea cry and torture himself over his fate.

Suddenly they came to a stop in front of a large open wooden gate that opened up into the rear courtyard of the Auction House. A number of other Beastiea were being processed as well before the Houses Scribes a row of armed guards keeping an eye on things, "Alright you two. Straighten up and shut up..." The lead guard looks to the Equine and snarls, "And you stop gawking at the scenery, it makes you look like even more of an idiot." The Horse gives a snort and looks a head looking chastened, his tail flicking nervously. Mathias winced a bit in sympathy for his fellow before his ears pricked up at the sound of clinking mail and the creak of leather as suddenly the Guards hand grab his shoulder and wrenched him backward as he slammed the tip of the truncheon below his the base of his new tail. Mathias yelps a bit and gives a nervous growl standing stock still other then pushing his hips forward to try and get away from that wooden bludgeon as the guard dug the tip in far enough for the Foxes eyes to water as the guard leaned in. "And you better stop gawking at that horses ass you soulless deviant." The Guards hand finally pulled off his should and the pressure from the truncheon pull back as he hopped forward away from the Guard. His face flushes beneath his fur as he turned his eyes downward, mentally cursing the guard and his entire house to black pox as he and the horse were pushed forward, to afraid to look up and notice the Horses flicked back ears and sympathetic look.

The lead guard pulling two sheets of paper from his satchel as they approached the elderly scribe, the old man's spidery fingers ink-stained and his eyes in an almost permanent glare as they hid behind a pair of half-moon eyeglasses perched at the end of the man's long crooked nose, three day snow white stubble covering the man's face. The Guard and the Elderly Scribe exchanged a nod with each other. "Another two Beastiea for the Auction Block...Fresh as well, they're going to need to more permanent collars." The Scribe nods and looks at the letters for a moment before looking back up towards the "So I see....Hmmmm...We'll get them Processed." The elderly scribe nods his head as he inspects the pair. Mathias tilting his head away from the old man's gaze, the horse though looking forward stoically and not trying to be bothered as the Scribe whistled as a pair of House Guards appeared from a door at the end of the building, unlike the City Guard these men simply wore light leather armor and helmets. The House twin fish emblem of Daito emblazoned on their boiled leather cuirasses. Made of a slightly redder leather and sewn into the armor. The men nod and take the pair as the Scribe nods, "Their out of the Cities Hands you two are dismissed." The Scribe says as the two sallet helms give a small polite nod before they turn and leave the courtyard.

As soon as they left the Scribe nods and pulls out a large brush with blue paint. Dipping it inside the pot he gives the horses belly a few swipes before doing the same to the fox. Looking down at the crudely daubed blue paint Matthias felt his ears prick up a bit before dipping. "Begging your pardon Sir..." The Scribe looks up and puts the small can down. "What?" he snaps causing Matthias to blink a bit, "Well...Whats with the Blue Paint?" The old man gives a grunt. "To show that you two still need to be processed. You need a Physician to look you over and make notes for the auction tomorrow. You need Collars as well so we'll need the Ferrier to come by....As well as a number of other things" He nods, "So we daub you with blue paint so it'll stick out on that fur of yours. Any other stupid questions?" He asks giving him a pointed look that made Matthias wince, "No that's all." He says holding a paw over his painted white belly. "No..." The old bureaucrat nods his head, "Good...." Nodding to the guards the two are lead towards the squat and blocky building. The lead guard yanks the heavy door and lets the heavy oak swing open on its well lubed hinges. A gust of cold air escaping from the depths of the building, the scent of fur, hay and other scents assaulting the fox's nose, wandering down the cold stone steps the fox feels a shiver run down his spine, his tail pricking and bouncing up a bit, "Oh blessed relief!" he mumbles underneath his breath as the stone feels like heaven on his poor pads. Walking down deeper the natural sunlight began to dwindle until they finally reached a lower chamber lined with candles, the room was quite large, an open door towards Matthias's left was open and seemed to lead down to a hallway.

Seeing where he was looking the guard behind him spoke up, "That takes ya to the auction building at the front of the compound, along with the docks in case you need to be loaded up. The auction isn' till tomarrow though Fox." He says as his pal in the front opens a large set of double doors inward. The scent of animals and fur intensifying as they were pushed inside, this new room was simply massive and was surprisingly open with high vaulted ceilings that were further reinforced with large timber struts. Despite being rather open the room was sub-divided into a number of barred cells lit by a mix of candles and small barred slits set higher up the walls and letting natural sunlight in. Each cell bearing any number of Beastiea of various species and colors sitting around the cells, most of them bearing red paint on their bellies, others bore yellow. While many of them looked bored some of them looked depressed, most of those Beastiea being the ones that bore yellow daubing on their bellies. Matthias and the Horse look around out of a strange mix of curiosity and fear as the pair were hustled along to the left where another set of large doors lead out towards the direction the guards had pointed out would lead towards the Auction House. The jangling of keys caught his attention as he turned his head around to watch the guard unlock the door to the cell with a loud click and the squeal of hinges as the cell door is pulled open and the horse and fox are pushed in. "Feeding time is in a few hours." The guard chuckles as the door clangs shut behind the fox and the door is locked once more.

Matthias looks around the cell and notices roughly five other Beastiea in the cell with he and the horse. A wolf and a dog who huddled up close to one another a young lion a Jackal and a rather muscular bull with blunted horns on his head. All of them male, probably to keep fraternization low, the Fox thought to himself as he wandered towards a corner of the cell, the others looking at the pair curiously. Sitting down on some hay he sighs, closes his eyes and rests his head on the cold bars of the cell. Before he hears someone flop down beside him. Blinking he looks up and see's the large horse sitting there looking down at the Fox before the Horse leaned over and sighed. "My name was Thul." He says nervously as the Fox looks up and nods, "And mine was Carrad...Though I don't think either of our names matters much anymore...." He says quietly as the Horse sighs and nods as he pulls his equine legs up, the hooves scraping along the stone. "Yeah they really don't...." He mumbles a bit. "How are your feet doing?" He says trying to strike up a conversation as the fox blinks a bit at the sudden candor. A big change from their previous incarceration he thinks as he nods. "Better...." He says grabbing his digitgrade foot and turns it around to inspect the soft pad. Relieved to not say any blisters despite the soreness. "They'll toughen up after a while."

"Aye, that they will." The wolf with the arm draped protectively across the dog's slender shoulder says with a nod. The wolf was a large sort, his fur was jet black and the males eyes golden, the dog was small in comparison with a slight and slender build with a white coat and ears that pointed ears with a face that could be described as cute. "Their sensitive for the first few days, but they'll get rough eventually." Matthias blinks and nods in gratitude. "Well thanks...its nice knowing that bit of wisdom." The wolf nods, "My name is Talos and this is Mishki." He says giving his arm a little shake, the slender little canine smiling a bit out of shyness. They both having red paint daubed on their bellies. Matthias and Thul nod their heads as the Wolf continues to speak, "And your both new..." Matthias holds up a paw, "And how do you know that?" he asked as the Wolf nodded, "The Blue on your belly informs those that you're new on the auction block..." he says as he taps his own. "Red paint means you've had a previous owner." The big horse nods a bit. "Sooo...You two brothers?"

The question takes the two canines by surprise who shake their heads, looking towards one another they grin as Talos chuckles, "No...were a...were Lovers..." He says as he leans over and licks the smaller dog's nose pad causing the small male to giggle and bury his muzzle in the black wolfs shoulder.

Matthias nods a bit, he'd heard stories of the sexual looseness Beastiea often had or developed. In polite company in Faerosian society such relationships were publicly frowned upon. Though Matthias having been a part of the young upper crust had often dabbled in such relationships in the past, he had no real preference to his bedmates but when it came to men he had to keep such activities quite discreet. It was rare to hear someone openly announce such a relationship. Looking up towards the Thul he noted the male looking shyly, holding a large hand up to his muzzle as he gave a quiet cough. Suddenly looking quite bashful.

The wolf notes the horses look and grins, "Anyway...Yeah you'll find that most Beastiea really don't care. Were already slaves, so our Masters don't have high opinions of us anyway. So why shouldn't we take pleasure and romance from whomever we damn well please?" Matthias nods, "And tomorrow?" He trails off leaving the rest unspoken. Talos nods, "Were going to be try and get sold together. Mishki nods a bit and nervously nods his head in agreement as suddenly the bull in the other corner snorts. "Chances of that Talos my Friend you and your little pallet mate will wind up separated..." The wolf turns and glares at the bull, lips pulling back over his teeth, "Fuck you Mikhal." The heavy set bull spreads his arms wide, red hair all over his body along with a white splotch on his broad and heavy set chest. "Anytime Wolf." He says as he spreads his legs and grabs his large hanging testes and sheathe with a large hand, black flinty nails covering the finger tips. "I have this little corner all warmed up if you wanna slide over here." Talos turns his head and spits before turning towards the Matthias and Thul, "Ignore him, he's got an overinflated ego...And a pompous ass." The bull rolls his eyes before turning to the massive horse, "Well since Talos there doesn't want to rut how about you? Horses always have the best asses." He says leeringly as his gaze traced Thul's backside causing him to blink a bit in surprise and embarrassment as he stayed silent. Talos seemed to watch the exchange with interest, still rubbing the small Dogs shoulder...The Lion and the Jackal sitting along the wall of the cell stayed silent and had an exasperated look as he watched the whole thing.

Sighing a bit the Fox leans forward, "Back off, he's taking all this hard. He doesn't need ya to open those big rubbery lips of yours and make him feel worse." The bull turns and glares at the fox for a moment the grunts, "Whatever..." He says with a snort. "Probably wouldn't be a good rut anyway." With big horse sighs a bit and turns towards Matthias in relief. "Thanks...." He mumbles a bit. "But you didn't need to jump in..." he says rubbing his brow with his fingers, pulling his thighs closer together as he looked the fox up and down a bit, before he could speak the sound of the door opening caught everyone's attention as the two guards lead another two Beastiea into the chamber. A female black cat with a white paint daubed on her belly, her whole body shrieking beauty and poise, a wonderful hour-glass figure with a rather sizeable pair of breasts, behind her was a small male mouse with white fur and a short tail, his belly painted blue. Talos cranes his head up and blinks at the cat, "Green...Wow...That's private auction...." He muses. "What an ass..." he says as the female is turned away and marched towards the other side of the chamber, a wide pair of rolling hips giving a sexy sway. The comment prompting a frown from Mishki who smacked the wolfs chest, the black wolf turns and chuckles, "Awww...Not as good as yours Mishki I promise." He says as he gives the smaller male a hug.

Matthias thinks for a bit before nodding as he finally recognized the cat, "And that would be Keyes..." That prompted everyone in the cell to blink and crane there heads up to watch the female walk away. "By the Divines...You mean THAT Keyes? The Cat-Burglar?" The Jackal asks in wonder, "I worked in one of the Noble Houses she knocked over...She was Amazing...got that old Fart, Earl Kristif and his pig of a wife in a tizzy after she robbed some ancestral heirlooms and every bit of jewelry the Pig had in her room." The Jackal chuckles, "It was marvelous!" His smile fades, "And they caught her..." He shakes his head in sadness, "What a damn shame." He sighs and looks towards the pair, "Anton..." he says with a respectful nod. "Used to work as a Fence on Fleet Street on the other side of the River....But that was ten years ago..." He says with a wistful sigh. "Still haven't gotten close to paying my Contract off....Stiff penalty for Fences...Apparently they add everything you sold to your Debt....Something about not turning the goods to the proper authorities..." He says with a chuckle. "Still not all bad...That or the noose..." He says rubbing his neck uncomfortably.

Matthias nods, "Yeah, lucky you..."he says with biting sarcasm causing The Jackal gets a playfully offended look, "Hey don't take that tone with me boyo...I don't like neckties...You might not get a choice as to sentencing nowadays but things could always be worse." He says with a smile. Matthias rolles his eyes a bit, "Anyone ever tell you that you talk to much?" The question making the Jackals smile grow wider. "Yes all the time." Mikhal grunts a bit, "Only time he doesn't seem to shut up is when he's eating, sleeping or has a dick shoved in his muzzle." Anton simply gives a shrug, "I wouldn't mind shutting up if it meant I got in that Cats pussy...." He says as they all hear doors slam as the new arrivals are placed in their cells. The sound causing both the Lion and Mishki to blink and wince. Mikhal simply shakes his head, "As if Keyes would let that muzzle anywhere near here Anton. She needs a real Male...Not some Ass Kisser like yourself" The Jackal developing a dreamy look as he spun around and placed his head in the bulls lap while he crossed his legs and propped them in the lions lap, much to the young feline Beastiea's annoyance. "Your far to crude my Bovine Friend."

With a sigh Thul leans over to Matthias as the Bull and Jackal continue to bicker the lion looking annoyed at having been touched while the two canines continued to cuddle, their eyes closed in an effort to relax, "These Beasts are crazy..." he says quietly. Prompting Matthias to lean back against the bars and shrug. "Just ignore them then Thul..." The fox says as he closes his eyes. "I think that's how they cope...Get some sleep if their bugging you alright?" The foxes ears flick as he hears the Horse shift a bit closer to him, cracking open an eye to see the large horse with his arms on his knees and having his head buried. The fox closes his eye and slowly tries to drift to sleep...His overtaxed and burdened mind finally being able to shut down to rest.

Welcome to the Lucky Brand

Authors Note: A personal thanks to Rabies from the help in writing this. And another thanks to other authors on this site and others that inspired me to start writing about the Lucky Brand with my friend months and months ago. Welcome to the...

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Elements Chapter 1

Elements Mathias watched with trepidation from the barred window of the Faerosian Capital District Watch-House, the heat from the baking mid-day sun making him wipe the sweat from his brow with a grimy hand, his sweat damp red hair hanging over...

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