Cub Services | Chapter 7

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#7 of Cub Services

Chapter 7 of Cub Services

I went through and did a ton of editing this morning. Nothing changed, just fixing grammar mistakes and changing how I phrased certain things. I was in no mood to do it last night so I apologize to anybody that has read this in the last 8 hours. Also, everyone will want to pay close attention and wait for Chapter 8. I'm finally going to deliver on some of the teasing from chapter 6. ;)

School is taking up a ton of my free time right now. I'm still trying to make time to write but I don't have nearly the amount of free time I used to.

Disclaimer: The opinions, ideas and beliefs of the characters in this fictional story do not necessarily represent my beliefs. Any opinion or idea presented by a character in this story was chosen because I felt that particular way of thinking fit best with the character.

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.)

I love comments so please share your thoughts if you have any.

*Cub Services *

Chapter 7

The dark living room of Liz's apartment was deathly silent as she leaned against the wooden door and looked through the peephole. Her trembling paw touched the cold metal knob as her breath came out in short gasps. She suddenly felt dizzy and light headed as she desperately struggled to stay in control of her body and mind. At first the bright light of the peephole hurt her eyes and made it difficult for her to see but as her eyes adjusted she felt her legs turn to jelly under her weight as her stomach leapt into her throat.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the glint of a gold badge on the broad chest of a male ferret in a blue police uniform. He stood with a calm expression on his black and white patterned face, his beady black eyes surveying the situation with a calm relaxed expression that came with years of work on the force.

He stood to the side of a nervous looking female ferret that couldn't seem to stand still. The elderly furs paws twitched as she washed them in the night air and she danced from footpad to footpad in jerky nervous movements. She wore a plain white top with a small amount of lace around the cuffs and collars. The garment hung loosely over her shoulders and was tucked in to a long denim skirt that brushed the carpeted landing outside her apartment, obscuring the shorter than average legs that were so common among ferrets.

Liz fumbled with the lock as a rushing sound filled her pointy red ears. The world began to spin and heave around her as she gasped for breath. Her body began to quiver as she struggled desperately against the panic that was overtaking her. The realization and sudden fear that she would be taken away from Mikey left her spiraling out of control as her heart boomed like a drum in her chest.

When her numb fingers finally managed to work the lock and open the door Liz slumped sideways against the door jamb as she lost all feeling in her legs. She opened it just enough to poke her muzzle out of the door and was greeted by the cold night air gusting against her fur as she began to feel sick to her stomach.

A look of relief spread across the elderly ferrets face and she stopped dancing in place for a moment as she examined Liz's muzzle through the door. "Oh I'm so glad we got the right home!" She said to the officer to her right.

"Mrs. Moreau I am so sorry to impose at such a late hour but I must speak with you right away." The elderly ferret spoke quickly in a high pitched voice as she continued to wash her hands in the cold night air.

Liz's fear engulfed mind reeled in confusion at the statement. A list of possible questions ran through her head, none of which were even close to what the fur had just said. What were you doing in there? What were the strange noises we just heard? Why did it take so long to answer? Those were just a few of the questions she had expected and the strange approach this fur was taking caught her completely off guard.

The ferret's soft grey eyes searched her face as concern furrowed her brow. "Goodness! I've scared you half to death. Banging on your door at all hours of the night like I did, again I am so sorry! Please understand I never would have imposed were the matter at hand not of the ut-most importance."

Liz took a deep breath as she tried to focus her mind through the storm of panic that was wreaking havoc on her body. The elderly fur's high pitched voice sounded like it was coming through a tunnel and she was beginning to have trouble seeing as her eye sight began to dim. Her mouth had gone dry and her tongue kept sticking to the roof of her mouth as her heart continued to race. After some struggling Liz finally managed to croak out a response. "Who are you?"

The elderly ferret began washing her paws with renewed vigor as she began to speak in an increasingly nervous tone. "I tried introducing myself through the door when you didn't answer immediately but I couldn't tell if you were home. There were no sounds of life on the other side of the door and I was about to leave when you responded. You must have been asleep, which of course explains why it was so hard to raise you. I am truly sorry and I beg your pardon and forgiveness. I hope you will understand the seriousness of the situation when I have explained it."

The police officer behind her chuckled softly and mumbled the words "Told you so!" as he nudged her shoulder with an elbow as she looked at Liz expectantly, waiting for some sort of response.

The world stopped heaving around Liz as the words "There were no sounds" slowly broke through the haze that filled her mind. The words seemed to get louder and louder as they drove down the long tunnel in her ears, echoing through her skull and filling her mind with relief as her blurry dark vision returned to normal.

The elderly fur seemed to get more and more uncomfortable as Liz continued to stare blankly at her. Finally she took a deep breath and began to speak once more. "My name is Mrs. Stevenson; I attempted to speak with you today as you left Principle French's office." The elderly ferret's paws stopped washing themselves and one twitched forward in an attempt at offering a paw-shake. She stopped midway through the gesture as she continued to watch the strange mix of emotions playing across Liz's face.

Liz let out a hysterical laugh of relief as the words "there were no sounds" continued to toll like bells through her mind. Strength began returning to her legs and her stomach settled back to its normal place as her body stopped shaking. The flood of relief that filled her mind left her floating, like the weight of the world had been removed from her shoulders. After a few deep breaths her heart-rate and breathing had almost returned to normal.

Mrs. Stevenson looked over at the officer and then gave Liz a strange look as she began speaking again. "I am Mikey's 5th grade teacher at Elk Ridge Elementary. When I heard that someone was at the school with Mikey this afternoon I had hoped to see his mother."

The police officer behind Mrs. Stevenson suddenly shifted his weight from one footpad to the other as a look of discomfort furrowed his brow. " When I was unable to speak with you this afternoon I copied your name off of the school sign-in list and had my son Rick." She patted the officer's arm. "Look you up in the police database. He did some research and found out that you work as a Cub Services officer. I realized you must be working on Mikey's case and with a little of Rick's digging he found out that Mikey's mother was in jail."

Liz took a deep breath as she looked over at the now nervous Police officer and noticed the name "Stevenson" across the bottom of the gold badge. She wondered if he could get in trouble for what he'd done and when she set her eyes back on the elderly fur in front of her she suddenly recognized the face, making her feel guilty and uncomfortable. This was indeed the ferret she'd been rude to as she'd stormed out of the school this afternoon.

An icy gust of wind furrowed Mrs. Stevenson's long skirt and she noticeably quivered, but made no mention of getting out of the cold. Liz turned to offer that they all step inside as she felt sheepish for being so rude for a second time. She turned to her apartment to offer that they step inside as the tangy smell of her arousal wafted towards her from the puddle she'd left on the couch. She sighed and grasped the neck of her robe. Holding the neck line tight against her fur to protect against the cold night air, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

Her fear of the situation was almost completely gone and quickly being replaced by a guilty irritation that made her wants to growl and apologize at the same time. She tried to figure out what could possibly be so important that it could not wait until Monday. Liz took a long slow breath, feeling the icy cold air chill her body, in an attempt to calm down as she made an effort not to be rude to a fur she'd already rebuffed twice.

Mrs. Stevenson shivered against the cold breeze but seemed slightly relieved that Liz was coming further out of the apartment. Liz opened her muzzle to speak as Mrs. Stevenson said "Again, I apologize profusely for calling on you at such a late hour. I felt that this could not wait and I had to wait for Rick to get off of his shift. I also thought you might feel more comfortable having someone show up at your home unannounced if there was an officer present."

Liz nodded as she tried to decide whether to laugh or snarl at how far from the truth that assumption had been. She held her irritability in check as she tried to remember that the fur had meant well and again felt a pang of regret as she reminded herself that if she'd not been so rude at Mikey's school, this whole situation could have been avoided. She picked at the sleeve of her robe as Mrs. Stevenson continued to speak, leaving her no time to respond, even if she'd wanted to.

"I felt it was my duty to try explaining some of the things you learned in Mrs. French's office and the sooner you learn the truth of the matter, the sooner we can fix the damage she caused."

Anger filled Liz's eyes as her irritation flared into a full blown rage. She struggled to keep a hold of the tight grasp she had on her emotions but was unable to keep the anger from her face, adding a dangerous glint in her green eyes.

Mrs. Stevenson shrunk back slightly at the sight of Liz's glare and audibly gulped. "Please, I have to try and explain some of what you were told. I beg you not to judge Mikey too harshly until you've heard what I have to say." Mrs. Stevenson paused for a very brief second before continuing.

"The last year and a half has been so difficult for poor Mikey and he was such a brilliant and wonderful cub back then. He was absolutely devastated when his father died and he still has not completely recovered from the shock and pain of that loss. When he came back after the funeral he was like a hollow shell of his former self, he'd lost all of his charisma and energy, leaving him depressed and constantly on the brink of tears. His father's death left him shy and timid and the other cubs, that had already teased him for being different, targeted him like vultures."

Mrs. Stevenson stopped dancing as she spoke and her paws stopped moving as she looked truly saddened by his plight. "Cubs can be so cruel at his age and they ridiculed and teased him mercilessly. As well as being a 5th grade teacher, I work as a special needs teacher, which gave me the oportunity to work with him when he was in the third grade. I tried to help where I could, unfortunately my help only caused him more problems so at his request I stopped. When I offered to do more he declined, saying that he did not have to deal with it for long because he wasn't planning on coming back to Elk Ridge next year."

Mrs. Stevenson sniffed as she looked at the ground, sadness and disappointment filling her grey eyes as her shoulders slumped. "I heard right after the start of fourth grade that his mother had refused to let him switch schools, so he was forced to return to the fourth grade at Elk Ridge. She'd also refused to sign him up for any of the Advanced Placement classes he had taken in previous years because she didn't want to try spend the time working with him like his father had. Instead his mother tried to force him to be normal" Mrs. Steven made air quotes with her fingers as she said the word normal. "Her refusal to help him in his studies left him stuck with the rest of the fourth grade class, and miserably bored."

She paused for a brief moment to take a breath. "You see Mikey was finishing High School level math and reading comprehension classes in the third grade when I was working with him. He has a phenomenal memory and while he learns in very strange ways, he learns and understands things at an incredible rate. Forcing him to stay with the class like that is quite possibly the cruelest thing you could do to a cub of his intellect. To give you an idea of were Mikey is mentally, I was working with his father to have him skip to the 10th grade, or possibly attend College classes during part of the school day. His father got him a chance to take the entrance exam at ShadowLake shortly before he passed away."

Mrs. Stevenson straightened her back as she smiled with pride. "He managed one of the highest entrance exam scores ever recorded at that institution and was to be the youngest cub to ever be accepted on a full ride scholarship."

Mrs. Stevenson paused and looked down at the ground again as she began to dance once more. She looked around nervously, as if someone that shouldn't hear what she was about to say might be listening. "It pains me to say it, but I'm sure that everything Mrs. French told you about Mikey is true. That fur is a lot of things, but she isn't a liar. Over the last year Mikey has been one of the biggest handfuls I have ever seen in my life and he has become viciously angry at the school system and the student body."

Her voice began to get quieter and quieter as she spoke. "Every cub that teased him at the end of the third grade was a target for his brutal and creative bullying and any cub that was teased was under his protection. He became a school bully like nothing I've ever seen in the twenty seven years I've taught elementary school. By the end of the fourth grade he'd been suspended seven times. Eleven fourth grade students transferred to other schools to escape his tormenting. Half the student body was terrified of him, and the other half worshiped the ground he walked on."

Liz stared in awe as she heard about a side of Mikey she'd never have imagined. Mrs. Stevenson suddenly looked back up at Liz. Conviction and determination burned like wildfire through her eyes and her paws balled up into fists. "I tell you these things so that you may understand how badly he needs your help right now and the reason I have come is to try persuade you to the idea that he would not continue to be the way he is now if you do as I suggest. I was teaching rotten cubs before you were born and I can tell you from firsthand experience that he is NOT one of them!"

Mrs. Stevenson seemed to lose some of her fiery edge as she spoke, but the conviction still rang true in her high squeaky voice. "I have long suspected that Mikey's mother has been beating him since his father's death and I have reported that information to Cub Service on several occasions. The last thing he needs is another stern paw, another bully in his life. Since Mrs. French took over as Principle of Elk Ridge Elementary last year she has been trying to control him through force of will. Do not make the same mistake she did in thinking you are smarter than he is and do not assume that you can out smart him. Mikey is without a doubt the smartest cub I have ever met and you will not win against him. What Mikey needs is a loving caring family and something to feed his starving intellect. If you give him these things and get him the counseling that his mother refused to pay for he will not stay the way he is for long. He is desperate for the love and attention he lost when his father died."

Mrs. Stevenson put her paws together like she was about to start praying and extended them towards Liz in a pleading gesture. "I will get on my knees and beg if necessary, but for the love of all that is holly, please do not label him as a trouble maker and pass him along to whatever family is willing to handle a problem cub. He needs your help!"

Mrs. Stevenson's eyes burned with conviction as she began to lean forward and kneel down on the ground. Liz's mind swirled with a complex mix of emotions as she reached out and caught the furs arm with a paw. Each emotion took its place in the forefront of her mind as she thought about each new piece of information she'd received.

Shock and pride welled up in her as she thought about Mikey being accepted to ShadowLake, the most prestigious school in the country. She'd known about his father's death and felt a horrible pang of guilt rip through her chest for not remembering that during his breakdown in the car. Irritation took its place as she was again told that he was actually as much of a bully and headache as Mrs. French had told her.

Through all the feelings that swirled through Liz's mind the one that stuck out the most was a deep respect for the fur standing in front of her. She was truly touched by the caring and concern the fur showed and Liz smiled widely as tears threatened to fill her eyes and admiration filled her chest.

Liz cleared her throat to speak as the feelings of irritation at this whole situation drained out of her body. "Well, your guess that I am a Cub Services Officer is correct. I was Mikey's case worker while I was working with his mother."

Love and adoration blossomed in her chest as Liz smiled even wider at the thought of how much she loved Mikey. "Now I am working at becoming his foster mother and we've moved his case to another officer."

She reached out and took Mrs. Stevenson's paw in her own and gave it a gentle squeeze as she continued. "It is truly heartening to see a teacher that cares for her students as much as you do and I want you to know that I love Mikey with every fiber of my being. He has become my world and I want to do everything in my power to support and love him."

In the back of her mind little puzzle pieces began to fall together as she thought back over the previous few days. Applying the new knowledge she'd gained to the past few days. Little things that had happened suddenly took on a new light and a part of her, the rude part it seemed, wished Mrs. Stevenson would go so that she could think more on Mikey's reactions and emotions.

His strong attachment to her from the first moment she'd taken him away from his home. His absolute horror at the idea of being taken away from her if he didn't do better in school. The pain she'd seen in the car as she asked what he wanted that she'd not yet given him. It all began to make sense and she suddenly felt the unbearable urge to run to him and hold him in her.

Mrs. Stevenson began to bounce up and down in excitement, doing a new kind of dance as she nearly exploded with an energy that belied her age. "Oh my you're going to be his mother and you're not mad about what Mrs. French told you? That's absolutely fantastic!"

The elderly ferret's voice was nearly a screech by the time she finished the word fantastic and it somehow managed to get higher as she continued to speak faster and faster. "I must ask if would you be willing to take him to Shadow Lake? The school year is already a few months in but I am absolutely sure that I could still get him in for the fifth grade. Mr. Hanvey,Shadow Lake's principle, was absolutely distraught over his mother's refusal to let him attend. I'm sure that he would bend the rules to let him in if you would consent."

Before Liz could agree the elderly fur was speaking so quickly that Liz barely understood her. "Well of course you would agree, it's ShadowLake, oh I bet Mr. Hanvey is still awake, and if he's not he won't mind being woken up for this." With that she turned away from Liz, hiked up her skirt, and began to run towards the stairs, her sensible shoes making scuffing noises as they skidded against the black carpeted landing.

The large police officer rolled his eyes and sighed as Liz stared in open shock at how quickly the conversation had ended. Rick shifted nervously as he was suddenly left standing with the fur they'd just disturbed at midnight. He looked off down the hall as his mothers face appeared back up the stair case she'd just descended. "Coming?" she asked expectantly, before disappearing again.

Rick gave her a nervous smile and Liz on a whim said "I won't tell anybody." The ferret's shoulders noticeably slumped as he seemed to relax. "Thanks" He said in a low gruff voice that didn't seem to fit his species. With a nod he turned and walked in the direction his mother had gone.

Liz watched him disappear down the dark stairwell before turning to go back inside. When the door closed she let out a tremendous sigh of relief as she slumped against the cold wooden door. She opened her eyes and began searching the darkness to see if Mikey was still in the dark musky smelling living room but found he was not.

The warmth of her apartment began to bring feeling back to her body as the soft squishy carpet warmed her toes. A shiver spread up her spine as the heat began to penetrate the layer of icy fur that held the cold air against her skin. She shook her body out and opened the blue robe she wore, allowing the warm air better access to her frigid body. She suddenly wished she'd been wearing something more than a wet pair of panties and a bathrobe to go out into the freezing cold.

After cleaning up the puddle on the couch and grabbing her cell phone from the counter Liz turned to Mikey's room and found him fully dressed with half his body sitting down and his legs hanging off the edge of the futon. The other half of his body was slumped over sideways, leaving him half lying down on a large squishy pillow.

His little chest rose and fell slowly as he slept in what had to be the most uncomfortable position she'd ever seen. His body was gruesomely twisted sideways and he was nearly folded in half. She smiled lovingly as warmth blossomed through her chest. She wanted nothing more than to hold him in her arms and decided that, despite everything that had just happened she still wanted him to sleep in her bed.

She walked over and picked Mikey up off the couch bed, barely exerting any strength in lifting his small body as she tried not to disturb him in his sleep. He hung like a rag doll in her arms as she cradled him against her bare chest, giving no indication that he'd been disturbed as his chest continued to rise and fall in a slow rhythm.

She stared at his little face, marveling at how perfectly beautiful he was and wishing that she could see his magnificent mismatched eyes as she looked at him. She gave him a gentle kiss on the black patch of fur between his eyes and used her muzzle to push the mop of black curls away from the silvery white fur that covered his head as she again tried to wrap her head around all that she'd learned about him in the last half hour.

Foremost in her mind was the idea that he might be able to attend Shadow Lake, a school that was world renowned for its incredible teachers and its custom tailored curriculum. The school wasn't an elementary school or a High school, although most of the furs that attended were high school age students. From what little she knew of it, the classes were based purely around the entrance exam scores of the cub. A student might be studying high school English in one class while they studied advanced college level math in another. There were no semesters or grades at Shadow Lake, instead the school was structured around how fast the student wanted to study. It was the only school in the country geared towards the extremely gifted cubs and furs came from around the world to have their cubs apply.

Her chest swelled with warmth as she imagined the untold possibilities at Mikey's disposal, and her body hummed with a deep pride at the idea that she would get to be there to help guide him through all of it, providing him with the love, comfort and support that he would need.

Liz didn't know how long she stood there marveling at the cub nestled between her breasts but eventually her arms began to ache from the strain of holding him and she quietly moved back to her bedroom with the massive four poster bed and a new set of deep red sheets.

She leaned down and gently placed Mikey in the center of the bed, on a shaft of moonlight that cut through the frosted balcony door and illuminated his fur in a way she had never seen before. His fur seemed to glow in the light and she marveled at his beauty as she leaned over the top of him.

As soon as she stood back up he whimpered and stirred and she felt a pang longing to lean back down and scoop him back up in her arms. A small part of her hoped and wondered if he'd recognized her scent, or the feel of her body, and was whimpering because she was no longer near him.

The vixen stripped off her robe and the messy panties she'd been wearing during her discussion with Mrs. Stevenson, throwing them in the dirty clothes bin in the closet and not bothering to put on new as she examined the slim lithe fur that greeted her in the mirror. Her red and white fur was slightly disheveled but it did nothing to detract from the stunning beauty that stared back at her. She turned in a slow circle and lifted her tail, examining the tight round curves of her bottom and the hint of the puffy pink lips that poked out from between her thighs. She twisted around to present her large round breasts as she pushed them together between her arms and gave the mirror a sultry gaze. Would Mikey like to see her like this? The thought left her body tingling slightly as she returned to her dark bedroom, locking the door before returning to her bed.

Mikey was still fully dressed and she struggled with the idea of removing his clothing for him, before they went to bed. On one paw she was sure that he wouldn't mind, but on the other he hadn't asked her to, a restriction she was still trying to adhere to. As a compromise she finally decided to remove his shirt and shorts, leaving his underwear. She tried to tell herself that she was only doing it so that he didn't mess up his new clothing, but she knew she just wanted to feel his silky soft fur against hers as she fell asleep.

She gently removed his shirt and then his shorts as she tried to keep from waking him. Her paw brushed his stiff cubhood through his shorts but it didn't bother her in the least. She marveled at how much had changed in such a short time as she folded the clothing in a pile at the foot of the bed. Two days ago she'd been in utter turmoil over having her paw close to his cubhood. Now her only concern was resisting the urge to stroke it in his sleep and she was completely at ease with the idea of sleeping naked with him in her bed.

When they were both ready for bed she picked Mikey back up, cradling him in one arm as she used the other paw to pull back the bed sheets. Liz climbed into the bed and lay on her side, pulling Mikey in close to her and wrapping her arms around his little body to help protect him from the cold as she pulled the blankets in over the top of them.

When they were all settled and cozy in the deep red sheets and pillows of her massive bed Liz looked down at Mikey and again brushed the curls of black hair out from in front of his eyes. Mikey stirred for the first time and she watched him whimper and smile as he nuzzled her neck and opened his beautiful mismatched eyes. The sight left her speechless as she stared into the deep pools of blue and yellow as they searched her face with a sleepy stare. She felt his paw shift and slide through the fur between her breasts as he stretched against her body, causing his fur to shift and slide against hers, sending a warmth blossoming through her body were his body made contact with hers.

"Who was at the door?" He asked softly. The adorable little cub was barely awake and she could see he was struggling to stay that way as his paw curled into the fur on her chest, sending tingles of excitement sparking through her body as he gently pulled her fur.

"It's not important sweetheart, everything is just fine." She leaned in closely to him as she remembered the pain and loss she imagined he felt. Her eyes met his eyes as she brushed her muzzle against his ear. "I love you with all my heart and I will always be there for you." The words rang true in her heart as she spoke them she punctuated the statement by caressing his muzzle with her pink tongue as she gently placed one of their special kisses on his muzzle.

She watched a mixture of sadness, hope and adoration flood his face as a single tear trickled out of his eye and into the glowing fur on his cheek. He gave her one of his special kisses in return as he squeezed his little body against hers in a tight hug. "I love you to." He spoke as he uncurled his arms from around her body.

A moment later Liz felt him shift and squirm as his underwear slid down his legs and he tossed them to the ground next to the bed. Mikey returned his arms to their rightful place against her chest and entwined his fingers in the soft white fur as he pressed more of his body against hers. She could feel his erection throbbing and twitching against her stomach as he closed his eyes once more.

His silky fur glided against hers as he nestled his head between her breasts with one pointy ear placed directly over her heart. She cupped the back of Mikey's head with a paw, holding it to her breast as his hot breath rustled the alabaster white fur that covered her chest.

Mikey's breathing quickly began to slow and after a few moments she was sure he was once again in the land of dreams as she gently combed her fingers through the silver white fur that covered his back.

Liz closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep as she reveled in the warm content feelings that radiated through her body. She couldn't think of a more perfect place to be and she hoped it would never end as she slowly drifted off to sleep.