When Dreams Become Reality: In a Perfect Alternate Universe (BONUS CHAPTER) Part 3

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#24 of When dreams become reality

This is the final part of the bonus chapter of the first arc of my story :)

DISCLAIMER: Here is the FINAL part of the bonus chapter of my story, where things get REALLY hot in this part between Mike and Tony. =3

And with this posted, this officially wraps up my first arc 100%. Now I can get working on the 2nd arc. You'll also see another quick cameo from my Gator friend at the end of the chapter ;)

One last time, here's the reference pics to the 3 parts of this story:

Again, here's some of the pics from this bonus chapter, which you can also find in the story folder on this page:






Happy fapping and hope you all enjoy the final part! :D


It was now Tuesday. My first article was going to be published in three days, and my editing job was finally done. I wasn't really able to do much on Sunday and Monday mainly because the Daily News had another worker get sick on the weekend, which ultimately made me cover for him for the editing job. I was able to go and see Tony briefly, though he was also really busy himself since the Big Apple Mart didn't have any shortages of customers over the weekend and also on Monday as well.

*UUNNNNNNFFFFF....* I mentioned to myself, waking up and noticing it was another bright & sunny day in the big city. Right as I woke up though, I felt my head a bit, almost as if I had the strangest feeling of Déjà vu.

"Whoa.....what the hell was that?" I said to myself, shaking my head and clearing my thoughts as I saw the clock say 10:15 A.M.

"Thank god...no more fucking editing for other people...." I said with a sigh of relief as I got out of my bed to take a shower and get cleaned up. After doing so, I made myself a quick breakfast before I decided to head out for the day.

After making a plate of eggs & toast for myself, I sat down at the kitchen table, about to eat my food.


"Huh?" I softly said to myself, hearing my phone ring from my room. I quickly ran over and grabbed it. When I saw who was on the caller ID, I was really taken by surprise, though I also smiled when I saw the name "TONY" on the display.


"Hey Mike! How's it going?" Tony asked, acting like he was in a VERY good mood.

"Things are good! I just had the weirdest case of Déjà vu though heh." I mentioned.

"Well we all get that every now and then. Anyway, I know we both have been busy over the last couple of days, but I have the day off today. Wanna go explore the city like I mentioned on Saturday night?" He asked.

"Y-yeah definitely! I'm finally done editing articles so I have the next few days to myself to finalize my own, but yeah let's go out today!" I happily replied.

"Sounds good! I'll pick you up at 11:30, is that ok?"

"Yep, that's fine!"

"Alrighty Mike, talk to ya in awhile!" The Tiger finally mentioned.

"See ya Tony!" I replied, hanging up my phone and clinching my fist.

"Mmmmnnnffff!!!!! I'm going out with Tony again!!!!" I thought to myself, acting like I was a happy little kid, although I was still 22 years old.

Once again, I started pacing back and forth, waiting patiently as the time passed. I tried to watch TV again, but I just couldn't find a channel that I could stick to. However, I was able to pass the time by editing my own article a bit, especially because I still needed to give a proper introduction to the readers, and also do some touch up work with my questions that I asked to Tony.

Unfortunately, I found myself sidetracked when I figured I'd watch a couple of youtube videos while editing my article. Before I knew it, I spent the entire time mostly watching videos on the site instead of actually working.

And next thing you knew....


"Damn, it's 11:30 already?!?!" I exclaimed, noticing sure enough that it was that time of day on my clock. I quickly ran over to the door, and opened it up to see Tony there once again. He was actually dressed pretty sleek, wearing what looked to be summer clothes with a blue short sleeved shirt, blue shorts, sunglasses and a Tiger's hat on.

"Hey Mike!" Tony mentioned with another wide grin.

"Hey there! I'm so excited for today, ready to head out?" I replied, only grabbing my phone, Ipod and Wallet, and heading out with the Tiger before I knew it.

The two of us spent the day together going all over the city. From the Bronx, to wall street, to the Brooklyn Bridge, and finally to the Empire State Building, the two of us had a great time together as friends, taking lots of pictures with my phone and getting a few souvenirs.

After we traveled around the city, it was now roughly 6:00 P.M. while Tony and I were in the Impala together.

"Today was REALLY fun Tony. Thank you once again for showing me around the city, I really do owe you more than one now." I happily told him.

"Oh it's nothing Mike, I've lived here nearly all my life and you get used to it after awhile hehe."

"Good point, I guess I can say the same thing about Boston. Anyway, what do you wanna do now?" I asked.

"Well, we've both had a long day, but I just realized....you haven't been to my house yet. How bout I make you something to eat back at my place?" Tony insisted.

My mind started going nuts again. "Did he....just invite me to HIS house?!"

"S-s-sure Tonyyy!" I mumbled pretty badly, though Tony luckily understood me.

"Heh, alrighty then." He mentioned, and before I knew it, we were on the highway heading away from the city.

It took roughly 35 minutes with traffic involved for us to finally get off the highway. As we pulled onto a street that said "KAIROS DRIVE", I noticed that most of the houses we were passing by were HUGE. It was definitely a sight to see, though it was also pretty dark as well, so you couldn't exactly see all the houses clearly.

"And....we're home!" Tony mentioned, pulling into his driveway. You could really tell that his house stood out more than the other houses around the neighborhood, as his place was GIANT. The house itself was pretty much a smaller version of a mansion, and it was easily 3 or 4 times as big as the house I grew up in.

"Holy crap he has a big house!" I thought with my eyes wide open.

After getting out of the car, we both walked into the house. I was simply floored by how giant the place was from the inside right then and there.

Before I could say anything though, Tony mentioned to me "Oh I forgot to mention, I have a couple of friends that also stay here once in a while, though they're not around at the moment." while he started putting his things away.

"Oh yeah? What are their names?" I asked.

"One is a Dragon named Ord, the other is named James".

I thought to myself "Wait a minute, why do I think I know who Ord is...?" but before I could think any further, Tony finished settling in and headed near the stairway.

I thought to myself "I guess I'll just wait down here" but Tony then asked "Hey Mike, wanna come see the rest of the house?"

"Wow! I actually get to see the whole house that my dream Tiger lives in." I thought to myself in a very excited way, but I didn't want to get too excited and do something stupid.

First he showed me the downstairs area, with the living room to the right near the front door, and the dining room to the left. The living room was HUGE, as it had a giant HDTV along with a DVD player, surround sound, a satellite box, a pool table in its own specific corner, and even a PS3.

"Hey I own a PS3 too Tony! I just didn't bring it with me when I moved here." I mentioned, and then I added "we should become friends on the Playstation network, as long as those hackers don't break it again." Tony agreed and laughed along with me, and kept showing me around his house.

As we went down the hallway past the dining room and the living room, there was the bathroom on the right, the basement right next to that, and the kitchen on the left, which was connected to the dining room. At the end of the hallway was the stairway leading to the second floor of his house, and before I knew it, I walked upstairs with him.

It seemed like his upstairs area was just as giant as his bottom floor. There were 3 guest rooms, 2 bathrooms (1 which was connected to one of the guest rooms) and a room with a giant TV and a desktop computer next to it. I figured it was the office, because there were also a couple of desks along with books on it. I happened to notice that a couple of books actually looked like manga, though I couldn't make out what they were. I never knew Tony was into that, so I guess that was another thing we had in common.

Tony then mentioned to me "So you just passed my guest rooms, the bathrooms, the office, and here's my bedroom as well.

I couldn't help but blush at that moment, being able to see the bedroom of where the GRRRREAT tiger slept, and as he opened the door, I was floored. It made the other bedrooms look like nothing. This bedroom was almost like a suite in itself.

The room had a GIANT TV on top of an entertainment center, as well as a laptop computer next to it with a stereo system all around it. There was another full sized bathroom connected to his bedroom, and the bed itself looked like one made for a god, as it was easily twice the size of what I slept in in my apartment.

"WOW! This is an AMAZING house you have Tony!" I exclaimed to the Tiger as I was still looking all around the area, and I finally noticed an old Frosted Flakes poster from the 1990's on his wall as well.

"Thanks Mike, not too many people get to see my house, so I guess you're one of the lucky ones heh." With that he smiled, and again I blushed a bit.

As we left the room, I was a bit curious about the books I saw inside his office.

"Hey Tony, I think I saw that you have a few manga books, I never knew you liked that."

Tony almost looked puzzled, but then he quickly replied "Oh yeah.... I have a few but I don't read them often." He almost seemed as if he quickly wanted to ignore the subject while we headed back towards the stairway.

Since I had to use the bathroom, I used the stand alone one near the guest rooms as Tony went back downstairs. After I was done, I was still kinda curious to see what manga books he had inside of his office.

I carefully snuck into the room, and got close enough to see the titles of the Manga, though they were in Japanese. I didn't speak a lot of Japanese, so I quickly pulled out one of the books to see what the front cover looked like.

After I pulled one of the books out though, I was almost floored and my eyes started widening. It looked like a Bara manga, with 2 muscle tigers and a human on the front cover. Before I could look at the book any further though, I heard footsteps near the stairway, so I quickly put the book back into the shelf and ran out near the bathroom just in time to see Tony walking up the stairs again without him suspecting anything.

"I'm making dinner now mike, does Steak sound good to you?"

"Sure Tony!" I replied, pretending like I just came out of the bathroom instead of the office.

With that said, we both smiled at each other. As we both headed downstairs, I asked "Hey Tony, could I watch some TV?"

"Why are you asking Mike? Of course you can!" Tony insisted. I quickly went into the living room and sat down on the pretty large couch that was across from the entertainment center. As I turned the big 50+ inch HDTV on, I grabbed the satellite remote and began breezing through the channels one by one, though nothing was interesting me. Before I could finish channel surfing on his satellite to find something I liked, Tony said "Oh yeah, I forgot to show you my basement Mike. I gotta finish cooking though, you can go look around down there if you want to". I nodded back, turned off the TV, and got up to head over towards the basement door.

The basement area was a good 15 steps downstairs, and as I got down there, I literally started to stiffen up in my pants.

There was workout equipment EVERYWHERE. From the bench press, to the dumbbells, to the Pull up bar, to the Ab crunch machine, it was almost like a mini gym in his entire house. I then noticed that next to the equipment was a small stool that had a stack of A LOT of Muscular magazines showing how to stay in shape and gain muscle. There was also a door leading outside past the equipment as well as a washer & drier, plus a few other smaller things around the room.

"Oh man......what I would do to just see Tony without his clothes on..." I thought to myself, losing my train of thoughts right there. As I was daydreaming though, I failed to realize that Tony was heading down the stairs.

"Mike? Mike you there? MIKE?"

"Y-y-yeessss....?" I murmured as my thoughts diminished in my head.

"Dinner's ready, sorry if I yelled too loudly at you." Tony then mentioned as he came down the stairs to see me near his mini gym.

"T-that's ok, that was a pretty fierce roar you have there" I replied with a bit of a chuckle at the end, cause to be honest, when he called my name that third time, it sounded pretty sexy.

As I started heading up the stairs, my head started feeling weird. Suddenly, I had the strangest thought go through me, as if I had been in this situation before. I started feeling my head a bit as I sat down at the dining room with Tony at the opposite end of the table.

"You ok Mike?" Tony asked me.

"Y-yeah. It's weird....I'm getting that Déjà vu feeling again....heh I can't remember the last time I had it happen to me twice in a day."

Tony then mentioned "Yeah that is pretty weird. Hey, why don't you come over here and sit next to me mike?"

"O-ok" I let out with a bit of a slur again while my face started to turn red.

I got up and sat near his chair at the end of the dining room table.

"Here you go Mike, I hope you like it." Tony told me, putting a plate in front of me that had steak, potatoes and green beans on it. As soon as I took a bite into the food, I quickly thought to myself "This is great! Wow!"

Neither of us really talked to each other while we were eating, though I did mention how good the food was a couple of times to the big Tiger. As I continued to eat though, I just couldn't help but stare at Tony's arms and his figure in general. He had such a strong body, and I REALLY wanted to feel his arms, or heaven forbid, other "parts of his body".

Right as I was thinking that though, I was stiffening up in my own "other area" of my body. Luckily, the table was my friend in covering me up though, otherwise it would've felt VERY awkward.

As we both finished up eating, I exclaimed "WOW that was a great meal, you sure know a lot when it comes to food Tony!"

Thanks Mike, you're one of the most polite people I have ever met." Tony replied, smiling at me and taking our plates back over to the dishwasher in his kitchen and then coming back into the Dining room shortly after.

"I'm so glad I have you as a friend Tony....you've made me really happy here in New York. These last couple of weeks have been awesome hanging out with you."

"Awwww...thanks Mike. Come here." Tony then mentioned, opening his arms to me. I was a bit flattered and blushed quite heavily, but I walked over to the big guy and wrapped my arms around him in a hug again, as he did the same to me. It was the greatest feeling ever. His grip felt so strong, and it was something I didn't want to let go of. We finally broke our hug though, and then I mentioned "So what do you wanna do now?"

I didn't even realize that my bulge in my pants was sticking out more than ever right then and there, with nothing to protect myself.

"OH SHIT!" I thought, but Tony was cleaning up the table at that moment after the hug between us so I don't think he realized it. I guess I had dodged another bullet again, though I just hoped that maybe I could hug him once more hopefully.

"Wanna watch some TV or something Mike?" Tony asked me as I quickly covered my bulge up.

"Y-yeah that's fine." I mentioned, walking back to the living room and sitting on the rocking chair near the couch. Tony came in the room shortly after, and sat on the couch near the chair I was in.

As the Tiger turned on his satellite box and the big screen, he mentioned "Hey Mike, why don't you come sit next to me like you did in the dining room?"

Once again, his words threw me off guard, but I nodded and got up off the recliner and plopped onto the couch next to the muscular tiger.

"Anything you wanna watch?" Tony asked me.

"Wanna watch a movie again?" I replied.

"Sure! Lemme see what I've got available on my box here."

The two of us decided on watching the movie "The Day After Tomorrow", and spent a couple hours sitting on the couch enjoying the film. From time to time I noticed that Tony had his arm considerably close to wrapping around my shoulder, though when I seemed to look at it he moved it away from me. I kept getting the weirdest feeling of thinking that Tony perhaps....wanted to be with me, but I still thought that it was just too good to be true. And the weirdest part was that I somehow had a couple more Déjà vu moments right then and there, and I had absolutely no idea where it was coming from.

After finishing up the final scene in the movie, I noticed it was now 9:45 on the clock in the living room.

"That's still one of my favorite movies. *HHNNNNGGGHHH*" I said to Tony as I got up and yawned.

"Yeah, it's also one of my favorites too Mike."

"It's getting pretty late now though, what do you wanna do Tony?" I asked.

"Well I don't really feel like driving back through the city Mike. You're welcome to stay here overnight if you want to." As he mentioned that to me after getting up and stretching himself, I was almost at a loss for words once again.

"Did he... just say..... I could stay here for the night??" I thought. I didn't want to lose myself in the moment though like before.

"S-sure Tony, sounds good, I just hope my apartment stays in one piece hahahaha" I replied, with the both of us laughing after that. I didn't bring a change of clothes with me, but I was wearing typical clothing anyway, so I didn't really feel like I needed to change anyway.

After turning off the TV and the downstairs lights, the two of us headed upstairs together.

"Uhhhh....so which room can I stay in?" I asked curiously.

"Anyone you want Mike. Might as well get some use out of them heh."

"Alrighty, I'll sleep in this room then." I told Tony, picking the room that was right across from his bedroom, which was the guest room that had the bathroom built into it.

"Sounds good Mike. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come into my room or get something to eat or drink downstairs, ok?" Tony asked, assuring me that I could get what I wanted if I needed it.

"Thanks again Tony. I really do appreciate it." I told the big guy, quickly giving him one more hug, with the Tiger returning the favor.

The two of us went into our respected rooms, and I was already starting to feel pretty tired. I took off my sweatshirt and my jeans, and only left on my t-shirt and boxers. I quickly got onto the decent sized bed, and almost immediately fell asleep. Just knowing that Tony was in the room right next to me made my member become alive right before my mind shut off for the night.



Tony quietly opened the door to Mike's room after taking a shower and getting dressed into his night clothes, noticing that the human was sound asleep already.

"He's sooooooo cute.....awww......" Tony thought to himself, grinning a bit and even blushing a tad as he closed the door, heading back into his own room. With only his boxers on, the Tiger then noticed that his own member was erect at that point, just thinking about how adorable Mike looked on the bed. Tony quickly got onto his own giant bed, covered himself under the blankets, and started stroking his own member very gently as he went to sleep himself.



*O_O* *PANT....PANT....PANT*

"HOLY...shit..." *pant...pant....*


It took me a few moments to realize that I just had a terrible nightmare, where I was standing in front of some white Tiger who had a gun pointed to my mouth. And right as he was about to pull the trigger, my eyes opened. I then recognized that I was luckily back in the guest bedroom of Tony's house, but my body was shaking like crazy and I was still trying to catch my breath. It honestly felt like a dream where I felt like I somehow knew the Tiger that had a gun pointed at me, but I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

I tried falling back asleep, but the images that were in my mind just wouldn't go away. I happened to notice that it was only 2:45 in the morning on the alarm clock, and the last thing I wanted to do was spend the next several hours trying to get my mind off of it.

I got off the bed and went over to the bedroom door, opening up the door to the hallway and noticing the very faint light on the ceiling barely on. I quickly used the stand-alone bathroom, washing up my face and also just simply walking back and forth in the hallway to clear my mind. As I just kept thinking of a way to diminish my horrific thoughts, I remembered what Tony mentioned earlier. Suddenly, my mind quickly developed a thought that made my heart jump a bit.

"S-should I....sleep with Tony?" I asked myself, figuring that that would be the only possible way I could calm myself down and not think about what just happened. I began walking over to his bedroom door and twisted the knob very softly, opening the door as quietly as possible to walk inside. Immediately as I was in there, my pulse started getting faster, though it was pretty dark in the room. I was only barely able to notice the GIANT bed because of the faint light from the hallway. I then noticed that Tony was lying flat on the right side of his bed without a shirt on, and that there was plenty of room on the rest of the bed in general.

"I-I hope Tony doesn't mind...." I softly whispered to myself, getting onto the other side of the bed as gently as possible, and covering myself under the blankets near Tony.

It was then that I realized that my mind was easing off from the horrific dream I had. Knowing that Tony was right next to me made my body feel unbelievably warm, and also made my mind quickly rest again as the big Tiger was next to me.


"uuunnnffff....hmmm?" Tony quickly thought to himself, feeling like something was next to him on his bed after barely opening his eyes. As he quickly looked over, he noticed that Mike's body was next to him, facing the big Tiger on his side.

"Awwww...." Tony thought to himself, stroking Mike's hair little by little. As the human flinched a little bit, Tony put his arm around Mike, carefully bringing himself closer to the human as the clock now said it was 5:30 A.M.

The Tiger quickly fell asleep again, having his face turned towards Mike's, with his arm still wrapped around his body.


I slowly woke up to see the sun emitting from the windows, but before I could think of anything else, My chest started rapidly beating as I felt Tony's arm wrapped around my body, with his face right near mine. Part of me wanted to get up, but at the same time, I also felt like this was such a perfect moment, and how I almost just wish I could stay like this for the rest of the day. Before I could think about anything else though, I noticed Tony's eyes opening a bit while I was lying down next to him.

Our eyes locked onto each other, but I couldn't muster out anything as I looked at Tony, as he did the same back to me. He eventually asked me though "Sleep well Mike?" with a bit of a grin.

My heart was literally beating as if I had just ran for 10 miles non-stop. "Y-y-yyeeeaahhh.....but I-I had......a really bad nightmare, I'm sorry if I bothered you Tony......" I replied softly, putting my head down.

"There's no need to be sorry Mike. I think it's pretty clear....how we both feel about each other."


I couldn't speak. Did Tony...really just say those words to me? I lifted my head back up, looking at his yellow eyes and with my heart feeling like it was going to melt right out of my body.

"You're so cute Mike.....and I'm just gonna say it....I really like you" Tony mentioned, then taking his other hand and stroking my face gently. My mind just wanted my mouth to emit the words, and after feeling the presence of Tony right in front of me, I finally mustered the courage to say the words I always wanted to.

"I.....I.......I love you Tony."

"I love you too Mike."

The words finally came out of our mouths, and with that said, we both drew our heads closer to each other, before finally engaging in a very sweet & passionate kiss. I felt like my dreams had become reality, and I didn't want to let go of that feeling at all.

Our tongues locked into each other's mouths, with the big tiger guiding me the whole way through. I closed my eyes while we kept kissing, and as we were doing so, my member instantly became hard right then and there.

"Do you want to keep going Mike?" Tony then casually asked as he felt and noticed my member bulging from my boxers after we broke our kiss.

"Y-yes hun.....I don't want this to end."

"Me neither Mike. Let's make this a day neither one of us will forget." and with that said, he got out of his bed, showing his sexy muscular tone along with his unbelievably hot abs, and slowly started to pull his Tiger boxers down in front of me, which was the only thing he was wearing. My cock was throbbing inside my boxers, and I let out a bit of a yip when Tony finally exposed his HUGE 9 inch Tiger cock to me, which was also fully erect. My heart was beating faster than ever, and I was thinking that Tony was the sexiest Tiger I had ever seen in my life.

"You like this, mike?" Tony asked, giving a little grin as well.

"I love it Tony, you are so hot..." I replied, still barely being able to speak while my member wanted Tony more than ever at that moment.

"Want me to help you out as well?" He then asked in a sexy low voice.

"Sure thing my love." I replied.

With that said, he got back onto the bed, hovered over me, pulled the covers off of me and started to take my shirt off. I wasn't very muscular and certainly nowhere near as built as Tony, but it didn't seem to matter to him. After he took my shirt off, I put my hand on his chest and then his six pack abs, stroking them as they looked so hot right in front of me. Tony started purring as I was doing this, and it sounded very sexy.

After he took my shirt off, we slowly kissed each other on the lips again, this time with him on top of me. As we were kissing, he proceeded to grab my boxers and pull them off slowly. The feeling in the air was so hot that it could light a fire, and I was starting to sweat because of it. He finally pulled my boxers off completely to reveal my fully erect 7 inch cock.

"Lemme take care of you in a grrrrreat way Mike" Tony then softly whispered to me, still hovered over me. I flinched a bit as he proceeded to lick my nipples and my chest, and slowly went down near my cock.

I started moaning a bit, as the pleasure was nearly unbearable. After a couple of moans, Tony finally started to suck my cock off. I was almost feeling like I would cum already, though lots of pre started coming out beforehand.

Before he could suck me off any further though, he quickly got up off the bed and mentioned "Let me get something here for you hun." I swear to god that he was the sexiest living thing I had ever seen in my life with him fully naked, especially with his ass exposed right near me.

He reached into his drawer and pulled out a red bottle that had no label on it along with a cap on it, and quickly asked "Are you ready for the REAL fun mike?"

"Yes...I love you Tony. Please give it to me...." I replied. Tony nodded and quickly climbed right back on top of me, locking his lips with mine again. After we were kissing, he quickly took off the cap on the red bottle, which I assumed was lube, and put it on his fingers.

We were still kissing while he proceeded to lift up my legs, take two of his fingers, and stick them slowly into my ass. I kinda jumped when he did that, and Tony then asked "I'm guessing you've never done this before mike?"

"No.... I haven't, but please be my first Tony." I replied, not even thinking about anything else right then and there.

With that he nodded and proceeded to massage my hole by sticking 2 fingers in and out of it, and kept kissing me while he was doing so.

He eventually took his fingers out, and said "I think I loosened you up enough, but let me know if this hurts Mike."

I quickly nodded, mentioning "Ok tony.... I'm ready."

And with that said, Tony took his giant cock and gently started pushing it in me while I lifted up my legs. I let out another small moan as he slowly inserted his penis inside me, but it actually felt more pleasurable compared to painful. It also felt like I had done this with him before as well.

As he slowly finished inserting his cock completely into my ass, I couldn't help but start panting heavily, and I then grabbed his arms while his were pressing softly on my shoulders.

Eventually, the muscular Tiger started to move his cock slowly back and forth into my ass, with me panting more and more as it was happening. He then took his arms off my shoulders and wrapped them around my head, locking onto my lips again as he still was pushing his member back and forth inside me. It was the most amazing pleasure I ever felt at that one moment. Just when I thought it couldn't feel any better though, Tony then took one arm off of me and then started to also stroke my penis little by little as he was still kissing me and penetrating my ass.

"I'm...so close...." I mumbled while we were kissing as he kept stroking me off, and less than 5 seconds after that, I moaned out "Oh fuckkk!!!" and proceeded to shoot my hot load of seed everywhere, at least 10 times all over myself and Tony's chest.

After I let out my seed, Tony proceeded to fuck me even harder, as well as move inside me much faster. I could feel nothing but pleasure at this point, and Tony quickly pinned my shoulders again with his arms. After pushing in and out as hard as he could, Tony roared out like the tiger he was "FUUUUUUUUUCCKKK!!!" and thrusted in me one final time before filling my ass with HUGE shots of hot tiger seed.

My ass filled up with so much cum that it felt like it could fill a swimming pool. After Tony climaxed, he fell on top of me as we locked lips yet again, and he slowly pulled out of me so my ass could drain itself from his unbelievably hot seed. "That...was the most amazing...feeling..ever" I mentioned to Tony, as we both felt pretty tired even after just waking up not too long ago. "That really was amazing mike... I'm so glad I met you" and with that we hugged each other, and kissed once again after that.

"Hey Mike....I wanted to ask you something." Tony then mentioned as we broke our kiss, lying face to face next to one another in the giant bed.

"Y-yes Tony?" I replied.

"Do you want to live here with me?"

His words threw me off guard yet again, but it also reminded me of how he seemed to hint that I would find a better place to be eventually. I didn't want to let go of the most amazing thing that ever happened to me, and I happily replied:

"Tony.....I love you and want to stay here with you. I'm so happy to be with you."

With that said, we both smiled at each other, gave each other another kiss, and fell asleep in each other's arms for the rest of the day.

The clock struck 11:30 A.M., and both Tony and myself were in each other's arms. I was the first to open my eyes, though I was still savoring the moment.

I ultimately didn't want to get up right then and there, but then Tony started to wake up as well.

"Good mornin' hun" I mentioned to Tony.

The Tiger quickly took his hand and started stroking my hair softly while still lying next to me.

"Morning Mike" Tony softly whispered back to me, with the two of us kissing once again afterward. After the most amazing night of my life on Tony's bed, we both finally got up and stretched.

"Wow, look at the mess we made last night" I pointed out with a chuckle, because there was still seed everywhere on the bed. "Yeah, I guess we better clean this up" Tony replied back to me with a chuckle of his own, and we both took the covers off the bed to get them washed.

Tony took all of the covers himself and walked outside of the room. I assumed he was going to the basement since the washer & dryer were down there. He was still naked as he was left the room, with his ass in perfect view as he turned right out of his doorway.

"Such a hot sight" I thought to myself. After he left the room, I was still naked myself and had to put some clothes of my own on. Since I still had no change of clothes, I had to wear what I had on yesterday, but I figured I should at least take a shower first. I didn't want to use Tony's shower without his permission though, because after all, it was HIS house, and regardless of us being together, there were still several things I didn't know about the big Tiger's home.

I took my boxers from the bed, which was still covered in seed, and put them back on, blushing again as I felt the wet shorts rubbing against my body. "That was such a hot night last night" I was thinking to myself, as my member started becoming hard again right then and there just thinking about how hot Tony was.

"Did I forget any sheets?" Tony then mentioned, catching me off guard as he walked back into the room, still fully naked in front of me. I blushed heavily once again and replied "N-nooo I-I don't think there are any that we forgot, do you know if I could use your shower though? I...still don't have a change of clothes" and with that, I put my head down a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Tony smiled though and said "Sure Mike, why don't I join you in there? hehe" and again, my heart skipped a beat.

"...A-al..righty...T-ton.yyy" I don't know why I was slurring again, I guess it was just a bad habit since I was not used to being in very hot situations like this one. With that being said, I took off my boxers, and walked with Tony into his bathroom =that was connected to his room, and we both got in the shower and turned the hot water on.

"...This..feels so nice..." I mentioned softly, with the water feeling at least twice as hot as the shower I had in my apartment, especially with a sexy tiger right in front of me.

"Yes it does, want to help me out Mike?" Tony whispered, letting out a naughty grin as he handed me the soap. With that, my heart was beating much faster, and my cock was pretty much fully erect once again. I took the soap and first put it on Tony's broad chest, stroking his muscles little by little. His pecs felt so solid that it was making me melt inside as I was feeling up on them.

Before I knew it, his cock was nearly fully erect with mine, and our cocks were eventually touching each other. I put my left hand on Tony's chest while I took the soap with my right hand and proceeded to lather up his rock hard abs. I was just as red as a tomato at that point, and I looked up at Tony with him still grinning at me slightly, putting my head towards his as he did so towards me and we kissed once again in each other's arms, with the hot water running and our cocks still touching each other.

"...Do you.... want me to help you..... down there?" I then curiously asked.

Sure enough, Tony smiled again and mentioned "Whatever you wanna do hun."

With that said, I lathered up my hand with soap and then put the soap down, just to stroke Tony's member clean and almost as a sort of lubricant.

"I have something better than that Mike." The big Tiger mentioned, handing me a bottle of hair conditioner, which was much better to use compared to soap. I poured some on my hand and began to stroke Tony's member back and forth.

As I kept stroking the GIANT member of the Tiger, I heard the big guy start to purr and also close his eyes tight, as he seemed to be REALLY enjoying the moment.

I then let the water run over his member to clean it off, and then kneeled down in the shower with Tony's MASSIVE Tiger cock right in front of me.

"Can...I... suck you off Tony?" I asked.

Tony opened his eyes again and let out a heavy breath, as if he didn't want it to stop.

"Yes Mike, have as much as you want hun" he replied with a wide grin. My heart skipped a beat again, and with that I started to suck off his giant Tiger Cock. I bobbed my head back and forth, enjoying the taste of his member inside my mouth, though I kinda regretted putting conditioner and soap on there before, as it still had that sort of taste to it. To me it didn't matter though, it was still such a pleasurable moment.

Tony started to purr louder with his eyes closed again, and his strong arms were pushing harder and harder against the shower door and wall as I kept sucking him off.

"Just...a little more....oh....Mike.....FUUUCCKKKKKKK!!!!" Tony roared out very fiercely, cumming inside my mouth so much that I actually had to take my mouth off of his cock since my mouth couldn't hold his immense load of Tiger seed.

After taking my mouth off though, his member kept shooting all over my face. He must have shot at least 14-15 times, even right after a night of hot sex between the two of us. My face was covered with tiger seed, though the hot water was washing it off of my face slowly. I swallowed the rest, which tasted so good to the point that I really wanted more. Unfortunately, Tony looked as if he was done for the moment, as he let out another heavy breath and stopped pressing the walls. I think he actually almost cracked one of the shower tiles on his wall with the force he applied while I was sucking him off.

"That...felt so good Mike" Tony mentioned, grabbing me and picking me up off the shower floor as if I was as light as a feather. His arms were so strong and dominant, and I never wanted the feeling to end.

"Anything for you hun" I replied, and we locked our lips again. Tony then broke the kiss and said "Should I help clean you up now?

I just looked up at him, blushed, and nodded as I closed my eyes. Tony took his massive hand and lathered it up with soap, washing my chest and stomach area, which obviously were not well built, but it didn't matter to the big guy. My cock was still fully erect, though Tony's had calmed down after letting out all that tiger seed.

After Tony washed my stomach area, he went down further and started stroking my member with soap. I whimpered a little bit, and before I knew it, he got on his knees himself and started to suck me off as well. I started moaning more and more as the Tiger kept tasting my member, and I also put both my arms against the shower door/wall like he did before.

Around 20 seconds later, I mentioned "T-Tony.....I.....I'm...cumming...OHHHHHH" and I shot my load of seed into Tony's mouth. It clearly was nowhere near as much seed as he shot out into me, but as I opened my eyes after finishing unloading, I noticed the sexy Tiger licking his lips as if he really enjoyed the taste of my cum in his mouth.

Suddenly though, my body felt pretty fatigued out of nowhere. "Wow....I'm... tired...now....Tony" I mentioned, feeling like I was going to collapse at any moment from all the seed I had shot out in the shower, and especially because of all the steam that was enveloping the shower itself.

I nearly fell into Tony after I had said that, though Tony grabbed me with his strong arms, and replied "I've got you hun, don't worry." and kissed me again, then hugging me right after. We finished getting ourselves cleaned up, and finally turned off the hot water after getting cleaned up in a very steamy way.

As we got out of that shower, Tony was still holding me, cause I still felt like I was going to fall down at any moment. As most of the steam quickly exited the shower though, I finally was able to stand on my own strength again. I guess I wasn't used to showers being that hot, literally.

We both finally left the bathroom, and proceeded to grab our clothes in Tony's room, and I also grabbed my other clothes in the guest room. I wasn't really thinking about what I would do for the day, since I already had everything all set to go for my article, but I still had to send it in to the company, which I planned on doing Thursday.

I grabbed my clothes and started putting them on while I was watching Tony grab some clothes out of his drawer, still naked. I actually started stiffening up again, but I figured we had enough fun together already. We both put on our clothes, with me putting on the same stuff I had worn yesterday, and with Tony nearly wearing the same stuff he wore the day before with a light blue shirt & jeans, and his Detroit Tigers cap.

"Wow, you really like the Tigers, don't ya?" I asked.

"Yep, they're actually playing here in New York City this weekend for the home opener, I hope they give the Yankees a GREEAAATTTTTT beatdown!" Tony replied, and we both laughed and agreed. I was pretty neutral on the Detroit Tigers since I was a Red Sox fan, but if my Tiger had them as his favorite team, then I put them as my 2nd favorite.

"Say Mike, I have 3 extra tickets to the game this weekend and was planning on inviting Ord and James to the game, do you wanna join us as well?" Tony then asked me.

"Of course I'd love to join you guys! I've only been to 1 MLB game in my whole life and I definitely have wanted to see what Yankee Stadium is like." I happily replied.

"Sounds like a plan then hun!" Tony mentioned, and we both gave each other one more kiss on the lips before heading downstairs to head out and back into the city to grab a few things.

As we both walked outside, the two of us walked near Tony's Impala, with one of the nearby neighbor's shouting "Afternoon Tony!"

Tony looked over to see a large black male Dragon working on his car next door to his house, and Tony replied "Hey Franco! Working on that Ferrari I'm assuming?"

"Yep! Just putting on the finishing touches!" The Dragon replied.

"Looks good! I hope I can test drive it haha!" Tony laughed back, and then got into the car with me. As we proceeded to drive away from his house, I softly mentioned "Hey Tony....since we're going to live together, I guess I should grab all my stuff out of my apartment? hehe"

"Sure thing hun, I was planning on heading there right now anyway heh" Tony replied smiling.

With that said, we were off & heading back to my apartment. "Luckily I have only been in that apartment for a couple of weeks and I didn't unpack everything I brought with me." I said with a laugh, and Tony laughed as well. We turned on the radio to see if there was any news going on in the city, but the local news station was only talking about how they thought the Yankees would do this year in terms of trying to make another playoff run. We both looked at each other, and with that, we both nearly hit the radio station changer at the same time.

I put the radio on seek to 95.3, which said on the display "RICK FM...PLAYING THE HOTTEST TUNES FROM THE 60's THROUGH THE 90's" and before I could say read anymore, Survivor came on with the song "Eye of the Tiger".

I looked at Tony, and he immediately took his hand and turned the volume WAY up, as if this was his favorite song. I liked the song a lot too, but he seemed to know pretty much EVERY WORD to it. We both sang along to it as we were driving on the freeway getting closer to the main city. This was by far my new favorite radio station, as my favorite 80's songs came on RIGHT AFTER that, with "Everybody Wants to rule the World" by Tears for Fears playing, and then "Ride like the Wind" by Christopher Cross playing right after that.

Tony seemed to like the songs that were my own favorites from the 80's, but this time, I knew all the words to both songs that played. "I can't stand the newer music today, it's all about the money and not the talent" I mentioned, as Tom Sawyer by RUSH came on right after I said that. "Yeah, I agree, I'm just glad we still have this GREEAATTT music" Tony replied, and we both laughed.

After dealing with some traffic and a couple more songs playing, we finally made it back to my apartment. After parking the car, we both got out of the Impala and headed up to my room.

As we got up to my room though, I noticed that there were a few cracks in the walls near my front door, almost as if someone had vandalized the area around it. I knew that those cracks weren't there from the day before, and I started to worry a bit.

Right as I opened up my room with my key, my jaw dropped. "Oh my god!!!!"

My apartment had apparently been ransacked. Luckily I did not leave too much behind in the apartment, since I had my smartphone and Ipod with me, as well as my wallet with all my credit cards and my ID. My TV was still there surprisingly, but my food was gone, a bunch of my clothes were all scattered over the rooms, and even a couple pieces of furniture were missing too.

As I was looking around though....I noticed one particular item that was also missing, which ultimately made me feel like I was about to have a nervous breakdown. "Wait.....WHERE'S MY LAPTOP?!?! Oh my god!!! FUCK!! Who the fuck did this?!?!" I shouted with a huge roar, pacing back and forth inside the room.

However, when I happened to look behind me, I noticed that Tony looked as if he would kill the person that stole my belongings. I had never seen him so mad in my whole life, but then again, that was the first time I could remember seeing him mad in general.

The two of us both looked around the area to see that my bed had been torn apart, and all my drawers were tampered with as well inside my room.

"I have no laptop now, how the fuck am I going to work?!" I mentioned, nearly having a panic attack at that moment.

Tony quickly came over to me though and replied "Don't worry Mike, I have a computer you can use at my house" with a very sincere look on his face. After he said those words, he put his arm on my shoulder to comfort me.

Before I could say anything back, I started to form a couple of tears in my eyes. "...t-thank you so much Tony, I am so happy you're with me right now...." *SNIFF* And with that said, the two of us simply hugged each other for a good couple of minutes.

After we broke our hug, I was still crying a bit, since all of my personal information was stored on my laptop as well as my work documents. "I just...hope we can find..the people that did this..." I said softly.

"Don't worry Mike. They WILL pay." Tony assured me as we sat next to each other on the couch, with my hands still on my face since I still couldn't believe what had happened.

"I-I guess I should gather my things regardless...." I then said to Tony. The big Tiger simply hugged me once again, and the two of us started to clean up my apartment and gather what was left of it to pack up everything. My suitcases were still intact luckily in the closet of my room, but I had to spend a lot of time folding up all my clothes and to just find everything in general, as it was a complete mess in the apartment. The whole time I was packing my things though, I was only thinking about my laptop and if there was anything I could possibly do.

Just then, a thought quickly popped into my mind as Tony and I kept putting my things away. I quickly grabbed my G2 phone out of my pocket and looked up my laptop model. I knew mine was a Dell Nuvi 3350, and I quickly looked up the specs on it.

"Hey! I think I might know how to find my laptop!" I mentioned after looking at the Dell website on my phone. Tony quickly came over to me and replied "How Mike?"

"My laptop has a built in GPS locator, do you think there might be some way I could track it down?" I asked Tony, wondering what he thought.

"Maybe you could see if LoJack or Dell could help you out?" The big Tiger replied. RIGHT after he said that to me, I looked at him and exclaimed "YES." and then immediately called Dell from my phone.

After spending 30 minutes of waiting on the line and pacing back and forth in my apartment, I was finally able to get a hold of someone who actually spoke perfect English unlike the other times where I dealt with Indian people that I could barely understand. After explaining my situation and everything that had happened, I finally heard some convincing words through my phone.

"Ok mike, you're in luck, because we have a GPS tracker that tells us exactly where the laptop has been. We just need to find your model number now." The representative said on the phone to me.

It was a good thing I had a smartphone, as I was able to quickly pop my email up and search for my warranty invoice with Dell. After finding the email, I quickly told the representative my computer's model number over the phone.

"#13434427 is what it says on my phone here for the model number." I said, still acting frantic over the whole situation.

"Ok, just give me a minute here Mike, I'll see if I can track it down." The representative told me on the phone. After waiting about a minute, he finally continued to speak.

"Ok mike, as of 10:45 it was still located at your apartment yesterday, by 12:30 A.M. it was at 73 Primrose Street, by 7:30 A.M. it was at 95 Bartley Street, and as of 1:45 P.M. right now, it is currently at 450 Chimrey Avenue."

I quickly switched to the internet on my phone and looked up where that was, and low and behold, it was a pawn shop about roughly 4 miles away from the apartment complex. I quickly switched back to the phone and replied "Thank you so much Brett, hopefully I'll get my laptop in one piece still, I just hope the hard drive is still intact that has everything on it."

"Quick question Mike, did you take off any of the Dell smart ware on the computer?" the representative then asked me.

I thought for a minute and replied "No....I don't think I did."

"Good, I'll set it up right now so that the computer can send data through the GPS system, backing up all your files and also locking the computer from further use. If you get the computer back, call me at this reference number: 4534. If you cannot retrieve the laptop, then here is the code you will need to access your files on the Dell backup system: 78545."

With that being said, I quickly wrote down the numbers the representative gave me, and exclaimed "Thank you SOOO much. I REALLY appreciate it."

"Thank you mike for choosing Dell. Hope everything turns out ok. Have a nice day!"

With that said, I ended the call on my phone. Tony and I looked at each other, and then Tony fiercely said "Let's get your stuff back!" with a look of rage in his eyes, so fierce that he was ready to start pounding heads into the ground.

After packing my belongings, I dropped off my apartment key to the landlord's office, as well as a note attached to it with info as to why I was leaving. I had already paid for the month's rent even though I had only spent less than half of that time there, but I really didn't care. I was more worried about getting my laptop back along with finding out who stole my stuff.

As the two of us walked outside, I was in such a rush that I wasn't even paying attention as I walked around the corner of the building to the parking lot.


"Oh I'm sorry!" I mentioned, though when I noticed the Gator that I bumped into, I realized it may have been the same one I bumped into beforehand. Tony quickly came near me, and as we stood next to each other, the Gator simply said to us:

"The universe aligns."

With that, the Gator walked past us with a smile on his face. Tony and I simply looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and proceeded towards the car to head out and go look for my laptop.


And with that, this officially ends the bonus chapter, as everything officially comes together near the beginning of chapter 3 of the main story of the first arc. Thank you all for reading these bonus chapters and I hope you continue to read my story series, as the next arc will be coming soon! ^_^ -Wolf