Exponential Lust

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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Shiku is preparing for the long winter to come, but keeps putting of hibernation no matter how big she becomes. She knows something is missing, she just don't know what it is... but that is about to change.

A story commission for ghostblackburn inspired by this wonderful picture: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5911782/

Exponential Lust By: Theo Winters

Written for GhostBlackburn

Shiku peaked out of her cave, sniffing at the air. It was getting cold again; the heavy set bear could feel it in the air. It pressed down on her body, pulling at her heat through her fur. She knew she had to hibernate soon, but she didn't feel ready, there was something missing.

She pawed at the ground, walking further out of the cave, her large belly swaying from side to side. She had the mass to sleep the winter away, at least twice of what she needed, but it never felt like it was enough. The last couple years she had delayed sleeping for weeks until she felt big enough but in the end the cold always forced her paw.

This year the cold was coming faster, it was already lining the highest peaks of the mountains and growing lower each and every day. Snow was even starting to hang in the top of the trees, the large branches holding it above the forest floor.

Stalking out the bear sniffed again, searching for more food. She really wasn't hungry, but there was an itch deep inside of her and she didn't know what it was. It bothered her, pressing at her mind and growing stronger with each passing day

Shiku continued down the mountain side, rubbing her fat flanks against the trees. She was a smart, smarter than any other bear she had run into, so she knew there was something missing, but the fact that she didn't know what it was frustrated her.

Shaking her head she sniffed the cold air, catching the scent of something in the air; prey. She slowed her walking down, moving carefully, being sure that each place she put down a large paw was clean of debris. The fat bear was almost silent as she tracked her next meal. With every step she took the scent became stronger.

Finally she slipped her head out between the trees, her eyes narrowing as the prey came in site. It was a deer, but not just one deer but a pair of them; one a doe, the other a buck. They weren't just standing around, the buck was in the process of rather energetically matting the doe, who was letting out bleats of pleasure at the process.

Feeling a rush of heat running through her body Shiku moved back a bit, allowing them to finish their time together before she added them to her bulk. The sound of their sex filled the woods around her, growing louder as the buck started to beat out in pleasure.

A shiver ran through her body, starting to feel warm despite the cold. As the sounds of pleasure grew stronger she found herself getting aroused as well. She had been with male bears before but it never felt quite like this. It was filling her with a warm glow that made her begin to pant.

Closing her eyes, the sound of the mating rolling through her mind, she backed up until her rump was pressed against a tree. She wiggled her hips, pressing the tree up between the heavy cheeks of her ass until she felt it rub up against her crotch.

She shivered again and let out a long huffing sound, starting to rock up against the tree. The rough bark starting to tease her sex, warm jolts of please rolling through her body and making it swell. Chuffing harder she rocked and pressed back, digging her front paw against the ground.

The sound of the mating deer grew into a fevered pitch, the sound of their lust echoing through the woods as they grunted in pleasure. It rang in Shiku's ears, her own lust growing as she heard them climax. It filled her, swelling larger with each passing moment.

Grunting she worked herself against the tree, wanting her pleasure to grow. She kept pawing at the ground, digging her claws through the dirt. The lust filled her body and head, making it spin as she pressed back, feeling more of her rump sliding around the tree.

She growled and kept digging at the ground, whimpering in pleasure as her tail twitched up and down. The tree was starting to get wet with her own arousal, the slickness making it less pleasurable then before.

Finally she pulled away in frustration. The heat was boiling inside of her, filling her unlike ever before, but she couldn't find release, at least not on the tree. She was going to need more than that if she wanted to relieve the wonderful pressure.

Snorting, Shiku opened her eyes, swinging her head around, trying to think of something else she could use to tease herself with. There wasn't anything around, but that fact did nothing to lesson her lust. She walked right past the deer, which scattered when they saw her, but she ignored them. Her large paws sinking into the soft ground, leaving large paw brings behind her.

She wiggled her hips as she walked, her arousal filling her body and made it hard to think. She knew there was something, something nearby that she could use, but she couldn't remember what it was. The lust clouded her mind in the most pleasurable way, leaving her groping for what she needed. Luckily she knew the way and didn't have to waste her mind thinking about it.

The fat ursine followed the worn path, pressing herself between two trees, feeling them pull and rub at the fur of her wide belly, sending further jolts of pleasure through her body. She hardly noticed that the gap was smaller than she remembered.

With a growl she came to a stop between the trees, enjoying the feeling of them pressing up against her large belly. They pressed in at the fat, making her body swell around them. It wasn't exactly what she was looking for, but the pleasure still felt wonderful.

Letting out a growl, Shiku started to rock between the trees, feeling them dig into her belly and sides, squeezing her in the most wonderful way. Each move sent a new wave of pleasure through her body, making her squirm even more. She loved how the rough trees felt against her big belly, the fat being squeezed, pressing into her sides and her large hips.

She twisted and pressed up against the trees, hearing them creak and pop as she put more and more pressure on them. She didn't care, instead she just kept rocking and teasing her belly against them, the warmth of her lust growing stronger by the moment, filling her body until she was sure she glowed. The pressure was incredible, and she wanted it to grow.

With a grunt, she pressed herself hard against the trees, and then let out a surprised cry as one of them cracked and snapped under her weight, sending her crashing to the ground tumbling to the side. She landed hard, the pleasure falling away as the growing lust swelled even larger.

Climbing back to her feet she snorted in annoyance, and then swung her weight into the other tree. The impact of her huge belly snapped the tree in a moment, sending it falling to the ground. Snow drifted down from the canopy above, covering her in fine white flakes.

The big ursine started walking through the forest, finding the trees closer together then she remembered. She put it out of her mind, she just wanted to her to her goal, wanting to pleasure herself properly. Her lust was growing by the moment; she could feel it pressing out against her damp sex, her full belly, her wide rump and hips. It filled every part of her.

She came up to a stream, stepping over it with ease, her belly only brushing over the water. It was a nice change from having to wade through it the cold water, but that wasn't that important. She moved faster, her hips swaying as she tried to keep her lust in check, but it wouldn't stop growing!

Finally she came the edge of a large clearing, large rocks were scattered around the clearing, the tops covered with snow. She lifted herself over the trunk of a fallen tree, her head brushing across the top of the canopy, sending snow crashing down over her back. She finally stopped, shaking the snow off her head. That had never happened before.

Shiku paused and turned back, her eyes almost level with the snow topped trees. That wasn't possible, she had never been that big before, but somehow she was. It made her shiver, the lust coming back even stronger, pressing through her body. As the pressure grew, so did her body, rising up higher over the trees.

She closed her eyes, growling as the lust filled her body. There were more pressing issues then her growth to deal with, though her new size would allow her a great deal more fun with the boulders.

Licking her chops she walked into the clearing, shaking more snow off of her back and head. She looked around at the large rocks, finally settled on one that seemed to match her new size, it wasn't the largest rock in the clearing, but it would do well enough.

The huge bear flicked her tail, the growing lust making it hard to walk but she pressed on. When she finally reached the stone she had selected she turned around and pressed herself back against it, feeling it rub up between her cheeks and tease over the wet folds of her aroused sex.

She cried out as the cold stone touched her hot flesh, the pleasure exploding through her body making her joyfully dizzy. With her head spinning she started to tease and rub herself against the stone, spreading her arousal over it as her lust continued to boil.

Finally Shiku was ready. Lifting her rump into the air the bear parted her legs and lowered herself down onto the blunted tip of the bolder. The smooth stone pressed up into her, slipping past her swollen lips and into her pussy. She cried out as it slowly filled her, the chilled stone quickly warming up with her body heat.

Much to her surprised she took the whole of the large stone inside of her, making her whimper as her ass pressed against the ground, each sound echoing through the trees and off the nearby mountains. She started to rock in place, the stones rubbing and teasing inside of her, pleasing her like nothing had ever done before.

She whimpered and started to speed up, her lust growing faster than her pleasure. It was almost too much for her, risking overflowing her growing body as she swelled out with it. Digging her feet into the ground she rocked faster, pressing down hard against the bolder, feeling it teasing her hot sex.

Leaning forward, the fat bear clawed at the ground, her belly pressing against her splayed out legs. She tore her claws through the hard packed ground, ripping through them, throwing the dirt and stone into the air. She started to rock harder, lifting herself up on her thick legs and slamming herself back down to the ground, her hot flesh quivering in excitement around her toy.

She kept clawing at the ground, digging in deeper as she felt her body swelling with her lust, growing bigger with every moment as she fucked the boulder. Her movements were starting to loosen the rock from the ground, allowing it to roll and sway with her. As it seemed like her lust was finally about to be sated the huge bolder ripped from the ground and with a wet sound was pulled up inside of her, vanishing between the wet folds of her eager cunt.

The big bear stopped and dropped her ass to the ground, feeling the stone shift inside of her. It was an odd feeling, but also a pleasant one, but not enough to sat her. She was starting to worry that nothing could do that.

Slowly she rose up to her four feet, looking around the clearing, trying to find something to fuck herself with. None of the stones were big enough; in fact she almost filled the whole clearing with her huge bulk. Her head rose up high above the trees, a field of white stretching out over the whole valley.

Finally her eyes drifted up the walls of the mountain, focusing on the very top of the highest peak, the one that stood out above all the others. She knew that it would be perfect for her.

She let out a pleased growl and started to head towards the mountains. She stepped into the forest, trees splintering under her paw as she put her weigh on them. The top of the trees came up to her neck, the trunks rubbing and teasing at her fur.

Her growl grew louder with lust as she started to walk through the forest, the trees bending under her, rubbing across her fat belly. It was a wonderful feeling, each one sending a new jolt of pleasure through her body, her lust growing quickly as she moved. She lowered herself slightly, letting the trees rub more of her huge body, teasing and stroking over her fur.

Clenching her eyes she continued on, slowing her pace to just enjoy the feelings of the teasing over her body. She shifted her hips more as she walked, pushing her legs out wide, letting the stone shift and move inside of her. Sadly as she grew the stone didn't, and it was getting smaller with each step she took.

With a cry of disappointment she stepped out of the forest and onto the steep mountains, but Shiku wasn't about to stop. She braced her paws against the stones and started to climb up them, feeling the hard rock crush and break up under her. She sunk her claws deep into the stone until they gripped into them; slowly she started to pull herself upwards, toward the peak.

The feeling of the mountains rubbing against her gave her some pleasure, but it wasn't enough, it wasn't close to enough, and as she climbed her lust continued to grow and so did she. For a while the rocking of the stone inside of her was still giving her some joy, but it was fading away. She never noticed when the stone slipped out of her sex and fell to the ground, soaked with her arousal.

Finally she crested the top of the mountains, right next to the tallest peak. Carefully she picked her way across the stone, the ground sinking under her titanic weight. As she pulled herself up to the top of the peak she felt her lust grow even more.

With a cry of pleasure she lifted her rump up high before lowering herself down onto the peak. It sank into her, filling her sex in the most wonderful way. Bracing her feet on the hills below she started to rock against the mountain, riding it eagerly as it slid inside of her body, filling her more the deeper she went. The pleasure arched through her, rushing from head to toes, making her cry out in joy. Her lust grew in time, making her body swell even more, filling her as she sank deeper onto the peak.

It was a wonderful combination, the more Shiku fucked herself, the stronger her lust grew, the most lust she had the bigger she got and the bigger she got the more of the mountain she was able to shove into her cunt. It was perfect, so perfect, ad she could feel her pleasure starting to catch up with her need.

She fucked the peak faster, clawing her paws at the ground, feeling the whole hillside crashing under her. Every thrust brought her closer, the pleasure boiling inside of her even as her rump started to crash against the mountains, flatting them under her. She didn't care that she nearly had the whole of the peak inside of her, or that the stone was starting to rumbling and groan as she used it.

The giant bear shivered, letting out a long growl that echoed over the snowy world around her. She slammed herself down, finally feeling her pleasure crest as her climax crashed down against her. Letting out a huge cry she shuttered in pleasure, feeling the peak shear under her. As her climax continued she felt herself falling, crashing down to the valley floor, the peak of the mountain still trapped inside of her quivering sex.

Shiku kicked out her feet, whimpering as her juices gushed over her huge stone toy, her body sinking down into the dirty of the valley, filling it with her mammoth bulk. She let out a long breath as her climax abated, the lust finally draining her, leaving her towering at least a half mile tall even while laying o her side.

Finally, with the last of her needs finally filled she allowed herself to drift into the deep sleep of hibernation, leaving the peak buried firmly inside of herself for the length of winter.


This story was written and copyright 2011 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Violators will be used as a ursine sex toy.