Cub Services | Chapter 8

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#8 of Cub Services

Chapter 8 of Cub Services

I want to take a second to thank every reader that has voted, watched or fav'd one or all of my stories. I would never have imagined that so many people would enjoy my story and it is because of you guys and girls that I have continued. This next chapter is dedicated to everybody that reads Cub Services. Thanks for giving me the drive to continue!

Disclaimer: The opinions, ideas and beliefs of the characters in this fictional story do not necessarily represent my beliefs. Any opinion or idea presented by a character in this story was chosen because I felt that particular way of thinking fit best with the character.

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.)

I love comments so please share any thought or opinion you may have about CS.

*Cub Services *

Chapter 8

The sun inched towards the horizon as the first snow of the season began to fall outside Liz Moreau's apartment building, marking the end of the fall season and covering the small part of her world in a powdery blanket of snow that turned the landscape to a beautiful winter wonderland.

Mikey slowly stirred as he awoke in the warmth of Liz's comforting embrace. The thick red blankets that covered her bed held their combined body heat, protecting him against the cold winter morning as he lay with his head nestled between her perky round breasts. The deep thump of Liz's beating heart reverberated through his semi-conscious body, soothing and comforting him like a lullaby as he swayed between the land of dreams, and reality.

Sun light reflected off the beautiful white snow dimly illuminating the large master bedroom as Mikey unconsciously shivered against the cold air that hung across his cheek like a cloud. He opened his mismatched eyes and greeted the morning with a murr of utter contentment as he began to push back at the thick haze of sleep that filled his mind.

His first conscious thought was of the previous night's events as his groggy mind slowly began to turn, buzzing with questions, ideas and thoughts. The silent chatter quickly replaced the last vestiges of sleep as he flexed his fingers and toes, working any stiffness out of the growing joints.

The unknown visitor from last night had scared him to death, but Liz told him not to worry about it when she'd returned, and he trusted her explicitly. He remembered her caring words about always being there for him and smiled as he felt love and contentment fill him with a new kind of warmth, making him wish she was awake as he cuddled against her body and marveled at how lucky he was to have her.

After a few minutes of contemplating the wonderful turn his life had taken, Mikey's mind turned to the naughty things he and Liz had been doing before the fur at the door had arrived. Even thinking about it made his already erect cubhood grow as it pulsed and throbbed against his tummy. The normal itch and accompanying ache were worsened by a deep hollow yearning that filled his chest.

Imagining the intense heat that had radiated over his groin and the feeling of silky moist skin wrapped around the tip of his cubhood made him whimper and groan against Liz's body as tingles of pleasure spread through Mikey's loins, intensifying his needs and making him shudder in her arms. The movement caused Mikey's cubhood to brush against Liz's furry stomach as his heart began to beat faster. His mind continued to sift through the feelings and smells from the previous night, fueling the fire that slowly began to build inside him.

He stretched his stiff legs and blinked his heavy eye lids as he continued to reminisce over the previous nights events. His cute little stretch forced his footpads to leave the warm spot they had rested on and venture out onto the cold silk sheets that covered the rest of the massive four poster bed. He pulled his legs back towards the warm spot with a shiver that shook his body, causing his erection to again rub against Liz's stomach.

The warm and silky feeling of Liz's fur against his cubhood sent a small wave of pleasure through his body. He tried to ignore the throbbing ache and the frustrating itch that continued to build in his loins as every sensation he felt seemed to amplify the arousal and discomfort.

In an attempt to take his mind off the mix of feelings swirling through his mind, Mikey examined the puckered red cut across his paw as he tried to scratch at the skin under the crusty dried layer of glue that covered his palm. The feeling of itching his little paw distracted him for a moment, but soon his mind was back to imagining the previous nights events, sending another wave of tingles spreading up his spine and stoking the burning desire that continually nagged at him.

Mikey sighed in frustration as he decided he needed something new to look at and pushed his paw into the alabaster white fur of Liz's chest, examining the similarities between his silvery white fur and the sleek alabaster white fur. The two colors were nearly identical, with the exception of a very light, almost unnoticeable, yellow hue that colored Liz's fur. He stared at it in wonder as he slowly combed his fingers through her silky fur, enjoying the feeling of it gliding between his fingers.

As he gently stroked her chest fur he finally managed to distract himself for a moment by wondering how he'd gotten so lucky with Liz. It was like he'd suddenly been given everything he ever dream off, and more. How could he possibly repay Liz for all the wonderful things she'd done for him, and what would he do if he she was no longer in his life? The question sent a stab of pain through his chest that rivaled the pain he felt when thinking about his Dad and he quickly slammed the door on those thoughts, stuffing them down where he would never have to face them.

The nagging itch broke through his train of thought as his cubhood seemed to again pulse and grow against his tummy. He whimpered in frustration as he struggled to hold on through the tide of feelings that coursed through his little body. His needs hadn't been this strong since the other day when he'd first got a chance to see between Liz's legs. The thought made him groan against her body as another tingle shot up his spine.

Mikey closed his eyes and shifted his hips in an attempt to find a more comfortable position and gasped as the intentional movement rubbed his hard shaft against Liz's fur, sending lightning bolts of pleasure coursing up his spine and soothed the feelings of discomfort his erection brought with it. He yearned to continue his movement and sooth his aching loins, but the fear of waking Liz from her peaceful slumber was too great.

The memories of the previous night's events continually crept into his thoughts as he lay in the massive bed, stoking the fire inside him and spreading a thin haze of arousal through his mind as the memories drew him back into that blissful world of pleasure he'd had to walk away from the previous night.

He struggled to regain control of his little body as he a shudder ran up his spine, causing him to again rub his cubhood against Liz's body. He gave up as a small groan escaped his lips and began gently pushing his hips against Liz's stomach as she slept. He lifted his leg up and delicately hooked it over her hip as he shivered at the cold air that slipped under the blanket and gusted against his back side.

He let his mind roam free as he gave in to the desperate urges of his body, remembering in exquisite detail the flavor of the syrupy juices he'd licked off his paw as he conjured up images of the puffy pink folds of skin that had so perfectly curved down between Liz's legs. The most powerful memory came from the previous night. The hot warmth of her loins and the smell of her arousal were so vivid that he felt like he was there again and he groaned against her chest as a tingling spread through his entire body.

With each new thought his grinding became more insistent and he began panting against Liz's fur as the tingling that pulsed through his body turned to gentle waves of pleasure that seemed to pulse in time with his quickening heart. His flat furry stomach pressed against Liz's, massaging his cubhood between their bodies and encasing it in the warm soft fur between them as he shifted back and forth. His legs began to twitch and shake as his little paws entwined in the fur on Liz's chest and he held on as the tingling warmth in his loins grew from a dull burn to a raging fire, coursing through his body and sending him tumbling towards his first unassisted orgasm.

As the torrent of pleasure rushed through his body and filled his mind with a haze of need, a small portion of his mind reeled in terror as he remembered what happened at the end of this wonderful feeling. He gasped and desperately struggled to stop before he made a mess, clenching every muscle in his groin as a tightening feeling crept into his loins, signaling the imminent release of his cub seed.

The twitches and spasms that shook his body created wave after wave of pleasure, coursing through his body and causing him to twitch and shake even harder. Liz's warm skin and soft fur caressed his sensitive cubhood, making it impossible for him to stay still enough to stop the tide of pleasure. The covers of the bed seemed to suffocate him as his body burned with heat, radiating hot air outwards as beads of sweat broke out all over his body. The spasming in his loins and the burning fire that coursed through his veins intensified around the tip of his cubhood as he shuddered and groaned against Liz's breast.

His eyes clamped shut and his jaw hung open as an eruption of pleasure coursed through his cubhood and washed through his body in time with his now racing heart. The tightening in his loins seemed to get stronger and stronger as his furry balls pulled up against his body. The familiar sensation that he had to potty burned through his loins and up his spine but he knew what that meant and groaned as the exquisite mix of sensation exploded out of his cubhood, sending the tension and sexual frustration he felt flooding out of his body.

Mikey clung desperately to Liz, while struggling to keep from waking her as he shook with pleasure. He bit his tongue to keep from screaming as spurt after spurt of hot sticky cub seed spread between the two furs, creating a patch of sticky wet warmth that matted his fur to his skin. The warmth seemed to grow and grow as the sensation that he was peeing in spurts continued to spread through his loins, sending pulses of relief and pleasure emanating from his body. His mind filled with a mix of panic and uncontrolled ecstasy as he came all over his and Liz's stomachs, making a terrible mess and causing him to shudder and shake as he groaned came.

Eventually the heat in his loins began to recede to a dull pulsing warmth and Mikey's breathing slowed to a more even pace as he sighed in a poor attempt at frustration. He still felt too good to be truly upset over his new predicament but was afraid that feeling wouldn't last long.

As the world returned to normal and Mikey blinked away the dots in his vision he sighed as he slid a paw down against his tummy and felt the sticky globs of seed that covered his and Liz's stomach. The gooey mess he'd made seemed to cover his whole pelvis and he didn't want to look at it but could tell by how much of his fur was matted to his skin that it would be bad. Even so, he was still unable able to feel guilty about making it. He sighed against Liz's body as he continued to come down off the high of his orgasm and decided that his only option was to get a towel and try clean up the mess as best he could.

He snaked his way out of Liz's arms and climbed out from under the blankets without getting any mess on the sheets. Mikey poked his head out from under the bedding before throwing the blankets off of him in a rush. The clash of the frigid air against his hot fur felt surprisingly good and he sighed as a shiver ran up his spine.

When he was off the bed he looked down and stared in horror at the milky white globs of goo that coated his fur. It looked like he'd dumped a bottle of lotion on his stomach and he gave his cubhood a stern scolding glare as he imagined what Liz must look like. To make matters worse it began to drip in large globs off of the disheveled fur and onto the dark green carpeted floor. He tried his best to catch the drips with his paw as he hurried out of the bedroom, but only managed to leave a trail on the floor.

By the time he reached the kitchen he was running on silent footpads as the last feelings of pleasure left his body, allowing panic to slowly to set in. He told himself again and again that Liz loved him and would not be mad at him over the mess he'd made. That she would never hurt him the way his mother had when he did something wrong and that she would probably just tell him everything was going to be ok. Even so, the fear of punishment was still very deeply engrained in his mind and he struggled not to panic and break down into tears, straining to swallow and breathe normally through the fear attempting to gain a toe hold over his body.

The cold air quickly chilled the slimy cub seed against Mikey's skin as he used trembling paws to get his stool out from under the kitchen sink and set it up in front of the counter. He used a towel to clean his own fur as he struggled to contain his fears. He chanted a mantra of "Liz Loves me" to himself as he scrubbed at his fur and by the time it was clean he had regained some of his composure. He rinsed the towel out with hot water and took it and his white stool back to Liz's bedroom, being careful not to drip water along the carpet and cleaning any globs of mess that he'd trailed through the apartment as he went.

When Mikey finally got back to Liz's room he set up the white stool next to the tall four poster bed and climbed under the blankets in a rush to get at Liz's stomach and clean it before she awoke. His wet tummy fur slid smoothly against the silk bed sheets as he slithered on his belly towards her. He felt a mix of worry and regret well up in his chest once more. He should have waited for Liz so that she could decide whether or not to let him make a mess. He again chanted his mantra and tried to feel confident that she wouldn't be to upset as his heart began to beat a little faster, belying his courage.

Even in the near darkness created by the blankets, Liz's white fur seemed to glow, illuminating the thin lithe form of her perfectly toned body and stomach, tarnished only by the shadowy glaze of cub seed that covered her abdomen.

Mikey sighed and took a deep breath, tasting the air and realizing for the first time just how potent Liz's scent was under the blanket. The sweet musky aroma that filled the space between the blankets hit him like a ton of bricks and caused him to groan loudly as the scent tickled his nose and made his cubhood quiver in its sheath. He took another deep breath, and another, as the delicate aroma filled his mind with the memories of the previous night and set his blood boiling.

His heart began to pound in his chest as the thick haze of arousal from earlier grew heavier, smothering out reason and thought as the urge to get closer to the source of that wonderful perfume became unbearably strong.

Liz lay on her side with her legs stretched and slightly splayed out below her and even in the darkness Mikey could see the thinning of white fur that ended at the two pouty luscious lips between her legs. As he worked his body closer to hers he left the warm wash cloth on the edge of the bed, her messy fur forgotten as his mind focused on a single need. The urge to taste that delicious nectar was to strong and his little body stood no chance. The scent whipped him to frenzy in seconds as he continued to taste the air around him.

Mikey squirmed closer to her body under the blanket, crawling like a solder on his belly as he made it his mission to get closer to that wonderful aroma. He could feel the heat from her body radiate over his muzzle as he leaned in and pushed his nose against the crux of Liz's legs, brushing his parted maw against the delicate curve of her sex as he deeply inhaled the sweet musky perfume.

He groaned into her thighs as his paws curled into the bed sheets and his tail flicked back and forth in excitement. The intoxicating aroma set his blood boiling and the itch and ache in his loins returned with a vengeance as a fire in his little body began to burn and throb in time with his racing heart. His cubhood seemed to be back to its former glory in seconds, growing against the wet fur of his groin and twitching against the bed sheets.

He pushed his tongue out of his muzzle and slid it against the silky flesh and delicate fur along Liz's mound, tasting the sweet tangy flavor that he craved and causing him to shudder with relief. He pushed his nose in deeper, burying his muzzle between her thighs and pushing his tongue into the folds of her sex. Mikey could feel Liz's heartbeat against his tongue and he groaned against her body as a small part of his mind wondered if she was awake. If she wasn't, what she would do when she did awaken? The question barely fazed him as he remembered in vivid detail the view of her velvety folds as he pushed his head hard against her thighs and began running his tongue along the puckered inner folds of her body, following the gentle curve that would lead to the entrance he knew was close.

He pushed again and again, burrowing deeper and deeper between her legs as he desperately struggled to get at the fountain of juices that began to flow over his muzzle. He'd never wanted anything more in his life as his heart boomed in his chest and his body shook with excitement and need as he fought the weight of her body to reach his goal.

When his tongue finally found the tight circle of flesh, that was the source of her sweet nectar, he groaned loudly. The sweet musky fluid flooded his taste buds with a swirl of sugary and salty flavor. He pushed the flat part of his tongue against her entrance, looking for more of the wonderful juice as a loud low moan came from outside the blankets, breaking the silence of the air and falling on deaf ears. Mikey was in a world of his own as he worked with a single minded need, pushing his tongue in deeper and attempting to scoop the liquid he craved from Liz's body with his tongue.

The pressure of Liz's thigh suddenly disappeared, allowing him to push his muzzle right up against the silky pink folds of her sex. Her hips shifted and pushed towards him as she rolled onto her back, offering her now dripping and pulsating sex up to his lavishing tongue.

He pushed in deeper and deeper and with each movement he made his wet black nose buried itself between the puffy pink lips between Liz's legs. The tangy smell of her sex filled Mikey's mind so completely that he was no longer aware of the world around him and the aroma stoked a fire of need in his loins.

Liz shuddered and gasped as her body was flooded with wave after wave of pleasure. She tried to think, or speak, or even fathom how she'd gotten to this peak of ecstasy without waking up. She'd awoken to her mind filling with a haze of arousal as she realized the wonderful dream she'd been having, was in fact a reality. She pushed her hips towards Mikey's tongue again and again as her paws curled into the bed sheets and her legs spasmed in time with Mikey's ministrations. She groaned loudly as his tongue plunged into her body again and again, digging deeper and deeper and pushing against the walls of her sex, causing her toes to curl and her tail to flop under her.

She gasped and panted, barely able to breathe and unable to keep her body from spinning out of control as a wild fire of pleasure spread through her veins and her skin burned with the intensity of one thousand suns. Mikey seemed to be everywhere at once, his tongue massaging and pushing against the walls of her body as his nose bumped and rubbed against her clit in what quickly turned to a steady rhythm.

In a matter of minutes she was writhing and shaking on the bed as the fire managed to intensify and pulse around her clit. She could feel her heartbeat in her sex as it contracted around Mikey's tongue. But he was not deterred as he continued to plunge it in and out of her, sending explosion after explosion of pleasure spreading down her legs and up her spine as his tongue forced its way into her folds.

Her orgasm hit like a tidal wave as she arched her back and screamed in ecstasy. The world seemed to stop around her and her hips began to buck and twitch into Mikey's face as her paws and toes curled into the bed sheets, threatening to shred more of the expensive silk cloth. Her legs instinctively wrapped around Mikey's head, squeezing it between her thighs as the coiled spring in her loins released with the force of an earthquake, drenching his muzzle in a layer of sticky wet liquid that filled the whole apartment with the strong aroma of her arousal.

She threw the blankets from her body and shuddered as the cold morning air clashed with the heat radiating from her body. She gasped and sighed in relief as it cooled her fevered skin under her fur and blinked her eyes as she tried to clear the star bursts that exploded in her vision as her body slowly began to cool.

The pleasure of such a strong orgasm lingered in her body, making her skin hyper sensitive to the feelings around her as she lay in her hot bed. As the fire in her body cooled she realized there was a large wet spot that seemed colder than the rest of her body. She looked down to see a spot the size of a saucer coating her fur a few inches above her furry white mound. The large white globs of liquid could only be one thing and she whimpered in disappointment as she examined them. She would have to wait to sooth the lingering desire that burned deep in her loins, a prospect she was not looking forward to doing. Mikey would not be ready to do what she so desperately wanted next and she almost began to cry as disappointment filled her chest.

Liz took a deep breath as she released Mikey's head, allowing him to sit up for the first time since she'd awoken. As he sat up she examined the curly black locks of hair that hung over a face that looked like he'd just dunked it in a bucket of water. A look of pure unbridled lust burned deep in his mismatched eyes as he used both paws to wipe her juices from the silver white fur that covered his muzzle and lick it off his fingers.

Liz's body tingled and her heart leapt as a tiny gasp of excitement escaped her lips. Her eyes traced down his small furry chest and stomach, to the bright red shaft sticking out of his sheath and pulsing against his disheveled damp fur. She let out a tiny yip of excitement as her body ached with renewed vigor.

A pang of nervousness filled her stomach as she realized what she was about to do. She briefly wondered whether or not she should do what she wanted to, but the haze of arousal in her mind was too thick to say fight against so she simply reached out and hooked her arm under Mikey's and quickly pulled him up her body, groaning as the feeling of his soft fur brushing her body sent tingles of pleasure up her spine. She wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned forward to give him one of there special kisses, tasting the tangy flavor of her own juices on his muzzle as she caressed it with her pink tongue. Her arms traced around his back as his head came up level with hers, sending hot gusts of his breath brushing against her neck as his paws began to roam over her body.

With a gentle gasp of excitement Liz rolled over on the bed so that she was lying on top of her beautiful cub. She straddled his hips, feeling his cubhood nestle between the engorged lips of her sex as she held his head to her breast. His eyes were closed and she caressed his cheek with a paw as she gently rocked her hips along his pulsing erection, causing it to disappear and reappear beneath the folds of her sex as she slid up and down his shaft.

She'd never felt anything so magnificent in her life and the wonderful connection she felt between the two of them seemed to grow to dizzying new heights as she felt his heartbeat pulse against her tender pulsing clit.

Liz arched her back and leaned forward until her maw was right next to Mikey's, nuzzling his muzzle with her own as her breath ruffled the damp fur of his cheek. She could stay like this for ever and the only thing that kept her going was the realization that this was just the beginning.

When she stopped rocking her body against Mikey's cubhood he began to whimper softly, but his protests were soon soothed as her warm paw grasped his erection and gently stroked it. Her fingers glided easily over the slick hard skin, lubricated by her already dripping sex. Liz unhooked her other arm from around his body and sat up as she positioned his cubhood at the entrance to her body, marveling at how large he had grown. He was nearly as big as her favorite toy and while he was by no means large, he would be a comfortable, if snug fit.

Mikey panted heavily as his heart beat faster and faster in his ears and the world around him seemed to move slower and slower. He felt Liz handle his erection with a silky paw and sighed contently as she stroked him a few times before positioning him in the one place he'd hoped she would. The warm wet heat of her sex radiated over his cubhood and a moment later the velvety lips of her body engulfed the tip of his erection. He let out a low groan that filled his head with a soft buzz as Liz slowly began to settle down on his cubhood, holding him in place with her body and pushing past her contracting sex as her paw let go of his erection.

A wet pop reverberated through his body as the pointy red tip of his cubhood slid past the tight ring of flesh between Liz's furry red legs, allowing him entrance to her most intimate of places for the very first time. She continued to slowly settle down on his body as her folds consumed each inch of his erection. He felt his skin beneath his fur get hotter and hotter as his loins were filled to bursting with a spasming pleasure that made even his first ever orgasm feel inadequate.

The cold morning air wasn't enough to keep him cool as the velvety folds of flesh encased his pulsing shaft in a cocoon of heavenly warmth. As Liz settled her groin against his pelvis he marveled at the wonderfully intimate connection he felt with Liz as waves of love and contentment blossomed through his chest. At that moment he could feel every tiny movement she made, every beat of her heart and every heated breath she took. It was like his cubhood was an extension of her body and when they were connected he could feel everything.

His mismatched eyes slowly parted as the sun broke over the horizon, sending glorious shafts of light cascading over the landscape and into the bedroom of his new home. The brilliant yellow light shone brightly behind Liz, creating a halo of radiant yellow light around her body and making it impossible to see anything but the intricately dark outline of her lithe form.

The sun darkened the blood red fur that covered her head, arms, legs and hips and accented the alabaster white fur that covered her large breasts, flat navel and luscious mound, creating a sharp contrast between the two parts of her tight firm body. Strands of hair stuck haphazardly from the vixen's skull and pointy red ears twitched in the air as she watched him intently. A hint of concern floated behind the unimaginable lust in those deep green eyes. Even in her most carnal moment of lust Liz's main concern was the physical and mental wellbeing of her cub and she searched for signs that she'd gone too far, or harmed him in any imaginable way. He could tell by the posture of her body and the tense muscles he felt through her sex that she was ready to stop at any given second, no matter how badly she wanted what they were doing.

It was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen and with the sun shining brilliantly behind her he was struck speechless as he stared at the angel that stared at him with a deep love and commitment, straddling his hips and sharing a connection so intimate that he would remember even on his deathbed how this moment felt. Unable to speak, Mikey simply let lose the low rumbling murr that rolled through his chest and confirmed his pleasure to his lover.

The sound of Mikey's contentment was like a damn bursting through Liz's chest. She let out a breath she'd not realized she was holding as the waves of ecstasy crashed over her body and the unimaginable joy of having her cub inside her filled her to bursting. The orgasm that accompanied her relief was weak in comparison to the others she'd experienced, but it left her gasping for breath just the same.

Mikey closed his eyes and gasped as the walls of Liz's vagina rippled in waves around his cubhood, massaging and squeezing every inch of his erection and sending a torrent of pleasure through his body. His toes curled and he groaned as his racing heart seemed to beat faster and faster, until it was impossible to distinguish one beat from the next.

As the waves of orgasmic bliss slowly receded, Liz lifted her body up with her thighs, pulling Mikey's erection from her body with a tiny whine of disappointment. Mikey whimpered and squirmed as he pushed up with his hips in an attempt to keep as much of himself inside her as possible. She shuddered and felt a pang of guilt for letting him think that they were done, but she quickly and gently brought a paw down against his pelvis, applying pressure to his body and keeping him pressed against the silky red bed sheets as she rose to the very tip of his cubhood, knowing it would be worth it.

When Liz dropped back down, Mikey let out a loud groan of pleasure as his whole body twitched and jumped in the bed. His legs and tail flailed as his upper body was overrun by the unimaginable pleasure that exploded through his body. The walls of her sex sucked and milked at his cubhood in ways that he could never have imagined. He opened his mouth in a silent scream as his body burned and lightning bolts of pleasure shot through every nerve in his body as Liz rose up and dropped back down again.

Each time she rose up and dropped back down was like cumming for the very first time and as she slowly picked up speed he began to have trouble even thinking. Mikey squirmed, twitched and gasped as he held on to the tiny corner of consciousness and reveled in the unbelievable feelings of bliss that filled his mind and body to bursting, and then overflowed them with their intensity.

With each quickening stroke Liz gently rode Mikey's cubhood to a new orgasm, feeling it twitch and spasm in her body as she rolled her hips and slid the inner most walls of her sex against his pulsing shaft. She gasped and panted as she came again and again, until her body was one big spasming muscle and was so over stimulated that she no longer remembered what it was like to feel normal. She could feel the juices of her sex coating her thighs and when she looked down at her engorged pink pussy lips she could see that most of Mikey's midsection was covered as well, explaining the increasingly loud and wet smacking noise that filled the room as she rode her little cub.

Time had no meaning as Liz ground her pelvis against Mikey's and switched between a quick hard pace, and a slow rocking pace. They shared an experience that could never be topped and reveled in the shared knowledge that the other loved them with every fiber of their being, adding to the intimacy and exquisite pleasure of the moment.

Eventually Liz began to feel Mikey's knot grow against her body, bulging between her thighs and sending shivers of uncertainty through her spine. She'd never in the past allowed anyone to tie her. She'd wanted to wait for that until she was sure it was with the right fur, and she new in her heart that Mikey was the one.

The twitching of his cubhood in her sex seemed to grow more random and insistent as she again changed to a slow and gentle rocking motion, rolling her hips and causing Mikey to buck and spasm more violently than ever. She purposefully clenched and massaged him with the muscles in her loins, making Mikey dance under her weight and forcing her to lean forward slightly so that she could hold his hips down with a paw. Mikey began gasping and clawing at the air and as his muzzle split into another silent scream she forced herself downwards, grunting and wincing as his knot forced its way into her tight folds with a lewd squelch.

As intense as this entire experience had been for Mikey, the explosion of ravenous pleasure that rocked his little body, the uncontrollable inferno of heat that burned through his veins and the clenched iron first of tension that suddenly built in his loins were like nothing he'd ever felt in his life. Every fiber of his being felt like it was being was being milked from his cubhood as Liz's body squeezed, pulled and suckled the pleasure up through the tip of his burning erection. The peeing feeling came so quickly that he didn't have time to think to warn Liz as her body came down hard against his pelvis, encasing the large bulge at the base of his cubhood in the same hot wet folds of her body as the rest of his cubhood.

He let out an ear splitting screech of pleasure as he tried to curl up in a ball against Liz's gooey abdomen. His entire body bucked and shook and he clung to Liz's like a life preserver, hanging on for dear life as he was taken on a ride that shook his entire world. The feelings and emotions that filled his little body were so immense that he had to struggle to stay conscious as his body tried to ride out the waves that crashed over him.

The first squirts of cubseed that coated Liz's inner walls were no surprise to her, but she still shuddered and gasped as the warm sticky feeling coated the inside of her abdomen, filling her with a warm sense of pride as she wrapped her arms around Mikey's quivering body, tenderly holding him against her as she stroked the black locks of curly hair that stuck out in every direction from his head.

She heard a skittering rattle come from her bedside table, alerting her that her phone was ringing as the constant stimulation began to become too much. She was spent and as much as she adored the feelings that filled her body, she was ready to lie down and fall asleep, holding her beautiful Mikey in her arms.

Exhaustion truly began to set in and Liz finally stopped cumming as Mikey continued to unload inside her. Every nerve in her body felt like it was either burning with pleasure or tingling with sensations and it almost began to become uncomfortable as she began to glow with warmth.

After a time she felt Mikey's body slowly relax as she straddled and held him. His cubhood quit spasming inside her and the hot globs of his cubseed quit splashing against the walls of her body. His mismatched eyes twitched and opened, revealing a gaze filled with wonder and happiness.

She was still struck by his remarkably beautiful mismatched eyes and the love and contentment she saw in them only made his wonderful gaze all the more special. Her cell phone continued to dance on the dark wooden bedside table as it vibrated in a small circle, but she didn't notice. Liz was mesmerized by how much emotion she felt fill her chest as she leaned down and very gently caressed Mikey's muzzle with her tongue, giving him one of their very special kisses as she leaned to the side and lay down in the bed, still holding Mikey's body between her thighs and against her breast.

"I love you with all my heart" She whispered. It wasn't until she spoke aloud that she realized her voice was raw and raspy from screaming and she cleared her throat as a tired smile split Mikey's muzzle.

She felt his little arms wrap around her body as he tenderly licked her muzzle in return. His hot breath brushed her nose as he pulled back slightly and then leaned forward, gently pressing his lips against hers. Her lips formed to his as hot breath from his nose ruffled the fur on her muzzle. She felt his lips gently part and a moment later there tongues were dancing in each others maws. The taste of her juices lay heavy in Mikey's mouth, but she didn't mind in the least as they shared the intimate kiss.

Her cell phone stopped ringing as there lips finally parted and she felt Mikey's fingers comb through the fur on her chest, gently stroking one of her breasts as he averted his eyes from her gaze.

"I love you too." Mikey said. His voice was so quiet that she had to strain to hear him speak. He looked down at her breast as the inside of his ears turned a deep red and the silver white fur on his face took on a very light red hue. "I don't know how I could ever repay you for everything you've done for me, but I'll spend the rest of my life trying."

She could see the mix of embarrassment and slowly cooling lust plainly on his face before he buried it between her breasts, hiding his muzzle from her as he peeked out at her with his deep blue eye. Liz stroked her fingers through the fur on Mikey's back.

"Your love is all the payment I ever want," she said as her phone began to vibrate once again. Mikey yawned and squeezed her harder as Liz tried to ignore the rattling noise on her bedside table. She could see Mikey struggling to stay awake as he began to slowly examine her bulging sex.

Liz tried to ignore her phone as she closed her eyes; but it was no use, and finally with a great sigh of irritation, she turned around and grabbed the phone from her table next to the red lettered alarm clock, displaying the time 5:34 A.M.

She felt Mikey try and pull out of her sex as one of his paws roamed between the soaked fur of their private parts, feeling the large knot and engorged lips that kept them tied together. She hooked her leg around his waist as she examined the display on her with a gut wrenching realization.

The word "Mom" Was written in big red letters across her touch screen display and she knew immediately why she was calling. She slid her finger across the screen to answer the phone as she felt Mikey's lips brush one of her nipples and gently begin to lick at it. She looked down in amusement as he took it into his mouth and began to suck gently on it as they lay in her bed, giving her a devilish smile as he did so.

Her body was so over stimulated that she could barely feel his ministrations, so she simply held his head to her breast and let him do what he wanted as she croaked a raspy "Hello" into the phone receiver, hoping her mother could not tell difference between strained vocal cords and sleepy ones.

Her mother's soft voice came clearly through the receiver as she held it to her pointy red ear. "Oh Liz, I'm sorry I called so early, I just was so excited for this weekend and I wanted to make sure you were still coming, what with the snow and all. The weatherman says the storm's almost over and I thought I'd better warn you that it snowed since you've probably not been outside yet." Her mother's calm soft voice belied her excitement for the coming days as Liz remembered her promise to come up and spend the weekend with her.

Liz's brother was coming back into town for the first time since she'd graduated high school and she'd promised to go up there so that the three of them could spend some quality time together as a family.

She swallowed as she realized she would have to tell her mom that she was going to be a grandmother. She would of course be absolutely ecstatic over Mikey, but she knew her mother would feel hurt that she'd not confided in her about this earlier, and may not believe her when she told her that it had been a spur of the moment decision. They chatted on the phone every Sunday and she'd made no mention of this major life changing event in the past. Her stomach filled with butterflies as she took a deep breath and looked down at the wonderful silver-white wolf that lay against her body. He was worth anything she could imagine and she gave him a warm smile as his little face gave her confidence she'd not realized she needed.

"Its fine Mom, but I'm going to be bringing someone with me this weekend." There was a long pause that nagged at her sudden burst of confidence and she could hear her mom silently weighing her statement on the other end of the phone, trying to decide how best to respond.

"Who is it dear?" Mrs. Moreau finally asked. Apprehension and curiosity filled her voice and she struggled to hide the twinge of pain that she felt. Was her daughter seeing someone without telling her? The two of them had always been so very close, what had she done to make Liz feel as though she needed to hide something from her?

Liz cleared her throat as a lump made it hard for her to speak. Butterflies danced and turned her stomach as the afterglow slowly began to fade from her body. She felt Mikey's hips twitch as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. His little chest rose and fell in a slow steady motion against her body.

Liz swallowed as she decided that the best way to do this was to blurt it out. "Well Mom I'd be bringing a cub with me... See, you're going to be a grandma! " Liz thought about that statement and added "And no I've not been pregnant, nor am I now."

Mrs. Moreau nearly dropped the phone in shock and surprise. Her heart leapt and she nearly squealed at the idea of her little family growing by one more as tears of joy flooded her eyes. "Of course you can bring your cub with you this weekend." She said emphatically. The fear that Liz was keeping something from her was momentarily smothered as her old chest filled to bursting with pride for her daughter!