Antone's Dilemma II.txt

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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The following story was written by me, created by me, and posted by me. All characters bovine, feline, and canine belong to me. Any failure to not ask me for permission will result in blow torch evaporation!

Antones Dilemma II



Antone by the skin of his teeth barely made it to Chicago Union Station as he got out of the cab paying the cabby. He sprinted into the station purchasing his ticket. He ran out to the passenger train tarmac getting on the three pm train for Brighton Park just in time as the doors closed and the train made its way out of the station.

As he was feeling the rhythm of the train clattering along the tracks, his thoughts were consumed by Jerry, the tiger he had met in the park in Downtown Chicago.

The more he thought of the tiger the more bullets of sweat came off the bull's brow. The words most etched in Antone's mind were those of Jerry keeping his word. The bull quite frankly didnt trust the tiger to his word since he knew Jerry was well etched into Chicagos gay scene. It would only take one slip of his lips to create a huge haboob of gossip which would end up consuming itself all over the city and its suburbs landing itself in his and Boes lap.

He was already worried if Boe found out about his romp with Jerry, how would the husky react to it and how would Boe react to him?

The closer the train got to Brighton Park the faster Antones heart pounded and the more knots tied up in his stomach as he slouched down in his seat hoping the train would get delayed.


Boe cruised along the parkway letting the sound of his Jimmys engine consume his thoughts as he made his way down to Brighton Park to pick up Antone so they could go do some chores at his parents house.

Boe had never been so relieved to leave his Uncle's place after the old husky spent most of the time ranting about how fags didn't fit into this world with men like him who worked every ounce of their life to get what they got.

The more Boe thought about his Uncle the more the husky scowled gripping the steering wheel as his anger slowly started to boil deep within his soul.

"I can't fucking believe that prick, sitting there slurring the shit out of what me and Antone are" Boe thought in his mind bearing his teeth growling. "Then he has the absolute balls to make fun of me and Antone right in front of my parents who did nothing to stop it" Boe growled as his paws buried themselves into the steering wheel threatening to split it in half.

Boe in all of his anger suddenly took a minute to think about what Antone had said and it caused the husky to instantly calm down as he lessened his grip on the steering wheel.

The more he thought about what Antone said about his Uncle being gayer then him the more it made him chuckle at the complete brilliance of it.

Still the husky regretted having to go to this family get together with his parents. He would have rather gone into the city with Antone instead of sitting there listening to a bigot like his Uncle who was lucky the husky didnt give him what he deserved in the chin.

One of these days old bigoted pricks like him will be eight feet below the ground with the maggots who could give a rats ass less about them Boe thought to himself smiling coyly. To the maggots all my Uncle will be is their lunch Boe thought quickly nixing the idea when the thought of his best friend Antone entered his mind.

At least I have you Antone to look forward to because I know youll care Boe said aloud happily humming. Forget about what my Uncle thinks because when Im married to you my Uncle will have so much crow shit on his lap even the crows who dumped it will be laughing Boe hummed laughing lightly as the thought of one day marrying his friend made his smile bigger.

Soon the Brighton Park city limits came into view. In a few minutes Boe would be at the station on the edge of town picking his friend up.

Once he reached town Boe slowed his Jimmy down to city speed limits opening up the center storage compartment digging out his cell phone. He flipped it open dialing Antones number waiting for the bull to answer as he came to a stop at an intersection stop light in the center of town. ...

Antone snapped out of his daze when he felt the vibration of his cell phone. He dug it out of his cargo pants pocket flipping it open to see who it was. He felt his heart jump into his throat when he saw Boes number flash up on the screen.

The bull broke into a cold sweat as he shakily hit the talk button on his cell phone:

"Hello" Antone answered in a nervous tone.

"Hey Antone it's Boe, just wanted to let you know I'm in Brighton Park and am about five minutes away from the train station. Where are you?" Boe asked waiting for a response.

"I'm still on the train and a good ten minutes out from Brighton Park. As soon as I get in I will look for your Jimmy when I come out of the station" Antone said in a shaky voice.

Boe sensed something was up because he had never heard Antone give a shaky voice unless something was wrong or..

"No it couldn't be that" Boe silently dismissed in his mind hoping Antone had not messed around with anyone besides him.

"Is everything ok Antone?" Boe asked in a concerned tone. "Did everything go ok in the city?" Boe asked as he felt his heart jump up in his throat fearing the worst.

Antone who was about ready to shrink and crawl under the seat in front of him said:

"No, I just missed you is all and I'll be glad to get these chores done so we can do what we want to do later this evening"

Boe silently sighed in relief thankful the bull was just anxious to see him.

Great Antone, Ill see you when you get in baby! Boe cheerfully said waiting for Antones response.

"Yep, see you then Boe darling" Antone said masking the fact he was the most scared he had ever been in his life.

*smootch* "Love ya, Antone, Bye! Boe purred kissing the speaker portion of the phone before he closed it putting it in a attached cup holder below the radio.

Antone closed his cell phone when he heard silence on the other end. He felt his heart lodge itself in his throat as he thought about those possessive green eyes and a way to mask it from Boe.

When he couldnt think of anything he threw his hands up in the air in defeat realizing he had to hope Boe would not suspect his sexual intercourse with Jerry.

Please break a wheel, please get delayed, please anything! Boe said to himself hoping something would happen in the next ten minutes to delay his arrival.


Several minutes later Boe pulled into Brighton Park train station getting into a parking spot where Antone could easily see him when he came out of the station. He got out of his Jimmy resting his back against the front grill awaiting Antone's arrival. When he heard an air horn in the distance a few minutes later he felt the front of his pants bulge out as his cock stirred in excitement anticipating Antones arrival.

Antone didnt want to see Brighton Park come into view, but it did making the bull droop his head in defeat realizing the train was going to pull into the station on time much to his chagrin. He felt the train grind to a halt by the station platform and sighed knowing he had to face the dilemma he had made for himself.

Antone got up from his seat making his way off the train hoping Boe did not see him. When he saw the red Jimmy and a husky waving at him he knew he was sunk because Boe always liked to inhale his scent when he hugged him.

Boe, seeing Antone, bounded over to the bull. Antone could only swallow hard and whimper silently as he was embraced by Boe.

Boe took in the scent of his friend like he always did but then he suddenly stopped when he smelled a new scent on his friends chest. It wasn't his scent, nor was it a cologne scent, it smelled feline, it smelled like...A tiger.

Boe quickly looked up at Antone who was looking away from him with an ashamed look in his eyes knowing he was caught red handed.

Boe shook his head in shame releasing the hug silently standing there waiting for the bull's eyes to come in contact with his.

Antone knew he wasnt going to be able to down play what happened in the city with Jerry. He knew Boe knew what was up and he silently cursed at himself for not asking the tiger for some cologne after he was done blow jobbing him.

With a deer in the headlights look in his eyes and a hole being stared into his soul by Boe, Antone reluctantly regained eye contact with the husky whose dark blue eyes told the bull he was not very happy with him at the moment.

"I guess you can't help yourself with tigers huh Antone" Boe said with clear frustration in his voice. "Your biggest flaw is you haven't let Henry go at all if you are getting it on with street whores who are his same species" Boe said with anger rising inside of him.

"I'm sorry Boe, I saw him in the park and I couldn't help myself. He had me in his control, I couldn't help it" Antone countered only making Boes anger boil deep within him as he pushed off the bull who took a step back in fear.

"Wrong Antone, you had a choice and your choice was between you legs, not in the middle of your chest" Boe said angrily poking the middle of the bull's chest making him flinch.

So I guess you are going to throw me out into the street because you now know what my weakness is Antone said shakily not making eye contact with Boe who could sense his friends unwillingness to accept accountability for what he did with the tiger.

"No, I'm not going to throw you out but I do think you need to walk instead of ride with me right now" Boe growled bearing his teeth. "I think you need to clear your head and look at yourself in the soul the next time you think about picking up a street whore" Boe shouted storming to his Jimmy slamming the door revving up the engine lurching forward nearly running the bull over as he peeled out making circles around the bull who was in fear for his life.

"Come on Boe, stop this, can't we come to some sort of understanding" Antone pleaded as groups of people stood on the train station platform and near the parking lot taking in the site before them as some of them snapped pictures with their cell phones sending them to the internet as soon as they shot them.

Boe slammed on the brakes making the Jimmy come to a screeching halt to where the driver's side window was face to face with Antone:

"Listen to me Antone, the one who has to come to an understanding is you, I trusted you were over Henry but it is obvious to me you think with your dick before you think with your brains" Boe growled pointing his finger in anger at Antone who had now lost his temper.

"Now you're going too far Boe and you are getting way too irrational" Antone shouted getting in a defensive stance.

"No Antone, the only one who was irrational was you for getting busy with another Henry. I'm not a fool to see where your priorities are and now I believe in my heart Henry was right about you after all" Boe shouted with tears coming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Boe, I really am, I just couldn't help it" Antone said in a soft tone trying to worm his way out of it only to be met by Boes tear soaked angry glare.

"You did more then hurt me Antone, you made me regret I even gave myself to you intimately which obviously you dont get with your bad choices in partners!" Boe screamed as he revved up the Jimmys engine making the little SUV growl as loud as he yelled.

"Now just a second, you know I gave myself to you because I knew we were not going any further then just a couple of friends with an open relationship both of us knew would have to be that way until I was divorced" Antone countered throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Ha, divorce, funny you should mention divorce because right now when I leave this parking lot you may be divorced a close friend who believed in you and had assumed you had moved on from Henry" Boe said crassly. I guess the reality is I was wrong and I was gullible to believe I could take this relationship beyond just friends, my mistake! Boe yelled throwing his paws up in frustration making the Jimmy shake as he did.

Antone felt tears start to well up in his eyes as his anger reached the boiling point:

"Fine, do what you want to do Boe but I know you won't do it because youre not man enough to go it alone without me"

"Dont think I can huh? Just watch me you prick!" Boe yelled gunning the engine screeching out of the parking lot causing cars on the parkway to slam on their brakes as he peeled out of the parking lot making dark spots on the road as he sped off.

Antone in a full rage with steaming nostrils took his anger out on a nearby tree uprooting it as he gored it. The tree became lodged in the bulls horns forcing him to jerk his head slamming the tree to the ground as it released itself from his horns. He stormed off in the opposite direction of where Boe went taking his bulls rage out on any tree that got in his way.

Boe didn't even bother going to his parents house, in fact, he made a beeline for his and Antones house screeching to a halt by the side door. He rushed inside slamming it behind him storming into their bedroom slamming that door making sure it was locked behind him.

He froze suddenly when he saw a picture of Antone on the bed stand by the bed as thoughts of anger rushed into his mind the more he stared through those empty baby blue eyes peering deep into Antones heartless soul.

How could you, you prick Boe growled clenching his fists. I wanted to someday marry you and this is how you repay me? Boe shouted staring a hole into the picture. You deserve what you get, you bastard Boe growled as his hurt reached the cracking point.

Youd take a street whore tiger over me and then use me as your sympathy cushion to fucking make yourself look good Boe shouted bearing his teeth. Youd stand outhere in public and not take accountability for what you did to me!?! Youre sick! Boe yelled in an enraged growl.

All the time I spent with you in the fucking hospital didnt mean shit to you, did it? Boe yelled feeling his whole body start to shake at the thought. Or how about the time when you were laying there in your fucking hospital bed telling me hes gone Boe, hes gone Boe and I buried my face in your heart weeping for you because I loved Boe trailed off as emotion overtook his hurt at that very thought.

Tears of hurt welled up in the husky's eyes as he picked up the picture of Antone throwing it across the room hearing it shatter on the wall across from the bed. He collapsed onto the bed weeping outloud as he buried his face in the pillows soaking them with his tears.


Antone stormed down the sidewalk still in a rage goring trees as he went making people steer clear of him as he let his anger go on them.

Soon he stormed into a park planting himself on a bench with his hands buried in his face.

Tears of hurt welled up in the bulls eyes as he tried to reason with his own conscious:

What the fuck did I just do? Why couldnt I have just lied about not being on that train? Antone played in his mind over and over again thinking about what he could have done to avoid Boe. Im too stupid to see the fact the only one I hurt was myself with my lack of self control Antone said aloud trying to come to some sort of reasoning with his conscious. Its Jerrys fault, dammit, its his fault Im here Antone said aloud trying to put blame on the tiger.

Who was he kidding? He knew in his heart lying to himself would only make things on him worse. He knew the minute those green eyes came in contact with his he would succumb to the allure of Jerrys spell. He knew he was under the tigers control and he knew there was no way out from it.

He felt trapped, he felt lost, and most of all extremely guilty he had let his weakness for tigers take over his common sense not realizing the consequences associated with it. The consequences were anything Antone said to Boe would result in resistance and a possible ejection out into the street from their home.

Why couldnt I just have kept walking and ended up in another part of town? Why did I stop at that park, why did I let myself get seduced by that white striped monster? Antone said aloud as the image of those green eyes tortured his mind.

Why do you torture me so? Antone choked out between sniffles. What did I do to deserve this? Antone cried aloud. GET OUT OF MY MIND JERRY!! Antone yelled feeling his temples throb as the vivid images of the tiger ran through his mind relentlessly.

Letting his hands go from his face, Antone slouched down on the bench aimlessly staring off into space at the waning light in the sky letting the reality of his mistakes sink in:

This dilemma he found himself in was his own doing, his own choice, his own creation, and most of all his own problem he didnt know how to get out of.

Then an idea popped in his head of breaking it off with Jerry so he could save his friendship with Boe, yeah, that was it!

He dug out his cell phone opening it up going into his contacts folder locating Jerrys number pressing send.

After several rings it went to a recorded voice message Jerry had created:

Hey sexyThis is Jerry, leave me a sensual message and I will get back with you as soon as I can baby.. PPPPPPPUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRROWL *smootch*.

Antone froze feeling the front of his cargo pants bulge out as his cock immediately shot to attention betraying him at the sound of Jerrys intoxicating feminine deep voice.

Antone lost his cool slamming his cell phone shut chunking it into the brush across from the bench realizing he could never win the battle against his weakness for Jerry.

Hed never be able to confront Jerry about breaking it off because he was too weak within himself to have the courage needed to stand up to Jerry. The second he heard that sensual voice he would immediately get horny and he would immediately succumb to it.

He looked down scowling at the bulging front of his cargo pants as his cock reminded him of his position on the ladder of shame taunting him as it twitched in them laughing at him.

This is all your fucking fault, why do you betray me? Antone growled slapping the front of them getting a real clear answer gasping outloud when the tip of his raging cock brushed roughly against the front of his briefs soaking them in pre.

Then, as if on cue, the minute he was forced to shut his eyes he got a double whammy when both the images of Jerry and Henry tormented his mind forcing him to grip his temples as his head throbbed in pain:

Why do both of you torture me so, why cant you just leave me alone? Antone pleaded to the sky expecting it to talk back to him.

This is your fault Henry, you made me what I am and you will pay dearly when I get to court after they track you down you bastard! Antone yelled at the sky.

A cold chilly wind knifed across Antones body making him shiver as if to say:

You dug this hole yourself Antone so why dont you quit blaming other people for your screw ups. You created this mess yourself so you get to deal with it yourself, bitch!

Antone slumped down on the bench in defeat realizing even Mother Nature was not buying into his lies.

This wasnt Henrys fault, this wasnt Jerrys fault, it was Antones fault and he had no choice but to either accept it and find a way to apologize to Boe or be a nae fool to himself.

He looked down at his watch realizing it was fifteen after eight. He had to book it back to the station or spend the night there until the first train picked him up at first light. He got up off the bench jogging as fast as he could down to the train station.

Several minutes later he had a ticket in his hand as he made his way out to the platform taking a seat on the station bench waiting for the train to arrive.

As he sat there he let his thoughts about Boe roll:

Tears welled up in his eyes the more he thought about the gravity of which he had hurt Boes feelings.

He probably had ruined their friendship and he probably was going to end up in the street anyway. He probably was going to get the huskys worst which he rightfully deserved and he probably would be sleeping on the couch.

He tried to come up with an apology but couldnt when he saw images of those beautiful ice blue eyes flash across his mind. He immediately felt his shoulders get heavy and his heart sink into his chest.

Im sorry I did this to you Boe, will you forgive me? Antone said aloud as it was the only thing he could come up with.

A horn sounding in the distance snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked down the tracks at a set of headlights coming into view. Several seconds later the train grinded to a stop on the platform opening its doors.

Antone got up from the bench boarding the train taking a window seat as the doors closed as soon as he took his seat.

A few seconds later the horn on the front locomotive was sounded as the train lurched out of the station. Within the blink of an eye it reached full track speed as Antone stared aimlessly out the window.

He fished around in his pocket for his cell phone trying to locate it but when he couldnt find it he slapped his lap in frustration realizing in his haste he had left it in the brush at the park. Hed have to get up first thing in the morning to go retrieve it from the park hoping against hope it wouldnt be gone by the time he got there in the morning.

Antone felt a heavy depression overtake him as he stared at his reflection in the window realizing it might as well have been his conscious looking at him.

He looked away in shame staring at the floor letting his conscious give him a well deserved talking to in his head:

If you cant look at yourself in the mirror Antone, you might as well admit to your soul you wont be able to divorce Henry either. You know he was right about you and you know you cant admit to yourself you never let him go. You know Jerry has you by the nuts because you cant help yourself. You know Henry has that same control over you. You are an embarrassment to yourself. You put Boe through all this pain taking advantage of him and probably ruining more then just a friendship. You should be ashamed of yourself because I guarantee you as your conscious Im sickened by you.

My conscious is right, who am I fooling? I screwed up and cant look at my own soul. Maybe if I just say Im sorry to Boe things will be ok Antone thought to himself.

Yeah, thats it, a simple Im sorry will do it! Antone said aloud suddenly sitting up smiling.

But then he looked back at his reflection in the mirror and slumped down in defeat sulking, he was screwed either way.

Soon the train came to a stop in Homewood and Antone disembarked from it looking down at his watch which read ten after nine.

As he made his way home by foot from the station he went over a million ways to say Im sorry but always ended up coming back to the same conundrum of nothing he was going to say to Boe was going to make things on him easier.

Soon their house came into view and Antone stopped at the foot of the driveway taking a deep breath as he made his way up it.

He dug out his keys walking up to the side door to open it. When he went to turn the knob the door came open making Antone drop his head in shame fearing the worst.

He figured Boe had left and had made good on his promise making Antone feel fifty times worse as he made his way in the house shutting the door behind him.

The house was dark and there were no lights on except for the ones that were lit on the outside. The inside felt cold and unwelcoming to the bull making him shiver as he made his way into the den stopping dead in his tracks noticing the closed door to their bedroom.

He walked up to the door pulling on the knob trying to open it but it wouldnt budge so he knocked on it checking to see if Boe was there.

Boe laying in the fetal position still wearing his dress clothes silently sobbed when he heard knocking at the door followed by Antones voice.

Boe, are you in there? We need to talk Antone said in a persuasive tone hoping Boe would answer.

Boe choked on his own tears as he whimpered in pain rocking back n forth in the bed acting as if Antone did not exist and he was part of a nightmare the husky was having.

Boe, come on, quit acting like this, I know you are in there and I just want to talk with you so we can amend things Antone said trying to get his friend to talk.

Boe shook as he cried harder the more Antone spoke. To him Antone sounded like the devil and he wished he was gone.

When Antone heard nothing he just decided to let his apology be heard:

Look Im sorry I hurt you Boe, I just want to talk to make things with us right, thats all Boe said in a weak tone to trying to make his friend answer him.

Boe sniffled as he gripped a pillow muffing his cries into it the more he heard the lack of caring in Antones voice.

Ok, Im going to try again in the morning and if I dont hear from you Ill just go about my day until you come to your senses and talk with me. Antone said through the doors keyhole.

Boe screwed his eyes shut as he cried himself to sleep. He felt hurt, he felt betrayed and most of all he wished Antone was dead.

Nothing the bull could say to him would change what he was feeling at the moment. It was his intention to stay locked in their room until Antone got the message. He was done talking with him and just wanted him out of the house, out of his life.

Antone laid down on the couch but never closed his eyes as he himself started to cry. Tears gushed out of his eyes realizing the upcoming light of the next morning could be his last inside this house with Boe.

The more he thought about the next morning the more he shook and whimpered.

He was scared shitless.

The next morning after little sleep and lots of sobbing, Antone got up making his way to the bedroom door knocking on it once again:

Listen Boe, Im not going to spend forever standing at this door talking to you like this. If this is how you say you dont want me here, fine, I deserve it. The biggest jerk in all this is me and I guess time will tell the tale. Im sorry I hurt you, I really am, but I cant help us move on if you wont talk to me Antone said trying one last time to make Boe talk.

When there was no answer Antone threw his hands up in frustration as he made his way to the side door opening it.

Ok Boe, Im leaving, call me when you come to your senses, if you ever do Antone shouted as he closed the door making his way down the path away from the house.

Boe laid there in bed still in his dress clothes in a deep depression. When he heard the side door slam he immediately got up out of bed making his way to the closet retrieving a duffle bag.

Tears of pain came out of his eyes with every article of clothing he stuffed into the bag. He didnt care what he packed in the duffle bag as long as it was enough to get Antone out of his life for good.

Once he had filled as many clothes as he could fit into the duffle bag he walked with a purpose out of the closet into the kitchen scribbling out a note as he located the stapler stapling it to the handle of the duffle bag.

He briskly walked to the front door ripping it open chunking the duffle bag as far as he could throw it out the door. It landed in the middle of the path with a loud thud as Boe slammed the front door shut making his way into the bedroom bathroom.

He grabbed a black garbage bag from the bathroom cupboard filling it with Antones bathroom possessions and then walked briskly around the house filling it with all of Antones worldly possessions not caring if they broke while he filled it.

When it became almost too heavy for him to carry, Boe repeated the process briskly walking to the front door ripping it open chunking the garbage bag full of Antones worldly possessions out into the middle of the path where it landed with an ear deafening thud.

Boe slammed the front door shut storming back into the bedroom where he crashed onto the bed crying outloud letting his hurt pour itself onto the bed sheets.

Antone doubled back when he heard the commotion down the street at their house. He made his way down their street stopping dead in his tracks when he saw a black garbage bag and a duffle bag lying in the middle of the pathway.

He dropped his head shaking it realizing Boe had made up his mind. It took him an eternity to make it up to the duffle bag but when he finally did he looked down at the handle seeing the note stapled to it.

He pulled it off the handle reading what it said:


Here is your clothes, here is your belongings.


Were through.

If you ever come back here again I will have you arrested, got it? Good!

And one more thing, you are a bastard and you make me sick!

Good Bye Forever!

Your former best friend,


Antones butt hit the pavement as he broke down into his own hysterical fit of tears.

He had screwed up and now he was without a friend.

He shakily rose to his feet picking up all of his belongings and the duffle bag full of his clothes walking down the path with his head hung low.

Catching the train to Brighton Park was out of the question, hed rather walk it.

The only thing he could hope for when he got to the park was his bed hadnt been tampered with.

A cold blustery wind made the bull shiver as he made his way out of the neighborhood not bothering to look up at the hoards of cars passing by him on the road honking their horns at him or their occupants laughing at him as he drug the garbage bag full of his belongings down the path in a shameful display.

He was alone, homeless, without a best friend, and deep into a dilemma he didnt know how to get out of.

And above all He was scared to death.

The End

Antone's Dilemma.txt

**The following tale was made by me, created by me, and oh yeah is owned by me.. Don't like the content? Don't read it if you are offeneded by such material. All characters belong to me and only me, got that Mr....

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Henry's Lesson II

Henrys Lesson II By, SWSP ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Several...

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Henry's Lesson, Part 1

**I know this is getting to be routine but.. The following is the sole property of me SwiftWindSpirit. All characters and their players are mine. They were made by me so obviously they are owned by me. Any failure to get this bold print will result in...

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