Elements Chapter 2

Mathias panted as he was hustled down the baking noonday street, the armored Watchmen standing as his side giving a growl as he pushed the slender Fox forward with worn wooden truncheon in his mailed hand, the sudden push causing him to stumble forward...

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Welcome to the Lucky Brand

Authors Note: A personal thanks to Rabies from the help in writing this. And another thanks to other authors on this site and others that inspired me to start writing about the Lucky Brand with my friend months and months ago. Welcome to the...

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Elements Chapter 1

Elements Mathias watched with trepidation from the barred window of the Faerosian Capital District Watch-House, the heat from the baking mid-day sun making him wipe the sweat from his brow with a grimy hand, his sweat damp red hair hanging over...

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Ruined Earth-Escape

The book of humanity closes and the words "The End" are given upon us all, yet even when one book is closed the story continues on. The pale moonlight flickered through a dark canopy of leaves as the sounds of crashing footsteps echoed through the...

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