Tale of Two Claws: a Pokemon one-shot

Story by Sheer on SoFurry

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WARNING: enemy disclaimer approaching. This Pokemon fan-fiction contains graphic depictions of harsh, non-consensual sex between male Pokemorphs of legal age. If you are under the age of 18 and can see this warning, stop lying about your age, turn on your mature filter, and go do something constructive instead of fapping to erotic yiff stories (like learning to draw, arf arf!) you can still save yourself from becoming a FURFAG. If you don't like this sort of stuff, then do a U-turn followed a barrel roll. NOW. You should have known better than to have clicked on a red-bordered picture, dumbass. Blah blah blah I don't condone sexual abuse irl and lol I procrastinated somewhere fierce on this long-ass fanfic. Hot forced sex between heterosexual Umbreon and Zangoose males, free searchbar and smilies for you to send over your X-box to your ipod buddies. Not a scam! I don't own Pokemon and if I did I would be leaving it up to my creepy fans to write this kind of thing, while screaming at the fact that for some reason I have no right to sue them. ======= Tale of Two Claws: a Sinnoh story written by Sheer. ====== "Are you ready?" "Ready when you are!" "All right then, on the count of three...one...two..." The Zangoose felt a sharp sting across his back before being thrown forwards by the force of the attack. Before he made impact with the soft turf, his natural reflexes caught him and he nimbly sprung off his claws and onto his feet, taking a fighting posture to match his opponent. "What was that? You said you wouldn't cheat!" He shouted angrily, wincing as the claw marks on his back faded away. "That was a cheap shot, you coward!" Shadowclaw grinned and swiped at the air, poking his tongue out rebelliously. "All's fair in battles, Nightslash. You have too much honour. It's not going to serve you very well in a real fight." Nightslash launched towards the other Zangoose suddenly, trying to catch him at his own game, but Shadowclaw darted to the left, avoiding his training partner's claws before administering a fake knockout blow to the back of his head. Nightslash stayed perfectly still as Shadowclaw withdrew his fist before tossing his head and acknowledging defeat. "You only win these fights because you know Close Combat." He said indignantly, dusting himself off and turning to face the other Zangoose. "I would beat you if we were just using normal type attacks, no competition!" "That's because you know Swords Dance." Nightslash and Shadowclaw were both members of a Pokemon tribe known as the Claw tribe. Since as far as their legends could remember, the Claw tribe had dominated the Rout 208 area in the Sinnoh region. It consisted of nothing but Pokemon who could learn claw attacks: Weavile, Zangoose, Absol and more. Originally, the Claw tribe was nothing but a colony of native Zangoose. After battling fiercely with a neighbouring tribe of Seviper, they established control of the area and soon recruited other Pokemon types as well. Nightslash and Shadowclaw were both direct descendants of the original leaders of the Claw tribe: they were born with the attacks Shadow Claw and Night Slash respectively, attacks that were passed down from their ancestors. In fact, they were the fifth generation of Shadow Claw and Night Slash Zangeese born to the Claw tribe so far. Both Zangeese were incidentally hatched almost at exactly the same time, despite being born to different families. This was considered a bonding omen in the Claw tribe, and the two of them grew up to be very close friends. Currently, at twenty-one years of age apiece, the two of them were commonly seen training, hunting and fighting side by side as a team. They even looked similar, both of them being impressive young Zangeese with sleek, sturdy builds and large claws, although the claws on Shadowclaw's left paw had been filed blunt due to family tradition. Despite this, the two of them could be distinguished in other ways as well. Shadowclaw had a small, spiky fringe of headfur that Nightslash was lacking, and Nightslash had some runes tattooed on his ears. "So then, Night," said Shadowclaw as he lay back on the soft grass, folding his paws behind his head, "since we can't train against each other fairly, do you want to go back to our cutting skills?" "Mowing grass all day is starting to look less appealing the more I think about it." Nightslash grunted, looking around. Shadowclaw smiled. He could tell that Nightslash was just dying to find a better way to practise his battle skills. From the position he was in, he took the opportunity to gaze over the other Zangoose's form, studying the perfect build and the fine muscle tones of his packmate. Both of them were wearing the same simple training gear: an assortment of thick leather chords tied about their bodies, supplemented by light groin cups. The Claw tribe were renowned for their leather work, and much of their clothing was purposefully minimal and tribal in appearance. Generally this was because of the outdoors nature of the tribe and the fact that the area tended to get muggy during the summer thanks to the humidity and fog that often shrouded the area, but also because the Claw were quite brazen and proud, especially of their warriors. Shadowclaw felt his penis hardening slightly under the leather. He spread his legs wider, exposing more of his body to Nightslash's view. Nightslash looked down at his packmate and scowled. "Quit staring at me. You know I don't like it when you do that." "But you're the most interesting thing to look at the moment," Shadowclaw replied playfully, pushing his chest out and flicking his large fluffy tail, "A lot more interesting than those rocks and trees." Nightslash smiled and played along, stretching his arms out behind his head and giving Shadowclaw a better view of his toned upper body. The second Zangoose tilted his head back and murred with mock ecstasy, reaching down and touching himself through his groin cup. This was a common joke between the two of them, and one of the most basic. Nightslash and Shadowclaw were extremely close to each other as friends. It was true that both of them were primarily heterosexual. Nightslash had a female lover named Yukari while Shadowclaw preferred not to devote himself to any one female in the tribe, however, between the two of them also existed a sort of mutual attraction. After training together for so long, both Zangeese had discovered a certain allure that came from the male form as well. As a result, the two of them were very open with each other about their bodies. "I can see why the girls think you're sexy, Night. Which is good, because you look almost the same as me...which means I'm sexy." Nightslash was about to speak when a subtle movement in a faraway clump of bushes caught his attention. He flattened his ears against his skull and kneeled down next to Shadowclaw, placing his paw on his packmate's stomach to alert him of the situation. "Shadowclaw...over there, in the bushes...I just saw something move, and I'm sure it's not one of our people..." Shadowclaw's ears perked up. The young Zangoose's face turned serious. "Come on, let's go check it out." he said, his voice quiet and dangerous as he rose into a hunting crouch. Nightslash nodded in agreement. Using the long grass as a cover, the two Pokemon slinked towards the row of bushes, their senses on alert. As they approached the target area, Nightslash reeled back and placed a claw firmly across Shadowclaw's lips. The two of them remained motionless as a dark shape emerged from the copse. Both Nightslash and Shadowclaw gasped inwardly at what they saw. Standing only a few meters away from them, and completely oblivious to their existence, was a male Umbreon about the same age as them. The dark type's eyes flashed a deep red as he glanced warily around, checking the surroundings for visible threats. The two Zangeese watched as the Umbreon walked a few meters away and then produced what looked like a small book from a pouch on his side. He was wearing a decorative cropped chest cover that exposed his entire midriff and part of his upper torso as well, and a set of pocket pants that were equally as short. Judging by his attire, Nightslash could guess that he was some kind of scout. His suspicions were confirmed when the Umbreon began sketching onto the book with a piece of charcoal. "An enemy spy!" whispered Nightslash, glaring in the Umbreon's direction. "The Eon must have sent him to record our movements." Ever since the Seviper tribe had been banished from the area, a group of Eons had attempted to move in. However, being unfit to join the Claw, the Eons moved to build their tribe in the same territory, an act that the Claw tribe didn't take too kindly to. For a few months now, a standoff had raged between the two tribes, with skirmishes occurring almost daily. Nightslash and Shadowclaw had been training in order to fight in such skirmishes. The Eon were a versatile enemy, not lacking in natural cunning and strategy. Despite having powerful fighters on their side, they would set up baton pass chains and lay traps to swing the odds their way, which against the mainly offence-based Claw tribe, was quite a threat. Shadowclaw grinned evilly, an idea forming in his fertile mind. "Say, Night...what say we put some of our skills to practise now, huh?" Nightslash narrowed his eyes and nodded, licking his claws in anticipation. "That sounds like a good idea, Shadow...you lead." With predatory determination, the two Zangeese slid soundlessly through the tall grass, exercising every stealth skill they knew. The Umbreon continued to record data into his book, his back turned to the threat that was slowly approaching under the cover of the grass. Suddenly, he began to feel a presence and carefully stashed the book and charcoal into his pouch, turning around and surveying the area again. His intuition told him there was danger nearby. Nightslash and Shadowclaw froze, crouching and ready to strike at any time. They were within pouncing distance now. No matter what happened, the Umbreon would not be able to escape. "NOW!!" screamed Shadowclaw, lunging out of the tall grass and sprinting towards the startled dark type with uncanny speed. The Umbreon nearly jumped out of his skin with fright, giving a loud yelp of surprise. Before he could react accordingly, Shadowclaw struck him with a Close Combat attack, knocking the Umbreon flying. The Dark type collapsed on the ground in an ungraceful heap, stunned by the super effective attack. Nightslash quickly moved to the other side of the glade, barring any escape path that their foe could have. The Umbreon quickly jumped to his feet, his eyes wide with fear as he tried to deal with the situation. These two warriors were built for fighting, unlike him. There was no way he was going to survive this battle unless he made a clever escape, especially since he was outnumbered and facing opponents with attacks that worked against his typing. "Any last words before we tear you apart, spy?" growled Nightslash as he surrounded himself in a white aura, initiating a Swords Dance to raise his attack power. The Umbreon stood tall and said nothing, calculating his options cooly as he'd been taught back at his tribe. He guessed that the chances of him making it out of this encounter alive would be very low, possibly only a 25% if he could pull off the strategy that was forming in his mind. Parts of his life flashed before his eyes as he crouched back into a ready pose and bared his fangs, waiting for his enemies to make a move. "Huh, well that's fine then if you don't want to embarrass yourself." Shadowclaw laughed as he prepared himself to attack. "We'll be sure to drop your corpse where your packmates can find it, with a note telling them you died screaming!" Simultaneously, the two Zangeese launched themselves at their prey, both of them readying a finishing blow. The Umbreon caught his chance, jumping just before they made contact and using a Baton Pass. A loud clap could be heard as the two Zangeese collided with each other before the Umbreon materialised a few meters away and began running as fast as he could. "Quick, he's getting away! Get off me!" shouted Nightslash as he pushed a stunned Shadowclaw off his back. "We'll be a laughing stock if we don't catch him!" The two Zangeese promptly gave chase, using their superior speed to cover the lost ground. The Umbreon screwed his eyes shut and pushed himself as hard as he could, focussing all his energy on running. This was the first real experience with enemy warriors he'd ever had and he was terrified to the extent where he heart felt as if it was going to explode. Looking over his shoulder, the Umbreon screamed out in fear as he saw the speed at which the Zangeese were gaining on him. There was no way on this open plain that he was going to escape. In a final effort to outsmart his attackers, the Umbreon turned around and dived towards their legs, hoping to trip them up. However, the Zangees's reflexes were too great and the Umbreon's Last Resort was effectively avoided. Exhausted and in no condition to fight back, the Umbreon gave in and resigned himself to fate, lying on his back with his eyes screwed shut as he felt his enemies bunch around him, holding him roughly in place and levelling their frightening claws against his vulnerable throat and stomach. "Nice try, Umbreon, but there's no hope for you." Panted Shadowclaw, grinning menacingly as the adrenalin rushed through his veins. "Nothing you can do or say now will save you...but since you put up an admirable struggle, we'll try not to make your death too painful..." The Umbreon turned his head away, and closed his eyes, shaking with fear. "I'm going to die..I don't want to hear your taunts. Just kill me already." he said quietly, his voice in a forced state of calm. Shadowclaw sneered. "Very well!" he said, straddling the Umbreon's stomach and raising his claw into a killing position, "enjoy your last breath!" Nightslash quickly hopped into position, placing both claws underneath the Umbreon's throat. The two of them had practised this killing technique many times: a quick stab to the stomach, and then the enemy's convulsions would push his neck into the second pair of claws. It was a trademark blow of the Claw tribe, and one that all the warriors knew. Shadowclaw pulled his arm back and tensed his muscles, riding on the thrill of the moment, but just as he was about to plunge his claw into the soft flesh beneath him, he noticed something about his captive that caught his attention. Signalling for Nightslash to stop, the young Zangoose pulled himself back and studied the prone form of the Umbreon before him. The dark type was breathing heavily with fear, his well-toned chest rising and falling with every breath. Shadowclaw allowed his eyes to roam along his captive's body, fascinated by the way the muscles shivered and moved under the short black fur that was shining with small drops of sweat. The skimpy chest cover failed to conceal anything much, in fact, it seemed to only highlight the intrigue. "What's the hold up, Shadow?" said Nightslash impatiently, giving his fellow warrior a quizzical glance. "Just hold it, I'm...thinking." The Zangoose looked down at his captive for a second time, an idea beginning to form in his mind. He could feel the Umbreon's skin moving beneath his thighs, a feeling that he had to admit was rather pleasant. It was only now that Shadowclaw realised that his groin cap was starting to feel quite tight. He grinned slyly: there was an opportunity here that he didn't wish to pass up. However, it would all depend on Nightslash...it was risky, but Shadowclaw was prepared to take the chance. "Hey Night..." he said awkwardly, trying to think of the best way to make his proposition. "Just an idea but...haven't you ever wanted to... experiment...with another male's body before?" Shadowclaw held his breath as he watched for Nightslash's reaction. The second Zangoose gave him a questioning glare, as if he didn't quite understand what his packmate was implying. "You know...like what we do with each other...only...direct?" Nightslash's face was grim and stony. He dipped his head slightly and spoke in a low, wary voice. "What are you saying? Do you mean...Are you suggesting that we..." "Hm..." replied Shadowclaw, nodding whilst avoiding eye contact. "Shadow, you know we're not supposed to do that...especially not with an enemy...if any of our tribe found out..." The Umbreon opened one of his eyes and gritted his fangs. He couldn't understand the conversation, but for some reason he wasn't dead yet. "They're not going to find out; we'll take him to our secret spot. We might not ever get such a chance to try this again. Just this once, come on. He's not a member of our tribe. We can do whatever we want to him, and when we're done, we can kill him. It'll be fun!" Nightslash considered his partner's words. He realised that what they were thinking of doing was almost unheard of. However, he had to admit that the nature of the act appealed to his interests. His lips parting slightly in a malicious smile as he looked down at the defeated Umbreon's exposed torso. "Alright Shadow...I'm in." Shadowclaw smiled wryly and began undoing some of the leather bands that were wrapped around his chest. The Umbreon glanced around in confusion as he was pulled to his knees and the leather strips were wrapped around his arms and along one of his legs. Shadowclaw pulled the rest of the strip over his shoulder like a lead, giving it a tug and causing the Umbreon to lurch to his feet. "Ouch! What...what are you going to do with this?" whimpered the Dark type as Nightslash walked behind him and secured his arms. "You'll find out shortly." Shadowclaw replied smoothly, giving the lead another sharp tug. "Although I can promise you, you're not going to like it." The Umbreon winced as the leather pulled on his leg, making it hard for him to walk in any direction except the one in which Shadowclaw was walking. He decided it would be wise to just do as he was told. He was completely at the mercy of these two Zangeese, and the chances of him surviving were not high at all. What would be the point in struggling? After a few minutes of being lead through the forest, the Umbreon found himself at a dead end up against a cliff surrounded by trees and hedges. So these two warriors were going to take him to a secluded spot where they could torture him at leisure? Or perhaps were they going to do something so indescribably brutal that even their fellow tribesmembers looked down on it? Either way, the Umbreon suddenly felt his desire to live grow. Straining against the bonds, he grunted and squirmed in an attempt to get free, but his efforts were quickly silenced by Nightslash, who twisted his arm sharply behind his back. Suddenly, a loud rustling noise alerted him out of his efforts. He looked ahead to see that Shadowclaw had opened up a large entrance in the rock face that had previously been covered by vines and leaves. Extending upwards into a small tunnel was a rocky path covered in ivy. "You go first, I'll close the entrance and meet you up there." Shadowclaw said to Nightslash as he held open the entrance. The Umbreon was jolted out of his awe as Nightslash roughly grabbed him in a lock hold and proceeded to guide him into the tunnel. "Ugh! Please, what is the meaning of this?" panted the frightened Dark type as the sturdy warrior forced him along the path. "I'm just a scouter! I've never fought or taken a life before. I...I don't deserve this!" "You don't deserve any mercy from us, either." Snarled Nightslash aggressively, touching the Umbrion's chest with his claws. "Your life is worthless to us, you're nothing but an object to be defeated and disposed of. But we have other plans for you." The Umbreon tugged at his bonds, tossing his head to the side. "Why are your people so cruel?" he snarled in anger and fear, a sob of angst apparent in his voice. "We only wanted to share this land, there's so much room for two tribes, and yet you..." Nightslash threw the Umbreon down onto a patch of grass. The scout rose shakily to his knees before looking at his surroundings. He was in a small open canopy that looked as if it once was a cave. However, the roof of the cave appeared to be missing, allowing the warm sunlight to stream in. His thoughts were broken as Nightslash forcibly pushed him onto his back untying the leather strip from around his wrists and wrapping a short length of it around his neck as a makeshift collar. The Umbreon looked up in terror as Shadowclaw appeared next to Nightslash. The two Zangeese stared down at their victim, smiling hungrily. Shadowclaw put his arm around his packmate's shoulders, reaching for the leather bands around Nightslash's chest and slowly began untying them. "Looks delicious, doesn't he, Night?" murred Shadowclaw as he sensually removed Nightslash's bindings. The second Zangoose hesitated. Shadowclaw had never tried to undress him before, although for some reason, this time he felt alright with it. Nightslash relaxed, allowing Shadowclaw to strip him in front of the startled Umbreon. "Indeed. I can tell this is going to be fun." he replied, reaching down and fiddling with the clasp at the back of Shadowclaw's groin cup. "Let's make it a rule just this time: anything goes." The Umbreon stared at them in bewilderment. He didn't understand why these two male Zangeese were touching each other so erotically, but from what they'd just said, a thought entered his mind first and foremost: from what he could tell from the conversation, these two Zangeese were planning to eat him alive. Feeling cold dread running across his spine, the Umbreon almost fainted from fear. However, even in all that fear, a small pang of contempt entered his mind. If these cannibals believed they were in for a choice meal, well they were about to get an unpleasant surprise. Shadowclaw grinned and stared at his training partner's naked form. He'd seen Nightslash naked before plenty of times as they'd often masturbated together in this very cave. However, this was the first time he was actually touching his partner's body while naked. Nightslash seemed to be processing similar thoughts as he studied Shadowclaw's physique. The two of them turned and looked towards the terrified and appalled Umbreon with sly energy in their eyes. The Umbreon found himself staring at two male Zangeese, naked and both with erections, who could, as far as he knew, have been brothers. He blushed heavily and tried to look away from this confusing sight as he felt a pang of arousal at this situation. Suddenly, a weight landed on top of him. The Umbreon cried out as Shadowclaw pinned him down, expecting the fangs to begin slicing into his flesh. He screwed his eyes shut as he felt the hot breath of the Zangoose brush against his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. "We don't care for your life, Umbreon...but your body, on the other hand..." With a quick flick of his claws, Shadowclaw ripped the cloth cover completely from the Umbreon's chest, exposing a set of well-toned pectorals. The startled Dark type gasped and attempted to object, but his voice trailed off into a yelp as Nightslash reached into one of the legholes of his loose pants and grasped his half-erect cock, feeling its thickness and texture. "Hey, his meat feels pretty decent. Let's take a look at it, shall we?" Nightslash tore the pants completely off the Umbreon's body, shredding it in half and spilling an assortment of dried berries and other items from its pockets onto the ground. The Umbreon gave a cry of surprise as his erection was exposed, black and smooth and decently large for his kind. Shadowclaw quickly positioned himself behind the Umbreon's head, pinning the dark type's right arm down by kneeling over it and shifting himself into a position where he could get a better look at the prey. "wow, Night...you're right. It's...black! I haven't seen anything like that before... "Look! He has no sheath...the whole thing is covered in a sort of loose skin..." The Umbreon pulled his legs together, attempting to hide the object of attention from sight. "What are you two talking about?!" he screamed, furiously straining against the set of tight muscles that were holding him in place. "Why are you looking at that? You're both...both of you are crazy!" "Shut up!" barked Nightslash, grabbing hold of the Umbreon's balls with the flat of his claws. "The more words come out of your mouth, the more pain you're going to experience, got it?" The Umbreon gulped, shuddering as he felt the cold claws pressing on his sensitive privates. He didn't know what was going on, but it certainly was not something he was familiar with. If these two warriors planned to kill him, then why were they restraining him in such a sexual and obtrusive way? What confused him even more was that both of them were male, and both could clearly see that he was male too, so why was it that he could sense a lustful energy emanating from both of them? Could it be that these two warriors were trying to confuse and humiliate him this way? His heart beating loudly in his chest, the Umbreon carefully summed up the situation in his mind. There was, perhaps, a small chance that he could use this to his advantage. However, it would require some concentration, and perfect timing. Grudgingly, he tilted his head to the side and allowed his body to go limp, exposing himself to his attackers fully in submission. Nightslash smiled at this, a giddy feeling of power entering his excited mind. "Huh. You're not stupid," he sneered, slowly releasing his grip on the Umbreon's balls and running his hand along the dark Pokemon's shapely inner thighs. "Completely at the mercy of two superior males...how does it feel to be so helpless?" "Accept defeat and relinquish yourself to your fate, scum." added Shadowclaw, leaning over to look into his captive's blood red eyes "If you're going to struggle, well let's just say you run the risk of being denied a painless death." The Umbreon winced at these words. The way the Zangoose had put that sentence sounded as if they were dead set on murdering him. A pang of anger hit him as he focussed his mind again. This wasn't fair, the way he was being treated. He had done nothing to deserve this. A second trigger pulled in his brain as he secretly contemplated his plan of action. It was risky, but if he was going to be killed, he at least was going to teach these cruel Zangeese a lesson. Shadowclaw looked up and caught Nightslash's eye. The second Zangoose noticed a slightly serious look in his partner's glance, something that seemed to say "don't wreck this toy until I'm done." He nodded in acknowledgement. Even if the Umbreon were to struggle later on, as was inevitable, he wasn't going to spoil this opportunity by following through with his threats until both he and Shadowclaw were finished. Having settled on this embargo, Nightslash focussed his attention on his captive, looking down at the fine naked form that lay sprawled in front of him. "How does a Pokemon like this get such a fine body?" asked the Zangoose as he placed his paw on the Umbreon's stomach, feeling the tight six-pack quiver at his touch beneath its blanket of velvet-covered skin. "Umbreons are not fighters, and yet his muscle cover is almost perfect. It's almost like one of our tribe." Shadowclaw smirked as he witnessed the Umbreon squirm uncomfortably at Nightslash's touch. "Such a pity he doesn't have any power behind such a body. If he did, perhaps our chase would have been a bit more exciting!" The Umbreon tilted his head forwards and tried to ignore this taunting. He had always hated being branded the "weak" one simply because of his low attacking power. Had his years of defence training really gone so unappreciated even by his enemies? The Umbreon forced himself not to object to this criticism, looking down along his prone stomach and trying to fight against the feeling of arousal that was flowing through him. Why on earth was his cock hard? His body shouldn't be behaving this way! Nightslash leaned over the Umbreon, an awkward tension in his stance as he stared at the dark type's handsome chest. Indeed, he was feeling highly sexual, having this naked male spread out in front of him, although he simply couldn't compare the feeling to the sex he'd had with his lover. There was just something different about the sex appeal altogether, nothing about this felt at all sacred. He just wanted to force himself onto this creature mindlessly and ravage it's body with his own...the question was, how? "...What should I do now?" he said in a low voice, glancing towards Shadowclaw for confirmation. The second Zangoose shrugged. "Touch him, lick him, do whatever comes to mind. We're not holding anything back, remember?" Nightslash looked down at the Umbreon, a slight smile forming on his face as he witnessed the enemy Pokemon's horrified and confused expression. Slowly but deliberately, he lowered himself down over the dark type's chest, holding himself over his victim as he spread his legs and brushed his cock lightly over the muscled stomach. The Umbreon writhed in discomfort at the thick, warm appendages' touch, letting out a small meep of shock as Nightslash began to gently hump him. "Hey!,,,Ugh! S-stop that! What are you doing?" He gritted his fangs and forced himself to concentrate on his plan as Shadowclaw grabbed his left arm, pulling it back and placing it under his other knee. The Umbreon found himself face-to-face with Shadowclaw's cock. He gulped and tried to shrink away from the penis floating over his face, watching in disgust as the Zangoose curled his paw around the pink shaft and began slowly stroking himself only inches away from the dark type's nose. The Umbreon threw his head to the side, trying not to breathe in the strong scent. This was the closest he'd ever been to another male's dick before, and his cheeks were burning with shame and embarrassment at his own erection. Shadowclaw narrowed his eyes and murred softly, stroking his cock as he watched his packmate's hips gyrating against the Umbreon's stomach. He'd always thought it was sexy the way Nightslash rolled his hips while masturbating. The Zangoose reached down and grabbed the Umbreon under the chin with his left paw. Pulling his captive's head back, he cupped one of the Umbreon's slender ears in his right paw and began stroking it over his cock, huffing as the sable fur slid over the small, fleshy barbs that lined the edge of his glans. "Ah! Hey! Let...Ugh, DON'T DO THAT!" The Umbreon's cries of disgust and fear once again went ignored. The scout screwed his eyes shut and whimpered at the horrible sensation of the two cocks sliding over his sensitive flesh. Nightslash continued to hump rhythmically as he stared at the heaving black chest in front of him. There was something about it that fascinated him, the way those tight, flat muscles moved in response to his actions. He grunted as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. The small cave was already beginning to feel rather hot and stuffy, and it was only adding to his sense of arousal. Humouring his curiosity, the Zangoose leaned down and placed his lips against the side of the Umbreon's left pectoral, sampling the heat and musk that rose from his prey's chest. Getting braver, he began to sniff around the dark type's armpits, feeling his arousal grow as the hot, masculine scent filled his lungs. It was different from his own: somewhat sweet yet earthy by comparison. "Mmh...Shadow, you should try this." huffed Nightslash as he pushed his nose under the Umbreon's nipple. "I don't think I've been so turned on before since the first time I had sex with Yukari..." The Umbreon strained against Shadowclaw's grip, attempting to get a better look at what the other Zangoose was doing to his chest. Never in his wildest imagination did he ever believe something like this was going to happen to him when he set out for his scouting mission. These two warriors were actually using him as a sex toy! As the realisation dawned on him, he had to force himself not to retch as Nightslash began to breathe heavily over his torso. He grunted in frustration as he felt a trail of precum drip down his rock-hard shaft. The wet, slimy sound of Shadowclaw's penis rubbing against his ear was getting faster now as the Zangoose began dripping thin streams of semen over his face. "Uh...just give me a second..." murred Shadowclaw as he let go of his wet cock, sliding his hips backwards to get into position. The Umbreon watched as his captor leaned forwards to sample his musk, getting a whiff of male arousal himself. Suddenly, it dawned on him. This was it! This was the opportunity he'd been waiting for! With a burst of energy, the Umbreon grunted loudly, straining with all his might and thrusting his hips upwards as he forced a stream of poisonous sweat from his pores. The Zangeese reeled back in surprise as a wave of body heat hit them followed by a fine vapour of strong-smelling perspiration. Both warriors pulled away from the Umbreon instinctively, sniffing at the air and trying to figure out what their prey had just done. "HAH!...Ah...HAHAH! I...I GOT YOU! I got you BOTH! That's it...that's...you'll die! You'll both die!" The two Zangeese bristled with alarm, giving each other worried looks. Was this some kind of attack? It didn't seem to have any immediate effect, but the Umbreon's triumphant expression was enough to make them worry. "What did you say, Umbreon!?" shouted Nightslash, baring his fangs and taking an attack pose. "Tell us what that was you did, NOW!" The Umbreon lay back on the ground, chuckling to himself. He was drenched in his own sweat and obviously very tired from the action. "You idiots...you've just been sentenced to death. When concentrated, my sweat...is highly toxic. The poison will spread through your bodies within seconds, sapping your life away. It serves you both right...for thinking you could use me for your evil games!" A moment of silence passed between all three Pokemon. The two Zangeese looked at each other slowly, allowing these words to sink in... Before bursting into peals of laughter. The Umbreon's face changed from a look of smug relief to a mask of confusion and fear. He struggled to his knees, a fire of alarm burning in his eyes. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING FOR?" he screamed angrily, pawing at the ground. "YOU'RE...YOU'RE POISONED! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!" The Zangeese stopped laughing and stared at him menacingly, their arms around each other's shoulders. "Poison? What's that? Is it some kind of status condition?" chuckled Nightslash mockingly. "I've never heard of this 'poison' before, have you, Shadow?" "No, I can't believe I have, Night!" giggled Shadowclaw in response. "Maybe it's because of our trait...don't you think? Could it be that we're IMMUNE to this mysterious 'poison' thing?" The Umbreon was speechless. His triumph was replaced with a dizzy, stunned sensation as his apparent victory began to fall apart right before his eyes. Staring at the two Zangeese in disbelief, his mouth hanging open in disbelief, he slowly began to crawl backwards, an alarm of fear ringing in his senses. Before he could attempt to move, the Umbreon felt himself being tackled savagely and pinned on his back. Within seconds, he was back in the same situation he thought he'd just escaped from. The dark type screamed, struggling pathetically against his enemies' grip. All composure had left him now. He was desperate. He would give anything right now just to be able to see his tribespeople just one more time. "No! No! Oh please! Spare me! PLEASE!!" Nightslash clenched his fangs as he watched the Umbreon struggle, noting the tears that were forming in the dark type's eyes. A rush of adrenalin flowed through him as he grabbed the enemy scout's legs and spread them apart. How good it felt to hear a foe begging for his mercy. He growled aggressively as he grabbed hold of the Umbreon's left pectoral, feeling the rapid heartbeat as his captive squirmed and panted in fear. Shadowclaw was breathing hard as he stroked his cock against his victim's dark fur. Seeing the fighting spirit in Nightslash's eyes had fuelled his own sexual aggression and lust. Moaning erotically, more so for Nightslash's sake than his own, he thrust out his chest and tilted his head back, his blunt claws gliding along a coating of slimy pre. "Night...uh...I'm going to...uhhh...watch this, Night! Uhhh....UHHH..." The Zangoose bucked his hips and gave a loud moan as he ejaculated onto the Umbreon's face and chest, carelessly firing string after string of hot, thick seed from his shining cock. The Umbreon gave a shrill cry of disgust and horror as he felt the creamy fluid splashing onto his body and running down his curves, gliding into the natural dips and crevasses of his muscle build and clashing with the blackness of his fur. "Uh, I love watching you release like that" grunted Nightslash as he stroked along his captive's stomach. "I wanna cum on him too, how about we swap places?" The Umbreon was too shocked by what had just happened to even protest as the two Zangeese shifted over him. He could only manage a small whimper as Nightslash took Shadowclaw's previous position, making sure to brush his crotch against the Umbreon's face. Shadowclaw traced his blunt claws around the Umbreon's inner thighs, tickling the velvet-covered flesh as he watched Nightslash grinding his hips against the back of the Umbreon's skull. He grinned cruelly and reached for the Umbreon's neglected penis, inciting a loud gasp as he cupped it in his paw and began exploring its feel. The Umbreon reeled back in involuntary pleasure as Shadowclaw began to fondle and stroke his pre-smeared cock. Normally he would have welcomed this sort of stimulation had it been coming from a female, but in this situation, the pleasure was just as bad as pain. He knew that these Zangeese were trying to manipulate his body into performing for their interest. To feel pleasure now would be to lose to their games. "Uh! Oohhh...please, I beg of you...Uhh! P-please...don't do that!!" Once again, both aggressors ignored his voice. Shadowclaw didn't feel an ounce of pity for the poor creature he was violating, if anything, the cruelty of his act was making him feel excited. The Zangoose glided his paw pad around the Umbreon's shining black glans, causing the dark type's sweat-drenched chest to heave and shudder as he panted heavily in half-resistance to the touch. "You know, I've always wanted to do this." Shadowclaw admitted coyly as he teased and touched the shivering spire of flesh at his paw. "Look at him, trying not to like this. I know you don't want this to feel good, Umbreon. Don't you feel bad that this feels so good?" "IT-IT DOESN'T FEEL GOOD!" screamed the Umbreon hoarsely, thrashing around deliriously. "I WANT TO DIE! PLEASE MAKE ME DIE!" "We'll kill you when we're done with you!" sneered Nightslash, letting go of his cock momentarily to wipe the sweat off his brow. "But for now, we're having too much fun! Hey, Shadowclaw, you don't mind if I borrow some of this, do you?" Shadowclaw looked up to see Nightslash wiping his paw over the Umbreon's chest, picking up a good load of still-warm cum. He watched as his packmate resumed masturbating with his now-slimy paw. Instantly, his own cock was semi-hard again. "You're dirtier than I give you credit for." Said Shadowclaw in partial admiration as he placed his cock up against the Umbreon's and began stroking. Nightslash gave him a cheeky grin and looked down at the Umbreon's mortified expression. The Dark-Type seemed to have been stunned out of reaction, staring up at the roof of the cave with a glazed expression on his face. Nightslash looked down at Shadowclaw, panting hard. "Hey Shadow...I dare you to suck that." Shadowclaw paused and looked up at him with a questioning glance. He then slowly looked down at the Umbreon's penis, clearly considering this option. "Come on, give me something to paw over!" Nightslash jeered. "See how loud you can make him gasp..." The second Zangoose hesitated, lowering his face down closer to the Umbreon's drooling cock. He paused only a few inches away from it, pondering whether he should accept Nightslash's challenge or not. Taking another male's penis into his mouth seemed like it would be an incredibly vulgar act, even in this situation. He watched the Umbreon tense up, causing a bead of clear-white precum to emerge from the tip of his smooth black member, slowly running down its shining, sticky surface. Shadowclaw balked, licked his lips, and then opened his mouth wide and extended his tongue. Nightslash felt a rush of arousal as he watched his packmate go down on their captive's centre of pleasure. He felt the Umbreon's body jerk in reaction as the captive Pokemon gave a breathy cry of distress, squirming pathetically against the sensation of the Zangoose's tongue sliding around the head of his rock hard penis. "Ohh! Ohh! Ohhh!" The Umbreon's expression was one of pitiable anguish as he gasped and moaned, trying with all his might to keep his body still. Sweat was dripping from his chest and brow as he tensed and writhed with every lick of the Zangoose's tongue. Shadowclaw stared down along the Umbreon's shining body, taking in the sight of those firm abs flexing and contracting as he rolled his tongue around the Umbreon's glans, tasting the salty precum as it entered his mouth. He'd tasted cum before, his own, to be precise, but much like the Umbreon's musk, this cum was different from his own. It was purely salty and mild, not strong or bitter. The thin skin around the Umbreon's cock was also surprisingly pleasant to the touch of his mouth. But most enjoyable about this whole act was the sense of power he felt, being able to control the Umbreon's body with just a flick of his tongue. "I didn't believe you'd actually do that!" Laughed Nightslash as he pawed himself to this sight, reaching up and touching his left nipple with his free claw. "Mrrrrrr, yeah, I don't know what it is, but watching you do that makes me so hot...uhhh..." Shadowclaw was also feeling the heat. His cock was hard again, but he was too busy with his oral games that he couldn't be bothered to see to it. The sound of Nightslash moaning, coupled with the Umbreon's heavy breathing and the taste and feel of the cock in his mouth was a sensory overload for the curious Zangoose. He reached up and grasped the base, pulling his head back so that only the tip of the cock was in his maw. Holding it in his right paw, he started licking along its length, taking it in and out of his mouth while stroking it slowly. The Umbreon was tensing and shuddering with effort, his strangled grunts and cries only serving to fuel the Zangees's arousal. He didn't know how much more of this he could take; the domination and raw sexuality his tormentors were radiating drained him physically. His fangs gritted and his eyes screwed shut, the Umbreon was blinded to everything else but the feeling of hot sweat dripping down his body at the command of Shadowclaw's tongue. He opened his mouth and let out a stifled gasp, fighting for what was left of his honour and pride, feeling his heartbeat in the roof of his mouth. Suddenly, the Umbreon felt it: a rising, stirring pulse of pleasure beginning to swell within him. Reeling back and straining against the feeling, he began to scream and plead for the Zangeese to stop, shivering pathetically as his muscles did their best to stifle the oncoming tide. Shadowclaw continued to suck as he felt the Umbreon's hips rise off the ground as the dark type began gasping loudly. It dawned on him what was about to happen, but before he could react properly, a strained cry of defeat rung in his ears followed by a shudder and a final thrust of the Umbreon's hips. Nightslash watched in amusement as the Umbreon writhed and came. The first jet of sperm shot past Shadowclaw's open mouth, falling upon the startled Zangoose's face and ear. However, rather than pull back, Shadowclaw quickly wrapped his lips around the quivering shaft once more, containing the next few rounds of hot seed within his puffed-out cheeks, his eyes wide with uncertain shock and excitement. For the next ten seconds, it was as if all three of them were paused in time. Shadowclaw hunched over the Umbreon's crotch with a mouth full of cock and semen, Nightslash holding his breath in anticipation of what his packmate would do next, and the Umbreon lying frozen with his eyes wide open, his laboured breathing the only sound to be heard in the cave. Shadowclaw looked up at Nightslash triumphantly with his eyes. He had won. He had forced the Umbreon to ejaculate against his will, violating the poor creature's body and destroying his honour. However, he now had a mouth full of male sexual fluid. And he had no idea what to do now. Shadowclaw pulled his head back, allowing the Umbreon's cock to slide out of his mouth and flop down limply, followed by a trail of slime. Lips pursed and cheeks full, he looked up at Nightslash for advice. The second Zangoose hesitated, thinking of what to say. "...I dare you to swallow it..." There was a long, awkward pause. Shadowclaw looked down and to his right, avoiding eye contact. The thought of bolting down a mouth full of cum...did he really want to do that? Even so, it was getting hard to hold it in his mouth much longer. He could simply spit it out, but then he would lose Nightslash's dare... Nightslash leaned forwards in anticipation. He licked his lips and watched intently as his Packmate straightened up, clearly thinking about what to do next. Finally, Shadowclaw closed his eyes, audibly swallowing the load of Umbreon sperm before flashing Nightslash a sly grin. Nightslash had to struggle to fight back his laughter. "Hah! Oh, damn, Shadow...you're filthy!" he mocked, shaking his head and giggling with mirth. "How could you actually...Ugh, yuck! Hahahah! That was sick! I gotta hand it to you, Shadow, you win this time." "Bleagh, salty..." replied Shadowclaw, sticking out his tongue. "Not something I'd have for dinner, that's for sure. But I did it for your entertainment, so you'd better pay up later, Night!" "You enjoyed that, you! I saw it in your eyes!" Nightslash joked as he resumed stroking himself, his cock shining with layers and of cum. "You were really getting into it, you cocksucker." "You're just jealous I'm so sexy." murred Shadowclaw in retaliation, stretching in the usual manner. "Are you gonna finish jerking off now, or do I have to pose for you again?" Oblivious to the two Zangees's taunts, the Umbreon lay on the ground between them, stunned by what had just happened. His face was a mask of sorrow and fear as he panted softly in his afterglow, his chest rising and falling as the final contractions died down to nothing. Lost in a void, he didn't even flinch as Nightslash grunted and came over his chest and face, adding to the mess that had already accumulated on his shining, sticky body. "Well...that's that!" panted Nightslash as he leaned back, resting himself from his efforts. "Wow, what a workout. I feel like I've just cleared an entire forest alone!" Shadowclaw nodded in agreement, wiping his brow. "Yeah, me too. I knew this would be fun. Let's take him for one more round, I'm still hard." "If you're going to cum again, then I have to as well, you know. We're equals right?" "No, I'm the smarter one." "No you're not. You're just full of yourself." Oblivious to their jabbering, the Umbreon felt himself being pulled upright and placed against a wall. He let out a soft moan of exhaustion as his arms were bound to a stalactite above his head and his ankles tied down. Even keeping his feet on the ground was an effort as he strained and shuddered against his own mass. Shadowclaw stopped tying the knots and looked down at the trails of semen that ran down the Umbreon's sleek abs at the mercy of gravity. His arousal burning hotter than ever, he crouched down in front of his captive and began nuzzling around the tight inner thighs, stroking his erection slowly as he watched the drops of fluid as they rolled down the glistening black surface. "What are you gonna do now, huh?" said Nightslash, kneeling down next to his packmate and placing his arm around Shadowclaw's shoulders. "Look at him; all our cum dripping down his chest. You know, when you suggested this, I didn't think it'd be so fun. But this is a lot more fun than a simple kill." "Yeah, definitely." replied Shadowclaw through his breathing. He looked slyly over at Nightslash's chest, enjoying the feel of his friend's wet arm around his shoulders. This was exactly what he'd been wanting for years, a true opportunity to live out his curiosities. Carefully, he snaked his arm down across Nightslash's stomach, letting his paw rest on his inner thigh. Nightslash flinched, a look of surprise spreading over his face. Shadowclaw felt the grip around his shoulder loosen. "H-hey, what are you doing, Shadow?" said Nightslash warily, looking his packmate in the eye. "I don't think you should..." "Anything goes, right?" said Shadowclaw sternly. "Besides, I just want to try this once. You're looking so buff right now, it's making me hot again. Let's just let it all out for each other. We're playing around, right? We're friends, it shouldn't matter a bit." Nightslash was silent. He looked away from Shadowclaw, his eyes fixing themselves to the bound Umbreon at his right. With a small shrug, he released his grip on Shadowclaw's shoulder, brushing his fellow warrior's claw aside. "Afterwards." he added darkly while motioning to their prisoner. "Let's take him one last time." Fuelled with lust and aggression, the two Zangeese slid up to the Umbreon's naked form. The exhausted captive gazed at them pathetically through his half-closed eyes, whimpering as he felt their bodies coming into contact with his own, filling his senses with their scents and heat. Shadowclaw and Nightslash grinned evilly as they sandwiched the Umbreon between them, gyrating their bodies and breathing as they rubbed and caressed his lubricated muscles. The tiny cave was sweltering in steamy heat as the two Zangeese ground their members against their squirming toy, ignoring his helpless grunts and moans. Shadowclaw breathed heavily over his prey's chest before licking at the smooth pectorals, trails of cum falling from his tongue with each lick. He growled dominantly as he watched Nightslash's claws stroking the top of the Umbreon's torso from behind as the other Zangoose licked at the sweat dripping down the Dark type's back. Both warriors were lost in the lewd, sticky sensations of their rape, their eyes aglow with malice as they defiled their helpless enemy's spirit with their bodies. The Umbreon was also lost, tears streaming down his face as he once more tried to beg for mercy, his cries falling on deaf ears. Finally, Shadowclaw gasped loudly, shivering as he pulled his hips away from the Umbreon's crotch, bracing himself against the sturdy shoulders. Nightslash watched as he gritted his fangs and panting as he attempted to hold back his orgasm, his dripping cock hanging down between his shaking legs, streaming precum onto the floor. Five seconds passed before the Zangoose let out a masculine grunt and threw back his head, emptying his second load all over the Umbreon's crotch and thighs. As his packmate panted in the afterglow, Nightslash began humping furiously in an effort not to be left behind. Sliding down the Umbreon's torso, he fell into a squat between the scout's open legs, stroking himself roughly as the strings of cum from Shadowclaw's orgasm dripped onto his stomach and chest. With a subdued roar, he ejaculated carelessly, cumming over his own groin and forelegs in a display of sexual bravado. As his climax died down, Nightslash huffed and slid his free paw under the Umbreon's legs, grasping the hard black penis between his claws and stroking down its length. At the same time, Shadowclaw fell into a squat in front of him, grinning cruelly. Nightslash watched as his packmate tilted back his head and nuzzled at the cock, smearing his face with precum. The Umbreon cried out for help as his tormentor's shapely face caressed his shaft. He leaned back, opening his tearful eyes towards the sky as he sobbed for any kind of salvation, a miracle to deliver him from this Hell. His pleas were cut short as he squirmed involuntarily, crying out in frustration, anger and defeat as his body once again betrayed him. Shadowclaw grinned as he felt the hot fluids dripping over his face. This was, as he would put it, a perfect victory. The two Zangeese stared at each other between the Umbreon's shivering legs. A look of mutual triumph crossed between them along with a glint of admiration. Nightslash was the first to speak, panting his words as he wiped his claw on his chest fur: "You always were a daring bastard, Shadow. That felt...amazing. My heart's beating faster than I can run. It feels like power, to be all dirty and hot like this. Like there's no warrior who can take me down! " His packmate gave him a sly grin, wagging his tail. "I can agree to that. I feel so savage and raw. Wearing nothing but your own sweat, the smell of sex in the air...it's like my fighting spirit is doubled." Nightslash nodded before looking up at the Umbreon. "Well though...all good things must come to an end, I'm afraid." The two of them rose to their feet, their fur bristling with malevolent intensity. Shadowclaw wordlessly positioned himself behind the Umbreon, licking his claws before sliding them quickly across the stalactite's surface, severing the Umbreon's bonds. The helpless creature fell forwards like a limp doll, landing ungracefully in the cum-covered grass. Overflowing with killer instinct, Shadowclaw flipped the abused Pokemon on his back and straddled his stomach, drawing back his arm as Nightslash got into position for the killing blow. "Ready?" "Ready when you are." The Zangoose bared his fangs and tensed, preparing to plunge his claws into the Umbreon's vulnerable form. With a savage thrust, he threw his arm forwards, but his attack was halted midway as something caught his eye. Nightslash frowned. "What is it? Come on, Shadow, what's the matter? Let's kill him!" he said, tossing his head to the side. "It's getting late; we don't have time to play around anymore. We need to wash ourselves off and get back to the camp!" Shadowclaw was silent. The young Zangoose's eyes were fixed in one place as he stared at the Umbreon's face. The Dark Pokemon beneath him lay sobbing quietly, his eyes closed in a mask of sorrow and defeat, Shadowclaw watched as small tears rolled over the fallen scout's burning cheeks, his blush of shame apparent even through the pitch black fur. "Come on, Shadow! Are you trying to scare him more or something? Hell, you're feeling cruel today, I can tell." Ignoring his packmate's words, Shadowclaw panted uncertainly as he stared mesmerized at his victim's tears. A strange feeling began to swell up inside him, something that he'd never felt so strongly before. Hesitantly, but surely, he lowered his killing arm and bowed his head. "Nightslash. We can't kill him." Nightslash looked stunned. "What?" he shouted, leaning forward to get a better look at his friend's face, "What do you mean? We HAVE to kill him! The Claw show no mercy! If we let him go now, we'll be..." "No, we can't kill him..." growled Shadowclaw, the frustration apparent in his voice. "It's not right! I feel..it just feels like I can't do it! After all we did to him, I can't bring myself to take his life!" "I don't understand you, Shadowclaw!" said Nightslash in obvious confusion. "This is an enemy here, why this sudden burst of compassion? I thought you wanted to make him suffer this way." "I did then, but I don't know anymore now." Shadowclaw replied darkly. "Look at him, Night. We did the worst things to this Umbreon. He couldn't fight back, yet we overpowered him, then we raped him and abused his body for no real reason other than for our own whims. It's...I...to kill him now would be evil!" Nightslash looked down at exhausted Umbreon that lay before him. His stomach sunk as he realised the truth behind Shadowclaw's words. He suddenly felt very dirty, a sensation he wasn't very familiar with. Hesitantly, he looked away, annoyed with his own weakness in sparing an enemy, yet guilty for what he'd done. "I...suppose you're right." he admitted sorely, scowling slightly as he forced out his words. "It wouldn't be right to kill him now. He did put up a good fight, I suppose. I guess he showed more warrior's spirit than I was prepared to acknowledge..." "That's partially the point." Shadowclaw whispered, nodding his head. "But we wouldn't rape a female like this. I thought it would be much different to an enemy, but what we've done is still terrible whether it be for a male or an enemy. I'm at a loss..." "Well what do you suggest we do? We could just leave him here. He'll die from other means than our claws." "No, Nightslash. I don't want to be so cruel. Let's think of something else." The two Zangeese kneeled down, pondering options within their fertile minds. The Umbreon's breathing was all that could be heard in the steamy cave. Alert to this sudden silence, the defeated Pokemon opened his eyes slightly, mustering all his strength to get a view of his captors. Was he dead? It didn't seem like it. Of course, this was what had happened before. It was doubtful that his ordeal had ended. These Zangeese were probably just preparing to toy with him longer. Giving up all hope, he closed his eyes, allowing exhaustion to take over. Dizzy and disoriented, his mind shifted to a dream-like state somewhere between sleep and consciousness. He no longer had the strength to continue the futile struggle for his pride. "To take an enemy back to our tribe and care for him...that would be madness." groaned Shadowclaw as he held his head in his claws. "We'll be a laughing stock, and the others will tear him apart. On top of that, my clothes are ruined. Even if we wash ourselves off and return, we'll be questioned. If they find out what we did..." Nightslash narrowed his eyes intently. "They won't find out if we return now. It's almost nightfall, and providing that nobody sees us, we'll have time to clean and clothe ourselves. They're not bothering with guard duty tonight, I remember overhearing the chief saying that. As for the Umbreon, maybe if we say we've taken him as a hostage...you know, to gain a tactical advantage, we'll be pardoned for sparing an enemy." Shadowclaw jumped to his feet. "That's perfect!" he hissed, clenching his fangs. "Come on, we have no time to spare. I'll gather what's left of the clothes, you carry the Umbreon." Nightslash nodded as he carefully reached under the Umbreon's prone form, making sure not to accidentally cut his exposed flesh. With a small grunt, he hoisted the semi-conscious Pokemon over his shoulders, grimacing a little as cold semen was smeared across the nape of his neck. Wordlessly, they left the cave, Shadowclaw grimly sealing the entrance again before they set off in the direction of their village, stopping only to catch their breath and rest their feet. Shadowclaw tried not to make eye contact with his packmate, shame burning in his ears. Was Nightslash still with him on this, or had he just lost his friend's trust somewhat? Had their act of random savagery drawn them together or broken them apart? Try as he might, he simply couldn't bring himself to open his mouth and talk, the hated feeling of sympathy for the poor scout they'd defiled acted somewhat like a muzzle. They had gone too far, even beyond what he thought would be the extent of their aggression, and yet, despite his genuine regret for his actions, Shadowclaw could still feel the excitement pounding inside him, whether it be for abusing the helpless male or for sneaking back to their village in the dead of night. "Almost there," panted Nightslash, his laboured voice breaking the silence, "You were right, the lights and fires are all out. We can sneak back to the iron forge and clean ourselves up, then find somewhere to tie him down for the night. After that, I'll go wake the chieftain and say that we captured an enemy." Shadowclaw nodded, his heart beating quickly as he estimated a high chance of failure. The thatched roofs and tents of the Claw village were growing nearer with each step. It was like a test for him, as if he were approaching a powerful enemy for one-on-one combat. The Umbreon stirred on Nightslash's shoulders, opening his eyes slightly to fix Shadowclaw with a simpering expression that burned into his very soul. "...wh-where are you...taking me?" Shadowclaw ignored the breathless voice, looking straight ahead as they entered the village. This was the first time his home had ever felt so ominous to him. He felt the wind blowing against his filthy, naked body and shivered. Cautiously the two Zangeese made their way towards a middle-sized forge, closing the distance as quickly and as silently as possible. Once they were there, they would- "Night? Is that you, Night? Are you back?" As the female voice sliced through the night air, Shadowclaw felt every flight instinct in his body peak out. His fur and claws stood on end as his heart began to race in his chest, his eyes scanning for escape routes. It was over. The young female Zangoose skipped into view, her cute, curious face being illuminated by the full moon. She was quite recognisable, as she was the only female in the tribe who wore small leather strips in her ears. It was Yukari, Nightslash's mate. "Ah, it is you, Night!" he proclaimed joyfully, the relief quite apparent in her voice. "And Shadow too. I was getting worried about you both. You've been gone so long, and..." She stopped talking as she came close enough to see them in better light and her expression changed to one of concern and confusion. The two of them stared back at her, panting quietly as their faces flushed with embarrassment. Yukari took a few more steps forward, seemingly lost for words. "You...Nightslash, you look terrible! What happened?" she whispered, walking cautiously over to her lover. "What are you carrying there? Is that...is that an Umbreon? Is it dead?" Nightslash averted his eyes, trying not to look at her face. "He's alive." He mumbled dourly. "We captured him. Don't...don't wake anyone up, Yukari. I'll explain to you later." Yukari nodded, the look of confusion still apparent on her face. She looked down at Nightslash's chest, noting his matted, sweaty fur. She glanced over at Shadowclaw with a questioning look. He turned away. "What have you two been doing? Is that...cum...in your fur?" "Please Yukari, just help me get this Umbreon inside, I'll explain everything to you later," said Nightslash, his voice quivering under a forced calm. "We need to get cleaned up and Shadowclaw needs new clothes. You can't tell anyone that you saw us like this, understand?" The female Zangoose hesitated before her normal shrewd look returned to her eyes. "I understand." she said sharply, nodding her head. "I'll prepare a bath for you both. You go deal with your prisoner." "Thank you.." breathed Nightslash as Yukari turned and scurried off into the shadows. He gave Shadowclaw a look of relief. It was indeed good fortune that Yukari had seen them and not someone else. As expected, the forge was empty and it was easy for the Zangeese to get inside. Nightslash carefully lowered the Umbreon down, draping his arms around a wooden tanning frame that would serve as a decent stock. Upon feeling his limbs being held in place again, the Umbreon began to cry weakly for help, his voice barely raising above a whisper as he pushed his body to perform even this basic action. Nightslash gritted his fangs, as this quiet sound was like a stabbing pain to him. He grabbed a nearby buckle belt and forced it into the Umbreon's mouth, tying it at the back to make a quick gag. Shadowclaw turned around to check the commotion before continuing to search for appropriate bondage. "Night, what do we want to use? Leather, rope or chain?" he inquired, holding up a few chords of each. Nightslash looked down at the Umbreon's body as he thought about this. It really shouldn't have mattered, but something inside him still lavished the eroticism of the whole situation. "Let's use rope." he replied, catching the loop that Shadowclaw tossed to him. Pressing his body against the Umbren to hold him in place, Nightslash reached around and expertly tied his captive's arms to the stock, winding the extra length loosely over the black, shining torso for extra measure. Shadowclaw eyed the rope critically before turning to look at the doorway. "We still need to clean him off" he said absent-mindedly. "And clothe him too. I'll get a bucket of water while you look for something to cover him up." His voice didn't have the usual comfortable air this time. It was stiff and formal, like he was talking to a stranger. Nightslash nodded solemnly and began searching around. Within a few minutes, Yuakri returned with Shadowclaw and a bucket of water with herbal soaps. As she cleaned out his fur, Nightslash told her what had happened that day as Shadowclaw avoided eye contact sullenly. The female Zangoose kept her composure, although it was obvious that she was troubled by the story. "So...I always knew you were game to try anything, but I never thought you would be inclined to something like this." She said softly, brushing out his damp fur. "If you can pleasure yourself with an enemy of the same gender, then where does that leave me in your heart?" "Please Yukari, understand that I felt nothing but malice in my heart for that Pokemon," breathed Nightslash, his cheeks flushing with shame. "It wasn't the same thing as you. We did this for another reason. We did this because we wanted to hurt him." "I know..." the female Zangoose said sternly, looking into his eyes. "But I'm thinking now, do you want to hurt me when we make love too?" "I had sex with that Umbreon, but I will only ever make love to you!" Nightslash cried, his voice under restraint as he tried not to shout. "This was just an act. Just a physical act the same as when I fight! It was merely a decadent indulgence fuelled by curiosity and devious lust. I swear it was nothing like when I mate with you!" Shadowclaw hated to hear the fear in Nightslash's voice. It hurt his teeth and claws and he bowed his head in apology for getting his friend into such a situation that would cause him fear. He glanced over at the Umbreon, who's body had been cleaned off earlier, and noted that the Dark type had fallen into an exhausted sleep, clothed in his new loincloth. When the Umbreon had screamed and pleaded in fear, he had loved that sound, yet when it was Nightslash who was in fear, he couldn't bear it. What if he had been the one who was being raped? Would he have cried out and pleaded as the Umbreon would have done? Was he any more or less of a warrior than the poor creature that was tied to the stock in front of him now? Shadowclaw felt a wave of anger towards himself, but also a strange new emotion he'd never experienced before. It was somewhat of a mixture of respect and hatred for the Pokemon who had innocently seduced him. It was the most selfish feeling he'd ever experienced, and it was draining his energy and tolerance faster than a Swellow could fly. Drying himself off, Shadowclaw darkly rose to his feet and silently left the room, unnoticed by Nightslash or Yukari. ======= The next day was chaotic to say the least. Nightslash and Shadowclaw both had to exert their every wit to keep their prisoner protected. The Claw tribe's leader, an impressive looking Weavile with a scar over his right eye, was not pleased to have an enemy scout in their camp who was still breathing. "The Claw are without mercy! We do not use such tricks as to take hostages and create bribes!" he fumed as he paced in front of the two Zangeese. "And to think that two champion warriors such as yourself would..." "Sir, it's worth a try! The Eons are a tricky enemy. With this hostage, we could order a reprieve from their attacks, that would allow us to re-stock ourselves, or come up with a greater strategy!" pleaded Nightslash apologetically. "Forgive us for deviating from the Claw's principles, but we have to move forward if we are to defeat the Eons and return to our way of life!" "Our way of life has already been broken by this decision of yours. What's more, we have no way of sending a message to the Eons, and we don't know if this scout you captured is at all valuable to them! Your so-called tactic is so full of holes it sickens me. If you both weren't such trusted warriors, I would have you both banished and your captive killed. But your claws are too valuable in our forces. Consider yourselves lucky. Your fathers would have been most unimpressed. I'll leave it up to you to manage contact and bargaining with the Eon tribe. I want nothing to do with this." Shadowclaw shot Nightslash a look of encouragement, but the other Zangoose didn't appear to catch it. "Yes sir, we are grateful for your understanding. We swear this action will give us an advantage over our enemies." he said formally. As the chief left the area, both Zangeese breathed a sigh of relief. So far the plan had gone well. Now they only had to protect the Umbreon from their fellow Claws. "Look at you, tied down to that frame like a slave!" jeered a Sandslash warrior as he poked at the Umbreon's chest with his claws. "Are you going to clean out my house for me, slave? I will reward you with scars down your worthless back!" Shadowclaw walked over to his fellow warrior and delivered a hard kick to his side, knocking him back to slide across the floor. "Go entertain yourself somewhere else, fool. If you harm this Umbreon, we'll lose our bargain with the Eons." The Sandslash grumbled and scurried off as a few other Claws cheered at Shadowclaw's aggression. As Nightslash sidled up beside him, he mumbled out of the corner of his mouth. "I feel like an idiot, defending an enemy from our own people." Nightslash nodded and looked away. Ever since the morning, he had seemed quite distant and wasn't talking much. Shadowclaw felt even more worried that he might be losing his friend. The Umbreon was also silent, a look of apathetic confusion on his face. He didn't understand what was going on, or why he was being held in this uncomfortable position. At least he was being fed and cared for. "Ex...excuse me..." he whimpered softly, raising his head slightly to look up at his captors. "please, what is going to happen to me?" Both Zangeese remained silent and looked away. Shadowclaw wished he were somewhere else where he didn't have to hear the Umbreon's voice, mainly out of guilt but also because it seemed to bring back those arousing memories that he had come to hate so much. The rest of the day was spent doing much the same thing. When the sun finally set, both Zangeese were extremely relieved that in the morning, the victim of their crime would go safely back to his people, and the whole ordeal would be over. Shadowclaw sat out in front of the barracks, winding a strip of leather around his arm and watching the moon rising into the night sky. He sighed and rose to his feet, wanting to see what Nightslash was doing before he went to sleep. Entering his friend's home without calling as he was so used to doing, he walked towards the flickering candle light of Nightslash's room. "Hey Night, do you want to go out for a walk or..." Nightslash and Yukari looked up at him from their bed, both were panting and had flushed faces. Shadowclaw didn't flinch. He'd seen this scene plenty of times before. He smiled at Yukari's attractive curves and the fact that Nightslash hadn't completely pulled out of her yet. "Ah well, at least I know what you're doing now. Mind if I join you two?" he said openly, reaching behind for the clip on his cup. But something was wrong with the way Nightslash was looking at him. Shadowclaw hesitated as his grin faded. He dropped his paws to his side as he stared into Nightslash's serious looking eyes. "What's wrong, Night?" "Not this time, Shadowclaw." said Nightslash quietly, looking down at Yukari's face. "You see...Yukari and I...I've neglected my role as her mate for too long. I've promised myself I'm going to be a bit more responsible from now on...going to stop playing around and start a family." "YOU'RE WHAT!?" The sound of Shadowclaw's cry seemed to echo into the night. The three Zangeese stared at each other as a range of emotions and feelings passed wordlessly between each of them. Yukari blushed and looked up at Nightslash, fixing him with a purposeful and strong look. Slowly, Nighslash looked away from Shadowclaw's shocked continence, uttering a few words before returning to his mate's devotion. "Sorry Shadow. But I want to move on." He was talking to himself though, as Shadowclaw had left the room the minute he had looked away. ======= Shadowclaw stormed towards the deserted armoury where the Umbreon was being held captive, his fists clenched angrily as he replayed Nightslash's words over in his mind. How dare his friend betray him like this? His rough fellow warrior who had stuck with him through thick and thin, training with him every day, sharing most of his deepest secrets. The Umbreon wearily glanced up at him as he entered the dimly lit room, the Dark type's red eyes stared pitiably, being met only by his cold, forboding glare. The Zangoose bolted the door and walked towards the captive Pokemon, a menacing intent clearly visible in his actions. Instinctively, the Umbreon began to strain at his bonds. He meeped timidly as Shadowclaw pulled the gag out of his mouth and slapped it down at his side. "W-why are you here?" he moaned feebly, closing his eyes to try to block out the sight of the Zangoose warrior. "Please, what do you all want from me?" "Shut up, Umbreon." Shadowclaw snarled as he ripped off his groin cup and tossed it aside. "You're going to perform for me again and this time for me alone!" Upon seeing Shadowclaw's naked body again, the Umbreon hung his head and began to cry with helpless fear. "Oh please...no...not again!" "I love it when you cry, you scum! You'll take it until I'm satisfied!" Shadowclaw savagely tore off the Umbreon's protection and kneeled down in front of him, grinding his body against the shifting black form of his captive. He ignored the defeated scout's whimpers and pleas as he poured his anger into his actions, ravishing the Umbreon's body with his tongue and paws. He no longer cared about any other living creature's feelings, only the fulfilment of a kind of vague vengeance, to what he didn't even fully know. "Why? Whyyyy?" The Umbreon cried to the ceiling, salty tears streaming down his cheeks as he felt his cock once again being taunted into erection. Shadowclaw sneered and cupped his victim's groin in his paw, feeling at the warm thickness of the objects with which he could manipulate this creature's body. "Why? Why? Because I can, that's why! I'm going to make you tremble and squirm for me like you did before! I'm going to enjoy hearing you moan and cry again while you cum for me, you stupid weak Eon shit! If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have gone like this! You had to come along, with your interesting looks and nice body, your...MALENESS...that captured my curiosity and...and...I'm going to take you again, and I'm going to take it all out on you!" "I DON'T UNDERSTAND!" screamed the Umbreon, his voice choking with fatigue. "I don't...understand! I don't want this! I want to go home! I don't want anyone to touch me anymore! Please stop! Please! Uuhh!" Shadowclaw began stroking the Umbreon's cock with his paw, wrapping his free arm around the black torso and sniffing deeply at his chest, allowing the sweet musk to tantalise him as he watched the beads of sweat form in front of his eyes. All rational thought seemed to have left him; his only priority was to make the Umbreon cum for him again. He relished the tired moans that emanated from the writhing Pokemon's cute snout, gloating inwardly at the flushed expression of mortification and defeat on his captive's face. He grinned murderously and leaned in, licking at the Umbreon's left nipple as he felt a few shots of precum drip into his paw. The savage pleasure of the previous evening had returned to him. He stroked it harder, feeling the Umbreon's panting breath on his ears. Then he looked up, right into his captive's open, helpless eyes. His mind was once again pierced by a shard of pity as he felt the pain and violation in the Umbreon's soul. The anger and selfishness from before drained out of him suddenly like water from a pump. Shadowclaw released his grip on the Dark type's penis, breathing along with his victim as a wave of nausea and self-disgust flowed over him for a second time. The Umbreon shivered as his approaching orgasm subsided, letting out a tiny cry of relief and torment. Nightslash was silent as he stared at the creature he'd just violated with an open-mouthed look of shock on his face. Tears springing to his eyes, he leaned his head on the Umbreon's heaving chest, sobbing as he fumbled for the loincloth that lay on the ground where he'd dropped it. "I'm...sorry. I'm...I promise, you'll...be with your people again soon...I'm...sorry!" Shadowclaw fought to repress his sobbing as he re-clothed his captive, gently securing the loincloth back into place. It felt as if pegs were tugging at the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to just scream at the night sky and claw at his face and chest. He and didn't deserve to be alive. The Umbreon shuddered as he mustered the energy to raise his head, looking at Shadowclaw with exhausted confusion as the Zangoose wiped the drops of sweat off his chest and forehead with the fur on his arm. Why was the creature who had raped him twice suddenly crying? Was he crying for him? Could it truly be that the Zangoose pitied him, and that he would truly be allowed to live through this ordeal? His erection throbbed annoyingly at him through the groin cup, depraved on the brink of its orgasm, but he felt relieved that he hadn't been forced to cum again for his enemy. He looked up, trying to get another look at the rare expression of pity on the Zangoose's face, but Shadowclaw had already left the room. "Thank you..." he whispered, and his quiet voice was the essence of gratitude. ======= As the moon hovered over the grassy plains, bathing the world in its eerie blue-white tinge, he perched himself on a smooth rock, a good few minutes run from the village and sat there, a blank look of sorrow and contemplation on his face. Shadowclaw listened to the silence of the night as he allowed his emotions and thoughts to dance around him, stabbing at him with their little spears. He felt like something inside him had died, and he had never hated himself so fiercely, but for some reason he simply couldn't shake his own self-interest. Why hadn't he killed that Umbreon scout in the first place? Why had he felt it necessary to save that inferior life? He huffed as he remembered the finer, sticky details of the first rape, the way he had dominated and manhandled the struggling body beneath him, the way he had forced the Umbreon to ejaculate in his mouth. If it weren't for the guilt pounding in his chest and throat, he would have felt proud of himself for the way he had humiliated that male. And yet, every time he looked into those eyes... "How much will this change things?" he said aloud to himself as he stared at the night sky. "Nightslash...Will we ever train together? Share our secrets? Muck around like before? We can still be friends surely!" The Zangoose sniffed in dejection as he realised what he was thinking. There would never be another "we". Nightslash's sense of playfulness and boldness had gone, pushed out by a responsibility brought on by guilt. He leaned back and recalled the images in his mind of Nightslash's actions. He had been impressive during the rape, the way he'd moved and spoke. Shadowclaw had always found his friend's powerful nature to be profoundly arousing. It was a cross between admiration, respect and attraction. It was that sense of maleness that he enjoyed about Nightslash, very different from the sort of excitement he felt when courting a female. To engage someone of equal masculinity in sex, he had always thought it would be interesting, different, and it was this fascination that had fuelled his desires. And now the chance of him ever satisfying that whim was gone for good. All because he'd let his own lust get the better of him. Shadowclaw leaned back on the rock and folded one arm behind his head. He was still hard from what he'd just done, despite a great deal of his drive being crushed. It was coming back to him in little doses now. He slipped his paw under his groin cup amd imagined himself kneeling down over Nightslash's buff, naked body, taking his packmate's thick member into his mouth and deviously swirling his tongue around the barbed glans, causing the other Zangoose to huff and groan with pleasure. If he had have killed the Umbreon that evening, would it have been possible for him and Nightslash to become so close? He was just beginning to stroke himself properly when a voice rang through his head, sending his senses into overdrive. "Don't get to comfortable there, Zangoose. You're not as alone as it would appear." "Who said that!?" snarled Shadowclaw, springing up onto his feet, his fur bristling. "Show yourself now!" The disembodied voice chuckled serenely. It was deep and mellow, yet quite authorative. "Showing myself physically won't be necessary. You would probably attack me on sight. However, I will let you at least see my face." For a second, Shadowclaw saw a perfect, clear image in front of his eyes. It was the face of a young male Espeon, his almond eyes sparkling like gems. The Zangoose growled and crouched back, realising that his mind had been invaded by the psychic abilities of this Pokemon. "Get out of my head!" he barked, digging his claws into the rock. "If you think you can take me because I'm alone, you're mistaken!" "I'm not seeking a fight." chided the psychic, contempt apparent in his voice. "I have other things to discuss with you. If you will take a seat and calm yourself..." Shadowclaw gritted his fangs. His interest had been obtained and he carefully lowered himself back down onto the rock, drawing his claws in slightly to show that he had dropped most of his guard. A thin bell-like sound chimed in his head, signalling that the Espeon was processing another thought. "Don't be worried, I cannot read your mind. But I can hear you from where I'm standing, and I can project my thoughts over to you. Don't try to look for me, I am quite well concealed, and if you see me, I will know instantly. Now allow me to introduce myself properly." Shadowclaw balked as another image was flashed into his mind. This time, he saw his stalker in full. Serene and beautiful, his jaw dropped open as he admired the Eon's body. He was finely toned, not nearly as muscular as any of the Claw warriors, but somehow appeared to be just as strong. Around his neck was a thin collar, studded with tiny shining stones, and from that dangled a small golden bell in the shape of an eye. Aside from a thin, ornate loincloth, he was wearing nothing other than decorative jewellery and body paints, and two looped veils hung from his hips. The projected image stared directly at Shadowclaw, giving him the eerie feeling that he was looking at a ghost. "Terrin is my name. I am the chief of the Eon tribe. And it has come to my attention that one of our scouts has gone missing. With all due respect, I want to know, have your people killed him?" Shadowclaw's stomach did a loop. He felt like passing out from the pressure. "No...no, we did not kill him." he said through gritted fangs. "We have...taken him hostage." There was a pause before Terrin projected his response. The Espeon sounded worried and relieved, and it was apparent that his was being cautious about his choice of words. "...you have not killed our scout? But that is not like your kind. You have never taken one of ours hostage before. For what reason is this? And how do you hope to use this against us?" Shadowclaw thought to himself. What was he going to tell this Espeon? He had to think from a tactical point of view. His answer could determine the outcome of this war. "If...you want the Umbreon back, you must..." he didn't want to make any unreasonable statements here. If he called for the Espeon to give up the war, his offer would most certainly be rejected. He thought back to when he had ripped off the Umbreon's clothes. Berries had scattered out of the pouch. The Claw tribe had never had much luck with berries. It would be nice to have some to aid them in their medicine and foods. "If you want him back, you must give us a sufficient portion of your tribe's berries." A moment of tense silence passed before any response was made. When the Espeon spoke again, it was with a hint of confidence. "I accept your offer. However, I wonder, do you intend to rob us of our food supplies? Is that the strategy behind this deal?" The Zangoose closed his eyes. "No, it's not. I would think this would be a reasonable deal for your scout's life. If you're not pleased with this, we won't hesitate to slay him." "It seems to me that you haven't thought about this very much." said the Espeon's voice understandingly. "Do your fellow tribespeople or even your leader know anything about our scout's capture yet?" "Stop asking me questions!" shouted Shadowclaw as he pawed at his face. "We have your scout. I just want to be rid of him! My chief may have other ideas as to the ransom but I'm sure he'll settle for some of your tribe's berries. It's hardly an unfair deal, you can always grow more, can't you!?" "Yes..." replied the Espeon sullenly. "We certainly can. And the fact that you knew this makes me question the reason why you even took our scout hostage in the first place." Shadowclaw suddenly felt a calming sensation. He was aware that the Espeon was controlling his emotions. But he didn't fight it. Somehow, being manipulated made it seem fair, as if it were justice for the way he had manipulated the Umbreon earlier. He smiled and lay back on the rock, submitting to the Espeon's powers. "Your tribe is known for its brutality towards enemies. The fact that our scout still lives makes me wonder about you. It's safe for me to say that it was you who captured him personally. Tell me, as a warrior to a fellow warrior, why did you spare his life?" "I couldn't bring myself to kill him after what we did to him." Shadowclaw admitted lazily, his mind in a state of arrogant compliance. "Don't be alarmed, we didn't disfigure or cripple him, although I wish I had. But it would be an understatement to say that we treated him...cruelly? Yeah, cruelly." "How cruelly? By what means?" "Let's just say that if anyone in my tribe were to find out the act I committed against your scout, I would be banished." He turned sharply, fixing his eyes searingly at a random patch of grass, as if he knew for sure that he was staring into the Espeon's eyes. "Me and my friend captured your scout, dragged him back to a secluded cave and raped him." An odd, metallic sound echoed through his mind, one that caused his blood to chill and his hair stand on end. He could feel the Espeon's energy from where he was lying. Only now did he realise that if he so wished, Terrin could easily kill him with his psychic powers. It didn't matter though. Perhaps it would be simpler to die. "I see." replied the Espeon coolly, his voice echoing slightly as if distorted. "And what possessed you to do such a thing to a male, enemy scout, let alone spare his life after the act was done?" "Trust me, Eon. I intended to kill your scout once we'd finished with him." Shadowclaw spat indignantly. "He hated every minute of it. I loved hearing his pitiful cries for chastity as I defiled his body. In fact, I raped him again only half an hour ago, and even now, I don't think I'm entirely sorry for what I've done." "Sorry enough to spare his life though, Zangoose." replied Terrin, a sly tone apparent in his voice. "It seems you are not as cruel as I would have given you credit. I will be there to exchange him for the berries within a day from now. Until then, I trust you will not harm him any further." Once again, the night was silent. Shadowclaw looked around as he felt the psychic channel between him and Terrin grow thin. But before it had completely phased out, he thought he distinctly heard a faint whisper in the back of his mind, almost on the brink of his imagination: "The masculinity of your fellow warriors is what attracts you to their bodies, Zangoose. The concept of sex without devotion or complicated emotions is what appeals to your curiosity." Shadowclaw shrugged his shoulders and headed back towards the camp, somewhat pacified that his plan was working, but more so troubled by the fact that the Espeon's words were true. Nightslash groaned quietly as the first rays of morning sun woke him from his sleep. He looked over at Yukari, who was still sleeping soundly next to him, her sleek form capturing the light as it shone in through the window. He smiled with content as she stirred, feeling at one with himself. But there was something tugging at the back of his mind. That look that Shadowclaw had given him before he left the room. What was that Zangoose capable of now? Was he going to do something stupid? "Shadowclaw...he was my greatest friend up until this day." Nightslash pondered silently as he lay back, staring up at the ceiling. "The inseparable have become separated. In a way, I've left him behind because of his actions that one evening. Am I truly so shallow? Did I hurt him, I wonder?" Taking another look at Yukari, he shook his head with mild, sleepy frustration. "No, my life is past the age of Shadowclaw. I've been waiting too long to grow up. All warriors must take responsibility eventually, or else...or else things like this happen, and the power causes such fanciful mistakes." Despite what he was telling himself, Nightslash still felt a slight longing to be with his old friend again, carefree and brave, teaching each other things about themselves. In shedding a weight from his shoulders, he'd taken on another. "We can still be friends. I see no reason why not. After all, my kittens will want an uncle!" Patting Yukari's side gently, he rose from the bed and dressed himself in his usual gear. His fur was still slightly sticky from the night, but he didn't mind, no one would care. "Yukari, I'm just going out for a walk. Later today, I'll see the chief and we'll organise a true marriage." The female Zangoose looked up at him, adoration in her sleepy eyes. She nodded in approval, and the two of them smiled together as Nightslash gracefully left the room. As Nightslash stepped out into the sunlight, he could hear a slight commotion coming from the village centre. He stopped and headed briskly towards the source of the noise, his curiosity flaring up, and also for the fact that he'd most likely be able to find Shadowclaw there. It was unusual, his fellow tribesmembers seemed to be in a sort of enchanted silence, bated whispers passing between them as the pointed and strained to get a glimpse of the event. As he got closer, his mind jolted as he saw several bright colours and shapes that were unfamiliar. Standing amidst the Claw villagers were a small posse of Eon warriors. A Jolteon, Flareon, Leafeon and Vaporeon stood attentively side-by-side, dressed in ceremonial battle costumes as they flanked what appeared to be their leader figure, a beautiful, serene looking Espeon with shining eyes. Nightslash opened his mouth like a stunned Magicarp as he savoured the valour and courage that emanated from these colourful warriors. What were Eons doing in his village? And why was there no fighting? Cautiously, he pushed his way through the crowd to get a better look at what was happening. As the middle of the village came into view, he could see the Claw's chief standing opposite the Eon leader, holding in his hand a leather leash, which was in turn fastened around the neck of their captive Umbreon. Nightslash gasped. The Umbreon had been groomed and dressed ceremoniously in traditional Claw tribe attire. Strips of their finest leather adorned his chest and arms. A bright, ornate loincloth covered his extremities and his face and shoulders were marked with splashes of blue body paint. Tears of joy were pouring down his cheeks as he kneeled beside the chief, relieved beyond relief to see his fellow tribespeople again. "Honourable sirs of the Claw tribe, we thank you for being courteous enough as to care for our brother." announced the Espeon in a soothing, mellow voice. "A mere scout he may be, but he is still a member of our tribe. He is a life, and there are lives that care for his." Standing behind the Espeon, Nightslash could see a female Umbreon, staring with relief and anticipation as she watched the dealings over her brother's life. The Zangoose felt another pang of guilt for what he'd done as he saw her eyes, the same pleading eyes that had halted his and Shadowclaw's actions on that fateful evening. Deep down, he wanted to run to her, throw himself down and apologise, but his common sense held him back. Instead he smiled, glad for the Umbreon, pleased to see his enemy's happy ending. It was so un-Claw like of him, but it seemed that the usual Claw mentality was missing from everyone in the village. "In exchange for our brother's life, we will keep our end of the bargain: a hoard of our finest berries, grown in our cherished orchards. In some way, we hope we can share some of our peace through the quality of these berries." As the Eon warriors placed the huge bag on the ground in front of his chief, Nightslash could see the Weavile's eyes spring open as its contents were exposed. He had every right to balk, as inside this bag was the greatest amount of wealth any member of the Claw had seen before: berries ranging from Cheri to Starf, each one of perfect quality. A loud gasp of excitement emanated from the other Claw members as they caught sight of these riches. The leader of the Eon tribe smiled, his sparkling eyes seemed to tease. "I assume this should be enough. We will now take our brother back if you will allow." The Claw's chief folded his arms and sniffed proudly. Although he was clearly pleased with the berries, he would hold the typical Claw contempt until the very end. "This will suffice. Take your scout back and leave before I change my mind." With these words, he let go of the Umbreon's collar. The Dark type stumbled to his feet and sprinted over into his sister's open arms, the two of them sobbing with joy as they locked into a comforting embrace. "Brother! B-Brother!" "Luna!" Nightslash forced himself to look away. Why was he so happy deep inside that his enemy was safe? It was a strange situation, one that he found humorous. He scanned the crowd for Shadowclaw's familiar face, but couldn't immediately see him. What was Shadowclaw thinking at this time? Perhaps he was relief that his plan had worked? He looked at the chief's face. The Weavile was clearly at odds with himself as he examined the bag of berries in front of him. There were enough berries to last for ever if they could only farm them. The chief seemed to have more questions for the Eon leader, but his pride was holding his voice at bay. Nightslash shook his head. Perhaps his tribe's brazen attitude would truly be their downfall? He couldn't help but feel a subtle respect for the Eons and their formality, and the way they treated their enemies as equals. He glanced over to where the Umbreon was, wanting to get another last look at the Pokemon who he'd treated so harshly before. His gaze, however, quickly shifted to the Eon leader, who was standing in front of the startled Umbreon and fiddling with the leather straps around his chest, a look of intense fascination on his gentle face. The crowd's whispers grew somewhat dim as more of them began to notice the Eon leader obsessing over the leather gear. Some of the Eon warriors also noticed the costume, and broke their rigid formation, leaning over to get a better look at the thick, polished chords that decorated the Umbreon's chest and limbs. "How...this leather...how do you make such material?" said the Eon leader, his voice quivering with a sense of urgency. He turned and fixed the Claw chief with a piercing stare. "Our tribe has been trying to create such leather for generations!" "The Claw tribe is second to none in leatherwork. The process we use is for members of our tribe alone." the chief smirked, happy that he had something over his rival in terms of craft. He glanced down at the berries, his mind clearly fumbling for his next action. "Although I suppose I could ask you a similar question, Espeon, about the process with which you grow these berries." He reeled back slightly as Terrin skipped over to him, breaching the safety line and causing some of the Claw warriors to take attacking stances should their chief be in danger. The Espeon had a stern, business look about his face. "Perhaps we should talk. We could come to another agreement here, one that could benefit both of our tribes hugely. Do not let your pride blind you, sir, I know your kind aren't big on peace, but I beg you for a conference." The Espeon smiled in a charming manner, bending down and popping a Sitrus berry into his mouth. "You teach me and I teach you..." The Claw chieftain laughed loudly, a broad grin plastered on his face. "Very well, Espeon. We will organise for a conference. If our tribes can benefit from such a thing, then it would ultimately be better than both of us suffering from a war. I will see you in two days time, but for now you should take your scout and leave. You've been standing in our village for long enough!" Nightslash couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Had his chief just called for a conference? The noise of the crowd around him was almost deafening, with cries of what seemed to be glee and outrage mixed into one. However, even through the noise, he thought he could hear the Espeon's voice in the back of his mind, along with an image of him and the Umbreon as they walked out of the village gates. "If you're looking for your friend, he's no longer part of your tribe. He left in the morning, before we arrived here. I met him on the way to your village, as he was leaving, equipped for heavy travel. I hope for your sake that you managed to say goodbye." Nightslash blinked, unsure whether he'd really heard it or not. The image was still there. The Espeon slyly turned around to fix him with a smirk, a familiar, predatory look on his face. "Also, I'll let you in on a little secret, Zangoose. This is not the first time this Umbreon has been...used in such a way. It is only the first time he remembers it." With a final flick of his tail, Terran's image vanished from his mind altogether. As the words sunk in, Nightslash felt a feeling of sorrow and loss. He ran to Shadowclaw's home, his heart pounding as he searched the place frantically, finding nothing more than his packmate's old training gear and a small note written on a piece of parchment. -If you are reading this note you will no longer find me within the territory of the Claw. I have left on a journey to a place where I cannot hurt the ones I care for don't look for me, as like many of us, I have moved on. I have dealed with the Eons, and ensured that the Umbreon is safe. Unfortunately, I cannot live in this place with the memory of what I have done, and so I leave. I have broken the way of the Claw and I have broken a soul. I don't deserve to be part of a proud tribe. Goodbye Nightslash. The memories of our fun times together will be my driving force. Good luck with your family I hope you remember me for who I was and not for what I became. -Shadowclaw. ==== Far away, a lone Zangoose walked along a mountain ridge, looking down at the village he once called home. Dressed in a modest travelling costume, his sadness was encased with a shell of confidence and adventure. Shadowclaw removed his eyes from the horizon, not wanting to go back on old memories. He had brought this upon himself, and that was his punishment. For the rest of his life, he knew there would be no way to excuse himself for his actions, but he could at least try. Smiling, he remembered his old friend, and wondered if he'd managed to find the note that was left behind. "I hope you're not stuck fighting those Eons forever, Nightslash. If you someday have to kill that Umbreon, I'll have to find out about it somehow and kill myself, and that will be a huge chore." The Zangoose began to pick up his stride, wiping back a thin tear, his thoughts mixed with feelings of regret for what he'd lost, of promise for what he would achieve, and the image of two deep, simpering red eyes. * * *

END For those of you who like images, there's a PICTURE to go with this. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/563390/ Now go play some Pokeymans!